The Secret Travels of the Grapevine…
in this issue… reviews & letters ads & classifieds what’s going on secret travels town council lampeter food festival lampeter food surplus cothi gardeners totally locally ysgol y dderi long wood ngs gardens twyi valley arts trail cymdeithas hanes llambed / lampeter museum celebrations a resurgence for transition llambed strata florida uwtsd teaching children where food comes from banc hadau llambed ms support group life is a celebration coastal path challenge celebrating community & creativity celebrating through dance celtic christianity ysgol bro pedr platform event ysgol henry richard
The Grapevine team wishes to pass on their sincere apologies to
Grapevine is now available around the world: … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes with you. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos to: and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.
Nikola Bransden for an error in her poem, printed in issue 50, June 2017. We managed to miss out
hand-written version. Sorry Nikola. The full poem is reprinted below.
Gardeners Woe The garden is great The slugs are too! Great big fat ones Munching right through, My spinach and beets, They’re not really fussy Beans, Marrows and peas Through the lot, they are rushing Oh, little ole slimies Spare us a thought For the one that has planted The one that has bought
Osborne House, Isle of Wight. This former royal residence in East Cowes, was built between 1845 and 1851 for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert as a summer home and rural retreat. Thanks to Annie for taking Grapevine to visit too.
The seeds and the seedlings That I grow for my food So don’t eat them all, please And don’t be so rude! Words from the Summerhouse Nikola Bransden
contents cont.d … a welsh youth parliament clonc jottings yr efail kcc crossword competition 2
GRAPEVINE no. 51, July / August 2017 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:
Croeso / Welcome to another issue of the Grapevine … In the light of all the recent tragedies it is difficult to find the right tone for an issue where we have ‘Celebrations’ as our theme. I am sure that all readers would join the Grapevine team in expressing our heartfelt condolences to all who have been affected. Words are difficult to find in situations like these and it is even harder to imagine what the people directly and indirectly involved are going through. Yet, maybe there is something to celebrate in these dark times, when we consider the responses of people close by … the heroism of individuals who stood up to, and fought attackers on behalf of total strangers; the courage of all the emergency services - fire crews, police, ambulance and medical staff tackling horrific scenes and dealing with these traumatic incidents time and time again; all the people who have instinctively gathered together to offer help, in whatever form they can, from offering a place to stay, or giving donations of clothing, food, water or transport, to those organising distribution of items, co-ordinating displays of solidarity or offering support and solace … There has been an outpouring of grief & anger, but at the same time, a real sense of community – a coming together of every section of society, regardless of all the usual barriers; a demonstration of mutual
To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50 / 20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy date for September issue 52: Fri 11 August Theme: ‘Lifestyle’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Moira Hay,
respect, restoring confidence in humanity. This also highlights the value of building strong, sustainable, resilient communities that can survive whatever happens; something that is often reflected in local development plans. So, although it feels a bit awkward, it’s important to build on this positive element and finish by honouring everyone who has been involved, over the past five years, with making the Grapevine the success it now is; definitely an achievement worth celebrating.
Penblwydd Hapus Grapevine Happy 5th Birthday Angie Martin, Editor
polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Grapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team
Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3
Cynhaliwyd y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol (CCB) y Cyngor Tref ar ddydd Mercher 17eg o Fai, 2017 am 7.30pm a’r Cyfarfod Misol i ddilyn. DATGANIAD DERBYN SWYDD/ YMRWYMO i GYDYMFFURFIO Â’R COD YMDDYGIAD yn dilyn Etholiad Di-wrthwynebiad y Cyngor Tref o’r 4ydd o Fai 2017 Ni all Cynghorwyr weithredu nes iddynt arwyddo’r Datganiad Derbyn Swydd a chydymffurfio â’r Cod Ymddygiad. Bu i Gynghorwyr newydd etholedig ymrwymo i wneud hyn yn ystod y CCB sef: Y Cyngh. Hag Harris - Llafur Cymru; Y Gynghorwraig Elin Jones- Plaid Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Rhys Bebb Jones-Plaid Cymru; Y Gynghorwraig Ann Morgan- Plaid Cymru; Dinah Mullholland Llafur Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Rob Phillips- Plaid Cymru; Y Cynghorydd Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cynghorydd David Smith Annibynnol; Y Cynghorydd Christopher Thomas; Y Cynghorydd Selwyn Walters (CYFANSWM SEDDAU POSIBL =15) COFNODI DATGANIAD O FUDDIANT Yn dilyn Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Democratiaeth) (Cymru) 2013, mae’n rhaid i Gynghorau Cymuned a Thref gyhoeddi Cofrestr o Fuddiannau Aelodau ar eu gwefannau. SEREMONI SEFYDLU’R MAER 2017 Cynhaliwyd Seremoni Sefydlu’r Maer yn yr Hen Neuadd, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant ar Nos Wener 26ain o Fai 2017. Roedd 110 o bobl yn bresennol. Estynnwyd llongyfarchion i’r Maer newydd etholedig sef y Cyngh. Hag Harris ar gyfer y flwyddyn fwrdeistrefol 2017-18 (Cynigiwyd gan y Cyngh. David Smith; Eiliwyd gan y Cyngh. Selwyn Walters a PHENDERFYNWYD yn unfrydol) a’r Faeres newydd sef Mrs Eiry Morgan. Bu i’r Cyngh Harris arwyddo’r Datganiad Derbyn Swydd a’r Llw Teyrngarwch cyn iddo gael ei gyflwyno â Chadwyn y Swydd. Datganwyd gwerthfawrogiad i’r Cyn-Faer y Cyngh. David Smith, am ei ymdrechion dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a hefyd i’r Faeres Mrs Meg Smith a Lucy. (Cynigiwyd gan y Maer y Cyngh. Hag Harris ac Eiliwyd gan y Cyngh. Christopher Thomas) Llongyfarchiadau i’r Gyngh. Ann Morgan, ar ei hethol yn Ddirprwy-Faer ar gyfer y Flwyddyn Fwrdesitrefol 2017-18 (Cynigiwyd gan y Cyngh. Hag Harris ac Eiliwyd gan y Cyngh. Rhys Bebb Jones a PHENDERFYNWYD yn unfrydol) Cyflwynwyd tariannau i Gynghorwyr newydd ymddeol – Elsie Dafis (10 blynedd); John Davies (30 o flynyddoedd) a Dorothy Williams ( 35 o flynyddoedd) mewn cydnabiaeth o’u gwasanaeth di-flino i’r Cyngor Tref dros ystod eang o flynyddoedd. Hefyd i’r Cyngh Andrew Carter (22 o flynyddoedd) a’r Cyngh. Derek Wilson (13 o flynyddoedd) – in absentia. Caplan y Maer yw’r Canon Andy Herrick a fydd yn arwain Gwasanaeth Sifig a gynhelir yn Eglwys San Pedr, Llanbedr Pont Steffan ar Ddydd Sul 25ain o Fehefin am 10.30am. Croeso Cynnes i bawb. Ar derfyn y Cyfarfod bu i westeion ymuno â’r Maer a’r Faeres mewn Croeso Anffurfiol i nodi’r achlysur yn yr Hen Lyfrgell, PCYDDS, Llanbedr PS. Diolchwyd i Mrs Carol Thomas, y Cyfieithydd ar y Pryd am ddarparu ei gwasanaeth yn rhad ac am ddim ac Ann Morgan am ganu’r piano. Gwybodaeth pellach parthed Gweinyddiaeth newydd y Cyngor Tref ar gael ar y safle ar y we 4
The Town Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Wednesday 17 May 2017 at 7.30pm. The Monthly Meeting followed the AGM. DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE/UNDERTAKING TO COMPLY WITH THE CODE OF CONDUCT Following the Unopposed Election of the 4th May 2017 Councillors were not able to act until they had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and had agreed to comply with the Code of Conduct; these were undertaken during the AGM by: Cllr Hag Harris – Welsh Labour; Cllr Elin Jones- Plaid Cymru; Cllr Rhys Bebb Jones- Plaid Cymru; Cllr Ann Morgan- Plaid Cymru; Dinah Mullholland – Welsh Labour; Cllr Rob Phillips - Plaid Cymru; Cllr Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr David SmithIndependent; Cllr Christopher Thomas; Cllr Selwyn Walters. (TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS AVAILABLE 15) REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS: Further to the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, Community and Town Councils must publish a Register of Members Interest on their website. MAYOR’S INAUGURATION CEREMONY 2017 The Ceremony was held at the Old Hall, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter on Friday 26 May 2017. 110 people had been present. Congratulations were extended to Cllr Hag Harris, the newly elected Mayor for the Municipal year 2017-18 (Proposed by Cllr David Smith and Seconded by Cllr Selwyn Walters and unanimously RESOLVED) and Mrs Eiry Morgan the new Mayoress. Cllr Harris signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Oath of Allegiance before being presented with the Chain of Office. The recently retired Mayor, Cllr David Smith was thanked for his work during the past year, also, the Mayoress Mrs Meg Smith and Lucy. (Proposed by Mayor Cllr Hag Harris and Seconded by Cllr Christopher Thomas) Congratulations were also extended to Cllr Ann Morgan, the newly elected Deputy-Mayor for the Municipal Year 2017-18 (Proposed by Cllr Hag Harris and Seconded by Cllr Rhys Bebb-Jones and unanimously RESOLVED). Recently retired Cllrs – Elsie Dafis (10 years); John Davies (30 years) and Dorothy Williams (35 years) were presented with Shields in recognition of their valuable service to the Town Council, over many years. Also, Cllr Andrew Carter (22 years) and Cllr Derek Wilson (13 years) (in absentia). The Mayor’s Chaplain is Canon Andy Herrick, who will lead a Civic Service at St Peter’s Church, Lampeter on Sunday 25 June at 10.30am. All Welcome. At the conclusion of the Ceremony guests joined the Mayor and Mayoress at an Informal Reception to mark the occasion at the Old Library, UWTSD Lampeter. Thanks were conveyed to Mrs Carol Thomas, the Simultaneous Translator for providing her services, free of charge and to Ann Morgan for playing the piano. Further information regarding the Town Council and the new administration is available from the website
grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE
In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.
This years Lampeter food festival is our 20th one and will be held on 29 July with everything kicking off from 10am! We are taking over Trinity St David's campus once again for a large celebration of good food and drink! We have a mixture of local organisations and crafters also attending so there will be something for everyone. We are excited to announce that Holmes Fair will be returning supporting Lampeter Round Table in the children's entertainment area along with a facepainter - plenty to keep your little ones amused!. Our entertainment tent is being occupied by the wonderful Tribal Unity, Cariad and Gaia United this year along with one or two other treats for the eyes and ears!. Our cookery demo tent has a great variety of chefs including a celebrity, and we are hoping to launch a new activity this year so keep an eye out on our Facebook page and website. Lampeter Food Festival is run by volunteer directors - if you’re interested in getting involved, please get in touch so we can keep it running for the next 20 years!. Please keep an eye on our Facebook and website for more reveals and full stallholder lists. We would like to thank our sponsors who are listed on our website and also the university for helping us continue to run this fantastic day! See you there! 29 July, 10am Elin Jones Chairperson
Cothi Gardeners’ Club Our next meeting will be on 19 July, starting at 7.30pm when our speaker will be Jenny Matthews. Jenny and Kevin Matthews run Moorland Cottage Plants, a nursery and garden near Crymych in Pembrokeshire. Their site is on the northern slopes of the Preseli mountains and often exposed to wind and very low temperatures in the winter. So, Jenny is certainly qualified to present to us an evening of ‘Plants for Problem Places’. Whether you have a large or small garden, there are sure to be one or two spots where you’re not sure just which plant will thrive. Come along on 19 July for some tips and advice. Jenny will bring some plants for sale, grown at her own nursery. She does not use a polytunnel so all her plants are hardy and ready to go straight into your garden.
More information can be found at At this time of year, many of our members have spare plants which they bring along to sell, proceeds going towards club funds. Our August meeting will be a ‘Members’ Medley’ social evening, then our first meeting of the Autumn will be on 20 Sept. Join us at 7.30pm, visitors pay £3 (includes tea / coffee), annual membership is £14. Click to learn more about the club, connect with us on Facebook or phone Julian & Fiona on 01558 685119. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW. Donna Worrall
Lampeter Food Surplus Lampeter Food Surplus will be operating from Victoria Hall 4-6pm every Thursday instead of Monday from the beginning of July (as it’s a better day for surplus) … distributing free food to anyone who wants it. We are also appealing to any local businesses who would like to donate their edible surplus, as well as willing volunteers to help cook and/or pick up food. Contact: Sarah, 01974 821 219
Following on from Ysgol y Dderi’s article in Issue 50, June 2017 ... The PTA would like to thank the Co-operative and Sainsbury’s for sponsoring the recent pizza and quiz evening. Hoffai Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon yr ysgol ddiolch i’r Co-operative a Sainsbury’s am noddi noson pizza a cwis yr ysgol yn ddiweddar Diolch yn fawr Ffion Llwyd Dafydd
Send your Articles, Letters & Reviews to:
Copy Deadline: Fri 11 Aug
Totally Locally Llambed Totally Locally is all about Me, You, Him & Her. It’s about shopping in Your street, Your town, Your district. It’s about jobs & community; and it’s about investing today for a prosperous tomorrow. It’s about making our towns better places to live, work & visit. It’s about supporting local growers, producers and services - be it furniture makers, accountants, farmers, butchers florists or bakers. Totally Locally is an ongoing campaign to open your eyes to the great independent shops and businesses which grace Lampeter’s streets, and is here to encourage you to turn into the door of that shop you walk past every day. Go on, give it a try - there’s a good chance you’ll want to go back. Most of all though Totally Locally is about people. Great people. People who care about what they do, what they grow, what they make, and ultimately the people they sell it to. It’s about all of us, and our collective responsibility to support these businesses … because when we do
our towns thrive. If you support a local shop or business, chances are they support at least ten others. It’s the very structure of what we have come to love about this wonderful town of ours. * * * * * Totally Locally is a national social enterprise, and was set up to encourage people to make people rethink the place they live. It’s won a few nice big awards, received national recognition, is in over 60 UK towns and has spread as far as New Zealand & Australia. The 'blueprint' has also been made totally free to any town that wants it. It’s nice to be nice! Head Office is run by a small group of marketeers and designers people who want to see our towns thrive, and keep the individuality they have, rather than join the ranks of the many ‘clone towns’ around the country. They make no money from Totally Locally, and neither do the small group of Lampeter voluntary co-ordinators. Totally Locally is quirky and fun, but backed with a serious message - use your local shops and businesses and the place you live will be nicer - it’s that simple! To get on-board, support the Totally Locally Llambed message, and see how you can locally make a difference join in at Lampeter Chamber of Trade
STRIDE OUT walking group - 3
Leave Leisure Centre, turn left into Peterwell Terrace down to Hafen Deg Care Home, past the Police Station up Mount walk into Peterwell Terrace, past Fire Station into Harford Row, left into New Street down to Bridge Street turn left up to Conti's roundabout down College Street along North Road into Tregaron Road, turn right into Industrial Estate around the estate and back into Tregaron Road up to North Road, down to Park, walk thro' Park up Bryn Road and across the green and return to Leisure Centre. Anne Lucas
August Bank Holiday 28 August Third successful year of this Village Show Classes in: Cooking; Baking; Floral Art; Horticulture; Agriculture; Art; Crafts; Photography; Children’s Classes; Dog Show; Chicken Show. BBQ AND BEER
Why not get in touch the Grapevine team is always keen to hear from you
Schedule available from Village Shop & Llanfair Clydogau FB page
Cafwyd prynhawn bendigedig o fwynhau Chwaraeon Potes o dan arweiniad yr Urdd i blant y Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1 a 2. Cafwyd y cyfle i wella sgiliau mewn nifer o weithgareddau. Diolch am y cyfle.
A fantastic afternoon of ‘Chwaraeon Potes’ was had with the Urdd. Reception, Year 1 and 2 children had the chance to practise different skills in a varied afternoon of games. Thank you for the opportunity.
Bu plant blwyddyn 5 a 6 ar y llyn gyda ‘Llandysul Paddlers’. Cafwyd cyfleoedd gwych i wella sgiliau tîm ac i ennill profiadau newydd wrth ddysgu sut i fynd mewn caiac ac i rafftio.
Year 5 and 6 children spent the day with Llandysul Paddlers where they all had a fantastic time on the lake learning kayaking and rafting skills. It was an excellent opportunity to improve team building skills as well as gaining new experiences.
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a wnaeth yn arbennig ar lefel cenedlaethol yng ngwaith celf a chrefft Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd. Llwyddodd yr ysgol i ennill wyth gwobr eleni, dyma’r canlyniadau: 1af Ffotograffiaeth Bl 2 ac iau - Osian Bird 1af Gwaith Crochenwaith Bl 3 a 4 - Grŵp Rhydian, Rhun, Bleddyn a Dion 2il Gwaith Creadigol 3D Bl 5 a 6 - Grŵp Briar, Lily, Christie a Chantelle 2il Gwaith Crochenwaith Bl 2 ac iau - Grŵp Lili, Leah, Sam a Charlie 2il Creu Arteffact Bl 2 ac iau - Grŵp Noah G, Caleb H, Dylan a Neo 2il Gwehyddu Bl 3 a 4 - Beca Ebenezer 3ydd Ffotograffiaeth â Graffeg Cyfrifiadurol Bl 5 a 6/Christie Boyle 3ydd Creu Arteffact Bl 3 a 4 - Grŵp Cerys, Zoe, Sara a Ffion
Congratulations to all the children who achieved success in the art and craft competitions at the Urdd National Eisteddfod. The school managed to win 8 prizes this year, here are the results: 1st Photography Yr 2 and under - Osian Bird 1st Pottery Years 3 & 4 - Group Rhydian, Rhun, Bleddyn a Dion 2nd 3D Creative Work Years 5 & 6 - Group Briar, Lily, Christie a Chantelle 2nd Pottery Yr 2 and under - Group Lili, Leah, Sam a Charlie 2nd Artefact Yr 2 and under - Group Noah G, Caleb H, Dylan a Neo 2nd Weaving Years 3 and 4 - Beca Ebenezer 3rd Photography & Computer Graphics Years 5 and 6 - Christie Boyle 3rd Artefact Years 4 and 4 - Group Cerys, Zoe, Sara a Ffion
Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Martha Haf, Lili Branwen, Steffan a Gruffydd ar eu llwyddiant yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd, cawsant yr ail wobr am eu perfformiad gwych o’r ymgom. Braf oedd eu gweld ar y teledu ac yn siarad yn fyw ar Radio Cymru am y gystadleuaeth. Profiadau bythgofiadwy i’r pedwar ohonynt.
Congratulations to Martha Haf, Lili Branwen, Steffan and Gruffydd who won second prize for the sketch in the National Urdd Eisteddfod. It was great to see them on the television and being interviewed live on Radio Cymru about their success. Unforgettable experiences for them all.
Mae llaeth organig Calon Wen gyda logo newydd a chynlluniwyd gan Andrew Davies o flwyddyn 4 bellach ar werth. Cafodd Andrew ei gyfweld ar rhaglen ‘Heno’ ar S4C er mwyn esbonio’r gystadleuaeth a’r ysbrydoliaeth cafodd ef wrth fynd ati i gynllunio’r logo. Rydyn i gyd yn falch iawn ohonot ti Andrew.
Calon Wen organic milk is now for sale with the new logo designed by Andrew Davies, year 4. We were very proud of Andrew being interviewed live on S4C’s ‘Heno’ talking about the inspiration for the design and how he won the competition.
Cuddfannau a Dant y Llew yw thema plant y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma. Maent wedi cychwyn y gwaith wrth fynd am daith natur o amgylch yr ysgol ac i’r goedlan er mwyn adnabod blodau gwyllt.
Dens and Dandelions is the theme for the Foundation Phase children this half term. They’ve kick started the work by going on nature walks, finding and naming as many wild flowers as they can. Nos Iau 20fed o Orffennaf, 2017 6-8yh/Thursday 20th July, 2017 6-8pm Lilian Jones 9
Film Night Fri 7 July: Moonlight (R) Mahershala Ali, Shariff Earp, Duan Sanderson
Fri 21 July: La La Land (PG-13) Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt
There will be no films during August Film Nights will resume on Fri 8 September DOORS OPEN 7.15pm for 7.45pm start Admission by Donation BIG SCREEN & DIGITAL THEATRE SOUND HEARING LOOP NOW AVAILABLE
For more details:
Diwrnod 1: Ar ddydd Sul, am wyth o gloch yn y bore, roeddwn i, Llion, Gruffydd, Gabriella, Harrison, Steffan, Miss Mared a Mrs Heini ar ein ffordd i faes awyr Stansted. Roedd cofrestru bach yn anodd ond ar ôl cael bach o help fe gyrhaeddon ni’r awyren 5 munud cyn iddo adael. Roedden ni’n lwcus iawn i wneud hi mewn pryd! Diwrnod 2: Dydd Llun oedd ein diwrnod cyntaf yn yr ysgol yn Latvia. Fe gwrddon ni â’n gwesteiwyr ac wedyn roedd rhaid i ni fynd i ganu. Fe glywon ni pob gwlad yn canu ond fy hoff wlad i oedd Latfia. Roedden nhw’n dda iawn. Ar ôl ysgol, aethon ni i ysgol arall i wylio côr gwahanol. Cerddon ni o’r ysgol i’r cychod er mwyn hwylio ar yr afon Lielupe. Fe welon ni hwyaid a hyd yn oed carw! Ar ôl y cychod, aethon ni nol i dŷ ein gwesteiwyr. Diwrnod 3: Ar ôl ysgol aethon ni i siop losin. Roedd y siop losin hon yn arbennig oherwydd roedd yn gwerthu losin sydd ddim ar gael mewn unrhyw wlad arall. Wedyn, cerddon ni o’r siop losin i dŵr lle welon ni llawer o dai, ysgolion a’r gwesty lle roedden ni’n aros. Diwrnod tri oedd un o’m hoff ddiwrnodau. Diwrnod 4: Ar ddydd Mercher, aethon ni i Camp Ledini lle'r oedd pwll nofio allanol. Aethon ni i gael bwyd ac yna i’r pwll nofio. Y plant o Gymru oedd y cyntaf i fynd mewn a’r olaf i ddod mas! Wedyn aethon ni i ddawnsio dawns draddodiadol. Roedd y dawnsio yn gyfle da i wneud ffrindiau newydd. Diwrnod 5: Ar ddydd Iau, aethon ni i barc natur Tērvete. Cerddon ni o gwmpas a gweld anifeiliaid wedi eu stwffio a ffeithiau amdanyn nhw. Yna cerddon ni draw i weld pryfed wedi eu gwneud allan o bren, ac roedd rhaid i ni ddweud os taw ffrindiau neu elynion oeddent. Wedyn, aethon ni i’r ardal gwifrau gwib. Diwrnod 5 oedd un oedd un o’m hoff ddiwrnodau hefyd. Diwrnod 6: Ar ddydd Gwener aethon ni i’r traeth. Aethon ni i roi’n traed yn y Môr Baltig. Ar ôl y traeth aethon ni i gael crempogau. Roedd un crempog yn sawrus a’r un arall yn felys. Yna aethon ni nol i dŷ ein gwesteiwyr am ychydig. Am 5 o’r gloch, roedd rhaid i ni fynd draw i’r ysgol i baratoi am y parêd i ddathlu pen blwydd Jelgava. Yn y parêd siaradais i â Christina, athrawes o wlad Groeg, am fytholeg Groegaidd, rhywbeth sydd o ddiddordeb mawr i mi. Diwrnod 7: Ar ddydd Sadwrn, fe ddihunon ni am wyth o’r gloch er mwyn mynd i faes awyr Riga. Cyrhaeddon ni adre am wyth o’r gloch y nos – roeddwn i jyst mewn pryd i ddathlu pen-blwydd fy mrawd. Rydyn ni’n lwcus iawn i gael teithiau fel hyn ac rydw i’n ddiolchgar dro ben i Ysgol y Dderi am roi cyfleoedd fel hyn i ni.
Day 1: On Sunday, at eight o'clock in the morning, me, Llion, Gruffydd, Gabriella, Harrison, Steffan, Miss Mared and Mrs Heini were saying goodbye to our families and were on our way to Stansted airport. I was very excited because it was my first time flying on an aeroplane. Check in was a bit stressful, but with a bit of help we found ourselves sitting on the aeroplane five minutes before it took off. We were very lucky to reach the aeroplane in time! Day 2: Monday was the first day of school. First we went to meet our hosts, and then we went to sing in assembly. We listened to each country sing. My favourites were the Latvian children. After school, we went to another school to listen to another choir sing. After that we walked from the school to the boats to sail on the Lielupe river. We spotted some ducks and at one point, a deer! After the boats, we went back to our hosts' houses. Day 3: After school, we went to a sweet shop. This sweet shop was special because there were sweets there that are only in Latvia and unavailable in other countries. After going to the sweet shop, we went to a sight-seeing tower. From the tower we could see the hotel we were staying in, schools, and other buildings. Day three was one of my favourites. Day 4: On Wednesday, we went to Camp Ledini where there was an outside swimming pool. We went to get food first and then we went to swim. All of us from Wales went into the pool. We were the first ones in and the last ones out! After that we danced traditional dances which was a good opportunity to make new friends. Day 5: On Thursday, we went to Tērvete nature park. We walked around to a section where there were taxidermies and facts about them. Then we walked over to an area where there were insects made out of wood and we had to say if they were friends or foes. Day 5 was also one of my favourite days. Day 6: On Friday we went to the beach and dipped our feet into the Baltic Sea. It was very cold! After the beach we went to get pancakes. One was sweet and one was savoury. Then we went back to our hosts for a short while. At five o’clock, we went to the school to get ready for the parade to celebrate the birthday of Jelgava. In the parade, I talked to Christina, a teacher from Greece, about Greek mythology, my favourite interest. Day 7: On Saturday, we woke up at eight o’clock and headed for Riga airport. We arrived back home at eight o’clock in the night - I was just in time for my brother’s birthday. We’re very lucky to have trips like this and I’m very grateful to Ysgol y Dderi for giving us such opportunities.
Lili-Branwen 11
COEDWIG GYMUNEDOL LONG WOOD COMMUNITY WOODLAND Celebrations It seems that summer has crept up on us this year and is now in full effect. Spring and summer see a shift in the nature of the work here at Long Wood. The raspberries have already flowered and the rosebay willow herb is shooting up along the woodland edges and will soon be providing late season forage for visiting bees, butterflies and other invertebrates. In June, Long Wood were pleased to welcome the Llais y Goedwig group as part of their annual gathering. The group, hosted this year by Denmark Farm, visited for an afternoon and enjoyed workshops on woodland management, timber framing, sawmill operation and forest schooling. Our summer activities focus on attending shows and hosting events here at the woodlands. We will be attending the Lampeter Agricultural Show and the Lampeter Food Festival promoting our services and our goods, so do pop in and say hello if you are there on the day. If you’ve got a timber supply query that you think we may be able to help with, one of our staff will be pleased to answer your questions. Unlike last year, we have no large scale celebrations planned this summer at Long Wood but will focus on small scale, more personal events including further arts exhibitions at Canolfan Long Wood over the weekends, family pond dipping and other outdoor activities. You can keep up to date with these
activities by checking here in the Grapevine, on our website or via our Facebook page. Our Woodland Wednesday volunteer group continues to deliver in the woods. They undertake everything from path maintenance to the more recent hare and dragon themed installations. We are grateful to each of our regular and occasional volunteers who continue to give up their time to deliver tangible change that improves the visitor experience here at the woodlands. If you are interested in joining this group of mixed ages and mixed abilities, why not give us a call, drop us an email or just pop in. The sessions run from 10am-4pm on Wednesdays (but you are obviously free to leave whenever you like!).
Dont forget, we are also running a regular photo competition. This month’s theme is “Leaves and Flowers” so get creative, get out into the woods and send entries to before 5pm, Monday 17 July, for your chance to win a bird or bat box. Entry Classes for 15 & under; and 16 and above You can enter as many photos as you like Once we've whittled down to the final 5 they will go to a popular vote on our Facebook page Prize would be for collection (unless you are local and we can drop it off on the way). Good Luck! Andrew Gajlikowski
Join our mailing list, find us on Facebook or Contact: 01570 493355,
Sculptors Garden & Bwlchau Duon Gardens OPEN FOR CHARITY as part of the NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME Sunday 25 June Raising funds for McMillan cancer care, Marie Curie cancer support and many other worthy charities. A joint opening of the Sculptors garden and Bwlchau Duon in the village of Ffarmers, will see these gardens open in aid of charity. The admission fee of £5 includes both gardens and all the funds raised go to charity. The gardens will be open on 25 June from 2–6pm. Sculptors Garden can be found in the centre of the village of Ffarmers and was developed by the owners who are both sculptors. They have been multi award winners at the Chelsea Flower show. The courtyard garden with formal and informal planting on different levels was created to form back drops for their garden sculptures. Leading on to a newly opened piece of land giving a contrast of a shady area of established beech trees, natural stream and meadow. Bwlchau Duon which is further up the mountain on the out skirts of Ffarmers is a 1 acre, ever evolving garden set in the foothills of the Cambrian mountains at 1100ft. This is a plant-a-holics haven, where borders are full of unusual plants as well as lots of old favourites. There are raised vegetable gardens, a 100ft herbaceous border, newly planted natural bog area and winding pathways through semi-woodland with magnificent views over the Cothi Valley. There are also rare breed turkeys, chickens, geese and rabbits. There will be home made teas available at both gardens and a interesting range of plants for sale at Bwlchau Duon. Sculptors Garden, Old Post office, Ffarmers is 7 miles SE of Lampeter, 8 miles NW of Llanwrda. On A482 take turning to village of Ffarmers, SA19 8LQ. Sculptors Garden is opposite Drovers Arms. Bwlchau Duon, SA19 8JJ will be sign posted from the vilage. and Angela Farquharson-Duffy
Tywi Valley Open Studios Arts Trail 2017 Facebook: Tywi Valley Open Studios This year’s Open Studio event runs from 22–30 July. Look out for a free brochure at the Library, Mulberry Bush, D H William’s Hardware shop and many other outlets in Lampeter and district. Following the success of last year’s event there are now 37 artists and craftspeople taking part, so there is an amazing selection of artwork to see, from Ceramics to Paper Folding, Sculpture, Textiles, Felt-making, Lettercutting, Drawing, Printmaking, and every kind of Painting. All the studios are free to visit. The trail covers a 15 mile radius of Llandeilo, and you can join the trail at the nearest studios to Lampeter, just over the border into Carmarthenshire at Ffaldybrenin
and Ffarmers. As well as the great variety of artwork on display visitors have the chance to see the artist’s studio and find out more about how the work is made. Many of the artists offer workshops so that you can make something yourself. Workshop dates and times can be found in the brochure or on the website. All the studios are open during the first weekend, thereafter check opening times as not all studios are open every day. Everyone involved in this event is looking forward to welcoming you to their homes and studios. We all hope you will enjoy your visit. Check the website for images of each artist’s work and links to artists’ own websites Lil Tudor-Craig 13
Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed The current series of talks and lectures came to a close with the May meeting, when Hannah Epicheff, House Steward at Llanerchaeron gave a Power-point presentation on the renovations at Llanerchaeron, and its history over the past 2 centuries. Selwyn Walters, Chairman, thanked her for her interesting and informative talk. The Annual General Meeting was held during this meeting, and the Chairman and Treasurer gave good and favourable reports for the past year, - both for Cymdeithas Hanes and The Museum, which is run by our members. Gaenor Parry resigned from the Committee, and was thanked for her work since the beginning of Cymdeithas Hanes, and latterly as Education Officer for the Museum. Yvonne Davies stepped down as Press Officer, and Euros Jones and Rev. Beti Morris left the Executive Committee. They were replaced by Alan Leech and Angela Roberts. The other officers remain the same as last year. During the June executive meeting, Alan Leech agreed to take on the post of Press Officer. The annual Summer outing at the end of June was to the Woollen Mill at Drefach Felindre, and on to the Museum of Power at Rhydlewis. This visit was arranged by our Secretary, Barbara Jones. The new season of talks will re-commence in September, more information in the next issue of Grapevine.
Amgueddfa Llambed / Lampeter Museum Another valuation Day was held at the Museum during the month of June, and quite a number turned up with their belongings. A grand raffle has been organised for the Museum funds, tickets on sale now at the Museum and with Cymdeithas Hanes members, so please support the Museum by calling in and buying a ticket. Yvonne Davies
The word conjures up soft focus images of food, family, laughter, music and maybe even a bit of dancing. I think of day dreaming, planning, preparation, hard work and even stress. I dig deeper and my work (Postnatal support and Reproductive Healing) means my thoughts go straight to women. The everyday Masterminds behind our celebrations - times of joy, hard work and ritual so essential to the happiness and wellbeing of social groups the world over. And I wonder how often we celebrate women? We have Mother’s Day and International Women’s Day marking the awesomeness of women - BIG public statements that come round once a year to remind us of how great women are. And then we forget – drinking in Magazine Covers , TV Shows, Adverts, Fashion gurus, Parenting gurus who belittle us and play on our Not Good Enough Feelings and our not so secret fears. In my work I bear witness to the stories and experiences of women – their fears, feelings, hopes and dreams, sadness, loss, trauma, triumphs and celebrations. Women who have just grown a whole human being and pushed that little person out of their amazing bodies worrying about an extra belly roll and pre maternity jeans. Women giving their all to grow and nourish little people, continually second guessing their parenting decisions. Women growing older, worrying about grey hairs and laughter lines, health and “women’s issues DOWN THERE”, invisibility and loss of value as they transition from Mother to Enchantress and Crone. I hear much self-criticism and self-deprecation and I hear little celebration of power, knowledge, wisdom and achievement. And I want to nourish that in the youth, beauty and wealth driven celebrity culture we live in. The dictionary definition of Celebration is: “to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites to honour especially by solemn ceremonies to mark, hold up or play up for public notice.” And I think it is time we remembered to celebrate and honour ourselves as women. In private moments as well as on public occasions! Come along to fortnightly Cwtch Up Mothers Lunches in Mydroilyn Village Hall to celebrate your Mothering or get in touch if you’d like to learn more about Mizan Therapy’s self-care techniques for Honouring your Womb and Reproductive Health. Kalindi Black
Could you write an article, letter or review? Word count: 400 maximum Send to: Deadline: Fri 11 Aug 2017 See Grapevine page for full guidelines
Find me on Facebook @ Cwtch Up with Kalindi Black – Postnatal Doula and Breastfeeding Counsellor. Or phone 01545 580559. 14
A Resurgence for Transition Llambed?
A Guerilla Gardening project like we saw in Demain -
At our screening of the film Demain (“Tomorrow”) on 3 June, we asked people to fill in Postcards to Tomorrow with their hopes and concerns for tomorrow's world. We’d like to be able to take some of the responses forward and develop them - if there are people in the community who would like to join in.
Incredible Edible Todmorden in West Yorks, where people have planted fruit, nuts, veg, salad leaves in unused spaces all over town. We recommend the inspirational online TED talk by its founder Pam Warhurst (search her name at ). Maybe the council would help, or maybe we could “just do it!” like Pam and her friends did. Is it too late in the year? Let’s plan together for next year. Are you up for it?
Are you interested in seeing any of these initiatives start up in Lampeter?
a Repair Café like the ones that have started in Machynlleth, Cardiff, Llandrindod Wells - see It’s a free get-together where people share, and teach each other, skills for repairing or mending their broken or worn-out possessions - clothes, toasters, electronic gadgets! This not only reduces the amount of “stuff” going into landfill sites, but is also fun and satisfying in itself. So do you have repair-type skills, and some time to spare for a “make do and mend” project? Or are you eager to learn, or to teach your children simple repairs (sewing on a button, for starters)?
Or we could have a foraging workshop… learn how to cook roadkill (yes!)… start a community renewable energy scheme… Have a look online, or in the library, at projects other Transition Towns have created. What would you like to see happen here, and can you help make it happen? Some of the hopes expressed on the postcards were:
Victoria Hall needs a bit of help! As you probably know, Victoria Hall is run by a small group of volunteers who form TLDT, a not for profit company. At the moment, there’s more to do in running and improving the hall than there are people to do it! We really need an extra volunteer to take responsibility for the cleanliness of our catering kitchen. This would involve a bit of day to day cleaning and tidying (we pay to have it deep cleaned at regular intervals), keeping up the necessary paperwork to record this, and making sure we’re stocked with cleaning materials, bin bags etc. Ideally the person doing this should have food hygiene certification or be willing to gain this. We would be happy for this person to also make use of the kitchen when it’s not booked. Could you help with this? Would you like to be involved in supporting Victoria Hall? If you’re interested in this please get in touch with us via email: Facebook: Victoria Hall Lampeter or call in to a People’s Market (2nd and 4th Saturdays) to chat to one of TLDT. Diolch / Thanks 15
That all Llanbedr and surrounding area residents can live and work HERE in community for all * “A flourishing biosphere and a convivial society” (quote from Colin Tudge who came to town to speak at a Green Party event).
* Recreating a healthy and peaceful world… a world my grandchild can live in… * Yes, we can! How to get involved: and tell Email: us what your skills are, or what you’d like to learn to do Admin Team, Transition Llambed, Write to us: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7EE (or put it through the letterbox, high up, left of the double doors) Skills are something you can Remember: give away and still keep! Dr Vole Transition Llambed Admin Team
The Strata Florida Trust with Cadw, The National Library of Wales
and the Council for British Archaeology
CELEBRATING STRATA FLORIDA Two days of events for all with exhibitions, displays, talks, guided walks and archaeology
15-16 July 2017 10am to 4-30pm at Strata Florida Abbey, Pontrhydfendigaid, SY25 6ES
FREE ENTRY TO MONUMENT AND EVENT On Sunday 16th there will also be a celebration of
1000 Years of Worship at Strata Florida with the Nanteos Cup on display
Ymddiriedolaeth Ystrad Fflur gyda Cadw, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru a’s Cyngor Archeolog Prydeinig
DATHLU YSTRAD FFLUR Dau ddiwrnod o ddigwyddiadau i bawb, a fydd yn cynnwys arddangosfeydd, arddangosiadau, sgyrsiau, teithiau tywys ac archeoleg
15-16 Gorffennaf 2017 Rhwng 10am. a 4-30pm yn Abaty Ystrad Fflur, Pontrhydfendigaid, SY25 6ES NI CHODIR TÂL MYNEDIAD I’R DIGWYDDIAD NA’R BENEB Dydd Sul 16 bydd cyfle I ddathlu
1000 o Fflynddoedd o Addoli yn Ystrad Fflur a chyfle I weld Cwpan Nanteos 16
A Special Weekend at Strata Florida Last August, the Strata Florida Trust bought a complex of historic buildings, called Mynachlog Fawr which lie immediately to the south of the Cadw monument. These include the original gentry home of the Stedman family, built out of the remains of the Abbey’s Refectory. The intention is to preserve the buildings using traditional materials and skills and use them to create the Strata Florida Centre. This will promote greater understanding of, and access to, Strata Florida’s important history within Wales, and build an experience for all who come around the extraordinary cultural and spiritual values of the place. It will promote also its historic landscape setting, the story of Welsh life since the Dissolution and the story of the Celtic monastery which was there before the Cistercians. To present all this to the public and to the local communities we are holding a two-day event, called ‘Dathlu Ystrad Fflur’ (‘Celebrating Strata Florida’) on the weekend of 15 & 16 July in and around the Abbey site and the recently-acquired property. Cadw are allowing the public into the monument free of charge on both days and the Trust will make no charge for entrance to the event. There will be things for everyone, of all ages, to see and do, and everything that happens on these two days will be related to the long history of the place. The event will also launch the Council for British Archaeology’s Welsh Festival of Archaeology and so there will be demonstrations of archaeological techniques and discoveries, including an excavation children can join in as part of a Young Archaeologist’s Club. In collaboration with the National Library of Wales the Nanteos Cup will be on public display in front of the High Altar of the former Abbey Church, but on the Sunday only. On the Saturday (15), there will be Talks in the parish church of St Mary’s by eminent scholars about the history of Strata Florida; as well as by the sculptor of the Pilgrim, a figure on the hill behind the Abbey. There will be four Guided Walks: the Abbey ruins; the Trust’s buildings and our plans for their future; the archaeology and ecology of Abbey woods; and the excavated medieval Gatehouse. Other Activities (including many for children) include re-enactments, demonstrations of traditional crafts and skills, performances, workshops, story-telling, medieval music and harp performances. For children in particular the Small World Theatre will have performances with giant puppets, story-telling and workshops making tabards; the Freemen of Gwent will see people in medieval costume, armour and weapons with re-enactments of how battles were once fought; a chance to create small sculptures from soapstone and make leatherwork embossed with medieval decorations; and they can enjoy activities devised by the Trust and the Royal Commission for Ancient and Historic Monuments in Wales. There will also be Stalls selling local crafts as well as large Exhibitions about the story of Strata Florida by the Trust and its partners. In the evening there will be a Twmpath in Pantyfedwen Village Hall, Pontrhydfendigaid. On Sunday (16) in addition to most of the activities happening on Saturday, including talks on other subjects and poetry readings, we will be ‘Celebrating a 1,000 years of Worship at Strata Florida’. This will consist of short ceremonies spread throughout the day which reflect this long history beginning with a short service taken from the early Book of Common Prayer in the Welsh version of 1620; then Sext, an office of the Cistercian day in Latin with plainchant, and later a Christian Well Service related to the presence of a holy well at the centre of the Abbey church. In the evening in Rhydfendigaid Methodist Chapel will be a Cymanfa Ganu. To find out more about this, our discoveries and plans for the future please visit our web-site a bit closer to the date: and follow us on Facebook. David Austin, Chair of the Strata Florida Trust 17
Dathliadau yn Y Drindod Dewi Sant
Graddio Bydd seremoni Raddio Llambed yn cael ei chynnal ar 7fed Gorffennaf eleni. Rydym yn falch iawn o bawb a fydd yn dathlu cwblhau eu hastudiaethau gyda ni eleni ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu eu ffrindiau a'u teuluoedd i'r campws a'r dref ar 7fed Gorffennaf. Dathlu Cytgord a Heddwch Mae’r Brifysgol yn falch iawn i gynnal diwrnod wedi’i ymroi i therapïau, meddyginiaeth a threftadaeth amgen Tsieineaidd, ar 11 Gorffennaf. Bydd y diwrnod yn cynnwys ystod o wahanol weithdai a sesiynau ymarferol yn galluogi i bobl ddeall a samplo'r amrywiaeth cyfoethog o ymagweddau amgen at wella’r corff, y meddwl a’r ysbryd. Er enghraifft, bydd sesiwn ar feddyginiaeth amgen Tsieineaidd, arddangosfeydd Tai Chi a Kung Fu a dillad a cherddoriaeth draddodiadol Tsieineaidd. Bydd y Brifysgol yn cefnogi’r digwyddiad gyda’i gweithdai ymarferol ei hun ar ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, lles, aciwbigo Tsieineaidd, technegau myfyrdod ac yoga. Mae’r digwyddiad yn rhad ac am ddim ac rydym yn gobeithio y bydd cymaint o’r gymuned leol â phosibl yn gallu mynychu rhai o’r sesiynau neu bob un ohonynt. Bydd bwyd Tsieineaidd ar gael yn y Ffreutur. Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Jonathon Harries., 01570 424723.
(RTEF) Croeso Cymru, mae’r grŵp wedi datblygu ap newydd gyda chwmni digidol ‘Locly’ o Fangor i ddod â thirwedd chwedlonol Ceredigion yn fyw, gan gyflwyno storïau, gemau sy’n seiliedig ar chwedlau, gweithgareddau a gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr wrth iddynt grwydro’r ardal gyda’u ffonau clyfar. Mae’r ap newydd yn gweithio drwy dechnoleg y System Leoli Fyd-eang (GPS) ac iBeacon i ddod o hyd i’r defnyddiwr a gwthio cynnwys i’w ddyfais. Y bwriad yw annog ymwelwyr i ymgysylltu’n ddyfnach â diwylliant y rhanbarth ac ymweld â mannau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r chwedlau a gynhwysir ar yr ap. Gyda thref Llambed yn hawlio’i lle yn hanes fel man geni rygbi yng Nghymru, mae’n briodol bod y cynnwys sy’n son am y dref yn canolbwyntio ar ei threftadaeth chwaraeon. Roedd tymor rygbi 2015 /2016 yn dathlu cant a hanner o flynyddoedd ers chwarae’r gêm rygbi gystadleuol gyntaf erioed yng Nghymru rhwng Coleg Dewi Sant (Y Drindod Dewi Sant bellach) a Choleg Llanymddyfri gerllaw. Derbynnir yn gyffredinol y cyflwynwyd rygbi i Gymru gan y Parchedig Athro Rowland Williams, a ddaeth yn Is-brifathro Coleg Dewi Sant yn 1850 ac a oedd wedi chwarae Rygbi yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg y Brenin, Caergrawnt. Mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru hefyd yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd Llambed i ddatblygiad rygbi yng Nghymru, gan roi ei gefnogaeth lawn i’r tymor o ddigwyddiadau llynedd. Gydag erthyglau yn archifau’r Brifysgol sy’n cynnwys cyn-fyfyrwyr yn hel atgofion am chwarae rygbi yn Llambed yn y 1850au, credir bod gemau rygbi wedi’u chwarae rhwng myfyrwyr o 1850 ymlaen, er ni chwaraewyd y gêm gystadleuol gyntaf gan ddefnyddio rheolau rygbi tan 1866. Mae’r hanesydd lleol Selwyn Walters wedi ysgrifennu llyfr o’r enw ‘The Fighting Parsons’ am le’r dref yn hanes rygbi ac mae yntau’n ymddangos ar yr ap ac yn adrodd hanes treftadaeth chwedlonol y dref ym maes rygbi. Mae Lindsey Gilroy, Swyddog Datblygu Busnes ar gampws Llambed Y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi bod â rhan allweddol yn natblygiad y prosiect ac mae wedi bod yn gweithio mewn cydweithrediad â Phartneriaeth Rheoli Cyrchfannau Ceredigion.
Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn dathlu’i lle yn hanes rygbi Cymru fel rhan o ap Ceredigion - Chwedlau’r Gorllewin I ddathlu Blwyddyn Chwedlau Cymru, mae Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi bod yn cydweithio â Phartneriaethau Cyrchfan Ceredigion a Biosffer Dyfi i gyflawni prosiect a fydd yn traddodi straeon, chwedlau a llên gwerin y rhanbarth i gynulleidfa newydd ac ehangach. Mae cyfraniad Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn canolbwyntio ar le Llanbedr Pont Steffan yn hanes rygbi gan fod y dref yn cael ei chydnabod yn fan geni rygbi yng Nghymru. Bydd y Brifysgol yn nodi ei rhan yn y prosiect drwy groesawu tîm rygbi'r Scarlets i'r campws a fydd yn rhedeg gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant Ysgol Bro Pedr yn ystod y prynhawn. Bydd arddangosfa o ddeunydd sy'n gysylltiedig â rygbi hefyd yn cael ei lansio - arddangosfa sydd wedi’i churadu gan fyfyrwyr Astudiaethau Treftadaeth y Brifysgol. Gyda chyllid o Gronfa Ymgysylltu Twristiaeth Ranbarthol
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
“Mae ap Chwedlau'r Gorllewin yn drosolwg ardderchog o chwedlau cyffrous Ceredigion ac mae’n cynnwys Dewi Sant, Twm Siôn Cati, cwpan Nanteos, a hyd yn oed rhai chwedlau cyfoes megis y sioe deledu lwyddiannus Y Gwyll a ffilmiwyd o gwmpas Ceredigion. Mae’r cynnwys am Lambed yn cwmpasu peth o’r hanes ynghylch sut y daethpwyd â rygbi i Lambed, gyda Selwyn Walters ei hun yn adrodd y stori, ac mae’n cynnwys ffotograffau hanesyddol o’r dref a’r Brifysgol, a gwybodaeth ynghylch Rowland Williams yn ogystal â llun ohono. “Mae’r Brifysgol hefyd yn lansio arddangosfa rygbi dros dro gan gwmpasu’r cyfnod o eni’r gêm i’r oes gyfredol, a bydd honno ar gael drwy gydol yr haf. Mae’r arddangosfa wedi’i threfnu gan fyfyrwyr Astudiaethau Treftadaeth ac wedi’i chefnogi gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru.” Yn ystod y dathliadau llynedd, dadorchuddiodd y Brifysgol gofeb ar gampws y dref i goffáu cyfraniad Rowland Williams i rygbi yng Nghymru. Hefyd chwaraewyd gêm rygbi arbennig rhwng y Brifysgol a thîm gwadd yr Academyddion Cymreig (Welsh Academicals). “Roedd tymor rygbi 2015 / 2016 yn un arbennig iawn i Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Nododd 150fe mlwyddiant chwarae’r gêm rygbi gystadleuol gyntaf erioed yng Nghymru yn ogystal â chyfraniad Rowland Williams i’r gamp,” meddai Dr Jeremy Smith, Deon Cyfadran y Dyniaethau a Pherfformio yn Y Drindod Dewi Sant. “Ein nod o hyd yw codi ymwybyddiaeth am gysylltiad Llambed â’r gêm ac ar yr un pryd caniatáu i staff a myfyrwyr y Brifysgol, trigolion Llambed a chefnogwyr rygbi ar draws Cymru ddarganfod mwy am ei hanes a'i gwreiddiau,” ychwanegodd. “Rydym ni’n ymfalchïo’n fawr yn rôl y Brifysgol yn natblygiad rygbi ac wrth ein bodd ein bod ni’n gallu dathlu lle Llambed yn hanes rygbi drwy fod yn rhan o brosiect ddigidol mor gyffrous.”
Celebrating at UWTSD - Graduation Lampeter’s Graduation ceremony is being held on the 7 July this year. We are very proud of all those who will be celebrating completing their studies with us this year and look forward to welcoming their friends and families to both the campus and the town on the 7 July. Celebrating Harmony and Peace The University is really pleased to host, on the 11 July, a day dedicated to Chinese alternative therapies, medicine and heritage. The day will consist of a range of different workshops and practical sessions enabling people to understand and sample the rich variety of alternative approaches to healing the body, mind and spirit. For example there will be sessions on Chinese alternative medicine, Tai Chi and Kung Fu demonstrations, and traditional Chinese clothing and music. The University will support with its own practical workshops on mindfulness, wellbeing, Chinese acupuncture, meditation techniques and yoga. The event is free of charge and we hope as many people from the local community can attend all or some of the sessions. Chinese food will be available in the Refectory. For more information contact Jonathon Harries – 01570 424723 UWTSD celebrates rugby heritage as part of Ceredigion’s Legends of the West app On Tuesday, 23 May, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) celebrated its place in Wales’ rich rugby history as it launched its involvement with a new and innovative heritage app. To mark Wales’ Year of Legends, University of Wales Trinity Saint David has been working in partnership with Ceredigion and the Dyfi Biosphere Destination Partnerships to deliver a project that will bring the region’s stories, legends and folklore to a new and broader audience. UWTSD’s input focuses on celebrating Lampeter’s place in rugby history with the town being recognised as the birthplace of rugby in Wales. The University marked its involvement in the project by welcoming the Scarlets rugby team to the campus to run activities for the children of Ysgol Bro Pedr during the afternoon. An exhibition of rugby related memorabilia was also launched – an exhibition that’s been curated by the University’s Heritage Studies students.
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
Celebrating at UWTSD
With funding from the Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF) from VisitWales, the Ceredigion and the Dyfi Biosphere Destination Partnership group has developed a new App with Bangor based digital company, Locly to bring Ceredigion’s legendary landscape to life, delivering stories, legend based games, activities and information to visitors as they roam the region with their smartphones. The new app, works with GPS and iBeacon technology to locate the user and push content to their devices, encouraging visitors to engage more deeply with the culture of the region and explore the places and spaces associated with the legends contained on the app. As Lampeter is the birthplace of Welsh rugby, it’s fitting that the content about the town focusses on its sporting heritage. The 2015/2016 rugby season marked the 150th anniversary of the first competitive rugby match ever played in Wales between St David’s College (now UWTSD) and nearby Llandovery College. It is widely accepted that rugby was introduced to Wales by the Rev. Professor Rowland Williams, who became Vice-Principal of St David’s College in 1850 and who’d played Rugby Football as a student at Kings College, Cambridge. The Welsh Rugby Union also acknowledges Lampeter’s importance to the birth of rugby in Wales, giving their full support to last year’s season of events. With articles in the University’s archives featuring former students reminiscing about playing rugby at Lampeter in the 1850s, rugby matches were certainly thought to have been played between students from 1850 onwards, although the first competitive match using the rugby rules wasn’t played until 1866. Local historian, Selwyn Walters who has written a book about the town’s place in rugby history entitled The Fighting Parsons features on the app and tells the story of the town’s legendary rugby heritage. Lindsey Gilroy, Business Development Officer at UWTSD’s Lampeter campus has been instrumental in the development of the project and has been working in collaboration with the Ceredigion Destination Management Partnership. “The Legends of the West App is a wonderful overview of the exciting legends of Ceredigion and includes St
David, Twm Sion Cati, the Nanteos cup, and even covers some contemporary legends such as the successful TV show Hinterland filmed in and around Ceredigion. The Lampeter content covers some of the history of how rugby was brought to Lampeter, with an audio narration by Selwyn Walters himself, including historical photographs of the town & University, and information about Rowland Williams as well as his portrait. “The University is also launching a temporary exhibition of Rugby covering the period from the birth of the game to the current era, that will run over throughout the Summer. The exhibition has been curated by our very own Heritage Studies students and has been supported by the Welsh Rugby Union who’ve loaned us some artefacts from their collection.” “The 2015 / 2016 rugby season was a very special one for the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. It marked the 150th anniversary of the first competitive game of rugby played in Wales as well as noting Rowland Williams’ contribution to the sport,” says Dr Jeremy Smith, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Performance at UWTSD “It is our continued aim to raise awareness of Lampeter’s connection with the game whilst also allowing University staff and students, the people of Lampeter and rugby fans across Wales to find out more about its history and its origin,” he adds. “We are very proud of the University’s role in the development of rugby and are delighted to be celebrating Lampeter’s place in rugby history by being part of such an exciting digital project.” To download the App, visit Otherwise, please follow these 1,2,3 steps: 1. If you have an Apple phone open the App Store on your device. Or, if you have an Android phone, open the Play Store on your device. 2. In the search area, type in "Legends Chwedlau" 3. Tap on the Get or Install button (you may be asked for your password). There is no charge for the app. When you then launch the app, you can select your preferred language and give the app permissions to use location and notifications so that it can show you the legends that are nearby.
Continued ...
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to
Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email: Community groups & local, small-scale commercial. We also have office space, committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. See for more details Day Monday Tuesday
Weekly (W) Fortnightly (F) W
Activity / Class
Contact Name
Mindfulness: Sound Healing Circle
Hara Willow
01570 493729
Youth Club
Sophie Moore
07950 480637
Karen Hills
07547 125937
Sound Healing Circle
Hara Willow
01570 493729
Young at Heart
Nikki Mead
07790 987070
W (Upstairs in the
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Spiritual Gathering
Sarah Thomas
07811 603062
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Lampeter Food Surplus
01974 821 219
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Tracey Reynolds
07976 052888
Five Rhythms Dance
Irene Sullivan
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Tracey Reynolds
07976 052888
Lampeter Folk
Details on Facebook
07817 715321
Celf Lampeter Arts
Live music and dance Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions
(U11 accompanied by adult)
Sandwiches and social for the wiser folk of Lampeter
Greg Evans room)
M First Friday M Last Friday
2nd & 4th Sat each month
People’s Market
Lampeter Evangelical Church
complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 15 years’ clinical experience. Homeopathy makes a difference and is excellent at helping with chronic ill health, gently, safely and holistically. Llanfair Clinic, 41 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 8EG. 01570 493746 Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC
Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café
registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Thai Massage. Lose your aches and pains. Deep remedial massage to soothe aching joints and muscles, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing a state of deep relaxation & well21
01570 423344
being. Contact: Iain, 07852 626001, Joanne Camlin BSc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath, who graduated in 2007. Using discussion, analysis and natural remedies, homoeopathy treats the whole person; mental, emotional, and physical. Appointments at Cellan or Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 01570 421480
complementary & alternative therapists cont.d_ Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Carol Davies Qualified aromatherapist looking for new clients in the local area. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hoopi candling can also be offered. Contact: Carol, 07971 229608. Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 yrs clinical experience Moving to new premises at 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment is not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07984 338945, Ginny Moffett is a qualified reflexologist with the British Reflexology Association and has been treating for 25 years. She offers home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. She specializes is treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. Contact 01570 421144, 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be 'good at art'! Talsarn. Qualified 1997.,
01570 472847, 07963866516. Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and life coach. Living excellently, confidence building for women. Experienced trainer and facilitator; groups/ individual sessions. Contact Shân 01570 218138, 07940 375147,
Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807219499. Irene Sullivan is a qualified and experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Home visits available. 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple and family counselling. If you want to talk or need some help, contact 07870 888141 or Bones for Life: practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Contact Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Reflexology. Annie Zakiewicz MAR is a fully-insured member of the Association of Reflexologists and practises from Cellan. Contact 01570 493295, 07790 107521,
More information 01570 493358, Cwrs Sgiliau Iaith. 10-14 Gorffennaf. Yn addas ar gyfer Cymry Cymraeg a dysgwyr rhugl eu Cymraeg. Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Llanbed. Gwen Davies 01570 424898. Welsh Learners Course. 10-14 July. Suitable for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Learners. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. Gwen Davies 01570 424898.
Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Sat 1 Jul: Marvellous Meadows, 1-4pm Sun 2 Jul: Dangerous Day for Kids Sun 9 & 23 July: Growing Skills: Vegetable Gardening Group Sat 22 July: Volunteer Cons. Day Tues 25 July: Bumblebee Survey Fri 28 - Sun 30 Jul: Wildlife Gardening Wed 2, 9, 16 & 23 Aug: Wild in The Woods (for kids 8-12) Tues 8 Aug: Willow Basket Making: Beginners Wed 9 - Thurs 10 Aug: Willow Basket Making: Square Basket Fri 11 - Sat 12 Aug: Willow Basket Making: Log Basket Fri 11 - Sun 13 Aug: Habitat Restoration & Recreation Sun 13 & 27 Aug: Growing Skills: Vegetable Gardening Group Sat 19 Aug: Volunteer Cons. Day Sun 3 Sept: Poultry Keeping Workshop Tues 5 - Thurs 7 Sept: Intro to Bats Wed 6 Sept: Mandala Painting Fri 8 - Sun 10 Sept: Ecology 1
Long Wood Art Exhibition. Sat 8 - Sun 9 July, 10am-6pm, Llanfair Clydogau, SA48 8NE. Grwp Llanfair Clydogau artists. Refreshments available. Browse or buy, everyone welcome. Llanfair Art Exhibition. Thurs 3 - Sun 6 Aug, 11am-6pm (Fri until 8pm),Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall, SA48 8LD. Tea, coffee, homemade cake available. Browse or buy, everyone welcome. Quilts in Cae Hir Gardens. Fri 25 - Sun 27 Aug, 10am-5pm. Annual outdoor quilt exhibition, with quilts from around the country hanging among the trees and flowers of Cae Hir Gardens. Tea room selling lunches and afternoon teas, marquee selling fabrics and crafts. £6 entry. As Good As It Gets: The Rural Industries Bureau Quilts of Wales 1921-1939. Exhibition at the Welsh Quilt Centre, High Street, Lampeter. To 4 Nov, TuesSat, 11am-4.30pm. 01570 422088,
Spinning Lessons with Ann Fisher at Ffarmers Neuadd Bro Fana/Village Hall. Thurs 11am-1pm (beginners) and 1.30-3.30pm. (improvers) Cost £8 per session. Contact Ann 01558 650760 Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. The Attic Players are searching for new, enthusiastic members. No previous experience required. Tues, 7.30-9.30pm.
courses________________ events _________________
events cont.d _____________ A River. Sat 30 Sept, 6.30 for 7pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Feature film, narrated by Michael Sheen, about the beautiful river Afan. It has made an extraordinary recovery from industrial pollution, but is now threatened again - by fracking. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome; informal discussion. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group. More info:
health & well-being _____
Lampeter Food Surplus. Every Thurs, 46pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate their edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Contact Sarah 01974 821219, Banc Bwyd Llambed/ Lampeter Food Bank. Open Mon, Weds, Fri 9am-5pm, except bank holidays. Referrals made by local agencies. Non-perishable food donations (in-date please) can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12pm, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excludes bank holidays and school holidays). Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions 1st Mon of month, 2–4pm at Mind Aberystwyth, Mill Street, SY23 1JB. / Headway Ceredigion yn cynnal Sesiynau galw i mewn ar ddydd Llun cyntaf pob mis rhwng 2-4pm yn Mind Aberystwyth, Stryd y Felin, SY23 1JB. Contact Dave Maggs 01446 740130, 07941 855935
Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 24pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact Diana 01570 640034. Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline 0300 9991212. Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm -6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri 07748 270439, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and for the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07984 338945 West Wales Buddhist Group. Learn to meditate and explore Buddhist tools for changing your life. In Aberystwyth, fortnightly Fri eve, monthly Sat morn.
kids __________________ Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Yr Hedyn Mwstard/Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter. 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford 07904 258814, Lampeter Death Café will resume on the first Mon in Sept. Death Café provides a forum for discussion about any aspect of our thoughts and feelings about death and dying. Visit our Facebook group page for more info. Please check and update your listings regularly Diolch / Thank You 23
Story-time at Lampeter Library. Tues mornings 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. Dangerous Day for Kids! Sun 2 July, 10am-4pm. For 7-12 year olds. Axes! Catapults! Knives! Fires! Danger, oh my! A new set of outdoor adventures for the child who loves a slice of “danger” with their fun! Make a catapult, make fires that magically burst into flames, cast your own metal arrowhead, tackle the rope course, take the stinging nettle-eating challenge and more! £36 per child & £32 for each additional sibling. Advance booking essential. Call James, 07876 794098. Little Rangers. “Play, Explore, Discover.” Thurs 6 July. Monthly parent & toddler outdoor club for children up to 5 years old. Child-led play sessions led by Forest School trained staff, Lea and James, out in the woods. 12-3pm, 1st Thursday of the month at Denmark Farm. £5 per adult, £4.50 for 2nd adult, £3 per child. Under 2’s free. Lea: 07876 794098. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” A weekly after-school club for 6-11 year olds. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness and bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6 per session, £5.50 for siblings. Tues & Thurs 4pm-6pm at Denmark Farm. James 07876 794098,
1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Contact Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st Lampeter Girl Guides. Meet Tues 6-7.30pm. Contact Sandra Carbin, 07949 479185. 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Meet Tues 5.30-6.30pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Contact Rachel 07730 684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Contact Annalee 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Contact Kelvin 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Contact Iris 07769 326032.
canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ar ganolfan for more information contact the leisure centre
01570 422552 / 01570 422959 Dydd / Day
Dydd Llun Monday
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday
Dydd Mercher Wednesday
Dydd Iau Thursday
Dydd Gwener Friday
Dydd Sadwrn Saturday
facebook: hamdden llambed leisure
twitter: #lampeterleisure
Amser / Time
Sesiwn / Dosbarth
Session / Class
Pris / Price
Troelli Dwr
Hydro Spin
Angylion Arwel
Arwels Angels
Dechrau/Start 03/07/17
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Circuit Training
Troelli Dwr
Hydro Spin
Clwb Cleddyfau*
Fencing Club*
Troelli HIIT
Ffitrwydd Ysgafn (Joan)
Ease Into Fitness (Joan)
Pilates Pel*
Pilates Ball*
Aerobeg (Joan)
Aerobics (Joan)
£5.15 / £4.15
Troelli Chwim
Spin Sprint
Aerobeg Dwr
Aqua Aerobics
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Clwb Cleddyfau*
Fencing Club*
Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*
Rees School of Gymnastics*
Disco Rhowl*
Roller Disco*
Prices are correct at time of publishing. Please phone to confirm places / prices *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 24
kids cont.d _______________
1st Sat in month. MTB): Village Squash Court Available. University Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage Llansawel Market, Llansawel rd Hall, 10am-12.30pm, 3 Sat in month. Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, School (LYTSS) Runs 3 terms per year every Thursday & Friday at Vic Hall, move your body _________ available 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. If you are 4.30-6pm. £40/child/term, £35 Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). A warm interested in hire or joining a league, siblings, £30 concs. Vanessa Read welcome to new walkers and those contact the Sports Centre, 01570 424774. 07814 794353. who wish to try a ramble or two. Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.30Dance. Mon 4-4.45pm. Creative dance Sat 8 July: Cilcennin. 7 miles. sessions for children 3-6yrs. £3 / child. Sat 15 July: St Illyd’s Walk 7: Afon 8.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Weds 5pm. Hip-Hop group for young Argoed Visitor Centre to Margam Contact Debbie: 01570 493594. people 11-16 yrs. 10 session block for Country Park. Contact James 01570 Hydrospin (Aqua Cycling) at Lampeter Swimming Pool, Mon 10am & 7.45pm; £40 or £4.50 a session. 480041 ASAP. Theatr Felinfach, 01570 470697, Weds 19 July: Llwyn-y-Groes to Capel Aberaeron Swimming Pool, Tues Bettws Lleucu. 4.5 miles. Meet Co-op 11.45am & 6.30pm. Contact David Maund to book: 07792 351607. TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions 10.30am. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, for children, 0-3 years and their Sat 22 July: Cilycwm. 8 miles. parents. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3/ Sat 29 July: Cwmystwyth to Bont. 12 Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear child, £1 each additional child. 01570 miles. footwear. All abilities 470697, Unless specified, all walks meet 10am suitable welcome. Yvonne 01558 650870. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, at the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Contact James 01570 480743 or Kay Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school 01570 480041. holidays. Birthday party bookings Llandysul Walking Festival. 29 Sept—1 coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. Oct. Details from 01559 362403. 01570 480268, Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho walking for an hour, depending on 650870. Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group weather and mood. Meet rain or Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. shine, 10am at Rookery Car Park. Free, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, All welcome to come to play and chat. followed by coffee and chat. Not able equipment provided but please wear Contact Claire, 07727415634. to manage the stroll? Just meet for suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 welcome. Yvonne 01558 650870. for parents of pre-schoolers in Walk Out Workout. Join the WOW Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs Lampeter area. Wondering what posse for a brisk fitness walk around 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, groups and activities are available for Lampeter on Thursday evenings, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective your baby or toddler? Please check: starting from the leisure centre at yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 6.30pm. Now into our summer 493794, RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. schedule, expect to be out for up to Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd, 1.5 hrs and to tackle a steep hill Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon 5.30-7pm and Lampeter. For children of all ages somewhere down the line. It’s fun & Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, (under 4’s must be accompanied). All free. ages welcome as volunteers with free Stride Out Walking Group. Need some Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs training provided (14-24 year olds can exercise? Want to keep fit? There is a 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. gain Millennium Volunteering walk each Weds at 10am from Pilates on the Ball: Weds 5.30pm, accreditation). Further information Lampeter Leisure Centre. It's free - so Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds 7.15pm, 01545 570686 and Facebook. come join us! markets _______________ Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Contact Ann 07826 692110 Weds 5.30-7pm, Cellan Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Park, Lampeter. 9 week course aimed Yoga. st Sat each month. Next markets: Sat 8 & at beginners who want to improve Millennium Hall. 1 Weds each month 22 July, plus find us at Lampeter Food health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Yoga on a Ball (bring your own Swiss Festival Sat 29 July. Back to Victoria Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group ball). Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. or contact Helen 07817 543257. Hall 12 & 26 Aug, 9 & 23 Sept. Lampeter Farmers' Market. Alternate Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club Hatha Yoga. Weds, 10-11.30am, Fridays 9am-2pm, High Street, welcomes all abilities. Junior runners Sports Hall UWTSD Lampeter. Working Lampeter. Next markets: Fri 7 & 21 (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, with physical postures to relax the Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet body and mind. Breath and relaxation July, 4 & 18 Aug, 1, 15 & 29 Sept. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, techniques to deal with life’s stresses. Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and 1:1 sessions available. Booking essential: Karen, 07547 125937. 25
move your body cont.d _____ music _________________ Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Tues 7.30-8.45pm, £6. Contact Su Bates (BWY teacher) 07588 527512. Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm. £3 Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 7-8.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio in the University Sports Hall. Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £1.50. Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri 9.45 -11am, £5. Lunchtime Fit For Life For Over 50s, Fri 12.15-1.15pm £4. Gentle exercise based on Belly Dance. Both classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. First session free. Rose Barter, 01239 851737, Jane Guy School of Dance. Ballet and stage work; annual production; RAD exams. Classes: Tues eves and Sat, Shiloh Chapel, Lampeter. Thurs 4.307.30pm, Theatr Felinfach. Contact: 01570 470645. Dances of Universal Peace. Dance brings people together to create harmony and connection. We dance in a circle using simple steps and chants from many traditions. Contact Shân Rees, 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Mat-based Pilates. Mon 2pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for beginners, bring mat. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle toning, increased energy, strength, agility and stamina, and greater mind/body/spirit connection. With Shân Rees, see above. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £2. Walking Football. Fri, 5.30-6.30pm, £3. Come along and have some fun. For the over 50’s. Tregaron Leisure Centre. Contact 01974 298960.
Celf Llambed Arts Last Friday each month, Victoria Hall. Shambles Café & Bar from 7pm, Bands from 8.30pm. Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm. Bespoke Song Writing Service for all occasions. Can help you write the song you want to write for loved ones. Old time love songs, ballads, folk, rock, most styles… Fun and reasonably priced service. Contact Cameron, 0785 2626001,
permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________
Open Afternoon at Ty'r Maes Garden. Sun 6 Aug, 1-6pm, Ty'r Maes, Ffarmers SA19 8JP. Garden open for charity as part of the National Gardens Scheme. Admission £3.50, children free, dogs on lead and disabled visitors welcome. Large 4 acre garden with lots of unusual plants and over 200 varieties of trees. Plant sales, craft, books and jewellery stalls, tea and cakes from Pumsaint WI. Contact 01558 650541, Free Seed Saving Workshop for beginners. Sat 2 Sept, 10.30am, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. All welcome. Contact Lampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Contact Angie, 01974 831300 Live an Abundant Life! Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Contact Angie, 01974 831300
religious services/groups _
Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Main Sun Service: 10.45am
Please update your listings regularly - Diolch / Thank You 26
St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact Beryl 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church. Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact 01570 423757. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact David Patterson, 01570 423360. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Please note new later time. Bilingual services. 11.15 am 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Please note change of day and time. Bilingual services every 1st and 3rd Sunday of month. 1st Sunday 10.00 am. 3rd Sunday 2.00pm A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome / Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact 01570 471488,
social _________________
Lampeter. Bring a mug and meet some 4pm on Sat with the occasional Tues. Merry Makers. Every Weds, 10.30am- new friends. 07754 496201 or 01570 Practical conservation and wildlife 422494, monitoring. All welcome, no previous 3pm, St James’ Hall, Cwmann. 28 Jun: Handiwork, eg. knitting/ experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided – bring lunch and outdoor crochet Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh gear. Contact 01570 493358, 5 July: Play Reading language monthly dinners at the 12 July: Painting Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. British Legion Lampeter is recruiting 19 July: Writing Not suitable for absolute beginners but members. This is your opportunity to Next Meeting: 6 Sept New members welcome. Disabled anyone who has attended classes for a become a member of the Legion. access and toilet; free parking. £2.50 year or two will probably find the Contact Sharon, 07971 806886. incl. vegetarian lunch and all activities. events enjoyable. Completely informal, Global Justice West Wales group. Be Contact Rhoda 01570 470172 or Bella meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small part of the change! Contact: group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 01559 370981. Lampeter WI meet 3rd Wednesday of fluent Welsh speakers. Contact Myra Please keep your listings up to date: each month from 10.30am at St. Mortlock, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee Thomas Church. New members st Weds of month, warmly welcome. Contact 01570 Mornings. 1 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook 421683. st Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The People's Kitchen. 1 Sun most Copy Deadline for Sept Issue: months, Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall. Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info Friday 11 Aug 2017 Delicious vegan meal. Contact Mandi and other events in the district. 07976 536983 or find us on Facebook. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Sew, Knit and Natter. Weds 1.30-4pm, Cellan Hall. All welcome. Contact Sandie 01570 423969. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm., termtime. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 470697, Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Friday each month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Custard Queens WI: every 1st Sunday, 7-10pm, Scout Hall, Bryn yr Eglwys,
storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members and meets weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, UWTSD Lampeter, during university term. Come and join us. Contact Sue, 01570 423167. Meanwhile… Storytelling monthly meet -up is currently on hiatus. To be added to the mailing list for future events/ info please contact Hayley on
volunteering ____________ Home-Start Ceredigion. Could you support a family through the challenges of parenthood? For just 2 hours a week you can really make a difference. Home-Start Ceredigion are recruiting volunteers. Full and ongoing training; all expenses paid. Contact 01570 218546. Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays. Join our volunteering sessions to develop practical skills and feel the benefit of working in this beautiful environment. One session in four is devoted to your own woodcraft project. No experience required, training given. Canolfan Long Wood Centre, 10am, Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days run fortnightly 10am 27
Classes subject to change: please check for updates & contact details, and our What’s On page for one-off events MONDAY Line Dancing: 7-10pm 24 July & 21 Aug - Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Education Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm
WEDNESDAY Sew, Knit & Natter: 1.30-4pm Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm
THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm FRIDAY Art Group: 10am–1pm Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm
Crossword 35 - Spare rough working Grid 1
by Jane Powell
Originally published in Food and Culture, 25 May, 2017
16 17
A class of seven-year-olds are making maps to show where their food comes from. Choosing suitable symbols, they mark their homes, the school dining room, the local cafes, chip shops and the supermarkets where their parents shop. The weave of their daily lives is revealed: the Saturday shop at Tesco followed by football practice, Sunday lunch at the pub, the family meal in the evening or maybe chips on the way home from school. Then they go a bit further up the food chain: where do these shops and cafes get their food from? It’s time for a discussion about farms and whether you can grow oranges in the UK.
20 21 23
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Teaching children where their food comes from and why it really matters
42 45
Polite Reminder: The Grapevine is produced and distributed by a small team of dedicated volunteers. Please be patient if we do not respond immediately to your queries or requests ... as we do not monitor our inboxes full time. We will get back to you as soon as we can. If you know of venues that wish to receive copies then please contact: Diolch / Thank You 28
The children soon realize how much they don’t know. They plan an enquiry into the matter, using the internet and interviews. A farmer comes in to answer their questions, and it’s then that the magic happens. Children are enthralled to find out that it might actually be someone’s job to grow potatoes, milk cows and drive tractors. They lap up not just the fascinating details – like the existence of machines for scratching the backs of cows and how the potato farmer buys his potatoes back from the supermarket in the spring because he doesn’t have cold storage on the farm and his own potatoes have started to sprout by the end of the winter – but also the generalities of what it feels like on the inside of farming. “What’s good about being a farmer?” “If you hadn’t decided to be a farmer, what job would you have chosen?” they ask more than once. He talks about being in the fresh air, caring for animals, sharpening his skills and deriving satisfaction from producing food that people need. Without thinking about it, he is giving the children a lesson in values. This matters, because children are growing up in a world that endlessly gives them the message that happiness comes from earning lots of money, having the latest gadgets and wearing the right brands of clothes. The education system, meanwhile, is increasingly based on the notion that academic achievement is all that really matters, leading to an emphasis on the things that can be measured – numeracy rather than creativity, literacy rather than self-expression. Qualities like kindness and courage, literally, don’t count. This can create a dichotomy between success, status, money and security on the
cont.d. one hand, and generosity, community and connection with nature on the other, and it is worth a closer look at what is going on. Research from social psychology collated by the Common Cause project, which aims to make compassionate values central to public life, reveals a complex picture. It shows that we all hold a broad range of values, many of them apparently contradictory, but all corresponding to a genuine need. Thus, success is an important value (if you doubt that, consider failure), but so is humility, in the sense of appreciating our dependence on others. Our brains however find it hard to hold both these values at once, and so we seesaw between them, depending on where we are and what we are doing. In the garden, cutting lettuce for dinner, it is easy to feel close to nature, but in the bright lights of the supermarket we easily forget that and look for a tasty bargain. Similarly, talking about money makes us selfish, while the story of a refugee child drowning can inspire an upsurge of generosity. What does this mean for education? A fascinating experiment carried out at Cardiff University shows how excessive enthusiasm for academic success might have unintended consequences. The experimenters asked one group of people to sort through cards bearing words like ‘capable’ and ‘successful’, so that they were tuned into their desire for achievement, while another group sorted words associated with altruism, like ‘forgiveness’ and ‘helpful’. They were then given a puzzle to solve, and asked to help the experimenter with a task. The result was that the group that had been primed for achievement did better at solving the puzzle than the other group, but they also turned out to be less likely to help the experimenter. Could it be that pushing young people to pass exams will make them selfish? Fortunately, good teachers – left to themselves – know how to guide children towards a more rounded view of life, helping them to widen their circle of concern from themselves and their friends to humanity in general and to nature and the planet. They see how the security of belonging to a family or nation can nurture their curiosity and give them the confidence to explore new worlds, coming up with fresh solutions to the challenges that humanity faces. They know that success is a wonderful thing, but it needs to be contextualised. Achievement should help children to develop self-respect and confidence, and to share their gifts with others; it should not be about becoming ever richer and more powerful at the expense of the planet. And that is where food
education comes in – as an antidote to consumerism, targets and competition. There is something inherently democratic about food. We are all equal in our need for it. Sitting around the table for a meal reminds us that we all deserve to eat, and that we have an obligation to ensure that others can too. Studying the food chain cuts through the notion that we are selfmade individuals, and reminds us of our interdependence. Not only do we rely on a vast worldwide network of farmers, growers, supermarket shelf-stackers, cooks, bakers, abattoirs, vets, food scientists and lorry drivers to feed us three times a day, but we are all ultimately dependent on healthy soils, rainfall, sunshine, bees, worms and the rest of the biosphere to keep us alive. We cannot separate ourselves from this. On a farm visit, children encounter the natural world, appreciating the compromise between human needs, animal welfare and wildlife. When they make the connection between farm animals and the food chain, or see the uncultivated margin around a cereal field where wildflowers and insects flourish, or learn how drought and flooding can destroy crops, they see the tough decisions that need to be made if we are to feed ourselves. Back in school, following crops such as broad beans and potatoes from seed to plate, they gain skills and confidence as they learn to partner with the rhythms of the seasons. The enthusiasm and earnestness with which some children will plant, weed and dig in the school garden suggests they are gaining something more necessary to them than exam results. Maybe it is because they sense their need for a deeper connection with nature, which according to the RSPB report Every Child in Nature is an important support for health, well-being and personal and social skills. The school curriculum is notorious for its pendulum swings, from a prescriptive top-down approach to local autonomy, from narrow academic goals to a child-centred focus. Schools may yet be freed from the assumption that they exist to produce a skilled workforce that attracts inward investment, and instead be encouraged to embrace a wider more holistic vision of the education they provide. In Wales, a new curriculum arriving from 2018 balances academic achievement with ethical citizenship, creative expression and confidence, and offers hope of a fresh start in our schools. Until that time, food education should be embraced not just because of the contribution it can make to attainment but also for its moral basis. It’s time to give children a proper grounding in the interdependence of humans and nature, starting with the meals they eat three times a day. 29
them know, we would love to have a wide variety of seeds to add to the library for everyone to borrow. We would just need a few details of the seeds, what We are celebrating the up and coming launch of
village, altitude, aspect and so on to help others
Lampeter's Seed Library, starting with the public
choose the seeds that would best suit their growing
workshop to be held on Saturday 2 September in
conditions. All seeds need to be open pollinated as F1
Victoria Hall (see our advert on page 34).
hybrids will not grow true, so do check your seed
The workshop is free to attend, it will run from 10:30
packets to see what you have planted.
am to 1:30 pm and will concentrate on easy to save
You can register for the library and donate seeds at
the workshop on 2 September, or 21 October, the
necessary, lots of useful hints and tips and practical
official launch day at the Lampeter Permaculture
demonstrations. No booking required just come along.
Groups Public Apple Day to be held at Watson &
The library will be a public resource which will
Pratts. Alternatively come along to the People's
eventually be housed at Victoria Hall from November
Market from November onwards and join there. It is
onwards and be available for people to donate and
a completely free service.
borrow seeds at the People's Market.
We would like to be able to offer a bilingual service
The library is supported by Lampeter Permaculture
and if there is anyone who is able to help please get
Group, Transition Llambed and Transition Llambed
in touch.
Trust and is being run by volunteers, all of whom are
Now there is something to celebrate.
keen growers.
Cathy Streeter
The library will concentrate on locally produced seed
which is well adjusted to our variable climate here in West Wales, and hopefully including some heritage varieties too. All too often seed produced elsewhere in the country may not germinate so well here and a lot of seeds are produced under cover too, and may not be as hardy as we would like. Vegetables growing here need to able to withstand wind, heavy rain, variable spring temperatures, growth at altitude, besides many other tests. If you know of an avid vegetable seed collector do let
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday
Copy Deadline for Issue 52, Sept 2017 is Fri 11 Aug 2017 Listings: Adverts & Classifieds:
Articles & Letters: 30
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Ceredigion ‘Celebrations’ Today we have had, at our house, Hazel (chair) and Rod Ellis from Ceredigion MS branch, plus Urtha Felda from MS Cymru, to discuss issues arising for our branch, and with our roles as Support Volunteers. We talked about the success of our Support Group in Lampeter, ‘Celebrations’, although this week nobody turned up, in the awful weather, even the Mustard Seed was very quiet! The generosity of the Mustard Seed to allow us to use their ‘back room’ for free is to be applauded, ‘Celebrations’. We have decided that we will have a trip to the National Botanic Gardens, probably in July (date to be confirmed) Celebrations’. We will be working on plans for a conference to be held in Lampeter about Progressive forms of MS with support from Urtha and MS Cymru, and lottery funding. I have always felt that progressive MS has been left out of discussions and the media, and feel now that this conference will be a good acknowledgement of the fact that people with progressive MS can be living very isolated lives, especially in rural areas where transport may be an issue. As Support Workers we really want to help but apart from talking to people in this situation there seems little we can do. By holding this conference, we can highlight the issues. It will have eminent speakers, plus workshops. We shall now put in for a lottery grant. A similar conference has recently been held in North Wales and we want to do something here in our part of Wales. We shall hopefully help people, highlight the issues, and bring them to the attention of the media and politicians, and develop a network of people for the future. When this all comes off there will certainly be ‘Celebrations’. Phew! ‘Celebrations’ were certainly in abundance when Graham and I went, with friends, to Chelsea Flower Show. It was such an amazing experience. ‘Celebrations’ and thanks to the lady who paid for our trip and to National Express Coach drivers and staff for their excellent service for me, travelling as a disabled person. The MS nurse, Sue Mullock, is coming to our July meeting so if you have questions for her, or me come and join us on July 3rd at 1.303.30, in The Mustard Seed back room. We welcome anybody with MS, carers, and anybody wanting to know more, from wherever you are. You are also welcome to our Aberystwyth group which meets in the new Tesco’s community/charity room 12.30-2.30 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. CROESO I BAWB/WELCOME TO ALL. Judith McKay Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis, Chair of Ceredigion Branch, 01974 261640
Don’t Miss the Copy Deadline for the Sept - Issue 52 Friday 11 August 31
Life is a Celebration! Even when things aren't great, there is always something, no matter how small, that can be celebrated. Whether it's sitting with a nice cup of tea and the latest copy of the Grapevine, sharing a smile with a stranger or watching the joy on your dog's face as it explores the undergrowth - every day gives something to treasure and celebrate. By consciously noticing and rejoicing in the positives in our lives, we become more aware of them and notice them more and more. It's like when you are buying a new car and, suddenly, everywhere you see the same car as yours. Or when I was pregnant, the world was suddenly swarming with babies and prams. Our conscious mind tunes in to whatever is important to us at that time. By noticing the positives, our reality can therefore be seen from an increasingly positive angle. It's easy to only focus on the negatives though, and many of us get stuck in that trap. We have a tendency to focus on the things that are going wrong in our lives, that didn't go as well as we wanted. Add to this the constant barrage of negative media stories and we can end up having quite a skewed perspective of our world. Being thankful and celebrating the positives every day has been shown to improve feelings of well-being and to help reduce depression and anxiety. Even if you don't struggle with these things, there's no such thing as too much good stuff, so let the celebrations begin! Daily Exercises to Celebrate Life! At the end of each day take a few moments to think about: Something you've enjoyed that day Something you are grateful for that day Something you are satisfied with that day There are no wrong or right answers – it's just whatever you feel that day. The negatives may try and creep in but make sure you don't dwell on these. Push them gently aside. This is your time to celebrate the goodness of your day … and to go to sleep with a smile on your face! Lindsey Ford Chiron – Chronic Pain and Fatigue Specialist
Recent Reviews Who is The Decision Maker? Review of “I, Daniel Blake” benefit screening at Cellan Film Club 19 May A packed hall saw this Ken Loach film, which Cellan Film Club screened in support of Lampeter Food Bank. Food donations and more than £250 were given, for which we are truly grateful. The film has been described as a “slow-mo train wreck that you know is going to end badly”, but suspense about the outcome is not the main reason to see it. We followed the travails of Dan and Katie (whom he befriends after she is rehoused from London with her two children), as they struggle to negotiate the benefits system, find work and to put food on the table. It starts with Dan receiving a letter telling him The Decision Maker has refused his claim for ESA because he is fit for work (despite being told by his heart specialist he must not work). He wants to appeal but cannot apply to do so until he has been called by The Decision Maker: the letter has apparently arrived too early. There is no way he can call the Decision Maker himself, and he cannot meet the Decision Maker, who is referred to frequently by staff at the job centre in their dealings with claimants. He simply has to wait and is told to apply for Job Seeker’s allowance (even though forbidden to work by his specialist). This is one of many systemic Catch-22’s that he and Katie are faced with. The film is based on information from DWP staff (“necessarily anonymous”) and shows the ways that language is used to distance staff from the claimants they see: staff who offer support are “not acceptable”; expecting to have a question answered is “inappropriate”; attempting to explain yourself is “aggressive”. Dan and Katie’s experiences echo what many food bank clients tell us: the choices Katie is faced with to feed and provide for her children are not unexpected but shocking nonetheless. This is a system that we have allowed our governments to create: food for thought indeed. In contrast, fellow-feeling is shown to Dan and Katie by some ordinary people they meet. None of us can predict what may happen to force similar decisions and problems upon us. That is why it was good to hear on the night about the new Lampeter Food Project, which is offering a free community meal on Thursdays 4-6pm in Victoria Hall using supermarket food that would otherwise go to waste. Julia Lim on behalf of Lampeter Food Bank
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm 32
Celebrating Community and Creativity! It’s that time of year again, when the Grwp Llanfair Clydogau artists prepare for their annual Art Exhibition in Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall! This year’s exhibition runs from Thursday 3 August to Sunday 6 August, opening 11am–6pm daily, and with late night opening until 8pm on Friday 4 August. The artists are all local to the pretty village of Llanfair Clydogau, near Lampeter, and their work encompasses a range of approaches in response to the beautiful Ceredigion landscape and coastline, as well as its people and animals. The group includes felt artists, collograph and lino printers, potters and painters. This year’s guest artists are figurative and mixed-media artist, Blue Powell, and wood carver, Ali Smith, who will join Ali Scott, Sue Powell, Claire Parsons, Aerwen Griffiths, Cynthia Westney and Nantyfelin Potters, Dodie and Jamie Herschel, for the now well-established and popular annual Llanfair Art Exhibition. Of course tea, coffee and homemade cakes will be ‘on tap’ as usual! The group are also working in collaboration with Long Wood Community Woodland to stage a special art exhibition in the beautiful Visitors’ Centre which stands in the Allt Cefn Foel car park just above the village of Llanfair Clydogau. The stunning building has been constructed using wood almost completely sourced from the woodland, and has walls of straw bale build with a covering of clay plaster. The Long Wood art exhibition will take place on the weekend of 8/9 July and will be a great opportunity for visitors to enjoy a close look at the interior of this remarkable building, as well as meeting some of the Llanfair artists in person. The exhibition is open from 10am –6pm each day and dogs are welcome, so there’s plenty of opportunity to enjoy the paths through the woodland as well as a stroll around the exhibition. Refreshments will be available over the weekend and Long Wood staff will also be on hand if you are interested in finding out more about the wide range of resources they have to offer, including private hire of the centre for meetings and parties, purchasing of firewood, milled timber and a growing range of finely crafted furniture. Sue Powell
Ceredigion Coastal Path David Maund, a local fitness instructor and a few friends (Alan Banfield, Marc Baulk, Lorraine HughesGage) will be taking on the challenge from Cardigan to Ynyslas - 60 miles in 24 hours on 15 July 2017. David will be raising money as he goes to support the Peony Breast Care Unit in Llanelli and the three local swimming pools where he teaches his hydrospin aquacycling classes. Starting at 9.30am in Cardigan, David is looking for people to join in along the route and walk some of the legs with him. If you would like to donate towards this fundraising challenge or would like to support by joining him for a section of the walk, contact: David Maund, 07792 351 607, Dragon Aquacycling or go direct to his giving page HydrospinDragonAquacycling
Job adverts Job adverts
Advertise local paid employment opportunities in
Grapevine free of charge Contact:
Job adverts Job adverts
For more information: Facebook - Grwp Llanfair Clydogau Group Contact: Sue Powell, artist, or Jon Addis, Woodland Manager, 33
Situated in a beautiful setting overlooking the Aeron Valley. Self-catering cottages & luxury eco-cabins available to rent. Your local venue for meetings, training, workshops, parties and weddings. Home cooked organic meals available upon request. Please visit for further details or call on 01570 470672. 20 minutes from Lampeter / Aberaeron. Treberfedd, Dihewyd. SA48 7NW
Saturday 2 September 2017 Victoria Hall, Lampeter 10:30am – 1:30pm Learn how to save your own vegetable seeds No experience required Start with the easy to save seeds Practical demonstrations Lots of useful hints and tips Free leaflets All welcome We would like this to be a bilingual service if possible, please get in touch if you can help. Dyn ni eisiau i Banc Hadau Llambed fod yn ddwyieithog. Os hoffech chi eisiau helpu, cysylltwch â ni ar
Lampeter Permaculture Group 34
Celebration through Dance Not only is the Grapevine celebrating its 5th Anniversary this year, but the Lampeter Food Festival will grace the University lawns with fabulous food, local produce and entertainment for all, for the 20th time. Make sure you have 29 July in your diary! Tribal Unity Wales will be dancing two sets in the entertainment tent for the third year, 11.15am and 2.15pm and I’m excited. For the first time, beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers will share the dance they love with you all and, of course, there will be the opportunity for you to come up and join us. In June, 10 years ago, I taught my first belly dance workshop and have been dancing, teaching and performing ever since, both Egyptian belly dance and American Tribal Style® belly dance. It has been a privilege to introduce ladies to a dance style that supports and strengthens the female form. Many of the moves are ancient, danced by our ancestors, providing us with a link back to our female history. Ladies in Lampeter have a choice of belly dance classes; Egyptian bellydance and ATS®, so there’s no excuse not to get dancing… that’s something to celebrate! Wendy Steele Wendy Steele: Tribal Unity Wales 01570 472921/ 07752 478779 Rose Barter: Egyptian belly dance / Fit for life 01239 851737 Celtic Christianity: Part XXXIII
fresh water from a spring well Fynnon Llech. From this base he constructed a church. Nothing remains of this 6th century church building, although the present 12th century church, dedicated to St Tudno, stands on the same site, and has a continuous history. The church is still open for worship, and the patronal festival is still celebrated on 5 June annually; local records record the importance of this local holiday historically. The churchyard is now closed, but in the early 20th century coffins (and mourners) were transported for burial via the Great Orme Tramway, for which purpose three special tramcars (numbered 1, 2, and 3) were available. Currently tram number 4 is named St Tudno. Harry Harrison
Saint Tudno Ascetic Reposed 6 century Remembered June 5 Saint Tudno (pronounced Tidno) was a royal who lived as a hermit in a cave on the Great Orme (‘the great rock’) at Llandudno (church of Tudno) in Gwynedd on the North Wales coast; although it is on the waterline and only accessible by sea. There is also a well which is on private land and also difficult to access. Saint Tudno is said to have been one of the seven sons of King Seithenyn, whose legendary kingdom Cantref y Gwaelod in Cardigan Bay was submerged by tidal activity. Tudno studied at St Dunawd's college in the monastery of Bangor Iscoed, in order to make recompense for the drunken incompetence of his father, which had led to the loss of the kingdom under the waves. Llandudno Seeking a place to live out the religious life, Tudno went to the great ancient limestone outcrop of the Great Orme (Cyngreawdr), jutting from the Creuddyn Peninsula, to bring celebration of the message of Christianity to its people. He lived initially as a hermit in a small coastal cave with difficult access known as Ogof Llech, which provided protection from the elements, and a source of
Copy Deadline: Fri 11 August 35
Ysgol Bro Pedr
HISTORY DEPARTMENT TRIP TO BELGIUM In May, a bus full of Year 9 pupils ventured on a Trip to Belgium with the History department. Specifically designed to teach the pupils all about the First World War, the trip allowed them to visit a selection of notable historical sights, monuments and museums. They learnt all about the area’s stories and rich history as the tour guide led them around. Everyone had a fantastic time and would like to thank the teachers for organising such a memorable trip for them.
Cofeb i gofio am yr holl milwyr o Gymru a bu farw yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. A memorial to the Welsh soldiers who died in the First World War.
Y Disgyblion yn ymweld â Vimy Ridge. The pupils visiting Vimy Ridge
Y disgyblion ar draeth Dunkirk gyda Mr Lloyd yn adrodd yr hanes. On the beach in Dunkirk with Mr Lloyd explaining the history.
Ymweld â Beaumont Hammel. Visiting Beaumont Hammel.
Pawb o flaen y cofeb yn Dunkirk. Everyone in front of the memorial in Dunkirk.
Ymweld â’r beddau Almaenig yn Langemarck. Visiting the German gravestones in Langemarck. Ymeld ag Essex Farm – bedd milwr 15 oed. Visiting Essex Farm and a 15 yr old soldier’s grave.
Compiled by Heini Thomas,Ysgol Bro Pedr 37
The Platform on Agriculture and Land Use Post Brexit Lots of vegetables, little meat, maximum diversity! That was a simple but effective message from Colin Tudge, keynote speaker at Ceredigion Green Party's Platform on Agriculture and Land Use Post-Brexit on Saturday 27 May at Victoria Hall, Lampeter. He argued that if agriculture adopts the above strategy, it will be good for the health of the biosphere and good for the health of humans.
left to right, Wyn Evans, Mared Rand Jones, Jane Powell, Colin Tudge, Tony Little, Grenville Ham and Angie Polkey
margins, they'll run out of food in a matter of days should something go wrong. The system is not resilient at all and we need to urgently address this. The Platform was ably chaired by Grenville Ham, Leader of Wales Green Party. Himself an expert on community owned renewable energy schemes, he kept the audience on target, asking people to look for solutions rather than focusing on problems. He explained that much of the electricity grid in Wales is full, and described new opportunities to divert excess power generated by small scale renewables to polytunnels, to increase the growing season and provide another income stream. Summing up the afternoon, he said,
“The most important thing to get right is agriculture.” said Mr Tudge. “Enlightened agriculture, also known as ‘real farming’, is expressly designed to provide everyone with good food – without cruelty, injustice or wrecking the world. “Food production needs to be resilient; it needs to be able to absorb shocks such as climate change. Current food production is not resilient and the reason for it is because it is driven by profit. The neo-liberal model of economics is the root cause of the many problems that beset agriculture. We should not view agriculture as just a business, like any other. “We currently produce enough for 14 billion people, one billion go undernourished, that's one seventh of humanity,” Colin continued, and went on to argue that planet Earth is perfectly capable of feeding 7 billion properly. In the first place agriculture should be seen as the most important policy of all. It also has to be recognised that at the core of most conflicts on this planet lies an agricultural problem and that without resolving these, the wider issues won't be sorted either. Colin's take on Brexit was that the arguments at the time of the referendum dealt with trivia. He believes Brexit will be bad for the UK, that cheap food will come and flood the markets, that this is not sustainable. It is part of the race to the bottom and the consequences are awful from a food security perspective and will also speed up the loss of species on this planet. Colin's comments on Brexit were echoed by Wyn Evans, President of the NFU in Ceredigion, who commented, “I think we will come to regret Brexit.” Wyn spoke about his fear for the Welsh farmers who rely heavily on subsidies. Currently 95% of Welsh food is exported to Europe, 56% to France. He also explained that for many farmers in the hills of Wales, growing crops is difficult. Bob Shaw from Tir Coed gave an emotional account of his involvement with the soil. He warned that food shortages as experienced in WWII are a distant memory but, because our supermarkets work on such tight time
“Our farmers are a key pillar in our economy and our society here in rural Wales. Every single holding in Wales is different – we can’t have a one size fits all policy. We need to ensure that food production and agriculture is central to government policy. “Are we going to be seeing a future in which our food market is flooded by products from all over the world, created at much lower environmental standards? One answer could be to place an environmental tax on these sort of products. “One thing we can be certain of - this is the most uncertain period for agriculture and land use for generations. One of the key things we have kept coming back to today is that we need to have resilience in our agricultural economy because we know climate change is going to throw up some great big shocks.” The organisers wish to thank all participants for their input. Thanks is due also to Transition Lambed Development Trust for allowing Ceredigion Green Party to use the Victoria Hall. A special thanks goes to Sarah for providing such delicious food. Julie Makin
articles: adverts: listings: 38
Ysgol Henry Richard
Urdd Pupils at Ysgol Henry Richard swept the board in the Arts and Crafts competitions at this year’s Urdd National Eisteddfod winning a total of 13 prizes at National level. Those who visited the Arts Exhibition on the maes in Bridgend were full of praise and many of the winning entries were shown on the daily S4C programmes. Congratulations also to those who won prizes in the literary competitions for creating and presenting a radio programme and a project based on a Welsh legend. During the Eisteddfod week itself further success was proven by Elin Williams who came second in the solo competition for those in years 3/4.
Sports It’s been a very busy season so far on the sports field with pupils competing locally, at county and national events. Teifi were the winning team at the end of a very successful school sports day where we witnessed five long standing records being broken by Zara Evans, Jac Hockenhul and Nia Rees. The Ceredigion NASUWT School team athletics event was held on our school field and special congratulations to the year 7/8 girls athletics team on their success. Pupils also travelled to the Ceredigion county sports in Carmarthen where a total of 33 competitors came in the top three (7x1st, 12x2nd ac 14x3rd). Congratulations also to Wil Hockenhul on his success at the Urdd National Cross-country event where he came 4th.
Siblings Ifan and Elin Williams and their cousin, Wil, who came 2nd in the 2D Creative competition
Ysgol Henry Richard pupils showing off their certificates in recognition of their success in the Arts competitions at the Urdd National Eisteddfod.
Congratulations to the year 7/8 girls athletics team on winning the county round of the NASUWT Cup. They will now represent Ceredigion in the West Wales round.
Olympic runner of the future? Well done Wil Hockenhull year 6, on coming 4th at the Urdd National Cross-country event.
James, Leigha and Alex, Year 8 pupils at Ysgol Henry Richard who came second in the Welsh Second Language competition at the Urdd National Eisteddfod where they created and presented a Welsh radio programme.
School Sports Day Champions. Rhian Griffiths, (fastest girls 100m); Teifi captains - Cara Edwards, Nia Rees (record breaker), Gwyn Davies and Cynan Evans (fastest boys 100m), Drew Bryant (Victor ludorum) and Zara Evans (Victrix ludurom & record breaker)
Year 8 and 9 girls spent many weeks researching Welsh legends and preparing various tasks for their project which won second prize at the Urdd National Eisteddfod. 39
A Welsh Youth Parliament
people’s issues are discussed and be an excellent media opportunity to raise awareness for the fledgling youth parliament. Additionally, I hope that the Welsh Youth Parliament should be able to write legislation and motions, which with a reasonably large number of sponsors from National Assembly Members could be debated and voted upon by the Senedd. I intend to stand for the Welsh Youth Parliament, with elections to be held in late 2017/early 2018. I'm sure you will be hearing plenty about this nearer the time! For now, the priority is to create the best possible Welsh Youth Parliament, through the ongoing consultation. We need to get as many young people as possible to fill out the consultation below, to ensure the Welsh Youth Parliament has the powers to be effective and actually works: The consultation focuses on the following issues: Name: what should our parliament be called? Aim and Role: what should the aims and roles of our parliament be? Membership: how should members of our parliament be elected? Remember: the consultation closes on the 30th of June and the results will be analysed and announced by the autumn. I'm extremely excited for the creation of the Welsh Youth Parliament. Fill out the consultation to have a strong youth parliament and therefore a strong youth voice and presence in Cardiff Bay. Cyffin
The beginning of the consultation for the upcoming Welsh Youth Parliament began in Ysgol Bro Pedr recently. I was fortunate enough to be part of the effort for a representation of the young people of Wales in the creation of the Parliament for Wales’ young. The Presiding Officer of the Welsh Assembly and former pupil of Lampeter Comprehensive, Elin Jones AM, was there to open the consultation and speak with media. Elin Jones said: Our duty is not only to today’s voters, but to all citizens whose lives the Assembly touches. Children and young people have the right to take part as citizens now. This consultation is an opportunity to think afresh about how this should happen. I am very proud to be launching a consultation which means they will have a voice at a national level and put in place a system which will heavily influence the work of our Parliament and decisions makers in Wales. The Welsh Youth Parliament is not the first attempt at creating a youth parliament for Wales. Funky Dragon was founded for this purpose but never gained traction. With more professionalism and Assembly support, the youth parliament may have a long-term impact on Welsh politics. But, this is only possible if the Welsh Youth Parliament has meaningful powers, to stop it from being a mere talking shop. I believe that it should decide what topics are discussed in the Senedd one day a year. This would give it important decisions to make, ensure young
Recent Reviews Celf Llambed Arts Review On Friday night, 26 May, at Victoria Hall in Lampeter we were absolutely spoilt for choice with three sets from some of the most influential music creators new on the scene. A marvellous night of Cabarave was had by all, it was an absolutely epic night. The night will go down as one of my Cabafaves getting us all ready for the festi season. It was turbo-charged and sweaty with much dancing to be had. Firstly My Bad Sister, a high energy all singing and dancing duo with amazing mirrored moves and toasting style of lyrical wizardry. They were accompanied by a mash
up of heavy beats laid down by an awesome selector of breaks and beats. They are a force to be contented with, what a treat. Support came in the form of a Welsh language elector pop queen from Cardiff, Ani Glas. Her haunting clean voice with an eclectic pop slant was sheer beauty. The evening was topped off by the stage presence of a master of his craft, the one and only Dutty Moonshine. Having it as always, laying down his baselines and chunky beats with underlying classic sample,s referencing old school tunes and electro swing to boot. A great evening of dancing and fun 40
was had, stuff to make you smile and have a swing in your step until the next one. The next big one at the Victoria Hall is 30 June, featuring the one and only Firepit Collective, an edgy anarcho folk trio with bouzouki, guitar and violin. These guys are not for the faint hearted, the real deal, hold on to your hats. Support comes in the form of localish and loved, marvellously saucy band of ragamuffins, the truly unique Quercus Burlesque. This is going to be a stomping night, not to be missed! Celf Llambed Arts
Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.
Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.
Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.
Wele destunau llenyddol Eisteddfod Llambed eleni
Here are the literary topics for this year’s Lampeter Eisteddfod
Gan Elin Williams 10/06/17 Beth am roi cynnig ar y cystadlaethau llenyddol?
By Elin Williams 10/06/17 What about trying the literary competitions?
Ben Lake yn barod amdani
Ben Lake ready for work
Gan Golwg360 09/06/17 Yr Aelod Seneddol newydd o Lanbed yn barod i frwydro dros ardaloedd gwledig.
By Golwg360 09/06/17 The newly elected Member of Parliament from Lampeter is ready to fight for rural areas.
Taith Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood
Long Wood Community Woodland Walk
Gan Alun Jones 08/06/17 Hanes taith Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd o Lanfair Clydogau i Lanbed.
By Alun Jones 08/06/17 An account of Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd’s walk from Llanfair Clydogau to Lampeter.
Ymchwilio i lygredd afon Dulas
Investigating the pollution in the river Dulas
Gan Golwg360 02/05/17 Safle treulio anaerobig wedi llygru nant fechan cyn ymuno ag afon Dulas.
By Golwg360 02/05/17 An anaerobic digestion site has polluted a small stream that joins the river Dulas.
Llanllwni YFC’s success in the Carmarthenshire Rally
lwyddiant C.Ff.I Llanllwni yn Rali Sir Gâr
By CFfILlanllwni 06/06/17 Winning three cups and honouring one of the senior members as a county ambassador.
Gan CFfILlanllwni 06/06/17 Ennill tri chwpan ac anrhydeddu un o’r aelodau hynaf yn llysgennad y sir.
Carnifal Cwmann 2017
Cwmann Carnival 2017
Gan Sian Roberts-Jones 04/06/17 Canlyniadau a lluniau Carnifal a Mabolgampau’r pentref eleni.
By Sian Roberts-Jones 04/06/17 Results and pictures of this year’s village Carnival and Sports.
‘It’s a Knockout’ Llanybydder
Llanybydder’s It’s a Knockout
Gan Siona Evans 01/06/17 Canlyniadau a lluniau ‘It’s a Knockout’ pentref Llanybydder.
By Siona Evans 01/06/17 Llanybydder village It’s a Knockout results and pictures. 41
Over the next few weeks, weather permitting, many of us will be visiting beaches; some of us even fetching up at exotic shores. Wherever the location there are bound to be interesting objects washed up along the tide line and found in any pools left as the tide recedes. In Ceredigion, we have both sandy and rocky beaches, for example Ynys Las and Aberaeron. From Ynys Las it is possible, at low tide, to walk into the remains of the submerged forest at Borth where prehistoric cattle may have roamed; you may even be lucky enough to find a fossil from that time. You’re more likely to come across a ‘Mermaids purse’. These are the egg cases of Rays and Sharks. The one pictured is most likely from one of the Dogfish species (members of the shark family). Along with crabs, starfish and sea anemones these fish become trapped in the rock pools. Mermaids feature in folk tales from along the Cardigan Bay shore. These young women are usually portrayed as beautiful and alluring, but any man attracted to them ends up in trouble!
David Price
A stunning deep red-pink chested bull finch and his more muted mate entertain us whilst gorging on forget-me-not seeds. The bird table is fiercely attended as breeding pairs feed their young and then the fledglings appear too; father great spotted woodpecker proudly feeding his raucous babies from the nut feeder. Visiting other Ceredigion gardens is another pleasure I will savour in the summer months. The NGS is celebrating its 90th year of opening gardens for charity - Gardens to visit in July & August: 2 July - Ysgoldy’r Cwrt, Llangeitho 9 July - Pantyfod, Llanddewi Brefi 30 July - Sky’s Nursery, Ysbyty Ystwyth 6 Aug - Ty Glyn Walled Garden, Ciliau Aeron 6 Aug - Ty’r Maes, Ffarmers 20 Aug - Aberaeron Allotments and these are open by arrangement: Arnant House, Llwyncelyn; Bwlch y Geuffordd, Bronant; Llanllyr, Talsarn; Llwynbrain, Talsarn; Penybont, Llanafan; Ysgoldy’r Cwrt, Llangeitho. Have a great summer whatever you are celebrating. Shelagh & Steve Yeomans
Just a flavour of Summer Celebrations at Yr Efail The gales have stopped, the storms moved on and the garden is blooming as if they were never here. Nature is so resilient. My summer breakfast is adorned with freshly picked strawberries and we are planning meals to include broad beans, baby carrots and the first courgettes. These freshest of vegetable flavours bring such simple pleasures with many more to come as the summer unfolds. We are so lucky to be able to grow and cook our own food. Bottles of elderflower cordial adorn the store shed shelves alongside jams and jellies with chutneys and pickles to follow. The promise of a bumper crop will encourage me to peruse the schedules of local shows and enjoy some friendly (!!) competition. Finding yellow rattle growing in the meadow and seeing the young saplings become identifiable trees are worthy of a celebratory shout. Donkey muck deliveries ensure the compost heaps are busy creating next year’s goodness. A neighbour’s escaped turkey caused worried nights but a homing instinct (or desire for a corn breakfast!) brought her back before Y Cadno or the jet black, fierce mink could pounce.
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 42
Karen’s Creative Compendium 026 Welcome to the summer, the sun is shining and the temperature rising as I write, reminding me of long lazy school holidays. Apologies to Nikola Bransden, a crucial line was accidentally omitted from her poem last month (see P2). Pob hwyl, Karen
Holes in the Harvest
by Mandy Pickering
by Karen Gemma Brewer
The summer holidays flamed on we at a loose end hid under the Rhododendrons in Mr. Reutlinger’s garden trying to glimpse his swimming pool. He knew we were there because every now and then wearing only a rag of a loin-cloth holding a pair of sheers he’d peer into the gloom. Then we’d run back down the lane into the cover of the woods trail through the wild garlic by the dwindling stream and climb the gate to the wheat fields where scarlet pimpernel bled into gold. We waded out under a flare of pheasant wings their klaxon calls lifting over the hawthorn as we plunged in deeper, up to our waists trampling the crop into hollow pools. Submerged beneath a sea of rippling grain we lay on our backs listened to the rustling wheat as we floated in sky.
5 Rhythms by Ceredwen Women dancing In an upstairs room of an old hall Music beat pounding Skirts and hair flying Each one a universe Of blood and tears Sweating out a lifetime of Giving A circle forms Solidarity of sinew bone flesh Arms entwining Together much stronger Eyes acknowledging What it takes To be a living woman Dancing
A Suspicious Inquisitor (ASI) by Derek Moore
You grabbed your opportunity when you heard it knocking but smashed your credibility I found it shocking when I saw you shopping in Sainsbury’s.
Hello machine, I am informed that you are cleverer than my kind. How can that be if my kind created you? Or could it be that just like me you have been evolving since the beginning of time.
in line at the check-out with no place to hide gold teeth stood out like a lie tusks but no trumpeter keys without hammers more notes in your mouth than you find on 100 pianos.
Enlighten me master, from the birth of language and the first post-it note chiselled in stone, was your existence inevitable as minds pushed for dominance?
From idol to idle hero to zero star to meteor that burned up on re-entry you’re dust on the bed of a four poster ocean your rock and roll now Atlantic wave motion when you raise your voice it’s for more suntan lotion to rub on the gut that hangs from your belt. You used to hang on my wall. You should have been bottled preserved for posterity or locked in a cupboard where you couldn’t stare at me while I stare at you a vision that stings. This picture is locked in a circular memory that spins in my dreams recurring too frequently like the seven inch scratch on your greatest hits record. They deleted your albums. 43
Now tell me friend, how can you learn from mistakes if you never make any? Do you struggle? Do you feel pain? Can you feel passion? Can you go insane? But most importantly, can you love my children as I do?
Cake by Maj Ikle At fifty to be finally sat beside a fire kindled from trees I planted as seeds tended, watered, slept curled beneath in hot summers until they were ready to be coppice cut on my clear January big birthday with friends singing brought bundled home dry store seasoned then chopped and burned whilst eating home grown carrot soup. That is cake.
ads & classified Dracorns Wood Floors New, reclaimed and antique Specialist in sanding and repairs to existing floors
Mike Bridge 01570 472921 / 07917753298
WANTED talented pianist, bassist, guitarist, or cellist (other instrumentalists considered) interested in joining with a saxophonist and drummer to create original music drawing on varied influences, with a strong improvisational element. Contact: John 01570 480584
Tapsters Cider Farm & Shop Open Wednesday 10:30am-2pm
Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life. Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525
is looking for new clients in Ceredigion and surrounding area. Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Hoopi candling can also be offered. For an informal discussion please call Carol 07971 229608
Other open days can be found on our
Tues - 15.30-17.00 Fri - 18.30-20.00
Facebook page: Toloja Cider
Located: SA48 7PP
Contact: Sean Slater
(2 miles from Ciliau Aeron School towards Dihewyd)
01570 493139
Fordson Super Dexta
Family History Research
Qualified Aromatherapist
in desperate need of repair. Anyone fancy getting an old one running again? Will pay hourly rate. Contact: Tim Martin 07764 290406
This thirty-fifth Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword, focused on Aberaeron, is sponsored by Summer Grill. Bill Griffiths, proprietor of the Summer Grill in Aberaeron, has kindly offered a £20 voucher to the winner of the July/ August crossword, to be spent in his Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 35 (Jeep) restaurant. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Aberaeron’s Summer Grill is situated 11 12 in the heart of this gorgeous 13 14 15 Georgian seaside town alongside the 16 PRIZE: Voucher harbour. The specialities are Welsh 17 18 19 steaks and seafood. They hang their own beef before cutting it 20 into steaks and always have a variety of fish on the menu. 21 22 Lemon sole, sea bass and fish chowder are popular favourites, 23 24 25 26 while local crab and lobster are always in demand. There are 27 28 29 also vegetarian dishes on offer, such as creamy garlic 30 31 32 33 34 35 mushrooms, salad of the day and laver bread rolled in oats, 36 37 38 pan-fried with mushrooms and tomatoes. Award-winning Welsh 39 40 breakfasts are served daily from 8am to mid-day and there is a 41 42 tempting selection of cakes to go with your tea and coffee. The 43 44 45 evening restaurant is open from 5.30pm 46 47 48 Summer Grill shares the harbour-side townhouse with Arosfa 49 Guesthouse, where you can relax in quality accommodation in Across this superb location. competition
1. Royal house, royal city, space for refurbished brownish art mood?(7,8) 11. Perfumed liquids Lois used in a new way (4) 12. Heartless hippie is male (2) 13. Reached at watery end sounds like solid drop (8) 15. Tie cox cunningly and get something unusual (6) 16. She should have acceleration of 1cm/sec/sec (3) 17. Where we locate first wife in diem event surprisingly (2,4,2,4,3) 20. Seventh letter of the Ogham alphabet started new raid (4) 22. Good cerebral effort starts academic qualification (abb) (1,1,1) 23. Nine tents are assembled to create barrier at Aberaeron Sports Club (6,3) 26. Aberaeron clothing shop on Bridge Street opened 27th May 2012 (5) 27. Positive position for endless wrongs (2) 28. Status of Glyn Heulyn partner who together set up the Harbourmaster in 2001 (4) 30. Crown materials some bent all into shape (5,6) 34. Goat found in Yorkshire Dales river (3) 36. Sugar half end of Haiti festival music (4) 37. Time when one or more periods are backwards (3) 38. Soar about with these blades (4) 39. Tattoo studio at Aberaeron Craft Centre (6,6) 40. Tabloid girl with pointless wit (2) 41. In reference to the second tone? (2) 42. Restaurant on Regent Street, Aberaeron, Ty-.... (4) 43. Goon Show character found in Y Popty (6) 45. I am! I go! and I leave friend here (5) 46. Highly sought after if stolen (3) 47. Melting point for a politician? (abb) (1,1) 49. Abel belt the hell out of the beauty at the dance (3,5,3,4)
Hurrah! the spare rough working grid returns, page 28 - Eds.
Down 1. Road to the Weigh House in Aberaeron (10,6) 2. Sounds like we keeping the crazies out when we guarantee some food products (2,4,2) 3. Two pennies I entered and brought about event (3) 4. Point direction French give waves that penetrate water (abb) (1,1,1) 5. Members of native American people with no wise men (6) 6. Aberaeron road that looks across the harbour to The Hive (5,4,7) 7. Aberaeron venue known for its honey ice cream (3,4) 8. Spell spent in Welsh exile (3) 9. Shredded hog eaten and listed for consideration (2,3,6) 10. Yearly celebration of fish in Aberaeron (8,8) 14. Wales, not east or south, reversed rule (3) 18. Two pence to cover short monthly payment? (abb) (1,1) 19. Six hundred and one Roman I conquered (4) 21. Mountain feature with great eerie grotesque (5,5) 24. Composer of one arrangement (3) 25. Trinacria shows alternative to a crown (5) 26. Southeast and south show income, education and occupation (abb) (1,1,1) 29. Sounds like this aquatic Florida resident shows support for the state (8) 31. Rice mixture hob cooked together with light French bread (7) 32. Endless ball turned into short party (abb) (3) 33. No women cooked meals (5) 35. Italian and Spanish town revealed in Britten’s ‘Gloriana’ (4) 38. Where to find passed comment about bon mot (2,4) 44. Colobus holds ability to propel objects in a high arc (3) 48. Parent found resting in spar (2)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 11 Aug 2017, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 35, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.
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Congratulations to our Crossword Winner
Llinos Griffiths
Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue
Copy Deadline
52 Sept
Fri 11 Aug
Sat 26 Aug
53 -
The Big Picture
Fri 8 Sept
Sat 23 Sept
54 Nov
People Power
Fri 13 Oct
Sat 28 Oct
55 Dec/
Fri 10 Nov
Sat 25 Nov
(for People’s Market)
Llinos receiving her voucher from Ellie of 41 High Street 56 -
Fri 12 Jan 2018
Sat 27 Jan 2018
Please Send to: letters & articles listings adverts & classifieds
next issue… september - issue 52 copy deadline: friday 11 august theme: ‘lifestyle’ what are the lifestyle changes you’ve witnessed in your lifetime? in your opinion have these changes been beneficial or detrimental to society as a whole? what lifestyle choices have you made that may differ from your parents/children/friends? do you think that we will all have to make different lifestyle choices in future? If so, what do you think will be the triggers for this change? what might be the consequences of our choices on a local, national & global level? if these questions inspire you to make comment or open up a debate then why not write in and tell us … (700 words maximum please! ) Diolch / Thank you
Well done to everyone who sent in entries for crossword 34, Alun Davies, Daniel Davies, Mr G Davies, Jen Davies, Sarah Davies, David Hyde, Marilyn James, Susan James, George Kinchington, Sandra Moses, Geoff Oldrid, Jessica Reid, Caroline Smith, Rachel Talbot, & Marye Wyvill. Check out your answers for crossword 34 below. See page 45 for more details about the prize from our sponsor for issue 52, Summer Grill, Aberaeron. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 35, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor one of our crosswords, then please contact and someone will get in touch. Diolch /Thank you Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 34 by “Jeep”
G W P A Y H N A L L N E E T O W A I S I S M A C A M A G R O P R I E I T C A S 47