Lampeter Grapevine Issue 56 Feb 2018

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contents in this issue… reviews & letters ads & classifieds what’s going on secret travels totally locally town council opportunity to be generous incredible edible repair café seed swap ysgol y dderi our economy needs a new story bathing in nature mindfulness & dance art therapy & mindfulness the friendly games uwtsd celtic christianity long wood steemit elmo’s delights kcc cerddwyr llambed cothi gardeners pumsaint wi jottings nev’s doodles custard queens dathliadau gwyl dewi blues hero clonc call for help ysgol bro pedr banc bwyd report ms support group yr efail mindfulness ysgol henry richard aberaeron to lampeter challenge cryptic crossword

The Secret Travels of the Grapevine… Grapevine is now available around the world: lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes with you. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos: and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.

Jim & Sarah sent this from Wat Sensoukaram in the beautiful city of Luang Prabang in Lao PDR, a truly stunning city, old colonial French architecture and temples with such fine intricate artwork in their design! 2

GRAPEVINE no. 56, Feb 2018 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb / Happy New Year everyone ... Having watched Blue Planet II like lots of other people recently, I felt an overwhelming sense of horror, outrage, embarrassment and shame at humankind’s appalling lack of care and total disregard for the health of our planet and the creatures that inhabit it. However, this got me thinking about the theme for this issue, ‘Mindfulness’, which is defined as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something”. This amazing series has certainly alerted many of us to the huge scale of the ‘plastics in the oceans’ issue, and has raised the profile of this massive problem, to such an extent that it has become a popular topic of discussion. People are debating the use, control and recycling of plastics and these are valid lines of enquiry, but to me, the whole dilemma hinges on human behaviour, both global and local. Yes, we can call on industry, manufacturers, retailers, governments and local authorities to assess their part in a scheme that is not yet joined up; and we should










accommodate the recycling of all current plastics; but we can also start much closer to home, demonstrating that we as consumers, can act responsibly, be mindful of our actions and show that we care. We should be looking for best practice and replicating this worldwide. Having got rather fired












moment’ (another mindfulness technique) and do something positive. So, rather than demonising the plastics industry, I took a look at the ‘British Plastics Federation’ website, and discovered that they are quite aware of the

To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50/20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy date for March, issue 57: Fri 9 Feb Theme: ‘Space’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Moira Hay, based on an original by ‘Walk In My Shoes’

need to promote responsible manufacture, use, and recovery of products, and they share the objective of minimising waste through maximising recycling. BPF Director General, Philip Law recently stated, “The types of products that enter the marine environment from the UK tend to be those that have been irresponsibly littered”. This brings me back to ‘mindfulness’ and our responsibility as citizens to do what we can to protect, enhance and care for our local, national and global communities. We can all do our bit, from re-usable shopping bags and buying local, to re-usable drinks bottles, litter-picking and sorting our household waste, but why stop there … this isn’t the only way to practice mindfulness, so read on for more ideas. Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading Angie Martin, Editor

polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Grapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team

Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3

Cynhaliwyd Cyfarfod y Gyllideb Flynyddol y Cyngor Tref ar Nos Iau 11eg o Ionawr 2018 yn Festri Capel Shiloh, Llambed i benderfynu ar y swm o arian, a gesglir, trwy gyfrwng y Praesept a’r Maer y Cyngh. Hag Harris yn llywyddu. Yn Bresennol: Y Cyngh. Hag Harris (Cadeirydd); Dirprwy-Faer Y Gyngh. Ann Morgan; Y Cyngh. Rhys Bebb-Jones; Y Gyngh. Elin T Jones; y Gyngh. Dinah Mulholland; Y Cyngh. Robert Phillips; Y Cyngh. Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cyngh. David Smith; Y Cyngh. Chris Thomas a’r Archwilydd Mewnol Mr Derek Marshall. Bydd y Praesept yn cwrdd â gwariant y Cyngor Tref yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Y mae Praesept y Cyngor Tref yn cynrychioli cyfran fach o gyfanswm y Dreth Gyngor a gasglwyd gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion. Er enghraifft, ar gyfer y flwyddyn 2017 -18, cyfanswm cyfwerth â Chartref Band D (canolbris) oedd tâl o £1,425.90 ar gyfer Trethdalwr y Cyngor Llambed a gellir rhannu’r cyfanswm a ganlyn: Cyngor Sir Ceredigion £1,168.81 (82%); Heddlu Dyfed Powys £213.63 (15%); Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan £43.46 (3%). Penderfynwyd ar yr un swm â’r llynedd er fod y derbyniadau llai’r gwariant yn debygol o ddangos colled ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol hon ac i’w cwrdd oddi ar yr arian wrth gefn Gallai costau ychwanegol godi’r flwyddyn nesaf megis: Gwnaeth y Cyngor Tref ymholiadau ynghylch mabwysiadu o bosibl yr Ardd Goffa Rhyfel Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Y mae costau blynyddol parhaus presennol yn gysylltiedig â chynnal a chadw a darparu planhigion (a ddyfynnwyd gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion) oddeutu £4,800. Arddangosfeydd Blodau dros fisoedd yr haf: y Cyngor Tref oedd yn gyfrifol am drefnu’r arddangosfeydd blodau yn ystod yr haf 2017 a disgwylir gwneud hynny’n ystod ydyfodol. Y gost blynyddol yw oddeutu £10,000. Maes Chwarae Maesyfelin: Gallai Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am yr Ardal Chwarae oddi wrth y Landlord presennol sef Tai Ceredigion. Y Ffynnon, Sgwâr Harford: mae’r Cyngor Tref yn trafod â Ch.S Ceredigion y posibilrwydd o drosglwyddo'r Ffynnon a’r ardal o gwmpas o ofal y Cyngor Sir i Gyngor y Dref Parc-yr-Orsedd: mae trefniadau ar y gweill i gyflwyno cyfarpar chwarae newydd o fewn y parc. Gwaith Adnewyddu: Mynediad Isaf Clwb Rygbi Llanbedr PS. Y mae angen cyllid ar gyfer y canlynol gan y Cyngor Tref Cynnal a Chadw’r Llwybrau Cerdded o fewn Ward Llanbedr Pont Steffan; Parc-yr-Orsedd Amwynder/Ardal Chwarae; Hirio neuaddau ar gyfer cyfarfodydd/ digwyddiadau; Hyfforddiant ar gyfer aelodau a’r rhai a gyflogir; Dwy-ieithrwydd; Cae Maesyderi; Goleuadau Nadolig – cost trydan a golau’r gofgolofn; Technoleg Gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu; Hysbysfwrdd; Cynnal a Chadw’r safle ar y we’r Cyngor Tref; Yswiriant; Glanhau’r llochesi bws; Archwiliadau ariannol (mewnol ac allanol); Tanysgrifiadau ee. Un Llais Cymru.

The Budget Meeting was held on Thursday 11 January 2018 at Shiloh Chapel Vestry, Lampeter to decide on the amount of money to be collected by means of the Precept with Mayor, Cllr Hag Harris presiding. Present: Cllr Hag Harris; Deputy-Mayor Cllr Ann Morgan; Cllr Rhys Bebb-Jones; Cllr Elin T Jones; Cllr Dinah Mulholland; Cllr Robert Phillips; Cllr Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr David Smith; Cllr Christopher Thomas and the Internal Auditor Mr Derek Marshall. The Town Council’s Precept represents a small proportion of the total Council Tax collected by Ceredigion County Council. For example, for the year 2017-18, the total Band D Household (average) charge of £1,425.90 for a Lampeter Council-Tax Payer can be identified as follows: Ceredigion County Council £1,168.81 (82%); Dyfed Powys Police £213.63 (15%); Lampeter Town Council £43.46 (3%). It was resolved not to increase the Precept despite the fact that income less expenditure, during the present financial year is likely to show a shortfall, which will be met from the reserves. The following costs could arise during the next year: The Town Council could adopt the Lampeter War Memorial Garden. Present ongoing annual costs concerning maintenance and supply of plants (Ceredigion CC) are in the region of £4,800. Floral Displays over the summer months: the Town Council took responsibility for organising Floral Displays within the town over the summer months in 2017 and will continue to do so in the future. (Annual cost approximately £10,000). Maesyfelin Play Area: Lampeter Town Council could take responsibility for the Play-Area from the present Landlord Tai Ceredigion. The Fountain, Harford Square: the Town Council is in discussion with Ceredigion CC concerning the possibility of transferring responsibility for the Fountain and the surrounding area, to the Town Council; Parc yr Orsedd: arrangements are in hand to introduce new play-apparatus within the Park. Renovation work: re: Lampeter Rugby Club Lower Entrance. Financial outlay is required for the following by Lampeter Town Council: Maintenance of footpaths in the Lampeter Ward; Parc-yrOrsedd Amenity/Play area; Hire of halls for meetings/ events; Training for members and employees; Bilingualism; Maesyderi Field; Christmas Lights’ electricity costs and the light of the War Memorial; ICT; Notice Board; Maintenance of the Town Council’s Website; Insurance; Cleaning bus-shelters; Audits (internal and external); Subscriptions eg. One Voice Wales.

Continued on page 6 4


grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE


In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.

Christmas shopping day, that each vendor sold only fifteen or eighteen? The magazine is normally £2.50, £1.25 of which the seller has already used to buy each of his. Rent is probably £100 a week, so even if they sell all their magazines there is still not much left over. Don't forget the bus fares! Surely every person going into a supermarket is moments away from spending a huge amount of money.

An Opportunity To Be Generous

Try watching people who walk past Big Issue sellers. So many ignore and walk straight on, some glimpse him or her and then purposefully look the other way "I can't buy your magazine" their walk screams "because I haven't seen you." Anyone’s life can fall apart. Having lost a job, been refused benefits and with a family to support and unable to pay the rent so many people are a whisker away from living in Can buying a magazine for £2.50 really make a the gutter, if not actually homeless yet. Big Issue sellers difference to our pocket? are working to find a way out for themselves and their It's actually quite a good magazine and I look forward to families. They must go to Swansea once a week with their reading the provocative articles. Some of us are on own money to buy the magazines, then they are assigned pensions, minimum wage etc. and £2.50 is realistically all a post which may be many miles from where they live. So we can afford. How heart warming it is to see those few they need to find £150 for magazines, then bus money for who give £5 and don't want the change. I saw one lady in a week before they have a chance of making a penny back Lampeter do that today. Just one. for themselves. The magazines must also be all sold by the Think of these moments wherein we are offered a chance time the next issue is available or the seller must throw to give, as an opportunity to be generous. Are we them away. Imagine that! going to spend £50 on food? Why not give the vendor £5? The Big Issue seller outside Aberystwyth Lidl on Saturday Did we just spend £100 and still have plenty in our purse? 23 December - a huge Christmas shopping day, was there Why not donate £10? At the very least, and I am sure that from 08:30 to 18:00 and in all that time sold only fifteen you would agree, with a footfall of fifty people per hour magazines. He had sold his laptop, his teenage daughters and with a vendor who has about 150 magazines in his tablet and phone to buy his weeks’ worth of magazines. satchel, it is a moral shame, a criminal negligence that any Teenagers are not always as sympathetic as you would vendor should be there till closing time still trying to sell, hope. As he is not on benefits the children do not qualify not to beg, but to sell. I beg of you, when you see a Big for free school meals. Lampeter Food Bank does a stellar Issue seller, please buy from them with generosity. Let us job, but cannot support everyone. The seller outside make it our "Lampeter Lifeline" goal that each vendor will Lampeter Co-op on that day sold only eighteen. Lidl and be sold out by midday. Harry Harrison the Co-op are generous to let sellers stand by their entrances and out of the rain. Each has more than fifty CLEARING OUT A FOOD CUPBOARD? customers per hour. How is it that in a complete day, a The Food Bank is always grateful to be considered if you are clearing out a cupboard, and would welcome a call on our mobile 07582 905743 to talk about the kind of nonLampeter Food Project perishable in-date food that we can accept for our clients. Every Thursday If there are open packets of in-date foods, the Food Bank 4-6pm cannot use these, but Sarah Hulme would be happy to Victoria Hall take them for the Lampeter Food Project, the free Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food community meal cooked every Thursday at Victoria Hall. to anyone who wants it. Sarah can be contacted on 01794 821219. Food left in cupboards is often out of date or the tins have Wanted: local businesses willing to donate their become rusty, and we cannot offer this to anyone! This edible surplus and local people willing to help should really be disposed of - so please save everyone the with cooking. trouble, by not trying to transfer or offer this unusable Contact: Lindsay, 01570 493791 food. Diolch / Thank you.

Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank 5

Cont.d from page 4

Yn ogystal, gwneir cyfraniadau ariannol megis Eisteddfod Llanbedr Pont Steffan (£1,000); Gŵyl Fwyd Llanbedr PS (£1,000 yn ystod 2017); Sioe Amaethyddol Llanbedr PS (£500); Carnifal Llanbedr PS (£500); Arddangosfa Tân Gwyllt d/l Ford Gron Llanbedr PS (£500). Mae Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan wedi ymrwymo i stiwardiaeth a thryloywder mewn perthynas â'r cyfrifon. Am ddadansoddiad arian nol manwl ewch i wefan y Cyngor Tref

Annual donations are also made to the Lampeter Eisteddfod (£1,000); Lampeter Food Festival (£1,000 during 2017); Lampeter Agricultural Show (£500); Lampeter Carnival (£500); Lampeter Fireworks’ Display c/o Lampeter Round Table (£500). Lampeter Town Council is committed to stewardship and transparency in relation to its accounts. For a detailed financial breakdown please visit the Town Council’s website

CAIS CYNLLUNIO A171092 CYNGOR SIR CEREDIGION Ysgol Ffynonbedr, Llanbedr Pont Steffan Dymchwel Adeiladau Ysgol a Chodi 21 Anheddau Preswyl â Pharcio Cysylltiedig, Tirweddu a Gwaith Atodol Derbyniwyd cyflwyniad gan Mr John Crowther a Helen Thomas yn gwrthwynebu’r cais uchod. Ar ôl grym drafodaeth penderfynwyd gwrthwynebu’r cais gan y Cyngor Tref. Am fanylion pellach ymwelwch â safle ar y we’r Cyngor Sir Ceredigion

PLANNING APPLICATION CEREDIGION COUNTY COUNCIL A171092 Ysgol Ffynonbedr, Lampeter: Demolition of School Buildings and the building of 21 Affordable Residential Dwellings with Associated Parking, Landscaping and Ancillary Works. A presentation was received from Mr John Crowther and Helen Thomas objecting to the above Application. After careful deliberation it was resolved to oppose the above development (further information available on the Ceredigion County Council’s website).

BLWYDDYN NEWYDD DDA! Hoffai aelodau’r Cyngor Tref ddymuno Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i holl drigolion tref Llambed ac edrychir ymlaen i gydweithio pellach yn ystod 2018.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Members of Lampeter Town Council wish all the residents of Lampeter a Happy New Year and look forward to further cohesive working in 2018.


Incredible Edible Lampeter One element of sustainable futures is, of course, food growing! So, the Transition group have been having a think about how we can increase the amount of food that is grown locally, raise awareness about growingyour-own in an environmentally-friendly way, and generally make Lampeter an even greener, lovelier place to be. The team had heard about a movement called ‘Incredible Edible’, which has found its way into towns and cities across the UK and abroad, and are now excited to announce our dream to create an Mach Maethlon’s public veg bed Incredible Edible Lampeter! Incredible Edible started in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, in 2007. It involves planting edible things like vegetables, herbs and fruit, in and around the town and using this as a springboard for local food-related education and enterprise. Think spinach outside Sainsburys, sage along the street, strawberries around the school. They’ll be grown in boxes (‘planters’) or planted straight into the ground. The great thing is that everything that is grown in an Mach Maethlon’s edible Incredible Edible project is FREE to ANYONE! If you picnic tables eat, you’re in! Passing by a planter on your way home from work? Grab some rosemary for your evening stew. Walking your dog through town? Pick some raspberries as a little energy boost. Machynlleth have had Incredible Edible (as “Mach Todmorden Police Station Maethlon”) for a few years now, so the Transition with proud guardians team made a trip up there in October to meet one of the founders and find out how to set it up here. We had a wonderful day, walking around the inspiring Edible sites and learning about different ways to run the project. It was fantastic to hear that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to it from Todmorden Railway Station the Mach residents! As the pictures from other towns show, it can be beautiful as well as edible. We have a couple of initial sites in the pipeline here, and we’ll update you as soon as we can. Does all this sound good to you? We’re planning on holding some volunteer days where a group of us all chip in a few hours’ work to build the planters, plant seeds and write signs. We’ll also need some people to take care of them – doing a bit of weeding, pruning or watering. These days will be a great way to meet other people who are passionate about having some free food in their local town! If you’d be interested in helping create Incredible Edible Lampeter, or if you’re a local business who would like to ‘adopt a planter’, please get in touch, email: and look out for more info in Grapevine and around town. Lucy Bird and Julia Lim More info online: * Incredible Edible * Mach Maethlon * Incredible Edible Carmarthenshire have a Facebook page:


The Repair Café movement began in Amsterdam in 2009 and now, in Wales, groups are active in Machynlleth, Cardiff, Llandrindod Wells - see It’s a free get-together where people share, and teach each other, skills for repairing or mending their broken or worn-out possessions. This not only reduces the amount of “stuff” going into landfill sites, but is also fun and satisfying in itself. Transition Llambed has been trying to get one going in Lampeter. Though we originally planned for a first Repair Café on Saturday 20 January, not enough people had come forward to organise it or participate. So we’ve decided to plan one for Saturday 17 March in the morning (times to be confirmed) at Victoria Hall. We still need more people to get involved. If it’s not possible to hold a full-scale Repair Café on Saturday 17 March, we could run an informal skill-sharing event on that day. So, do you have repair-type skills, and some time to spare for this “make do and mend” project? You could be someone who knows how to repair: textiles, wooden furniture, crockery, electronic items, toys, bicycles… or pretty much anything that breaks or wears out, and can be fixed. And are you free on Saturday 17 March? Come and join us. Get involved: *Email: and tell us what your skills are, or what you’d like to learn to do *Write to us: Admin Team, Transition Llambed, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7EE (or put it through the letterbox, high up to the left of the double doors) *Come to our next Transition Llambed meeting at 6.30pm on Thursday 8 February at Victoria Hall. Dr Vole

Lampeter Permaculture Group is holding its Seed Swap Saturday 24 February People's Market, Victoria Hall 10am to 1pm If you are interested in local food, vegetable growing or gardening - then this is the event for you. Bring along any surplus seeds (well labelled please and not too old), garden equipment, pots and tools. Even if you have nothing to swap, come along, make a donation and go away with as much, or as little as you want. For a host of reasons selling your home saved seeds is illegal, but swapping these seeds should be encouraged. It is so important that gardeners get involved in saving at least some of their own seed because it's free, promotes biodiversity and local strains of seed, conserves older varieties, builds links between local growers in the area, and improves local food security. 2018 is the 12th anniversary of Lampeter Seed Swap. With each year there are increasing numbers of keen seed swappers, old timers who have always saved their own seeds, people exchanging gardening and growing knowledge, and new growers taking their first steps in gardening. This year’s event promises to be another exciting growing event. We hope to see you there. Jude McHugh


Cerys and Lili Jewell and their family presented a cheque of £716 to Philippa Davies from ‘The Stroke Association’ in loving memory of their father. Cerys and Lili had organised a day of activities to raise money for this very worthy cause.

Cyflwynodd Cerys a Lili Jewell a'u teulu siec o £716 i Philippa Davies o’r ’Gymdeithas Stroke’ er cof annwyl am eu Tad. Trefnodd Cerys a Lili diwrnod o weithgareddau arbennig ar gyfer codi arian tuag at yr elusen haeddiannol yma.

The Main Bard Mererid Hopwood came to work with the pupils of years 3 and 4. We enjoyed a magical afternoon in her company and composed a fantatic Christmas poem. Thank you Mererid for the gift of your new book ‘Dosbarth Miss Prydderch’ for the children to enjoy.

Daeth y Prifardd Mererid Hopwood i weithio gyda disgyblion blwyddyn 3 a 4, cafwyd amser hudolus yn ei chwmni ac ysgrifennwyd darn o farddoniaeth hyfryd ar gyfer y Nadolig. Diolch iddi am gyflwyno ei llyfr newydd ‘Dosbarth Miss Prydderch’ i ni ei fwynhau.

Mair Tomos Ifans held a special workshop on the new year tradition of the ‘Mari Lwyd’. The children sang traditional verses, wrote some of their own and made a Mari Lwyd for the class.

Daeth un o draddodiadau’r ‘Hen Galan’ yn fyw i’r plant wrth i Mair Tomos Ifans gynnal gweithdy’r Fari Lwyd. Bu’r plant yn canu penillion, cyfansoddi rhai eu hunain ac yn creu Mari Lwyd i’r dosbarth.

Years 5 and 6 welcomed the local historian Mr Alan Leech to school. An interesting afternoon was had learning about the impact of war on our community. Thank you Mr Leech for your knowledge and expertise. A day of activities was then held to celebrate ‘VE Day’, the children all dressed up from the era, they cooked, listened to music and danced, sewed bunting and played traditional games. A superb day was had by all!

Croesawyd Mr Alan Leach, hanesydd lleol i siarad â phlant blwyddyn 5 a 6 fel rhan o waith hanes yr hanner tymor a aeth heibio. Cafwyd prynhawn diddorol yn dysgu am effaith y rhyfel ar ein cymuned. Diolch yn fawr Mr Leech am araith arbennig. Uchafwbynt y gwaith oedd cynnal diwrnod o weithgareddau i ddathlu ‘Diwrnod VE’. Bu’r plant yn gwisgo yn ôl yr amser, coginio, gwrnado i gerddoriaeth a dawnsio, gwnïo byntin a chwarae gemau.

Thank you to Aled from ‘Ynni Da’ for holding a very different end of term disco! Following a Welsh pop music workshop, the children had to peddle bikes as fast as they could in order to produce enough energy to run the disco equipment. A great afternoon of peddling, dancing, singing and enjoying popular welsh music was had by all! #LanguageCharter.

Diolch i Aled o ‘Ynni da’ am ddod i gynnal disgo diwedd tymor gwahanol iawn! Bu raid i’r disgyblion pedlo beiciau ar gyfer creu digon o ynni i redeg y peiriannau disgo. Yn dilyn gweithdy ar Gerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Cafwyd prynhawn o seiclo, danwsio, canu a mwynhau cerddoriaeth Cymreig #SiarterIaith.

The Urdd organised a gig in Bont Pavilion and invited children in years 5 and 6 to come and socialise and enjoy Welsh pop music. Thank you to ‘Mellt’ and the ‘Candelas’’ for performing live.

Trefnwyd ‘gig’ gan Yr Urdd ym mhafiliwn Bont gan wahodd plant blynyddoedd 5 a 6 i ddod i gymdeithasu ac i fwynhau cerddoriaeth Cymreig. Diolch i ‘Mellt’ a’r ‘Candelas’ am berfformio’n fyw.

Years 5 and 6 had a fantastic experience visiting Oxford University. They saw the Red Book of Hergest, Book of Anchorite, Llanddewi, early Eook of Laws and much, much more! Article to follow next issue.

Bu blwyddyn 5 a 6 ar daith gwefreiddiol i Brifysgol Rhydychen. Gwelwyd Llyfr Coch Hergest, Llyfr Ancr Llanddewi Brefi a llyfr cyfreithiau cynnar a llawer mwy! Erthygl i ddilyn yn y rhifyn nesaf.

A warm welcome to the ten new children who joined in the nursery at the beginning of this term. Everyone has settled in well and are very happy and contented.

Croeso cynnes i ddeg plentyn bach newydd a ddechreuodd yn y meithrin ar ddechrau’r tymor yma. Braf yw dweud eich bod wedi ymgartrefu’n dda ac yn hapus iawn gyda ni.

Lilian Jones 9


Our Economy Needs a New Story Stories have played a crucial role in our understanding of the world for millennia, breaking down complex ideas or morals into a digestible form. In Wales we have a proud tradition of folklore, in forms such as the Mabinogi, and these myths and stories have helped us to understand ourselves, our relationships with others and how we rule ourselves. Stories are integral to our identity. The economy is a staggeringly complex system that governs our lives and how we see ourselves and others. To understand this invisible force, we have developed narratives to explain how the economy works. Over time these narratives changed and remoulded themselves countless times. In fact, these stories can legitimise or revolutionise the economy - they have power. The narratives we use to explain the economy can change the economy. In Medieval times, Feudalism dominated the economic system. Nobles held lands from the Crown, while the peasants were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him labour and a share of their produce. Every week this narrative was preached from the pulpit. The story was: ‘God anointed the King, who gave the lands to the Lords, who state I must work for them.’ Due to the story, the enormous exploitation of labourers was unchallengeable - as to challenge Feudalism would be to challenge established religion itself. However, in the ashes of the Feudalist narrative, another story was born - the story of Capitalism. This said ‘private ownership of land, money and goods with trade would bring wealth and liberty.’ Once this story took hold those who challenged it, such as Marx, were

dismissed as dangerous and mad. The complexity of this story, multiplied by early 20th century globalisation, made it seem incontestable. Let’s fast-forward to the end of the Second World War. A new story born from the rubble of war argued for an economy built on solidarity. The ‘post-war consensus’ of partial nationalisation, high taxation, an active Keynesianism, and the welfare state triumphed until Thatcher’s revolution. Thatcher’s story contrasted with the post-war consensus. The New Right ideology of neo-liberalism, characterised by privatisation, austerity, deregulation and freetrade, had no space for society or solidarity - everything was reduced to individuals. The right said “there is no alternative”. And the left shifted ever rightwards, until they became the very thing they formerly opposed. This is why Thatcher said Blair and Brown were her “greatest success”. With New Labour, the left, right and centre advocated Thatcher’s narrative. Neo-liberalism was politically unchallengeable. Instead, the story was rocked by a crisis of its own creation: the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting global depression. The mighty, unregulated finance sector collapsed in on itself due to subprime lending. Banks folded, unemployment rose and the seeds of neo-liberal capitalism’s downfall were germinating. The 2010s saw neo-liberalism’s final spasm. A wave of privatisation, austerity and tax cuts for the rich and corporations flourished under Cameron’s government. The longest on squeeze on real pay since Napoleon’s 1750s with pay falling behind inflation, a decade of lost economic growth and punitive welfare cuts have led to anger towards the economic story being expressed at the ballot box. 11

Meanwhile, the Labour Welsh Government have seemed powerless, or unwilling, to stand up for Wales. Righteous anger is writing new economic stories. Brexit, Trump and the European far-right are delivering an economic story that reverses globalisation, reverses multiculturalism and reverses our rights in order to benefit the elite. Their narrative is constructed to hide their system and its real purpose - to preserve wealth in the hands of elites. The far-right must not hijack our economy by building a system that works for them, preserved by misguided support from the many. The old story is dying. Neo-liberalism’s final spasm of life is reaching its end. Whose story will replace it? We in Wales have a choice. Do we support the Brexiteer capitalism of the Conservatives, or do we build a new economic narrative that creates a Wales built on democracy, fairness and freedom from oppression? Will we need independence to put this story into reality and protect it into the future? Our next economic story is up to us. Get writing. Cyffin Thomas

Bathing in Nature Ever heard of Shinrin Yoku or Forest Bathing? What is it and why are more and more people around the world starting to

“No one will protect what they don’t care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced.” And a Forest Bathing leader Amos Clifford goes on to say: “All of our efforts to become an environmentally sustainable species must be rooted in a deep relationship with nature. Without this relationship, all our efforts towards sustainability will be subtly flawed in ways that will eventually be our undoing.” As we spend time in nature we start to see that none of us exists independently but are instead profoundly interdependent with all things. I believe that helping people find a deeper connection with nature is critically important because our understanding and relationship is vital both for the health and wellbeing of the planet but also for the health and wellbeing of ourselves. Denmark Farm Conservation Centre and Hartley Preserve are excited to offer a series of four Nature Bathing sessions that follow the seasons through 2018. The first session will take place on Wednesday 7 March and full details can be found at: This is an exciting opportunity to develop the practice of nature bathing for yourself in the beautiful setting of Denmark Farm. The sessions will be taught in a way that will allow you to develop a series of practices that you can incorporate into your own life to bring you the benefits of nature bathing that can be taken away. Jacqueline Hartley

practice it? The term Shinrin Yoku is a Japanese practice which translates in English to ‘Forest Bathing’. There is no single practice that is officially Shinrin Yoku but it is more of an effect that follows the general principle that it is beneficial to spend time bathing in the forest or indeed bathing in nature. In the west we refer to it as Mindfulness in Nature. Numerous scientific studies now describe the benefits of spending time in nature including: Reducing blood pressure Reduced cortisol levels Increased counts of natural killer cells Improved perception of vigour Reduced stress levels. The scientific findings are unsurprising when we consider that we have evolved along with the plants and animals to co-inhabit our planet. Our bodies are adapted to breathe the air emitted by healthy natural environments. Our DNA still recognises the natural environments and wild areas as home, and home is a place of healing. In addition spending time in nature also helps connect us more deeply and improve our understanding of the workings of the natural environment. As Sir David Attenborough said:

100-word Story Challenge - Winners

If you missed having a go in this competition but would like to take up the challenge … we would still really love you to give it a go - so just send your 100-word stories to Don’t forget to tell us your name, age and a contact number. We can publish them over the next few issues. Diolch/ Thank you 12


Art Therapy and Mindfulness

In order to dance you need to be completely present in mind and body. As you listen to the music and let the music seep into your consciousness, all thoughts of the daily pressures of your life start to drift away. Often after teaching a dance class I am shocked at how quickly the time has gone. When you are truly present, time passes in such a rewarding way that it can fly by. There are many other well documented benefits to body and mind from dance DANCE BOOSTS MEMORY Aerobic exercise can reverse volume loss in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. Members of my dance class often say that they feel their brains get as much of a workout as their bodies, as we learn new moves or routines. DANCE IMPROVES FLEXIBILITY Use it or lose it! The movements used in dance and the warm up and cool down stretches at the start and end of class all increase flexibility and reduce stiffness. A good dance teacher can often give you suggestions for exercises to ease particular mobility issues. Most students experience improved posture, less back ache and increased flexibility over time. DANCE REDUCES STRESS In a controlled study in the Journal of Applied Gerontology, researchers found that dance and musical accompaniment can help bring about stress relief. DANCE DIMINISHES DEPRESSION At Edge Hill University a study showed that people who participated in dance showed fewer depression symptoms and more vitality. DANCE HELPS WITH WEIGHT LOSS Hate the Gym? A study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that an exercise program of aerobic dance training is just as helpful for losing weight and increasing aerobic power as cycling and jogging. DANCE IMPROVES BALANCE A study in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity showed that dancing can improve balance in aging adults. Dancing requires controlled movement and good posture, so frequent dancing will help you stabilise and gain better control of your body. A good dance teacher can suggest specific exercises for ankle strength and balance. In the Lampeter Area you are blessed with some fabulous dance classes, all run by inspirational teachers. Check out classes near you in the Listings section pages 17 to 24. Rose Barter

Feeling low and sleeping badly because you can’t make ends meet? Stressed at work because you are understaffed and overworked? Maybe HR or your GP will suggest a course of Mindfulness. What this suggests is that the problem is located in the individual rather than in the structures of our extremely unequal and materialist society. The term McMindfulness has been termed to symbolise the misuse and commodification of this ancient Buddhist spiritual practice. In these cases it has become part of the problems that can only be changed by collective action. However, Mindfulness can be helpful when used appropriately and grounded in the practice’s original wholesome intentions: that is to be practiced with non-judgemental self-acceptance and to free all sentient beings from suffering. People courageously come into therapy because they have had distressing experiences that continue to negatively affect the way they meet the problems life throws at them (and all of us), and they seem to repeat the same negative patterns over and over, compounding their distress. In my experience as an Art Therapist, Mindfulness is not a cure for trauma, but is useful in managing the symptoms of trauma. Making art is a mindful practice in itself. When the client makes art they are manipulating materials and making decisions about how to put the various elements together in the here and now. Then the client can make use of the other healing aspects of the therapeutic process, including the caring therapeutic relationship and the unconscious material made manifest in the art-making. Mindfulness as the basis of a meditation practice done in the spirit of loving kindness towards oneself and all beings is a wonderful way of gaining spaciousness and freedom, but in my opinion we all need to heal our traumatic wounds before we can pursue this path, otherwise we engage in what is know as ‘spiritual by-pass’ and that’s a whole new chapter!

Fit For Life,, 01239 851737 THE FRIENDLY GAMES Mulberry Bush Café, Every Saturday Playing board games is fun and a great way to develop team-work and get to know people. In this digital age, when so many of us spend hours alone, interacting with a screen, playing board games makes a refreshing change. To sit at a

table with real people, following the random throws of a dice or developing tactical skills, learning a new game or remembering an old one, is a great way to make new friends and while away a few hours. The Mulberry Bush Café welcomes you to join in THE FRIENDLY GAMES, starting 13

Dylis Pugh Art Psychotherapist, Saturday 3 February. Bring a game you love and teach others, turn up and join in a game, or come with some friends and play one of the games available. Donations of board games also welcome. The game sessions will be from 10am12.30pm and 2-4pm every Saturday. Everyone of any age is welcome! Josie

Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar: Cael llonydd mewn byd gorffwyll Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yw'r broses seicolegol o dynnu sylw rhywun at brofiadau sy'n digwydd yn yr eiliad sydd ohoni, y gellir eu datblygu drwy ymarfer myfyrdod a hyfforddiant arall. Byddwn yn cynnig dewis o gyrsiau y flwyddyn nesaf ar gyfer pawb, o ddechreuwyr pur i'r rhai sy'n dymuno diweddaru eu harferion myfyrio neu ddysgu dull gwahanol o fyfyrio. Meddai Heather Fish, ein Hathrawes Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar: "Mae ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar wedi cael llawer o sylw yn y cyfryngau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Fel arfer myfyriol, gyda'i wreiddiau mewn Bwdhaeth, mae’n ddiddorol ystyried ymhle mae'r arfer wedi canfod ei le yn yr 21ain ganrif,” meddai Heather. Ychwanega “O’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd, i ysgolion, prifysgolion a diwydiant trwm, mae mwy a mwy o bobl yn rhoi cynnig arno ac yn gweld ei fod yn gallu bod yn fuddiol i’n hiechyd corfforol, emosiynol a meddyliol”. Ond beth yw ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar? Yn ôl Heather, mae’n ymwneud â bod yn effro yn yr eiliad sydd ohoni, yn lle byw ein bywydau'n awtomatig. Yn 2018 bydd y Drindod Dewi Sant yn cynnig 2 gwrs Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar dros 8 wythnos, yn ogystal ag encil penwythnos. Rydym yn cynnig: 1. Nos Fercher, 6-7.30 gan ddechrau ar 18 Ebrill am 8 wythnos. Bydd yn costio £120/ £80 ac yn rhedeg am 8 wythnos, a bydd angen prynu llyfr cwrs am bris ychwanegol o £4.10 ar Kindle neu £11 am gopi caled newydd. Lleoliad: Llyfrgell y Sylfaenwyr 2. Dosbarth i fyfyrwyr: Amser cinio dydd Mercher, 1-2.30 gan ddechrau ar 31 Ionawr am 8 wythnos gyda thoriad yn ystod yr wythnos sy’n cychwyn 26 Chwefror. Bydd yn rhad ac am ddim i fyfyrwyr ac yn rhedeg am 8 wythnos, a bydd angen prynu llyfr cwrs am bris ychwanegol o £4.10 ar Kindle neu £11 am gopi caled newydd. Noddir y cwrs hwn yn hael gan ein tîm Profiadau Myfyrwyr ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn am hynny. Lleoliad: Llyfrgell y Sylfaenwyr Encil penwythnos: Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, Ioga a Hunanofal Gyda Heather Fish a Kerry Morgan Dyddiad – dydd Gwener 31 Awst – 2 Medi Mae’r encil penwythnos hwn, ar gampws hyfryd Llambed, yn cynnig cyfuniad o ddulliau a luniwyd i wella ein hymdeimlad o les a’r cyflwr o fod yn fyw. Mae’n addas ar gyfer dechreuwyr ac ymarferwyr mwy profiadol, ac mae’r gweithgareddau trwy brofiadau yn cwmpasu myfyrdodau, symud ymwybodol ac amrywiaeth o arferion ioga. Bydd y gweithgareddau ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yn seiliedig ar y llyfr Mindfulness: finding peace in a frantic world, ac yn archwilio diolchgarwch, hunan-garedigrwydd a chroesawu pethau da yn ein profiad, waeth pa mor fach ydynt. Bydd rhai cyfnodau o dawelwch yn ein galluogi i fod yn llwyr bresennol ynom ni ein hunain, a darperir ffocws trwy’r cwestiwn: ‘sut gallwn ni ofalu am ein hunain orau?’ Bydd sesiynau ioga yn cynnwys ioga hatha (ystumiau corfforol), pranayama (ioga ar gyfer anadlu) a ioga nidra (ioga ar gyfer cysgu). Yn ystod y penwythnos hwn, bydd ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a ioga’n gweithio gyda’i gilydd i greu dynameg sy’n llifo,

gan hyrwyddo ymdeimlad o hunanymwybyddiaeth ac o ‘fod’. Os bydd y tywydd yn caniatáu, byddwn yn manteisio i’r eithaf ar y lleoliad i gerdded ac ymarfer ym myd natur, er mwyn dyfnhau a chyfoethogi ein profiad. Mae Heather a Kerry, a staff Llambed yn edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu i’r antur ysgafn ac ysbrydoledig hon i'r corff a’r meddwl, ac i botensial diddiwedd. Heather Fish: Mae gan Heather ddiddordeb brwd mewn ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a'r gallu i greu bywyd wedi’i ryddhau o hualau pryder diangen a gor-feddwl. Mae wedi bod yn arfer myfyrdod er dros ugain mlynedd, ac wedi bod yn athrawes Lleihau Straen trwy Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar (MBSR) er dros chwe blynedd. Mae’n addysgu yn y gymuned, mewn gweithleoedd ac yn y byd academaidd, a’i phwnc yw Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar yn y Gweithle. Kerry Morgan: Dechreuodd Kerry ar ei thaith ioga pan oedd yn fyfyrwraig israddedig yn 1996.Mae ei chefndir fel Gwyddonydd Chwaraeon cymwysedig ac fel Gweithiwr Proffesiynol yn y maes Iechyd Cyhoeddus wedi dylanwadu'n gryf ar ei harfer ioga, a’i galluogi i gyflwyno ioga mewn ffordd sy'n hygyrch iawn, gan gynnig cysylltiadau dyfnach i fyfyrwyr â’u corff, eu meddwl a’u henaid. Mae wedi bod yn ffodus i astudio amrywiol ddisgyblaethau ioga gan gynnwys, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Gitianada a Hatha ac enillodd gymhwyster Athro Ioga Cofrestredig gyda’r Gynghrair Ioga yn 2010. Adlewyrchir profiad eang Kerry yn ei harddull addysgu ac mae'n addysgu’n ystyriol, gyda chydymdeimlad, ac o'r galon bob amser i arwain ei myfyrwyr i sylwi ar eu meddwl a deall eu cyrff mewn ffordd sy'n uno'r corff, y meddwl a’r enaid. I neilltuo lle ar unrhyw un o’r cyrsiau penwythnos hyn, cysylltwch â Heather Fish ar

Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world at UWTSD Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training. We will be offering a choice of courses next year for complete beginners through to those that wish to refresh their meditation practices or learn a different approach to meditation. Heather Fish, our Mindfulness Teacher, says: “Mindfulness has had a lot of coverage in the media over the past few years. For a meditative practice, with its roots in Buddhism, it is interesting to consider where the practice has found its place in the 21st century,” says Heather. “From the NHS, to schools, universities and heavy industry, more and more people are trying it out and finding that it can, indeed, be beneficial for our physical, emotional and mental health,” she adds. But what is mindfulness? According to Heather, it’s about being awake in the present moment, instead of living our lives on automatic pilot.

Weather permitting, we will take full advantage of the location to walk and practice in nature, to deepen and enrich our experience. Heather and Kerry, and the Lampeter staff, look forward to welcoming you to this gentle and inspiring adventure into the body, mind, and infinite potential. Heather Fish: Heather is passionate about mindfulness and the ability to create a life liberated from the shackles of unnecessary worry and over-thinking. She has practiced meditation for over twenty years, and been a teacher of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for over six years. She teaches in the community, in workplaces and in academia, where her subject is Mindfulness in the Workplace. Kerry Morgan: Kerry first started her yoga journey when she was an undergraduate student in 1996. Her yoga practice is strongly influenced by her background as a qualified Sport Scientist and Public Health Professional, enabling her to deliver yoga in a way that is easily accessible, offering students deeper connections with their body, mind and soul. She has been fortunate to have studied various yoga disciplines including, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Gitianada and Hatha and qualified as a Registered Yoga Teacher, with the Yoga Alliance in 2010. Kerry’s broad experience is reflected in her teaching style and she teaches mindfully, with compassion and always from the heart to guide her students to observe their mind and understand their bodies in a way that unites the body, mind and soul.

In 2018 UWTSD will be offering two Mindfulness courses over eight weeks, plus a weekend retreat. We are offering: 1. Wednesday evenings, 6-7.30pm starting 18 April for 8 weeks. This will be priced at £120/ £80 and will run for 8 weeks. A course book will need to be purchased at an additional £4.10 on kindle or £11 new hard copy. Location: Founder’s Library 2. Student class: Wednesday lunchtimes, 1-2.30pm starting 31 Jan for 8 weeks, with a one week break during the week of 26 February. This will be free to all students and will run for 8 weeks. A course book will need to be purchased at an additional £4.10 on kindle or £11 new hard copy. This course has been heavily supported by our Student Experience team, with kind thanks. Location: Founder’s Library Weekend Retreat: Mindfulness, Yoga and Self-care with Heather Fish and Kerry Morgan Friday 31 Aug - 2 September This weekend retreat, set on the lovely Lampeter campus, offers a blend of approaches designed to enhance our sense of well-being and aliveness. Suitable for beginners and more experienced practitioners, the experiential activities encompass meditations, mindful movement and a variety of yoga practices. Mindfulness activities will be based on Mindfulness: finding peace in a frantic world, exploring gratitude, self-kindness and taking in the good in our experience, however small. Some periods of silence will enable us to fully be present with ourselves, and a focus will be the question: ‘How can we best take care of ourselves?’ Yoga sessions will include hatha yoga (physical postures), pranayama (yoga breathing) and yoga nidra (sleep yoga). In this weekend, both mindfulness and yoga work together to create a flowing dynamic, promoting a sense of self-awareness and simply ‘being’.

To book any of these weekend courses, please contact Heather Fish on

Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


Celtic Christianity: Part XXXVII

Saint Derfel "Gadarn" (mighty, valiant, strong) Ascetic Reposed 6 April 660 Remembered April 5 Born around 566, Welsh tradition held that he was related to Hywel, a king of Brittany. The genealogical Bonedd y Saint says that he is one of Hywels sons. Thus he was a brother of Ss Tudwal and Arthfael and a cousin to Saint Cadfan. Derfel is one of seven warriors of Arthur who survived the Battle of Camlan. Three other survivors also became saints. Derfel survived "by his strength alone". Tudur Penllyn wrote: Derfel mewn rhyfel, gwnai'i wayw'n rhyfedd, Darrisg dur yw'r wisg, dewr yw'r osgedd. Derfel in war, he would work his spear wondrously, steel covering is the garment, brave is the appearance. According to Lewys Glyn Cothi: When there were at Camlan men and fighting and a host being slain, Derfel with his arms was dividing steel there in two. After Camlan, Derfel entered the religious life. After a time as a hermit, he entered the monastery of Llantwit. He then served as the abbot of Ynys Enlli, Bardsey Island, succeeding his cousin St Cadfan. He died of natural causes after a long life on 6 April 660. For centuries Derfel was venerated at the churches of Llanfihangel Llantarnam, that claimed a relic of him; and Llandderfel, that featured a wooden image of him. Derfel was depicted as a warrior in full armour riding a horse rather than as an ecclesiastic. There was a prophecy that this statue would burn down a forest. It was removed and dismantled by order of Thomas Cromwell during the English Reformation and used to burn a Catholic priest, John Forest (confessor of Catherine of Aragon), at Smithfield in London. Many held this to be a fulfilment of the prophecy. The surviving part of the statue, the horse, is portrayed in the picture. Even after the barbarous and bloody Reformation, people continued to venerate Derfel Gadarn, and they would take his horse out to a local field on Easter Week and let their children play with it (at present the statue is kept only in the church). St Derfels well partially survives near the village. It is up a steep hill under a line of trees by a small wall. Though both shrines survive only in part, they remain memorials to he who from a secular combat turned into a warrior of Christ. Harry Harrison 16

Film Nights Fri 2 Feb: The Other Side of Hope (12A) (in Finnish with subtitles)

Ville Virtanen, Dome Karukoski, Tommi Korpela Comedy directed by Aki Kaurismäki. A poker-playing restaurateur and former travelling salesman befriends a group of refugees newly arrived in Finland.

Fri 16 Feb: Viceroy’s House (12) Hugh Bonneville, Gillian Anderson, Manish Dayal Drama by Gurinder Chadha. The final Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, must oversee the transition of Britishcolonised India to independence, but different sides clash in the face of monumental change.

Fri 2 Mar: The Zookeeper’s Wife (12) Fri 16 Mar: Final Portrait (15) Story of Swiss painter/sculptor Alberto Giacometti.

DOORS OPEN 7.15pm film at 7.45pm Admission by Donation More info:

what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to

Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email:


Community groups & local, small-scale commercial: We have a committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. Licenced bar on request for functions. Catering service available. See for more details Weekly (W) Contact Fortnightly (F) Time Activity / Class Name Monthly (M)




Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715

13 & 27 Feb


Youth Club

Sophie Moore

07950 480637



Young at Heart




Nikki Mead

07790 987070



Spiritual Gathering

Sarah Thomas

07811 603062



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



(Activities & workshops for 1125year olds)

Gwenllian Evans

01545 572352


Lampeter Food Project


01570 493791




Thursday W

(U11 accompanied by adult)

Ceredigion Youth Centre

Sandwiches and social for the wiser folk of Lampeter

A free meal for all who want it! Made from donations of food from local businesses






Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



Five Rhythms Dance

Hara Willow

01570 493729



LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School

Vanessa Read

07814 794353

M Third Friday starting 16 Mar


Lampeter Folk

Details in listings and on Facebook

07817 715321

2nd & 4th Sat each month


People’s Market

Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions

M Last Sat


Celf Lampeter Arts

Sat 24 Feb: Doc & The Headshrinkers and The Chemistry Set



Lampeter Evangelical Church

Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café

complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 18 years clinical experience. If you're sick of not feeling really well, homeopathy can make a difference. It is excellent at helping with chronic conditions, gently, safely & holistically. 01570 493746

Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Joanne Camlin BSc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath, who graduated in 2007. Using discussion, 17

01570 423344

analysis and natural remedies, homoeopathy treats the whole person; mental, emotional, & physical. Appointments at Cellan or Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 07746 608524 Please update your listings regularly

complementary & alternative therapists cont.d_

Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be Thai Massage. Remedial massage to 'good at art'. Llanllwni. 07963 866516, soothe aching joints and muscles,, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing a Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and life state of deep relaxation and coach. Living excellently, confidence well-being. Iain, 07852 626001, building for women. Experienced

Colleen’s Ka Huna Massage Studio. 01974 272103, 07947 780738, Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Carol Davies Qualified aromatherapist. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hoopi candling can also be offered. Carol, 07971 229608. Sally Harrold. Counselling, hypnotherapy, supervision. BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Contact 07539 882798,

trainer and facilitator; groups/ individual sessions. Shân 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807 219499. Christine Smith offers Spiritual Companioning on a 1:1 or small group basis (fully trained, insured). Ideal for those questioning their purpose in life or wanting to deepen their spiritual connection within themselves and with others. 01570 434705 Irene Sullivan, qualified & experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Home visits available. 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple and family counselling. If you want to talk or need some help, contact 07870 888141 or Bones for Life. Practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Annie Zakiewicz. Qualified reflexologist and Emmett Technique practitioner. Treatment room in Cellan. Annie 01570 493295,

Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 years clinical experience. 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment is not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07515 393894 Ginny Moffett, qualified reflexologist (British Reflexology Association) with 25 years experience. Home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. Specializes in treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to courses _______________ restore physical, emotional and Craft Courses in Tregaron at Debonair spiritual health. 01570 421144, 07920 Gift Emporium, Dewi Road, SY25 6JN. 112228, Including glass foiling, mosaic making, knitting, sewing etc. Starting soon. Register your interest now. Contact: 18

Debbie, 01974 299577 or search Debonair Gift Emporium on Facebook. Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Wed 31 Jan, 14 & 28 Feb & 14th Mar: Spring Mandala Painting Sun 3 Feb: Winter Pruning Fruit Trees Sat 10-Sun 11 Feb: Make a Traditional Welsh Cyntell Basket Thurs 15 Feb: Willow Basket Weaving Beginners Fri 16-Sat 17 Feb: Basket Weaving Top Hat Basket Sun 18 Feb: Hooking and Locker Hooking Workshop Sun 18 Feb: Needle-felting Sheep Fri 23 Feb: Coppice, Cawl & Cake Sun 25 Feb: A Year to Grow Your Own Fri 3- Sun 4 Mar: Micro-Generation at Home (3 part course) Wed 7 Mar: Nature Bathing (1st part of 4 part seasonal course) Sun 11 Mar: Needle-felting Bumblebee Fri 16-Sun 18 Mar: Environmental Impact Assessment Sun 18 Mar: Willow Plant Supports Fri 23 Mar: Spoon Carving in the Woods Taster Day Mon 26 Mar: Spoon Carving for Teens Thurs 29 Mar: Sacred Space and Natural Rhythms - Natural Nutrition For more information please visit our website or call us on 01570 493358 Conversational French. Thursdays: Weekly. Advanced: 11.15am-12.15pm; Beginners: 12.30-1.30pm Contact: Amelie, 01558 685175. French & Italian Classes, Llandeilo. Tues, 4.15-6pm, Italian for Improvers; Tues 6.15-8pm, Italian for Beginners; Thurs, 4.15-6pm, French for Improvers; Thurs 6.15-8pm, French for Beginners. £10 per class. Also 1-1 lessons. Contact: 01550 760067 or Photography & Art Courses. ½ day and day courses coming soon to Maesteile, Rhydcymerau. Register your interest: 01558 685131 or 01558 685393,

creative _______________

Evening Painting Classes. Mon 6.308pm, Gabrielle’s Gallery, Ffostrasol, Llandysul. SA44 4TJ. Painting exercises designed to improve colour sense, technique and observation with Gabrielle Dudley. 01239 851026.

creative cont.d ____________ health & well-being _____ Spinning Lessons with Ann Fisher at Ffarmers Neuadd Bro Fana/Village Hall. Thurs 11am-1pm (beginners) and 1.303.30pm. (improvers) Cost £8 per session. Contact: Ann, 01558 650760 Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715.

events _________________

Free Film Night: Incredibly Edible Cold Climate Permaculture, Sat 3 Feb, 6.30 for 7pm, Victoria Hall. Five short, ideas-filled films on how to do permaculture in Wales. Incl. Sepp Holzer’s Agro-Rebel Farming in the Austrian Alps. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome; informal discussion. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group. See also Day Workshop in ‘Permaculture’ section. ‘Steemit’ Launch. The first Wales meet up for a new social network. Sat 10 Feb, Victoria Hall. See article on page 26. contact: Chris Studman, 01570 493649, Mulberry Bush presents: Paul Uden & Maggie Nichols, Sat 10 Feb, 7.30pm. A musical interpretation of e.e. cummings poetry. Vegetarian 3 course meal, £19.95. Booking essential. Lampeter Beer & Cider Festival Sat 17 Feb, 12noon-11pm, Arts Hall, UWTSD. Entry £3 includes commemorative pint glass.

Falcondale Wedding Showcase. Sun 18 Feb, 12-4pm. Free admission. 01570 422910, Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed Tues 20 Feb, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter. “New research on the parish of Pencarreg”: A talk by Jen Cairns and Eric Williams. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All welcome. Non-members £2. Repair Café Are you a fixer of things? Free skills sharing session. Sat 17 Mar, morning times tbc. Transition Llambed initiative. See page 7 for more details.

A Quiet Mind. Starts Thu 15 Feb, 10am12 noon, Powerhouse, Llandysul. Light-hearted monthly sessions trying different meditative practices from mindfulness to Buddha Breath. Christine Smith, 01570 434705, Lampeter Food Project. Every Thurs, 4-6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Lindsay, 01570 493791, Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank Open Mon, Weds , Fri 9am-5pm. Referrals made by local agencies. Nonperishable IN-DATE food donations can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact: Diana, 01570 640034. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12pm, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excl bank hols and sch. hols). Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions 1st Mon of month (5 Feb, 5 Mar, 9 Apr), 2–4pm, Community Room, Tesco, Aberystwyth. Contacts: 01446 740130 / 01267 239002 / 07733 121049 , Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline: 0300 9991212. 19

Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm -6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri, 07748 270439, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and for the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07515 393894 West Wales Buddhist Group. Learn to meditate and explore Buddhist tools for changing your life. In Aberystwyth, fortnightly Fri eve, monthly Sat morn. Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter, 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford, 07904 258814,

kids __________________

Home-Start. Ready for school groups have started in Talgarreg Hall, on Thursdays & Felinfach Hall on Fridays 9.30-11.30am. Fun for children and adults, the project, funded by the lottery, is delivered in collaboration with Jig-so & Home Start, and helps to develop the basic skills every child needs to prepare for school. Contact: Sarah Harries, 01239 615922 Mae grwpiau Barod i’r Ysgol wedi cychwyn yn Neuadd Talgarreg ar ddydd Iau, ac yn Neuadd Felinfach ar ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.30 – 11.30 yn. Mae’n brosiect llawn hwyl i blant a rhieni sy’n datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol wrth baratoi dechrau’r ysgol. Ariennir gan y Loteri ac mae’n cael ei redeg gan Jig-so a Home Start ar y cyd. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922.

canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ar ganolfan for more information contact the leisure centre

01570 422552 / 01570 422959 Dydd / Day

Dydd Llun Monday

Dydd Mawrth Tuesday

Dydd Mercher Wednesday

Dydd Iau Thursday

Dydd Gwener Friday

Dydd Sadwrn Saturday

facebook: hamdden llambed leisure

twitter: #lampeterleisure

Amser / Time

Sesiwn / Dosbarth

Session / Class

Pris / Price


Troelli Dwr

Hydro Spin



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics







Circuit Training






Fit Starter

Fit Starter


Clwb Cleddyfau*

Fencing Club*














Pilates Ball*

Pilates Ball*















Aerobeg (Joan)

Aerobics (Joan)

£5.15 / £4.15


Troelli Chwim

Spin Sprint







Clwb Rhedeg Sarn Helen*

Sarn Helen Running Club*


Fit Starter

Fit Starter



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics







Troelli Ffyrnig

Spin Blast



Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*

Rees School of Gymnastics*


Disco Rhowl*

Roller Disco*


Deachrau yn fuan / Starting soon – Aerobeg Step Aerobics / Cardi-O / Dawns Street Fit dance / - Triad Challenges & Boot camp Gwybodaeth yn gywir ar amser argraffu / Information correct at time of printing *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 20

kids cont.d _______________ Story-time at Lampeter Library. Tues mornings 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. Find Your Inner Guide. Sat 10 Feb, 10am-1pm, Lampeter. Fun, creative, half day workshop on how to support your anxious child. Event for parents and child. Numbers limited. Booking required. Parent £25/Child £10. Contact: Christine Smith, 01570 434705

Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” Tues & Thurs, 4-6pm, Denmark Farm. After-school club for 6-11 years. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness & bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6, £5.50 for siblings. Contact: Sally, 07799 052131 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Contact: Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st lampeter Rainbows, for girls age 5-7 years every other Saturday 1011.30am at St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Contact: Bev, 07891 570180 or via 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Meet Tues 5.30-6.30pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Contact: Rachel, 07730 684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Contact: Annalee ,01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Contact: Kelvin, 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Contact Iris 07769 326032. TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions for children, 0-3 years and their parents. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3 first child, £1 each additional child. 01570 470697, Dance. Mon 4-4.45pm: creative dance sessions for children 3-6yrs. £3 child. Weds 5pm: Hip-Hop group for young people 11-16 yrs. 10 session block for £40 or £4.50 a session. Theatr Felinfach, 01570 470697, RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd,

Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4’s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as volunteers with free training provided (14-24 year olds can gain Millennium Volunteering accreditation). Further information 01545 570686 and Facebook. Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School (LYTSS) Runs 3 terms per year every Fri at Victoria Hall, 4.30-6pm. £40/child/term, £35 siblings, £30 concs. Vanessa Read, 07814 794353. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. 01570 480268, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Contact: Claire, 07727 415634. "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:

markets _______________ People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 27 Jan, 10 & 24 Feb, 10 & 24 Mar. Lampeter Farmers' Market. Alternate Fridays 9am-2pm, High Street, Lampeter. Next markets: 2 & 16 Feb, 2, 16 & 29 Mar. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Brechfa Market, Neuadd yr Eglwys / Church Hall, Brechfa, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat in month. Lorna, 01267 202359 Lisa: 01267 202727, 07733 336865 Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm, 3rd Sat in month.

move your body ________

Ras Gwyl Dewi. Sunday 4 Mar, Llanddewi Brefi Village Hall. 10k & 5k (age15+) 12noon, Junior Races 2k, 3k, 4k & 5k, 11.30am. Cawl, bread and cheese afterwards. Great family event with medals for all finishers. Find us on Facebook. Please update your listings regularly Diolch / Thank You


Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). Contact James, 01570 480743 or Kay, 01570 480041. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour. Meet rain or shine, 10am Rookery Car Park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Or just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 Walk Out Workout. Join us for a brisk fitness walk around Lampeter on Thursday evenings. Meet at the leisure centre for 6.30pm and expect to be out for around an hour including the optional hill at the end. It’s fun & free. Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen, 07817 543257. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £2. Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. To hire or join a league. Contact: 01570 424774. Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.308.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Contact: Debbie, 01570 493594. Hydrospin - Aqua Cycling followed by (Water Conditioning / Aqua Aerobics) Lampeter Pool, Mon 10.15am (10.45am); Aberaeron Pool, Tues 11.45am (12.15pm) & 7pm (7.30pm) plus New Aqua Mats sessions, 11.15 – 11.45am & 8-8.30pm. Contact: David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870.

move your body cont.d _____ Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga. Weds 5.30-7pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. 1st Weds each month Yoga on a Ball (bring your own Swiss ball). Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. Yoga with Karen Hills Weds: Hatha Yoga, 10-11.30am & Thurs: Hatha Yoga & Meditation, 10-11am. Both at Lampeter Leisure Centre. Explore physical postures to relax body and mind. Improve flexibility, balance and concentration using breath and relaxation techniques to help to deal with life’s stresses. Monthly workshops. Explore the depths of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing practices) relaxation, meditation, yoga nidra, mantra and the energy body. 18 Feb, 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 27 May, 17 June. Cellan Millennium Hall, 11am–4pm. £35 per session. 1-1 sessions available. Booking essential: Karen 07547 125937, Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon 5.30-7pm and Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Pilates Power: Weds 5.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Ann, 07826 692110 Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Tues 7.30-8.45pm, £6. Contact: Su Bates (BWY teacher), 07588 527512. Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm, £3. Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 78.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact: 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio, UWTSD Lampeter Sports Hall.

Contact: Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Egyptian Belly Dance. Weds, 7.30pm8.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio. New non-performance class focussing on the health benefits of belly dance. £6. Catriona, 07792 248962 Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri, 9.30-10.30am, all levels, £5. Contact: Mel Long, 07879 651072 Fri, 10.45am-12pm, improvers , £6. Fri, 12.15-1.15pm, Fit for Life (50+), £5. Contact: Rose Barter, 01239 851737 All classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Belly Dance Beginners Class. Tues 5.306.30pm, Tregaron Leisure Centre, £5. Melanie Long (JTA accredited), 07879 651072, Jane Guy School of Dance. Tues & Sat Lampeter, Thurs - Felinfach. We teach ballet & modern, working up to an annual performance. Find us on Facebook: The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Contact: Jade, 07972 521842 Mat-based Pilates Plus. First and last Monday of month, 2-3.15pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for beginners, but please call. Bring mat. Includes exercises for managing energy. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle-toning, increased energy, strength, agility, stamina and body/ mind/spirit connection. Shân Rees, qualified Pilates instructor: 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £3. For 40+. Walking Football. Fri, 5.306.30pm, £3. Come along and have some fun. Tregaron Leisure Centre. 01974 298960.

music _________________

Celf Llambed Arts presents: Sat 27 Jan. Attila the Stockbroker; Powerful, political, punk performance poetry, Victoria Hall. Tickets £10/£8. Sat 24 Feb, Doc & the Headshrinkers; 3-piece rock’n’roll band. £8/£6 Shambles café from 7pm. Live music 8.30pm, Facebook: CelfLlambedarts Lampeter Music Public Concert Series. The Melys Wind Quintet. Sun 28 Jan, 22

2.30 pm, Old Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter Campus. Music by Bernstein, Faure, Beethoven, Verdi, Scott Joplin and more. Ammanford Brass Band. Sat 24 Feb, 7.30 pm, Arts Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter Campus. Tickets £11; concessions £9. Students free with Union Card. Two children free with paying adult. 01558 650569,, Blues Hero. Sat 10 Feb, 7pm, Queens Hall, Narbeth. Blues night celebration of legend Pat Grover. Giles Robson, Blue Zeroes, Mardi Jug Band, Mean Mistreaters. Tickets: £8 adv/£10 door. Lampeter Folk: Martin Smith. Fri 16 Mar, 7.30pm, Small Hall, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Martin Smith is a great exponent of blues/ ragtime guitar music. All welcome; open mic session after performance. £3 ticket (£1 students) entry. Refreshments or BYOB. 07817 715321, or see FB. Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm.

permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________

Lampeter Seed Swap. Sat 24 Feb, People’s Market, Victoria Hall, 10am1pm.Lampeter Permaculture Group hosts 12th anniversary seed swap event. See article page 8. Day Workshop Introducing Principles and Practice of Permaculture: theory and practical. Sat 3 March, 9.15am5pm, Victoria Hall. Bring vegetarian lunch to share. Free for up to 20 people. Donations welcome. £10 deposit secures a place, refunded when you come to the workshop. Priority given if you have never done a permaculture course. Book at Transition Llambed stall at People’s Market. Organised by Lampeter Permaculture Group, Transition Llambed & TLDT. See also Film Night in ‘Events’ section. Lampeter Seed Library now open 2nd and 4th Sat each month at the Peoples Market, Victoria Hall. Join the library, borrow or donate seed. Free service. All welcome. Cathy Streeter Please keep your listings up to date.

permaculture, gardening & conservation cont.d _______ LLampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Angie, 01974 831300, Live an Abundant Life. Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Angie, 01974 831300,

religious services/groups _

Brondeifi. Festri Brondeifi ar gael at eich defnydd. Ystafell gyfforddus fodern gyda gwres canolog, piano a sistem sain. Cegin, llestri ac ati ar gael hefyd. / The Vestry at Brondeifi is available for your use. A modern and comfortable room with central heating, piano and sound system. Modern kitchen equipped with crockery and cutlery.

Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Sun, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist Weds, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist & Ministry of Healing. St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church Shrove Tues 13 Feb, 9.30am - 12 noon. Pancake Coffee Morning. Sale of books, jigsaws, bric-a-brac. Free entry but donations welcome for the Rhoda Chidongo Foundation. Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact: 01570 423757.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 423360. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Please note new later time. Bilingual services. 11.15 am 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms & weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services 1st and 3rd Sunday of month. 1st Sun, 10am. 3rd Sun 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome/Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact: 01570 471488,

2-4pm. Also day trips roughly around the middle of each month. Contact: Bill, 01570 481245. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm, term-time. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 47069, Lampeter WI. Meet 3rd Weds each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact: 01570 421683. People's Kitchen. 1st Sun most months, Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall. Delicious vegan meal. Contact: Mandi 07976 536983 or find us on Facebook. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact: Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Friday each month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds social _________________ to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Poblcwrtnewyddpeople. Sat 10 Feb, Contact: Gwen Davies, 01570st481152. 2pm, Bingo in Seion Vestry. Adults £5 a Custard Queens WI: every 1 Sun, 710pm, Scout Hall, Bryn yr Eglwys, book, children £2, incl refreshments. Merry Makers. Every Wed, 10.30am- Lampeter. Bring a mug and meet some new friends. 07754 496201 or 01570 3pm, St James Hall Cwmann 422494, 31 Jan: Painting 7 Feb: Peg looming 14 Feb: Pancake Day 21 Feb: Loom knitting 28 Feb: Introduction to patchwork New members welcome. Disabled access and toilet; free parking. £2.50 incl. Vegetarian lunch and all activities Contact: Rhoda 01570 470172 or Bella 01559 370981. Loose Ends. Men: are you retired or semi-retired? Our group "Loose Ends" meets at the Mustard Seed Café (back room) on the last Friday in the month, 23 Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Completely informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock,

social cont.d ______________

weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee UWTSD Lampeter, during university Mornings. 1st Weds of month, term. Come and join us. Contact: Sue, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook 01570 423167. Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The volunteering ___________ Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info Global Justice West Wales group. Be and other events in the district. part of the change. Contact: storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Creative Writing Workshop. Sat 10 Feb, Wednesdays. Join our volunteering 2-4pm, Tysul Hall, Llandysul. £30 for sessions to develop practical skills and four workshops or try one for £10. feel the benefit of working in this Other dates: 10 Mar, 14 Apr, 12 May. beautiful environment. One session in Each workshop is run by a professional four is devoted to your own woodcraft tutor. Contact Kelly: 07888 841140, project. No experience required, training given. Canolfan Long Wood Lampeter Writers’ Workshop Centre, welcomes new members and meets

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days run once a month, usually on a Saturday, 10am to 4pm – or as much time as you can spare. Activities include practical conservation tasks on our 40 acre nature reserve, gardening and helping with wildlife monitoring. All welcome, no previous experience needed. Drinks and cakes are provided – just bring lunch and outdoor gear. For more information and dates, visit

or call 01570 493358.

Copy Deadline for Issue 57, March

Fri 9 Feb 2018 Listings:

The People’s Market Adverts & Classifieds:

Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

Articles, Letters, Reviews & Enquiries:



Despite the wet, cold and Christmas holidays, it’s been a busy time at Long Wood. The snow over the Christmas period slowed us down a fair bit with ground staff going above and beyond to try and reopen blocked paths as fast as possible. Many thanks also to those brave souls who made it up to Long Wood and sent us the photos of the winter wonderland. The photos above, and more, can be seen on our Facebook page (note, it’s an “open” page so you do not need to be “on” Facebook to see us). We also received confirmation over the holidays that we have been successful in a funding bid to the Big Lottery Awards for All fund for the installation of a series of four small interconnected Ponds at Long Wood. We will carry on the background work over the rest of winter for a spring installation. There will be volunteer opportunities with this project, both dedicated and as part of our weekly volunteer Woodland Wednesdays group, so keep an eye out on our newsletters and Facebook page for these.

Long Wood Community Woodland Orchard is going to need your help … we are planning to plant trees imminently and would like people to come and join us. If you are interested in learning how to plant fruit trees or would just like to get involved with the orchard, then please get in touch, 01570 493355, we would love to hear from you. We are also going to be creating some beautiful carved signposts and information boards for the orchard site, and for the route from the visitor centre. Working with local artist & maker, Anna Thomas, a series of carving workshops will be on offer. If you would like to get involved in these , please give us a call for more Photo: Anna Thomas information.

Woodland Wednesdays volunteering group continues into the winter months. Leia and the group have been out this week working on the drying shed as well as making awesome contributions to decorations around the Drawing by Ken Guy woodlands and buildings. The volunteer group is a mixed group of ages and abilities and all are welcome to attend. Just bring suitable clothing, a packed lunch and your enthusiasm. The group tries to finish at about 4pm most days, especially with the long nights. If you are interested in volunteering you can just drop in on a Wednesday morning at 10am or feel free to give us a call on 01570 493355 to discuss possibilities.

Timber and firewood sales are continuing to build, after a period of disruption, and are now back on track, ready to provide you with a range of our home-grown products. For more information about firewood, the community orchard, all volunteering opportunities, and any other activities at Long Wood, please contact us at the office - 01570 493355 or

The office is only staffed part-time, so please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Andrew Gajlikowski

Join our mailing list, find us on Facebook or Contact: 01570 493355,


New Social Network, Steemit, Comes to Lampeter A new social network is having its first Wales meetup and launch in Lampeter, Saturday 10 February. Steemit is a unique social network based on the new decentralised steem blockchain technology. It is unique because while it lets you do all the normal things you might do on a social network it also rewards the people who participate with its own ‘cryptocurrency’ steem. Steem tokens, like the much more well-known cryptocurrency Bitcoin, can be sold for real money. You earn the rewards on the network by posting blogs, and by commenting and upvoting other people’s blogs. More recently the basic blogging platform has been extended to include DTube (a YouTube alternative), DSound (a Soundcloud alternative), Steepshot (to replace Instagram), Zappl (instead of Twitter) and just this past week DLive for live streaming. All of these additions to the steem platform also allow users to earn steem rewards. Steemit began around 18 months ago in the USA but since then has spread around the world and now has over 600,000 users. It certainly is not a get rich quick scheme but with persistence and hard work, and a fair dose of creativity, you can potentially earn some useful additional income from the site. Indeed, among the people who started on site in the first few months there are now approaching a hundred who have amassed over one million pounds on the platform. Even among steemit users who joined more recently it is not uncommon to have built up regular monthly rewards of £100 to £200 after five or six months on the platform. Steemit is now particularly taking

Elmo's Delights off in countries like Nigeria, the Philippines and Venezuela where it is transforming the lives of people for whom even £10 or £20 of additional income each month can make a big difference. The platform is even beginning to be looked at as a means for providing a Universal Basic Income. In Wales there are still only a couple of dozen active users but there are big plans to change that. Welsh ‘steemians’ as they are known, are coming together for their first meetup on Saturday 10 February at Victoria Hall in Lampeter during the People’s Market. As well as it being a chance for the steemit users to get to know each other in real life, the meeting will also include discussions on how the steemit platform can be promoted in Wales. There will be a drop-in session before the main meeting at 11am for anyone who would like to see steemit in action or who would like to know more about how to sign up. There is already a growing number of steemians in the Lampeter area. There is interest therefore in exploring how steemit might be used for community development locally. To help build a local steemit community there is the possibility, if there is demand, of running a five week introductory course for anyone interested in learning how to use the platform.

For anyone who would like to know more about steemit, or is interested in attending the 10 February meeting or the introductory course, please contact: Chris Studman, 01570 493649, 26

Pasta with Purple Sprouting Broccoli Ingredients 1kg of Purple Sprouting Broccoli 1 medium sized fresh red chilli (not too hot) 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 small tin of anchovy fillets in olive oil, drained good quality olive oil 350g fusilli pasta 4 tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese salt and pepper Method 01. Put a large pan of water on to boil with a little salt. Trim the outer leaves and woody stalks from the broccoli. Wash the good bits and chop into 1cm/½in sections. Cut the chilli in half lengthways and scrape out the seeds and the attached pith. Chop the chilli flesh, the garlic and the anchovies finely. 02. In another large pan warm four tablespoons of olive oil over a medium flame and add the chilli, garlic and anchovies. Gently fry these for a minute or so and add the broccoli, season with a little salt and pepper, then continue to cook gently while the pasta This is a good place to briefly, but boils.your product or effectively, describe Drop the pasta in the boiling water and stir immediately. Cook until just tender with a little bit of resistance to the bite (al dente). This could take anything between 7 and 12 minutes depending on the type of pasta you choose. 04. When the pasta has nearly finished cooking, transfer a small ladle of the cooking water to the broccoli and continue to cook over a high heat until tender. 05. When cooked, drain the pasta. Add another two tablespoons of oil and the cheese to the broccoli. Toss with the drained pasta and serve immediately.

Karen’s Creative Compendium 031 A turn of the year tends to set the mind in two directions at once, forward to the hopes, expectations and mysteries of the coming months, but also back to what has been. We are apt to reflect on the events and actions that have brought us to this point in our being and how they might shape the next arc of our journey - calling the past into the present to question the future. As KCC enters its fourth year with two such poems, we look forward to receiving your reflections in 2018, Karen

Dream Family

Without Regrets

by Melanie L. Williams We always heard how, years back Uncle Frank had dreamed he saw his mother slow descend the staircase wreathed in flames. He did not share his dream but flooded with regret on hearing she had tripped upon a step her oil-lamp catching skirts alight all midwife duties ended that last night Frank dreamed his own death too, or so we’re told a man in black knocked thrice upon the door ‘we’ve come for you’ the horse-drawn hearse, the Shires of old. Frank woke alarmed and jotted in surprise adding – reassuring note to self – that hearses now were motorised. It is recalled Frank died just one day later: journey’s end as engines sometimes fail – attended by those equine friends.

These stories - and some others - pass in whispered tones from age to age within our tribe of frisky crones while cynics just guffaw at yet more tales the Irish eyes of aunts alight as cousins pale. And then just recently my cousin Jon unearthed a newssheet 1890, May the third. ‘BURNT TO DEATH’ the headlines roar the inquest on our three times great grandmamma Honora, seventy, midwife to the poor. She’d gone out on a night-call, on return it said descended to the cellar for some bread.

by Patrick Dobbs I don't recall how it all began, From squawking babe to tired old man --I remember walks, going out with Mam In a flowery hat and a rickety pram, I remember where we stopped and played Under the trees in a woodland glade --I suppose I must have been nearly three By the oak, the ash and the rowan tree. I never was much of a scholar in school --The staff had me down as a right young fool. They gave us a course on 'The Shakespeare Play', Macbeth was the text one particular day. I was kept in late for inattention. It wasn't true, and I didn't mention That I was away with the witches three To the oak, the ash and the rowan tree.

The idlest boys grow to be men, I had my moments, now and then. The girl next door had eyes like sloes, Our passions raced beneath our clothes, So we ran to the woods like mad March hare And under the trees we stripped off bare With no one to tell on she or me But the oak, the ash and the rowan tree. To the wildest youth about the town The time soon comes to settle down --My hands were hard, and my back was strong So I worked in the fields all day long, But with harvest home, and the ploughing done, There was time to relax in the autumn sun With a child sitting on either knee By the oak, the ash and the rowan tree.

On searching, army pension husband John discovered Nora scorched with fire collapsed into a final, bath-tub funeral pyre. The Inquest notes give touching facts – of when she visited the True Briton around ten the publican sold just one small beer Honora supped with dignity and cheer before a night spent coaxing new life here. By early dawn the Sergeant - Ellender – reports deceased found lying in the cellar One leg was in the tub, one asunder chest and loins burnt, lamp still under her charred breast. She was entirely dead and, he would say tripped over stair to tub then perished where she lay. So now we know the family tale of death by fire is real. We still don’t know of Frank - if that new motor-hearse broke down And if it did, why dream? of skirts ablaze, or three forbidding knocks ahead of time? 27

But now they've gone, the fledglings flown, And me? I'm left to grow old alone. I've had so much --- what can I give To show the world I once did live? I'll take a spade, and I'll turn a sod For the greater glory of man and god And plant a crop I'll never see An oak and ash and a rowan tree.

I can't say I exactly know Where, when or how I'll come to go. But go I must, without regrets, And without a priest to hedge my bets. 'Neath an April sky or a harvest moon My time's coming, late or soon, The time to let my soul go free To the oak, the ash and the rowan tree.

Cerddwyr Llambed Lampeter Ramblers Happy New Year, Blwyddyn Newdd Dda to everyone. I hope 2018 will be a very good year for us all! Well! January is recognised as the month we all make Resolutions and some of us do not keep them, but we, in the Ramblers do keep walking, which is good for us. So how about joining our friendly group? This month we have a very nice leisurely walk, only 5 miles on Saturday 3 February meeting in the Rookery Car Park (RCP) at 10am around Newcastle Emlyn. Or you may want something more challenging! ... Saturday 10 Feb, 8.5 miles around Llangrannog, which has everything, sun (I hope) sea and sand. Meeting in the Car Park (RCP) at 10am. Saturday 17 February is a little more sedate, meeting as usual at 10am at RCP and then onto the Woollen Mill including a derelict pub and a Coffin route to Drefach Velindre, 6 miles. Saturday 24 February, we are walking 7 miles to Nant Aeron and an old farmstead at Pen-y-Garn now Skanda Vale Hindu Temple. Meet at RCP 10am. Just in case you want to walk on Gwl Dewi Sant, St Davids Day we will be going Llandewi Brefi, Saturday 3 March where there are Folklore, myths and legends as well as a miracle! and cawl to recover. Only 6 miles and a moderate walk, so do join us. For more details please phone James 01570 480743 or Kay 01570 480041. Anne Lucas

Cothi Gardeners 2017 was a great year for Cothi Gardeners’ Club and their guests. Of course there was a variety of speakers, culminating with a talk by renowned plantsman Bob Brown. Pumsaint Hall was filled to capacity. Garden visits were enjoyed during the summer and the year ended with a meal at the DolauCothi Arms. After the usual AGM in January and the strictly non-competitive quiz (really?) the Club is ready to begin the New Year with the first open meeting on 21 February. “The Plight of the Bumble Bee” will be presented by Clare Flynn from the Bumble Bee Conservation Trust. This is a charity doing excellent work and research across Britain. Guests and visitors most welcome, £3, to include refreshments, 7.30pm. Gardeners are always looking ahead

to the next season so our programme of speakers for 2018 is now complete; keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for details. We have already decided that our Growing Challenge for the coming year will be to cultivate plants suitable for pollinators. Come along to the next meeting for ideas which will encourage bees to your garden. Give this some thought, but you have until July to get your plant(s) ready. An annual membership to the club is still only £14 and for this you’ll hear some expert speakers covering many topics, including geraniums, fungi and the life of a media gardener. Cothi Gardeners’ Club : We’re on Facebook or check Tel: Julian, 01558 685119 for further information. Donna Worrall

Pumsaint WI On 5 December, twenty one ladies attended our meeting. After the usual business we were informed that the annual Christmas Craft Fair for breast cancer had raised £1,025 - this was a very good effort by everyone involved and all helpers were thanked. Arrangements were made for the Christmas party being held to celebrate our 60th anniversary. It was then time for our attempt at felting helped by our member Linder Tame. We all managed to make something small such as stars, trees and flowers to hang on our Christmas trees. The following week we unfortunately had to cancel our party due to snow and ice which prevented many ladies from getting out of remote farms and not being able to buy the fresh food needed. We decided instead to go out for a meal on the 26 January to celebrate our 60 years. On 2 January we held a short meeting as sixteen ladies managed to battle through the wind and rain to the attend. We quickly dealt with the usual monthly business, and we made final arrangements for the meal on the 26 Jan. We had a short discussion on this years resolutions and it was a unanimous vote for Resolution no. 5 "Healthier Mouth, Healthier Body". We then had our refreshments and decided to go home early and not play the games that had been intended, as the weather was still very bad and we wanted everyone to stay safe. Next meeting is on 6 February, the speaker is Liam O'Sullivan from the British Red Cross talking to us about first aid. Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30 in the Coronation Hall Pumsaint, covering Pumsaint, Ffarmers and Caio and surrounding areas. All welcome. For further info. please contact: Diana Jones, 01558 650153 or Anne Brooks, 01558 650154 28


Animals are natural exponents of mindfulness; their lives are lived in the moment. Pets help in their owners’ well-being. To this end hospitals and care homes allow pets to visit their owners or, through organisations such as Therapy Dogs, arrange for visits from specially trained animals. Although we might irritate them by a thoughtless action (treading on their tails or stroking a bird’s feathers the wrong way) pets do not appear to hold it against us. They are non-judgemental: it makes no difference to them if we are fat, in debt or behave in a way that other humans disapprove of. How many times when feeling low have the antics of a kitten, cat, puppy, dog, budgie, parrot or even a goldfish provided consolation. It is not only domestic animals that can alleviate our troubled minds, there are many instances of wild creatures alleviating low spirits (robins are known to cheer people up). Even if you are not feeling low, being in the presence of wild animals behaving naturally can enhance your feeling of well-being. Two years ago, while walking through Cwm Brefi, I was able to enjoy the spectacle of an immature Peregrine falcon and Kestrel “playing” by making mock attacks on each other. Peregrines are noted for their spectacular dives and this performance was spell-binding. I returned home feeling quite exhilarated. David Price

Lampeter’s youngest WI, Custard Custard Queens Drum in February Queens, is welcoming - in February, an exciting evening of African drumming facilitated by Emmanuel Okuni Annang. Victoria Hall Sunday 4 February, 7pm. It’s free to members and a donation of £4 would be appreciated from visitors. Emmanuel moved to Wales in 2009 and has facilitated many drumming and dancing workshops. He was born in Ghana and is keen to share his cultural heritage. You are welcome to become a member of Custard Queens on the night (£41 for the whole year refreshments, fun & friendship all included!) For more information about this event or The Custard Queens please contact: Christine Chabert 01570 470217, 07815 086579, or on Facebook

Dathliadau Gwyl Dewi Llanbedr Pont Steffan 2018 St David’s celebrations in Lampeter O ddydd Iau Mawrth y cyntaf hyd Nos Sadwrn y 3ydd bydd dathliadau Gwyl Dewi yn y dref. Ar y dydd Iau sef Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant bydd holl gaffis y dref yn cynnig bwydydd Cymreig felly ewch i ddathlu a gwledda. Ar brynhawn Gwener yr ail o Fawrth 2018 trefnir gorymdaith gan Gyngor y dref a Cered drwy dref Llambed a hoffwn eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni. Bydd y parêd/gorymdaith yn cychwyn o Ysgol Bro Pedr am 12.45 gyda ysgolion y dalgylch, cymdeithasau, clybiau ac eglwysi’r cylch. Gofynnir i bob ysgol/ cymdeithas arddangos baner eu mudiad a gwisgo gwisg Gymreig neu goch! Bydd Ben Lake (AS) ac Elin Jones(AC), Cyngor y dref a Chôr Cwm Ann yn gorymdeithio hefyd. Cynhelir digwyddiad i ddilyn ar Barc yr Orsedd gyda siaradwyr, Côr Cwm Ann a grwp o Ysgol Bro Pedr. Awn i Neuadd Victoria os na fydd y tywydd yn caniatau. Bydd sesiwn yn dilyn i’r plant yn y Neuadd gyda Sally Saunders a Sioned Rees. Mae croeso i bawb ymuno yn y parêd neu ym Mharc yr Orsedd tua 1.15 o’r gloch. Ar y nos Sadwrn trefnir gig yn Neuadd Victoria gyda Fleur de Lys, Mei Emrys a’r Band, Bwca a DJ’s Ysgol Bro Pedr. Tocynnau £8 o flaen llaw gan Cered 01545 572350 neu £10 wrth y drws. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch ar e-bost Diolch i’n noddwyr- Cyngor Tref, Cered, LAS, Prifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant a W.D.Lewis 29

St David’s celebrations will be held in Lampeter from March 1 - 3, organised by the Town Council and Cered. On St David’s Day all the cafes in town will be offering Welsh foods, therefore take the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy. On Friday the 2nd a parade is organised through the town and you are all welcome to join. The parade begins from Ysgol Bro Pedr at 12.45 with schools from the catchment area, societies, clubs and churches taking part. The groups will be carrying banners and dressed in Welsh costume or in red clothes! We are fortunate to be joined by Ben lake (MP) and Elin Jones (AM) council members and Cwm Ann Choir. An event will be held on Parc yr Orsedd with speakers, Cwm Ann Choir and a group from Ysgol Bro Pedr. If wet the event will be held in Victoria Hall. A session will follow for years 5&6 held by Sally Saunders and Sioned Rees. On Saturday evening a Gig will be held at Victoria Hall with Fleur de Lys, Mei Emrys & Band and Bwca with Bro Pedr DJ’s. Tickets £8 before hand from Cered, 01545 572350 or Bro Pedr School. £10 on the night. For more info contact: The events are sponsored by Lampeter Town Council, Cered, LAS, University Trinity St David’s & W.D.Lewis Anne Morgan

Blues Hero 'Blues is my music, always has been, always will be' A quote from our own local blues legend Pat Grover. Any blues fans or regular gig goers in the area will probably have come across Pat Grover’s name over the years. A lead player in a number of different Welsh bands including: Kelvin and the Absolute Zeroes, The Blue Zeroes, The Hepburns, and The Hawks; Pat’s talents as a singing guitarist, a drummer, or a blues harp player have kept us dancing and stomping many a night away. Pat Grover was a real British Blues man who arrived on the London scene from Newcastle way back in 1969. He cut his harp-playing teeth gigging and touring at historical venues like Studio 51, The Marquee Club and The 100 Club with iconic blues men Lightnin’ Slim, Whispering Smith, & J. B. Hutto … the list

goes on! For those that knew Pat and his music, he will be sorely missed. Blues was his life, but he was also our Dad, quietly tucking us under tables as babes in arms at gigs… a lifetime of happy memories that are still tender with sadness. Pat died of terminal prostate cancer in August 2016. Like his familiar persona on stage, he dealt with his condition with an astonishing display of bravery, humour and Geordie wit. Determined not to go down the route of surgery and conventional treatment, he became his own personal expert in holistic cancer treatment and care. In open astonishment from his GP, he was successful in managing his condition and keeping his cancer in remission through changes in his diet and the use of herbal remedies for over 10 years! With the New Year now upon us, it’s time for celebration. We welcome you to a very special event: a night of celebration and Blues to remember the life of a real blues hero, Pat Grover. Our


headline act is one of Europe’s most exciting Blues Artists, Giles Robson. A world-class harpist, Giles plays and sings straight-up harp driven old school Blues. Mentored by Pat, Giles’s music belongs to the absolute finest of the current blues generation. Musicians from local Welsh blues bands including The Blue Zeroes, The Mardi Jug Band and The Mean Mistreaters will join Giles for a performance that won’t be forgotten! Hosted by Ellis Grover, the night is brought to you by Pat’s children and friends. All proceeds will go to the incredible Ty Bryngwyn cancer hospice that looked after him for the last months of his life. ‘Blues Hero’ a night of celebration and Blues Saturday 10 February, Queens Hall Narbeth, Doors open 7pm! Advance tickets £8, Door £10. Tickets available at: 01834 861212 or Alder Tye

Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.

Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.

Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.

Taith gerdded Dydd Sant Steffan

Boxing Day Walk

Gan Alun Jones 07/01/18 Adroddiad Clwb Cerdded Pencarreg yn ymwled â Gwylfa ger Allt-y-mynydd.

By Alun Jones 07/01/18 A report on Pencarreg Walking Club’s visit to a watch point near Allt-y-mynydd.

Elwyllys da teulu lleol

Good will of a local family

Gan Dylan Lewis 03/01/18 Teulu sy’n weithgar yn codi arian sylweddol tuag at elusennau.

By Dylan Lewis 03/01/18 A hard working family raising substantial money towards charities .

‘Jemima’s Bible’ on display in Lampeter

Arddangos ‘Beibl Jemima’ yn Llanbed

By Golwg360 03/01/18 A Bible dating back to 1620 available for viewing in the college.

Gan Golwg360 03/01/18 Beibl sy’n dyddio’n ôl i 1620, ar gael i’r cyhoedd ei weld yn y coleg.

The ‘worry’ of losing a quad from the Harford area

‘Gofid’ o golli cwad o ardal Harford

By Golwg360 02/01/18 A series of quad bikes taken from Ffarmers, Llangadog and Myddfai area.

Gan Golwg360 02/01/18 Cyfres o feiciau cwad wedi’u dwyn o ardaloedd Ffarmers, Llangadog a Myddfai.

We must take responsibility of the banking situation

Rhaid i ni gymryd cyfrifoldeb o sefyllfa’r bencydd

By Dylan Lewis 23/12/18 Elin Jones MP, Ben Lake AM and Mared Jones FUW responding to the closure of a Lampeter Bank.

Gan Dylan Lewis 23/12/17 Elin Jones AC, Ben Lake AS a Mared Jones UAC yn ymateb i gau Banc yn Llanbed.

French twinning visit to Ysgol Bro Pedr By Philip Lodwick 21/12/18 Children from Lampeter’s twinned town, St Germain Sur Moine near Nantes visiting the school.

Ymweliad ein gefeilliaid o Ffrainc ag Ysgol Bro Pedr

Wales YFC Overseas Visits

Gan Philip Lodwick 21/12/18 Plant o efeilldref Llanbed sef St Germain Sur Moine ger Nantes yn ymweld â’r ysgol.

By Elliw Dafydd 20/12/17 Local Club members successful in securing places on 2018 visits.

Teithiau Tramor CFfI Cymru Gan Elliw Dafydd 20/12/17 Aelodau Clybiau lleol yn llwyddiannus i sicrhau lle ar deithiau 2018.

Dylan Lewis 31

Call for help: Host families & activity staff wanted Hello! At Trinity UK we are looking forward to welcoming our young, international students to Lampeter this July. Although mostly form Italy, we should have Turkish, Taiwanese and Chinese students too. Apart from their lessons the students come to learn and improve their English, learn about Wales and British culture whilst having a good time with a full programme of events and excursions. At Trinity UK we aim to make memories for our students! Trinity UK grew out of a development of the link between the Italian company and an inhouse operation at Lampeter between 2003 and 2009, so not only do we have a lot of experience, but we also know and love Lampeter! This summer we will be looking for activity staff to help with the students when they are not in class (our students are 10 to 17). Undergraduates welcome from all disciplines but sport, education and drama in particular and some qualified teachers (CELTA, QTS primary or QTS modern languages). We will be more than happy to employ TSD students who enjoy working with young people. We are also looking for some families to accommodate our students in their homes during the first two weeks of July. This could be a good opportunity for a cultural exchange for the family. Our students have found some lasting connections with the area in the past. If you are interested, please contact Flavia or Max on We are really looking forward to another summer of lasting memories made in Wales! Max Manganello


Ysgol Bro Pedr

Compiled by Nerys Beaumont-Douch

Congratulations to Elain Williams from Year 10 for winning the advertisement competition, for a wedding fayre at the Falcondale Hotel. Elain is shown here being presented with a voucher for afternoon tea at the Falcondale by Caroline Nelson, the wedding coordinator, and Nerys Beaumont-Douch, her Graphics teacher.

On Thursday 20 November, Ysgol Bro Pedr had a successful PSE day in the Lower sector. Pupils participated in several workshops throughout the day. These included health and hygiene workshops with the School nurse; pupil's developed pollution and recycling awareness with Mererid Jones, who is the Waste Communications Officer. The Community Education Officer at the Fire Station, Karen Rees Roberts delivered a powerful message on how to be safe at home and pupils learnt basic first aid as well, which developed their emergency lifesaving skills. Years 5 and 6 received a demonstration on jujutsu techniques which showed them self-defence and the importance of fitness. As PC Alun Jones retired at the end of the summer term, the new Ceredigion School Community Police Officer, PC Hannah Evans introduced herself to the pupils with a range of workshops including internet safely, anti-social behaviour and drugs awareness. It was a great day! Many thanks to all outside agencies and Ysgol Bro Pedr staff. Banc Bwyd Llambed Lampeter Food Bank The food bank had 55% more referrals in 2017: 209, 102 of which were for households with children. We provided 4,671 meals: 2,727 for adults and 1,944 for children. This was a 50% increase for adults from 2016 and 27% increase for children in the area. Local working households continue to need our service. But there have also been interesting and positive developments for us in 2017. Three new volunteers have joined our hardworking team: at our first benefit event Cellan film club raised more than £250 with a showing of “I Daniel Blake” and since moving to new accommodation in Spring 2017, we have been able to work more closely with HomeStart and the Lampeter Family Centre. In September we met our new MP Ben Lake. He is working with a cross-bench group of MPs and with Ceredigion’s AM Elin Jones to put the issue of rural poverty higher on the political agenda. We have also welcomed the start of the Lampeter Food Project’s Thursday community meals. At the start of the year,

we were surprised to be nominated by Prof Medwyn Hughes for a Dyfed Sheriff’s award for work. We continue to be upheld by churches, groups, individuals and businesses in Lampeter and surroundings. St James, Emmaus, Noddfa, St Thomas, Lampeter Quakers, Mount Carmel Catholic church , Lampeter Evangelical church and St Peter’s provide committee members and volunteers. We are thankful for everyone who donates to us directly, and would welcome any of you who wish to become more actively involved. Our contact no is 07582 905743. Food boxes at the Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard café continue to be filled generously, and we have received substantial financial support again from Castell Howell under the auspices of Ceredigion County Council. Felinfach, Cwmann and Llangeitho primary schools, Dihewyd, Noddfa, St Peter’s and Llanllwni Sunday schools, and Canolfan Steffan all made large harvest food collections, and some of the children visited our room to see how we work. Local university 33

students also made an Xmas collection for us. Lampeter Co-op has continued to provide practical support. In all, £2,561.14 was donated in 2017, including money from Quaker Concern for Animals for pet food, and we spent £2,335.70 on food: the remainder went to buy other supplies for parcels, and admin costs. This will be our last full year being hosted by the university, who have supported Banc Bwyd since 2014 with free accommodation. We thank Aled Williams and his estates team for their support, and look forward to our accommodation remaining secure in 2018 and hopefully beyond, when the building is handed over to the new owners. We want to end by paying tribute to our treasurer Chris Swan, who died suddenly this Autumn and is still much missed by us all: she brought a very special combination of efficiency, attention to detail and deep compassion to our work. Please continue to pray for and uphold our work, and to do what you can to bring about the end of the conditions that make food banks necessary in our country. Julia Lim

Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Lampeter & District ‘Mindfulness’

First of all I am wondering about the meaning of the word ‘Mindfulness’. In a book called Self Management of Long-Term Health Conditions A Handbook for People with Chronic Disease (2014), I find that Mindfulness is described as one way of ‘clearing the mind and positively shifting the emotional state’ which can lead to ‘a reduction of tension and stress’. The book talks about ‘moment to moment awareness’. The word ‘Mind…ful…ness’ perfectly describes my mind. Always full of so many things! Words come and go, pictures appear out of the depths, colours… Such delights. How can I try to send these thoughts of mine into a state of, well, what shall I call it ‘Mind …empty…ness’ maybe? My mind is always in a state of flux, of movement and exhilaration, which gives me so much pleasure and keeps my mind off the nastier aspects of a debilitating illness such as Multiple Sclerosis. In the early hours of the morning there are times when my MS makes itself felt, in the form of neuropathic pains, mostly in my hands. Gone are the lovely relaxing purple lights that my mind has seen as I drifted off to sleep. These are replaced by severe stabs of intense bright white flashes which, as I move, make me feel nauseous and faint, and so wobbly on my feet. Somehow I manage to get to a chair where I am overcome by the pain. This is the nearest I get to being without thoughts. I try to concentrate on my breathing until I can manage to take some pain relief. Slowly some feeling comes back to my hands and my panicky breathing eases until an hour or so later I can start to relax and breath normally again. Have I been in a state of ‘Mindfulness’ as I had to concentrate so hard on my

breathing? I do practice my own version of ‘moment to moment awareness’ as I journey through the day, but I prefer my mind to be full of thoughts because that’s my way of coping. I certainly don’t focus on the negative but on all that is positive in life, a wonderful tapestry of awareness. I, myself, need my mind to be full even if it is a load of gibberish! I am very aware that other people do not think like I do. Life is often full of horrible things going on which are so difficult to cope with. Come to our next Support Group on 5 February, 1.30-3.30 in the Mustard Seed Café in College Street, Lampeter. We meet on the 1st Monday of the month. Come and challenge me on my thoughts! Share your own ways of coping. Put me right on what ‘Mindfulness’ really is, rather than ‘Mind…empty…ness’! We welcome anybody with MS, carers, and anybody wanting to know more, from wherever you are. We have Welsh and English speakers. You are also welcome at our Aberystwyth group which meets in the new Tesco’s community/charity room 12.302.30 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Croeso i bawb/Welcome to all. Judith McKay, Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis, Chair of Ceredigion Branch, 01974 261640 CELLAN MILLENNIUM HALL CLASSES AND GROUPS Classes subject to change: please check for updates, contact details, and our What’s On page for one-off events

Yr Efail Mindfulness Just let the world rush on by Walk outside and let your senses take over Empty your mind of clutter by filling it with Moss on a wall or soft crunchy lichen Peeling tree bark or a frosted rose A water droplet hanging on a catkin The end of a rainbow or a snowdrop in bud The smell of freshly split logs The healing warmth of winter sun on your back A blackbird staking his claim Hear a woodpecker knocking for breakfast Savour the squelch of mud underfoot Admire, in awe, the majestic red kite in flight Breathe the clean Ceredigion air Smile And return to take on the world

MONDAY Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm 19 Feb Line Dancing: 7-10pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Ed. Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm WEDNESDAY Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm FRIDAY Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm

Shelagh Yeomans


Ysgol Henry Richard

Compiled by Rhiannon Lewis

The school council decided to support two charities during the first term of the current academic year and not only arranged many activities but also took part in two very special assemblies in order to raise awareness of the work of their chosen charities, Children in Need and Save the Children. Pupils were allowed to wear their own clothes, pj’s or Christmas jumpers, cake stalls were held, treasure hunts and other activities during lunch time and collections made at the School Council members from Years 9-11 (looking Eisteddfod Highlights Concert smart in their Christmas Jumpers), taking part in their assembly on the theme of Save The Children. and the annual Carol Service. Thank you to everyone for their support and enthusiasm, we are very proud to announce that over £1,200 was raised for the charities.

Goodnight! Pupils in year 5/6 pupils wore their PJs to support Children in Need in November.

Christmas Celebrations The school hall was full to capacity once again this year of stallholders and shoppers for the Christmas Fair, which was Annual Carol Service at Bwlchgwynt Chapel, opened by Mrs Manon Wyn Tregaron Cast of ‘Santa’s on Strike’ James, the Chair of the school’s new Parent Teacher Association. Unfortunately the annual Christingle service had to be cancelled due to the snow but Christmas concerts and Carol Services were held by the pupils of all three campuses. ‘Santa’s on Strike’ was the very colourful and lively show performed by the Llanddewi Brefi pupils and the Tregaron cynradd pupils performed an original show, ‘Tackling the Turkeys’, which was also full of energy, drama and even a chase on film with the police chasing the turkeys! The annual Carol Service was held at Bwlchgwynt Chapel with both vocal and instrumental solo and ensemble items, choral performances and seasonal readings. Pupils providing entertainment at Bryntirion Hospital at the end of term. A special assembly with Mrs Olive Edwards and Mrs Hilary Downes from the Aberystwyth branch of ‘Gideons International’ saw every pupil in Year 7 presented with a copy of the New Testament.

The Eco Council with an eye on recycling.

Are you up for the challenge? Aberaeron to Lampeter 21 mile walk/jog/run challenge

Sat 28 April

Starting in beautiful seaside town of Aberaeron on the Ceredigion Coast this 21 mile route goes inland on the old railway line up to the Llanerchaeron estate. From there the route takes you through woodlands, fields and quiet roads along the Aeron Valley, before decending into Lampeter. The route is relatively flat with only a couple of inclines which is always a bonus! You can Walk, Jog or Run the choice is up to you. There will be snacks/refreshments and check points along the route. The route will be well marshalled with signposts for you to follow. Most important at the end every finisher will receive a Medal and a goody bag with treats. General entry Fee - £46(includes booking fee) includes finishers medal, T shirt, goody bag, feed stations. Spaces are limited and 138 people are already signed up. Organised by local fitness instructor David Maund, Hydro Dragon Events is leading the way with several new challenges for 2018. Why not join in, set yourself a challenge for fun or raise money for a local good cause, the choice is yours. 35

Crossword 40 - Spare rough working Grid 1








10 11



15 18



19 20

21 23








29 30

31 32 33




37 38 39


The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm 36


This fortieth Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by Caffi Pedr. The owner has kindly offered the winner a voucher to be spent in the Café. PRIZE: Voucher Caffi Pedr – the place where “good food gets great” - opened on 31 July 2017 and has been carrying on Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 40 (Jeep) a thriving trade ever since. The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 owner and manageress, Ainsley 10 Waterman, has previously 11 12 13 14 managed The Royal Oak in 15 16 17 Lampeter and also worked for eight years at The Castle Hotel. 18 19 Catering is very much her thing. Caffi Pedr offers daily 20 21 22 specials, regular and vegetarian menu, all at very reasonable 23 24 prices. Special features include a mother-and-toddler session 25 26 27 28 from 9am to 11am, chat over tea and cake), a menu of roast 29 dinner and puds every Wednesday and a choice of brunch or 30 31 lunch on Sundays. The servery is very popular among 32 customers who are on the go and want good food without a 33 34 35 long wait. 36 37 Caffi Pedr has its own Facebook page, where you can see for 38 yourself the different sorts of dishes on offer. competition


Rough working grid, opposite - Eds.


Down 1. Spain and Portugal offer new insane pub airline (7,9) 2. Age of the founder of the Cliff Tucker Theatre when he died (6) 3. Hit the spot with top card (3) 4. Sunlit pole has new meaning with this healthy potage (6,4) 5. Not the active treatment but a base done up close in a way (3,4,2,7) 6. Not personally the most powerful? Revise next entry with gus to so this is achieved (3,4,9) 7. Beat sins endlessly but does not take it away (4,2) 8. County swimming event held at Bro Pedr (4) 9. Route of the Lampeter Ramblers walk for 20th January (3,10,3) 12. Fairest fast losing anger (3) 14. Organisation managing the Dolaucothi Gold Mines (Abb) (1,1) 16. Used to indicate position of amulet without obstinate person(2) 19. Are you as sound as the King of the Huns? (4) 22. Run plan up the flagpole. Ahead is into reform (5,2,4) 24. Lady providing needle-sewing service at 36 Bridge Street Lampeter (4) 26. Tower near cultivated mountain ash (5,4) 27. Shelter from endless sleet (3) 28. Rate queen add penniless I in for effort to give out heat again (9) 31. Dyeing technique used by one moggie sound-alike (4) 33. Ice cream parlour on Market Street, Aberaeron (5) 34. Longer than single is half crossword compiler (Abb) (1,1) 37. Law of unemployment/lost production, alright with United Nations (4)

Across 1. Bewail eighty odd needing correction to achieve healthy measure (5,4,6) 10. Cold hearted kill? (3) 11. EU supernatural creature is well-born girl. (7) 13. Up to the time of the United Nations Terrorist Informant Law starts (5) 15. These absentees trust no saint with insects (7) 17. Electric action at the centre of anarchy (3) 18. Location, Italian city, bizarre inert site (2,7) 20. Endless Christmas for Brynner? (3) 21. Ten and penniless, thus was one of Pan’s sons (7) 23. Arab man in new supermarket (4) 25. Main female occupation in Lampeter in the 1951 census (8,7) 29. Mince tunes state of liquid jelly (5) 30. Hack’s reviewer confused crew in space trip (9,6) 32. Sound like a vehicle has another name (Abb) (1,1,1) 33. Genus for maize, point found in last and first letter (3) 35. Short boy and upset (3) 36. Suspicion gotten crazy starts process of knowing (4,2,9) 38. Only just make a living with Tongan group dance (3) 39. Transport with sub when returning (3) 40. Shock treatment cattle suffer with electric fences (8,7)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 9 Feb 2018, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 40, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.


ads & classified Family History Research Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life. Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525

Job adverts

Sally Harrold

Advertise local paid employment opportunities

Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Supervision BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling.


Lampeter Llandovery Llandeilo Carmarthen


free of charge

07539 882798

Job adverts Contact:

YES YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! Successful business Mum is seeking 5 working partners


to work part-time from home, without compromising family commitments or current career.

If you have a supervisory, managerial, nursing, teaching,


sales, recruitment or a self-employed background, or

Tues - 15.30-17.00 Fri - 18.30-20.00

you wish to develop an extraordinary lifestyle…


Call Liz 07788 219730 or 01570 470812

Contact: Sean Slater 01570 493139

Bookworm books - bags - music


2nd hand books, new books, Welsh books orders taken by phone or in person for collection in Lampeter or Aberaeron

Aberaeron Hours - Jan/Feb Taster Day, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 7th April 2018 (£15)

Mon Tues-Sat Sun

Full Beginners’ Course, starts 22nd April 2018 (£75) Book a place for yourself or buy a voucher to give the gift of beekeeping to a friend or family member.

10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 5.30pm closed

8 Sgwar Alban, Aberaeron, SA46 0AD Peoples’ Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter 01545 23 82 82

Both courses will be held in the Millennium Hall, Cellan. Visit for more information or contact us on


Congratulations to our Crossword Winner


Sally Jones

Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue


Copy Deadline


57 - Mar


Fri 9 Feb

Sat 24 Feb

58 - Apr


Fri 9 Mar

Sat 24 Mar

59 - May

Environmental Impact

Fri 13 Apr

Sat 28 Apr

60 - Jun

Cultural Heritage

Fri 11 May

Sat 26 May

61 July/

Focus on Youth

Fri 8 Jun

(for People’s Market)

Sat 23 June

Please Send to: Articles, letters, reviews & enquiries listings adverts & classifieds

next issue… mar - issue 57 copy deadline: friday 9 february theme: ‘space’

Charlotte from Inspired with Sally’s winning voucher Wow! well done everyone for completing crossword 39 even though the clue to 36 Down was missing. I think you all worked it out! Doris Critchley, Jenny & Andy Ryan & Chris Schröder also had fun making observations and suggesting possible clues... “No clue for 36d - not an accusation!”; “The prosecutor usually faces this person”; “Not maritime vessel but in the dock”; “Defendant caused confusion about start of case”. Well done to all puzzlers. Mrs M. Anderson, Daniel Davies, Jen Davies, Sarah Davies, Carol Evans, The Girls at Evans & Hughes Opticians, Llinos Griffiths, Trevor Harris, David Hyde, Dawn Kenwright, George Kinchington, Merry Makers, Janet Menage, Geoff Oldrid, Mary Overton, & Julia. Check out your answers for crossword 39 below and see page 37 for more details about the prize for our 40th crossword, from our sponsor for issue 57, Caffi Pedr. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 40, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor one of our crosswords, please contact Diolch/Thank you Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 39 by “Jeep”

space - the final frontier?! what can we learn from outer or deep space? do you have your own quiet or safe space? how do you use your space? how do we protect natural ‘green’ spaces? how can we get the most from our community spaces? why not write in and tell us … (700 words maximum please! )

Answers L

















































Diolch / Thank you































































































































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