contents in this issue… reviews & letters ads & classifieds what’s going on secret travels of the grapevine town council news transition town llambed/ lampeter cymdeithas hanes llambed lampeter museum jottings etholiad llywodraeth leol / local government elections ysgol y dderi bird farm alpacas gaia united: get involved uwtsd ms support group long wood celtic christianity kcc transition to automation ysgol henry richard ysgol bro pedr david maund fundraising challenges cothi gardeners clonc crossword competition transition dyfodol disglair
The Secret Travels of the Grapevine … Grapevine is now available around the world digitally via … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes with you. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Thanks to Annie Ravenhill-Johnson who sent Why don’t you send us your photos to: us this lovely photo whilst cruising down the River Rhine on the Regina Rheni with her April and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds. copy of Lampeter Grapevine.
Watch out for the new
Produced by
Lampeter Chamber of Trade
Copy Deadline for Issue 50, June 2017 is Fri 12 May 2017 Please send your contributions to: Listings: Adverts & Classifieds: Articles & Letters: 2
Rotary Stroke Awareness Day and Community Service Awards Stroke Awareness Day Saturday 22 April Rotarians will be on the High Street handing out leaflets and encouraging residents to take a short blood pressure test in Adrian Thomas's pharmacy, to raise awareness of stroke prevention. We are again very grateful to Adrian for making his premises available for this vital testing.
Community Service Awards Each year we ask for nominations of those local unsung heroes who have done / are doing extraordinary things for the benefit of the Lampeter community, usually over a long period of time or for one major activity. There are no categories or restrictions for nominations, which may be made by individuals or organisations, together with a short explanation for the nomination. These should be forwarded to myself or any Rotarians by the end of June please, following which certificates will awarded to the most deserving candidates. Kevin Sivyer President Lampeter Rotary Club 01559 395305
GRAPEVINE no. 49, May 2017 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:
Croeso / Welcome to another issue of the Grapevine … So, here I am again, in the period of transition between publications, trying hard to get some inspiration that will make sense of the theme (“Transition”) and link it with the content of the newsletter. My mind wanders to find definitions and explanations to get me started. Transitions are “words and phrases that provide connections between ideas, sentences and paragraphs; they help to make a piece of writing flow better and can turn disconnected pieces of ideas into a unified whole, preventing readers from getting lost in the reading.” Now I guess I have a similar aim in this editorial – making links and offering connections. However, transitions can be broader than this, and can also encompass “processes or periods of change” - something the Grapevine team is used to dealing with. In fact, I’m sure many of you will be able to identify educational, environmental, age, lifestyle, financial or health related situations that fit this description too. How we approach these transitions can have a significant effect on our responses to them, so whether you see them as daunting, exciting, scary, liberating or life-changing, perhaps focusing on the positive aspects is the best way to move forward. With this in mind, I should
To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50 / 20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy date for June issue 50: Fri 12 May, Theme: ‘Food For Thought’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Moira Hay,
direct you towards all the transition-related articles inside and hope that you will discover, learn and perhaps benefit from them. There’s lots to choose from - Transition Llambed / Transition Town Lampeter, page 5; Siop Siarad y dysgwyr and Electric Cars, page 6; Etholiad Llywodaeth Leol / Local Government Election, page 7; Bird farm Alpacas: Back in Business, page 11; Gaia United: Get Involved, page 13; MS Support Group: UWTSD, page 14 & 15; Transition, page 25; Long Wood Transitions, page 26; Transition to Automation, page 28; Review – Biofuels: What, Which, How & Why?, page 30; A Story for our Interesting Times, page 33 and Transition or Dyfodol Disglair, page 38. Consequently, I challenge you to delve inside to see if you can make some positive “transition” links for yourself.
Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading. Angie Martin, Editor
polite reminder: If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3
Cynhaliwyd Cyfarfod Misol y Cyngor Tref ar ddydd Iau 30ain o Fawrth, 2017 am 7.30pm yn Neuadd yr Eglwys Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Yn bresennol: Y Maer y Cynghorydd David Smith- Cadeirydd; Y Gynghorwraig Elsie Dafis; Y Cynghorydd John Davies; Y Cynghorydd Hag Harris (Dirprwy-Gadeirydd); Y Gynghorwraig Ann Morgan; Y Cynghorydd Robert Phillips; Y Cynghorydd Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cynghorydd Christopher Thomas; Y Cynghorydd Selwyn Walters. Derbyniwyd ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb oddi wrth y Cynghorydd Andrew Carter; Y Gynghorwraig Elin Jones; Y Cynghorydd Rhys Bebb Jones; Y Gynghorwraig Dorothy Williams a'r Cynghorydd Derek Wilson. Derbyniwyd dogfennau dan law’r Cyngor Sir Ceredigion mewn perthynas â'r Etholiad Y Cyngor Tref o’r 4ydd o Fai 2017. Rhaid oedd cyflwyno’r Papurau Enwebu gerbron y Cyngor Sir erbyn y 4ydd o Ebrill 2017. Mae 15 sedd ar gynnnig ar y Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Gan fod 15 neu lai o ymgeiswyr, roedd yr Etholiad yn ddiwrthwynebiad. CANLYNIAD ETHOLIAD DIWRTHWYNEBIAD- Y canlynol wedi eu hethol yn ddiwrthwynebiad: Y Cyngh. Hag Harris, Llafur Cymru; Y Gynghorwraig Elin Jones, Plaid Cymru, Y Blaid ar gyfer Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Rhys Bebb Jones, Plaid Cymru, Y Blaid ar gyfer Cymru; Y Gynghorwraig Ann Morgan, Plaid Cymru, Y Blaid ar gyfer Cymru; Dinah Mullholland, Llafur Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Rob Phillips, Plaid Cymru, Y Blaid ar gyfer Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cynghorydd David Smith, Annibynnol; Y Cynghorydd Christopher Thomas; Y Cynghorydd Selwyn Walters (CYFANSWM 10) LLONGYFARCHIADAU! Ford Gron Llanbedr Pont Steffan: datganwyd llongyfarchion i’r Ford Gron ar drefnu Gŵyl Gwrw a Seidr lwyddiannus ar Ddydd Sadwrn 18fed o Chwefror 2017. PARC-YR-ORSEDD MAES CHWARAE (GYFERBYN Â NEUADD FICTORIA) Bydd Mr Pillip Howells, Gwasanaeth Garddio Dyfed yn torri’r gwair dros fisoedd yr haf ac yn casglu sbwriel ar sail barhaus. Anogir pobl sy'n defnyddio’r parc i waredu â’u sbwriel/eitemau di-angen mewn modd cyfrifol er lles iechyd a diogelwch pawb sy'n mwynhau’r amwynder. CYNNAL A CHADW’R LLWYBRAU CERDDED DROS FISOEDD YR HAF Mr Eurwyn Williams, Blodfryn, Bryn Road, Llanbedr Pont Steffan fydd yn cynnal y llwybrau cerdded yr ardal dros fisoedd yr haf. CAE MAESYDERI LLANBEDR PONT STEFFAN Mr Dai Williams, Dolau-Gwyrddion, Llanbedr Pont Steffan yw’r torrwr glaswellt Cae Maesyderi dros fisoedd yr haf. CYFRANIADAU ARIANNOL Ymgyrch Diogelu Cymru Wledig, £20; Gŵyl Cerdd Dant Llandysul a'r Fro 2017, £100; Ymddiriedolaeth Canser yn yr Arddegau, £25; Clwb Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion, £50; Sioe Amaethyddol Llambed, £500; Cruse Gofal Mewn Galar, £50; Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru, £50; Aelwyd yr Urdd Llambed, £300. CEISIADAU CYNLLUNIO GAN GYNGOR SIR CEREDIGION Rhif y Cais:A170199- Amrywio amod 2 Caniatâd Cynllunio A160659 Adeiladu neuadd eglwys newydd gyda llety ategol a newidiadau i’r adeilad presennol i gynnwys dymchwel ychwanegiad cefn. Lleoliad: 16 Stryd y Coleg, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Sylwadau'r Cyngor Tref: Cwbl gefnogol i’r Cais. Rhif y Cais: A170192 Cynnig: Arddangos hysbysebion. Lleoliad: Bar Sglodion Lloyd, 4 Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Sylwadau'r Cyngor Tref: Dim gwrthwynebiad.
The Monthly Meeting was held on Thursday 30 March 2017, 7.30pm, Lampeter Church Hall. Present: Mayor Cllr David Smith- Chairperson; Cllr Elsie Dafis; Cllr John Davies; Cllr Hag Harris (Deputy-Chair); Cllr Ann Morgan; Cllr Robert Phillips; Cllr Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr Christopher Thomas; Cllr Selwyn Walters. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew Carter; Cllr Elin Jones; Cllr Rhys Bebb Jones; Cllr Dorothy Williams and Cllr Derek Wilson. Information was received from Ceredigion County Council in relation to the Town Council Election, 4 May 2017. Nomination Papers were to be submitted to Ceredigion County Council by 4 April 2017. 15 seats are available within Lampeter Town Council. As 15 or less people applied, the Election was uncontested. RESULT OF UNCONTESTED ELECTION – The following have been elected unopposed: Cllr Hag Harris, Welsh Labour; Cllr Elin Jones, Plaid Cymru, The Party for Wales; Cllr Rhys Bebb Jones, Plaid Cymru, The Party for Wales; Cllr Ann Morgan, Plaid Cymru, The Party for Wales; Dinah Mullholland, Welsh Labour; Cllr Rob Phillips, Plaid Cymru, The Party For Wales; Cllr Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr David Smith, Independent; Cllr Christopher Thomas; Cllr Selwyn Walters (TOTAL 10) CONGRATULATIONS! - went to Lampeter Round Table for organising a successful Lampeter Beer and Cider Festival on Saturday 18 February 2017. PARC-YR-ORSEDD PLAY AREA (opposite Victoria Hall) - Mr Phillip Howells, Dyfed Gardening Services was awarded the contract to cut the grass over the summer months and to collect litter on an ongoing basis. People who use this park are encouraged to dispose of their litter/unwanted items in a responsible manner in the interest of the health and safety of all, who endeavour to enjoy this amenity. MAINTENACE OF THE FOOTPATHS OVER THE SUMMER MONTHS - Mr Eurwyn Williams, Blodfryn, Bryn Road, Lampeter was awarded the contract of maintaining the footpaths in the area, over the summer. MAESYDERI FIELD LAMPETER - Mr Dai Williams, Dolau-Gwyrddion, Lampeter was awarded the contract of cutting the grass at Maesyderi Field over the summer. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales, £20; Gŵyl Cerdd Dant Llandysul a’r Fro 2017, £100; Teenage Cancer Trust ,£25;Ceredigion Young Farmers’ Club, £50; Lampeter Agricultural Show, £500; Cruse Bereavement Care , £50; Wales Air Ambulance, £50; Aelwyd yr Urdd Llambed, £300. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FROM CCC Application No: A170199- Variation of condition 2 A160659 – Construction of new church hall with ancillary accommodation and alterations to an existing building including demolition of a rear addition. Location: 16 College Street, Lampeter. Town Council’s Comments: Fully supportive of this Application. Application No: A170192 Proposal: Display of advertisements. Location: Lloyd’s Fish Bar, 4 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Town Council’s Comments: No Objections.
Transition Llambed / Transition Town Lampeter Lampeter is a Transition Town. That means we have a group of local people trying to prepare Lampeter for the forthcoming transition from fossil fuels to renewables. All Transition Towns have their individual plans for doing this: although there are several common themes (food, transport, energy), there are lots of ways to work towards a thriving and resilient local community which is less dependent on fossil fuels. Here we have several projects which have arisen from the original Transition group. One is the Victoria Hall which is being improved and promoted by Transition Llambed Development Trust (a not-for-profit organisation) as a local venue for events and a meeting place for local groups, reducing the need to travel further afield for
entertainment. We also have the People’s Market which takes place twice monthly in the Hall: an opportunity to buy and sell locally produced foods and crafts. And we produce the Grapevine: the local monthly magazine which keeps everyone up to date with what’s going on in the area. In addition to our own projects we support or work with other local groups whose goals overlap with ours: we host the Permaculture Group’s annual seed and plant swaps and jointly present monthly films with them, and we have supported Traws Link Cymru who campaign for the reinstatement of the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen rail link. Transition Llambed development Trust
Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed The next meeting will be: Tuesday, 16 May, 7.30pm, Old Hall, University of Wales Trinity St David, when a member of the staff from Llanerchaeron will give a talk on ‘The Renovations at Llanerchaeron Estate.’ The talk will be preceded by the AGM.
Amgueddfa Llambed / Lampeter Museum The Museum has now opened for the 2017 season, and there are new collections for all to see. A preview evening was held for Cymdeithas Hanes members, and Friends of the Museum on Monday, 3 April, the evening before the Museum opened. A good number of people turned up and were enthusiastic with their comments regarding the displays. There are Welsh Costumes, children’s clothes, books and games; a collection on sewing and ironing garments; stories from 1917 on the Great War; the History of the Rebecca Riots, especially of what happened in and around Lampeter and the surrounding area; a collection of old telephones; a display by the students at UWTSD, and an excellent display has been put together by the Llanfair Clydogau History Group. Please come along and support the Museum. Another Valuation Day will be held at the Museum on Thursday, 11 May, 10am–2pm, when an expert from Peter Francis, Carmarthen, will be present to value your possessions free of charge. There is no need for an appointment, just come along. Yvonne Davies 5
The fossils of flora and fauna found in the limestone quarries of Bavaria have given scientists a valuable insight into the organisms that grew or roamed the land in prehistoric times. The finding of the fossilised imprint of a single feather in early 1861 is causing controversy even today. Later that same year a fossil was found showing the imprint of what appeared to be a reptile. Unlike previous finds (the quarrymen were used to finding fossils especially of Pterodactyls) this one clearly showed feathers similar to the earlier find; thus the theory of Dino-birds was born. The recent exhibition in the Old College, Aberystwyth gave us the chance to see replicas of this fossil (the originals are touring Japan) which we now know as Archaeopteryx lithographica. It is difficult to believe that the birds we see in our gardens today evolved from this feathered creature which was about the size of a Magpie. A common factor in these fossils (and in more recent finds in China) are claws on the wings. The young of the Hoatzin, a bird living today in the Amazon rain forest, is remarkable in that it still possesses this feature. David Price Could you write an article, letter or review? Word count: 400 maximum Send to:
Deadline: Fri 12 May 2017 See Grapevine page for full guidelines
grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE
In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.
Siop Siarad y dysgwyr Dyma griw hawddgar o ddysgwyr a Chymry Cymraeg yn mwynhau sgwrs yn yr Hedyn Mwstard am 10.30 ar aill ddydd Iau y mis. Bydd y nesaf ar fore Iau Mai 11eg. Mae’r dysgwr with eu bodd yn cael cyfle i ymarfer eu Cymraeg gyda siaradwyr Cymraeg cynhenid ac mae croeso mawr i unrhywun ymuno a ni. Trefnir y Siop siarad gan Ann Bowen Morgan un o’r tiwtoriaid a diolch i Mary, Verina a Myfanwy am eu cymorth bob mis. Diolch hefyd i’r Hedyn Mwstard am ddefnydd o’r Cwtsh a hefyd am goffi a chacennau bendigedig.
Here we are a group of Welsh learners and speakers enjoying a chat from 10.30 - 11.30am in The Mustard Seed on the second Thursday of the month. The next one will be on Thursday 11 May at 10.30am. The Welsh learners enjoy having the opportunity to practise their Welsh conversational skills together and with local Welsh speakers. A warm welcome is extended to anyone to join us. The Siop Siarad is organised by Ann Bowen Morgan one of the Welsh tutors, and thank you to Mary, Verina and Myfanwy for their support monthly. Thank you to The Mustard Seed for the use of The Cwtsh and for the coffee and tasty cakes. For more information contact Ann Morgan, 07791 966122
Electric Cars.. Are they viable? Let me start by saying I am not involved with any car company. I am however, very interested in looking at ways of living sustainably. Therefore this a contribution to the broad 'Transition' theme of this edition of the Grapevine. I have recently taken a test drive of a Nissan Leaf for 4 days. A five door hatchback. I have to say I am very impressed and I believe most people have no idea how far electric vehicles have come in the last few years. I have never had a brand new vehicle so taking a test drive of a new car with every conceivable new technological advance was an eye opener. (I was thrilled when my last car had cup holders.) Undoubtedly, the limitations of the 150 mile (realistically 120-130) range would not suit everyone. But I suspect many people that may read this have a life centred around travelling to Lampeter, Carmarthen and Aberystwyth, well within its range. I think a journey to Cardiff would be possible with a 30 minute recharge in the capital whilst enjoying what Cardiff has to offer. The Sat Nav in the car tells you where the charging points are. It has to be said that west Wales is short of charging points but, if I do get one, I will charge up at home, via a normal external plug socket, using cheap rate night time electricity and my solar panels. Even without access to cheap electricity the cost of running an electric car is only about 2-3pence a mile. No road tax. Mid range car insurance. Cheap servicing. The car compromised on very little. It was like driving any other new car apart from it being really quiet and, because of the novelty of it all, I was obsessed by the 'Remaining Charge' readout and the 'Range Left To Travel' readout. I learnt a new phrase. 'Range anxiety'. I know people are concerned about electric vehicles being so quiet you could knock someone down because they can't hear them coming. I believe the industry is looking into a solution. However, it is only at very slow speeds that you have little road noise. (Tyres friction on the road surface) at higher speeds you can hear an electric car coming. I have to travel to London quite regularly. Another thing I found interesting was that the charging points at the motorway service stations are run by Ecotricity. They state that all their power comes from wind and sun. (It would cost £6.50 for a 30 minute charge to 80%). I have done a lot of sailing and I suddenly found myself using a sailing analogy for driving an electric car. Yes, you can go direct and fast by starting the diesel engine on a boat and going in a straight-line to your destination or you can use the wind to enjoy the journey with no fossil fuel energy consumption, and go a bit slower. Slower, in the case of an electric car, because of the stops required for recharging. Probably two for a trip to London The vehicle is remarkably fast if you want it to be. I think that to be able to get from one side of the UK to the other on wind and sun power is quite remarkable. The Nissan dealer also said you can use one of their conventional cars for 14 days a year for longer journeys as part of any deal. So to sum up. I am looking into leasing one for two years. By that time another model with a 250 mile range will be available. (The change of prices in April has delayed my decision beyond the copy date for this edition of the GV.) If you have a Jeremy Clarkson view of motoring it's probably not for you. However, I became convinced they would see petrol and diesel cars off the road very soon, and we will look back at conventional cars as if they were dinosaurs. I tried hard not to use that word. Gary Thorogood 6
Etholiad Llywodraeth Leol / Local Government Election Enw’r Awdurdod Lleol / Local Authority Name: CEREDIGION Enw’r Ward/Adran / Name of Ward/Division: LLANBEDR PONT STEFFAN/LAMPETER
Voters in the Lampeter Ward will have two votes. Lampeter Grapevine invited the three candidates standing for election in the Lampeter Ward to submit a 250 word statement … Focusing on local sustainability issues, highlighting any
positive changes they would make, and what people will notice as a result. The candidates Hag HARRIS, Elin Tracey JONES and John Ivor WILLIAMS sent the following: HARRIS, Hag The key issue for the County Council in Lampeter over the Photo: Trevor Harris next five years is the challenge of retaining key services provided by Council during a period of falling Budgets: We must ensure adequate funding for Bro Pedr School. Our young people deserve the best opportunities. I will oppose any move to privatise Hafan Deg Home. There is potential to develop the site to include Residential and Extra-care provision. The Day Centre must be retained. I will ensure that Affordable Housing is included in any Residential Development and press for Social Housing Grant to be made available on mixed tenure sites. I will do everything I can to protect our Leisure Centre, Swimming Pool and Sports Pitches. Our Library and District Office have been developed and should become a genuine Centre for all Council Services in Lampeter. All Industrial Units are occupied. We need more capacity; I will continue to lobby Welsh Government and other agencies to urge development. We must continue developing road safety initiatives throughout the Town. I will support an ‘asset transfer’ of the Victoria Hall. The Hall has become a real community hub. I support a review into the possibility of providing a Resident’s Parking Scheme and a review of Car Parking Charges. I will continue to work to protect our local bus services and extend the provision. We must all work together to make Lampeter a better place to live, work and visit.
JONES, Elin Tracey My name is Elin and I am standing as Plaid Cymru candidate for Lampeter. I am standing as someone who lives here and wants positive change in the future, I have 3 young daughters and want them to feel like they can be educated here, live here, work here and be happy. Briefly here are some of my plans if elected on May 4th. I would work alongside property owners in town to fill out empty shops, and help our fantastic town capitalise on the great options it offers. I want our town to become more lively, a place that tourists will want to visit and spend time in. I care deeply about our town which is why I have volunteered with Lampeter food festival for 4 years (so far!), the school governors, town council to name a few things and want our town to be a destination rather than by-passed. For the youth in town I want to help establish a 'drop in' facility to help alleviate the issue of hanging around on the street, to give our young people a place to go. I'm always happy to have a chat either in person, on the phone or online (twitter ElinTJones) and hope that on May 4th that the people of Lampeter would consider giving me one of their two votes. Diolch
THURSDAY 4th MAY Victoria Hall
In the Ceredigion County Council Election 4th May 2017 Vote for WILLIAMS, John Ivor About me I was born and reared in Llanfair Clydogau, then moved to Lampeter with my young family and we have made our home here. I served on Lampeter Town Council for 20 years before becoming a Ceredigion County Councillor. I am a cycling enthusiast and in 2014 cycled with fellow cyclist, Gwynfor, from London to Paris to raise money for the British Legion. Charity rides have become regular events. Some of my current community work includes: Being a Governor of Ysgol Bro Pedr; Chair Lampeter Family Centre; the President of Lampeter Soccer Club; a Trustee of Long Wood Community Woodland; a Trustee of the Scouts Hall; President of Llanybydder & Lampeter British Heart Foundation and, of course, I am always available to help individual constituents. I will work for Lampeter’s future NOW: Solving Lampeter’s traffic problems with a one-way system which also incorporates safe pedestrian and cycling features – for residents, students and visitors. Support the return of the railway – which, as well as serving local people, will bring a much needed BOOST to green tourism and to student numbers - a rail link will help safeguard the future of our historic University. Let’s put Lampeter back where it belongs, at the heart of Ceredigion.
Vote for me, and I’ll continue to do my very best to represent you, the people of Lampeter
Recent Reviews
A big thank you to Eva Skalla of Global Heritage, and
Iranian Classical music comes to Lampeter
Celf Llambed Arts, for bringing these fine musicians
to Lampeter.
accomplished musicians, Saeid Kordmâfi on the
A sheer delight to have world music of such calibre
santur, Mehdi Emâmi, vocals and Faribroz Kiani on
in Lampeter. May there be many more such concerts
percussions, gave us a fine exposition of traditional
in the future!
Rajesh David
Iranian classical music on the evening of Friday 8 April at Victoria Hall. The first thing I noticed was the tuning of the Santur (hammered dulcimer). Some of the strings were tuned to ‘semi flat’ notes – in
Film Night
between natural and flat, giving a very exotic,
Fri 5 May: A United Kingdom (12A)
Kordmâfi began the concert with a solo recital,
David Oyelowo, Rosamund Pike, Tom Felton
setting the stage for an evening of rich traditional
Fri 19 May: I, Daniel Blake (15)
and sacred music of Persia.
Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Sharon Percy
A truly talented musician, Saeid mesmerized the
A benefit night for Lampeter Food Bank
audience with his skill, musicianship and musicality.
Fri 2 June: Manchester by the Sea (R)
Hearing this music for the first time, I found
Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandler
Saeid’s playing hypnotic. Having come from the
Fri 16 June: Lion (PG-13)
classical Indian music tradition, I found similarities
Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara
in the Iranian classical music. It is said that North
Fri 7 July: Moonlight (R)
Indian classical music was influenced by Persian
Mahershala Ali, Shariff Earp, Duan Sanderson
music brought to India by Sufis, and the Moghuls,
Fri 21 July: La La Land (PG-13)
who ruled India for several centuries before the
Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt
British. In the second half of the concert, we had the trio,
DOORS OPEN 7.15pm for 7.45pm start Admission by Donation
with a soulful rendition of traditional Iranian vocal music by vocalist Mehdi Emâmi accompanied by
complex rhythm patterns on the three different
percussion instruments played by Faribroz Kiani. It
was a true delight to the ears to listen to the
For more details:
traditional compositions on which the musicians
skilfully improvised, and a joy to watch the trio blending to create such wonderful uplifting music.
Bu’r plant yn brysur iawn yn ystod y mis a aeth heibio, diolch i’r Urdd am drefnu. Trawsgwlad, rygbi tag, pêldroed merched a bechgyn. Da iawn chi blant.
The children have been busy with various sporting activities this past month thanks to the Urdd for organising. Cross-country, tag rugby and boys and girls football. Well done to all that took part.
Andrew Davies yn derbyn ei wobr am gynllunio logo newydd i Calon Wen.
Andrew Davies accepting his prize for winning the design a logo for Calon Wen.
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a wnaeth ennill
Congratulations to all the children who
gwobrau yn Eisteddfod Gylch a Sir yr Urdd. Pob lwc i Steffan, Martha Haf, Lili Branwen a Gruffydd a fydd yn cystadlu yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd ar ddiwedd mis Mai.
won prizes in the area and county Urdd Eisteddfod. Good luck to Steffan, Martha Haf, Lili Branwen and Gruffydd who will compete in the National Urdd Eisteddfod in May.
Llongyfarchiadau i Jorge, Hugo a Gruffydd ar ennill cystadleuaeth minecraft a drefnwyd gan Cered.
Congratulations to Jorge, Hugo and Gruffydd on winning the Minecraft competition run by Cered. Years 3 and 4 have thoroughly enjoyed this half terms work on forces.
Mae blwyddyn 3 a 4 wedi llwyr mwynhau gwaith ar grymoedd y tymor yma.
The Foundation Phase enjoyed an educational trip to Fantasy Farm.
Bu plant y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn mwynhau trip addysgiadol i Fferm ffantasi.
Another enjoyable evening of ‘Cawl a Chân’, thank you to the staff for their hard work and to the children for the entertainment.
Noson hyfryd o Gawl a Chân yn yr ysgol heno. Diolch i'r staff am weini'r bwyd ac i'r plant am ddiddanu mor wych.
Years 5 and 6 re-enacting Anne Boleyn's trial.
Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn mwynhau teithio nôl mewn amser i gyfnod y Tuduriaid i ail greu erlyniad Anne Boleyn.
Lilian Jones 9
Ian O’Reilly
Rydym wedi bod yn mwynhau ein Here in Ysgol Y Dderi we have been enjoying our exciting prosiect newydd cyffrous new ‘Diarhebion’ project. We have ar ddiarhebion yma yn been painting pictures about Welsh Ysgol Y Dderi. Mae proverbs and printing some pages too disgyblion blwyddyn 4 a for our “Llyfr Gwyrddlas Y Dderi”, our 5 wedi bod yn creu tudalennau prydferth own special illustrated book of i osod yn ein “Llyfr Gwyrddlas y Dderi.” proverbs. We have visited Strata Florida Ysbrydoliaeth y llyfr yw hen lawysgrifau a Abbey and the National Library of Wales welwyd ar ein hymweliadau â’r Llyfrgell to learn about ancient manuscripts. We Genedlaethol ac Ystrad Fflur. Dewch i hope you will come to see our artwork weld ein gwaith yng Nghanolfan Gwiltiau in Gallery 3 in The Quilt Centre in Llanbed ym mis Mai. Lampeter in May.
Bird Farm Alpacas: Ethical ~ Eco friendly ~ Sustainable ~ Off-grid Smallholding
BACK IN BUSINESS - after the devastating fire 2 years ago which completely burnt down our premises. Thanks to the lovely community of Gorsgoch who rallied round and supported us, as did family and friends, we were able to overcome many hurdles to rebuild and move in just in time for Christmas 2016. Although able to continue workshops in Gorsgoch’s lovely Village Hall it’s been great to finally get the farm based workshop up and running. Currently able to offer on-site: Basket weaving for beginners: Full and half days -using willow sourced locally making bird feeders, round or square baskets and plant supports. An introduction to spinning: Using a traditional spinning wheel and fibre from our alpaca herd. Learn to skirt a fleece, card, spin and ply, taking home a skein of yarn produced by yourself. Craft/Relaxation/Therapy day: Combine some willow weaving making a bird feeder and receive a 30 minute Reflexolgy /Reiki treatment with Sherilyn Cross. A perfect way to relax and learn a new skill. All workshops enjoy the peaceful surroundings of our smallholding near Lampeter and the chance to meet the alpacas and see our handmade products and yarn. Teas/ coffee and homemade cake provided.
Alpaca Sales - We are able to offer high quality Huacaya and Suri alpacas for sale with the rare and sought after ‘Snowmass’ and ‘Elite’ genetics. We are members of the British Alpaca Society (BAS) and all of our alpacas are registered with them. Alpacas are very light-footed and do not poach the land, sympathetically managing our 12 acres of land, allowing nature to thrive. They make excellent pets and superb flock guards. Our flock of 25 hens are totally free range under the protective watch of these enchanting creatures. Alpaca fleece is much sought after by textile manufacturers due to its strength, warmth, luxuriously soft feel and hypoallergenic qualities, as it contains minimal lanolin. Once our fleeces are processed, we are able to offer luxury alpaca yarn, woven blankets, scarves, bootees and baby clothing, which are available from the ‘Bird Farm Alpacas’ Etsy Shop and various craft events throughout the year (check for Diary of events). We offer full back up support for the long term and can advise on farm layout and equipment needed. Emma Bird, 01570 434600 11
Gaia United: Get Involved Change is the only constant in life (Heraclitus.) In many ways, we are in a perpetual position of transition; We are not static beings and our lives are essentially in an ongoing state of flux. This ‘movement’ provides space for growth and self-development. These are some of the fundamentals at the heart of the community group, Gaia United, who believe it’s time for a positive change and are calling out for people to help achieve this! Gaia United is a local youth centre project championed by Lampeter resident, mother, artist and poet, Sophie Moore. Their idea, quite simply; to come together as One. Within this coming together lie the roots of belonging and empowerment and their mission is based on the ideal of empowering ourselves for the good of the whole. These philosophies only come into being when incorporated into our everyday and real lives. Gaia United intends to create a physical space for the youth of our community, operating on the core values of equality, respect, inclusiveness, valuing difference, empowerment, continual learning, creativity, self-expression, and participation. A youth centre would offer the young people of our community a place to belong; providing a supportive environment as they journey through life and navigate the many transitions involved in this journeying. “Instead of teaching children to get 'there', why not let them be here?” (Vince Gowmon). It would provide a dedicated space to learn new skills and share existing ones. Somewhere to be creative or to just hang out and chat with friends after a long day at school. A welcoming environment. A place of their own; where young people can be actively involved in decision making. On a very basic level; The youth need a physical space to be. “If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” (Alfie Kohn). From this space can spring growth, transition, inspiration, reflection, self-improvement, social awareness; environmental responsibility; self-sufficiency, co-creativity: All life-affirming and life-centred stuff! With the underlying mission of "do all you can to ensure they elevate higher" “Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” (Jess Lair). The youth in our community, perhaps more than any other group, experience a whole array of transitions as they journey into adulthood; both internally and externally. Gaia United’s intention is to “create a 'Safe Haven' for the youth, a place they can go to and be themselves completely, where they will have necessary support to explore their own abilities in their own time, without fear of judgement or discrimination, where they can meet and interact with a diverse range of other
cultures with the potential to learn from each other in the process. This will be done by means of: Creating indoor and outdoor spaces specifically for this purpose; Organizing workshops - art, music, horticulture, self-awareness, self-sustainability, and more; Organizing community 'Clean up/resurrection' projects involving both youth and adult members of the community; Providing the necessary support required in order to assist all members on the journey of 'finding their place in society', for them to be able to explore the many different options available before deciding on their chosen paths.” The team are currently in negotiations to secure a building locally that will become the centre/physical grassroots of Gaia United; a community youth centre; with the aim of providing opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and values to help set our young people in good stead to tackle the ever changing challenges of life. Perhaps the most important thing a youth centre can foster is feelings of belonging. Feeling like we belong and have a place in our local community; that we matter, have worth and value, can make a big difference and naturally brings about a sense of social, ecological and environmental responsibility and a community that cares; about each other and this beautiful ‘home’ we all share. As Lampeter residents we are lucky to belong to such a diverse, interesting, and talented community of people. There are a wealth of wonderful clubs and after school activities for young people but there isn’t a community youth centre...yet! Gaia United plan to fill this much needed gap while forging links with established youth organisations to work together for the good of our young people and this very special community we all belong to and value so much. There’s lots already to get involved in (perhaps you visited the Thrift Shop on Saturday 15 April at Victoria Hall. Donations were gratefully received). Gaia United have also organised a fab series of Indian Take Away Nights. These involve a cooking lesson, then sharing the fruits of your labour together and watching a movie. The first was on 18 April and they will take place every fortnight on a Tuesday if all goes well. It costs nothing to join in but donations are welcomed. Open to all ages; children under 11 to be accompanied by an adult or older sibling. If you would like to find out more or get involved - there are many different avenues for this. Check out Gaia United on Facebook: or visit their website: Sophie Spooner 13
Llambed yn 1822 ac mai ef yw'r coleg hynaf yng Nghymru. Fe’i sefydlwyd gyda’r nod o wella addysg clerigwyr Anglicanaidd. O 1827 i’r 1920au, graddiodd dau draean o Glerigwyr Cymru o'r coleg hwn. “Heddiw, mae gan yr Academi Sinoleg yr anrhydedd enfawr o gael ei sefydlu ar y campws hwn gyda’i gyraeddiadau anhygoel yn y gorffennol a'i hetifeddiaeth ym maes addysg grefyddol. Rwy’n gobeithio y gall yr Academi Sinoleg ysgwyddo’r cyfrifoldeb o adfywio addysg doethwyr hynafol y Dwyrain a dysgu gan addysg grefyddol y Gorllewin a chynnal hanes godidog gorffennol Coleg Dewi Sant. Y nod yw gosod esiampl dda er mwyn meithrin diwylliant o ddysgu. Wrth i effaith positif addysg y doethwyr hynafol ac addysg grefyddol ddylanwadu’n raddol ar y byd, gall yr holl feddyliau ysgolheigaidd sy’n rhannu’r un genhadaeth ddod at ei gilydd i hyrwyddo sefydlogrwydd cymdeithasol a heddwch ledled y byd. Fe fydd hynny’n fendith enfawr i holl ddynolryw."
Ar ddydd Gwener, Mawrth 24ain, cafodd y garfan gyntaf o fyfyrwyr Academi Sinoleg newydd Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant eu croesawu’n ffurfiol i Lambed. Sefydlwyd yr Academi Sinoleg ym mis Gorffennaf 2016 fel sefydliad ar y cyd rhwng y Chin Kung Multicultural Educational Foundation a Phrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, gan nodi dechrau cyfnod newydd o astudio diwylliant, gwerthoedd a moeseg hynafol Tsieina. Cafodd y naw myfyriwr a ddechreuodd eu hastudiaethau yn ddiweddar yn yr Academi eu croesawu gan aelodau’r Brifysgol ynghyd ag aelodau’r Chin Kung Foundation mewn noson o ddiolchgarwch, gweddi a chân.
Mae sefydliad Chin Kung Multi-Cultural Educational Foundation wedi’i seilio yn Hong Kong, ac fe’i sefydlwyd gan Meistr Chin Kung, mynach Bwdhaidd a chanddo'r gred graidd bod pob crefydd yn rhannu’r un elfen gyffredin, sef gwerthoedd, goddefgarwch, tosturi a pharch at farn a chredoau eraill. Mae’r gwerthoedd hyn yn atgyfnerthu hanes hir Llambed fel canolfan y byd ar gyfer astudiaethau aml-ffydd ac aml-ddiwylliant, a byddant yn adeiladu ar ddarpariaeth gyfredol y Gyfadran ym maes Astudiaethau Tsieineaidd, Astudiaethau Gwareiddiadau Hynafol a chartref Athrofa Confucius cyntaf Cymru. Nod yr Academi yw arwain ac addysgu ei myfyrwyr tuag at ddealltwriaeth ddofn o’r testunau Tsieineaidd clasur, ac etifeddiaeth y Doethwyr hynafol gan gynnwys a Bwda Sakyamuni, Confucius a Laozi. Mae’n defnyddio methodoleg addysgu trochi sy’n caniatáu i’r myfyrwyr ffocysu eu dysgu ar un pwnc nes eu bod yn gallu trosi eu dysgu yn ddealltwriaeth ddofn a mewnwelediad erbyn diwedd pob modwl. Mae yna chwe modwl yn yr MA ac mae’r rhaglen yn rhedeg am 72 wythnos.
Pwrpas yr Academi yw, trwy addysg, hyfforddiant a goleuedigaeth, ailgyflwyno treftadaeth a diwylliant hynafol i’r gymuned ryngwladol, ar adeg pan fo cymaint o newid ac anhrefn yn y byd yn tanseilio crefydd a chred pobl mewn harmoni cymdeithasol, cyd-barch a heddwch. Wrth siarad am ddatblygiad yr Academi, dywedodd yr Athro Medwin Hughes, DL, Is-Ganghellor Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant: “Mae’r datblygiad hwn wedi’i seilio yn nhraddodiad campws Llambed fel canolfan aml-ffydd ac aml-ddiwylliant, wedi’i wreiddio yng Nghymru ond gan edrych ar draws y byd. “Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad mawr ac yn un o lawer o ffyrdd rydym yn eu dilyn sy'n canolbwyntio ar arbenigedd a lleoliad Llambed. Nid yn unig y bydd o fudd i’r Brifysgol, ond fe fydd hefyd o fudd i’r dref a chymuned Ceredigion.” Wrth siarad ar fideo yn ystod y dathliad, canmolodd yr Hybarch Feistr Ching Kung y Brifysgol am ei gweledigaeth a dathlodd ei threftadaeth gyfoethog mewn addysgu addysg grefyddol. Dywedodd: “Mae yna arwydd wrth giât y fynedfa sy’n dangos hanes campws Llambed. Dywed hwn bod Coleg Dewi Sant wedi’i sefydlu gan yr Esgob Thomas Burgess yn
I ddysgu rhagor am yr Academi Sinoleg, ewch i Gwybodaeth Bellach Am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â Sian-Elin Davies: 01267 676908 / 07449 998476
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
On Friday, 24 March, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David formally welcomed the first cohort of students to its new Academy of Sinology in Lampeter. The Academy of Sinology was established in July 2016 as a joint institution between the Chin Kung Multicultural Educational Foundation and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, marking the beginning of a new era in the studies of ancient Chinese culture, values and ethics. The nine students who have recently embarked on their studies within the Academy were greeted by members of the University along with members of the Chin Kung Foundation in an evening of thanksgiving, prayer and song.
Lampeter in 1822 and that it is the oldest college in Wales. It was established with a goal of improving the education of Anglican clergymen. From 1827 to the 1920s, two-thirds of the Clerics of Wales graduated from this college. “Today, the Academy of Sinology has the great honour to be established on this campus with its extraordinary past achievements and legacy in the field of religious education. I hope the academy of sinology can shoulder the responsibility of reviving the education of ancient sages of the East and learning from the religious education of the West to carry the past glorious history of St David's College. This is to set a good example in order to build up a culture of learning. As the positive impact of the education of the ancient sages and of religious education gradually become influential in the world, all great scholarly minds which share the same mission can join forces in order to promote social stability and world peace. That will be a great blessing for the whole of humanity.” The Chin Kung Multi-Cultural Educational Foundation is a Hong Kong based organisation, established by Master Chin Kung, a Buddhist monk whose core belief is that all religions share a common, universal element of shared values, toleration, compassion and a respect for the views and beliefs of others. These values reinforce Lampeter’s long history as a world centre for multi-faith and multi-cultural study, and will build upon the Faculty’s existing provision in the field of Chinese Studies, the study of Ancient Civilisations and home to Wales’ first Confucius Institute. The Academy’s aim is to guide and educate its students towards a deep understanding of the classic Chinese texts, and the legacy of the ancient Sages including the Sakyamuni Buddha, Confucius and Laozi. It uses an immersive teaching methodology allowing the students to focus their learning on one subject until they are able to translate their learning into deep understanding and insight by the end of each module. There are six modules within the MA and the programme runs for 72 weeks.
The purpose of the Academy is, through education, instruction and enlightenment, to reintroduce ancient heritage and culture to the international community, at a moment when so much change and chaos in the world undermines people’s faith and belief in social harmony, mutual respect and peace. Commenting on the development of the Academy, Professor Medwin Hughes, DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David said: “This development is very much grounded in the tradition of the University’s Lampeter campus as a multi-faith and multi-cultural centre, rooted in Wales but looking out across the world. “This is a major development and is one of many which we are pursuing centred upon the expertise and location of Lampeter. It will not only benefit the University but will also benefit the town and the community in Ceredigion”. Speaking via video during the celebration, the Venerable Master Ching Kung praised the University for its vision and celebrated its rich heritage in the teaching of religious education. He said: “There is a sign at the entrance gate illustrating the history of the Lampeter campus. It says that Saint David's College was founded by Bishop Thomas Burgess in
To find out more about the Academy of Sinology, please visit For further information, please contact Sian-Elin Davies: 01267 676908 / 07449 998476
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm
what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to
Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email: Community groups & local, small-scale commercial. We also have office space, committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. See for more details
Weekly (W) Fortnightly (F) Monthly (M)
Contact Time
W Monday
M First Monday W
Saturday Sunday
Lampeter Food Project 8-10pm
Death Café
1-3pm & 6-8pm
Mindfulness: Sound Healing Circle Youth Club
Starting 8 May Charlotte Allen
(U11 accompanied by adult)
Hara Willow
01570 493729
Sophie Moore
07950 480637
Karen Hills
07547 125937
Young at Heart
Nikki Mead
07790 987070
W (Upstairs in the
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Spiritual Gathering
Sarah Thomas
07811 603062
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Tracey Reynolds
07976 052888
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Tracey Reynolds
07976 052888
Lampeter Folk
Details on Facebook
07817 715321
Celf Lampeter Arts
Live music and dance
People’s Market
Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions
Lampeter Evangelical Church
Greg Evans room)
Activity / Class
M First Friday M Last Friday 2nd & 4th Sat each month W
complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 15 years’ clinical experience. Homeopathy makes a difference and is excellent at helping with chronic ill health, gently, safely and holistically. Llanfair Clinic, 41 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 8EG. 01570 493746 Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR.
Sandwiches and social for the wiser folk of Lampeter
Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café
23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Thai Massage. Lose your aches and pains. Deep remedial massage to soothe aching joints and muscles, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing state of deep relaxation and wellbeing. Contact: Iain, 07852 626001, Joanne Camlin BSc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath, who graduated in 2007. Using discussion, 17
01570 423344
analysis and natural remedies, homoeopathy treats the whole person; mental, emotional, and physical. Appointments at Cellan or Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 01570 421480 Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046.
complementary & alternative therapists cont.d_ Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. 30 yrs clinical experience Moving to new premises at 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment is not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07984 338945, Ginny Moffett is a qualified reflexologist with the British Reflexology Association and has been treating for 25 years. She offers home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. She specializes is treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. £30 Call: 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. Contact 01570 421144, 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be 'good at art'! Talsarn. Qualified 1997.,
massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Based in New Quay but home visits available. Contact 01545 561334 Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple and family counselling. Find out more about her work at, If you want to talk or need some help contact her 07870 888141, Bones for Life: practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Contact Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Reflexology. Annie Zakiewicz MAR is a fully-insured member of the Association of Reflexologists and practises from Cellan. Contact 01570 493295, 07790 107521,
Lampeter & District Beekeepers’ Association. Full beginners’ course of five classes and apiary visits starts 23 Apr.
Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Sat 29 Apr: Volunteer Conservation Day Fri 5 - Sun 7 May: Bird Identification Sat 13 - Sun 14 May: Forest Gardening Sat 13 May: Volunteer Conservation Day Sat 27 May: Weaving with Rush Fri 9 - Sun 11 Jun: Plant Diversity Sat 10 Jun: Volunteer Conservation Day 01570 472847, 07963866516. Fri 23 - Sun 25 Jun: Invertebrates Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and Life Fri 30 Jun: Advanced Bumblebee Id. Coach. Living Excellently, Confidence More information: 01570 493358, Building for Women. Very experienced trainer and facilitator; groups/individual sessions. Contact creative________________ Shân, 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Spinning Lessons with Ann Fisher at Ffarmers Neuadd Bro Fana/Village Hall. Thurs 11am-1pm (beginners) and Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki 1.30-3.30pm. (improvers) Cost £8 per Healing can help with health problems session. Contact Ann 01558 650760 and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced Red Apple Yarn. practitioner. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. 01545 590364, 07807219499. Irene Sullivan is a qualified and Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. experienced massage therapist, Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. practising total rejuvenation body Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. 18 The Attic Players are searching for new, enthusiastic members. No previous experience required, just a great opportunity to learn new skills. Tues, 7.30-9.30pm. For more info please send a message via website!.html Abercoed Studios, Tregaron. Creative wool shop, crafts, art and prints, tuition, supplies. Coffee shop & WiFi. Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm. 01974 299105,
events ________________
Open Garden and Plant Fair at Cae Hir Gardens. Bank Holiday Monday 1 May. Annual plant fair with Ceredigion & District Growers Association. Free entry. £2 parking. Tea room open. 10am-4pm. Belief and Action: Conscientious Objectors in Wales. 2–26 May, Mon-Fri 8.30am-11.30pm, Sat-Sun 12-5pm, UWTSD library foyer. Hosted by Lampeter Quakers and the University library, this exhibition looks at conscientious objection in Wales and its consequences from WW1 to today. Funded by the Welsh Government Cymru’n Cofio: Wales Remembers 1914-1918 programme. All welcome, free entry. Quiz Night. Fri 5 May, 7pm, St Thomas' Methodist Church, Lampeter. Refreshments. Free admission but donations welcome for The Rhoda Chidongo Scholarship, supporting Rhoda as she trains to be a doctor in Kenya. All welcome. "The soul's most subtile rooms": Grace, Medical Spirits, and the Sacraments in Herbert's Temple. Tues 9 May, 5pm, Video-conferencing Studio, St David's Building, UWTSD Lampeter. Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies research seminar with Clarissa Chenovick, Fordham University, New York. Valuation Day. Thurs 11 May, 10am2pm, Lampeter Museum. An expert from Peter Francis, Carmarthen, will be offering free valuations. Open to all, no appointments necessary. Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed. Tues 16 May, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter. AGM and talk on “The
events cont’d_____________ Lampeter Quakers. Lectures and discussion associated with the exhibition “Belief and Action”. All begin 5.30pm. Contact: 01570 471488 Wed 10 May: Gethin Evans, "Dilemmas of Peace in the 1st World War: the Quaker viewpoint." Mon 15 May: MIchael Freeman, "Conscientious Objectors in Cardiganshire during the First World War / Gwrthwynebwyr Cydwybodol yn Sir Aberteifi yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf". Wed May 17: A workshop arranged by Wales for Peace. As Good As It Gets: The Rural Industries Bureau Quilts of Wales 1921-1939. Exhibition at the Welsh Quilt Centre, High Street, Lampeter. To 4 Nov, TuesSat, 11am-4.30pm. 01570 422088, Demain (Tomorrow). Sat 3 June, 6.30 for 7pm, Victoria Hall. A different tomorrow is possible! Gall yfory fod yn wahanol! Full-length, award-winning, inspirational film by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome; informal discussion. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group, with permission from Transition Network. (See ad on page 10)
health & well-being _____
Stroke Awareness Day. Sat 22 Apr, 10am-4pm, High St, Lampeter. Rotarians offering information on preventing strokes and free blood pressure tests in Adrian Thomas’ pharmacy. Lampeter Death Café. Mon 1 May, 8pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Death Cafe provides a forum for discussion about any aspect of our thoughts and feelings of death and dying. Contact Charlotte 07967924613. Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca: 0783 4170358, Banc Bwyd Llambed/ Lampeter Food Bank - Easter Open Mon, Weds, Fri 9am-5pm, except Bank Holiday Mon 1 & 29 May. Referrals are made by local
agencies. Non-perishable in-date food donations can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. National helpline: 0300 9991212. Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm -6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri 07748 270439, Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Macular Society Lampeter Support Group (formerly Lampeter Support for Sight Loss) Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Talk: 10 May, Mr John Savage from Teifi Cheese. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact Diana Williams, 01570 640034. Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and for the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07984 338945 Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12pm, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excludes bank holidays and school holidays). West Wales Buddhist Group. Learn to meditate and explore Buddhist tools for changing your life. In Aberystwyth, fortnightly Fri eve, monthly Sat morn.
Aberystwyth, Stryd y Felin, SY23 1JB. Contact: Dave Maggs, 01446 740130 /07941 855935 Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Yr Hedyn Mwstard/Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter. 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford: 07904 258814,
kids __________________
Survival School! Tues 30 May, 10am4pm. For 8-14 year olds. Could your child be the next Bear Grylls? Bushcraft and survival skills for kids who love outdoor adventure. Find your supply pack, build a better den, bake bread in the fire, cook your rations and try your hand at fire by friction! £36 per child & £32 for each additional sibling. Booking essential: James, 07876 794098. 1st Lampeter Girl Guides. Meet Tues 6-7.30pm. Contact Sandra Carbin, 07949 479185. 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Meet Tues 5.30-6.30pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Contact Rachel, 07730 684543. 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Contact Nikki, 07790 987070. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” A weekly after-school club for 6-11 year olds. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness and bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6 per session, £5.50 for siblings. Tues & Thurs 4pm-6pm at Denmark Farm. James, 07876 794098, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions 1st Mon of month, 2–4pm at Mind Copy Deadline for June Issue: Aberystwyth, Mill Street, SY23 1JB. / Headway Ceredigion yn cynnal Friday 12 May 2017 Sesiynau galw i mewn ar ddydd Llun cyntaf pob mis rhwng 2-4pm yn Mind 19
canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ar ganolfan for more information contact the leisure centre
01570 422552 / 01570 422959 Dydd / Day
Dydd Llun Monday
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday
Dydd Mercher Wednesday
Dydd Iau Thursday
Dydd Gwener Friday
Dydd Sadwrn Saturday
facebook: hamdden llambed leisure
twitter: #lampeterleisure
Amser / Time
Sesiwn / Dosbarth
Session / Class
Pris / Price
Troelli Dwr
Hydro Spin
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Circuit Training
Troelli Dwr
Hydro Spin
Clwb Cleddyfau*
Fencing Club*
Ffitrwydd Ysgafn (Joan)
Ease Into Fitness (Joan)
Pilates Pel*
Pilates Ball*
Bounce Fit*
Bounce Fit*
Aerobeg (Joan)
Aerobics (Joan)
£5.15 / £4.15
Troelli Chwim
Spin Sprint
Clwb Rhedeg Sarn Helen*
Sarn Helen Running Club*
Aerobeg Dwr
Aqua Aerobics
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Clwb Cleddyfau*
Fencing Club*
Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*
Rees School of Gymnastics*
Disco Rhowl*
Roller Disco*
Prices are correct at time of publishing. Please phone to confirm places / prices *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 20
kids cont.d _______________ Little Rangers. “Play, Explore, Discover.” Thurs 4 May. Monthly parent & toddler outdoor club for children up to 5 years old. Child-led play sessions led by Forest School trained staff, Lea and James, out in the woods. 12-3pm, 1st Thursday of the month at Denmark Farm. £5 per adult, £4.50 for 2nd adult, £3 per child. Under 2’s free. Lea: 07876 794098.
Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School (LYTSS) Runs 3 terms per year every Friday at Vic Hall, 4.30-6pm. £40/child/term, £35 siblings, £30 concs. Vanessa Read, 07814 794353 Dance. Mon 4-4.45pm. Creative dance sessions for children 3-6yrs. £3 / child. Weds 5pm. Hip-Hop group for young people 11-16 yrs. 10 session block for £40 or £4.50 a session. Theatr Felinfach, 01570 470697, TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions for children, 0-3 years and their parents. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3/ child, £1 each additional child. 01570 470697, Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. 01570 480268, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Contact Claire, 07727415634. "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:
RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd, Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4’s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as volunteers with free training provided (14-24 year olds can gain Millennium Volunteering accreditation). Further information 01545 570686 and Facebook.
markets _______________
People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th
Sat each month. Next markets: Sat 22 Apr, 13 & 27 May, 10 & 24 June. Lampeter Farmers' Market, High Street, Lampeter, 9am-2pm alternate Fridays. Next markets: Fri 28 April, 12 & 26 May, 9 & 23 June. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm, 3rd Sat in month.
move your body _________
Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). A warm welcome to new walkers and those who wish to try a ramble or two. Sat 29 Apr, 8am: Cwm Llynfi, Maesteg. Birthday party walk in the Brecon Beacons. History, music and culture assured. 12 miles. Sat 6 May: Big Welsh Walk Hinterland Challenge. Sat 13 May: Pembrokeshire Coast path via train to Tenby. Weds 17 May, 10am: Teifi to Pentre Sion, Longwood & Falcondale. Sat 20 May, 10am: CarnIngli, Bedd Morris & Coastal Path. Sat 27 May: Llanelli Walking Festival. All walks meet at the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. Contact James 01570 480743 or Kay 01570 480041. Llandysul Walking Festival. 29 Sept—1 Oct. Details from 01559 362403. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour, depending on weather and mood. Meet rain or shine, 10am at Rookery Car Park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Not able to manage the stroll? Just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 Walk Out Workout. Join the WOW posse for a brisk fitness walk around Lampeter on Thursday evenings, starting from the leisure centre at 6.30pm. Now into our summer schedule – expect to be out for up to 1.5 hours and to tackle a steep hill somewhere down the line. It’s fun and it’s free. Stride Out Walking Group. Referred for exercise by a doctor? Need exercise to aid recovery? There is a walk each Weds at 10am from Lampeter Leisure Centre. It's free - so come join us! Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve 22
health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen 07817 543257. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, available 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. If you are interested in hire or joining a league, contact the Sports Centre, 01570 424774. Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.308.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Contact Debbie: 01570 493594. Hydrospin (Aqua Cycling) at Lampeter Swimming Pool, Mon 10am & 7.45pm; Aberaeron Swimming Pool, Tues 11.45am & 6.30pm. Contact David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne 01558 650870. Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon 5.307pm and Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Pilates on the Ball: Weds 5.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Contact Ann: 07826 692110. Copy Deadline: Fri 12 May 2017
move your body cont.d _____ Yoga. Weds 5.30-7pm, Cellan st Millennium Hall. 1 Weds each month Yoga on a Ball (bring your own Swiss ball). Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. Hatha Yoga. Weds, 10-11.30am, Sports Hall UWTSD Lampeter. Working with physical postures to relax the body and mind. Breath and relaxation techniques to deal with life’s stresses. 1:1 sessions available. Booking essential: Karen, 07547 125937. Family Yoga Playtime: 1st Sat of month, 10.30am-12noon, New venue Cellan Millennium Hall. Next event 6 May. Stories interwoven with yoga postures, followed by craft activity. Suitable for children aged 4-9 (ish!), £10 for adult + child, additional children £2 each. Booking essential as places are limited. Contact: Karen, 07547 125937. Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Tues 7.30-8.45pm, £6. Contact Su Bates (BWY teacher) 07588 527512. Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm. £3 Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 7-8.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio in the University Sports Hall. Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £1.50. Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri 9.45 -11am, £5. Lunchtime Fit For Life For Over 50s, Fri 12.15-1.15pm £4. Gentle exercise based on Belly Dance. Both classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. First session free. Rose Barter, 01239 851737, Jane Guy School of Dance. Ballet and stage work; annual production; RAD exams. Classes: Tues eves and Sat, Shiloh Chapel, Lampeter. Thurs 4.307.30pm, Theatr Felinfach. Contact: 01570 470645. Dances of Universal Peace. Dance brings people together to create harmony and connection. We dance in a circle using simple steps and chants
from many traditions. Contact Shân Rees, 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Dances of Universal Peace Beltane Celebration. 12 May, 7.15pm for 7.30pm– 9.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £5 or donation. 'Come, come, whoever you are.' For description of the dances, see above. Call Shan for more information or to let her know you are coming. 01570 218138 / 07940375147. Mat-based Pilates. Mon 2pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for beginners, bring mat. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle toning, increased energy, strength, agility and stamina, and greater mind/body/spirit connection. With Shân Rees, see above. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free.
music _________________
Lampeter Folk. Fri 5 May, 7.30pm, Victoria Hall (small hall), Lampeter. Special guest singer songwriter Bryony Sier, with open mic session beforehand. £3 (£1 students) including tea/coffee/light refreshments, BYOB. Contact, 07817 715321 or find us on Facebook. Coral Aberaeron Chorale: May Prom Concert. Sat 13 May, 7.30pm, Holy Trinity Church Aberaeron. Programme to include: Mozart's Great Mass in Cm, Opera favourites, Bernstein's Tonight and Maria. Tickets £10 includes programme, available from Aberaeron Memorial Hall or on the door. Cyngerdd Elusennol Mawreddog / Grand Charity Concert: Clwb Rotari Llanbedr Pont Steffan / Lampeter Rotary Club. 7.00 pm, Sadwrn / Sat 24 Mehefin / June, Eglwys St Pedr / St Peter’s Church, Llanbedr PS / Lampeter. Cor Meibion Cwmann a’r Cylch, Lleisiau’r Werin, Dafydd Evans, Helen Gibbon, Kees Huysmans. Tocynnau / Tickets: £10 ar gael gan aelodau a’r isod / from members, Crown Stores, Dai’s Diner, Mark Lane. Yn codi arian i Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru /Fundraising for Wales Air Ambulance. Celf Llambed Arts Last Friday each month, Victoria Hall. Shambles Café & Bar from 7pm, Bands from 8.30pm. See adverts page 10. 23
Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm. Bespoke Song Writing Service for all occasions, weddings, anniversaries, funerals, etc. Can also help you write the song you want to write for your loved ones. Old time love songs, ballads, folk, rock, most styles… Great gift for anyone. Fun and reasonably priced service. Contact Cameron Watson, 0785 2626 001,
permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________
Lampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Cothi Gardeners 7.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint SA19 8UW. Guests and visitors welcome £3. Daisy, 01558 650829,, Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Contact Angie, 01974 831300 Live an Abundant Life! Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Contact Angie, 01974 831300 Permaculture Group for the Newcastle Emlyn Area. Meeting Sat 13 May 24pm. Phone 01559363471 for details.
religious services/groups _
Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Main Sun Service: 10.45am St Sulien’s Church, Silian. Main Sun Service: 2pm (Bilingual) St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £8.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact Beryl 01570 422324
religious services/groups _ St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church. Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact 01570 423757. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact David Patterson, 01570 423360. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Bilingual services, 10.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. A warm welcome to all. Contact Revd Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Contact Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome. / Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact 01570 471488,
social _________________
Lampeter WI meet 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact 01570 421683. People's Kitchen. 1st Sun most months, Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall. Delicious vegan meal. Contact Mandi 07976 536983 or find us on Facebook. Merry Makers. Every Weds, 10.30am3pm, St James’ Hall, Cwmann.
26 Apr: Poetry Reading 3 May: Quiz 1o May: Poetry 17 May: Singing 24 May: Signing 31 May: Painting New members welcome. Disabled access and toilet; free parking. £2.50 incl. vegetarian lunch and all activities. Contact Rhoda 01570 470172 or Bella 01559 370981. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Sew, Knit and Natter. Weds 1.30-4pm, Cellan Hall. All welcome. Contact Sandie 01570 423969. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm., term-time. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 470697, Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Friday each month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Custard Queens WI: every 1st Sunday, 7-10pm, Scout Hall, Bryn yr Eglwys, Lampeter. Bring a mug and meet some new friends. 07754 496201 or 01570 422494, Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Tues each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Completely informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small 24
group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact Myra Mortlock, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee Mornings. 1st Weds of month, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info and other events in the district.
storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members and meets weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, UWTSD Lampeter, during university term. Come and join us. Contact Sue, 01570 423167. Meanwhile… Storytelling monthly meet -up is currently on hiatus. To be added to the mailing list for future events/ info please contact Hayley on
volunteering ____________ Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays. Join our volunteering sessions to develop practical skills and feel the benefit of working in this beautiful environment. One session in four is devoted to your own woodcraft project. No experience required, training given. Canolfan Long Wood Centre, 10am, Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days run fortnightly on Sat with the occasional Tues. 10am to 4pm Practical conservation on our nature reserve and help with wildlife monitoring. Upcoming sessions include creating a wild flower area, willow coppicing plus a new training programme covering indoor food growing in our new greenhouse. All welcome, no previous experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided – bring lunch and outdoor gear. Contact 01570 493358,
British Legion Lampeter is recruiting members. This is your opportunity to become a member of the Legion. Contact Sharon, 07971 806886. Global Justice West Wales group. Be part of the change! Contact: Please keep your listings up to date:
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Ceredigion - ‘Transition’
Classes subject to change: please check for updates & contact details, and our What’s On page for one-off events MONDAY Line Dancing: 7-10pm 16 May - Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Education Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm WEDNESDAY Sew, Knit & Natter: 1.30-4pm Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm FRIDAY Art Group: 10am–1pm Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm SATURDAY Yoga Family Playtime 10.30am–12 noon, 1st Sat of month
Job adverts Job adverts
Advertise local paid employment opportunities in
Grapevine free of charge Contact:
What a beautifully sunny day it is today as we ‘Transition’ from Winter, Spring and into Summer. There was still a frost this morning as, on my mobility scooter, I took my dogs down the hill to Llanfair Shop. People in the shop, both staff and other customers, are aware of the problems I have, and help by getting things off the shelves, putting my money into my purse, carrying my shopping to my scooter and of course fussing with the dogs! This is what happens to many people with Multiple Sclerosis. We ‘Transition’ from fit, healthy, active people into people who have to ask for help. Few of us like to admit we need help, and it’s a big lesson to actually say that we do. Becoming ‘disabled’ is a time of change, a time of fear and maybe depression. It is rarely a time of excitement... but it could be just that depending on how we deal with it, a time to look at how we cope. By adapting to so many challenges we can transfer into different but stronger people. At our very busy and rather noisy Support Group on Monday we discussed what we say when people ask us how we are. ‘Fine’ we said. How relaxed are any of us with saying ‘Well actually I’m feeling awful’! We felt that maybe we all tend to, dare I say, ‘lie’ at that point. Let us be honest with ourselves and with others. Let us admit to feeling sad, angry, exhausted but let us try to look for the positives in our lives. We were joined by Urtha Felda from MS Cymru and as always were inspired by our young friend who builds his own wheelchairs. Brilliant! This week our very old black ewe had twin white lambs, the result of a roaming ram and a strong instinctive desire by our old Morag. The start of new life makes you put everything into perspective. This ‘Transition’ from old life into new put a smile on our faces.
In Lampeter we meet on the first Monday of the month in The Mustard Seed Cafe, in College Street, Lampeter from 1.303.30pm. Our Aberystwyth group now meets in the new Tesco, 12.30-2.30 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Disabled Parking, Disabled loos and cafe are all available for us to use. CROESO I BAWB/WELCOME TO ALL. For further details please ring me Judith McKay Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 and/or Hazel Ellis Chair, Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640.
Don’t Miss the Copy Deadline for June - Issue 50 Fri 12 May
Job adverts Job adverts 25
COEDWIG GYMUNEDOL LONG WOOD COMMUNITY WOODLAND appointment. We are also looking forward to hosting the local art of Grwp Llanfair Clydogau. Canolfan Long Wood will be transformed from the 20 to 21 May into a gallery space. Everyone is welcome to come and view the exhibition in this lovely setting. Full details will be posted on our Facebook page. We hope this will be the start of a series of weekend events hosted at the building over summer and autumn. We are always looking for ways to support our local community, so if you have an idea you would like to run past us, please get in touch to discuss it. And finally, our orchard project has finally begun to move forward. We have sourced a range of trees suitable for our elevation and are beginning the preparations for ground works. If you have already expressed an interest in being involved in this project, can we firstly thank you for your patience, and hope that you will join us very soon for a little practical preparation. If you have not yet been in touch, then please contact us via the facebook page - we would love lots of local people to be part of this exciting growing project. We do have a dedicated facebook page for this group, so feel free to join us and get involved. Andrew Gajlikowski
Transition With the spring well under way and the transition from the relentless grey and brown that seems to have haunted us this winter, its time for planning and a change of activities for our spring and summer. Here at Long Wood our volunteers have been busy spending the last few weeks of early spring planting trees, trees and more trees! These saplings are to start the transition towards broadleaved cover in the clear-felled area, and were either collected from within the woodlands for transplanting, or supplied to us through TCV (The Conservation Volunteers). We also expect a large amount of natural regeneration of birch, willow and alder across the area. Over a thousand trees have gone in so far with more still to come. Thankfully our project manager, Jon Addis, has arranged to source these trees at no cost, which is a significant saving for the project. Good work Jon! Planting will have to stop as the weather dries and warms up, but there are plenty more jobs to be done. On a regular basis, our volunteers also get time, use of our tools and guidance to complete their own craft projects. For St David’s Day they created a fantastic dragon which now has pride of place in the picnic area at Canolfan Long Wood. Our volunteer group meets every Wednesday from 10.30am. If you would like to know more about our group of mixed ages and abilities then please do not hesitate to get in touch, or just turn up! Long Wood has recently appointed a new member of staff, Jack Logan. Jack joined us at the beginning of April as a Community Forester and will be working towards sustainable and profitable use of our timber long into the future. We interviewed some excellent candidates for this post and it was really tough selecting just one
Join our mailing list, find us on Facebook or Contact: 01570 493355,
Celtic Christianity: Part XXXI Saint Eilian / Eilianus Ascetic Reposed 6 century Remembered January 13 St Eilian came from Rome to Britain. Close to where he landed, at Porth Yr Ychen, he founded his oratory or clas and it is on this site that the original church was built. He had his cell at Llaneilian on Anglesey; his shrine ("myfyr eilan") was inside a
once detached chapel built over the cell. His shrine was also a place of healing but it required the sufferer to get inside it – which was difficult to do. There is a holy well at the base of a cleft in the rock about 15 minutes’ walk to the seashore; it was renowned for healings and attracted many pilgrims. He venerably reposed in peace.
A clas (Welsh pl. clasau) was a native Christian church in early medieval Wales. Unlike later Norman monasteries, which were made up of a main religious building supported by several smaller buildings, such as cloisters and kitchens, a clas was normally a single building run by a community of clergy and headed by an abod (abbott). Clasau were autonomous and were administered locally. The cell transitioned into a parish and contains the remains of Llys Cadwallon; the site of the court of 5th Century King of Gwynedd, Cadwallon Lawhir ap Einion. Harry Harrison
Karen’s Creative Compendium 024 Flowers pop up across our page and music as the food of love - for dappled cats as well? If indecision is your bane, switch to and fro under Stan’s name, but cold and clear the message sent from Karen’s disarrangement and Polly’s end is also blue yet we still have so many things to do, lucky we have Mandy handy, her tale of innocents in more innocent times, I wonder how those girls would fare today. I’ve sawn my backlog so please keep your contributions flying in. Pob hwyl, Karen
Less Allegro
by Brenda Old It’s my favourite place to shop on Tuesdays. Two, who never seek praise, when giving their days, always have a smile for those of us, who while searching the filled racks, the shelves of knick-knacks, through books and CDs find something to please. When my finds are laid on the display case where the delicate echoes of yesterday are given pride of place, we three smile and say ‘How are you today?’ It’s a well worn phrase, but we mean what we say. Friendship, beyond Tuesdays.
by Derek Moore
I forced a rose to grow, deprived it of a fragrant air I plucked an unripe fruit and it sang only bitter tones. In quick time from birth, young minds and bodies playing musical chairs on a fast-track to adulthood. A child’s spirit cries allow me to grow, to learn all of the notes that I need to know. As guardians of my chorus sing descant please do, but don’t record my life song as a composition of you.
Wisdom’s baritone cry lost in a mass choir of intellects, all tunelessly unaware maturity conducts at her own tempo. A child’s spirit cries always be there for me, but allow creativity to set my mind free, so that you may be proud of an adult sublime, orchestrating sweet harmonies pitched in perfect time.
Rejoice, rejoice in those seekers of soul, who rendition love’s ballad to the world as a whole.
The Hands by Mandy Pickering Two Persian girls from the city came to stay at Jean’s cottage. She invited me to meet them. I don’t recall their names but remember the dark waterfall of hair and the hands that she asked them to hold out. Their skin was jasmine long, plump fingers lit by halos of rings tapered to pointed pale rose nails. My sun brown hands were scratched by brambles fingernails broken and dirty from games in the woods I hid them in my pockets.
by Karen Gemma Brewer That summer I was your flower abloom in our garden where you sundanced the reap of nectar. These dark days I am deflowered in your petal-pluck glare where the sting is you love me not.
Loves me/Loves me not
by Stan Scan Ocelots might doss a lot sleep by day, kill by night can’t decide who to date choosing a mate they oscillate. 27
Crying like a fire in the sun
by Polly Phemus So what will you do then, tough guy? When it finally comes, as it surely will Space rock, big mother, come to say hi? Mean critter, was suppose to go past. It figures. Say what? How we gonna fill Those last days, of our time? Frenchies Have a sayin' (but then they always do): Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner. (Feller down dixie, he taught me that). And ain't that jus' like us, gettin' it last? Jesus, Gautama, Mohammed, you knew. You had it down, was us were the dopes. Forgive? Kidding, right? Gonna do then What we do now: fight, hate, and hope: But that's us all over, ain't it the truth? Beautiful planet, won't see you again; And it's all over now, baby blue.
Transition to Automation Every human used to have to hunt or gather to survive. But, as humans are smart, we made tools to make our work easier. From sticks, to stones, to tractors we’ve gone from everyone required to produce food to modern agriculture with only 1.5% of the UK required to make food, with plentiful supplies of food. Of course, it’s not just farming. We’ve spent the last several thousand years building tools to reduce physical labour of all types. These are stronger, more reliable and efficient mechanical muscles. The thing is, our tools are now becoming far, far better than we could ever hope to be, they are even able to become mechanical minds. I’m talking about robots; as it is them that will shape our future. A 2014 study by Frey and Osborne estimated that 35% of jobs in the UK in 2013 had a greater than 66% chance of being automated in the next two decades. The Bank of England used the same methodology to estimate that up to 15 million UK jobs could be automated over the next 20 years. To put this into context, the Great Depression led to an unemployment rate of 15% in Britain, 3 million people were unemployed. After the Great Depression, the unemployment rate reduced in build-up to war. However, this is highly unlikely to happen as technology improves. Today’s robots are able to learn, adapt and evolve - just like humans. This means that skilled labour, relying on thought, can too be automated without complex programming or expensive custom -made equipment, but by intelligent robots. Once this
technology becomes better than humans and cheap enough for mass production, we could see a revolution in productivity and unemployment as robots fill the places of people in the workforce. We need to start planning for a future where vast swathes of the population will be unemployable through no fault of their own. We are almost guaranteed to see the highest level of unemployment seen in recent human history. Will this be the emancipation of humanity or will it lead to immense poverty and inequality? Bill Gates recently proposed an ‘automation tax’, saying “right now, the human worker who does, say, $50,000 worth of work in a factory, that income is taxed ... If a robot comes in to do the same thing, you’d think that we’d tax the robot at a similar level.” An ‘automation tax’ would slow automation to a manageable rate. Additionally, it would stop the owners of robots from becoming super-rich as government revenue plummets, plunging the rest of us into austerity. In fact, increased productivity from automation could lead to enormous increase in revenue, which can then be redistributed among everyone else. The simplest, fairest and most efficient way of distributing this additional revenue would be through a universal basic income. describe it as “a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.” It could begin at a low rate and grow to be enough to not only survive, but live on. It has some support from across the Welsh political spectrum. A basic income 28
is Plaid Cymru policy; the Green Party advocated a similar ‘Citizen’s Income’ during the 2015 election; and, Mark Drakeford, the Welsh Government’s finance secretary, described the idea as “attractive”. Universal basic income is an idea whose time has come. Countries across the world are trialling the idea. The Finnish government, among many others, hopes its basic income trial will encourage unemployed people to take on part-time work without worrying about losing their benefits and lead to a higher standard of living for all. The Finnish trial offers €560 a month to those chosen to take part. It’s a stark contrast to our current unemployment benefits, where taking part-time or one-off work often leads to sanctions or freezes. In the short term, basic income is a flexible and humane grant for ingenuity, peace of mind and enormous reductions in poverty. In the longer term, it is an absolute necessity for saving ourselves from absolute poverty and rampant inequality - a world of those who control the robots, and those who are controlled and replaced by the robots. As long as capitalism exists, a basic income is essential for having some level of equality and fairness. Automation, with it’s high unemployment and opportunity for both utopian emancipation and immense poverty, is unstoppable. What we must do is manage the transition to automation and ensure that the vast majority of people benefit from automation, rather than create a minute elite. Cyffin Send Articles & Letters to:
Copy Deadline: Fri 12 May
Ysgol Henry Richard
World Book Day
Shrove Tuesday
Activities were held to celebrate World book day including special reading sessions, dressing up as favourite characters from a book, a visit by the ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ drama company to perform three productions and a 100 word story competition.
The aroma coming from the French room on February 28th was very tempting and everyone was keen to taste the delicious pancakes being made by the KS3 pupils. A few days later year 6 pupils who attended the ‘Pontio’/Transition day were also given the chance to bake and taste – an exciting and hands on French lesson!
St David’s Day St. David’s Day was a very busy day at Ysgol Henry Richard with various colourful activities. In the morning a special assembly was led by the members of the ‘Clwb Cymreictod’. The primary eisteddfod followed in the school hall with congratulations to Erin Jones Williams on winning the main prose competition and Megan Biddulph who won the main poetry competition. Following a delicious lunch of cawl, representatives from all three campuses were joined by parents, friends and members of the community at a memorable service held at St. David’s Church, Llanddewi Brefi. In true Welsh fashion this was followed by a special Welsh tea to end the day of festivities.
Yr 11 Clwb Cymreictod led the assembly draped in Welsh flags
Llion Williams awarded 2 trophies for best actor in Welsh & English
Everyone enjoyed Welsh cakes, Bara Brith and Welsh tea
Pupils dressed as their favourite book character
Winners and runners up of 100 word competition (seated left to right: Osian James, Angharad Evans, Jasmine Bluss & Reeve Rolf) Rhiannon Jones & Skye Coverdale performed at the St David’s Day service in Llandewi Brefi
Successful winners in the literature competitions at the St David’s Day Eisteddfod
Compiled by Rhiannon Lewis, Ysgol Henry Richard 29
Recent Reviews Biofuels: What, Which, How and Why?’ Ceredigion Green Party hosted another Platform event on Saturday 11 March 2017 in the Victoria Hall in Lampeter. The topic for debate was Biofuels. Our keynote speaker was Frances Howe from Biofuelwatch, an organisation working to raise awareness of the negative impacts of industrial biofuels and bioenergy on biodiversity, human rights, food sovereignty and climate change. She explained how human's addiction to oil cannot be replaced by an addiction to biofuels. She also highlighted how under the Government's Renewable Energy Incentive Scheme, biofuels are counted in even though they still produce carbon dioxide. Two experts on biofuels, and in particular on miscanthus, from IBERS at Aberystwyth University outlined how miscanthus can be put to all sorts of uses. Stephen Chapman argued that a zero carbon Britain was needed ten years ago; that what we need now is a negative carbon Britain. In other words we need to start capturing the carbon from the atmosphere. No successful industrial plants have been built yet in the UK. Of course, trees and other plants, do the job for humans very effectively. Jon McCalmont explained that he is involved with a small scale trial of miscanthus and that this bamboo type grass can be used by farmers in place of straw. It could also provide an alternative income stream. We learned that this new generation of biofuel will grow on marginal land, can be grown at heights where farming is often unprofitable and can there be used to stop flooding further downstream. What is needed, Jon McCalmont argued, is for the Welsh Government to fund research. Also high on the agenda was Brexit. It was agreed that Brexit will have an impact on energy production and with the loss of subsidies, will be a massive driver for change in agriculture and land use. A culture change is needed. Social and environmental benefits of energy production should be central. The Platform was chaired by the new Leader of Wales Green Party Grenville Ham, himself an expert in generating energy from small scale hydro schemes. “As a party our policies are evidence based - not reactionary, not paid for by corporate stooges in oil and nuclear and big pharm. It’s clear that in Wales we do need political vision. Wales has many small, local communities that are well placed for new models of doing things, whether that be energy creation, biofuels, food production and so on. We’ve got big challenges ahead. Brexit could be the big land use changer for Wales, greater than we’ve
Dr Stephen Chapman of IBERS, and Grenville Ham, Wales Green Party Leader
seen in the last 200 years. It’s clear that we have got to use less and waste less, be that energy, food or resources in general. And we need to consume less, because we are spending money we haven’t got, buying things we don’t need. This new political vision needs to look long term, beyond the four or five year electoral cycle. In Wales we have the Well Being of Future Generations Act – we have to be thinking further ahead.” Ceredigion Green Party would like to thank all the participants but in particular Frances Howe, Stephen Chapman and Jon McCalmont for giving their time for free. We also wish to extend our thanks to Andy Polkey and Jane Powell who gave their time to facilitate table discussions. We wish to thank the Directors of Transition Lambed Development Trust for their continued support. The next Platform event will be on the theme of Agriculture and Land Use Post Brexit, and is to be held on Saturday 27 May, again at the Victoria Hall in Lampeter. We will look at the threats our farming communities may face when EU subsidies come to an end. With no commitment as yet from the UK government on support for farmers post Brexit, we want to explore how any future subsidies could be used. For example, to promote greater food security for the UK, to create a more sustainable food system, to provide greater protection for wildlife, and to develop flood protections. The keynote speaker will be renowned author Colin Tudge, who has written a great many articles for many publications and for a time was on the staff of Farmers' Weekly, then New Scientist, then BBC Radio 3. The Platform will be chaired by Wales Green Party Leader, Grenville Ham. Further details available on the Plaid Werdd Ceredigion Green Party Facebook page, or contact the party at Julie Makin Why not get in touch the Grapevine team is always keen to hear from you 30
Ysgol Bro Pedr
World Book Day Pupils were dressed up as characters from novels for their World Book Day Celebrations on Tuesday, 7th March. They were also able to take part in a variety of activities in class during the day. Photographed are the winners of the Fancy Dress Competition. Well done everyone who took part – you looked amazing. Miss Heini from the Library was our judge and a big thank you to Co-op Supermarket in Lampeter for donating the prizes.
Youth Literary Trophy We would like to congratulate Nest Jenkins on recently winning the Youth Literary Trophy in the Eisteddfodau in Cenarth, Llanllyfni and Swyddffynnon. Keep writing Nest!
Junior Sector Eisteddfod We had another very successful day in Bro Pedr on 1st March as we celebrated St David’s Day with the Junior Sector Eisteddfod. We wish to thank everyone for their support.
Competition judge Lois Williams with winners
Congratulations to all those above for winning prizes in the Foundation Phase Chair Competition Mrs Wyn & Captains of winning house, Dewi
Congratulations to the pupils who won prizes in the Chair Competition for years 3, 4, 5 & 6 31
Steffan’s winning disco dancing group Compiled by Heini Thomas,Ysgol Bro Pedr
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday
Local Fitness trainer David Maund of Newcastle Emlyn is setting his sights at completing two challenges this year that are very much out of his comfort zone. He aims to take part in the Jurassic Coast 60-mile walk and the Pure Challenge Coastal Path walk of the same distance. His first challenge in May will see him setting off with his rucksack and essential food and drink from Weymouth to Exmouth, a distance of 100k. “I’ve never walked that far. The furthest I’ve walked would be 10 to 15 miles, so a 60-mile walk is quite a challenge and I plan to complete this in 24 hours. I will be training quite a bit for it and will be taking plenty of walks along the coastal path, up the Preseli Mountains and walking on different terrains,” said father of three, David. The second challenge in July will see David walking from Cardigan to Ynyslas along the Ceredigion coastal path – again a distance of 60 miles. He will be doing these challenges to raise money for the Breast Cancer Unit in Llanelli and for three swimming pools where he hosts his hydrospin sessions in Newcastle Emlyn, Narberth and Aberaeron.
(Article first appeared on
If you would like to support this fundraising challenge contact David Maund 07792 351 607 Dragon Aquacycling or go direct to his giving page
Cothi Gardeners’ Club Our meeting on 17 May promises a restful departure from the busy time that most gardeners are having this month. The topic is “The Woodland Garden and its Plants” and the talk will be presented by Roddy Milne, head gardener at Picton Castle. Some of you may already have visited Picton Castle, but do come along as enjoying an hour with Roddy, as he gives us tips and advice, is not to be missed. If you are planting up a wooded area yourself then you’re sure to get some hints on how to proceed. There will be time to ask questions and a plant sale, plants brought along by
Roddy and of course those grown by our members. If you would like to know more about Picton Castle, near Haverfordwest, and perhaps plan a visit this spring, have a look at for more information. This 40 acre site is at it’s best at this time of year, especially the woodland walks and spectacular display of rhododendrons. Join us at 7.30pm. Guests pay £3 (includes tea or coffee) and an annual membership is £14. For more information about the club phone 01558 685119, click or find us on Facebook. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday each month at Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW. Donna Worrall 32
themselves and their children, and a shocking indictment of how our current system is failing them. This figure has been reflected locally in the trend of more referrals for families with children over the past year.” It is increasingly working families and households who are reliant on benefits, and thus sometimes in need of food banks. Welfare rights advocates struggle to support Ceredigion’s disabled people. Disability Rights Service writes: “our typical client has been through all sorts of crazy ups and down for years… They are sent through a maddening round of paper hearings: their case is sent first to a Tribunal Centre hours away, then to an even further one, before eventually being given the chance to testify in person at a local Centre. Some… have good insight and good family support, but need help to cut through the legal jargon, and reassurance that someone has their back… If they have family they might just manage, but if they’re alone, by the time they get the back payment they’re in such debt that the back pay just goes towards clearing that. But with current payday-loan interest rates, the debt may be way bigger than the back pay.” And Ceredigion People’s Assembly point out: “you can walk freely into any police station, but a private security guard will halt you at the door of the Jobcentre Plus. When the DWP deals with you, it expects you to become isolated, unbound by any ties to community or other network.” Like Daniel in the film, intervening to support Katie at the Jobcentre, “the People’s Assembly takes a stand against such isolation. Instead it seeks to build networks of resistance such that, when austerity seeks out an individual, it finds itself confronted by a community.” As Desmond Tutu (allegedly) said, “we need to not just be pulling the drowning bodies out of the river. We need to be going upstream to find out who is pushing them in.” And making them accountable for their actions. Dr Vole
A story for our interesting times We are told that this is the post-truth age, where facts are no longer important. Instead, we only want stories stories about making countries great again. About how things used to be better before those other people arrived, in those good old days when there were no scroungers and shirkers. Or, if there were any, they were sent to workhouses… If Charles Dickens, workhouse storyteller, came back, what would he write? Maybe a story like that of Daniel Blake, a Newcastle carpenter who’s worked hard all his life - until a heart attack catapults him into a DWP bureaucracy nightmare. At the Jobcentre he meets Katie and her children. Their only chance to escape a London homeless hostel was accepting a flat in a far-off, unfamiliar city. Ken Loach’s powerful film, I, Daniel Blake, coming soon to a village hall near you, is a story for our times. What happens to Loach’s characters has happened to thousands of real people in Tory Austerity Britain. Some facts: * The number of hospital beds in England taken by patients with malnutrition has trebled since 2007. * Young Women’s Trust research found 46% of UK mothers under 25 regularly miss meals in order to feed their children. Over 25% have used food banks. * 600,000 families – the “just about managing” households which Theresa May famously vowed to protect – will be hit by new cuts to child benefits. * The UK was the first country to face a high-level inquiry by the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It concluded last November that welfare reforms have led to "grave and systematic violations" of disabled people's rights. And what about Ceredigion? We have three food banks. Banc Bwyd Llambed Food Bank, run by local churches since 2013, say they are “only too aware of the impacts of government policy and changing employment patterns. We have seen people referred after being punished with ‘sanctions’ for not attending benefit appointments due to hospital appointments or admissions; people waiting several weeks for benefits while mistakes or anomalies with their application are dealt with; people on zero-hour contracts with no income because their work hours are reduced at short notice. “Hanging On, Resolution Foundation’s report about Britain’s ‘just managing’ low- to middle-income families, shows Ceredigion has the highest proportion in Wales of children living in working families receiving tax credits: 48.8% - the UK’s 13th highest. This is both a tribute to the number of Ceredigion families seeking to work to support
A fully-referenced version of this article is available on request.
Film Night at Cellan Millennium Hall Friday 19 May 7.15 for 7.45pm start
I, Daniel Blake (15) Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Sharon Percy
A benefit night for Banc Bwyd Llambed/ Lampeter Food Bank
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Free information leaflet available on request 34
Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.
Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am
Please go to the hyperlocal website for
newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont
Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a
Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.
summary of some recent stories.
Un cam yn agosach at Uned Cemotherapi newydd
One step closer towards a new Chemotherapy Unit
Gan Bethan Mai Jones 05/04/17
By Bethan Mai Jones 05/04/17
Noson Ar Dramp Dros Driniaeth yn y coleg yn dod â’r cyfanswm hyd yn hyn i £27,000.
A Dance, Dinner and Auction evening was held in the college bringing the running total to £27,000.
Llwyddiant i CFfI Cwmann
Success for Cwmann YFC
Gan Iestyn 02/04/17
By Iestyn 02/04/17
Adroddiad am lwyddiannau aelodau CFfI Cwmann yn ddiweddar.
A report on the recent success of Cwmann YFC members.
Llyfr Newydd! Teulu’r Gymwynas Olaf
New Book! Teulu’r Gymwynas Olaf By Anna George 30/03/17
Gan Anna George 30/03/17
A new book portraying the history of Lampeter’s Funeral Directors business Gwilym Price Sons and Daughters.
Llyfr newydd am hanes busnes Trefwnyr Angladdau Gwilym Price ei fab a’i ferched, Llanbed.
First Lampeter Medieval day
Diwrnod Canoloesol teuluol cyntaf yn Llambed
By Sian-Elin Davies 29/03/17 200 people celebrating the Medieval New Year in the college.
Gan Sian-Elin Davies 29/03/17
The future of Lampeter Carnival
200 o bobl yn dathlu’r Flwyddyn Newydd Ganoloesol yn y coleg.
Dyfodol Carnifal Llanbed
By Dylan Lewis 27/03/17
Gan Dylan Lewis 27/03/17
An appeal for more volunteers to help out with arrangements for the big day.
Apêl am wirfoddolwyr newydd i gynorthwyo gyda threfniadau’r diwrnod mawr.
Good Fund Raising for The Heart Foundation in Lampeter
Codi arian da tuag at Sefydliad y Galon yn Llanbed
By Dylan Lewis 25/03/17
Gan Dylan Lewis 25/03/17 Noson lwyddiannus gyda Meibion y Mynydd yn y coleg er mwyn codi arian tuag at Sefydliad Prydeinig y Galon.
A successful evening with Meibon y Mynydd in the college to raise money towards The British Heart Foundation.
Gweithiwr Adnoddau Dynol y Flwyddyn yng Nghymru
HR Professional of the Year in Wales By Dylan Lewis 24/03/17
Gan Dylan Lewis 24/03/17
Rhian Twynog, Cwmann won the HR Professional of the Year in Wales held in Cardiff.
Enillodd Rhian Twynog, Cwmann wobr Gweithiwr Proffesiynol Adnoddau Dynol y Flwyddyn yng Nghymru a gynhaliwyd yng Nghaerdydd. Dylan Lewis 35
This thirty-third Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by Mark Lane Bakery. The owners have kindly offered the winner a £20 voucher to spend in the shop/cafe. Mark Lane Bakery and Café in Bridge Street, Lampeter, is a family-run business, now under the management of Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 33 (Jeep) Eirian and Carolyn James, and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 has served Lampeter and the 9 surrounding area for over 40 10 11 years. A full range of bakery 12 goods is on offer daily, including 13 14 15 take-away rolls, sandwiches, meals, PRIZE: Voucher snacks and hot/cold drinks. Celebration 16 17 cakes for all occasions can be supplied to order. 18 19 20 21 The café offers meals, snacks, sandwiches and homemade specials 22 23 24 daily and serves a full range of coffees, teas and cold drinks, 25 26 27 28 including ground coffee and speciality teas. Everything is 29 30 31 reasonably priced, main meals at £3 to £5, and served in a friendly 32 33 34 and homely atmosphere. The business also caters for working 35 36 lunches/meetings, children’s parties, private functions and funeral 37 38 39 teas. Opening Times: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8.30am–5pm, 40 Wed: 8.30am-1.30pm. Sat: 8.30am– 4pm competition
Apologies to all puzzlers … but there’s no space again for your rough working grid. Perhaps we’ll squeeze one in next time. Eds.
Across 1. The chocolate child at Llanerchaeron 14th to 17th April? (6,3,6) 9. Sky god which keeps pets away from peanuts (3) 10. Fleecing hedgerows? Go aero light gown manufacturing (2,4,9) 12. Small dog in short place for conducting experiments (3) 13. Irides shirt in shreds. Is this less moist? (4,2,5) 16. Feel endless lamprey (3) 17. Wise? Yes, with arranged corn tie (3,4) 18. Defective angel ring expanding (9) 22. She is alternatively primal and valuable at root (3) 23. Fun organisation for those in agriculture (Abb) (1,1,1) 25. Disney design found at Calico Kate (5,6) 28. Mouth holds half a drinking vessel (3) 29. Unit of resistance starts on high mountain (3) 31. Suggests derivation is nothing French (2) 32. Ten? Yes! Mel comes back and supports and conducts water (5) 33. Dead poser by accident is named reckless outlaw (9) 35. Lily arranged in water in China (4) 36. Large areas of water sounds like one views them (4) 38. He shows knowledge (3) 40. Badly performing odd school inched into senility (6,9) 41. Employ us eagerly at first (3) 42. Exact indicator that could leave a letter as a sign (1,5,3,4)
Down 1. Year when National Provincial Bank opened in Lampeter (8,5,3) 2. Old woodcutter on the Falcondale Estate (7) 3. Far eastern circuit rebuilt, remixing action (6,4,4) 4. Lowest open note on violin might give stripper cover (1-6) 5. Broken head hunter’s pipes reveals insect killer (8,5,3) 6. Occupation of Croft and Evans in Lampeter in the 1910s (9) 7. Sicilian city has six less than Vienna (4) 8. 1850, Lampeter sports set up (5,4,7) 11. Cushion for an Indian royal wedding as no news is in ruins (5) 14. Single sex party for female lobster? (3) 15. Leo was not left with brief presidential legislation (Abb) (1,1) 19. Grotesque pea from which we descended? (3) 20. Move aimlessly when good and dire starts us off (3) 21. New earner is closer (6) 24. A ‘do of’ mixture to create solid nourishment (4) 26. Cavorting! Alive! Can be found in third largest Spanish city (8) 27. Vain men supported ’French ops’ (4) 30. Scan that could detect the start of my real angst (1,1,1) 33. Cut led to new sweet tones (6) 34. Question not in couples first date invitation (3,3) 37. Location of Steffan Vets on the High Street (4) 39. Greek goddess of dawn is east or south, but not right (3)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 12 May 2017, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 33, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.
The dictionary definition of ‘Transition’ is a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens. For me the word is more positive than that, where the steps we take move us forward, creating a brighter, happier future for ourselves and our world family. We’re bombarded on a daily basis with harrowing reports from the media and shocking photos illustrating the consequences of hate in our world. Those in power ‘call the shots’ and often we feel helpless, distraught that we can do nothing to
change the world, but what we can do, is change ourselves. We can take responsibility for our own actions, live by example and spread love in our own lives. We can make the transition through the four aspects of self: mind, body, emotion and power. We can make a difference as the pebbles in the pond of our local community, sharing love, warm heartedness and kindness and sending these ripples out into the world. As advocates of dance, community, healing and love, Hara Willow and I have designed a series of workshops to help you create balance in your daily lives, taking steps to make the
DYFODOL DISGLAIR - canolfan hyfforddi cyffrous newydd yng nghanol ein cymuned wledig! “Canolfan hyfforddi newydd i oedolion yw Dyfodol Disglair a leolir mewn ystafelloedd pwrpasol i fyny’r staer ym Meithrinfa y Dyfodol, Cellan, nepell o dref Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Rydym yn cynnig cyrsiau ar y cyd â Choleg Sir Gâr a ITECSkills er mwyn diwallu anghenion hyfforddiant pobl lleol yng nghanol y gymuned wledig. Yn barod rydym yn cynnig cyrsiau gofal plant, gan gynnwys Gweithiwr Plant Lefel 3 a bydd cyrsiau NVQ 2, 3 a 5 achrededig CACHE mewn gofal a rheolaeth yn cychwyn ar ddiwedd Ebrill 2017. Dyma ddatblygiad cyffrous newydd sy’n cynnig gofod dysgu, addysgu ac astudio gyda thechnoleg fodern ac adnoddau penigamp i’n rhanddeiliaid; gallwn gynnig lleoliad gwaith hefyd o fewn ein meithrinfa dydd llwyddiannus. Ar wahan i ganolbwyntio ar gyrsiau gofal plant, byddwn hefyd yn cynnal cyrsiau byr ac estynedig mewn cwnsela, technoleg gwybodaeth, iechyd a diogelwch a rheolaeth.” Am wybodaeth pellach am argaeledd ac archebu hyfforddiant, adnoddau ac ystafelloedd, cysylltwch â Helen: 01570 493601,
transition to change and seek harmony. Hara’s speciality is transformational yoga and sound healing, while mine is dance and the wheel of the year. Together, we’re working for a positive change, not just in ourselves but within the local community and the world. For details of our first workshop on Saturday 20 May, please email Hara, Wendy Steele
DYFODOL DISGLAIR - an exciting new training centre in the heart of our rural community! “We are a newly established adult training centre, situated in the heart of our local community in the first-floor area of Meithrinfa y Dyfodol Nursery in Cellan on the outskirts of Lampeter. We offer training in partnership with Coleg Sir Gâr and ITECSkills in order to meet local demand for training and skills in our rural area. We are already running the Playworker (NVQ3) course, and several CACHE accredited Level 2, 3 and 5 courses in childcare and management will commence at the end of April 2017. With this exciting new development we are able to offer an excellent teaching and learning space, along with all modern technologies and facilities to suit the needs of all stakeholders; we are also able to offer work experience at our successful nursery. Apart from childcare, short and extended courses are being developed in areas such as counselling, IT, health and safety and management.” For further information on course availability, rooms and bookings, please contact Helen: 01570 493601,
Congratulations to our Crossword Winner
Lampeter Loyalty Card
Marilyn James
Winner of £30 Loyalty Card Vouchers March: Vole Stein April: Gloria Thomas
Unfortunately this scheme finished in April 2017. Thank you to everyone who has participated.
Reminder: Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue
Copy Deadline
Food For Thought
Fri 12 May
Sat 27 May
Fri 9 June
Sat 24 June
Fri 11 Aug
Sat 26 Aug
The Big Picture
Fri 8 Sept
(for People’s Market)
Sat 23 Sept
Please Send the following to: letters & articles listings
next issue… june - issue 50 copy deadline: friday 12 may theme: ‘food for thought’ do you have strong views about the upcoming General Election? how will ‘brexit’ affect you - update? how should we prepare ourselves for the future? do you grow your own food? If so, do you have tips to pass on to others? how to keep food sustainable - buying local. do you have a favourite comfort food? are some foods good for the brain? what are the latest food fads? why not write in and tell us … (400 words maximum please! )
Diolch / Thank you
Kate , Owner of Mary Kate Boutique with the prize winner’s voucher.
Well done to everyone who sent in entries for crossword 32 … Carol David, Daniel Davies, G. Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, Gwennan Jenkins, Llinos Griffiths, Sally Jones, Dawn Kenwright, George Kinchington, Merry Makers, Geoff Oldrid, Jessica Reid, Angela Roberts, A. Williams and Marye Wyvill Check out your answers for crossword 32 below. See page 37 for more details about the prize from our sponsor for issue 50, Mark Lane Bakery and Café. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 33, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor one of our crosswords, then please contact and someone will get in touch. Diolch /Thank you Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 32 by “Jeep”
Answers P