contents in this issue… reviews & letters ads & classifieds what’s what’s going going on on secret travels secret travels totally locally totally locally town council town council cooking with do-it-ourselves steem lampeter money forsummer nothing? festival incredible opportunityedible for repair café generosity part 2 seed swap goldies cymru ysgol y dderi patchwork day our economy making a needs a dance new story healing bathing habit in nature Honey: bees, & mindfulness dance bombs, magic and art therapy & autism mindfulness permaculture the friendly games minimize uwtsd long wood celtic christianity ysgol y dderi long wood nos da goodnight steemit elmo’s a panoply delights of kcc historic welsh cerddwyr llambed quilts cothi gardeners ms support group pumsaint wi jottings jottings custard queens nev’s doodles pumsaint wi custard queens cothi gardeners dathliadau gwyl dewi christianity celtic blues hero uwtsd clonc elmo’s delights call for help kcc ysgol bro pedr Clonc banc bwyd report ysgol henry richard ms support group ysgol yr efailbro pedr cryptic crossword mindfulness ysgol henry richard aberaeron to lampeter
The Secret Travels of the Grapevine… Grapevine is now available around the world: lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes with you. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos: and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.
From Jim & Sarah "This was from when we were in Bagan in Myanmar, where there are over 2,000 ancient temples and pagodas." 2
GRAPEVINE no. 58, Apr 2018 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:
Croeso / Welcome to another issue of the Grapevine … The editorial is usually the very last piece of work I do before getting Grapevine proofread and off to the printers, but this time I thought I might try to break that habit and work on it at the start instead. With the theme being ‘Habits’ I thought there should be lots of angles to consider and surely I must be able to link this to what I have seen arriving in the Grapevine inbox. Well, easier said than done I’m afraid … that’s about as far as I got before getting stuck! Determined not to give up though, I walked away for a while to allow time for ideas to brew, and tried hard not to overthink things … A few task avoiding distractions later, and a fresh approach identified, I started to make more connections ... So, perhaps we should look more closely at the recent high profile campaigns encouraging us all to change our habits instead; whether this means doing more to clean up our oceans, protect the wildlife that inhabits our planet or improve the health of our environment, so that we can all live more sustainably; or maybe
To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50/20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy date for May, issue 59: Fri 13 April Theme: ‘Environmental Impact’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Moira Hay
working to become more actively involved in our own health, well -being and fitness to reduce the increasing pressures on the NHS. What does it take to make a real difference?… Not a lot, I guess. Could we all start by trying to change just one habit? A small change individually can have a significant effect collectively, and could change the outcomes globally for us all. Let’s all make a positive stand and train ourselves to adopt more ‘good’ habits. I’m sure we’ll find that it’s not actually as hard as we thought. Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading Angie Martin, Editor
polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Grapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team
Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3
The last meeting took place on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at Shiloh Chapel Vestry with Mayor/Cllr Hag Harris presiding. Others present: Deputy Mayor Cllr. Ann Bowen Morgan; Cllr. Rhys Bebb-Jones; Cllr. Elin T Jones; Cllr. Dinah Mulholland; Cllr. Robert Phillips; Cllr. Kistiah Ramaya; Cllr. David Smith; Cllr. Christopher Thomas & Cllr. Selwyn Walters. Also, PC Richard Marshall and Mr Alan Hairn, Ceredigion County Council. CEREDIGION PLACE/ACTION PLANS: Presentation-Mr Alan Hairn, Ceredigion County Council. Local Authorities are encouraged to support local communities in preparing Place/Action Plans. Welsh Government (WG) has suggested that Local Authorities take a mentoring role to assist community and town councils to undertake the preparation of the Plans. Further information available – “Shape My Town” CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE Confirmation of acceptance of Office for the role of Mayor for the Municipal Year 2018-19 was received from Cllr Ann Bowen Morgan and for the role of Deputy-Mayor from Cllr Robert Phillips. The Mayor’s Installation Ceremony will take place on Friday 4 May 2018 at the Old Hall, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. VACANCIES WITHIN THE TOWN COUNCIL Five vacancies currently exist within the Town Council. It was agreed to seek expressions of interest, during May 2018. DISCO – YSGOL BRO PEDR This will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 29 March 2018 and hosted by the Town Council. TENDERS Ongoing tenders include – Maintenance of Parc-yrOrsedd over the summer months; Hedge at Parc-yrOrsedd; Maesyderi Field; Footpaths in the vicinity & Floral Displays within the town. TOWN COUNCIL’S MEETING ROOM Different venues were considered. Wi-fi access was deemed essential. The Town Council will meet at Victoria Hall during the months of April, May and June 2018. SAINT DAVID’S DAY PROCESSION 2018 The Procession took place on Friday 2 March 2018, from the Town Hall to Victoria Hall and led by the Mayor Cllr. Hag Harris and Mayoress Mrs Eiry Morgan. Many thanks to all those who supported the occasion, despite the cold weather and to all, who helped in any way. This event had been arranged by the Welsh Language Sub-Committee of the Town Council namely Cllrs. Ann Bowen-Morgan, Rhys Bebb-Jones and Robert Phillips.
Cynhaliwyd y cyfarfod diwethaf ar nos Iau, 22ain Chwefror, 2018 yn Festri Capel Shiloh a’r Cadeirydd oedd y Maer/Y Cyngh. Hag Harris. Yn bresennol hefyd: Y Dirprwy-Faer Y Gyngh. Ann Bowen Morgan; Y Cyngh. Rhys Bebb-Jones; Y Gyngh. Elin T Jones; Y Gyngh. Dinah Mulholland; Y Cyngh. Robert Phillips; Y Cyngh. Kistiah Ramaya; Y Cyngh. David Smith; Y Cyngh. Christopher Thomas a'r Cyngh. Selwyn Walters. Hefyd, Y Plismon Richard Marshall a Mr Alan Hairn, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion. CYNLLUNIAU LLEOEDD: Cyflwyniad-Mr Alan Hairn, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion. Anogir Awdurdodau Lleol i gynorthwyo cymunedau lleol i baratoi Cynlluniau Lleoedd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru (LlC) wedi awgrymu bod Awdurdodau Lleol yn cymryd rôl fentora i gynorthwyo cynghorau cymuned a thref i fynd ati i baratoi’r Cynlluniau. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael - "Llunio fy Nhref” – CADARNHAU DERBYN SWYDD Derbyniwyd cadarnhad derbyn y Swydd o Faer ar gyfer y Flwyddyn Fwrdeistrfol 2018-19 gan y Gyngh. Ann Bowen Morgan a’r swydd Dirprwy Faer gan y Cyngh. Robert Phillips. Cynhelir Seremoni Urddo’r Maer ar nos Wener 4ydd o Fai 2018 yn yr Hen Neuadd, Prifysgol Cymru, Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. SWYDD O GYNGHORYDD TREF Mae pum swydd wag ar gael ar hyn o bryd ar y Cyngor Tref. Cytunwyd i geisio datganiadau o ddiddordeb, yn ystod Mai 2018. DISGO - YSGO BRO PEDR Cynhelir ar brynhawn Iau 29ain o Fawrth 2018 o dan arweiniad y Cyngor Tref. CEISIO CYNIGION Ceisir cynigion ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer - Cynnal a chadw Parc-yr-Orsedd dros fisoedd yr haf; Tocio’r berth ym Mharc-yr-Orsedd; Cae Maesyderi; Llwybrau cerdded yr ardal ac Arddangosfeydd Blodau’r dref. YSTAFELL GYFARFOD Y CYNGOR TREF Ystyriwyd gwahanol leoedd a dywedwyd bod gwasanaeth di-wifr yn hanfodol. Cyfarfu’r Cyngor Tref yn Neuadd Fictoria yn ystod misoedd Ebrill, Mai a Mehefin 2018. GORYMDAITH DYDD GŴYL DEWI 2018 Cynhaliwyd y Gorymdaith ar ddydd Gwener 2ail o Fawrth 2018 o’r Neuadd y Dref i Neuadd Fictoria a’r Maer y Cyngh. Hag Harris a'r Faeres Mrs Eiry Morgan yn tywys y ffordd. Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a gefnogodd yr achlysur, er gwaethaf y tywydd oer a hefyd i bawb a rhoddodd eu gwasanaeth yn rhad ac am ddim. Trefnwyd y digwyddiad gan Is-bwyllgor yr Iaith Gymraeg y Cyngor Tref sef y Gyngh. Ann BowenMorgan, Rhys Bebb-Jones a Robert Phillips. 4
grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE
In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.
An Opportunity For Generosity Pt II
A DO-IT-OURSELVES LAMPETER SUMMER FESTIVAL? What will YOU contribute? Gordon Lumby, a former Trafford Metropolitan Borough Councillor, contacted me. He had been discussing Lampeter’s current depressed state, and when asked what should be done suggested a Summer Choral Festival using venues on the University campus. He contacted me, asking what were my thoughts. I replied positively, adding that success required positive attitudes and the exclusion of promoters concerned only with profits. We should never be discouraged by difficulties and never reject good ideas without trying them, but devise means of realising good ideas. A Lampeter Summer Festival, if we can achieve it, will be our own effort, not foisted on us by promoters after profit. Today’s economic climate invites us to organise a Do-ItOurselves Lampeter Summer Festival, seeking the cooperation of UWTSD and Victoria Hall in providing venues during the summer months to present our own events. There are very wide local interests to call upon and provide for. For examples, Welsh Poetry, and/or poetry in general, student musicians performing chamber music, local musicians giving jazz concerts, various crafts, demonstrations of beekeeping (Gordon Lumby himself is a beekeeper), ecology talks and visits (eg involving Denmark Farm), events in which schoolchildren (at a loose end during the long summer holiday?) can take part, for instance painting, or sculpture with blunt chisels and soft thermal insulation blocks. There’s no need to detail every possibility as you all have interests to suggest. Some events already exist, of course, and could take place during a Festival Week as part of the festival, as well as at other times independently arranged. I do not seek the role of director in any sense. This is no promoter’s Ego-trip. I believe simply that each interest, each event or series, could be independently yet cooperatively developed by those who already pursue the interest in question, without interference or negative influence, and always with mutual help. No-one would throw cold water on the ideas of others. All would help other groups willingly, if needed. Such a plan requires a communications hub to coordinate the various endeavours, arrange their dates and venues, etc. I am willing to be that communications hub, and put people in touch, seek venues, etc. A few who have heard of this festival suggestion have already reacted positively. Just let me know quickly what event or series of events YOU would like to organise. Eric Franklin,
Following the article in the last Grapevine about Big Issue sellers in our area I should like to report the progress. In that big shopping Saturday before Christmas the vendor had only managed to sell 15 issues in the whole day. Therefore, I asked for your help to make sure that they sell out of magazines by midday, preferably without taking the change if you can. In January the (freezing) vendor sold 20 magazines in one day out of a possible 150. The progress is good, though not as good as it could be. Bearing in mind that a day shopping in January is not the hectic people-packed day of just before Christmas, then a 5 magazine-sale improvement is noteworthy. Clearly the people of Lampeter are showing love to those in need. In fact the vendor said that Lampeter is his best pitch and he is looking into moving his family here to save on bus costs. However, sadly and clearly, we could do a lot better than 20 magazine in a day. Standing outside the Co-op (thanks to them) there are double that number of people going in and out in one hour, it could be possible to sell out in 4 hours, maybe 3. Standing there for 10 hours selling 1 magazine every half an hour is an indictment on us. If you buy a magazine thank you for helping those in our society who are poor and unable to claim benefits. Perhaps you might spread the word to urge others to buy. This is the "Lampeter Lifeline". Harry Harrison
CLEARING OUT A FOOD CUPBOARD? The Food Bank is always grateful to be considered if you are clearing out a cupboard, and would welcome a call on our mobile 07582 905743 to talk about the kind of non-perishable in-date food that we can accept for our clients. If there are open packets of in-date foods, the Food Bank cannot use these, but Sarah Hulme would be happy to take them for the Lampeter Food Project, the free community meal cooked every Thursday at Victoria Hall. Sarah can be contacted on 01794 821219. Food left in cupboards is often out of date or the tins have become rusty, and we cannot offer this to anyone! This should really be disposed of - so please save everyone the trouble, by not trying to transfer or offer this unusable food. Diolch / Thank you.
Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank 5
Goldies Sing & Smile coming to Lampeter
Supported by a three-year People and Places, Big Lottery Fund in Wales grant the first year has seen fifteen new sessions open in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot, Swansea & Carmarthenshire and has built up many partnerships. The charity has more recently met with teams and venues in Powys, Pembrokeshire and of course Ceredigion to expand further into Mid and West Wales in Year 2. We are excited to invite anyone and everyone to a FREE Goldies taster session at The Mustard Seed, on Tuesday the 10 April at 10am. Local representative Anne Watkins says “I am so pleased Goldies is coming to Lampeter. I accidentally came upon a new one of these groups, in Cardiff, a few years ago. It is such an uplifting activity and everything is provided. All we have to do is participate. A good voice is not essential. I always leave feeling much happier and energised. The atmosphere lifts my spirits.” Full details of Goldies sessions can be found on, 07860 944 410 Cheryl Davies
With its growing number of daytime fun sing-along sessions the Goldies Cymru Charity is taking off across Mid and West Wales. Fondly referred to simply as ‘Goldies’ the growth of the charity has been supported by the Cardiff-based Moondance Foundation and the Big Lottery Fund in Wales. Cheryl Davies is project manager in Mid and West Wales for Goldies Cymru, she said; “Our charity reaches out to older people, many who live in isolation and have little in their lives to look forward to. We are certainly NOT a choir, but fun singing of the popular songs of the 60s and onwards are at the heart of all that we do. Hardly a day goes by without a request to introduce our charity in a new area.” “We’re always keen to hear from potential freelance session leaders and as our work develops across Mid and West Wales we use Welsh language folk song books and therefore fluent Welsh speakers, and singers, are needed.” The work of the charity has been recognised through a number of awards. Last year Goldies Cymru was the national 2017 Epic Award winner run by the Voluntary Arts organisation. Goldies was shortlisted for this major award from a short list of thirty two groups. PATCHWORK DAY
Merry Makers Women’s group had a brilliant meeting the other week when Vera Lever ran a patchwork workshop. She displayed her wonderful quilts, and talked about the history of quilting, which was a way of bringing women together to use up outgrown garments and remainders of cloth. Vera started quilting about thirty years ago when babysitting her grandson. After some time she went to lessons and was taught various skills. She then invested in her prize possession her sewing machine. Merry Makers Women’s group meets every Wednesday from 10.303pm at St James’ Hall, Cwmann and welcomes new members for their shared lunch and workshops. For more information on Merry Makers Women’s Group see the Grapevine Listings page 28. Sue Moules 6
I recently saw this poster and it made me realise how important it is to me to keep my daily dancing habit alive and well! I am a great believer in 'Use it or Lose it' and this applies to my brain and my mental state as well as my body. When I find excuses not to exercise or dance I find I feel more aches and pains, feel more mentally sluggish and my mood is definitely less positive. After a dance and exercise session I feel so good that I wish I could bottle the feeling and remember it for the next time I don't feel like making the effort! There are so many opportunities to learn to dance in and around Lampeter. Bellydance is especially good for brain, body and mood as it challenges you gently while also having a great deal of fun in a supportive environment. Don't worry about showing your tummy, there is no need to. Wear a loose top or T-shirt and leggings and start your dance habit. All local classes are listed in the Move Your Body section in the Grapevine. Rose Barter HONEY: Bees, Bombs, Magic and Autism Wrapped in Folk Music you will taste the honey, feel the richness of the hills, the Malvern-based theatre company Reaction Theatre Makers air and hear the music that fill this small land. The is to stage 'Honey’ on their national tour. The tour comes stunning, highly original choreography is by Lizie Gireaudeaux. to Arad Goch Theatre on Saturday on 21 April 2018. Just like a jar of honey, this new play written and directed 'Honey’ is beautifully performed by the talented Jemma by Tiffany Hosking (Ms) of Barnards Green, Malvern, has Lewis, Callan Durrant, Vey Straker and Jenni Lea-Jones. The show can be enjoyed by an audience aged 7+. sweetness, richness and depth. “Theatre is more, much more, than story. It's aesthetic Children and the older generation can enjoy this ground is the making of pattern and pattern-within- production together as, while it has been written for an pattern. Reaction Theatre Makers' work comes with much adult audience, it has the beauty and simplicity of a children’s piece. artistry.” Theatre Wales Honey is an intimate story that intricately weaves together ‘Honey’ will be shown at The Ganolfan, Arad Goch’s base the lives of a young man with autism, his mother, her in the centre of Aberystwyth town, and the building which was at one time a chapel - is very striking with its tattoo artist sister, and those that want to love them. But Alice is not always an easy lady to love and as her big red doors extending a welcome to all. Having been sister says, "Is her husband in the Middle East detonating fully restored internally, the facilities are excellent. bombs, or is he in Cardiff down at the Four Bars trying to Reviews: “I loved the carve out a new life for himself?" whole thing! This is not so much a story of those at war, but of the The music, the break down of community and those trying to find their dancing, the own peace. speaking bits & As with all of their work RTM take a look at the changing the bees!” Audience landscape of people's minds and the environment. member, age 9 Woven throughout is the beautiful backdrop to this moving, charming and funny piece: A quilt stitched with “I could watch it again right hopes and dreams, pieced together throughout the now!” performance as a present to root Alice's son to the earth, 13 year-old with and a symbol of the strength of a community coming Aspergers together. “A small tale, Three hives help us navigate through a world that she has lyrically told and created. A simplicity of staging allows transition between beautifully the outer hills and home, a place to drink and a place to performed, with talk. a big message.” Hereford Times Beautifully lit by inspirational lighting designer Ben Hughes and with an original folk musical score by Joanna Karselis Sophie Austwick 7
practices that are damaging the environment. As we develop the habit of thinking less not more stuff, so we can recognise what we really need and value – giving more attention to our relationships with others around us, and with ourselves. Try making a habit of spending a little time each day quietly being in nature, observing, marvelling, appreciating, learning from its patterns which are never wasteful yet always abundant. Judy Cooper
Minimize! “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” Permaculture principles aim to be sustainable, making as little impact on resources as we can for the benefit of people and planet – “earth care, people care and fair share”. So what habits might help us? A good start might be to aim to minimize wherever we can. Think less not more. Wanting is an insidious unhealthy habit – our whole economy is dependent on us all spending money on things we don’t really need - an assumption of endless growth (making more, selling more, throwing more away) on a finite planet. It’s mad and unsustainable, and is the cause of most of our current problems from climate change and environmental damage to hunger/obesity and war. Every time you are tempted to acquire something check the impulse – it can be a big relief to be free from those pressures, and the debt and clutter too. If you do really need something, can you get it second hand? This is making the best use of the resources that have already been expended on it: materials, carbon footprint, labour, even packaging. And it’s keeping the money exchange local. Clothes, kitchen equipment, gadgets, toys etc – have a rigorous turnout of all you do not really use or need. Make these items available secondhand by selling them yourself, or giving to a charity. Then minimize shopping trips (virtual ones too!) so you don’t replace it all! Value resources, for instance by reusing materials – worn out clothing, paper, packaging – cherish it, store it, use it – even be creative with it – the internet has amazing suggestions for this. Minimize your drain on resources by getting all you can locally sourced, also supporting our community. Develop a habit of going to the People’s Market twice a month in Victoria Hall. There are local products including milk, cheese, vegetables, bread, cakes, meat and cider – even purchasing one or two items will make a difference. They may be more expensive, so you have to buy less, but you will probably value it more. We can save by eating lots more vegetables, and less cheese and meat for example – healthier for us and much less input of resources. Try where possible to reduce your shopping at big supermarkets, which do not invest the money we spend locally. Their powerful lobbying and funding is not supportive to local small-scale farmers, and promotes
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm Copy Deadline: Fri 13 April 8
COEDWIG GYMUNEDOL LONG WOOD COMMUNITY WOODLAND The end of winter was a fairly busy time at Long Wood, with the scheduled felling of Norway spruce and the building of a new extraction track at the end of February. This track opens up a large area of the woodland which has until now been inaccessible, allowing management of the area and an addition to our network of footpaths through the woods.
The start of this work coincided spectacularly with Storm Emma which unfortunately did significant damage in some areas. Staff and contractors are working hard to make safe any fallen or hung trees, so please be patient and adhere to any footpath closure signs whilst they remain. Staff at the office will
always be happy to advise you of alternative routes to take within the woods. Milling at Long Wood is going smoothly with orders starting to fly off the mill. We have a decent stock of timber, mostly Larch, lined up now ready for processing orders. The milling is being undertaken by local contractors, supported by Long Wood staff, allowing Long Wood to continue to support small and microbusinesses from the area whilst remaining financially viable. It’s a great arrangement and the type of thing we hope to see much more of at Long Wood in the future. Our ground staff have also been busy keeping up with demand for Long Wood firewood orders. Available as either hardwood or soft, the wood is seasoned, dry and ready to burn. Spring and summer will give us time to process and store for next winter’s orders now that we have some idea of demand. We can deliver small loads of bagged wood but currently, loose logs are for collection only. We are hoping to add a delivery option in
the very near future. And finally our Woodland Wednesday volunteers, led by Leia, continue to turn up despite the wintry weather, and help us deliver tangible changes in the woods. We really can’t thank this group enough for the hard work, of great quality, that they undertake for us. Winter weather permitting, the group has also managed to continue to work on their dedicated coppice coup all winter alongside this season’s coppice workers. Once all of the coppice work is complete we will start to plan the plots for the next season. These plots are available from October onwards - we will announce them through our newsletters and facebook page. Don’t forget to “like” our FB page so that you don’t miss any notifications; alternatively, sign up to our newsletter via our website. Andrew Gajikowski
Storm Damage at Long Wood Community Woodland Long Wood suffered significant damage during Storm Emma in early March 2018. Anyone who has been to the woods since then will have seen, the vast amount of the Sitka spruce plantation, just beyond the car park at Canolfan Long Wood, blown over by the storm. A large number of partially fallen trees are blocking the bridleway, are unstable and pose a very serious risk to woodland users.
The footpath through the woodland between Canolfan Long Wood and Penlan Goetre is now closed to public access until the damage is cleared. This situation is of huge concern to us. We are aware that having to close one of our most heavily used footpaths, and the main public access into the woods is not ideal, and impacts all users of the woods. Clearing the damage, making the area safe and being able to re-open the path is now our highest priority.
PLEASE KEEP OUT IF THIS AREA UNTIL THE FOOTPATH IS RE-OPENED Clearing and removal of fallen timber began Week ending Friday 16 March 2018. This work involves large machinery and is expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, (barring any unforeseen issues this should be by 21 April). Site safety inspections will be carried out before re-opening the footpath. Notification of completion of the works will be posted using onsite noticeboards, newsletters and website/ social media outlets. Once this work is complete, the restoration and replanting of this section of woodlands will continue. Long Wood is a Community Woodland, and I would like to thank the community for their patience and support at this time. Ben Allen, Chair of Directors, Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodlan d Join our mailing list, find us on Facebook or Contact: 01570 493355,
Mŵ, meddai’r fuwch’ oedd thema plant y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn ystod yr hanner tymor a aeth heibio. Bu plant y Meithrin a Derbyn yn ymweld â Fferm Ystrad Dewi trwy garedigrwydd Mr a Mrs Dafydd Lloyd Jones a’r teulu. Braf oedd cael y cyfle i weld sut mae da yn cael eu godro, gweld y moch a’r wyth mochyn bach newydd geni y bore hwnnw. Cael cyfle i fwydo’r lloi bach a’r ieir a thaflu gwellt o dan y defaid. I Gwarffynnon yn Silian aeth blwyddyn 1, i weld Dei a Gwen a’r teulu gan cael gyfle i ddysgu o ble mae llaeth yn dod. Aethant hefyd i Lanerchaeron er mwyn gweld sut mae ffermio wedi newid a dysgu am hanes godro o’r amser pan oedd tyddynau yn cadw un buwch ar gyfer godro â llaw hyd at godro heddiw mewn parlwrau trydanol sy’n godro ugain neu mwy ar y tro! Wedi dod yn ôl i’r ysgol bu plant blwyddyn 1 yn gwneud menyn go iawn allan o hufen. Aeth blwyddyn 2 i Fferm Olmarch Fawr ar ôl cynnal sesiwn holi ac ateb cyn hynny, bu Odwyn yn rhannu eu brofiadau o ffermio dros sawl degawd. Heb os, uchafbwynt y prynhawn oedd cael gweld gwartheg yr Ucheldir a’u cyrnau hirion ac wrth gwrs cael reid yn y treilar bach gydag Odwyn yn gyrru’r cwad! Diolch o waelod calon i’r dair fferm am roi profiadau gwych i’r plant. Cynhaliwyd bore cymdeithasol yn yr ysgol gyda rhieni a ffrindiau’r ysgol yn cael y cyfle i flasu cynnyrch a wnaethpwyd gan blant y Cyfnod Sylfaen, bore ‘Bara, menyn a jam’. Wedi iddynt gasglu gwenith aeth blwyddyn 2 i Felin Ganol, Llanrhystud er mwyn gweld y broses o falu blawd yna nôl i’r ysgol er mwyn pobi bara gyda’r blawd. Diolch i Mr a Mrs Elfan James, Eirian a Carolyn popty Mark Lane Llanbed am ddangos iddynt sut i bobi bara. Yr oedd blwyddyn 1 eisoes wedi bod yn paratoi’r menyn ar gyfer y bore. Bu plant y Meithrin a Derbyn yn brysur yn gwneud jam cartref bendigedig. Cafwyd bore hyfryd yn ymlacio yng nghwmni rhieni a ffrindiau. Roedd y plant yn smart iawn yn eu ffedogau yn gweini bara, menyn â jam i’w rhieni ac yn cael y cyfle i flasu dros eu hunain. Diolch am y gefnogaeth. Diolch i Ifan Jones Evans o Bontrhydygroes am ddod i rannu ei lyfr ‘Nan a’r Sioe Fawr’ gyda disgyblion y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Roedd pob un plentyn wedi eu hudo wrth iddo ddarllen darn o’r llyfr iddynt. Cawson y cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau iddo am ffermio a hefyd am ei waith fel cyflwynydd y rhaglen boblogaidd ‘Fferm Ffactor’.
‘Moo, said the cow’ was the Foundation Phase theme, last half term. The Nursery and Reception children visited Ystrad Dewi farm with Mr and Mrs Dafydd Lloyd-Jones and family. The children had a wonderful experience, watching cows being milked, feeding the calves and seineg newly born pigs. Year 1 children visited Dei, Gwen and family at Gwarffynnon to learn where milk comes from. They also visited Llanerchaeron to learn about the history of farming and how a cow was milked in years gone by when Farmers kept only a handful of cows and today where technology allows Farmers to milk 20 or more cows at one time. Year 2 children went to Olmarch Fawr to see Odwyn, after he had visited school to talk to them about his lifelong experiences as a farmer. The highlight of the visit was seeing the Highland cows with their long horns and having a ride in the trailer with Odwyn driving the quad! Thank you to all three farms which gave the children such a welcome and a wealth of experiences. We held ‘Bread, butter and jam’ morning, where parents and friends were welcomed to school to taste the produce made by the children themselves. After harvesting their own wheat, year 2 took it to Felin Ganol mill to be ground into flour before returning to school to bake bread. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Elfan James, Eirian and Carolyn from the family run Bakery, Mark Lane for an afternoon of learning to bake bread, which was a big help for the work they were about to undertake! Year 1 had already made the butter so it was up the Nursery and reception children to prepare the strawberry jam, which was delicious! We had a lovely morning, relaxing with family and friends as well as having the opportunity to share our food which was beautifully served by the children in smart aprons. Thank you for the support. Thank you Ifan Jones Evans from Pontrhydygroes for visiting the Foundation Phase children and reading from his book ‘Nan a’r Sioe Fawr’. Every child was captivated by what they heard and went on to hold a hot Seating interview with the famous author who also hosts ‘Fferm Ffactor’.
Diolch i Rebecca a Guto o gwmni SGRipt am ddod i "Lights, camera, action!" ddysgu blwyddyn 3 a 4 sut i gynhyrchu rhaglen Thank you Rebecca and Guto deledu ar y tywydd. from GRipt for joining year 3 Cafwyd Eisteddfod ysgol llwyddiannus arall eleni. and 4 children and teaching Llongyfarchiadau i bawb ar wledd o gystadlu. Teifi them how to produce a ddaeth i’r bryg eleni, gydag Ellie Tansley yn ennill y television programme on the darian am y plentyn â’r marciau uchaf yn y Cyfnod weather. Sylfaen, Anna Gaiger, Lili Jewell a Beca Elan Ebenezer Another successful school yn rhannu’r darian i’r plentyn â’r marciau uchaf yng eisteddfod. Congratulations Nghyfnod Allweddol 2. Betrys Llwyd Dafydd oedd yn to everyone on a fantastic fuddugol yng day of competing. Ellie nghystadleuaeth Tansley won the sheild for the child with the y gadair a Nathan highest marks in the Foundation Phase, Anna Davies yn ennill y Gaiger, Lili Jewell and Beca Ebenezer shared the cwpan am y shield for the child with the highest mark in Key canwr mwyaf Stage 2. Betrys Llwyd Dafydd won the poetry chair addawol. Diolch i and Nathan Davies was presented with a cup for Mrs Siân Davies the singer with the most potential. Thank you to am wneud y Mrs Siân Davies for doing a wonderful job of gwaith anodd o adjudicating. feirniadu. Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic opportunity writing Cafodd Blwyddyn poetry about the spring with Casia Williams the 3 a 4 diwrnod i'r Welsh Childrens Poet. Sincere thanks for her time brenin gyda Casia and enthusiasm. Williams Bardd Plant Cymru yn Congratulations to everyone cyfansoddi cerddi am y who competed in the Lampeter gwanwyn - joio! Diolch o galon area Urdd Eisteddfod. iddi am ei hamser a’i 1st Yr 3 and 4 Reciting and 1st brwdfrydedd. Cerdd Dant Solo Yr 3 and 4 to Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a fu’n Beca Elan Ebenezer, 1st reciting cystadlu yn Eisteddfod yr for Welsh Learners Yr 5 and 6 Urdd, cylch Llanbed yn to Zoe Waddington, 1st Cerdd ddiweddar. 1af Llefaru Unigol Dant Solo Yr 5 and 6, 2nd Folk Bl. 3 a 4 a 1af Unawd Cerdd Singing under 12 years, 2nd Dant Bl 3 a 4 i Beca Elan Ebenezer, 1af Llefaru i ddysgwyr Bl 5 a 6 Reciting Yr 5 and 6 Betrys Llwyd Dafydd and 2nd Yr 5 and 6 Solo Zoe Waddington, 1af Cerdd Dant Bl 5 a 6, 2il Alaw Werin dan 12 to Dion Teilo Regan. Good luck to Beca and Betrys who will be ac 2il yn yr Adrodd Bl 5 a 6 ac 2il yn yr Unawd Bl 5 a 6 i Dion Teilo representing the area in the County Eisteddfod. Regan. Pob hwyl i Beca a Betrys bydd yn cynrychioli’r cylch yn yr Lilian Jones Eisteddfod Sir cyn hir.
Nos da Goodnight! A Panoply of Historic Welsh Quilts The Welsh Quilt Centre’s New 2018 Exhibition Following ten years of showcasing the very best Welsh Quilts through the ages, this year’s must see retrospective Nos da Goodnight! at The Welsh Quilt Centre Lampeter features Historic Welsh Quilts across the entire spectrum from the early 19th century right through to the early 20th century. The main Courtroom Gallery is the dramatic setting for the finest quilts from the Jen Jones Collection including a number that have never before been on public display. Nos da Goodnight! A Panoply of Historic Welsh Quilts is a marvellous exhibition showing off the very best of Wales’ rich textile heritage. Visitors are in for a treat especially when they see the juxtaposition of Historic Welsh Quilts alongside the vibrant quilts of world famous textile artist/ designer/author Kaffe Fassett and the exquisite embroidery work of Eirian Short. The second exhibition in Gallery Two, Welsh Samplers – ‘Folk Art of Wales?’ is a rare and intriguing glimpse into the craft work of Welsh Samplers. Many of these intricate pieces were made by very young girls and date from the 19 th century. Gallery 3 will welcome a diverse range of artists throughout the year starting with the delightful artwork of Valeriane Leblond inspired by Welsh landscapes and its people; if you look closely you’ll also spot Welsh Quilts in her paintings! Nos da Goodnight! A Panoply of Historic Welsh Quilts opened on 10 March and will run until 10 November Open Tuesday to Saturday 11am–4.30pm Groups, small and large are very welcome, but please book in advance 01570 422088 or 01570 480610 Please note admission charges apply. Contact: Sarah Pold MBA Pg Dip,, The Welsh Quilt Centre,
There will be a set of four trial Cooking with Steem cooking classes taking place during the Easter Holidays at Victoria Hall. The classes will be aimed at children aged 11 - 16, and will last 2 hours. In each session the children will cook a complete meal for two (starter, main course and dessert) that they will take away with them. Each session will be taught by a local cooking expert. There will be one vegetarian session, one vegan session and the other two may be meat based. Children will be free to attend one or more of the sessions. The bulk of the costs will be covered through earnings from blog posts that I will make on steemit about the
Cooking with Steem classes. These posts will include photos taken at the classes, so parents will need to give permission for their children to appear in the photos. There will be a small fee for each class to ensure attendance. The fee will be discounted for children signing up for all four sessions. The full details and dates for the classes are almost finalised, but they will take place during the weeks beginning 2 April and 9 April (Schools Easter Holidays). For more information about Cooking with Steem classes please contact: Chris Studman 01570 493649
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Lampeter & District - ‘Habits’
Gentle pressure on my shoulder is waking me up. My ‘cat alarm clock’, Aela, has decided, as is her usual habit, that it is time I got up. It is 5am! If I ignore her I know that her gentle tapping will change to pulling my hair or even throwing something, such as my torch from the bedside cupboard. I have managed to get across the room and I’m letting her out. Peace! Back to bed. My proper alarm clock is now ringing. It is 5.20am. I’m carefully getting out of bed again and am moving carefully into the bathroom. Holding onto the furniture and Fred the dog, I go into the kitchen. I’ve switched on Radio 4, and let Aela back in. She is really pleased to have a cuddle with both me and Fred. She’s now demanding food. She’s the boss so I oblige. I’m sitting down and eating an orange while listening to the Shipping Forecast, now the news, now Prayer for the Day, Farming
Today and lastly Tweet of the Day. I am going back to bed where I’m drinking my drink and reading my book. The dogs are still fast asleep with Nye snoring loudly. Aela has come back to bed and lying quietly by my legs. Our peaceful time before we get up. It’s 7am now and it really is time to get up. My balance is poor so I’m carefully heading for the bathroom. Showering, in the wet-room, I’m now listening to Radio Wales to keep up-to-date with local matters. Oh, it takes me a long time to dry myself as hands are not too good this morning. Getting dressed is so difficult. Right, done it, breakfast now. Back into the kitchen… Enough, enough of this rambling. Every morning is like this. Habits indeed. There will be many more during the day but a lot will be governed by the animals. They are creatures of habit, as am I really. We all have habits. Routines can be very
beneficial when we have illnesses that can mess with our heads, our memories, our way of life. Multiple Sclerosis may make us have problems with speech, words, just about anything. Habits keep us in some sort of order. My Labrador, Nye, reminds me about things during the day, usually that I’ve forgotten to give him a treat when he fetches something for me! We had a lively Support Group on Monday. Great fun. Next month is Bank Holiday Monday. The Mustard Seed will be open so you are welcome. 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb/Welcome to all Judith McKay Support Volunteer 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis Chair of Ceredigion Branch 01974 261640
The habit of some birds and animals to migrate annually to their natal home allows scientists to study aspects of their behaviour. Swallows are a good example, and over the next few weeks these and other migrants will be returning to our shores. Bird migration has fascinated humans for hundreds if not thousands of years - there are
The People’s Market
references in the Greek classics and the Bible. In Wales, the Islands of Bardsey and Skokholm have
Victoria Hall,
played an important role in understanding this
Bryn Road, Lampeter
behaviour. It was on Skokholm that early
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm
pioneering work on seabird migration was carried out. Most of our smaller songbirds travel at night using cues such as the geomagnetic field and the constellations. Larger birds moving during the day navigate using river valleys and mountain ranges; some studies suggest they also use their sense of smell. Even during the cold weather at the beginning of March Black-headed gulls could be
Pumsaint WI
seen moving through the Teifi valley some, no
On 6 March nineteen ladies enjoyed a Swper Cowl evening at the Black Lion in Abergorlech to celebrate St David's Day. We also held a short meeting in which we discussed Food Safety Training which can be done online. Margaret and Janet told us about a tree survey covering oak, ash and horsechestnut trees. This will be an ongoing survey. Names were taken for walks, and other activities. We were reminded to take our knitted woodland animals for the Denman Cup competition to the next meeting on 3 April, and also a reminder that we need items for our car boot sale at the end of May. Our next meeting will be a visit to Jen Jones Quilt Centre in Lampeter. Further enquiries: Anne Brooks, 01558 650154
doubt, to their breeding grounds on Cors Caron National Nature Reserve (NNR). Others use the west-east flyway on their journey to the continent.
David Price
Custard Queens Dance in April Due to Easter Custard Queens will meet on the 2 nd Sunday of April (8 April) at the Scout Hut 7pm till 10pm where Heather Boothby will be teaching us to line dance. There’s sure to be fun and laughter, and there’s always homemade cake.
Every Friday afternoon we meet for Coffee Catch Up
at 2.30pm in The Mustard Seed café. All welcome,
Adverts & Classifieds:
partners and children.
For more details of Custard Queen WI events please contact: Christine
Articles, Letters, Reviews & Enquiries:
07815 086579 14
Cothi Gardeners It’s hard enough getting those fiddly seeds into compost or trimming just the right side-shoots without holding your mobile phone to your ear and providing a running commentary to thousands of Radio 2 listeners at the same time. If you haven’t already guessed, our speaker in April will be Terry Walton.
“The Life of a Media Allotmenteer” promises to give us a look behind the scenes as Terry tells us about life on his allotment in the Rhondda and how he has given growing advice on the radio each month for over twelve years. A gardener with over forty years experience, Terry has worked plots on the same site since he was a boy, learning from his father and other allotment gardeners. Many of you will be familiar with his enthusiastic style, so do come along on 18 April to meet Terry. Mobile phones not necessary! Guests and visitors welcome, £3, to include refreshments. The talk begins at 7.30pm. Plans for our Summer Plant Fair on 8 July continue apace, there will be craft stalls in Coronation Hall as well as a good variety of stands outside. Keep an eye on our website for details: We’re on Facebook too, or simply phone Julian on 01558 685119. Annual membership to the club is £14, guests always welcome £3. Cothi Gardeners’ Club: Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW
Donna Worrall Don’t forget Copy Deadline for May Issue: Fri 13 April
Celtic Christianity: Part XXXVIII
Saint Erfyl / Eurfyl / Urfyl Virgin Reposed 6th century Remembered July 6 St Erfyl was a virgin from whom the church of Llanerfyl in Powys arose. There is a Romano-British stone now kept inside the church with an inscription commemorating a young 13 year old girl called Rustica. This has mistakenly been believed to be her grave stone. However some fragments of wood are said to be part of St Erfyls shrine and reliquary. 400 yards west of the church are the remains of an ancient yew tree and a holy well beneath it. In the large church at Meifod nearby in Powys is an impressive grave slab with two crosses, one eastern and one western one above the other. Decorated with Welsh and Viking motifs and dated to 9C the stone may have once covered the coffin of a prince of Powys. The church is said to have been founded in the 6th century by St Gyddfarch. It was here that St Tysilio gave himself to the monastic life. The monastery became a large one. Records of the feast day of the virgin Saint Erfyl first appear in Wales during the 15th century, recorded as 6 July. Her name may have changed over time, as when listed in the 16th century Llanstephan MS 47B manuscript, her name appears as Gwerfyl. In a manuscript written in 1508, Additional MS 12.913, a "Urvul a Gwenvul" is listed on the same day. Further similar names have been attributed to her over the years, including Eurfyl, Eurful, Erful, Urful, Urfyl and Yrfyl. The church in Llanerfyl, Powys is dedicated to St Erfyl, and is supposed to be her place of burial. She has been attributed as a daughter of Saint Padarn and a cousin of Saint Cadfan, though this is a misreading of an inscribed stone, referred to as her gravestone, in the churchyard. The church holds a reliquary of Erfyl and the within the grounds there are the remains of a wooden shrine. A yew tree stands in the churchyard, which has had the trunk divided into four. Tradition states that it grew from St. Erfyls staff. A holy well devoted to the saint formerly stood 400 feet away from the church. The water was well known for its curing ability, and was previously used as baptismal water in the church. It became a tradition for the children of the surrounding area to drink the water with sugar added on Easter Mondays. Harry Harrison 15
Dr Martin Bates o’r Drindod Dewi Sant yn cyfrannu at brosiect “Cyffindiroedd Coll Ewrop" Mae Dr Martin Bates, geoarcheolegydd ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi bod yn gweithio gyda thîm ymchwil dan arweiniad Prifysgol Bradford wrth iddynt archwilio "Cyffindiroedd Coll Ewrop" neu "Europe's Lost Frontiers”. Yn ystod y mis hwn bydd y tîm, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys ymchwilwyr o Athrofa Technoleg Sligo, Coleg Prifysgol Cork a Sefydliad Morol Iwerddon, yn cynnal alldaith i archwilio’r tirweddau tanddwr helaeth rhwng Iwerddon a Phrydain Fawr. Yn dilyn yr Oes Iâ ddiwethaf, boddwyd ardaloedd helaeth o dir trigiadwy yn sgil newid yn yr hinsawdd ac wrth i lefel y môr godi ar draws y byd. Yn fyd-eang cododd lefel y môr tua 120 metr a chollwyd ardal fwy na dwywaith maint yr Unol Daleithiau America fodern i’r môr. Dan donnau Môr Iwerddon mae ‘palaeodirlun’ cynhanesyddol o wastatiroedd, bryniau, corstiroedd a dyffrynnoedd afonydd lle disgwylir gweld tystiolaeth wedi’i chadw o weithgarwch dynol. Mae’r dirwedd hon yn debyg i Doggerland, yr ardal ddeheuol o Fôr y Gogledd a’r enghraifft gyfredol fwyaf adnabyddus o balaeodirlun yn Ewrop. Mae Doggerland wedi’i harchwilio’n helaeth gan yr Athro Vince Gaffney, Prif Ymchwilydd y prosiect. “Mae ymchwil gan dîm y prosiect hefyd wedi darparu mapiau manwl gywir o’r tiroedd tanddwr sy’n gorwedd rhwng Iwerddon a Phrydain" meddai'r Athro Gaffney, “a thybir bod y rhain yn dal gwybodaeth hollbwysig ynglŷn ag anheddwyr cyntaf Iwerddon a’r tiroedd cyfagos ar hyd coridor yr Iwerydd”. I ddarparu’r dystiolaeth hon, bydd tîm ymchwil rhyngwladol yn astudio gwaddod o tua 60 o golofnau dyfnforol, a gymerwyd o 20 o safleoedd gan y Llong Ymchwil Wyddelig Celtic Voyager ym Mae Lerpwl a Bae Ceredigion rhwng 21 a 25 Chwefror. “Mae’r cyfle hwn yn un cyffrous iawn gan mai’r colofnau a gesglir gennym ni fydd y rhai cyntaf i’ w drilio ym Mae Ceredigion o bosibl ers y 1970au,” meddai Dr Martin Bates. “Byddan nhw’n darparu deunydd ar ein cyfer fydd wir yn ein helpu i ddeall sut y newidiodd Bae Ceredigion wrth i’r môr orlifo’r tirwedd ar yr adeg yr oedd pobl yn dychwelyd i Gymru yn dilyn y rhewlifiant diwethaf. Dr James Bonsall, o’r Ganolfan Ymchwil Amgylcheddol, Arloesi a Chynaliadwyedd (CERIS) yn yr Adran Gwyddor Amgylcheddol yn Athrofa Technoleg Sligo, yw’r Prif Wyddonydd ar gyfer y cam hwn o’r ymchwil, a bydd ei gydweithiwr yn y ganolfan honno, y Gwyddonydd Amgylcheddol Eithne Davis, ar fwrdd y Celtic Voyager, yn cyfarwyddo’r gweithrediadau.
“Mae’n gyffrous iawn ein bod yn defnyddio’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf i adfer y dystiolaeth gyntaf o fywyd mewn tirweddau a foddwyd wrth i lefel y môr godi filoedd o flynyddoedd yn ôl,” meddai Dr Bosnall. “Dyma’r tro cyntaf i’r ystod hon o dechnegau gael ei defnyddio ar dirweddau tanddwr dan Fôr Iwerddon. Heddiw rydym yn ystyried Môr Iwerddon fel corff mawr o ddŵr, môr sy’n ein gwahanu oddi wrth Brydain a thir mawr Ewrop, môr sy’n rhoi hunaniaeth i ni fel ynys genedl falch. Ond 18,000 o flynyddoedd yn ôl, roedd Iwerddon, Prydain ac Ewrop yn rhan o un ehangdir a foddwyd yn raddol dros filoedd o flynyddoedd, gan ffurfio’r ynysoedd sy’n gyfarwydd i ni heddiw. “Byddwn yn darganfod ble, pryd, pam a sut roedd pobl yn byw ar dirwedd sydd erbyn heddiw wedi’i lleoli dan y tonnau”. Deilliannau allweddol yr ymchwil fydd ail-greu ac efelychu palaeoamgylcheddau Môr Iwerddon, gan ddefnyddio DNA hynafol, a ddadansoddwyd yn labordai Prifysgol Warwick, a data palaeoamgylcheddol a dynnwyd o’r colofnau o waddod. Bydd yr astudiaethau o werth aruthrol wrth ddeall y cyswllt ‘cyntaf’ a’r anheddiad ‘cynnar’ o amgylch arfordiroedd Iwerddon a Phrydain. Yn ogystal dysgwn am ffyrdd o fyw'r bobl a drigai o fewn y tirweddau cynhanesyddol boddedig sy’n gorwedd rhwng ein hynysoedd, nad ydynt wedi’u harchwilio’n ddigonol gan archeolegwyr erioed. Nodyn i'r Golygydd I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Sian-Elin Davies, Prif Swyddog Cyfathrebu a Chysylltiadau Cyhoeddus 01267 676908, 07449 998476
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
UWTSD’s Dr Martin Bates contributes to “Europe’s Lost Frontiers” project Dr Martin Bates, a geoarchaeologist at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David has been working with a research team led by the University of Bradford as they explore “Europe’s Lost Frontiers”. This month, the team, which also includes researchers from the Institute of Technology Sligo, University College Cork and the Irish Marine Institute, will carry out an expedition to explore the extensive submerged landscapes that exist between Ireland and Great Britain. Following the last Ice Age, large areas of habitable land were inundated following climate change and sea level rise across the world. Globally, the sea level rose c. 120 metres and an area more than twice that of the modern United States of America was lost to the sea. Beneath the waves of the Irish Sea is a prehistoric ‘palaeolandscape’ of plains, hills, marshlands and river valleys in which evidence of human activity is expected to be preserved. This landscape is similar to Doggerland, an area of the southern North Sea and currently the best-known example of a palaeolandscape in Europe. Doggerland has been extensively researched by Professor Vince Gaffney, Principal Investigator of the “Europe’s Lost Frontiers” Project. “Research by the project team has also provided accurate maps for the submerged lands that lie between Ireland and Britain” said Professor Gaffney, “and these are suspected to hold crucial information regarding the first settlers of Ireland and adjacent lands along the Atlantic corridor”. To provide this evidence, sediment from c. 60 cores, taken from 20 sites by the Irish Research Vessel RV Celtic Voyager in Liverpool and Cardigan Bays between the 21– 25th February, will be studied by an international research team. “This is a very exciting opportunity as the cores we are collecting are the first drilled in the Cardigan Bay sea bed since perhaps the 1970’s,” says Dr Martin Bates. “They are going to provide us with material that will really help us to understand how Cardigan Bay changed as the sea flooded across the landscape during the time that people were coming back to Wales after the last glaciation.” Dr James Bonsall, from the Centre for Environmental Research Innovation and Sustainability (CERIS) in the Department of Environmental Science at IT Sligo, is the Chief Scientist for this phase of the research, and his CERIS colleague, Environmental Scientist Eithne Davis will be on board the RV Celtic Voyager, directing operations.
“It is very exciting as we’re using cutting-edge technology to retrieve the first evidence for life within landscapes that were inundated by rising sea levels thousands of years ago,” says Dr Bosnall. “This is the first time that this range of techniques has been employed on submerged landscapes under the Irish Sea. Today we perceive the Irish Sea as a large body of water, a sea that separates us from Britain and mainland Europe, a sea that gives us an identity as a proud island nation. But 18,000 years ago, Ireland, Britain and Europe were part of a single landmass that gradually flooded over thousands of years, forming the islands that we know today. “We’re going to find out where, when, why and how people lived on a landscape that today is located beneath the waves”. Key outcomes of the research will be to reconstruct and simulate the palaeoenvironments of the Irish Sea, using ancient DNA, analysed in the laboratories at the University of Warwick, and palaeoenvironmental data extracted from the sediment cores. The studies will be of immense value in understanding 'first’ or ‘early' contact and settlement around the coasts of Ireland and Britain, but also the lifestyles of those people who lived within the inundated, prehistoric landscapes that lie between our islands and which have never been adequately explored by archaeologists. Further Information For further information, please contact Sian-Elin Davies, Principal Communications and PR Officer 01267 676908, 07449 998476
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to
Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email:
Community groups & local, small-scale commercial: We have a committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. Licenced bar on request for functions. Catering service available. See for more details Weekly (W) Contact Fortnightly (F) Time Activity / Class Name Monthly (M)
10 & 24 April
Young at Heart
Nikki Mead
07790 987070
Bounce Fit
07854 446961
Spiritual Gathering
Sarah Thomas
07811 603062
Welsh Class
Gerald Griffiths
01545 572715
(Activities & workshops for 1125year olds)
Gwenllian Evans
01545 572352
Lampeter Food Project
01570 493791
Thursday W
Welsh Class
Gerald Griffiths
01545 572715
Youth Club
Sophie Moore
07950 480637
(U11 accompanied by adult)
Ceredigion Youth Centre
Sandwiches and social for the wiser folk of Lampeter
A free meal for all who want it! Made from donations of food from local businesses
Welsh Class
Gerald Griffiths
01545 572715
Five Rhythms Dance
Hara Willow
01570 493729
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Vanessa Read
07814 794353
M 3rd Friday each month
Lampeter Folk
Details in listings and on Facebook
07817 715321
2nd & 4th Sat each month
People’s Market
Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions
M Last Sat each month
Celf Lampeter Arts
Sat 31 Mar: Dreadzone Sat 28 Apr: Laid Blak - with Dj WiccA* & SianyB
Lampeter Evangelical Church
complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 18 years clinical experience. If you're sick of not feeling really well, homeopathy can make a difference. It is excellent at helping with chronic conditions, gently, safely & holistically. 01570 493746
Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café
Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Joanne Camlin BSc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath, who graduated in 2007. Using discussion, 20
01570 423344
analysis and natural remedies, homoeopathy treats the whole person; mental, emotional, & physical. Appointments at Cellan or Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 07746 608524 Please update your listings regularly
complementary & alternative therapists cont.d_
Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be Thai Massage. Remedial massage to 'good at art'. Llanllwni. 07963 866516, soothe aching joints and muscles,, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing a Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and life state of deep relaxation and coach. Living excellently, confidence well-being. Iain, 07852 626001, building for women. Experienced
Colleen’s Ka Huna Massage Studio. 01974 272103, 07947 780738, Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Carol Davies Qualified aromatherapist. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hoopi candling can also be offered. Carol, 07971 229608. Sally Harrold. Counselling, hypnotherapy, supervision. BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Contact 07539 882798,
Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 years clinical experience. 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment is not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07515 393894 Ginny Moffett, qualified reflexologist (British Reflexology Association) with 25 years experience. Home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. Specializes in treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. 07920 112228,
trainer and facilitator; groups/ individual sessions. Shân 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807 219499. Christine Smith leads groups in the area for people who want to deepen their spiritual connection within themselves and with others. 01570 434705, Irene Sullivan, qualified & experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Home visits available. 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple and family counselling. If you want to talk or need some help, contact 07870 888141 or Bones for Life. Practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027,
Annie Zakiewicz. Qualified reflexologist and Emmett Technique practitioner. Treatment room in Cellan. Annie 01570 493295,
courses _______________
Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Thurs 29 Mar: Sacred Space and Natural Rhythms - Natural Nutrition Sat 7 Apr: Campfire Cooking Sun 8 Apr: Cob Oven Cooking Sat 5 May: Rag Rug Summer Flowers Sat 5 May: Introduction to Bushcraft Sun 6 May: Needlefelting: bumblebees Fri 11-Sun 13 May: Understanding British Mammals Fri 18-Sun 20 May: Bird Identification Fri 25-Sun 27 May: Ecology I Thurs 31 May: Leathercraft Sun 3 Jun: Willow Weaving: Zarzo Basket Fri 8 Jun: Nature Bathing (2nd of 4-part seasonal course) Sat 9 Jun: Needlefelting: Bumblebees Fri 15-Sun 17 Jun: Plant Diversity Mon 18-Tues 19 Jun: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Info and bookings: 01570 493358 Conversational French. Thursdays: Weekly. Advanced: 11.15am-12.15pm; Beginners: 12.30-1.30pm Contact: Amelie, 01558 685175. French & Italian Classes, Llandeilo. Tues, 4.15-6pm, Italian for Improvers; Tues 6.15-8pm, Italian for Beginners; Thurs, 4.15-6pm, French for Improvers; Thurs 6.15-8pm, French for Beginners. £10 per class. Also 1-1 lessons. Contact: 01550 760067 or Please keep your listings up to date
Taster Day, 10am - 4pm, 7 April 2018 (£15) Full Beginners’ Course, starts 22 April 2018 (£75) Book a place for yourself or buy a voucher to give the gift of beekeeping to a friend or family member. Both courses will be held in the Millennium Hall, Cellan. Visit for more information or contact us on
courses cont.d ____________ Llanbedr Pont Steffan Canolfan Sgiliau 7 Ebrill: Ffotograffiaeth Tirwedd yng Ngorllewin Cymru 28 Ebrill: Celf Amgylcheddol a Ffotograffiaeth 10am–3pm, PCDDS Llambed, £20. Tiwtor: Simon Tune Lampeter Skills Hub Sat 7 Apr: Landscape Photography in West Wales. Sat 28 Apr: Environmental Art and Photography. 10am–3pm, UWTSD Lampeter, £20 each. Tutor :Simon Tune. Cysylltwch / Contact: Peter Gwynne, 01686 610270, 07487 736108,
creative _______________
Basket Weaving for Beginners Weds 18 Apr: Make a Square Basket Weds 9 May: Make a Round Basket Sat 19 May: Willow Bird Feeder Tues 5 June: Make a Round Basket Bird feeder £30, baskets £50. Contact Emma Bird, 01570 434600, ‘Great Little Tin Sheds of Wales’ A selection of Pete Davis’ work from the 1980’s in a joint exhibition at Oriel Colwyn, to 28 Apr 2018. Also talk ‘Observations-Collections-Recollections-A Lifetime in Photography’, Fri 13 Apr, 7pm. 01492 577888, 40-page book of the works available at Workshops at The Welsh Quilt Centre Making Pictures: With Janet Bolton. Sat 5 May, 10.30am-4pm, £85. Drawing with Cloth and Stitch: Two-day workshop with Cefyn Burgess. Fri 8 & Sat 9 June, 10.30am-4pm, £130. Glorious Welsh Quilts: Two-day workshop with Sandie Lush. Fri 14 & Sat 15 Sept, 10.30am-4pm, £130 Bookings: 01570 480610/ 422088 Classical Guitar Lessons. Interested in learning to play classical guitar? Explore the possibilities of this wonderful instrument. Contact: Mark Kingsley, 07940 426650 Photography & Art Courses. ½ day and day courses, Maesteile, Rhydcymerau. Register 01558 685131 or 01558 685393,
Craft Courses in Tregaron at Debonair Gift Emporium, Dewi Road, SY25 6JN. Glass foiling, mosaic making, knitting, sewing etc. Debbie, 01974 299577 or search Debonair Gift Emporium on Facebook. Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. Evening Painting Classes. Mon 6.308pm, Gabrielle’s Gallery, Ffostrasol, Llandysul. SA44 4TJ. Painting exercises designed to improve colour sense, technique and observation with Gabrielle Dudley. 01239 851026.
events _________________
Psychic and Holistic Fayre. Sat 24 Mar, 10am-6pm, Grannell Hotel, Llanwnnen. Jacquline, the spiritual witch, psychic & spiritual mediumship Q&A session, full body scans, workshops and 1:1 sessions. Entry £6 incl. tea and buffet salad bowl. Also spaces for stalls: contact Josie 07724122428. Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed Tues 17 Apr, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD, Lampeter. ‘Behind the Black Door’ by Janice Richards. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All welcome. Non-members £2. Clefyd Coed yng Nghoed y Bont. Dydd Iau 19 Ebrill, 2-7pm, Neuadd Pantyfedwen, Pontrhydfendigaid. Sut y bydd yn effeithio arnoch chi? Sut allwch chi helpu bywyd gwyllt mewn cyfnod o newid? Arddangosfeydd bywyd gwyllt a Cwis. Croeso I bawb. Tree Disease in Coed y Bont. Thurs 19 Apr, 2-7pm, Pantyfedwen Hall, Pontrhydfendigaid. How will it affect you? How can you help wildlife in times of change? Wildlife displays. Quizzes. Everyone welcome. Bore Coffi i gefnogi Banc Bwyd Llanbed Dydd Sadwrn 28 Ebrill 10-12, Neuadd Eglwys Llanbedr. Raffl, moes a phrin, a chacennau. Dewch i gwrdd â ni, a gweld sut y gallech chi’n helpu. Eighth Annual Walk for Life in aid of Kidney Wales - Sun 22 April, 10.30am. Starts opposite old school, Cwmann. 3-mile walk around Parcyrhos - school path - Tynrhos - Penlan and road back. The target this year is to build a 22
Hospice. Contact: Philip Lodwick, 01570 422 181 Lampeter Food Bank Coffee Morning Sat 28 Apr, 10-12, St Peter’s Church Hall. Raffle, bring & buy, and cakes. Come to meet us, and see how you could help. Free Film Night. In Our Hands: Seeding Change. Sat 19 May, 6.30 for 7pm, Victoria Hall. The inspiring story behind the blood, sweat and tears of the farmers who are outgrowing the industrial food system in the wake of Brexit. Made by Black Bark Films in association with the Landworkers' Alliance. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome; informal discussion. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group. The Welsh Quilt Centre. Nos da Goodnight! A Panoply of Historic Welsh Quilts and Welsh Samplers – ‘Folk Art of Wales?’ New exhibitions at the Welsh Quilt Centre, High Street, Lampeter. Tues-Sun, 11am-4.30pm until 10 Nov. Contact: 01570 480112,
health & well-being _____
Lampeter Food Project. Thurs, 4-6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Lindsay, 01570 493791, Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank Open Mon, Weds , Fri 9am-5pm. Referrals made by local agencies. Nonperishable IN-DATE food donations can be made through local churches or left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op, Lewis Bakers and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact: Diana, 01570 640034. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555.
health & well-being cont’d __ Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions 1st Mon of month (9 Apr), 2–4pm, Community Room, Tesco, Aberystwyth. Contact: 07733 121049, Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline: 0300 9991212. Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm -6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri, 07748 270439, Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and for the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07515 393894 West Wales Buddhist Group. Learn to meditate and explore Buddhist tools for changing your life. In Aberystwyth, fortnightly, Mon 7-9pm, monthly Sat mornings. Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter, 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA
practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford, 07904 258814, Dementia Support. The Potter Trust supports people in Ceredigion whose lives are affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by giving money to help, e.g. with the purchase of certain items or transport costs. If you have dementia, or you know of, or look after someone who has, and you would like further info, contact: Joan Miller, 07794 674339,
kids __________________
Baby Sale! Sat 21 Apr, 11am-3pm, Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn Primary School, Drefach. Sale of pre-loved baby and kids items. Pick up good quality second hand clothes, toys and all things baby and toddler. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12noon, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excl. bank hols and school hols). "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:
Dance. Mon 4-4.45pm: creative dance sessions for children 3-6yrs. £3 child. Weds 5pm: Hip-Hop group for young people 11-16 yrs. 10 session block for £40 or £4.50 a session. Theatr Felinfach, 01570 470697, Home-Start. Ready for school groups have started in Talgarreg Hall on Thursdays, and Felinfach Hall on Fridays 9.30-11.30am. Fun for children and adults, the project, funded by the lottery, is delivered in collaboration with Jig-so & Home Start, and helps to develop the basic skills every child needs to prepare for school. Contact: Sarah Harries, 01239 615922 Mae grwpiau Barod i’r Ysgol wedi cychwyn yn Neuadd Talgarreg ar ddydd Iau, ac yn Neuadd Felinfach ar ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.30 – 11.30 yn. Mae’n brosiect llawn hwyl i blant a rhieni sy’n datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol wrth baratoi dechrau’r ysgol. Ariennir gan y Loteri ac mae’n cael ei redeg gan Jig-so a Home Start ar y cyd. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” Tues & Thurs, 4-6pm, Denmark Farm. After-school club for 6-11 years. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness & bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6, £5.50 for siblings. Sally, 07799 052131 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st Lampeter Rainbows, for girls age 5-7 years every other Saturday 1011.30am at St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Bev, 07891 570180 or via 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Meet Tues 5.30-6.30pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Rachel, 07730 684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Annalee ,01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Kelvin, 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Iris, 07769 326032.
Story-time at Lampeter Library. Tues mornings 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions for children, 0-3 years and their parents. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3 first child, £1 each additional child. 01570 470697, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Claire, 07727 415634. RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd, Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4’s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as are volunteers, with free training provided. Further info: 01545 570686 and Facebook. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings To avoid any undue upset or confusion welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. Please check and update your listings 01570 480268, regularly - Diolch / Thank You 23
canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool 01570 422552 / 01570 422959 facebook: hamdden llambed leisure
Dydd / Day
Dydd Llun Monday
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday
Dydd Mercher Wednesday
Dydd Iau Thursday
Dydd Gwener Friday
Dydd Sadwrn Saturday
Amser / Time
Sesiwn / Dosbarth
Session / Class
Pris / Price
Troelli Dwr
Hydro Spin
Circuit Training
Clwb Cleddyfau*
Fencing Club*
Pilates Pel*
Pilates Ball*
Aerobeg (Joan)
Aerobics (Joan)
£5.15 / £4.15
Troelli Chwim
Spin Sprint
Clwb Rhedeg Sarn Helen*
Sarn Helen Running Club*
Aerobeg Dwr
Aqua Aerobics
Troelli Ffyrnig
Spin Blast
Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*
Rees School of Gymnastics*
Disco Rhowl*
Roller Disco*
Deachrau yn fuan / Starting soon – Aerobeg Step Aerobics / Cardi-O / Dawns Street Fit dance / Boogie Bounce / - Triad Challenges & Boot camp Gwybodaeth yn gywir ar amser argraffu / Information correct at time of printing *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 24
kids cont’d _______________ Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School (LYTSS) Runs 3 terms per year every Fri at Victoria Hall, 4.30-6pm. £40/child/term, £35 siblings, £30 concs. Vanessa Read, 07814 794353.
markets _______________
People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 14 & 28 Apr, 12 & 26 May. Lampeter Farmers' Market. Alternate Fridays 9am-2pm, High Street, Lampeter. Next markets: 13 & 27 Apr, 11 & 25 May. Tregaron Indoor Market. 1st Fri in month starting 6 Apr, 10am-3pm, Memorial Hall. Tables £8, bookings Contact: Nigel, 01974 821281, Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Brechfa Market, Neuadd yr Eglwys / Church Hall, Brechfa, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat in month. Lorna, 01267 202359 Lisa, 01267 202727, 07733 336865 Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm, 3rd Sat in month.
move your body _________
Ras Gwyl Dewi. Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). Sat 31 Mar: Cellan & Caer Cadwgan. 10 miles. Sat 7 Apr: Ffaldybrenin & Farmers. 7 miles, moderate. Sat 14 Apr: Llyn Syfirdin. Lakes and moorland. 9 miles, moderate. Sat 21 Apr: Aberaeron, Aberarth, Castell Dinerth, Cwmerthig. 8 miles, moderate. Sat 28 Apr: Myndd Llanfair Clydogau. 12 miles, moderate. All walks meet at 10am. Contact James 01570 480743 or Kay 01570 480041. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour. Meet rain or shine, 10am Rookery Car Park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Or just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 Walk Out Workout. Join us for a brisk fitness walk around Lampeter on Thursday evenings. Meet at the leisure centre for 6.30pm and expect to be out for around an hour including the
optional hill at the end. It’s fun & free. Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen, 07817 543257. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £2. Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. To hire or join a league. Contact: 01570 424774. Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.308.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Contact: Debbie, 01570 493594. Hydrospin - Aqua Cycling followed by (Water Conditioning / Aqua Aerobics) Lampeter Pool, Mon 10.15am (10.45am); Aberaeron Pool, Tues 11.45am (12.15pm) & 7pm (7.30pm) plus New Aqua Mats sessions, 11.15 – 11.45am & 8-8.30pm. Contact: David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Friday Stretch-Out. Fri, 5.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Unwind at the end of the week, and give your body a revitalising stretch. Pay as you feel. Lucy, 07814 582863, Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, 26
Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Mon 6.30-8pm, £8 drop-in or £28 for 4 sessions. Contact: Susie Bates (BWY teacher), 07588 527512. Yoga. Weds 5.30-7pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. 1st Weds each month Yoga on a Ball (bring your own Swiss ball). Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. Yoga with Karen Hills Weds: Hatha Yoga, 10-11.30am & Thurs: Yoga for Beginners, 10-11am. Both at Lampeter Leisure Centre. Explore physical postures to relax body and mind. Improve flexibility, balance and concentration using breath & relaxation techniques to help to deal with life’s stresses. Monthly workshops. Explore the depths of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing practices), relaxation, meditation, yoga nidra, mantra and the energy body. 15 Apr & 17 June, Cellan Millennium Hall, 11am–4pm. £35 per session. 1-1 sessions available. Booking essential: Karen, 07547125937,
Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon 5.30-7pm and Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Pilates Power: Weds 5.30pm,Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Ann, 07826 692110 Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm, £3. Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 78.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact: 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio, UWTSD Lampeter Sports Hall. Contact: Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Egyptian Belly Dance. Weds, 7.30pm8.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio. New non-performance class focussing on the health benefits of belly dance. £6. Catriona, 07792 248962
Copy Deadline: Fri 13 April
move your body cont’d _____ Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri, 9.30-10.30am, all levels, £5. Contact: Mel Long, 07879 651072 Fri, 10.45am-12pm, improvers , £6. Fri, 12.15-1.15pm, Fit for Life (50+), £5. Contact: Rose Barter, 01239 851737 All classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Belly Dance Beginners Class. Tues 5.306.30pm, Tregaron Leisure Centre, £5. Melanie Long (JTA accredited), 07879 651072, Jane Guy School of Dance. Tues & Sat Lampeter, Thurs - Felinfach. We teach ballet & modern, working up to an annual performance. Find us on Facebook: The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Contact: Jade, 07972 521842 Dances of Universal Peace. Thurs 17 May, 7.15 for 7.30-9.15 pm. Cellan Millennium Hall, £8/£7. We dance in a circle, using simple steps and chants from a variety of spiritual traditions to create a feeling of harmony and connection. Contact: Shân Rees, 01570 218138, 07940 375147 Mat-based Pilates Plus. First and last Monday of month, 2-3.15pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for beginners, but please call. Bring mat. Includes exercises for managing energy. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle-toning, increased energy, strength, agility, stamina and body/ mind/spirit connection. Shân Rees, qualified Pilates instructor: 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £3. For 40+. Walking Football. Fri, 5.306.30pm, £3. Come along and have some fun. Tregaron Leisure Centre. 01974 298960.
music _________________
Celf Llambed Arts. Sat 31 Mar: Dreadzone, £17. Sat 28 Apr: Laid Blak - with Dj WiccA* & SianyB, £12. Shambles café from 7pm. Live music 8.30pm. Tickets: The Mulberry Bush, Lampeter; Andy’s Records, Aberystwyth; The Green Shop,
Llandeilo., Facebook: CelfLlambedArts Lampeter Folk: Lazarus Carpenter. Fri 20 Apr, 7.30pm, Small Hall, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Lazarus is a troubadour and raconteur, a singer songwriter and poet. All welcome; open mic session after performance. £3 ticket (£1 students) entry. Refreshments or BYOB. See Facebook, 07817715321, Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm
permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________
NGS Gardens open for charity, by arrangement: Bwlch y Geuffordd, Bronant, SY23 4JD. Tel:01974 251559 Cothi Gardeners’ Club. 18 Apr, 7.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW. Terry Walton presents "The Life of a Media Allotmenteer". Guests & visitors welcome, £3 (incl. refreshments). Cae Hir Gardens. Spring offer: half price entry throughout April. Plants for sale, tea room open., 01570 471116. Lampeter Seed Library now open 2nd and 4th Sat each month at the Peoples Market, Victoria Hall. Join the library, borrow or donate seed. Free service. All welcome. Cathy Streeter Lampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Angie, 01974 831300, Live an Abundant Life. Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Angie, 01974 831300,
religious services/groups _
Brondeifi. Festri Brondeifi ar gael at eich defnydd. Ystafell gyfforddus fodern gyda gwres canolog, piano a sistem sain. Cegin, llestri ac ati ar gael hefyd. / The Vestry at Brondeifi is available for your use. A modern and comfortable room with central heating, piano and sound system. Modern kitchen with crockery and 27
cutlery. Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Sun, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist Weds, 10.45am: Holy Eucharist & Ministry of Healing. St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact: 01570 423757. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 423360. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Please note new later time. Bilingual services. 11.15 am 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms & weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services 1st and 3rd Sunday of month. 1st Sun, 10am. 3rd Sun 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Please check and update your listings regularly - Diolch / Thank You
religious services/groups _ Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome/Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact: 01570 471488,
social _________________
Merry Makers. Every Weds, 10.30am3pm, St James Hall Cwmann 28 Mar: Craft 4 Apr: Painting 11 Apr: Plant Swap Day 18 Apr: Singing 25 Apr: Painting New members welcome. Disabled access and toilet; free parking. £2.50 incl. Vegetarian lunch and all activities Contact: Rhoda 01570 470172 or Bella 01559 370981. Loose Ends. Men: are you retired or semi-retired? Our group "Loose Ends" meets at the Mustard Seed Café (back room) on the last Friday in the month, 2-4pm. Also day trips roughly around the middle of each month. Contact: Bill, 01570 481245. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm, term-time. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 47069, Lampeter WI. Meet 3rd Weds each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact: 01570 421683. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact: Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Friday each month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth.
Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact: Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Custard Queens WI: Meet a lively bunch of ladies of all ages, be prepared to experience new things. Every 1st Sun (2nd Sun on bank holiday weekends), 710pm, Lampeter Scout Hall, opposite St Peters church. Also Fri, 2.30pm, in the Mustard Seed Café. Sun 8 Apr: Line-dancing with Heather Boothby. 07815 086579 or find us on Facebook. Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Completely informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee Mornings. 1st Weds of month, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info and other events in the district.
storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Creative Writing Workshop. 14 Apr, 12 May, each workshop run by a professional tutor. Kelly: 07888841140 Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members and meets weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, UWTSD Lampeter, during university term. Come and join us. Contact: Sue, 01570 423167.
volunteering ___________
Global Justice West Wales group. Be part of the change. Contact: Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays. Join our volunteering sessions to develop practical skills and feel the benefit of working in this beautiful environment. One session in four, devoted to own woodcraft project. No experience needed training given. Canolfan Long Wood Centre, 28
Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days run once a month, usually on a Saturday, 10am to 4pm – or as much time as you can spare. Activities include practical conservation tasks on our 40 acre nature reserve, gardening and helping with wildlife monitoring. All welcome, no previous experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided – just bring lunch and outdoor gear. For more information and dates, visit
or call 01570 493358.
CELLAN MILLENNIUM HALL CLASSES AND GROUPS Classes subject to change: please check for updates, contact details, and our What’s On page for one-off events MONDAY Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm 16 April Line Dancing: 7-10pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Ed. Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm WEDNESDAY Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm FRIDAY Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm see opposite for full details
Elmo's Delights
Film Nights
Watercress Roulade
Fri 6 April: Dunkirk (12) Fionn Whitehead, Barry Keoghan, Mark Rylance
WWII drama by Christopher Nolan. Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire and France are surrounded by the German Army and evacuated during a fierce battle.
Fri 20 April: God’s Own Country (15) Josh O’Connor, Gemma Jones, Gheorghe Ionescu
6 eggs (from Lampeter People’s Market - LPM) 2 Bunches of Hurds Watercress (pre-ordered from Elmo’s Kitchen - LPM) 50g Hafod Cheddar Cheese (from Simply Caws stall - LPM) 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon English (or Welsh) mustard Butter for greasing tray
Gay romance by Francis Lee. Yorkshire farmer Johnny, struggling with both his sexuality and the challenges of running the farm, falls in love with a Romanian migrant worker engaged for the lambing season.
Fri 4 May: The Zookeeper’s Wife (12) WWII drama about Warsaw Zoo.
Fri 18 May: Loving Vincent (12A) Animation about the mysterious death of Van Gogh.
Suggestions for future films welcome!
Pre-heat oven 400° F/200°C/Reg 6. Hard-boil two of the six eggs and separate the remaining four. Chop watercress and grate cheese. Line a swiss roll tin with buttered greaseproof paper. Mix egg yolks with half the watercress and cheese. This half is athe good place to briefly, but effectively, Mix mustard intoormayonnaise. describe your product services. Stiffly whip the whites and fold them into yolk mixture with a metal spoon. Quickly and evenly spread the mixture over the greased paper and bake this for 30 minutes. Meanwhile chop the hard boiled eggs and mix them with remaining cheese and watercress and then the mayonnaise with mustard. Take Roulade from the oven and spread filling all over the top. Gently roll it up, using a flat knife if required to ease it from the paper. Transfer the Roulade to a flat, heatproof plate and return this to the oven for one minute. Serve as soon as you can with a freshly cropped Elmo’s Kitchen Ffaldybrenin Seasonal Salad.
DOORS OPEN 7.15pm film at 7.45pm Admission by Donation
More info:
Copy Deadline: Fri 13 April
Lampeter Food Project Every Thursday 4-6pm Victoria Hall Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food to anyone who wants it. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate their edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking. Contact: Lindsay, 01570 493791 29
Karen’s Creative Compendium 033 Spring is in the poetic air as this issue’s offering could barely be more rural and we are not talking rhubarb - well, Mandy is - but lambs, butter and the soft awakening at the trill of a bird. Alternatively, the howling of wolves, now there’s a division of people, although the pressing question is how long before lunartrix is added to the dictionary? We have also heard it on the Grapevine (where else!) that more new writers are waiting in the wings, so sharpen your pencils (or teeth) and take a stab at laying down some words. Send contributions to Grapevine (marked KCC) or direct to Hwyl, Karen
Lunartrix by Karen Gemma Brewer Down by the river there’s a wolf at the weir sniffing the air smelling your fear. Will you pay for crossing the Styx? Two shadows in tune beneath a raker’s moon howling like Lunartrix Howling One foot in a crater hand on your cheesegrater phaser set to stun, prepared for the slaughter knee deep in the water’s tauter reflection. Down by the river two wolves at the weir one on each bank motives unclear. Will you play the old three card tricks? Two shadows one tune beneath a raker’s moon howling like Lunartrix Howling True friend or dictator our alien freighter invader on the run, Theia’s tide daughter silver soul-sorter quartered crescent crumb. Down by the river new wolves at the weir kindred of wild blind as the seer blow away the house made of bricks. One shadow one tune beneath a raker’s moon howling like Lunartrix Howling
Wakened by bird song
by Mandy Pickering
by Kiara One lilting trilling phrase, such sweetness then silence My room still wholly bathed in darkness Soon the dawn will come softening Light through orange curtains Is it the wind sighing through the trees Or is it my heart whispering your name Beloved?
You Love Butter
by Mandy Pickering
She crouches, pale leaved and pasty limbed under a terracotta hat silently, whitely, waiting. When the cloche is lifted she wobbles in sunlight spindly as a Palomino filly. She grows up, up, up the sticks of her legs stalks a quiet corner. When her thighs fill out turn plump and pink my mother pulls her limb by limb cuts away the leafy web of hair. Chopped up, inside a pie smothered in custard we wince at the slimy sourness, learn to love her.
He held a buttercup to her throat a smear of sun melt lit her skin. Inside the tipi of her hair she smelt of lemons close enough to kiss save for the steady rhythm of gum. Cows chewing the cud teacher’s words in his head as the girl planted her lips on his kissed him the gum.
Short Division by Dai Cottermy
The world is divided, as is its wont, Into two types of people: Those who divide people Into two types, and those who dont.
Woolly Thinking by Polly Phemus Yes there's things to really hate about the world, I know. No need for me to tell you this; I know you know it too. Only, there is one thing which really makes me happy I like to watch the new lambs do that little jump they do, You know the one I mean, you must have seen it too: It's as if they're saying “Happiness? Really nothing to it.” Mind you, I always notice this: that they really only do it Only when you're watching them - what, you noticed too? Then I think it really must be true - they only really do it Just to make us happy! What? Oh, and themselves, true. 30
Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.
Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.
Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.
Venture to Lampeter Pubs over the Inter-coll Weekend
Mentrwch i Dafarnau Llambed dros Benwythnos Rhyng-Gol
By Alwyn Evans 06/03/18
An Aberystwyth University
Gan Alwyn Evans 06/03/18
student writing about
Myfyriwr Prifysgol
Lampeter pubs just before
Aberystwyth yn ysgrifennu
the Inter-college Eisteddfod
am dafarnau Llanbed ar drothwy Eisteddfod Ryng-Golegol
in town.
yn y dref.
Restaurants for Inter-coll students
Llefydd bwyta i fyfyrwyr Rhyng-Gol Gan Gethin Morgan 06/03/18
By Gethin Morgan 06/03/18
Myfyriwr Prifysgol Bangor yn sôn am
Bangor University student writes
lefydd bwyta Llanbed ar gyfer myfyrwyr
about places to eat in Lampeter for
Inter-college students.
Gorymdaith Gŵyl Dewi 2018
St David’s Procession 2018
Gan Rob Phillips 02/03/18
By Rob Phillips 02/03/18
Cynhaliwyd Parêd Gŵyl Dewi cyntaf
The first ever Lampeter St
Llanbed er gwaethaf y tywydd oer.
David’s Parade went ahead
Cymeriadau Pantomeim y CFfI
despite the cold weather.
Gan Dylan Lewis 02/03/18
YFC Pantomime Characters
Perfformiadau o safon yng
By Dylan Lewis 02/03/18
nghystadlaethau Ceredigion a Sir Gâr gan
High standard performances by
glybiau lleol.
local clubs in the Ceredigion and
Cwrtnewydd – bywyd newydd i’r ysgol
Carmarthenshire competitions.
Cwrtnewydd – new life for the school
Gan Golwg360 24/02/18
Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid
By Golwg360 24/02/18
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn
Ceredigion County Council Youth
symud mewn i adeiladau Ysgol
Services moving in to Cwrtnewydd
School buildings.
Codi tâl ddefnyddio toiledau cyhoeddus Llanbed
Charging to use public toilets in Lampeter
Gan Golwg360 21/02/18
By Golwg360 21/02/18
Bydd pobl sydd am ddefnyddio’r toiledau
People using the toilets in Market
yn Stryd y Farchnad yn gorfod talu ffi o 20c
Street will have to pay a 20p fee.
Pentrefwyr yn dod ynghyd i gasglu sbwriel
Villagers coming together to collect rubbish
Gan Dan ac Aerwen 14/02/18
By Dan ac Aerwen 14/02/18
Casglu sbwriel yn Llanfair Clydogau a brunch yn y Neuadd.
Litter picking in Llanfair Clydogau and a brunch in the Hall.
Dylan Lewis 31
The Emmaus Experience EMMETT Technique is an effective, non-invasive, gentle touch therapy that can benefit both people and animals
Exploring a Living Faith in Today’s World Join
reflection on the Scriptures. We invite you to
Tony, Judith & Annie invite you for tea & cake
come aside from your busy day to
explore and experience the ways that we meet Jesus on the road.
Come and let us show you how EMMETT Technique can help you
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Lampeter . SA48 7BS
Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall SA48 8LD
Saturday 28 April 2018
Wednesday, 4 April
10am – 3pm
2 - 7pm
Tea and coffee provided. Please bring a packed lunch.
People & Dogs Welcome
Pastoral & Catechetical Team Menevia Co-ordinator: Jacky Wykes, 01639 842 662
For more information about EMMETT Technique visit:
Ysgol Henry Richard
Compiled by Rhiannon Lewis
MUSIC: Fenton Cane, Skye Coverdale, Eira Harvey, Catrin Lloyd, Fflur Richards, and Amy Yarwood recently enjoyed a music residential course at the Urdd Centre, Llangrannog rehearsing with the Ceredigion Symphonic Wind Band and County Harp Ensemble, in preparation for their excellent concert held at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre. Pupils also enjoyed celebrating #WelshMusicDay in school on 9 February with various activities. FRENCH: One of the highlights of the academic year so far was the inspiring ERW Languages Conference held at Swansea University and attended by the school’s language ambassadors. The theme was ‘multi-lingual skills’ with guest speakers including Mererid Hopwood and Huw Edwards.
Our language ambassadors took advantage of the ‘Any Questions?’ session at the Language Conference to ask Huw Edwards about his work and interests. Shrove Tuesday pancakes: Sophie and Ffion year 9 practicing their pancake flipping skills in the Cookery Club.
National Number Day was celebrated in school on 2 February when every pupil paid £1 in order to wear clothing reflecting a number, took part in various activities arranged by the school council and maths department, including ‘Mathionnaire’ and ate delicious cakes prepared by year 7 pupils. Well done everyone and on raising £300 towards NSPCC
‘Welsh in the work-place’ with Anna ap Robert Lloyd, entrepreneur skills with Hywel Ifans from ‘Big Ideas Wales, the benefits of higher education from Aberystwyth University and a hands on ‘Go For It’ introduction to many courses from building to child care at Coleg Ceredigion, were some of the workshops offered on the ‘Your Choice, Your Future’ event. Megan Dark who came third at the recent Ceredigion Swimming Gala.
Pupils from years 3/4 ready for the climbing wall at Llangrannog. Snowdon next!
Thomas, Josh and Matthew year 9 enjoyed the animation workshop and the various activities of the ‘Your Choice, Your Future’ careers event.
Stwnsh/S4C: Representatives from ‘Boom Plant’ and ‘Boom Cymru’ held two workshops recently for pupils in year 9 in order to choose a team to represent the School in an outdoor activity programme ‘Y Gemau Gwyllt’ which will be broadcast on S4C. Congratulations to Sioned Bulman, Cari Davies, Jac Hockenhul and the reserve Aeron Gwynne. Filming begins in May – let’s hope the weather will have improved by then!
Pupils in years 5/6 were welcomed to the Senedd by the Presiding Officer, Elin Jones, Ceredigion AM.
Over 40 pupils and staff celebrating a successful ski course in the resort of Aprica, Italy. 33
SATURDAY 19 MAY LLANFAIR CLYDOGAU VILLAGE HALL SA48 8LD Taking bookings from 7.30-9pm pre booking essential
Bring your own drinks - no corkage fee Contact: Facebook: cathsvegankitchen
01570 493684 Mae’r Coral Aberaeron yn cyflwyno Aberaeron Chorale presents
Cerddoriad ar gyfer achlysur brenhinol a dathliad o gariad a bywyd Music for a royal occasion and a celebration of love and life .
Dydd Sadwrn 5ed o Fai 7.30 yh Saturday 5 May 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Aberaeron Gan gynnwys / To include: Handel - Zadok the priest Handel - Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne Gan gynnwys unwdwyr gwadd / Featuring guest soloists: Anthony Thompson - Trumpet Caryl Glyn - Soprano Buddug Verona James - Mezzo Huw Rhys-Evans - Tenor Richard Morris - Baritone Kathryn Price - Cello Charles Matthews - Organ
Tocynau / Tickets £10 (dan 16 oed yn rhad ac am ddim / under 16s free) available from choir members or on the door 34
Ysgol Bro Pedr
Compiled by Heini Thomas
Eisteddfod y Campws Iau 2018 Junior School Eisteddfod: Llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn i bawb a oedd yn cystadlu eleni – gwaith arbennig! / A big congratulations to everyone who took part this year – fantastic work!
Arweinwyr corau
Cadeirio Bl 2
Corau iau
Cadeirio Bl 4
Cadeirio Bl 3
Capteiniaid Dewi
Cadeirio Bl 5&6
Cor Dewi - first
Disco dancers Dewi, Pedr, Steffan - Dewi won
Cor Pedr - second
Cadwyn Teifi: Cafwyd noson hyfryd yn dathlu gwaith ddwy o’n disgyblion Graffeg blwyddyn 10 ar Fawrth yr 8fed, sef Elain Williams a Lisa Evans. Llongyfarchiadau iddynt. Hyfryd oedd gweld logo buddugol Elain yn cael ei arddangos ar y faner hefyd. Da iawn chi merched! We had a lovely evening on March 8th celebrating the work of two of our Year 10 Graphics pupils, Elain Williams and Lisa Evans. It was a pleasure to see Elain’s logo displayed on a pop up banner. Well done girls! 35
Polite Reminder:
Crossword 42- Spare rough working Grid
The Grapevine is produced and distributed by a small team of dedicated volunteers. Please be patient if we do not respond immediately to your queries or requests ... as we do not monitor our inboxes full time. We will always do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.
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28 29
37 41
Please also check your listings regularly as they will be included each issue unless they are time limited or we are notified otherwise. So please send any amendments as soon as possible, to avoid unnecessary upset or confusion
36 38
39 42
40 43
Diolch / Thank You
Job adverts Job adverts Job adverts
Distribution If you know of venues that wish to receive copies or you have some spare time and could help out with distribution then please contact:
Advertise local paid employment opportunities in Grapevine free of charge
Job adverts Job adverts Job adverts
This forty-second Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by Carpet Corner. The owner has competition kindly offered the winner a voucher to be spent in the shop. Carpet Corner is a successful family business in College Street. It was started fifteen years ago Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 42 (Jeep) and is managed and run by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 the owner, Dylan Edwards, along with his two sons and 10 two other members of 11 12 13 staff. The premises go back 14 15 a long way and occupy two 16 17 18 floors, so there is plenty of room in which to display stock. A wide 19 20 range of items is on offer – for example, carpets, rugs, bed linen, duvets, bedroom furniture, tables, chairs and blinds. Estimates and 21 22 23 fittings are free of charge. The shop is worth a visit. There are some 24 25 lovely items on display, much to choose from and, of course, 26 professional advice. 27 28 Further details and photos of what is available can be found on the 29 30 31 32 33 business’s Facebook page and additional details on the carpet installing service at the website, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PRIZE: Voucher
Rough working grid, opposite - Eds.
1. Why Lampeter High Street traffic was disrupted in December 2016 (1,5,5,4) Down 10. Water tester sounds like a drag (3) 1. Horology accident formula ensures that you play your 11. Brittle cynic age changed into well known stage role (9,6) cards right (9,2,5) 14. Welsh houses of SE Asian language family (3) 2. Kill envious entry misuse to gain improbable backer (8,8) 15. Ashamed to have centre as meat dish (3) 3. Underwater university officer found roasted in a sun bed 16. Iranian village where Young Ones actor might have felt at (3-4) home (3) 4. Cleverly hide shrewd pet hog for rounding up other 18. Adviser on social gatherings arranges seven get tan (6,5) animals (5,8,3) 19. Old English girl of noble strength need not arouse dread (5) 5. Sports score with information technology. Have a go (3,2) 20. Losing without long musical variant of te (2) 6. Man who paid for the building of Lampeter Town Hall in 21. Not healthy to cut thrill short (3) 1818 (7,4,5) 22. Keeping natural colour as result of this or hide any changes 7. Call to class? I’m at around point and get a phone call (2,4,3) (1,4,4) 24. Rest in falsehood?(3) 8. Lioness with not so much is still an electrically charged 26. Change cool alp pest into this best cut of meat (3,8) item (3) 27. A Tony adapts to a praiseworthy Russian girl (5) 9. Electron sounds like a depressed preposition (8,8) 29. No worry of danger but might deafen tenor in a way (4,3,4) 12. First name of Ms Rees in Ysgol Bro Pedr Welsh 34. Watch out for points approach board and pay attention to Department (5) tuck (4,5) 13. Stage is pointless for playground game (3) 36. Animal mother blocking the flow (3) 17. In real life this represents Irish travellers (Abb) (3) 37. Roman goddess of plenty is only partly a popsy (3) 23. Bin sin else new indifference might result (10) 38. Lord left out of the normal (Abb) (3) 25. Sounds like I owe note for this Wisconsin village (4) 39. Japanese deity dispatched extremes of Liz and added a US 26. Type of food served at Shapla in College Street (8) soldier (7) 30. Clearly at heart a sound vessel (3) 41. Abominable I am not! Still? (3) 31. Doctor not right, it’s pointless for short drinking condition 42. Inform on a backward person (3) (Abb) (1,1) 43. Source of varnish in French lake (3) 32. Enthusiast helps to keep cool (3) 44. Reward for investment with new ‘sprain genre’ share 33. Eastern mail circle, add a Roman girl with eager nature (6) (7,3,5) 35. Dutch town removes end of sword (3) 40. Ghana without Solo has one of its languages (2)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 13 Apr 2018, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 42, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.
ads & classified
Bookworm books - bags - music 2nd hand books, new books, Welsh books orders taken by phone or in person for collection in Lampeter or Aberaeron
Aberaeron Hours - Jan/Feb Mon Tues-Sat Sun
10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 5.30pm closed
Tues - 15.30-17.00 Fri
- 18.30-20.00
8 Sgwar Alban, Aberaeron, SA46 0AD Peoples’ Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter 01545 23 82 82
Contact: Sean Slater 01570 493139
Family History Research Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life. Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525
Bore Coffi i gefnogi Banc Bwyd Llanbed Dydd Sadwrn 28in Ebrill, 10-12yb Neuadd Eglwys Llanbedr Raffl, moes a phrin, a chacennau Dewch i gwrdd â ni, a gweld sut y gallech chi’n helpu!
Lampeter Food Bank Coffee Morning Saturday 28 April, 10-12 noon St Peter’s Church Hall Raffle, bring & buy, and cakes Come to meet us, and see how you could help!
The People’s Market
Sally Harrold
Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter
Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Supervision
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm
BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Lampeter Llandovery Llandeilo Carmarthen
Copy Deadline for Issue 59, May
Fri 13 April 2018
07539 882798 38
Congratulations to our Crossword Winner
Carol Evans
Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue
Copy Deadline
59 - May
Environmental Impact
Fri 13 Apr
Sat 28 Apr
60 - Jun
Cultural Heritage
Fri 11 May
Sat 26 May
61 July/ Aug
Focus on Youth
Fri 8 Jun
Sat 23 June
62 Sept
The Third Age
Fri 10 Aug
(for People’s Market)
Tracy, co-owner of Lewis’s Bread with the winner’s voucher Sat 25 Aug
Please Send to: Articles, letters, reviews & enquiries listings adverts & classifieds
next issue… may - issue 59 copy deadline: friday 13 april theme: ‘environmental impact’ have you considered what your individual impact is on the environment? what can we do to reduce our impact on the local, national and global environment? are you aware of the lampeter plastic-free campaign and how this will have an impact on the environment?
Apologies to all our dedicated puzzlers for the short deadline and turnaround time from the last issue, but well done to everyone who managed to complete the crossword in record time! Marilyn Bray, Daniel Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, David Hyde, T. Jones, George Kinchington, Janet Menage, Mary Overton, Ieuan Reid & Andy & Jenny Ryan. Check out your answers for crossword 41 below and see page 37 for more details about the prize for our 43rd crossword, from our sponsor for issue 59, Carpet Corner. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 42, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor one of our crosswords, please contact Diolch/Thank you Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 41 by “Jeep”
Answers L
If so why not write in and tell us … (700 words maximum please! )
Diolch / Thank you
do you know how to do an environmental impact assessment?