Lampeter Grapevine Issue 57 Mar 2018

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contents in this issue…  reviews & letters  ads & classifieds  what’s going on  secret travels  totally locally  town council  cooking with steem  money for nothing? nothing?  plastic incredible freeedible  lampeter repair café  permaculture seed swap use  of ysgol space y dderi  celf our economy llambed needs a new story reviews  lampeter bathing infolk nature club  ysgol mindfulness y dderi &  dewis dance gymru  repair art therapy café &  incredible mindfulness edible  uwtsd the friendly rugbygames teams  a uwtsd space to clear  your celtichead christianity  sacred long wood space  custard steemit queens  jottings elmo’s delights  pumsaint kcc wi  yr cerddwyr efail space llambed to  grow cothi gardeners  carmarthenshire pumsaint wi  meadows jottings group  cothi nev’s gardeners doodles  uwtsd custard queens  celtic dathliadau christianity gwyl  elmo’s dewi delights  an blues ashram? hero  where? clonc  kcc call for help  rocket ysgol bro scientists? pedr  clonc banc bwyd report  gwahoddiad: ms support group next  steps yr efailoutside the mindfulness eu - a conversation  ms ysgol support henry richard group  ysgol aberaeron bro pedr to  cryptic lampeter crossword

The Secret Travels of the Grapevine… Grapevine is now available around the world: lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes with you. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos: and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.

Thanks to Gil & Gaynor Kinnaird from Tregaron, who sent this photo from outside Saigon notre-dame basilica in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 2

GRAPEVINE no. 57, Mar 2018 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:

Croeso / Welcome to another issue of the Grapevine … I must firstly apologise for the delay in getting this issue produced and published. Unfortunately, I was hit by the dreaded winter flu virus shortly after the February issue and have been very slow in getting back to full strength - sorry. Hopefully, normal service will resume shortly! ☺ When I first started to think about this editorial I was convinced that it needed to focus on the issues of the day, the challenge was how to link these with the Grapevine’s theme of ‘Space’. My initial thoughts drifted towards making reference to the hundredth anniversary








particularly as Thursday 8 March is International Women’s Day (IWD). In this case, the space refers to the ‘gap’ that still exists between the rights of men and women. It is shocking to hear the findings of ‘The World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report’ telling us that gender parity is still over 200 years away! That is quite a gap to close but one which should motivate us to

To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50/20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy date for April, issue 58: Fri 9 Mar Theme: ‘Habits’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Moira Hay

continue the struggle and support the IWD campaign theme for 2018








interpretations of ‘Space’, and these may be personal, social, physical,






musical or even celestial. Many of these are explored within the pages of Grapevine this month, so, why don’t you create yourself some space, sit down and take time to navigate your way through these pages. You never know you might discover something new. Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading Angie Martin, Editor

polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to theGrapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team

Other contact details:  Transition Llambed: email:  Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614  People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3

Cynhaliwyd y Cyfarfod Misol ar nos Iau, 25 Ionawr 2018 yn Festri Shiloh, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Yn Bresennol: Y Maer y Cynghorydd Hag Harris (Cadeirydd); Y Dirprwy Faer Y Gynghorwraig Ann Morgan; Y Cynghorydd Rhys Bebb-Jones; Y Gynghorwraig Dinah Mulholland; Y Cynghorydd Rob Phillips; Y Cynghorydd Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cynghorydd David Smith; Y Cynghorydd Chris Thomas a'r Cynghorydd Selwyn Walters. Estynnwyd llongyfarchion i’r Gynghorwraig Ann Bowen Morgan a’r Cynghorydd Robert Phillips ar eu hethol yn Faer a Dirprwy-Faer, yn y drefn honno, ar gyfer y Flwyddyn Fwrdeistrefol 2018-19. Mynegwyd cydymdeimlad â’r Cyngh. Christopher Thomas ar golli ei fam yn ddiweddar. GOSOD NOD I FOD YN GYMUNED DDI-BLASTIG Penderfynwyd cefnogi'r cynnig a godwyd gan y Gyngh. Dinah Mulholland sef: Mae Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan yn cefnogi amcanion yr ymgyrch ddi-blastig. Byddwn yn cefnogi, yn hyrwyddo ac yn annog Llanbedr Pont Steffan a'i phreswylwyr i anelu at fod yn ddi-blastig; annog busnesau lleol, siopau ac archfarchnadoedd i ymrwymo i roi'r gorau i werthu nwyddau a chynhyrchion wedi'u pecynnu at ddibenion un defnydd neu blastig dianghenraid; i annog a chefnogi trigolion Llanbedr Pont Steffan yn eu dymuniad i weld eu tref yn gymuned ddi-blastig ac i annog Cyngor Sir Ceredigion i ymrwymo i statws di-blastig ar gyfer Ceredigion. CINIO CYMORTH CRISTNOGOL Cyngor Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan oedd yn gyfrifol am Ginio Cymorth Cristnogol a gynhaliwyd ar ddydd Gwener 2ail Chwefror 2018 yn Neuadd yr Eglwys Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Codwyd dros £200. Diolch yn fawr i bawb a gefnogodd yr achlysur, a gynhelir, fel arfer ar ddydd Gwener cyntaf y mis (12 hanner dydd-2pm) dan gyfarwyddyd Eglwys San Pedr Llanbedr Pont Steffan. BANC NATWEST LLANBEDR PONT STEFFAN Penderfynwyd gwrthwynebu'n ffurfiol y cynllun i gau Banc Nat West, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. CYNHELIR PARED GŴYL DDEWI SANT ar ddydd Gwener 2ail o Fawrth 2018 i ddechrau am 12.45pm ger Ysgol Bro Pedr. Croeso Cynnes i Bawb. CYLLID Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2018 £100 Tomos Jones £100: tuag at Daith Academi Clwb Criced Morgannwg De Affrica i Durban, Chwefror 2018 Samariaid £100 Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Ceredigion £100 Ysgol Bro Pedr Ymweliad Cyfnewidiol, Kalix, Sweden £100

The Monthly Meeting was held on Thursday 25 January 2018 at Shiloh Vestry, Lampeter. Present: Cllr. Mayor Hag Harris (Chairperson); Deputy Mayor Cllr. Ann Morgan; Cllr. Rhys Bebb-Jones; Cllr. Dinah Mulholland; Cllr. Rob Phillips; Cllr. Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr. David Smith; Cllr. Chris Thomas & Cllr. Selwyn Walters. Congratulations were extended to Cllr. Ann Bowen Morgan and Cllr. Robert Phillips on their election as Mayor and Deputy-Mayor respectively, for the Municipal Year 2018-19. Condolences were conveyed to Cllr. Christopher Thomas on the recent passing away of his mother. SETTING A GOAL FOR A PLASTIC-FREE COMMUNITY It was resolved to support the following motion as raised by Cllr Dinah Mulholland: Lampeter Town Council supports the aims of the plastic free movement. We will support, promote and encourage Lampeter and its residents in working towards being plastic free; encourage local businesses, shops and supermarkets to pledge to cease selling goods and products packaged in single use or unnecessary plastic; to encourage and support Lampeter residents in their wish to see their town go plastic-free and to encourage Ceredigion County Council to commit to a plastic-free Ceredigion. CHRISTIAN-AID LUNCH Lampeter Town Council hosted the Christian Aid Lunch of Friday 2 February 2018 at Lampeter Church Hall. Over £200 was raised. Many thanks to all who supported this Event, which is held on the first Friday of each month (12 Noon-2pm) under the direction of St Peter’s Church Lampeter. NATWEST BANK LAMPETER It was resolved to formally oppose the plan to close Nat West Bank, Lampeter. SAINT DAVID’S DAY PARADE will take place on Friday 2 March 2018 to start at 12.45pm at Ysgol Bro Pedr. All Welcome. FINANCE National Eisteddfod of Wales 2018 £100 Tomos Jones £100: towards the Glamorgan Cricket Academy Tour, Durban South Africa, Feb 2018 Samaritans £100 Young Farmers’ Club Ceredigion £100 Ysgol Bro Pedr Exchange Trip, Kalix, Sweden £100 4


grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE


In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.

New Ladies' Netball group

Cooking with Steem: Children's cooking classes @ Victoria Hall Who remembers the Lampeter Young People’s Food Festival way back in July 2014? When I organised that, one of the ideas was that after the festival we would continue to nurture interest in food by setting up cooking classes for young people around Lampeter. In fact that is one of the main reasons that I invested in all the cooking equipment for the cooking competition that took place on the day. I have not forgotten about the cooking classes, but the opportunity and the funding have never come together. The costs of venue hire, ingredients, hiring tutors etc. has always made the cost for each participant too high to be accessible enough. However, with the arrival of Steemit that I wrote about in the last Grapevine (Issue 56, Feb 2018, page 26) we have found a way to move forward with the cooking classes. Steemit is a new blogging and social media platform based on the steem blockchain that pays people for the content they post. The ‘launch’ of steemit in Wales took place on 10 February at Victoria Hall. Growing out of the organisation of that event, I have worked out a plan for funding the cooking classes. There will be a set of four trial Cooking with Steem cooking classes taking place during the Easter Holidays at Victoria Hall. The classes will be aimed at children aged 11 - 16, and will last 2 hours. In each session the children will cook a complete meal for two (starter, main course and dessert) that they will take away with them. Each session will be taught by a local cooking expert. There will be one vegetarian session, one vegan session and the other two may be meat based. Children will be free to attend one or more of the sessions. The bulk of the costs will be covered through earnings from blog posts that I will make on steemit about the Cooking with Steem classes. These posts will include photos taken at the classes, so parents will need to give permission for their children to appear in the photos. There will though, be a small fee for each class to ensure attendance. The fee will be discounted for children signing up for all four sessions. The full details and dates for the classes are still being finalised, but they will take place during the weeks beginning 2 April and 9 April (Schools Easter Holidays). If anyone would like to know more about the Cooking with Steem classes please contact: Chris Studman 01570 493649

Fancy playing netball for fun? There is a new group being set up in Lampeter for ladies who want to play netball. The emphasis will be on fun, making new friends and improving fitness. This is aimed at all ages, all abilities and all levels of fitness, so ideal for those who haven't played since school or haven't played at all. Ceredigion Netball League are kindly funding two fully coached sessions at Lampeter Leisure Centre on Thursday 22 March and Thursday 19 April 7:30-9pm If there is still enough interest following on from these sessions we aim to meet on a weekly basis. For more accomplished and ambitious netballers there will be the option to enter a competitive league. Please join the facebook group Llewod Llambed Lampeter Lionesses for updated information.

Alex Fox

MONEY FOR NOTHING? Could a Universal Basic Income bring an end to poverty and inequality? Plaid Werdd Ceredigion Green Party’s next Platform event will take place on Saturday 10 March at St Paul’s Methodist Centre, Queens Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 2NN. Speaking at the event will be Barb Jacobsen of Basic Income UK and Unconditional Basic Income Europe. Barb is a welfare rights advisor, fundraiser and community project manager and has been involved with feminist, housing and health organisations for over 30yrs. She will be joined by Chris Johnes, previously Director of Oxfam UK’s Poverty Programme, Head of Oxfam Cymru and National Coordinator of the Communities First Support Network. Chris is now Chief Executive of the charity Building Communities Trust. The event will be chaired by Wales Green Party Leader, Grenville Ham. • The Platform will begin with coffee at 10.30am. • From 11am we will hear from the speakers, and enjoy a discussion. • We’ll break for lunch at 1pm, followed by an afternoon of workshops and Q &A. All welcome to join us (for all or part of the day) at this free event in Aberystwyth! Julie Makin 5

A PLASTIC-FREE LAMPETER? This motion was passed at a recent meeting of Lampeter Town Council: “Lampeter Town Council supports the aims of the plastic free movement. We will support, promote and encourage Lampeter and its residents in working towards being plastic free; encourage local businesses, shops and supermarkets to pledge to cease selling goods and products packaged in single use or unnecessary plastic; to encourage and support Lampeter residents in their wish to see their town go plastic free; and to encourage Ceredigion Council to commit to a plastic free Ceredigion.� Lampeter Town Council have contacted the Chamber of Trade to seek their collaboration, and would like to see a committee formed of representatives from the town's businesses, educational establishments, voluntary organisations, communities and other interested groups so as to move this forward. This framework is established in the Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) community toolkit for achieving Plastic Free Community status, which Aberporth recently achieved and which the other Ceredigion communities are working to achieve. To download the toolkit, use this link: Ceredigion communities currently working to achieve the Plastic Free Community status include: Teifiside, Cardigan Town, Tresaith, Llangrannog, Newquay, Aberystwyth and Borth. For more information see the new Plastic Free Lampeter page on Facebook, or contact Dinah Mulholland

CLEARING OUT A FOOD CUPBOARD? The Food Bank is always grateful to be considered if you are clearing out a cupboard, and would welcome a call on our mobile 07582 905743 to talk about the kind of non-perishable in-date food that we can accept for our clients. If there are open packets of in-date foods, the Food Bank cannot use these, but Sarah Hulme would be happy to take them for the Lampeter Food Project, the free community meal cooked every Thursday at Victoria Hall. Sarah can be contacted on 01794 821219. Food left in cupboards is often out of date or the tins have become rusty, and we cannot offer this to anyone! This should really be disposed of - so please save everyone the trouble, by not trying to transfer or offer this unusable food. Diolch / Thank you.

Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank

Copy Deadline: Fri 9 March 6

MOVING TOWARD A PLASTIC–FREE LAMPETER I was delighted to hear that Lampeter Town Council have voted to support the plastic-free movement and is working towards a plastic-free Lampeter. Like many people across the country I have been examining my own relationship with plastic, and asking myself what I can do to reduce plastic use. WATER This year I have decided to stop buying water in plastic bottles and I will be using a water filter instead. I remember that, not so long ago, many people used water filters, but the rise in popularity of bottled water has meant that water filters are now a rare sight on shop shelves. This can change as we change our habits. I have also begun carrying my own metal water bottle and re-filling it when needed. Hopefully Lampeter Town Council will install a drinking fountain or two around town. Local shops can also offer to refill water bottles from their taps for people. RUBBISH Every time I go for a walk I collect any rubbish I find, and, sadly, there is always some: crisp packets, sweet wrappers, polystyrene food containers and, of course, plastic drink bottles. This casually discarded rubbish often ends up in rivers and then adds to the hideous islands of plastic that are polluting our oceans and killing marine life. It’s time to wake up and each take responsibility for our own actions. I cannot walk past a piece of rubbish now, and I sincerely hope that a day will soon come when no one would ever think of dropping litter on our beautiful country. BUSINESS I have made a plastic inventory of our business, The Mulberry Bush. We already do a lot that is eco-friendly, and there is always room for improvement. It is a great exercise to examine your work and home and acknowledge what you are doing well and what can be improved. See the Mulberry Bush plastic manifesto below, in case it is helpful. I wish you all great success in cleaning your own space of plastic, and supporting the movement toward making Lampeter and surrounding areas plastic–free. Josie Smith, Mulberry Bush

MULBERRY BUSH PLASTIC-FREE POLICY We, at The Mulberry Bush, Lampeter, are committed to becoming a plastic-free business. This means eliminating all single-use plastic from our shop and café. Below is a list of what we are currently doing well and the areas we are addressing to improve.          

 

What we are doing well Mulberry Bush Café takeaway containers are all biodegradable Mulberry Bush Café takeaway utensils are all wooden All re-packed bulk goods are packaged in cellophane Organic vegetables are sold loose with paper bags available Refills are available for Olive Oil, Ecover washing up liquid and laundry liquid The carrier bags are made from biodegradable corn starch All drinks are in glass bottles, tin cans or tetra packs, apart from Ty Nant water, which is available in both glass and plastic. We stock bio-degradable nappies We stock loose soap bars Most of the goods we stock are packaged in glass, cellophane or cardboard. Where they are packaged in plastic we are in the process of contacting our suppliers to request them to change their packaging. All our compost is collected and used to feed stock or compost heaps. We offer to refill water bottles from our taps

What we are planning to improve  We will be stocking milk in glass bottles  We will contact our suppliers and request them to cease single-use plastic packaging or to start a deposit scheme for plastic bottles.  We will find an alternative way to wrap fresh goods that are currently wrapped in plastic. 7

plots of land. However, the principles can be applied to anyone’s situation, and if you look online you will find many suggestions for and from individuals living in upstairs flats in cities. It is the case that in a world of 7.5 billion people in which most live in cities, it is not possible for everyone to have plots of land which are only socially responsible for a very small number of individuals. We need a sense of a whole system with planning for needs integrated on a large scale. Look up Zero Carbon Britain for inspiration on a detailed proposal for an island wide system for 65 million people. Indeed, Zone 6 is the wider community, both local and global. We all need to remember how our lives and choices interact and impact on others, but also may inspire. Permaculture principles can be applied in every space, everywhere and on every scale, addressing the needs of each individual and the whole planet, sustainably. Judy Cooper

Permaculture and use of space Permaculture, in many ways, centres around our use of space, maximising the potential, but always with an ethical, sustainable heart, that values individuals, communities and our place in the whole eco system. Permaculture asks us to consider our space in terms of zones, where the self is the centre and the other zones are within concentric circles around it, like those formed when a stone is thrown into a pond. The first Zone is 0 (zero) and is the self. We need to consider our values, needs, likes and dislikes. We need self care to sustain our inner peace, energy and creativity. Zone zero also includes our home. We can think about how to maximise our use of this space for practicality, comfort and enjoyment. Perhaps start by clearing out clutter – get rid of all you do not consider useful or beautiful. Start from your daily activities and make the space work for you, challenging conventions where they don’t suit your situation. Zone 1 is the space nearest to the back door, and should contain areas that need frequent attention – herbs and salad, your firewood store. Perhaps you can use a warm suntrap wall for container grown climbing vegetables, or espalier fruit trees, or to bring passive heat into your home. Zones 2 to 4 would be for less frequent attention, anything from twice a day to twice a month, according to the size and scope of your plot, and might include workshop, tool shed, poultry, other animals, a green house, a vegetable plot, orchard, woodland. Zone 5 would be a wilderness zone, which supports wildlife and allows foraging. Even a small patch is of great value. Where you have restricted space consider mixed vegetable cropping or “forest gardening” where you make use of different layers above and below ground, so that early ground cover plants later in the season give way to slower growers, and taller plants and trees allow plants of different heights to grow below and around them. Don’t forget the edges and margins – a narrow perhaps dry space may still grow some effective pollinator plants or some herbs, or be a good spot for a bench to relax on. This picture may seem the preserve of those few in the position of having at least a sizeable garden or smallholding. Many permaculturists do live in rural areas like ours, trying to live as sustainably as possible on small 8

Recent Reviews Saturday 27 January, Victoria Hall A line up never to have graced the stage before; we were truly spoiled. An evening fuelled with spoken word, acoustic folk punk cabaret and lashings of feisty female presence to finish. A most powerful punk-infused line up, with accordion-clad epic Hattie Hatstar, the mighty and loved Attila The Stockbrocker, followed by the all female crew, Muddy Summers and the Dirty Field Whores. Hattie's style of much-loved acoustic-comedy-punk folk fun filled cabaret was an absolute joy to watch. Her set was one of social commentary of the last 25 years, of an activist, mother, lover and champion of a D.I.Y lifestyle. To describe it as funny, witty and absolutely awesome doesn't even come close and importantly saves her from getting a real job. If this is all she can do then fair play! Next up was the sharp tongued, high energy social surrealist rebel and spoken word great that is Attila the Stockbroker. His wonderful set touching on subjects such as the trials and tribulations of navigating family life from cradle to the grave, dogs on strings and the political landscape of yesteryear, eluding to a time of self-led nations, Baroc ’n’ Roll and Sacbutts. A most glorious set of wit, fun and thoughtfulness. The evening was finished off with much fun, drunken dancing and tomfoolery to the epic Muddy Summers and the Dirty Field Whores. A most splendid set of female led folk, punk-reggae party tunes with a twist. You can't help but love them and their ethos finishing the night with 'Bella Ciao’, very fitting.

Doc & the Headshrinkers @ Celf Llambed Arts On Saturday 24 February in Lampeter at the Victoria Hall, under the banner of Celf Llambed Arts, a community led live music venue, we were truly, truly blessed. A double bill of Blues and Rock & Roll from local West Wallian bands of epic proportions The Chemistry Set and Doc and The Headshrinkers respectively. First up was The Chemistry Set, a four piece from Cellan. These guys had a masterful, rocking, tight sound with wonderfully executed moments of sheer joy with Larry on the slide guitar; what an absolute treat. Next up was the three piece Rock ‘n’ Roll band from Carmarthenshire Doc and the Headshrinkers, with Doc ‘Headshinker’ on lead guitar, Richie 'mega double-bass' Evans and with John 'I need to get my hair cut' Lovell on drums, The Headshrinkers certainly ripped up at the Vicky Hall. A great set full of energy, masterful stage presence and mighty fine musicianship. Think Jerry Lee Lewis with a very slight hint of Bruce Springsteen and you would be halfway there. Playing tracks from their most recent album 'Crash Land' most noticeably a great tune called 'If there weren't any sinners the saints wouldn't look so good' a 7" vinyl release. An absolutely rocking night (pun intended) was had by all. The whole evening was a sheer delight. Well done to all of the artists and the many volunteers involved. Tracey Styles

Coming Soon … The next line up to be hosted by Celf Llambed Arts is on Saturday 31 March and is set to be a sell-out with the mighty Dreadzone performing. These guys are the real deal, the electro dub pioneers that have been on the scene for over twenty years. Well known for bringing the party and stunning live sets; much dancing will be had. Includes a DJ set from Aberystwyth’s Dubious Reu. Bring it on! This is going to be epic! Cafe opens at 7pm, main venue & fully licensed bar open at 8.30pm Tickets £17 online @thelittleboxoffice/victoriahall or in person from the Mulberry Bush, Lampeter, Andy’s Records, Aberystwyth and The Green Shop, Llandeilo. Last few tickets now so act quick!! 9

Erbyn hyn mae Clwb Gwerin Lampeter Folk Club is by now Clwb Gwerin Llambed - Lampeter Folk Club Llambed wedi hen sefydlu’i a well-established fixture on hun ar y sîn gerddoriaeth fyw the Lampeter live music yn y dref. Fe’i dechreuwyd fel scene. A number of music prosiect cymunedol yng lovers in the area started it as ngwanwyn 2015 gan nifer o a community project in the bobl a oedd yn dwlu ar Spring of 2015, and it gerddoriaeth ac mae’n continues thriving under the parhau i ffynnu dan leadership of local guitar duo, arweinyddiaeth y ddau The Golden Geckos (aka gitarydd lleol a adwaenir fel Georgia Owen and Carl ‘The Golden Geckos’ (sef Spillett) along with Niki and Georgia Owen a Carl Spillett) Karen Gemma Brewer (local ynghyd â Niki a Karen Gemma Brewer (bardd/cyfansoddwr poet/songwriter). Lauren McLeary is in charge of the home lleol). Lauren McLeary sydd yng ngofal dosbarthu’r cacennau -made cake distribution, with an occasional little help from cartref, gydag ychydig o gymorth gan ei ffrindiau o bryd i’w her friends. gilydd. It meets once a month on the third Friday, from 7.30pm Mae’r Clwb yn cyfarfod unwaith y mis, ar y trydydd Nos Wener, until late- with a brief respite in the winter months, but am 7.30pm tan yr hwyr, gyda thoriad bach yn ystod y gaeaf. check the up-to-date listings in the Grapevine. The venue is Mae’r manylion diweddaraf i’w gweld yn ‘The Grapevine’. the Small Hall at Victoria Hall on Bryn Road, Lampeter and Y man cyfarfod yw’r neuadd fach yn Neuadd Buddug, Heol y entry is £3 or £1 for students. This includes tea or coffee Bryn, Llambed a’r tâl mynediad yw £3 neu £1 i fyfyrwyr, sy’n and the above mentioned cakes, which always go down cynnwys te neu goffi a’r cacennau y soniwyd amdanynt eisoes, well, or BYOB, if you prefer. sydd bob amser yn flasus iawn, neu os oes well ‘da chi gallwch The format of the evening varies, depending on whether ddod â photelaid o gwrw neu win gyda chi. there is a guest act — in the past such well-known Mae trefn y noson yn amrywio, yn dibynnu os oes cerddor performers as Brenig, Paul Hayes, Bryony Sier and Rajesh gwadd - yn y gorffennol mae perfformwyr enwog megis Brenig, David who have all delighted the regular audience. Paul Hayes, Bryony Siers a Rajesh David wedi diddanu’r Afterwards, there is an open mic session where local gynulleidfa reolaidd. I ddilyn, ceir sesiwn ‘meic agored’ ar gyfer musicians and also occasional visitors to the area cerddorion lleol a hefyd ymwelwyr achlysurol â’r ardal sy’n contribute to the entertainment- it’s amazing how much cyfrannu at yr adloniant - mae’n anhygoel faint o dalent lleol local talent there is around. Although it is called a Folk sydd o’n cwmpas ni. Club, the actual music played ranges from traditional, Er ei alw’n Glwb Gwerin, mewn gwirionedd mae’r adloniant yn through jazz, pop, musical favourites, poetry recitals as well cynnwys cerddoriaeth draddodiadol, jazz, pop, ffefrynnau o’r as songs written by the performers themselves. sioeau cerdd, adrodd barddoniaeth yn ogystal â chaneuon a Instruments include guitars, keyboards, banjos, acappella gyfansoddwyd gan y perfformwyr eu hunain. Mae’r offerynnau voice, fiddle with both English and Welsh (and occasionally yn cynnwys y gitâr, yr allweddellau, y banjo, y ffidil a’r llais other languages from Spanish to Swahili!) The organisers acapella yn Saesneg a Chymraeg, ac weithiau mewn ieithoedd hope to encourage more local Welsh performers to come eraill hefyd megis Sbaeneg a Swahili. Mae’r trefnwyr yn along to contribute and a warm welcome is assured for all. gobeithio annog mwy o berfformwyr lleol Cymraeg eu hiaith i Next event- Friday 16th March, featuring guest Martin gyfrannu, a gellir sicrhau y bydd croeso cynnes iddynt i gyd. Smith- jazz/ragtime guitarist from Kent Digwyddiad nesaf- nos Wener 16eg Mawrth, yn Ann Owen cynnwys gitarydd Martin Smith- jazz / ragtime o Sir Gaint


Fe adawon ni Ysgol Y Dderi am 6 o’r gloch y bore tra roedd yn dal yn dywyll.Y peth cyntaf wnaethon ni wedi gadael y bws yn Rhydychen oedd tynnu llun y porth i’r Brifysgol sy’n cael ei ‘nabod fel “Tom Gate”. Roedd y porthor yn gwisgo het gron fel y gwelwch yn y llun. Daeth Laura o Galeri Luniau Eglwys Crist i’n cwrdd ac yno fe welon ni feistrweithiau anhygoel gan arlunwyr enwog. Fe ddysgon ni am y Dadeni Eidalaidd,lapis lazuli,deilen aur a glud croen cwningen. Fe wnaeth y curadur, o’r enw Jacqueline, ein dysgu sut i “ddarllen” y stori yn y paentiad “Scipio the Great” gab Van Dyck. Wedyn fe gerddon ni gyda thywysydd o’r enw Anna a aeth i ddangos y Neuadd Fawr i ni lle cynhyrchwyd y ffilm Harry Potter cyntaf. Doedd hi ddim yn bosibl i ni fynd i fewn i’r neuadd gan fod arholiadau yn digwydd yno ond dyma ni ar Risiau Mawreddog yr Hogwarts! Roeddem i gyd eisiau bwyd erbyn hyn a chawsom fynd gyda Dr. Matthew Williams i Goleg yr Iesu am ginio yn y neuadd fwyta hardd. Dyma ni yn mwynhau ein bwyd ! Roedd paentiad o Lawrence o Arabia ar y wal a hefyd un o Frenhines Elizabeth 1. Tynnais lun ohoni gan mai hi a sefydlodd Goleg yr Iesu yn 1571.

Taith i Rydychen Ysgol y Dderi Trip to Oxford We set off from Ysgol Y Dderi at 6 o’clock when it was still dark. The first thing we did when we got off the bus in Oxford was draw a picture of the gateway to the university which is called ‘Tom Gate’. The porter was wearing a bowler hat as you can see in the drawing. We were met by Laura from Christ Church Picture Gallery where we saw some amazing masterpieces by famous painters. We learned about the Italian Renaissance, lapis lazuli, gold leaf, and rabbit skin glue. The curator, called Jacqueline, taught us how to ‘read’ the story in a painting called ‘Scipio the Great’ by Van Dyck. Next we walked with a guide called Ana who took us to see the ‘Great Hall’ where the first Harry Potter film was made. We couldn’t go in because students were doing their exams in there, but here we are on the Grand Staircase of Hogwarts! We were all hungry by this time and Dr. Matthew Williams took us to Jesus College for lunch in their beautiful dining hall. Here we are enjoying our food! There was a painting of Lawrence of Arabia on the wall and one of Queen Elizabeth 1. I drew a picture of her as she was the founder of Jesus College in1571. We learned that Jesus College is called ‘The Welsh College’ and met some Welsh students there, then we walked around finding out about architecture, Christopher Wren and gargoyles.

Fe ddysgon ni fod Coleg yr Iesu yn cael ei adnabod fel “Y Coleg Cymraeg” ac fe gwrddon ni fyfyrwyr Cymraeg yno.Yna, fe gerddon ni o gwmpas yn dysgu am bensaerniaeth, Christopher Wren a gargoeliaid.

The highlight of our trip! Professor Thomas Charles-Edwards showed us the Llyfr Coch Hergest and read bits out loud to us. He showed us two other Welsh manuscripts, the Book of the Anchorite of Llandewi Brefi written in 1346 which is about the life of Saint David and another one about the early laws of Hywel Dda.

Uchafbwynt ein taith oedd cael Yr Athro Thomas Charles-Edwards yn dangos Llyfr Coch Hergest i ni a darllen rhannau ohono i ni ! Dangosodd ddwy lawysgrif Gymraeg arall i ni sef Llyfr Ancr Llanddewi Brefi (1346) sy’n adrodd hanes bywyd Dewi Sant ac un arall am ddeddfau cynnar Hywel Dda. Rhoddodd Sian Witherden gyflwyniad i ni ar y creaduriaid rhyfedd sydd ar ymylon hen lawysgrifau ac anifeiliaid mewn Bwystawr canoloesol.Fe dynnon ni luniau o’r rhain ar ol mynd nol i’r ysgol.

Sian Witherden gave us a presentation about the strange creatures found in margins of ancient manuscripts and animals in a medieval Bestiary and we painted pictures of these when we got back to school.

Wedi rhagor o gerdded, daethom at Gelf Cyfoes Rhydychen lle cawsom sudd a bisgedi gan Sara ac yna fe ddangosodd hi dapestriau gan arlunydd o’r enw Hannah Ryggen a cherfluniau lliwgar anferth gan Nicholas Party. Fe wnaethon ni i gyd roi cynnig ar wehydda a oedd yn llawer o hwyl ac yna roedd yn amser troi am adre. Diolch i chi, Mrs. Helen Duffee am drefnu ein taith wych!

After another walk we came to Modern Art Oxford where Sara gave us some fruit juice and biscuits and then showed us some tapestries by an artist called Hannah Ryggen and some huge colourful sculptures by Nicholas Party. We all had a go at weaving which was really fun and then it was time to set off for home. Thank you Mrs Helen Duffee for planning our fantastic trip! 11


Repair Café / Caffi Atgyweirio

Bwyd Bendigedig / Incredible Edible Llambed

We are pleased that we have found a good (and hopefully memorable) Welsh name for Incredible Edible: Bwyd Bendigedig Llambed! Discussions are well underway to confirm three definite sites for Bwyd Bendigedig / Incredible Edible Llambed to start on in the town centre, with several longer term possibilities also up our sleeves. There was a lot of enthusiasm at the well-attended Transition meeting on Thursday 8 February, and we'd love to hear from anyone else who is interested, either by email - - or come and find us on the Transition Llambed table at the People's Market - 2nd & 4th Saturday each month.

Meeting to Plan a Repair Café: Sat 17 March, 10am, Victoria Hall Do you have repair skills you could share? Are you interested in helping to organise it? Come and see us!

More info about Incredible Edible towns: Julia Lim

Film Nights We had an incredible turnout for our film night

Cyfarfod i gynllunio Caffi Atgyweirio: Sadwrn 17 Mawrth, 10yb, Neuadd Fictoria Oes sgiliau atgyweirio neu diddordeb am drefnu gyda chi? Dewch i'n gweld ni!

on Saturday 3 February, Incredibly Edible Cold Climate Permaculture. So, put Saturday 19 May in your diary for the next one: the equally inspiring documentary, In Our Hands, exploring the future of food after

In the last Grapevine we said we were hoping to hold a skill-sharing event, or maybe even a full-scale Repair Café, on Sat 17 March at 10am. We need a longer lead-in time to get this off the ground, and a few more people. So, instead, we’re using that date to hold a planning meeting for anyone who’s interested in making the Repair Café happen. If you’re a “fixpert”, or a good organiser with ideas about how to get this plan off the drawing board, come along and join us!

Brexit. See the Events listings for more info.

Lampeter Food Project Every Thursday 4-6pm Victoria Hall

In the meantime, have a look at the Repair Café network - - to get an idea of how the cafés are normally run. We have got the “starter kit” - ask at the Transition Llambed stall at the People’s Market if you want to see it. Or email/anfonwch ebost at: Dr Vole Transition Llambed Admin Team

Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate their edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking. Contact: Lindsay, 01570 493791 13

Lampeter University Rugby Teams Getting Involved! UWTSD Lampeter Men’s Rugby will take to the pitches of Lampeter Town Rugby Club for a third year to take on the Old Codgers. The men who had played for the same team back in the 80’s when they were students. This match will decide whether age will bring experience, or youthfulness will indeed bring victory against two equally pitted, and determined, squads. Each team seeking bragging rights and glory over the other. The match will take place on Lampeter Town’s pitches Saturday 21 April 2018 3pm KO Anyone is more than welcome to grab a pint in the Club bar and watch what is always an exciting game that only graces Lampeter once a year. Last year the past and present students, with the help of the local people of Lampeter, raised over £1000 for Cancer Research Wales and the Velindre hospital, so hopefully there will be the same amount of support shown! Please come down for what will be an amazing match day! UWTSD Lampeter Women's Rugby team are currently fundraising for the Aberystwyth 5k Race for Life, that their members are taking part in on Sunday 13 May 2018. They have recently raised nearly a £100 from a bake sale on Lampeter Campus, which was certainly a hit for all who came to buy some of the very delicious treats they had for sale! However, there’s still a chance to donate CELLAN MILLENNIUM HALL on their fundraiser CLASSES AND GROUPS website! Classes subject to change: please check All the proceeds go to Cancer Research UK which is a charity close to the hearts of most of the members, and they have been working extensively already with for updates, contact details, and our their couch to 5k training which has involved running the campus three times a What’s On page for one-off events week! This shows how committed they are to raising money for a good cause, so if possible please get involved. MONDAY Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm Thanks for reading. Laura-Cait Driscoll, Lampeter SU Sports Rep

19 March Line Dancing: 7-10pm

TUESDAY Lampeter Home Ed. Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm WEDNESDAY Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm

FRIDAY Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm


A Space to Clear Your Head

needed it to be accessible all year round, so I looked for classes that I could fit my working day around, and this is how I stumbled upon dance classes. Dancing offers me the wild winds which blow my brains out, it lets me feel the earth beneath my bare feet, grounding me, it fills my thoughts, and my senses with patterns, with sounds, with sensations, it lifts my spirits and sets me free. So, come and experience what dance can offer you, at the ‘Learn to Belly Dance’ class, Fridays, 9.30-10.30am, the ‘Improvers’ class, 10.45am-12noon, or the ‘Fit for Life’ class, 12.15-1.15pm, in Sally Saunders’ Dance Studio, or get yourself along to one of the other Belly Dance classes available locally.

When the stresses of life get on top of me, I need to get away from the thoughts dashing around my head in some way or another. To do this I need to be occupied, or else the chaotic thoughts catch up with me, and I need to be active, or I lie awake all night because my body still has too much ‘zing’ left in it for me to sleep, and I need to be away from contact by phone and email, so I am not pulled back into the demands on me. Over the years I have sought out ways to gain this separation, I have found it on windy beaches, where my brains are blown out, or pottering in my garden, clearing weeds and debris from both the land and my head simultaneously, becoming ‘earthed’, or from dancing to live music at a gig, feeling free and unfettered. However, I cannot always control the availability of these things, and at other times I struggle to get motivated to do them, such as when the rain is pouring, when it is cold, or dark, or when I feel too tired or too busy. Too often time gets away from me, and months appear to have passed between me finding a little space from it all. Therefore, I needed to structure this ‘time-out’ into every week, so I couldn’t be distracted, or put it off, and I

Mel Long JTA Wales Belly Dance Teacher

Sacred Space Teaching belly dance isn’t just about drilling moves and technique. Teachers create a safe space where women can relax, be themselves and learn. There are obvious physical benefits to belly dance including improved posture and muscle toning, but it is so much more. The physical moves are directly connected to our emotional and spiritual well-being. Bodies sway and swing, bend, flow and shimmy, carving, curving, creating shapes and patterns and for me, the tribal aspect adds an extra benefit. Every woman dances as themselves, with no ego but instead, with a sense of their own uniqueness as a beautiful and important part of any formation they dance in. They dance in the space together. They become Tribal Unity. I create the cauldron, the space where the main ingredients, women and music come together. I am the recipe, the story that helps them remember and allow their bodies to dance. Once the burner is lit, fuelled by love, dance fills the space. Wendy Steele Tribal Unity Wales for ATS® belly dance in Lampeter Rose Barter For details of her classes in Lampeter, Cardigan, Newcastle Emlyn and Tregaron


Custard Queens WI - Navigating around Easter After the exciting African drumming workshop in February Custard Queens WI welcomes back Rachel Owens Schroder to talk about changing the way we eat, entitled: Navigating around Easter. Rachel is an inspirational facilitator and several members of Custard Queens have improved their health through following Rachel’s nutritional advice. All women welcome at the Scout Hut, Lampeter on Sunday 4 March, 7pm Join us as a visitor for a £4 donation, this includes refreshments. For more information contact: Christine Chabert 01570 47017, 07815 086579 or on Facebook

Pumsaint WI


2018 has been designated the Year of the Sea by the Welsh Tourist Board (WTB).The media attention resulting from the “Blue Planet 11” programme has given it a welcome boost. We might not have the diversity and colours of tropical species in our waters, but we do have Kelp forests and Sea grass meadows (best seen by snorkelling) and the animals that live in our waters and on our shores are just as interesting. You can see Dolphins and Porpoises from the boats out of Newquay; from the cliffs, if the waters are clear, you can also see Jellyfish, and Basking Sharks travelling to the waters around the Isle of Man where they spend the summer. In the larger rock pools you can find Beadlet Anemones, Starfish and, if you are very lucky, even the Long-snouted Seahorse along with Sea Hares and Spider Crabs. In the summer months, large numbers of Manx Shearwaters gathering off Borth create seabird spectaculars. The Welsh islands are some of the most important for these birds that spends our winter in the waters off South America. When the mackerel arrive to feed on the Sand eels and Whitebait, Gannets can form large flocks to dive-bomb the fish shoals. Always remember though that the sea is a dangerous environment and whatever you are doing on the sea or on the shore always check the times of the tides. A day on the shores or the waters of Cardigan Bay can make it a ”Bay to Remember”.

On Tuesday 6 February, 15 ladies braved the cold weather to attend the WI meeting at the Coronation Hall Pumsaint. There were several apologies from those who could not attend, and we were sorry to learn that Jane Holmes was receiving more radiotherapy. Congratulations were given to Sue Jones and Diane Bookham for coming joint third in both the singles and the pairs table tennis competition. Congratulations were also given to Anne Astington on the birth of her second granddaughter. The monthly newsletter was read and names were taken for walks, crafts and other events. Arrangements were made for next months Swper Cowl at the Black Lion in Abergorlech. Arrangements were also made for the Group meeting on 21st March in Llandovery College where the Llandovery choir will be our entertainment. Our speaker for the evening was Liam from the Red Cross who talked us through various first aid scenarios and how to treat them. We all had a go at resuscitation on the dummy and now feel competent about helping out. We then enjoyed our refreshments with some delicious cakes. For more information please contact: Sue Jones 01570 218045 or Anne Brooks 01558 650154 16

David Price


AWR DDAEAR CYMRU Ddydd Sadwrn 24 Mawrth 8.30yh

Yr Efail – Space to grow

On gloomier days in Jan/Feb/March I am a sucker for visiting garden centres and nurseries and finding new plants (pittosporums to provide foliage for flower arrangements, a sweet box with delightful evergreen leaves and heavily scented winter blooms, a pink leaved phormium and a dark glossy green jasmine) and enjoy finding the right space to plant them to best effect. I don’t always manage this successfully. An area that 4+ years ago I had planned as a bluebell corner has proved to be too wet, so I’m going to try snakeshead fritillaries instead. The garden is an ever-changing space, evolving with the seasons and changing conditions. I have been working on reviving a rather tired border by planting shrubs that have year-round interest or more especially winter colour (greens, reds and bronzes brighten the rather jaded browns of Jan/Feb) and adding perennial and annual summer blooms at the front. Our indoor spaces are being woken up – strawberries tidied and manured, the first early potatoes were planted once the soil temperature touched 10 degrees – hopefully we will be savouring new potatoes by mid-April. We are preparing the soil inside the tunnels for companion planting of tomatoes and peppers with marigolds and shoo fly – sharing of spaces for the benefit of all. We, the gardeners, are beginning to compete for space in the propagators – petunias, mimulus, marigolds, phlox and coleus versus tomatoes, leaf beet, lettuces, chillies, peppers and onions to mention a few. It’s so exciting to see the blank space within a seed tray fill with tiny green dots that quickly develop into two-leaved plantlets and grow into distinctive individual and identifiable plants. Who can fail to be inspired by spring growth? Now is the time to plan visiting other people’s gardens. They are spaces that provide inspiration, enjoyment and amazement. Find local gardens at and on Ceredigion Gardens facebook page. Shelagh & Steve Yeomans

Carmarthenshire Meadows Group The Carmarthenshire Meadows Group (CMG) have a spring meeting on Saturday March 24 2018 from 10 am to 1 pm, at Banc Y Felin Hall. We are pleased to have Professor David Thorne from Trinity St. David’s Lampeter University attend who will talk to us on “Field Names and Mediciners”. Professor Thorne has extensive knowledge on the significance of Welsh field names and their history and usage. In addition Richard Pryce, the county’s botanical recorder will speak about Plant Indicator species for wildflower meadows. Richard and his wife Kath have been the county’s botanical recorders for many years and they have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with us all. This meeting will end with the AGM of the CMG, and this is a great time to raise any issues or ideas about how the CMG is developing. With many thanks Nigel Loweth

Cothi Gardeners Join us on 21 March when Cothi Gardeners will be welcoming back an old friend, Richard Cain. Richard runs “Penlan Perennials” at Newchapel in Pembrokeshire, a nursery where you’ll find organic plants raised in an environmentally sensitive way. His illustrated talk for us will be all about geraniums, always popular and hardy enough to cope with our local climate. There are many varieties to choose from, so Richard will bring a selection of plants from his nursery for sale at the end of the evening. Guests and visitors most welcome, £3, to include refreshments. The presentation begins at 7.30pm. We are busy planning a big event on 8 July; our very own Plant Sale at Coronation Hall & Field, Pumsaint. Several local nurseries will have stalls where you can buy perennials, summer bedding plants and more. Save the date and keep an eye on our website/facebook page for more details. An annual membership to the club is still only £14, and for this you’ll hear some expert speakers throughout the year. We often organise visits to local gardens and enjoy other informal social events. Cothi Gardeners’ Club: Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW We’re on Facebook or check Tel: Julian, 01558 685119 for further information. Donna Worrall 17

Dosbarthiadau Meistr Llambed Mae’r Drindod Dewi Sant yn falch i gyflwyno ystod newydd o gyrsiau preswyl ar benwythnosau a gyda’r nos ar gyfer 2018! Mae’r cyrsiau sy’n cael eu cynnig yn gyffrous ac fe fyddant yn apelio i ystod o wahanol gynulleidfaoedd, ac yn cwmpasu meysydd pwnc newydd fel yoga, myfyrdod a lles, ochr yn ochr â’n cyrsiau a disgyblaethau Dyniaethau mwy traddodiadol sy’n cael eu cynnig am y tro cyntaf mewn ffyrdd newydd a gwahanol. Mae Llambed yn ymrwymo i ddysgu gydol oes ac addysg i bawb. Ni waeth beth fo’ch oedran neu gefndir, p’un a ydych wedi ymddeol neu mewn gwaith llawn amser, yn astudio er mwyn datblygu eich gyrfa neu er mwynhad, fe ddylai astudio’r Dyniaethau yn eu holl weddau fod ar gael i bawb. Mewn geiriau eraill, mae Llambed yn cynnig llawer o wahanol fathau o gwrs y gallwch ddewis o’u plith. Mae’r rhain yn amrywio o weithdai wythnosol, cyrsiau gyda’r os ac astudio o bell, darlithoedd ‘galw heibio’ achlysurol, gweithdai penwythnos, cyrsiau undydd, cynadleddau academaidd mwy a theithiau maes penwythnos. Chi biau’r dewis. Er mwyn gweld y math o gyrsiau a gweithdai rydym yn eu cynnig, yn ogystal â’r ystod o feysydd pwnc a phynciau y gallwch eu hastudio, ewch i’r wefan isod. Rydym yn y broses o ddatblygu mwy o gyrsiau a gweithdai hefyd, felly mae croeso ichi gysylltu â ni i gael diweddariadau. Os hoffech ddysgu rhagor am unrhyw rai o’r cyrsiau, cynadleddau neu sgyrsiau sydd yn y daflen, neu i gael diweddariadau ar Ddosbarthiadau Meistr Llambed, mae croeso ichi gysylltu â: 01570 424 723 I gadw lle, ewch i:

arall. Mae’r pris ar gyfer pob opsiwn wedi’i gynnwys isod. Bydd pob cwrs penwythnos yn dilyn amserlen debyg gyda’r gweithgareddau ar y dyddiau Sadwrn a Sul yn amrywio’n ôl amlinelliad y cwrs. Dyma amserlen y cwrs penwythnos: • Cyrraedd ar nos Wener am ginio, diodydd, a chroeso i’r campws. • Dydd Sadwrn – Brecwast a gweithdy / gwibdaith; taith hyfforddiadol neu weithdy wedi’i ddilyn gan ginio naill ai ar y campws neu yn ystod y daith. • Gyda’r nos – Adloniant a chinio. • Dydd Sul – Brecwast – wedi’i ddilyn gan ddarlith neu weithdy ar y dewis bwnc. Rhoddir adborth a gwybodaeth ddilynol mewn person ac mewn e-bost, a bydd pecynnau gwybodaeth yn cael eu darparu lle bo’n berthnasol. Ymhlith y cyrsiau mae Yoga a Myfyrio, Yoga a Cherddoriaeth, ysgrifennu creadigol a Hanes a Threftadaeth. Costau: • Gyda phob pryd a llety am ddwy noson yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Lloyd Thomas, Llambed. Cost: £240 • “Cyfradd leol”: Y cwrs a phob pryd a lluniaeth ond heb lety. Cost: £190

Geithdai Rhyngweithiol Undydd y Dyniaethau Bydd Gweithdai’r Dyniaethau’n cynnig cyfle i gyfranogion gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai undydd diddorol mewn ystod o bynciau amserol y Dyniaethau. Cynhelir y gweithdai unwaith y mis a byddant yn rhyngweithiol a hygyrch. Y gost ar gyfer pob un yw £30 a fydd yn cynnwys cinio a lluniaeth ar wahân i ble nodir fel arall. Am ragor o wybodaeth neu i gadw lle ar unrhyw rai o’r cyrsiau hyn, cysylltwch â: 01570 424 723 Ac i gadw lle, ewch i:

Penwythnosau Preswyl Yn 2018 mae’r Drindod Dewi Sant Llambed yn lansio ystod o gyrsiau preswyl penwythnos newydd, a rhai lle nad oes rhaid i’r cyfranogion aros, i fanteisio ar ein lleoliad hyfryd, y cefn gwald bendigedig a’r campws hanesyddol a thawel. Mae pob cwrs penwythnos yn cynnwys llety Cinio, Gwely a Brecwast ar nosweithiau Gwener a Sadwrn a chinio ar y dyddiau Sadwrn. Mae’n bosibl hefyd ymuno â’r cyrsiau penwythnos hyn heb lety os ydych yn byw’n lleol neu os hoffech aros yn rhywle

Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


Gweithdai Undydd Rhyngweithiol yn y Dyniaethau








Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


The Lampeter Masterclasses UWTSD is proud to be presenting a new offer of a range of residential weekend and evening courses for 2018!

you are a local resident or wish to stay in another location. The prices for each option are included below. All weekend courses will follow a similar schedule with the activities on the Saturdays and Sundays varying per course outline. Weekend residential course schedule: • Arriving Friday for evening dinner, drinks, and welcome to the campus. • Saturday – Breakfast and workshop / trip activities; an instructive excursion or workshop followed by lunch either on campus or during the trip. • Evening – Entertainment and dinner. • Sunday – Breakfast, followed by a lecture or workshop on the chosen topic. Feedback and follow- up is offered in person and on email, plus information packs will be provided where relevant. Courses include Yoga and Meditation, Yoga and Music, Creative writing and History and Heritage. Costs: • Fully catered with two nights stay full board at our Lloyd Thomas Conference Centre, Lampeter. Cost: £240 • “Local rate”: Course plus all meals and refreshments minus the accommodation. Cost: £190

The courses on offer are exciting and will appeal to a range of different audiences, covering new subject areas such as yoga, meditation and well-being, alongside our more traditional humanities courses and disciplines which are for the first time being offered in new and different ways.

Lampeter is committed to lifelong learning and education for all. Regardless of age and background, whether you are retired or in full-time employment, studying for reasons of career development or simply for the pleasure of learning, then studying the Humanities in all their breadth and sweep should be available to all. In other words Lampeter offers many different types of course from which you can choose. These range from weekly workshops, evening courses and study at a distance, occasional or ‘drop in’ lectures, weekend workshops, day courses, larger academic conferences and weekend fieldtrips. The choice is up to you. To see the type of courses and workshops we offer, as well as the range of subject areas and topics you can study please visit the webpage below. We are in the process of developing more courses and workshops too, so please do not hesitate to get in touch to receive updates. If you would like to find out more about any of the courses, conferences or talks included in the brochure, or to receive updates on the Lampeter Masterclasses please do not hesitate to contact: Tel: 01570 424 723 For all bookings, please visit:

One Day Interactive Humanities Workshops The Humanities Workshops will offer participants the chance to engage in fascinating day-long workshops in a range of topical humanities subjects. The workshops will run once a month and will be interactive and accessible. The cost for all of these is £30 which will include lunch and refreshments except where stated. For further information on these please do contact: Tel: 01570 424 723 For all bookings, please visit:

Residential Weekends For 2018 UWTSD Lampeter is launching a range of new weekend residential or non-residential courses to take advantage of our beautiful location, the stunning local countryside and the quiet and historic campus. All weekend courses include Dinner, Bed and Breakfast accommodation on the Friday and Saturday nights and lunch on the Saturdays. It is also possible to join these weekend courses without the accommodation option if

Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


One Day Interactive Humanities Workshops









Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to

Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email:


Community groups & local, small-scale commercial: We have a committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. Licenced bar on request for functions. Catering service available. See for more details Weekly (W) Contact Fortnightly (F) Time Activity / Class Name Monthly (M)




Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715

13 & 27 Mar


Youth Club

Sophie Moore

07950 480637



Young at Heart




Nikki Mead

07790 987070



Spiritual Gathering

Sarah Thomas

07811 603062



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



(Activities & workshops for 1125year olds)

Gwenllian Evans

01545 572352


Lampeter Food Project


01570 493791




Thursday W

(U11 accompanied by adult)

Ceredigion Youth Centre

Sandwiches and social for the wiser folk of Lampeter

A free meal for all who want it! Made from donations of food from local businesses






Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



Five Rhythms Dance

Hara Willow

01570 493729



LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School

Vanessa Read

07814 794353

M Third Friday starting 16 Mar


Lampeter Folk

Details in listings and on Facebook

07817 715321

2nd & 4th Sat each month


People’s Market

Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions

M Last Sat


Celf Lampeter Arts

Sat 24 Feb: Doc & The Headshrinkers and The Chemistry Set



Lampeter Evangelical Church

Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café

complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 18 years clinical experience. If you're sick of not feeling really well, homeopathy can make a difference. It is excellent at helping with chronic conditions, gently, safely & holistically. 01570 493746

Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Joanne Camlin BSc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath, who graduated in 2007. Using discussion, 22

01570 423344

analysis and natural remedies, homoeopathy treats the whole person; mental, emotional, & physical. Appointments at Cellan or Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 07746 608524 Please update your listings regularly

complementary & alternative therapists cont.d_ Thai Massage. Remedial massage to soothe aching joints and muscles, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing a state of deep relaxation and well-being. Iain, 07852 626001,

Colleen’s Ka Huna Massage Studio. 01974 272103, 07947 780738, Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Carol Davies Qualified aromatherapist. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hoopi candling can also be offered. Carol, 07971 229608. Sally Harrold. Counselling, hypnotherapy, supervision. BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Contact 07539 882798,

Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 years clinical experience. 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment is not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07515 393894 Ginny Moffett, qualified reflexologist (British Reflexology Association) with 25 years experience. Home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. Specializes in treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. 01570 421144, 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development

and healing. You don't have to be Mon 26 Mar: Spoon Carving for Teens 'good at art'. Llanllwni. 07963 866516, Thurs 29 Mar: Sacred Space and, Natural Rhythms - Natural Nutrition Sat 7 Apr: Campfire Cooking Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and life Sun 8 Apr: Cob Oven Cooking coach. Living excellently, confidence Sat 5 May: Rag Rug Summer Flowers building for women. Experienced Sat 5 May: Introduction to Bushcraft trainer and facilitator; groups/ Fri 11-Sun 13 May: Understanding individual sessions. British Mammals Shân 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Fri 18-Sun 20 May: Bird Identification Fri 25th-Sun 27 May: Ecology I Thurs 31 May: Leathercraft Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Info and bookings: 01570 493358 Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in Llanbedr Pont Steffan Canolfan Sgiliau / pregnancy. 21 years experienced Lampeter Skills Hub practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807 12 Mar, 9.30am-2.30pm. Gwella 219499. Hyder / Improving Confidence (Free). Christine Smith leads groups in the 19 Mar, 9.30am-2.30pm. Lechyd a Lles area for people who want to deepen Emosiynol / Emotional Health and their spiritual connection within Wellbeing (Free). themselves and with others. 01570 24 Mar: 10am-3pm. Digital 434705, Photography Workshop: Photo your Irene Sullivan, qualified & experienced Product or Service (£20). massage therapist, practising total 26 Mar, 9.30am-2.30pm. Sgiliau rejuvenation body massage, Indian Gwaith Rhygbersonol / Interpersonal head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna Work Skills (Free). massage, chair massage, Thai massage Info and bookings: Peter Gwynne, and Reiki. Home visits available. 01686 610270, 07487 736 108, 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and Conversational French. Thursdays: experienced counsellor, offering Weekly. Advanced: 11.15am-12.15pm; individual, couple and family Beginners: 12.30-1.30pm Contact: counselling. If you want to talk or need Amelie, 01558 685175. some help, contact 07870 888141 or French & Italian Classes, Llandeilo. Tues, 4.15-6pm, Italian for Improvers; Tues 6.15-8pm, Italian for Beginners; Bones for Life. Practices to stimulate Thurs, 4.15-6pm, French for bone strength, protect vulnerable Improvers; Thurs 6.15-8pm, French for joints, improve posture and increase Beginners. £10 per class. Also 1-1 vitality. Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, lessons. Contact: 01550 760067 or Annie Zakiewicz. Qualified reflexologist creative _______________ and Emmett Technique practitioner. Jug Workshop. 17 Mar, 10am-4.30pm Treatment room in Cellan. & 30 Mar 10am-12pm, Gabrielle's Annie 01570 493295, Gallery, Ffostrasol. Two part workshop, make a slab built jug, patterned using

courses _______________

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Wed 7 Mar: Nature Bathing (1st part of 4 part seasonal course) Sun 11 Mar: Needle-felting Bumblebee Fri 16-Sun 18 Mar: Environmental Impact Assessment Sun 18 Mar: Willow Plant Supports Fri 23 Mar: Spoon Carving in the Woods Taster Day 23

coloured slip. £80 incl. materials. Bookings: Joanna Bond 07966897393 ‘Great Little Tin Sheds of Wales’ A selection of Pete Davis’ body of work from the 1980’s is being shown in a joint exhibition at Oriel Colwyn, 12 March - 28 April 2018. 01492 577888 A 40-page book of the work available from

creative cont.d ____________ Steven Hanson: Art Show. Cardigan Guildhall, 11-17 March, 12noon-5pm. Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. Craft Courses in Tregaron at Debonair Gift Emporium, Dewi Road, SY25 6JN. Glass foiling, mosaic making, knitting, sewing etc. Debbie, 01974 299577 or search Debonair Gift Emporium on Facebook. Photography & Art Courses. ½ day and day courses, Maesteile, Rhydcymerau. Register 01558 685131 or 01558 685393, Evening Painting Classes. Mon 6.308pm, Gabrielle’s Gallery, Ffostrasol, Llandysul. SA44 4TJ. Painting exercises designed to improve colour sense, technique and observation with Gabrielle Dudley. 01239 851026.

events _________________

Barbara Bergin Trio at The Mulberry Bush. Sat 10 Mar, 7.30pm, The Mulberry Bush, Lampeter. 3 course vegetarian meal with a concert of songs from Rodgers & Hart and other classics from the American songbook. £19.95. Booking essential: 01570 423317, Ceredigion Green Party Platform. Sat 10 Mar, 10.30am, St Paul’s Methodist Centre, Aberystwyth. Could a Universal Basic Income bring an end to poverty and inequality? Free event. Aberaeron Longboat Rowing Club, Open Day. Sun 11 March, 2-5pm, Aberaeron Yacht Club. A chance to try sea rowing. It’s oarsome! All ages 11+ welcome. Free event. Next Steps Outside the EU: A Conversation. Tue 13 Mar, 7-9pm, Ysgol Bro Pedr. Open discussion chaired by Dylan Iorwerth. Bilingual event hosted by Lampeter churches and Cytûn (Churches Together in Wales). Free and open to all. Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed Tues 20 Mar, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter. A talk by Arwel Jones on “Wales - Ohio 2018” . Croeso cynnes i bawb. All welcome. Non-members £2.

Free Film Night. In Our Hands: Seeding Change. Sat 19 May, 6.30 for 7pm, Victoria Hall. The inspiring story behind the blood, sweat and tears of the farmers who are outgrowing the industrial food system in the wake of Brexit. Made by Black Bark Films in association with the Landworkers' Alliance. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome; informal discussion. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group.

health & well-being _____

A Quiet Mind. Next date Thu 15 Mar, 10.30-12.00, Powerhouse, Llandysul. Exploring chanting this month. Also Mind & Body day with Tai chi on Sat 3 Mar. Info: 01570 434705, Lampeter Food Project. Thurs, 4-6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Lindsay, 01570 493791, Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank Open Mon, Weds , Fri 9am-5pm. Referrals made by local agencies. Nonperishable IN-DATE food donations can be made through local churches or left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op, Lewis Bakers and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact: Diana, 01570 640034. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12pm, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excl bank hols and sch. hols). Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in 24

touch with Rebecca 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions 1st Mon of month (5 Mar, 9 Apr), 2– 4pm, Community Room, Tesco, Aberystwyth. Contacts: 01446 740130 / 01267 239002 / 07733 121049 , Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline: 0300 9991212. Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm -6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri, 07748 270439, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and for the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07515 393894 West Wales Buddhist Group. Learn to meditate and explore Buddhist tools for changing your life. In Aberystwyth, fortnightly Mon 7-9pm, monthly Sat morn. Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter, 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford, 07904 258814, NGS Gardens open for charity, by arrangement: Bwlch y Geuffordd, Bronant, SY23 4JD. Tel:01974 251559 To prevent undue upset or confusion Please check and update your listings Regularly. Diolch / Thank you

kids __________________ After-School Pottery Workshop. Weds 4.15-5.15pm, 7 Mar–4 Apr, Gabrielle's Gallery, Ffostrasol. Creative classes for children 6+, learn all aspects of clay making and designing. £12 per session incl. materials. Block booking required: Joanna Bond 07966897393, Story-time at Lampeter Library. Tues mornings 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” Tues & Thurs, 4-6pm, Denmark Farm. After-school club for 6-11 years. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness & bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6, £5.50 for siblings. Sally, 07799 052131 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st lampeter Rainbows, for girls age 5-7 years every other Saturday 1011.30am at St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Bev, 07891 570180 or via 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Meet Tues 5.30-6.30pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Rachel, 07730 684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Annalee ,01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Kelvin, 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Iris 07769 326032. TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions for children, 0-3 years and their parents. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3 first child, £1 each additional child. 01570 470697, Dance. Mon 4-4.45pm: creative dance sessions for children 3-6yrs. £3 child. Weds 5pm: Hip-Hop group for young people 11-16 yrs. 10 session block for £40 or £4.50 a session. Theatr Felinfach, 01570 470697, RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd, Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4’s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as volunteers with free training provided. Further information

01545 570686 and Facebook. Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School (LYTSS) Runs 3 terms per year every Fri at Victoria Hall, 4.30-6pm. £40/child/term, £35 siblings, £30 concs. Vanessa Read, 07814 794353. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. 01570 480268, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Claire, 07727 415634. "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:

Home-Start. Ready for school groups have started in Talgarreg Hall on Thursdays, and Felinfach Hall on Fridays 9.30-11.30am. Fun for children and adults, the project, funded by the lottery, is delivered in collaboration with Jig-so & Home Start, and helps to develop the basic skills every child needs to prepare for school. Contact: Sarah Harries, 01239 615922 Mae grwpiau Barod i’r Ysgol wedi cychwyn yn Neuadd Talgarreg ar ddydd Iau, ac yn Neuadd Felinfach ar ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.30 – 11.30 yn. Mae’n brosiect llawn hwyl i blant a rhieni sy’n datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol wrth baratoi dechrau’r ysgol. Ariennir gan y Loteri ac mae’n cael ei redeg gan Jig-so a Home Start ar y cyd. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922.

markets _______________

People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 10 & 24 Mar, 14 & 28 Apr. Lampeter Farmers' Market. Alternate Fridays 9am-2pm, High Street, Lampeter. Next markets: 16 & 29 Mar, 13 & 27 Apr. Tregaron Indoor Market. 1st Fri in month starting 6 Apr, 10am-3pm, Memorial Hall. Tables £8 each, bookings 01974 821281 or

Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm, 3rd Sat in month. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Brechfa Market, Neuadd yr Eglwys / Church Hall, Brechfa, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat in month. Lorna, 01267 202359 Lisa: 01267 202727, 07733 336865

move your body ________

Ras Gwyl Dewi. Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). Sat 10 Mar: Spirit of the Miners, Devils Bridge to Nant Bwlch yr Arian. 6 miles. Sat 17 Mar: Uwch Ystrad Flur (Strata Florida) , hill walk above the Abbey. 8 miles. Sat 24 Mar: Brynnog to Aberaeron. 10 miles. Sat 31 Mar: Cellan & Caer Cadwgan. 10 miles. All walks meet at 10am. Contact James 01570 480743 or Kay 01570 480041. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour. Meet rain or shine, 10am Rookery Car Park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Or just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 Walk Out Workout. Join us for a brisk fitness walk around Lampeter on Thursday evenings. Meet at the leisure centre for 6.30pm and expect to be out for around an hour including the optional hill at the end. It’s fun & free. Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen, 07817 543257. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £2. Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. To hire or join a league. Contact: 01570 424774.

Please check and update your listings regularly - Diolch / Thank You


canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool 01570 422552 / 01570 422959 facebook: hamdden llambed leisure

Dydd / Day

Dydd Llun Monday

Dydd Mawrth Tuesday

Dydd Mercher Wednesday

Dydd Iau Thursday

Dydd Gwener Friday

Dydd Sadwrn Saturday

Amser / Time

Sesiwn / Dosbarth

Session / Class

Pris / Price


Troelli Dwr

Hydro Spin








Circuit Training






Clwb Cleddyfau*

Fencing Club*

















Pilates Pel*

Pilates Ball*


















Aerobeg (Joan)

Aerobics (Joan)

£5.15 / £4.15


Troelli Chwim

Spin Sprint







Clwb Rhedeg Sarn Helen*

Sarn Helen Running Club*






Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics







Troelli Ffyrnig

Spin Blast



Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*

Rees School of Gymnastics*


Disco Rhowl*

Roller Disco*


Deachrau yn fuan / Starting soon – Aerobeg Step Aerobics / Cardi-O / Dawns Street Fit dance / Boogie Bounce / - Triad Challenges & Boot camp Gwybodaeth yn gywir ar amser argraffu / Information correct at time of printing *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 26


move your body cont.d _____ Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.308.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Contact: Debbie, 01570 493594. Hydrospin - Aqua Cycling followed by (Water Conditioning / Aqua Aerobics) Lampeter Pool, Mon 10.15am (10.45am); Aberaeron Pool, Tues 11.45am (12.15pm) & 7pm (7.30pm) plus New Aqua Mats sessions, 11.15 – 11.45am & 8-8.30pm. Contact: David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Friday Stretch-Out. Fri, 5.45pm, from 9 Mar, Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Unwind at the end of the week, and give your body a revitalising stretch. Pay as you feel. Lucy, 07814 582863, Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Mon 6.30-8pm, £8 drop-in or £28 for 4 sessions. Contact: Susie Bates (BWY teacher), 07588 527512. Yoga. Weds 5.30-7pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. 1st Weds each month Yoga on a Ball (bring your own Swiss ball). Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. Yoga with Karen Hills Weds: Hatha Yoga, 10-11.30am & Thurs: Hatha Yoga & Meditation, 10-11am. Both at Lampeter Leisure Centre. Explore physical postures to relax body and mind. Improve flexibility, balance and concentration using breath and relaxation techniques to help to deal

with life’s stresses. Monthly workshops. Explore the depths of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing practices) relaxation, meditation, yoga nidra, mantra and the energy body. 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 27 May, 17 June, Cellan Millennium Hall, 11am –4pm. £35 per session. 1-1 sessions available. Booking essential: Karen 07547125937,

Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon 5.30-7pm and Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Pilates Power: Weds 5.30pm,Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Ann, 07826 692110 Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm, £3. Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 78.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact: 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio, UWTSD Lampeter Sports Hall. Contact: Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Egyptian Belly Dance. Weds, 7.30pm8.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio. New non-performance class focussing on the health benefits of belly dance. £6. Catriona, 07792 248962 Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri, 9.30-10.30am, all levels, £5. Contact: Mel Long, 07879 651072 Fri, 10.45am-12pm, improvers , £6. Fri, 12.15-1.15pm, Fit for Life (50+), £5. Contact: Rose Barter, 01239 851737 All classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Belly Dance Beginners Class. Tues 5.306.30pm, Tregaron Leisure Centre, £5. Melanie Long (JTA accredited), 07879 651072, Jane Guy School of Dance. Tues & Sat Lampeter, Thurs - Felinfach. We teach ballet & modern, working up to an annual performance. Find us on Facebook: The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Contact: Jade, 07972 521842 Mat-based Pilates Plus. First and last Monday of month, 2-3.15pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for 28

beginners, but please call. Bring mat. Includes exercises for managing energy. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle-toning, increased energy, strength, agility, stamina and body/ mind/spirit connection. Shân Rees, qualified Pilates instructor: 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £3. For 40+. Walking Football. Fri, 5.306.30pm, £3. Come along and have some fun. Tregaron Leisure Centre. 01974 298960.

music _________________

Celf Llambed Arts presents: Sat 31 Mar, Dreadzone; Shambles café from 7pm. Live music 8.30pm. Tickets: £17 The Mulberry Bush, Lampeter; Andy’s Records, Aberystwyth; The Green Shop, Llandeilo;, Facebook: CelfLlambedarts Lampeter Music Public Concert Series. Ammanford Brass Band. Sat 24 Feb, 7.30 pm, Arts Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter Campus. Kathryn Price (cello) and Charles Matthews (piano). Sat 10 Mar, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter Campus. Music by Bach, Lutoslawski, Chopin and Rachmaninoff. Tickets £11; concessions £9. Students free with Union Card. Two children free with paying adult. 01558 650569,, Lampeter Folk: Martin Smith. Fri 16 Mar, 7.30pm, Small Hall, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Martin Smith is a great exponent of blues/ ragtime guitar music. All welcome; open mic session after performance. £3 ticket (£1 students) entry. Refreshments or BYOB. 07817 715321, or see FB. Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm. Please keep your listings up to date:

permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________ Cothi Gardeners' Club. "Geraniums" an illustrated talk by Richard Cain. Weds 21 Mar, 7.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. All welcome, £3 (includes refreshments). Plants for sale. Lampeter Seed Library now open 2nd and 4th Sat each month at the Peoples Market, Victoria Hall. Join the library, borrow or donate seed. Free service. All welcome. Cathy Streeter Lampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Angie, 01974 831300, Live an Abundant Life. Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Angie, 01974 831300,

religious services/groups _

Brondeifi. Festri Brondeifi ar gael at eich defnydd. Ystafell gyfforddus fodern gyda gwres canolog, piano a sistem sain. Cegin, llestri ac ati ar gael hefyd. / The Vestry at Brondeifi is available for your use. A modern and comfortable room with central heating, piano and sound system. Modern kitchen with crockery and cutlery. Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Sun, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist Weds, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist & Ministry of Healing. St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm

(2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact: 01570 423757. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 423360. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Please note new later time. Bilingual services. 11.15 am 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms & weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services 1st and 3rd Sunday of month. 1st Sun, 10am. 3rd Sun 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome/Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact: 01570 471488,

social _________________

Merry Makers. Every Wed, 10.30am3pm, St James Hall Cwmann 28 Feb: Introduction to Patchwork 7 Mar: AGM + Painting 14 Mar: Quiz 21 Mar: Games 28 Mar: Craft New members welcome. Disabled access and toilet; free parking. £2.50 incl. Vegetarian lunch and all activities Contact: Rhoda 01570 470172 or Bella 01559 370981. Loose Ends. Men: are you retired or semi-retired? Our group "Loose Ends" 29

meets at the Mustard Seed Café (back room) on the last Friday in the month, 2-4pm. Also day trips roughly around the middle of each month. Contact: Bill, 01570 481245. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm, term-time. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 47069, Lampeter WI. Meet 3rd Weds each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact: 01570 421683. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact: Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Friday each month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact: Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Custard Queens WI: every 1st Sun, 710pm, Scout Hall, Bryn yr Eglwys, Lampeter. Bring a mug and meet some new friends. 07754 496201 or 01570 422494, Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Completely informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock, Copy Deadline Fri 9 March

social cont.d ______________

weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee UWTSD Lampeter, during university Mornings. 1st Weds of month, term. Come and join us. Contact: Sue, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook 01570 423167. Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The volunteering ___________ Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info Global Justice West Wales group. Be and other events in the district. part of the change. Contact: storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Creative Writing Workshop. Sat 10 Wednesdays. Join our volunteering Mar, 2-4pm, Tysul Hall, Llandysul. sessions to develop practical skills and Tutor poet Ros Hudis. £30 for four feel the benefit of working in this workshops or try one for £10. Other beautiful environment. One session in dates: 14 Apr, 12 May, each workshop four is devoted to your own woodcraft run by a professional tutor. Kelly: project. No experience required, 07888 841140, training given. Canolfan Long Wood Centre, Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members and meets

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days run once a month, usually on a Saturday, 10am to 4pm – or as much time as you can spare. Activities include practical conservation tasks on our 40 acre nature reserve, gardening and helping with wildlife monitoring. All welcome, no previous experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided – just bring lunch and outdoor gear. For more information and dates, visit

or call 01570 493358.

Copy Deadline for Issue 58, April

Fri 9 March 2018 Listings:

The People’s Market Adverts & Classifieds:

Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

Articles, Letters, Reviews & Enquiries:

Film Nights Fri 2 Mar: The Zookeeper’s Wife (12) Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Brühl Drama by Niki Caro. The keepers of Warsaw Zoo, Antonina and Jan Zabinski, help save hundreds of people and animals during the German invasion of Poland.

Fri 16 Mar: Final Portrait (15) Story of Swiss painter/sculptor Alberto Giacometti. Armie Hammer, Clémence Poésy, Geoffrey Rush Drama by Stanley Tucci. The Swiss painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti asks his American friend James Lord to sit for a portrait. But it takes longer than expected…

Fri 6 April: Dunkirk (12) WWII drama by Christopher Nolan

Fri 20 April: God’s Own Country (15) Gay romance by Francis Lee

Suggestions for future films welcome! DOORS OPEN 7.15pm film at 7.45pm Admission by Donation More info: 30

Celtic Christianity: Part XXXVIII

Elmo's Delights

Saint Afan (Buellt or Buallt) / Amandus/ Avanus Bishop Reposed 6th century Remembered November 17. The Demetian Calendar, formerly used in Wales, placed it on the 16th. Buallt is from his diocese around Builth in Brycheiniog. Saint Afan was the son of Cedig ap Ceredig, son of Cunedda Wledig, king of Gwynedd. Through this line, he was a cousin of Saint David, patron saint of Wales. His mother was Dwywai / Degfed ("Tenth") / Tegfedd / Tegwedd, daughter of Tegid the Bald, Lord of Penllyn in Meirionnydd who was the husband of the sorceress Ceridwen. He was an ancestor of the 10th century bishop Ieuan who was martyred by Viking marauders. Afan was the founder of Llanafan in Ceredigion, Capel Afan, Llanafan Fawr ("greater") and Llanafan Fechan ("lesser") in Brecknockshire (eventually known as Llanfechan) and the third bishop of Llanbadarn in Aberystwyth. Also Bishop of Builth with his seat at Llanafan Fawr. His martyrdom was due to Irish pirates on the banks of the River Chwefru. Gerald of Wales recounts that Anglo-Norman Lord Philip de Braose was struck blind and saw his hunting dogs go mad when he disrespectfully used St Afans church in Brecknockshire as a makeshift hostel one night. He was told that his vision would only return if he resolved to leave his estates and fight in the Crusades. Some say his sight was restored upon his pledge but Gerald records that he travelled to the Holy Land and fought blind, where he was "immediately struck down by a blow from a sword and so ended his life with honour". His relics are at Llanafan Fawr, that served as a pilgrimage site during the Middle Ages. Saint Afans grave in the churchyard there is inscribed HIC IACET SANCTUS AVANUS EPISCOPUS ("Here lies Saint Avan, bishop") in deeply cut, slightly ornamented Lombardic script. The present tomb is from the late 13th century. Harry Harrison

Chestnut Mushroom Stroganoff

Ingredients 400g Onion 4 Celery Sticks 350g Chestnut Mushrooms 50g Butter 15ml Wholemeal Flour 150ml Water 5ml Vegemite 2.5ml Thyme 142ml Soured Cream 2 ground Bay Leaf Ground Pepper to taste

Method 1. Slice the onions, celery & chestnut mushrooms. 2. Melt half the butter in a saucepan and sautĂŠ the onions and celery until transparent. This is a the good place tobutter briefly, butmelt effectively, 3. Add remaining and this in describe your product or services.

whilst adding the chopped chestnut mushrooms over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. 4. Stir in flour, then add the water, vegemite and thyme. 5. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 2-3 minutes. 6. Off the heat, stir in the soured cream, taste

and add pepper to taste. Help Wanted Are you interested in joining the Grapevine production team? We are a very small group of dedicated volunteers who would really love to welcome a few more to our team. If you think this might be you, or you want to find out more then please get in touch.

7. Serve at once either on a bed of rice or couscous. 31

An Ashram? Where?

mind, and to feel a sense of spaciousness and ease with oneself, with others and with life itself. Here at the ashram we offer a wide range of opportunities to allow you to explore the path of Yoga. Including a weekly class held on Tuesday 9.30am -1.00pm in the focussed energy of our sadhana (practice) hall. As well as attending a weekly class, people are also drawn to visiting the ashram for any of its residential yoga and meditation retreats, and perhaps to simply stay in the ashram and follow the rhythm of its daily routine. 2018 Ashram retreats include The Next Step, an introduction to Ashram teachings, and Emotional healing through chanting and meditation over the Easter weekend. Later in the year we will also be holding our third Festival of Yoga, celebrating Music, Sound and Mantra. Whatever your aspiration or interest in Yoga you’re likely to find something that will inspire and be of interest. We also run a very popular Open Day, which this year falls on Sunday 3 June, where you can experience taster yoga sessions and also enjoy the grounds and gardens. You’ll be most welcome. For further information regarding the ashram and any of the courses we offer, including the Tuesday morning Yoga class, please do not hesitate to contact the ashram office. Reva Adie 01558 685358

The word ashram can often conjure up images of a secluded retreat in an exotic destination such as the Himalayan foothills. Mandala Yoga Ashram offers that seclusion however it’s nestled in the Carmarthenshire hills and about a 10-minute drive from the A40.

The ashram was established in 1986 by Swami Nishchalananda so that the traditional practices of yoga could be made more accessible to those living in the modern world. In this day and age Yoga is often thought of as a form of exercise that can also help us to relax. Whilst this is no doubt a benefit of our practice there is so much more to Yoga. It is a system that encompasses such a wide variety of practices that can be of great value in our day to day lives and also allow us to search for greater understanding into the very depths of our being. Yoga practices offer us an opportunity to reflect on our embodied self, to develop a greater friendship with our


Karen’s Creative Compendium 032 Space left, spaces between, line space, half space, hole space, thought space, personal space, inside space, inside out space, spaced out, make space to get back to our roots as twin spaces provide a turn up for the books. Space suits, hwyl, Karen

My Blue Hot Water Bottle by Mandy Pickering Its big heart warms bones all flesh, no spine, no teeth a bladder sloshing its hot fluids. Cwtched up to seal belly my breasts in its lap floating through darkness. I touch palms with it and it leads me to sleep a spare body part shares itself easily a tummy curve, a square of back an artery with a gift of heat. It makes a warm dent as if someone had lain there and slipped out for a moment.

The Undoing

Spaces in Between

Bissoux by Maj Ickle A long flightless journey By bus, speedtrain then bicycle brought me after 30 years To you By a lake filled with flamingo Them Honking under Camargue sun Not fully pink... more Mottled from an uneven dye bath Legs bent backwards Fantasied creatures Now fully realised Lifelong friends Old lady past-lovers Still laughing out At our pink triangles Finding peace inside Worldly womeness

by Ceredwin

Like an old knitted jumper I am unravelling Too worn now for respectable use Each pearl and plain stitch binding Years of holding threads together Now stretched too thin to bear the tension Of life in the 21st Century I had pattern once, and colour And proudly displayed an intricate design Woven with care and consciousness Made to impress, even me, with its attractiveness There they go The tangled threads of knotted hopes Holes where love missed a stitch Misshapen patterns that kept me warm And faded colours, delicate with wear All gone I’m simple now And lighter as the threads unwind Relief to ease the tension What’s left is softer and more yielding. Soon, I shall be just A memory In the mind of my wearer But the yarn, the yarn, is still there Ready to be knitted again When a new design arises in the mind of my Maker What I shall be then?

by Hope Bachmann The pauses where nothing other than time passes. Unobserved we feel them in the pits of our stomachs our hearts. A tug in the chest a flutter a sigh are the shadows of a space slipping around the corner. We are all human in the spaces in-between breath ourselves words. We are caught off guard by the in-between.

Behind Every Great Man by Polly Phemus Anne has found William in the snug at the Quill and Pen. It looks as if he has been there some time. He has a blank sheet of paper in front of him. “Here you are then, William. I'm afraid your revels now are ended, I've got dinner nearly ready at Shottery”. “Ooh that's good, about the revels. Can't say as how I like the new landlord much, Annie. Hardly through the door when he To Burden points at me and says: 'Oi, by Karen Gemma Brewer you're barred.' If I had a Remembering the things we did groat for every time ...” “Never mind that now, finish your ale. I need to get some thyme for the stew. I know a bank where it grows wild. What are you writing, anyway?” “It's a sonnet.” “Well you've fourteen lines to go then.” “I've got the title though, – Shall I compare thee to a Brewer's Dray?” “Um, yes. Can I give you a tiny bit of advice as we walk back?” 33

once the canker rot set in one turn ipso facto mashed my heart though always I'll be true to you venerate with all I am exalt sweet love's pure sugar lick gift and burden aeons alone may shift

Tuber Done

by Karen Gemma Brewer

Remembering the thing SWEDE id

Once the can CARROT set in One TURNIP so facto MASHED my heart Though always I'll BEETROOT chew Venerate with all I YAM Exalt sweet love's pure sh GARLIC Gift and bird ONIONS alone may shift

Rocket Scientists in the Making? by Abigail McKeeman I am a volunteer at 1st Lampeter Brownies and we have been doing the Science Investigator badge recently In a recent session we themed it around space so this meant space themed games and crafts. One of the games we played was space tag, so this was tag but with the added complication that they could only move in slow motion like they were weightless! This produced some hilarious results as the girls tried to get away from each other and were having to try very hard not to run.

One of the crafts we did was making rockets; it always amazes me the creativity of the Brownies even when we have given them an example to base it on. We had rockets that came with planets and some with fire coming out of the bottom; the best bit was they were all different. While doing the craft the girls also discovered a little more about outer space, such as the names of constellations like Orion, and why Pluto isn’t a planet. However, the activity the girls enjoyed the most was being taught the phases of the moon using Jaffa cakes! Does anyone remember that advert from 1999? We showed this to the Brownies who thought it was quite funny, but of course they were impatient to try it themselves (as you would expect with food!). We tried this out a number of times and some of the girls seemed very keen to then teach it to people at home. Another part of the badge we did was testing food for acidity using litmus paper. We tested nine different foods such as limes, oranges, milk and flour. The results were mostly acidic or neutral and much to the girl’s delight they even got to test each other! This meant that they got to put the paper on their tongues to see what colour they came out as, and very strangely some girls came out as alkaline, most likely due to what they were eating. In another session the girls planted two green bean seeds each and took them home to grow. One was going to be left in the light and the other in the dark, and then they have to record the growth for two weeks (so the experiment should be over by the time you get this magazine). Let’s just hope that the girls remember to water the plants! As we are trying to complete the science investigator badge we also did a team challenge. The girls split into two groups to make a straw tower to hold the weight of a stock pot. It was very interesting to watch them as one group worked together solidly, while the others argued at first before starting to work together. We measured their heights, how stable they were and gave points for aesthetics. The experiment the girls enjoyed the most was creating our own fire extinguisher using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. This was meant to release carbon dioxide and that would extinguish the tea lights. It worked after a few attempts which produced a few ooh’s and aah’s, including among the leaders! Hopefully this article has shown you all how the Brownies learn through having fun and what we get up to as a pack. I hope it also shows that the leaders too join in and have great fun along with the girls. So if you know a young girl that would like to join Brownies or an adult that would like to help, then we encourage you to come find us and give it a go! We are a friendly group of people and want to see more people join. Brownies meet every Wednesday in term time from 4:30pm-6pm in Victoria Hall. 34

Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.

Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.

Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.

Atgofion Dyn Llaeth Delmi Harries

The memories of Demi Harries the Milkman By Dylan Lewis 05/02/18 Gwyneth Davies has written about him in the ‘Cymeriadau Bro’ column in Clonc.

Gan Dylan Lewis 05/02/18 Gwyneth Davies sydd wedi ysgrifennu amdano yng ngholofn ‘Cymeriadau Bro’ Clonc.

Llanllwni YFC – Presenting Cheques to Charities

CFfI Llanllwni – Cyflwyno Sieciau i Elusennau

By CFfI Llanllwni 04/02/18 A report on all activities and the money raised for good causes.

Gan CFfI Llanllwni 04/02/18 Adroddiad am holl weithgareddau’r aelodau a’r arian a godwyd i achosion da.

30 years since the introduction of GCSE’s, where are the candidates now?

30 mlynedd ers cyflwyno TGAU, ble mae’r ymgeiswyr cyntaf?

By Dylan Lewis 01/02/18 They sat their GCSE’s in 1988 and are having their school reunion in February this year.

Gan Dylan Lewis 01/02/18 Eisteddon nhw’r arholiadau TGAU yn 1988 ac yn cael eu haduniad yn Chwefror eleni.

Volunteering with a smile By Dylan Lewis 30/01/18 A poem about Morfudd and Dilwen from Lampeter was published in the Tenovus magazine.

Gwirfoddoli gyda gwên Gan Dylan Lewis 30/01/18 Cafodd cerdd am Morfudd a Dilwen o Lanbed ei gyhoeddi yng nghylchgrawn Tenovus.

The Fifth Commonwealth Games for Anwen

Pumed Gemau Gymanwlad i Anwen

By Alis Butten 28/01/18 The talented bowls player from Cellan on her way to Australia.

Gan Alis Butten 28/01/17 Y chwaraewraig bowls dalentog o Gellan ar ei ffordd i Awstralia.

My Charity Event

Gan Iwan Evans 27/01/18 Torri ei wallt mewn noson Rasus Ceilogod er mwyn codi arian i Alzheimer’s Society a Cancer Research UK.

By Iwan Evans 27/01/18 Cutting his hair in a night of Cockerel Racing to raise money towards Alzheimer’s Society and Cancer Research UK.

Rhaid dal ati i drafod a rhannu syniadau

Continue to discuss and share ideas

Fy Nigwyddiad Elusennol

Gan Golwg360 19/01/18 Dyna sylwadau Twynog Davies yn ystod dathliadau Cylch Trafod Amaethyddiaeth Llanbed yn 40 oed.

By Golwg360 19/01/18 Twynog Davies’ comments during the Lampeter Agricultural Discussion Group’s 40th celebrations. Dylan Lewis 35

Y camau nesaf tu allan i’r UE: Cyfarfod cyhoeddus i edrych ymlaen i’r dyfodol trwy wrando ar ein gilydd Next steps outside the EU: A public meeting to look to the future as we listen to each other

The People’s Market

Cyfarfod agored dwyieithog dan nawdd nifer o eglwysi Llanbedr Pont Steffan mewn partneriaeth â Cytûn – Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru

Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

A bilingual open meeting sponsored by local churches in Lampeter in partnership with Cytûn – Churches Together in Wales

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

Cadeirydd / Chair: Dylan Iorwerth

Ysgol Bro Pedr, Peterwell Terrace, Llanbedr Pont Steffan/Lampeter SA48 7BX Nos Fawrth 13 Mawrth 2018, 7-9yh Tuesday 13 March 2018, 7-9pm Croeso i bawb – All welcome


Invitation – Next Steps outside the EU, a conversation

Gwahoddiad – Camau Nesaf tu allan i’r UE, sgwrs

A number of Lampeter churches, and Cytûn (Churches Together in Wales), are working together to provide an opportunity for people of our area, from all backgrounds and walks of life, to listen to each other and to share a vision of the Wales we want post-Brexit. After opening remarks from our chair, Dylan Iorwerth (this won’t be a lecture event) the main part of the evening will be the opportunity to choose which small conversation group to join, focussing on one of the following: • Education, including Higher Education • Agriculture and rural life, the local economy and employment • Citizenship, identity and human rights • Migration and rights of free movement • Wales and the wider world (International development, free trade, peace....) • Democracy and decision making Although the content of the conversations will be decided by the members of the group, by way of example, the Agriculture and rural life group may wish to consider matters such as our hopes for opportunities for our young people – to go or to stay; and, in agriculture, how to balance food production and conservation, and whether this will be easier or more difficult in the future. Or the group members may wish to go in another direction entirely! And after a break, and regrouping, the conversation will continue, asking the question: What Next? This event is to be held at Ysgol Bro Pedr school hall, on Tuesday 13 March from 7 to 9pm, and anyone interested in contributing to this conversation is invited. The hope is that a wide variety of our neighbours and fellow-citizens from all backgrounds will come. The evening will be bilingual, English and Welsh, and conversation groups will be held separately in each language. So! You’re invited: please come, and please pass the message on to others who may be interested! Deborah Rowlands

Mae nifer o eglwysi Llambed, a Cytûn (Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru), yn cyd-weithio i roi cyfle i bobl ein hardal ni, rhai o bob cefndir a ffordd o fyw, wrando arnon ni’n gilydd, a rhannu gweledigaeth o’r Gymru rydym am ei gweld yn y cyfnod ôl-Brexit. Ar ôl sylwadau agoriadol gan ein cadeirydd, Dylan Iorwerth (ond nid darlith fydd hi!) bydd cyfle i ddewis pa grŵp sgwrs i ymuno ag e ar gyfer prif ran y noson, er mwyn trafod yn benodol un o’r canlynol: • Addysg, yn cynnwys addysg uwch • Amaethyddiaeth a bywyd gwledig, yr economi a chyflogaeth leol • Dinasyddiaeth, hunaniaeth a hawliau dynol • Mudo a hawl pobl i symud yn rhydd • Perthynas Cymru â’r byd (Datblygu rhyngwladol, masnach deg, cadw’r heddwch...) Er mai aelodau’r grŵp fydd yn pennu cynnwys y trafod, efallai y byddai’r grŵp Amaethyddiaeth a bywyd gwledig, er enghraifft, yn meddwl ystyried pynciau fel ein gobaith am gyfleoedd i’n pobl ifainc – mynd i ffwrdd neu aros yn lleol; ac mewn amaeth, beth yw’r cydbwysedd priodol rhwng cynhyrchu bwyd a chadwraeth, ac a fydd sicrhau hynny yn haws neu’n fwy anodd i’r dyfodol. Neu fe allai aelodau’r grŵp ddymuno mynd i gyfeiriad arall yn llwyr! Ac ar ôl egwyl fer, ac yna dod yn ôl yn grwpiau, bydd y trafod yn parhau, gan ofyn: Beth Nesaf? Bydd y noson yn cael ei chynnal yn neuadd Ysgol Bro Pedr ar nos Fawrth 13 Mawrth o 7yh hyd at 9yh, ac mae croeso i bawb sydd â diddordeb i gyfrannu i’r sgwrs. Y gobaith yw y bydd amrywiaeth helaeth o’n cymdogion a’n cyd-ddinasyddion o bob cefndir yn dod. Bydd y noson yn ddwyieithog, Cymraeg a Saesneg, a bydd y grwpiau sgwrs yn cael eu cynnal ar wahân yn y ddwy iaith. Felly! Mae gwahoddiad i chi: plîs dewch, a plîs pasiwch y neges ymlaen i eraill allai fod â diddordeb!


Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Lampeter & District ‘

Monday 5 February saw our MS Support Group once again meeting at The Mustard Seed Café, in Lampeter. It was our first meeting of 2018. How we can discuss so many things in the two hours, amazes me. The topic for this months Grapevine is ‘Space’. I decided to open it out to the people who came. I gave out a piece of paper and a pencil to everyone, and said that they were going to have to work for their calorie-filled drinks and food that the wonderful staff at The Mustard Seed dish out to us! Then I asked everyone to write down whatever came into their mind when they thought about the word ‘Space’. Here are the things people said; •’Space’ – the emptiness between things. • Cape Kennedy/Canaveral Space Centre – a place I enjoyed, as a child, on holiday. (We got a bit confused in

the meeting as nobody seemed to remember what it was called. I have since looked it up. It would seem that, according to Wikipedia, it was known as “Cape Canaveral” from 1949-1963 and then “Cape Kennedy” from 19631973, and then back to “Cape Canaveral” from 1973 to the present) • Bedroom - peace and quiet – time to think • ‘Space’- empty space in Lampeter town – Y Popty, empty buildings • ‘Space’ – more room for stuff – more room for hoarding • ‘Space’ – rotating light with planets and colour on ceiling and walls. Like space rotating around the room • David Bowie ‘Space Odyssey’ • ‘Space’ – Peace and quiet. Alone but not alone. A place to try and focus my thoughts • Empty spaces where schools used to be in our villages • ‘Space’ – walking in the country, peace and quiet • Spaced out on wacky baccy! • ‘Space’ Williams Bach going, Spar closed • Gravitational Field, the ‘space’ between things • ‘Space’ – places



for peace and quiet • ‘Space’ – moon and planets • My own ‘space’ sitting in the parlour reading for an hour or so • ‘Space’ – Rarefaction between concentrations Please look the last one up yourselves… unless you’re a physicist that is! Thank you everyone. Come and join us on the first Monday of the month from 1.303.30pm, in the back room of The Mustard Seed, Lampeter. We welcome anybody with MS, carers, and anybody wanting to know more, from wherever you are. You are also welcome at our Aberystwyth group which meets in the new Tesco’s community/charity room 12.30-2.30pm on the second FRIDAY of the month. Croeso i bawb/Welcome to all Judith McKay Support Volunteer 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis Chair of Ceredigion Branch 01974 261640

Don’t forget Copy Deadline for April Issue:

Fri 9 March

Ysgol Bro Pedr

Compiled by Nerys Beaumont-Douch

Well-being at Ysgol Bro Pedr

This term the wellbeing committee have been busy working and designing a sugar awareness board for the lower and upper sector. They have chosen suitable drinks for the age range and added the sugar contents to raise awareness. This is to encourage pupils and staff to drink water. Here are some images to show how the pupils created their campaign.

Internet Safety Day at Ysgol Bro Pedr On Tuesday 6 February, Year 8 pupils received a workshop by School Community Police Officer 809 Hannah Evans on 'Look Who's Talking' (Internet Safety). This lesson was delivered as part of the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme. The objectives of the lesson are for pupils to be aware that online people may not be who they say they are. To ensure they know how to protect themselves and prevent from getting into risky situations and to know where to go for help and support. During the lesson pupils looked at the risks, grooming, checking in online and social networking. This workshop raised awareness and taught the pupils to change their privacy settings on social media in order to keep safe. PC Hannah also held a drop in session in the school reception for parents, family and friends who had any questions. Many thanks to PC Hannah for this useful information. 39

The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm 1















16 17



20 22





21 26



30 31 33
















48 49

Crossword 41- Spare rough working Grid


This forty-first Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by Lewis’s Bakery. The owners have kindly offered the winner a voucher to be spent in the competition shop. The story of this successful family bakery, run by Paul and Tracy Lewis, started four years ago in the kitchen of their Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 41 (Jeep) house in Llanfair Clydogau. This was 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 the place where they started to bake bread for the local community, 11 12 hoping to do well on a modest scale. 13 14 15 Since that time, however, Lewis’s 16 Bakery has grown so quickly that it 17 18 19 has exceeded all expectations. The 20 21 business now has its own shop and bakery, PRIZE: Voucher where Paul bakes his own bread, cakes and pas22 23 24 25 26 tries while Tracy manages the business side of things. Not only do 27 28 29 they sell straight from their shop but they also make deliveries to 30 within a ten-mile radius of Lampeter. One latest venture has been 31 32 to deliver fresh milk from Nigel’s Dairies, a local business that sells 33 34 35 36 37 milk in recyclable glass bottles. This has proved to be extremely popular. Milk is on sale in the shop as well. 38 39 40 41 Lewis’s Bakery has its own Facebook page, where you can see for 42 43 yourself the good things that are on offer. 44






Rough working grid, opposite - Eds.

1. Different coastline chalet provides nerve ending effect to area (5,10) Down 11. 45 inch measure doesn’t start well (3) 1. Lampeter History Society’s May 15th talk about Rhiannon of Tregaron 12. Price which needs no short press release is cool (3) (7,2,7) 13. Mix fruit, more ice and beat in egg for regular shaped 2. Nothing the French shout about, but the Spanish do (3) finish (9,6) 3. Footwear provider gives new mock glare (4,5) 16. Ill defined ark as source of Polish river (5) 4. Begin duel sin, wicked, but rest comfortable at night (3,4,2,3) 17. Absent male, is sea locked place, cannot stand alone 5. Perform statute (3) (2,3,2,2,6) 6. Single-minded ‘technos’ achieve rural deliveries in three directions (5) 20. Spent endlessly on enclosure (3) 7. Hospital trolleys might carry this compounded Welsh neck session 21. Cover old pound and one penny (3) (8,2,6) 22. Religious leaders mould elk sushi drug but led out (4,5) 8. Head covering rash I treated (5) 26. Idle away with old penny and a couple of pounds, yes? 9. Sell-out a lamb again and accept communal guilt (2,2,3,5) (5) 10. Two rivers that join the Teifi at Lampeter (8,3,5) 27. Poem I replace nothing for a silver or golden fish (3) 14. Fear isn’t alternative to being willing (4) 28. Give up turn? The sap is new! (1,4) 15. Endless gale blew in the girl (3) 29. First name of Ceredigion’s new MP (3) 18. Constellation named after a cat? (4) 30. Point, or negative option? (3) 19. Nothing east of this waterway (4) 31. Distressed being in Saga? Tries new start (6,5) 23. Modified Esperanto shows commitment in marriage ceremony (3) 33. Envelopes hold lovers intentions to run away together 24. Unit price is short but not down (2) (5) 25. Confused old family member made a call (4) 37. At heart being nomadic is an insane existence (3) 26. Dejon, Avon, and you, but not on and on – seen it all before (4,2) 38. Edit low down hurt anew to achieve a state of infinity 32. Rhianna kept him in her heart (3) (5,7,3) 34. Errol was backward and not right when it came to collective wisdom 42. Feel sad or is it mere resolve? (4) (4) 43. Short example begins without the northern glasses 35. Imitation gold was good enough for disgraced Romulo (6) (Abb) (1.1) 36. Short newspaper man from Poland gave defence in court (4) 44. Scottish castle in dale Odin held (4) 39. Woven fabric found on computer network (3) 45. Legal doctrine voids contract if bell pin cue is 40. No start or end to big laugh for German name for Jihlava (5) rescheduled (4,6) 41. Not a reverse of English measurement (3) 48. Calls endlessly for everyone (3) 46. The Norse God of hunting deal with bully by removal (3) 49. Not matured whiskies but showing enthusiasm of the 47. Biblical priest who returned in Gilead (3) young (8,7)


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Thur 15 Mar 2018, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 41, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.


ads & classified Family History Research

YES YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! Successful business Mum is seeking 5 working partners

Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life. Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525

to work part-time from home, without compromising family commitments or current career. If you have a supervisory, managerial, nursing, teaching, sales, recruitment or a self-employed background, or you wish to develop an extraordinary lifestyle… Call Liz 07788 219730 or 01570 470812

Bookworm books - bags - music 2nd hand books, new books, Welsh books orders taken by phone or in person for collection in Lampeter or Aberaeron

Aberaeron Hours - Jan/Feb Mon Tues-Sat Sun

10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 5.30pm closed

8 Sgwar Alban, Aberaeron, SA46 0AD Peoples’ Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter 01545 23 82


- 18.30-20.00

LAMPETER LEISURE CENTRE Contact: Sean Slater 01570 493139 Job adverts

Advertise local paid employment

Sally Harrold


Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Supervision


BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual,

Grapevine free of charge

hypnotherapy, family counselling.

Job adverts

07539 882798

Lampeter Llandovery Llandeilo Carmarthen


Taster Day, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 7th April 2018 (£15) Full Beginners’ Course, starts 22nd April 2018 (£75) Book a place for yourself or buy a voucher to give the gift of beekeeping to a friend or family member. Both courses will be held in the Millennium Hall, Cellan. Visit for more information or contact us on


Congratulations to our Crossword Winner Hugh Parry

Reminder: Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue


Copy Deadline


58 - Apr


Fri 9 Mar

Sat 24 Mar

59 - May

Environmental Impact

Fri 13 Apr

Sat 28 Apr

60 - Jun

Cultural Heritage

Fri 11 May

Sat 26 May

61 July/ Aug

Focus on Youth

Fri 8 Jun

Sat 23 June

62 Sept

The Third Age

(for People’s Market)

Fri 10 Aug

Sat 25 Aug

Please Send to: Articles, letters, reviews & enquiries listings adverts & classifieds

next issue… apr - issue 58 copy deadline: friday 9 march theme: ‘habits’ 

Ainsley presenting Hugh with his winner’s voucher certificate Well done to all puzzlers who completed crossword 40. Daniel Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, Carol Evans, Llinos Griffiths, Trevor Harris, David Hyde, J. Jones, T. Jones, George Kinchington, Merry Makers Women’s Group, Geoff Oldrid, Angela Roberts, Andy & Jenny Ryan, Caroline Smith, & Marye Wyvill. Check out your answers for crossword 40 below and see page 41 for more details about the prize for our 41st crossword, from our sponsor for issue 58, Lewis’s Bread. Special Arrangement: As Grapevine is rather late being published this time due to illness (sorry), I thought it only fair that Puzzlers have an extra few days to complete the Crossword. The Closing Date for Crossword entries will therefore be Thursday 15 March 2018. Eds. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 41, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor one of our crosswords, please contact Diolch/Thank you Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 40 by “Jeep”

have you got some good habits you might be prepared to share? If so, what are they? have you got any annoying habits?

how do we go about changing our habits?

do you want to create some new habits and join the make Lampeter plastic-free campaign?
































































Diolch / Thank you






























































































If so why not write in and tell us … (700 words maximum please! )























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