Lampeter Grapevine Issue 66 Feb 2019

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Prize Brexit Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 50 (Jeep) 1











































Final Brexit?

contents Lyndacontents

in in this this issue… issue… cryptic reviewscrossword & letters spare grid (front ads & classifieds cover) what’s going on secret travels reviews & letters totally locally ads & classifieds town council what’s going on cooking with secret travels steem town council money for nothplumbers plog ing? llanbed di blastig incredible edible make & mend 2 repair do café yr efail - final brexit seed swap elmo’s ysgol y delights dderi final brexit - where our economy needs new story are weanow? bathing in lampeter nature mindfulness permaculture&group dance seed swap art therapy & retrosuburbia mindfulness plastic words, the friendly games plastic meanings uwtsd jottings celtic christianity cellan wi long wood ysgol y dderi steemit brexit british exit elmo’s- delights beat kcc the brexit cerddwyr llambed blues cothi kcc gardeners pumsaint wigroup ms support jottings my personal exit nev’s doodles cothi gardeners custard queens uwtsd dathliadau gwyl pumsaint wi dewi traws link cymru blues hero llewod clonc llambed celtic call forchristianity help clonc ysgol bro pedr banc bwyd report ysgol bro pedr ms longsupport wood group yr efail update blankets mindfulness cryptic crossword ysgol henry richard aberaeron to lampeter

The Secret Travels of the Grapevine… Grapevine is now available around the world: lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos:

and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.

Gil and Gaynor Kinnaird from Tregaron have been on their travels again taking their favourite read. This picture shows Grapevine at Ulun Danu Beratan Temple in Bali, Indonesia. 2

GRAPEVINE no. 66, Feb 2019 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda / Happy New Year Croeso / Welcome to this issue of the Grapevine What’s it to be … Final Brexit? Or not? … What do you think? Only time will tell, I guess. Who really knows what the outcome will be, or where it may lead, and how is anyone supposed to predict the future when there are so many unknown factors involved? It seems that only one thing is certain … that this ‘exit’ process is destined to challenge us all for a while longer yet. Whether you voted Leave or Remain - we are where we are, and the current situation has consequences for us all. Does this uncertainty help to bring us together or will it drive people apart? Does it make us more inclined to fight for what we believe in or to withdraw from the process altogether? It is often reported that communities are strongest when facing a crisis - so does this count? Dictionary definitions include - “a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something, especially in a sequence of events”; or “an unstable period, especially one of extreme trouble or danger in politics or

To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50/20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy deadline for March, issue 67: Fri 8 Feb 2019 Theme: ‘Costing the Earth’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: Jeep

economics” … That definitely fits … but what do we do now? There are no simple answers or magic solutions to the predicament we find ourselves in, so do we just need to be strong as a community and support each other through these difficult times? What’s the consensus? … Well, it may not be what everyone agreed to, nor necessarily be the preference of the majority - but it should be the best solution that can be achieved! Fingers crossed! Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading. Angie Martin, Editor

polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to theGrapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team

Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3

Plumber’s Plog* "Final Brexit?" Well, I’m glad the 'Grapevine' has put a question mark in the title. Because from where I’m looking, right now, it looks as though it won’t be "final" for many years - whatever the outcome turns out to be. The picture will be different by the time you read this, but I think it’s pretty certain that almost everyone involved will be disappointed, for years to come! But the other day I came across an expression that got me thinking: "the power of disappointment" (it’s from one of Frank Herbert’s novels). What he’s pointing to is the way people can be encouraged to go after what they DO want by NOT getting what they want. Now, we Britons are well-known for having a moan and a whinge about things - the Australians have a name for it and not getting up and trying to fix them. Oh yes, I do know that there are loads of people who are protesting about Brexit, both leavers and remainers, and being studiously ignored by the media; and many more are writing to MPs and organising campaigns. There are plenty of us who just grumble, though. And I’ve done a fair bit myself. Getting off one’s butt to do something isn’t that simple, I hear you say, when the problem is in the hands of far-away politicians. (The ones that created the problem!) But we do have some power ourselves, locally. For example... What if Lampeter decided to call its own referendum, say, and then other Transition Towns followed suit? It wouldn't force the UK Parliament to do anything, but it would make the newspapers, I should think! Or, perhaps Lampeter might declare where the town stands with regards to the EU. As I see it, the people who seem to have the power aren't standing up to beCllr.counted, Elin Jonesare they? So why not someone else take a position? I haven't got any axe to grind - though I do wish that irresponsible politicians hadn't got us into this mess. But I think we can start to get ourselves out of it, if we make up our minds to do it, and take steps towards what WE want, rather than waiting for Westminster. It still might not be "final" for years, but at least it would be our own doing, and I think that would feel a lot better. Frank Pitcher

Agoriad y parc Agorwyd parc chwarae newydd ym Mharc yr Orsedd ar bnawn Sadwrn, Ionawr 19 gan Y Maer Ann Bowen Morgan ac aelodau o’r Cyngor tref. Hefyd roedd y Cynghorydd Hag Harris ac Ivor Williams yn bresennol ar ran y Cyngor Sir a Rhiannon Ling ar ran Cymdeithas dai Cymru a’r Gorllewin. Ariannwyd y parc gan y Cyngor tref, grant gan y Cyngor Sir a chan y Gymdeithas Dai. Diolchwyd yn arbennig i’r Cynghorwyr Chris Thomas ac Elin T Jones am eu gwaith o ymchwilio a threfnu’r gwaith gyda Playdale a chafwyd cyfarchion gan y Maer, Hag Harris a Rhiannon Ling. Bydd y parc newydd yn adnodd gwerthfawr i blant Llanbed.

Official ribbon cutting at the opening of new Play park

Photo: Tim Jones

Opening of new Park at Parc yr Orsedd. The new park playing equipment was opened at Parc yr Orsedd on Saturday, 19 January by the Mayor Ann Bowen Morgan and members of the Town Council. Councillors Hag Harris and Ivor Williams represented the County Council and Rhiannon Ling came on behalf of Wales and West Housing Association. The equipment was paid for by the Town Council and a grant was given by the County Council Community Fund and by West Wales Housing. Councillors Chris Thomas and Elin T. Jones were thanked especially for their work in planning and organising the work with Playdale by the Mayor. The crowd was greeted by Councillor Hag Harris and Rhiannon Ling. The new Park will be an excellent resource for the children of Lampeter.

*Plog is a word I’ve invented - it’s like a blog, but it’s not online it’s on paper!

The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm 4



grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE


In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.

Why not get in touch and share your ideas, thoughts, feedback or concerns. Don’t forget the Grapevine is your community newsletter

Watch this space … Plastic-free organic dry goods coming soon to the People's Market, Victoria Hall. Bring your containers, stock up on rice and pulses, cleaning products etc.. More information next issue ... Rolanda & Hannah

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the fifteenth annual Christmas craft fair on 23rd and 24th November to raise money for Breast Cancer Wales. Thank you to the ladies of Pumsaint W.I. who made cakes and served refreshments; to Sainsbury's Lampeter who donated mince pies; to Gwilym Price, DL Williams, Creative Cove - Lampeter and Ystrad Nurseries - Llandovery and Trap community kitchen for donating raffle prizes and others who donated prizes and money. £1290.39 was raised for Breast Cancer Wales! Diolch yn fawr Sue Jones, organiser

Dear Editor, Hope you may be able to print this letter to draw your readers' attention to us! Dear Prospective Merry Makers Lady, Are you bored at home? Do you have a house that needs no attention? Have you spare time on Wednesdays? We are looking for more ladies like you to join our group! It's a fun day, lots of chat, laughs, arguments, food to suit all tastes, diets, needs, etc. In the afternoon we do something. Handicrafts, writing, painting, guest speakers, just general chat, quizzes - There are no holds barred, and often a trouble shared is a trouble halved. And it isn't a case of "signing on", it's "Pay When you Arrive" - just £3. If you want to bring food to share, you're welcome! If you don't, well, there's always plenty here. So why not pop in on a Wednesday St James's Hall, Cwmann, Lampeter 10:30am-3pm 100% geared to all disabilities, super big free car park, also on a bus route. Love us or hate us, you won't forget us! 01570 423167 / 01545 590391 Lowri Hughes

Dear Editor, Having read Rolanda Yarker's article on Extinction Rebellion (Issue 65, Dec 18/ Jan 19; page 13) I am curious as whether all the signed -up members of that organisation have ditched their computers, mobile phones, cars and all the other trappings of fossil-fuel dependent modern living? Regards, David Robinson

Dear Editor, Not sure if you have room for this but I would just like to show the strength of our community. A very big thank you to Cymuned Undodaidd Llwynrhydowen Long Wood Community Woodland Salvation Army Lampeter Food Bank for all their kind donations to support Home-Start families at Christmas. Manager Sharon Morris said:

"To us it is a case of communities pulling together and understanding that there are families in need within our own county" Sharon Morris

Copy Deadline: Fri 8 February 2019 6

Do you actively limit the time you spend in paid employment? If this is the case the Employment Dosage Research Project at Cambridge University would like to talk to you. We are interested in speaking to people who have chosen to work considerably less than what is currently considered to be full time – this can include any type of work pattern, for example: 2-3 days a week; seasonal work with 6 months on and 6 months off; 4 hours a day 5 days a week; project work that may last a couple of months followed by a period of inactivity or unpaid activities etc. We are flexible in our understanding of constitutes part time work. If you don’t think you quite meet the criteria, but have experimented with non-standard working patterns please get in touch as we may still be keen to hear your point of view. We are also interested in people who spend limited time in paid employment but don’t consider themselves to be unemployed as they have kept themselves busy in other ways, and people who may have tried to reduce their time in paid employment but found that an increase in free time did not suit them for some reason. If you would like to be involved, we will be conducting interviews for the project beginning in January 2019. During the interviews we would like to discuss your work and leisure activities, values, and wellbeing. The information provided would be completely confidential. To arrange an interview or request further information please contact Ursula Balderson at Ursula Balderson

MAKE DO AND MEND 2 Into the New Year now, and there are worse resolutions we could make than to lower our carbon footprint and be mindful of the wasteful habits we fall into. I have always found it hard to throw things away, LOL. I can’t stop imagining new uses, and searching my imagination for ways to repurpose things. Our first and satisfyingly instant triumph this year has been to remove the back panel off some IKEA glass display cabinets that were being thrown out, turning on their side for use as cloches to keep the frost off our garlic, that’s growing fabulously in our Biochar supercharged raised beds. I taped the chipboard ends to help keep the rot out, and I’m making plans for a more permanent arrangement a bit further down the line. We are looking to host your hints and tips too, so please e-mail in with your ideas, and maybe some repurposing challenges? I hear someone tell of old fridges being used for incubators... Towards a Plastic Free Lampeter - I’m super excited after hearing about wax wrappers we can use as alternatives to the plastics that surround our food and leach into it, eeeww... They are jolly, functional, reusable, economical, eco-friendly and easy to make! Just lightly sprinkle a small sheet of 100% cotton fabric of your choice with half an ounce of grated beeswax, and melt on a baking sheet in a very low oven. Distribute the wax evenly, and hang to cool. For leftovers I normally stack dishes with plates for lids in the fridge, but to wrap a sandwich would have been a challenge... these wraps are great for keeping food fresh and can be washed under a tap with warm water and re-used. At Lampeter Repair Café we can help or advise re repairs, and may be able to fix things on the spot! We are also still on the look-out for likely fixperts to help out – and I’ll be chasing up those who have already expressed an interest when things get less manic – just turn up, join in, have a chat – that would be nice. Cheryl Hillier singer/songwriter, health and climate campaigner and Biochar Lady. or message me on Facebook.

The ‘Repair Cafe’ is pleased to be hosting a ‘Tools For Self Reliance’ special in the People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Sat 23 Feb, 10am-1pm. Tools for Self Reliance - TFSR Cymru collects old and unwanted tools and sewing machines from all over the UK, then cleans, repairs and sharpens them before sending tool kits to artisans and grass roots community groups in Tanzania - with the aim of improving the lives of these families.


Final Brexit – what will it mean at Yr Efail? So, I’m chillaxing and eating my brunch with a spork in the polytunnel whilst on permanent staycation at Yr Efail. Have I totally lost it? Not just the bonkers effects of the menopause! (No more than normal I hear my husband say.) I won’t begin to share my thoughts on Brexit for fear of sending my blood pressure soaring to dangerous levels so I’m focusing on the Brexit-like modern concoction of vocabulary that are portmanteau words. They are words that have two meanings packed up into one word and have squiggled into our everyday speech since first used by Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. I’m sure an Oxbridge student would probably argue the exact origin but .... I wonder if we’ll be tempted to grow broccoflower next winter and how many cultivars there are lurking in our borders. Maybe my planned new fruit trees will include a peacherine or the polytunnel will see tomaccoes fruit for the first time. Garden preparation for 2019 has continued through the winter months, with much early growth visible through the mizzle. The NGS Booklet has been collated and printed and will be distributed from mid-Feb. Use to start planning your garden visits and look out for booklets being distributed by NGS volunteers, or contact me if you can’t find one and would like a copy dropping off locally. No telemarketing for us! There are 12 Ceredigion gardens opening their gates, for charity through the NGS, at various times and many more just over the borders in Carms, Pembs, Gwynedd & Powys. I’ll be guesstimating how many cakes to cook, in order to cater for our visitors. My popular mini-quiches may tempt flexitarians to indulge but there will be no banoffee as we are yet to grow bananas. If we have another summer like 2018, popsicles may be added to the menu (I wonder which will be flavorite?). I look forward to practising my Wenglish as we welcome people to Yr Efail and will probably need more than just a mocktail or two to see me through Local gardens open by arrangement (just get in touch) in February (hard Brexit or otherwise) include: Yr Efail, Llanio Rd, Tregaron, 01974 299 370,; Bwlch y Geuffordd, Bronant, 01974 251559,; Lan Farm, Llandeilo, 07930 351483,; Gelli Uchaf, Llandeilo, 01558 685119, Shelagh & Steve Yeomans


Elmo's Delights Butter Bean & Leek Soup

Ingredients 800g leeks, trimmed and sliced 1 small onion, peeled and sliced 2 cloves garlic, sliced 2 x 400g tins butter beans, drained 4 sprigs of thyme, leaves only 1 bay leaf 70ml extra virgin olive oil 1.1L vegetable stock

Method Heat a little butter or oil in a large saucepan and add the sliced onions and leeks. Cook gently for 10 minutes until softened, covered with a lid. Don’t allow the leeks to stick to the bottom of the pan and burn as they will become bitter. After 10 minutes, add the garlic, thyme, bay leaf and a little salt & pepper and continue to cook in the same way for a further 10 minutes

Drain the butter beans, rinse, and tip into the pan with the leeks. Cook for 2 more minutes, still covered with a lid and then pour over the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Using a blender, bend until very smooth and velvety in consistency, adding the extra virgin olive oil as you blend. Serve with slices of buttered Malted Sourdough loaf from Anuna Craft Bakery.

Job adverts Job adverts Job adverts

Advertise local paid employment opportunities in Grapevine free of charge 8

The Final Brexit? Where are we now? The more I read and consider where we are at this point in time, the more I see we are in the Great Unravelling, as described by Joanna Macy*. So much focus and energy has been put into Brexit by the government and the media, that no other business has been dealt with over this past 2 years. We're still waiting for the outcome whilst I write this, meanwhile carbon emissions continue to rise. The IPCC report pulled few punches: reduce carbon emission by 50% within the next 12 years. Even the BBC covered the story online and posted 'how citizens could help': reduce meat intake, cycle more... I groaned at the over simplistic approach to the complex situation we are in. COP24 has ended. We are still waiting. The Unravelling is pulling the euphoric moment of Paris apart. As each year passes the window of opportunity closes that bit more and the work to reduce carbon emissions will be even harder. Extinction Rebellion have emerged as a

challenge to the inaction of the status quo. I would advocate anyone who has not heard their talk or seen their video to do so, even if you do not feel called to stand with them, you will certainly have clear information to realise we cannot afford to wait any longer for someone else to act. Extinction Rebellion challenged the BBC to do its duty of a public broadcasting corporation and tell the truth. On 21 December they held peaceful protests outside BBC sites in Sheffield, Bristol, Salford, Manchester and Birmingham. In London they held memorials in memory of those who lost their lives through climate related events. They delivered a letter to the Director General urging the BBC to “go far beyond even that of the public service role the BBC played during WW2” and to step up “in enabling the transformative change needed so that we can face this emergency together.” Locally around 40 members of the South West Wales Extinction Rebellion group met on at Saturday 15 December in Carmarthen. In the morning the group 9

were taught 3 songs by Clara Clay and in the afternoon - despite strong winds and rain, stood at 4 locations around the town singing, having a ‘die-in’ and giving speeches to bystanders. Those of us not on the streets could take up the challenge too. Extinction Rebellion need help from volunteers to support the movement. Do take a look at the website for more details of the help needed. Come along to see the video presentation with the opportunity to find out more with a question and answer session afterwards on 16 Feb, doors open 6:30 for 7pm start, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. I'll leave you with this thought: If not you, who? If not now, when? Cathy Streeter * Joanna Macy: three-dimensions-of-the-great-turning/

The Cwmanne Tavern Under New Management Welcomes You Real Ale Delicious Seasonal Menu Tapas Menu Sunday Roasts Barista Coffee and Home-Made Cakes Fabulous Curry and a Pint ÂŁ10 every Thursday night with Live Folk Music OPEN 12-12 seven days a week

We Cater for All Diets, Using Organic and Locally Sourced Ingredients Whenever Possible Tel 01570 423861 Cwmanne Lampeter SA48 8DR

Film Nights Fri 1 Feb: The Children Act (12) Fionn Whitehead, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci Drama based on Ian McEwan’s novel. A judge must decide whether to force a teenage Jehovah's Witness to have a life-saving blood transfusion.

Fri 15 Feb: Mission impossible: Fallout (12) Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames Action thriller. The Impossible Missions Force must race against time to foil a terrorist group's plans for a nuclear catastrophe.

Fri 1 Mar: King of Thieves(15) Michael Gambon, Michael Caine, Charlie Cox Crime drama based on the Hatton Garden robbery A group of aging criminals plan a multi-million pound jewellery heist. Doors open 7.15pm, film at 7.45pm Admission by Donation. Suggestions for future films welcome!


Lampeter Seed Swap 2019 Saturday 23 February at People's Market, Victoria Hall

ideas and build connections. Each year there are increasing numbers of keen seed swappers, old timers who have saved their own seeds, and new growers taking their first tentative steps in growing who can benefit from the opportunity to chat to the more experienced gardeners. Donations from previous seed swaps have funded the planting of many fruit and nut trees in Lampeter and surrounding communities. We have purchased replacement apple pressing equipment for our other popular community event, the October apple juicing day. Later in the spring we will be holding a plant swap for your surplus seedlings. The seed swap takes place during the twice monthly People's Market from 10am-1pm, so there will be the opportunity to buy local produce and enjoy refreshments form the café too. This year there will also be an opportunity to purchase reconditioned tools from a company called Tools for Self Reliance. They are a local company who have been supplying tools to a number of African countries for several years.

This will be the twelfth annual seed swap organised by Lampeter Permaculture Group and old hands will be quick to put it in their diaries. But many readers may be wondering what it's about. If you’re interested in growing your own vegetables and fruit or gardening, then this event is for you. Bring along seeds that are surplus to your requirements perhaps half used seed packets, and seed, beans or peas you saved from last year, and swap them for others you need. You may also bring plants or surplus garden equipment too. Make sure that everything is well labelled and seeds are still in date and viable. If you have nothing to donate, perhaps because you are just starting out as a grower, then come along and make a donation instead. For various reasons it is illegal to sell home saved seeds, but swapping these seeds should be encouraged. It's free, promotes biodiversity and local strains of seed, conserves older varieties & improves food security for our community. So why not note the date, look out surplus seeds and come It's a chance to meet other local growers, share tips and along to get your growing year started! Best wishes, Jude

Retrosuburbia – the Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future, by David Holmgren (2018) This is a fascinating book, which focusses positively on what we can do to survive and thrive in a low carbon future. David Holmgren, co-originator of Permaculture with Bill Mollison, explains the patterns and principles that will help to build resilience as householders and communities - based on the view that this is where we have the most power to make a difference right now. It’s a huge work, attractively laid out with ample, colourful illustrations and photos, as well as helpful text boxes and plentiful references for follow up on every double page spread. David Holmgren is an intelligent and highly experienced permaculture designer and practitioner and his other major seminal work was Permaculture – Principles & Pathways beyond Sustainability (2002). This took us beyond ‘quick fixes’ into the realm of deep critical thinking but it was information dense – not a bedtime read! In contrast, Retrosuburbia is both a compelling read and a dip-in bible, cleverly laid out in colour coded sections that embrace three main themes or ‘fields’. These are Built (patterns of human habitats), Biological

(patterns of life and growth) and Behavioural (patterns of decisions and actions). In this new book David draws on a lifetime’s intimate knowledge of his own place and of his bioregion in southern Australia. He’s chosen to focus on his own geographical area (although the references are wide ranging) and use Australian rather than American English to emphasise the importance of context in designing for resilience - but, for me, this did not detract at all from the book’s usefulness. Permaculture is based on observation and intelligent interpretation of patterns to inform strategies, and then solutions, that are appropriate to location and culture. David explains the main patterns that should be considered for a variety of sub themes – such as Wood Energy in the Built section or Domestic Animals in the Biological section- and draws on local examples as illustration. As a permaculture practitioner myself, it was simple enough to see how I would apply these patterns at our place and in west Wales. A really compelling feature of the book is David’s timeline and illustrated description of Aussie St – a fictional neighbourhood in which he tracks the built, biological and behavioural changes influencing the various 11

residents from the 1950’s up to the 2020’s. It’s a clever device and really brings home both how things have changed in the built environment all over the developed world and that absolutely everything is connected. Another winner for me is the major focus on decision making and taking action in the Behavioural section. We all know that facts alone do not galvanise people into action and that old habits can be hard to let go of. David faces this head on and identifies behavioural change as being an essential part of climate adaptation. Many of us in west Wales are already practising some of the book’s solutions – permaculture design, food & fuel growing and processing, recycling, supporting local markets, low impact self build, these are all part of what we need to do – and more. This book helps to show how individual actions fit into the bigger picture and what we need to do to build resilience across whole neighbourhoods and bioregions. The sooner we start, the sooner new behaviours & ways of life will become familiar – and we can find deep joy and fulfilment in being part of the solution. Angie Polkey Permaculture teacher & Conservation advisor

Plastic Words, Plastic Meanings. What do the words we use when speaking of plastics and their properties actually mean? Seemingly, words can be as plastic as the things they describe. We speak of plastic as a thing, but plastic best describes the characteristics of organic polymer materials. Now, organic polymers sound fairly ecological, but they are made from either oil or, increasingly from natural gas. Not all uses of plastic materials are bad. There are many good ways to use plastics, but single-use plastic packaging is an example of a relationship with a material gone wrong. Plastic packaging has become widespread globally and generally, consumers throw such plastics away after use, because once used there is no use-value left. Made to be thrown away. We in the UK have responded well to this premise, for currently 59% of all plastic produced is used for single-use packaging. This includes, plastic-lined coffee cups, general goods packaging, food packaging and plastic bottles – the list goes on… Yes, there are numbers that identify the type of plastic an item is made from. Plastic bottles are usually made of: ‘1’ polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or ‘2’, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) - such complicated words - no wonder we just use the term plastic. While recycling deals with some discarded plastic materials, much is buried in landfill or incinerated in the UK. To be clear, incineration is regarded by the waste processing industry and local government as recycling. So, if a plastic item says it is recyclable, that does not mean that it will be. But what about bio-degradable plastics? Research has shown that bio-degradable plastics do not decompose into molecules that can be digested by bacteria. Plastic molecules are just too large to be consumed. Bio-degradable plastics can contaminate other recyclable plastic waste. They are best buried in landfill or incinerated. Bio-degradability is just a fast track to turn such things as plastic bags into micro-plastics (plastic fragments less than 5 mm in their largest dimension). Bio-compostable plant-based plastics sound like the solution, but these materials need special composting facilities which heat the waste to 50c, something not achievable in many garden compost bins. Bio-compostable containers are best combined with food waste, where they will not contaminate other recyclable materials. Terminology aside, perhaps the most effective action we can take is to move away from the concept of single-use and immediate disposal as the natural order of things. Colin Parks

Articles: Adverts: Listings: 12


Walking along our riverbanks or visiting the numerous pools and ponds scattered throughout the Teifi valley is becoming more interesting with the recent arrival in the county of three members of the heron family. These birds are found on the continent and occasionally in England. The Little Egret, first seen in the county in 1959, has now established a small colony on the Dyfi estuary; its larger cousin the Great White Egret is often seen between Tregaron bog and the meadows near the Co Op in Lampeter. Both of these birds decreased in range and numbers during the late 19th and early 20th century due to the killing of mostly adults for the millinery trade (one of the reasons for the establishment of The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). Egrets were sought after for their plumes while many other birds were also exploited for their feathers. The Cattle Egret is the third member of this family which is also known as the Buff backed Heron when in summer plumage. This is the white, stumpy heron seen amongst and standing on the backs of the large animals in the natural history films shot in Africa. Although seen in other parts of Britain there were no confirmed records for Wales until 1980-81. They arrived in Ceredigion in 2017. Cattle Egrets are found on all continents except Antarctica and arrived in South America from Africa by the 1930s. Why they have taken so long to begin to colonise Britain is a mystery. David Price

CELLAN WI The Cellan Ladies rounded out an entertaining year with some enthusiastic carol singing around Cellan village. Thanks go to everyone who took part. Special thanks go to the village community who listened to our warbling and responded with spectacular generosity. We raised in excess of £180.00 for our chosen charity The West Wales Hedgehog Rescue Centre. We meet at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of the month in Cellan Millenium Hall. At our February meeting (14.02.19) we will be attempting Welly Dancing. Regular activities include a craft competition which carries a trophy to the member with the highest points score at the end of the year. The current holder, Julie, will be a hard act to beat. You do not have to be a member to join the fun, we only ask for a £5 donation which includes refreshments and the company of a friendly and welcoming group of ladies. We look forward to welcoming some new faces to our merry band in 2019. Penny Izienicki

Gyda’r hanner tymor yma yn prysuro yn ei flaen,

The half term is flying by. Our new pupils in

braf oedd cael croesawu pedwar disgybl newydd

the nursery, Alis, Ceinwen, Suraya and Tyler

i’r meithrin, sef Alis, Ceinwen, Suraya a Tyler.

have all setled well. Welcome also to Mrs

Hefyd croeso cynnes i Mrs Demelza sydd wedi

Demelza who has joined us in the Foundation Phase.

ymuno gyda ni yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen.

Congratulations to Miss Delun


and her partner Andy on the

gwresog i Miss Delun a’i

birth of their daughter

phartner Andy ar


enedigaeth ei merch,

Year 1 and 2 children have been


busy learning about the

Bu blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn

traditions of ‘Hen Galan’, which

brysur yn dathlu’r Hen

was the original occasion for

Galan a’i

celebrating the new year.

thraddodiadau. Cafwyd

Everyone enjoyed making their

hwyl yn creu perllan yr

own orchards to take home.

un i fynd adre.

Ymunodd disgyblion o flwyddyn 5 a 6 ag ysgolion ardal Llanbed ar gyfer

Year 5 and 6 pupils

creu murlun croeso ar gyfer tref

worked with Lampeter

Llanbed, gyda’r

area schools to create

arlunydd Rhiannon

a welcome mural for

Roberts. Mi fydd y

Lampeter town, with

gwaith yn cael ei

the artist Rhiannon

arddangos ar ochr

Roberts. The work

adeilad busnes

will be displayed on

teuluol W. D. Lewis

the the wall of the

a’i Fab, ar y ffordd mewn i’r dre.

family run business W. D. Lewis

Braint oedd cael cwmni y darpar

and Son, on the way into town. It was an honour to welcome the

Archdderwydd Myrddin ap

new Archdruid Myrddin ap Dafydd

Dafydd i roi sbardun i waith

who came to talk to year 3 and 4

thema plant blwyddyn 3 a 4 yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma, sef

children who’s theme this half

"Eisteddfod". Diolch yn fawr am

term is ‘Eisteddfod’. Thank you

eich cyflwyniad arbennig.

for a wonderful presentation.

Llongyfarchiadau aruthrol i dîm

A huge congratulations to the

pêl-rwyd yr ysgol ar ennill

netball team for winning the

cystadleuaeth Urdd Cylch

Lampeter Area Urdd competition.


Lilian Jones 13

separation which has led us to ravage the planet, plunder resources without thoughts from future generations, pollute the air and the water that we need to live, in complete disrespect for all forms of life on Earth, a story of separation from the Spirit of life that we are in fact here to embody and nurture. This old story is not making sense any more. Its disintegration is becoming absolutely visible, if only in the polarisation between “the very rich” and “the very poor”, or should I say, between those who accept that the human consciousness is changing, and those who are clinging on to that old story. The main challenge is that there are no paths visible to take us to a new paradigm. It will take personal courage and responsibility to get there, although we are in this together. So I am seeing Brexit as another symptom of this dissolving, an unconscious decision to remove oneself from a relationship which was never satisfying in the first place. I’m not saying it is a good decision, it is far more complex than that, but in the context of the bigger picture and I see a wasted opportunity to sit together and build a new relationship based on cooperation, co-creation and stewardship. This, we will need now to manifest at a local level, remembering what it means to live in community (the opposite of being independent), remembering that the key to the new world is to embrace a story of reunion and interbeing with all of life’s forms and expressions on Earth. (My views have been informed by my work as a shamanic practitioner and recently by the work of Charles Eisenstein, “Living in the Gift”) Mia

Brexit: “British exit”… The relationship between the UK and the European Union has never been easy. From the beginning it was always strained, the UK striving to retain as much independence as possible. I moved to London in 1996. At the time (and since then) I never questioned my right to live here as it was facilitated by the European Union agreements. I never felt the need to apply for citizenship for the same reason and being quite happy to be French. With Brexit, my situation will by no means be secure anymore. At the very least, I will have to apply for permanent residency. We are being assured that it will be straightforward for people like me who have been living here for more than 5 years…I’m waiting to see what the requirements will actually be. We already know that there will be a charge associated with the request, around £100 for myself, £60 for my son. At the worse, I will have to leave. If I stay, I might lose the right to the NHS. Nothing has been agreed or finalised and I am aware of many people campaigning to reverse the process and remain in the EU (probably as many as they are campaigning to leave), so I am not holding my breath or getting frazzled, just keeping informed without getting drowned in information and fearmongering. What I am really interested in is the bigger picture, what is going on, on a much larger scale than the UK and the EU. I’m talking about the dissolving of the old story we have been living in for so many generations, a story of separation from the natural order of which we belong,

Beat the Brexit Blues with Hydrospin Aquacycling & HydroJump their own abilities and we all encourage each other. If you are wanting to find an activity to fight off the winter blues; to distract you from the ongoing farce of the Brexit process or just to make you feel good and keep fit – then why not join us at 10:15am on Monday mornings at Lampeter Swimming Pool for a fabulous fitness session like no other!

The sessions are great fun and welcoming, with people of all ages and abilities starting the week the best possible way! I tell everyone about it and can't recommend it highly enough!!” Angela Jarvis

“Bikes and trampolines in the water – what could be more “One word - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocios! Sets me up for the intriguing? Bouncing and cycling (though not at the same time!) to music - it’s a great mix of fun, laughter, energy and fitness, week, works on all levels, just do it!” Susan Evans with the added support of the water offering less impact on “Dewch i ymuno gyda’n dosbarth ‘Hydrospin’ am 10:15 ar fore muscles and joints during exercise. What more could you want? Llun ym mhwll nofio Llanbed. Mae’n ymarfer da yn llawer o hwyl Too good to be true perhaps? You’ll just have to give it a go and gyda David Maund.” make up your own mind!“ Angie Martin “Come and join us in our Hydrospin class at 10:15 on Monday mornings in Lampeter swimming pool. It’s excellent exercise and a great deal of fun with David Maund.” Ann Morgan “I've been attending regular Hydrospin sessions in Lampeter for a number of years now. Having mobility issues and painful health conditions means exercising can be quite difficult and painful at times, however I've found this type of exercising in water allows me to exercise with little pain during the class and I don't have post exercise pain after the classes. It also improves my mobility for a day or two afterwards. Our instructor, David is aware of the issues I have and offers advice to optimise my workout without compromising my health. He encourages all the class to work to 14

Contact: David Maund 07792 351607

Karen’s Creative Compendium 041 Croeso, welcome to year five of KCC and what an imaginative, inspiring and eclectic start to 2019 we have. In these dark and short days it is easy to feel black and bleak but important to remember the hope and light of spring will soon be upon us. The shoots of optimism burst through much of the black and white of our KCC page and I encourage all readers to feel a lift in spirit and inspiration to get creative and compose your own contribution as we again seek new writers, hwyl, Karen


January Gold

by Mandy Pickering A tin bucket holds the first flowers stiff as yellow tipped pencils. She buys a bunch each week until the season ends, drops them loosely in a vase to find their own display. The stems fan out open slowly over days light and flame unfurling in her gaze. Inside the house the weather lifts.

by Polly Phemus

Sometimes I idly wonder whether, in a thousand years' time, some strayed revellers, homing in on an old broadcast of The Two Ronnies picked up in deep space, will visit us here, hoping to hear more jokes; but find us gone and only bacteria to talk to. They will look for us amid the overgrown rubble, no doubt, but find words only on signs. And now this is what I like to play with: which signs would tell them most about these once-great scientists and architects? I toy with “Dogs must be carried on escalators” and also “This sign not in use” but usually settle for one they may find illuminated still, by some quirk of solar fate, on and off, endlessly: “Walk”, “Don't Walk”. I can almost feel the perplexed frown arriving on their foreheads, if they have them: what creatures would make such a thing? And why? I want to reach out across the centuries and reassure them. Worry? Don't worry! Welcome to Earth! Maybe this time you'll get it right.

Piggybag by CEG Manwell

Postcard from Swansea

The lame man rode on the blind man's shoulders to find the king another soldier and win the battle.

by Maj Ikle

I have dived inside a pillar box shafted in light as my swarm jostle outside I try to catch breath from my flight. Letters like feathers nestle beneath me proudly displaying their queen.

This plastic bag has a broken handle and that has a hole. Combined, they'll carry the shopping home.

She was brutal in her takeover no sense of a sistership “younger” she said showing sting. Now of course she’ll discover the title is pretty but the job is thankless and mean.

B-day: The Final Countdown by J.Sandover

It's hard to imagine life without Brexit Like an old overcoat comfortable Covering a multitude of sins To shed it in spring will reveal Embarrassing truths A bloated power system Private poking fingers Picking the meat of society's wealth Reformulating offal to feed us Policies that leave us hungry

Laying babies and keeping the drones keen is no forage in the borage or a nectar sipping scene. I’m having one moment of glory though subject of all the local paper and tweets. As Sketty is brought to a standstill by my simple majestic retreat.

Non-stick Pandemonium by Karen Gemma Brewer

Another happy new year with the Jumblies still in power our sieve remains seaworthy ‘though the water line is higher the average mood is ambient a balanced even ire with one half in the icebox and the other in the fire disintelligentsia in parliamentary tower too engaged with talk to see what future may endower dealing and no-dealing ‘til it churns the channel sour in a world of turning worms each getting hotter by the hour we share a petal bath beneath bright enlightened glowers of shining sparks from static bees in polyester flowers a new bouquet nose of decay arose surfeit of liars lost giant snails semi-final nails and no sign of any pliers do not despair keep sound and hair one to one inspire join our dance Elastoplast chance to skip the pan and fryer 15

Their legacy A planet burning to cover their tracks Rampant capitalism gone mad with greed The unhealthy need for ever-increasing profit Dissembled as economic necessity A distraction Will we wake from our hibernation To find Brexit the least of our troubles Ordinary life turned to rubble So much collateral damage The spoils of our endeavours remain Under the command of corruption Distorting market forces With golden thumbs Making us pay to serve them

Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Lampeter & District

‘Final Brexit’. Here is a selection of those letters of the alphabet, and my thoughts!! F is for FUN - Having Multiple Sclerosis is not fun but when you have it life can still be fun. We had fun in the Mustard Seed last Monday. F is also for FAILURE and FRUSTRATION. Easy to feel we cannot do things any more and to feel frustrated by this. Mrs May must feel like this as she gets defeated in Parliament and in this case easy to feel a FAILURE maybe. However, we must carry on and reach out for FUN again! I is for INSPIRATION – MS can make us feel fed-up and low, until suddenly an inspiring story, piece of music, or person comes our way and we can laugh again and move back to a state of calm. N is for NORMAL - Will things ever be normal again? Just knowing you have MS can make normality seem to be an unattainable place to ever be again even for those of us who appear to be normal during remissions. Oh! Mrs May, you must be wondering if things will ever be normal again. A is for the dreaded ARTICLE 50 - or maybe ANXIETY. Take your pick! The Brexit process seems to have thrown many of us, both leavers and remainers into a state of anxiety and will I ever understand Article 50? I hope you do Mrs May. L is for LEAVE - in out, in out, ‘shake it all about’.

My Personal Exit!

B is for BREXIT - finally?? Well maybe, or maybe not? R is for REMAIN - ‘Right hands in, and left hands out, Hinkumbooby, round about, Fal de ral la, fal de ral la (taken from Popular Rhymes of Scotland 1826). Enough to make anybody feel dizzy, not only for those of us with balance problems! E is for EXIT - or EXCITED, or EMOTIONAL, or EXASPERATED, or, what other words can I think of beginning with E? ENDURANCE maybe, we must ENDURE and EMBRACE whatever problems we are facing. X is for ‘XIT - the name of a Native American rock band which came up when I Googled. I also discovered in the Urban Dictionary that in the African culture, the letter “x” makes the “sh” sound. MS or Brexit…take from that what you want! I is for the IMPACT - for the INDIVIDUAL as we travel along the pathways that either our nerves take, or the many paths travelled by the Brexit processes … onwards into our futures. T is for - THE END … or at least for now! Our Support Group meets on the first Monday of the month from 1.30-3.30, in the back room of The Mustard Seed, Lampeter. We welcome anybody with MS, carers, and anybody wanting to know more, from wherever you are. You are also welcome at our Aberystwyth group which meets in the new Tesco’s community/charity room 12-2pm on the 1st FRIDAY of the month. CROESO I BAWB/WELCOME TO ALL. Judith McKay, Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis, Chair of Ceredigion Branch, 01974 261640 See our MS Support Group page on Facebook Copy Deadline - Issue 67 - Fri 8 Feb Theme: ‘Costing the Earth’ 16

I am retiring! I'm 65 in March and it's time to hang up my Bellydance teaching shoes. It is a final exit of sorts for me, but also a chance to continue my personal dance development. For every ending there's a beginning … a loss of identity and a chance to build a new sense of self. I have loved teaching women of all ages, sizes and abilities over the last 8 years. Loved watching them grow in confidence and develop their flexibility and mobility. I have also loved getting to know hundreds of women living in West Wales and have made many, many wonderful friends both here and all around the UK through our mutual love of dance. I am so grateful that the wonderful Jacki Yorke is taking over the classes as of 18 January. As she comes all the way from Llandeilo, she is starting fortnightly to see what the uptake is. So, PLEASE go to classes if you can and if you have been thinking about doing it for years … NOW IS THE TIME ! Make it the year you find a way to be happy in yourself and meet wonderful friends and colleagues through dance ... I hope it brings you as much joy as it has brought me . Rose Barter Egyptian Belly Dance All Levels Fridays | 10.45AM - 12PM | Sally Saunder’s Dance Studio Jacki | email: Fit for life for over 50’s Fridays | 12.15PM - 1.30PM | Sally Saunder’s Dance Studio | Jacki | email:

Cothi Gardeners welcome you to listen to Confessions of A Galanthophile Want to learn a bit more about Snowdrops? Julian will explain why he loves them, tell you about Snowdrop species and distribution as well as some interesting facts about snowdrops. Also something on snowdrops in the UK – myth and history, snowdrop cultivation, and some of his favourite cultivars. You’ll also hear a bit about his ongoing Historic Welsh Snowdrop Hunt. Finally the talk will end with a quick fire mini auction – 10 of his favourite snowdrop forms (some of which may be un-named) all for sale starting at 50p, sold to the highest bidder!! Snowdrops For sale. Membership has been held at £14 per year, guests are welcome too ,£3, which includes refreshments. Join us on Wednesday 20 February at 7.30pm. Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW. Donna Worrall

Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives


what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to

Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email: Community groups & local, small-scale commercial: We have a committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. Licenced bar on request for functions. Catering service available. See for more details Weekly (W) Fortnightly (F) Monthly (M)












Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715


Lampeter Ukulele Club







07547 125937




Nikki Mead

07790 987070



Spiritual Gathering

Sarah Thomas

07811 603062



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715

Lampeter Food Project


01570 493791



M Last Thurs





Activity / Class


A free meal and good company for all who want it! (Made from donations of food from local businesses) or Lampeter Town Council



Five Rhythms Dance

Hara Willow

01570 493729



Stage Goats Youth Theatre Group

Tracey O’Grady

07976 052888

M 3rd Fri in month


Lampeter Folk (restarts 15 March)

Georgia Owen

07817 715321

2nd & 4th Sat each month


People’s Market



M 1st Sun in month


complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 18 years clinical experience. If you're sick of not feeling really well, homeopathy can make a difference. It is excellent at helping with chronic conditions, gently, safely & holistically. 01570 493746 Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered.

Lampeter Evangelical Church Custard Queens: Women’s Institute

Local food, produce and crafts, café, live music Contact: Dinah Mulholland 07531 963175 Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café

01570 423344

Christine Chabert

07815 086579

Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, ChaNan Bonser (ACKRP) Creative kinesiology and body tracking: A natural way of accessing your bodies wisdom, discovering what is behind the symptoms, and accessing that wisdom to release stress, anxiety and trauma to help restore your body to balance. 07702 598909, Joanne Camlin Bsc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath who graduated in 2007. All consultations only £30 when you mention the Grapevine. Jo practices from Cellan Millenium Hall. 07746 608524. Colleen’s Ka Huna Massage Studio. 01974 272103, 07947 780738,

To avoid confusion please inform Grapevine ASAP if details in your listing change


complementary & alternative therapists cont’d Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807 219499. Anna Dance FDA Integrative Counsellor, MBACP. Animal assisted intervention, animal bereavement counselling, walking talking therapy, individual and couples counselling. Lampeter. Contact 07464 895351, Carol Davies Qualified Aromatherapist. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hopi candling can also be offered. Carol, 07971 229608. DD Personal Fitness and Training. 1-1 instruction to help you achieve your fitness goals. Rehabilitation from injury or surgery, preparation for sport, muscular development and weight management. Llanybydder. Dai Davies, 01570 481882, Sally Harrold Counselling hypnotherapy, supervision. BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Contact: 07539 882798,

The Zen Den, Llandeilo. Specializes in treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be 'good at art'. Llanllwni. 07963 866516,,

Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Couns. and life coach. Living excellently, confidence building for women. Experienced trainer and facilitator; groups/ individual sessions. Shân 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Christine Smith leads groups for people who want to deepen their spiritual connection within themselves and with others. 01570 434705, Irene Sullivan, qualified & experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Home visits available. 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple & family counselling. If you want to talk or need some help, contact 07870 888141 or Bones for Life. Practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Annie Zakiewicz. Qualified reflexologist and Emmett Technique practitioner. Treatment room in Cellan. Annie, 01570 493295,

Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 years clinical experience. 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07515 393894, Shamanic journeying, healing and counselling. Contact Mia on 01570 423339 Ginny Moffett, qualified reflexologist Please keep your listings up to date. (British Reflexology Association) with Diolch / Thank You 25 years experience. Home visits or at 21

courses _______________ Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Sun 27 Jan: Volunteer Taster Day Fri 1 Feb: Mandala Painting Sun 3 Feb: Volunteer Gardening Day Thurs 7 Feb: Volunteer Conservation Day Sun 10 Feb: Rustic Wall-hanging Weaving Wed 13 Feb: Willow Coppicing and Management Sun 17 Feb: Volunteer Conservation Day Thurs 21 Feb: Willow Basket Weaving Beginners Fri 22-Sat 23 Feb: Willow Basket Weaving - Round Baskets Sun 24 Feb: A Year to Grow Your Own (1st session of 10 part course) Wed 27 Feb: Big Spawn Count (family event) Sat 9 March: Volunteer Taster Day Sun 10 March: Willow Basket Weaving - Zarzo Baskets Sun 10 Mar: Volunteer Gardening Day Fri 15-Sun 17 Mar: Field Survey techniques Canolfan Sgiliau Llanbedr Pont Steffan | Lampeter Skills Hub Camau Cyntaf mewn TG | First steps in IT 04.02.19, 10am-2.00pm: Diwrnod blasu | Taster day. 11.02.19, 10am-3.00pm: Dechrau arni gyda Microsoft Word | Getting started with Microsoft Word. 18.02.19, 10am-3.00pm: Mewnbynnu a golygu testun|Entering and editing text. Cyrsiau i ddechreuwyr am ddim. Free beginners’ courses. Archebu yn anghenrheidiol. Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle, cysylltwch â/ Booking essential: Peter Gwynne 01686 610270 / 07487 736 108, Conversational French. Advanced: Thurs, 11.15am-12.15pm; Beginners: Thurs, 12.30-1.30pm Contact: Amelie, 01558 685175. French & Italian Classes. Crugybar Village Hall. French Mon 6.15-8pm, Italian Weds 6.15-8pm. £10 weekly. Contact Gillian 01550 760067

creative _______________ Sew, Knit and Natter. Monday 10am12.30pm,Mustard Seed Café. Start your week with coffee, cake and a natter with others who enjoy knitting and sewing. Sandie 01570 423969. Classical Guitar Lessons. Learn to play the classical guitar. Explore the possibilities of this wonderful instrument. Mark, 07940 426650 Creating the Impossible! Mon, 10.30am, Powerhouse, Llandysul with Christine Smith. £5 a session. Be inspired and inspire. Info 01570 434705 or

Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. Craft Courses in Tregaron at Debonair Gift Emporium, Dewi Road, SY25 6JN. Glass foiling, mosaic making, knitting, sewing etc. Debbie, 01974 299577 or search Debonair Gift Emporium on Facebook. Evening Painting Classes. Mon 6.308pm, Gabrielle’s Gallery, Ffostrasol, Llandysul. SA44 4TJ. Painting exercises designed to improve colour sense, technique and observation with Gabrielle Dudley. 01239 851026.

creative writing, books & storytelling _____________ Creative Writing Workshops with professional writers. Sat 12 Feb with Damian Walford Davies, from Cardiff University. 2-4 pm, Tysul Hall, Llandysul. £10 or £30 for 4 workshops Contact: Kelly 07888 841140, Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members. Meets weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, UWTSD Lampeter, during uni term. Join us. Contact: Sue, 01570 423167.

events _________________ Longwood Community Woodland AGM. Weds 30 Jan, 6.30pm, Canolfan Long Wood. Free Film Night. Sat 16 Feb, 6.30pm for 7pm, Victoria Hall. Heading for Extinction and What to Do About It.

Extinction Rebellion: Rebel for Life. We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Climate chaos is happening now. The government has failed to protect us. Survival will take all our ingenuity and persistence. Followed by Q&A with Extinction Rebellion speaker. Free entry, refreshments, donations welcome. Hosted by Transition Llambed. Info: Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed Tues 19 Feb, 7.30pm, UWTSD Lampeter. Talk by Ross Cook “History in Homes”. From Wales to Africa. Wed 27 Feb, 6.30pm, Y Talbot, Tregaron. Inspiring tales from schools and communities, with Angie Polkey & Deana Owen. Info

health & well-being _____

Living Well, Macmillan Cancer Support. Supporting and connecting people with cancer. Mon 10am-12noon, St Thomas Church, Lampeter. A chance to meet people affected by cancer and support one another. Recommended donation £2. Contact: Amy Wilson, 01970 613888 or Gudrun Jones, 01970 628848. Lampeter Food Project. Thurs, 4-6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Lindsay, 01570 493791, Banc Bwyd Llambed / Lampeter Food Bank Open Mon, Weds , Fri 9am-5pm, including over holiday period. Referrals made by local agencies. Nonperishable food donations (in-date please) can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact: Diana, 01570 640034. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 7.30-8.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. 22

Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca, 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions, Tesco Community Room, Aberystwyth. 4 Feb: Disability Advisory Service latest information and support Free Tai Chi starting in February for anyone with an acquired brain injury, through stroke, accident or illness. PAs, partners and carers welcome. To register contact: 07881 347544/ 07941 855935 Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07515 393894 Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter, 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford, 07904 258814, Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline: 0300 9991212. Dementia Support. The Potter Trust supports people in Ceredigion whose lives are affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by giving money to help, e.g. with the purchase of certain items or transport costs. If you have dementia, or you know of, or look after someone who has, contact Joan Miller, 07794 674339,

Copy Deadline: Fri 8 Feb 2019

health & well-being __cont’d Weight-Watchers. Tues, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact Eleri, 07748 270439,

kids __________________

Canolfan Deuluol Ty'r Teulu Llanybydder Family Centre, Hafan Unit, Cwm Aur, Llanybydder now open Weds, Thurs and Fri , 9.30am-3pm with lots of play areas and activities for babies and toddlers. Mums dads, grandparents and guardians can have a chat and a cuppa - and it is free. For info and weekly events: Ann or Sami on 01570 481617. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12noon, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excl. bank hols and school hols). "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:

Story-time at Lampeter Library. Mon 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. Tic Toc. Story, dance and song for children 0-3 years and parents/ guardians. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3.10 first child, £1 each additional child. Welsh language sessions suitable for Welsh learners and beginners. Clwb Dawns a Chân. Singing and dancing for children 4-6 years. Mon 4.15–5pm term-time. £3 first child, £1 each additional child. Clog Dancing Club. 7-11 years. Weds 4.30-5.15pm. £30 for a block of 6 sessions. Theatr Felinfach Performing School. Every Thurs. Please enquire for more information. 01570 470697, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Claire, 07727 415634. RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. Tues, 3.30-5.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd,

Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as are volunteers, with free training provided. Further info: 01545 570686 and Facebook. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. 01570 480268, Home-Start. Ready for school groups in Talgarreg Hall on Thursdays, and Felinfach Hall on Fridays 9.3011.30am. Fun for children and adults, the project, funded by the Lottery, is delivered in collaboration with Jig-so & Home Start, and helps to develop the basic skills every child needs to prepare for school. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922 Mae grwpiau Barod i’r Ysgol wedi cychwyn yn Neuadd Talgarreg ar ddydd Iau, ac yn Neuadd Felinfach ar ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.30–11.30 yn. Mae’n brosiect llawn hwyl i blant a rhieni sy’n datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol wrth baratoi dechrau’r ysgol. Ariennir gan y Loteri ac mae’n cael ei redeg gan Jig-so a Home Start ar y cyd. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” Tues & Thurs, 4-6pm, Denmark Farm. After-school club for 6-11 years. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness & bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6, £5.50 for siblings. Sally, 07799 052131 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st Lampeter Rainbows, for girls 5-7 years every other Sat, 10-11.30am at St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Bev, 07891 570180 or via 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Weds 4 5pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Rachel, 07730684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Iris, 07769326032 . 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Kelvin, 01570 218567. 23

1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Iris, 07769 326032.

markets _______________

People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 9 & 23 Feb, 9 & 23 Mar. Aberaeron Community Market. New location: Royal British Legion, Victoria St, Aberaeron. Sat, 9.30am-3pm. Enquiries: Philomena 01545 574729 or via the Aberaeron Community Market Facebook page. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Brechfa Market, Neuadd yr Eglwys / Church Hall, Brechfa, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat in month. Lorna, 01267 202359 Lisa, 01267 202727, 07733 336865. Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.00pm, 3rd Sat in month.

move your body _________

Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). Get moving again by joining us on these walks: Sat 2 Feb: O dafarn I dafrn: Tafarn Jem i Tafarn Cwmann. 5 miles, moderate. Sat 9 Feb: Pencader, 6.5 miles. Leisurely. Sat 16 Feb: Talsarn, Lampeter. 7 miles, Moderate. Sat 24 Feb: Rhydcwmerau, Llanybydder, 9 miles, Moderate. Weds 27 Feb: Cwmann, 5 miles. Moderate. Sat 2 March: Gwyl Dewi Sant Llanddewi Brefi, 3 miles. Leisurely. Sat 10 Mar: Talybont, 7 miles. Moderate. For more info please contact: James, 01570 480743 or Kay, 01570 480041. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour. Meet rain or shine, 10am Rookery car park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Or just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181.

The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool 01570 422552 / 01570 422959 facebook: hamdden llambed leisure Dydd / Day

Dydd Llun Monday

Dydd Mawrth Tuesday

Dydd Mercher Wednesday

Dydd Iau Thursday

Dydd Gwener Friday

Dydd Sadwrn Saturday

Amser / Time

Sesiwn / Dosbarth

Session / Class

Pris / Price


Troelli Dwr

Hydro Spin








Circuit Training



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics



Boogie Bounce

Boogie Bounce



Clwb Cleddyfau*

Fencing Club*










Cardi-O X/Fit

Cardi-O X/Fit



Ffitrwydd Ysgafn

Ease into Fitness















Aerobeg (Joan)

Aerobics (Joan)

£5.15 / £4.15


Troelli Chwim

Spin Sprint







Boogie Bounce

Boogie Bounce



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics







Rhwyfo Mewnol

Indoor Rowing



Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*

Rees School of Gymnastics*


Disco Rhowl*

Roller Disco*


Gwybodaeth yn gywir ar amser argraffu / Information correct at time of printing *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 24


Dydd Llun Dydd Mawrth

Nofio Cynnar (Lon) Nofio Cynnar (Lon)





Nofio 50+ (60+ AM DDIM)

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Rhiant a Phlentyn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Canolfan Steffan Nofio 50+ (60+ AM DDIM) Aerobeg Dwr

Nofio Ysgol Nofio Ysgol


Hydro Spin

Dydd Mercher Dydd Iau

Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Dydd Gwener

Dydd Sadwrn

Dydd Sul





Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Nofio Teuluol

Nofio Cyhoeddus




Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Nofio Teuluol

Nofio Cyhoeddus





Gweri Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn Cyflym

Aerobeg Dwr (7.30-8pm)

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Gwersi Oedolion

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio am ddim i 60+ adeg tymor ysgol yn unig Gellir bwcio partion penblywydd yn ystod y penwythnos Rhaglen gweithgareddau gwyliau ar gael o’r pŵll nofio


Monday Tuesday

Early Birds (Lanes) Early Birds (Lanes)


School Swim School Swim


Hydro Spin (10.15)

School Swim

Wednesday Thursday Friday



Early Birds (Lanes)

Dilynwch ni ar: Hamdden Llambed Leisure





50+ Swim (60+ FREE)

General Public

School Swim

Lifeguard Academy

General Public

Speed Lane Swim

Parent & Toddler

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

Lane Swim

Steffan Centre

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

Adult Lessons Lane Swim


Nofio Cyhoeddus

School Swim

School Swim

50+ Swim (60+ FREE)

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

School Swim

School Swim

Aqua Aerobics

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public



Early Birds (Lanes)

Family Swim



Early Birds (Lanes)

Family Swim



Aqua Aerobics (7.30-8pm)

General Public


General Public 11.30-12.30

General Public

Free 60+ Swimming - Term time only Birthday Parties can be booked over the weekend Holiday Programme available from the pool

Follow us on: Hamdden Llambed Leisure 25

move your body cont’d _____ Aberaeron Walk & Talk Group. Short and easy guided walks for those who find walking more difficult. Meet new people, get fitter and enjoy yourself. Meet outside County Hall/Library Tuesdays, 2pm. Info: Gillian, 01545 574811, Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm, meet outside Lampeter Leisure Centre. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen, 07817 543257. Llanerchaeron parkrun 5K Every Sat, 9am, at Llanerchaeron National Trust House, Ciliau Aeron. Free parking and toilets at visitor centre. Coffee and cake at Conti’s Café afterwards. All ability runners/walkers welcome. No dogs. Children aged 4-11 must be accompanied by an adult. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Lampeter Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Tai Chi Classes. Tues 11am-12pm, Thurs 6-7pm, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter. £5 or £4 for over 50's, beginners welcome. Contact: Richard, 01558 650843. Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £2. Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. To hire or join a league. Contact: 01570 424774. Aerobics/Body Toning. Weds 7.308.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4. Contact: Debbie, 01570 493594. Hydrospin - Aqua Cycling & trampolines Lampeter Pool, Mon 10.15am– 10.45am; Aberaeron Pool, Tues 11.45am (12.15pm) & 7pm (7.30pm) plus Aqua Mats, 11.15-11.45am & 8-8.30pm. Contact: David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870.

Caron Archery Club. Sat, 3-5pm, Caron Leisure Centre, Tregaron. Target archery club welcoming Archery GB members who just want to shoot. Also Beginners Archery sessions with full certificate on completion (ask for dates). £5 or £3 for members, Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga. Mon 6.30-8pm, £8 drop-in or £28 for 4 sessions, St Thomas' Hall, Lampeter. Mixed abilities. Susie Bates (BWY teacher), 07588 527512. Hatha Yoga with Pat Beaton. Every Weds 5.30-7pm, £6, Cellan Millennium Hall. 1st Weds each month Yoga on the Ball (bring your own Swiss Ball). Small friendly group. Contact: Pat, 01558 650594. Yoga with Ginny Moffett. Mon, 6.157.30pm, Church Hall, Abergorlech, SA32 7SN. All abilities welcome, bring your own mat. £8. Ginny 01558 650 572 or 07791 165998. Yoga with Karen Hills. Hatha Yoga, Weds 10-11.30am in Victoria Hall, and Beginners Yoga Weds 6pm-7pm at St Peter's Church. Exploring physical postures to relax the body and mind. Improving flexibility, balance, and concentration. Using breath and relaxation techniques to deal with life’s stresses. Regular monthly workshops, and 1:1 sessions. Booking essential. Karen, 07547 125937. Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon, 5.30-7pm and Fri, 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues, 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues, 5.30pm and Thurs, 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. 26

Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds, 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Ann, 07826 692110. American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio, UWTSD Lampeter Sports Hall. Contact: Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Egyptian Belly Dance. Weds, 7.30pm8.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio. Non-performance class focussing on the health benefits of belly dance. £6. Catriona, 07792 248962 Belly Dance and Fit for Life Classes. Friday mornings, fortnightly, mixed class 10.45am-12pm, Fit for Life (50+) 12.15 -1.30pm. Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate, £42 per term or £7 per session. Contact, 07544424441. Belly Dance Beginners Class. Tues 5.306.30pm, Tregaron Leisure Centre, £5. Melanie Long (JTA accredited), 07879 651072, The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Mon: Aberaeron; Tues, Thurs and Sat: Lampeter. Offering Ballet, Street and Modern. Find us on Facebook: The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Jade: 07972521842 Mat-based Pilates Plus. First and last Mon of month, 2-3.15pm, Llangeitho Village Hall. Suitable for beginners, but please call. Bring mat. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle-toning, increased energy, strength, agility, stamina and body/mind/spirit connection. Shân Rees, qualified Pilates instructor: 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £3. For 40+. Walking Football. Fri, 5.306.30pm, £3. Come along and have some fun. Tregaron Leisure Centre. 01974 298960.

music _________________

Lampeter Music Public Concert Series. Sun 17 Feb, 2.30om, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter. Isata Kanneh-Mason (piano) and Braimah Kanneh-Mason (violin), see for a sample. £12, concessions £10. Two children free with paying adult. Full programme:

music cont’d _____________ religious services/groups _ Lampeter Folk/Gwerin Llambed. Next meeting Fri 15 Mar for Ides special. Contact 07817 715321, Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm. Goldies Singing: selection of pop songs from 1950s-70s. 2nd Tues of month, 11am-12pm, Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter. Suggested donation £2.

permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________

Cothi Gardeners. 20 Feb, 7.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. Want to learn more about snowdrops? Followed by an auction of snowdrops and more for sale. Guests welcome, £3 includes refreshments. Lampeter Permaculture Group Seed Swap 2019. People’s Market, Sat 23 Feb, 10am-1pm, Victoria Hall. Bring saved or surplus seeds to swap, or find seeds to sow and start growing veg. In the spirit of a swap, seeds are free but we welcome donations. Sow a few extra seeds and bring the seedlings to the Plant Swap later in the year. Info about permaculture from group members, or visit the Seed Library. Lampeter Seed Library. 2nd and 4th Sat each month at the People’s Market, Victoria Hall. Join the library, borrow or donate seed. Free service. All welcome. Cathy Streeter Growing Together/ Tyfu Gyda’n Gilydd. Free community noticeboard in Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Aims to widen access to locally grown food by facilitating non-monetary exchange of growing and husbandry skills, and knowledge, labour, food/harvest, growing spaces and produce. Lampeter Permaculture Group. A collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Permaculture & Conservation Advice, designs, courses to change your life. Angie Polkey, 01974 831300, , Sustainable Home Retrofit Advice. Save money on home heating. Andy Polkey,

Brondeifi. Festri Brondeifi ar gael at eich defnydd. Ystafell gyfforddus fodern gyda gwres canolog, piano a sistem sain. Cegin, llestri ac ati ar gael hefyd. / The Vestry at Brondeifi is available for your use. Modern and comfortable room with central heating, piano and sound system, kitchen with crockery and cutlery. Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Services 3 times a week. Sun, 10.45am, Holy Eucharist. Mon, 6pm, Christian Meditation, 1/2 hour service. Weds, 10.45am, Holy Eucharist & Ministry of Healing. St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. St Thomas' Methodist Church Sun Service 10.30am, crèche & youth activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact: 01570 423757. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 423360. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services 1st and 3rd Sun of month. 1st Sun, 10am. 3rd Sun 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Bilingual services. 11.15am, 1st and 3rd 27

Sun each month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. All welcome/Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canofan Steffen Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Creoso y bawb. Cysylltwch/Contact: 01570 471488,

social _________________

Merry Makers’ Women’s Group Weds, 10.30am-3pm. St James’ Hall, Cwmann. £3 includes vegetarian lunch, refreshments and all activities. Free car park. Disabled toilet & access. All women welcome. 11am Qi Gong gentle exercise 12noon lunch 1pm workshop: Wed 30 Jan: Play reading 6 Feb: Bring a favourite CD 13 Feb: AGM, table games 20 Feb: Craft 27 Feb: Writing a poem Info: 01570 423167 / 01570 470010 Custard Queens WI: Ladies of Lampeter! Are you open to being inspired, experiencing new things, learning new skills and making solid friendships? We meet every 1st Sun, 7.30-10pm, Victoria Hall (2nd Sun on Bank Holiday weekends), and every Friday, 2.30pm, Mustard Seed Café for Coffee Catch Up. Sun 3 Feb: Beadwork with Nikki Mead. Contact Christine on 07815 086579 Lampeter Bridge Club every Tues, 6.45pm, Hafan Deg Retirement Home. Visitors and learners welcome. Contact Keith, 01974 298811 for more info. Dewch i’n cwrdd, croeso mawr ichi. Lampeter chess club every Tues, 23pm, The Mustard Seed. Friendly games, nothing serious or heavy, beginners welcome, tuition available, otherwise just play or chat. Bring a board and pieces if you have them. Contact: Nick, 01570 481735, or just turn up.

social cont’d ______________ Hwyl a Hamdden. Social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm, term-time. Variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 47069, Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Fri each month, 121.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon Lampeter WI. Meet 3rd Weds each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact: 01570 421683. Cellan WI: 2nd Thurs each month, 7.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. A diverse, energetic and enthusiastic group of ladies. Drop in for a taster

and join the fun. Contact Penny 01570 423877. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact: Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee Mornings. Last Weds of month, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook

Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info and other events in the district.

volunteering ___________

Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays Join volunteering sessions to develop practical skills & benefit from work in a beautiful environment. One session in four devoted to your own woodcraft project. No experience needed, training given. Meet at Canolfan Long Wood Centre, 10am Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Looking for voluntary trustees to join our charity ‘The Shared Earth Trust’. Seeking individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences and skill sets, especially finance, conservation, marketing and fundraising, but other roles available. Info: 01570 493358 or

Global Justice West Wales group. Be part of the change. Contact:


Pumsaint WI Monthly Report


Happy New Year to you all. Here is a brief report of all meetings since the end of November. Our December meeting welcomed speaker Chris Dodd, owner of Cariad Glass in Llandysul. We saw samples of his glass designs and witnessed the passion he has for this work, and how he and his wife Justine still use traditional tools for creating the beautiful stained glass windows. Chris also undertakes repairs.

Classes subject to change: please check for updates, contact details, and our What’s On page for one-off events MONDAY Golden Broth Lunch Club: 15 Feb, 11.30-2pm Line Dancing: 7-10pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Ed. Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm Lampeter Bee Keepers: 8.15-10.15pm Every 2nd Tues of month WEDNESDAY Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm

In January we had a varied meeting where President, Bet Nicholls read out points of interest from the monthly newsletter from the Carmarthenshire WI; then took the members through the National WI resolutions, which were discussed and voted on before proceeding to a fun games evening, where dominoes, soft ball bowling, indoor hurling and table tennis was played. The Monthly competition was the person scoring the most points overall. This was won by Sue Jones. The delayed Christmas / New Year Dinner was decided upon and the venue selected. The next meeting is on Tuesday 5 February, 7:30 pm, Coronation Hall Pumsaint.

It will be a talk on Hedgehogs with Di O'Keefe from the West Wales Hedgehog Rescue. Competition: A limerick about hedghogs. The March meeting: Tuesday 6 March will be Swper Cawl. Venue to be confirmed.

FRIDAY Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm

For more information contact Carole Piller

Copy Deadline for March - Issue 67: Friday 8 February 2019 Theme: ‘Costing the Earth’ Articles: Adverts: Listings: 28


Traws Link Cymru West Wales Rail Campaign “It is the releYmgyrch Rheilffordd Gorllewin Cymru vant transport authority’s responsibility to identify priorities for investment in their areas. I would like to mention that if the Welsh Government progress positively with the studies conducted and subsequently decide that the reopening of the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen rail line is a transport priority for Wales, I would have no objection to fund and deliver the scheme.” So what is stopping them? The Welsh Government should immediately decide that the reopening of the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen Railway is a transport priority and the UK Government will pay for it. What are they waiting for? The Feasibility Study has been completed and Mott MacDonald say it can be rebuilt and opened by 2024. Let them get on with it and bring back prosperity to Lampeter. Phone me to see what you can do to help us get this railway built and opened. Adrian Kendon Chair – Traws Link Cymru 07981 436981

Following the publication of the Feasibility Study into the rebuilding of the railway between Carmarthen and Aberystwyth, the committee of Traws Link Cymru has had no meetings while we waited for the outcome of the leadership elections for the Welsh political parties to take place. We are waiting because despite letters to all the leadership candidates we had no response from any of them apart from Eluned Morgan, who thinks the railway won’t be rebuilt, and Adam Price, who thinks it will. Adam Price in his Election manifesto wrote “The incoming Plaid Cymru government will make up for generations of under-investment by leapfrogging Westminster and building the future here – building a reliable, fast, modern, renewably powered National Western Rail Line for Wales linking Swansea with Bangor...” and this was reinforced in the interview with Mike Lewis published in the Cambrian News on 11 October 2018 under the headline “Reopening rail line would be Plaid Cymru’s priority”. We have been invited to a meeting with Adam Price AM (the new leader of Plaid Cymru), Elin Jones AM, Jonathon Edwards MP and Ben Lake MP on Friday 8 February to decide on ways forward with our campaign to reopen the railway. Among the points we will be making will be the fact that the Department for Transport has confirmed that it is working with a number of groups exploring the reopening of old rail routes, axed under the so called Beeching cuts of the 1960s. We want them to work with our campaign too. Other points to make include the fact that eye-watering sums are being spent on London’s Crossrail, which was supposed to open last autumn, yet won’t open ‘till next year with an additional £1.5 billion expenditure in addition to the £16 billion already spent; and the hugely expensive and troubled HS2 project which will take a mere twenty minutes off a journey from Birmingham to London for a cost of £50 billion or more. A tiny fraction of these vast sums spent on our railway would bring much greater prosperity to the poorest part of the European Union which is West Wales. This has been demonstrated by the Borders Railway which has seen passenger numbers far exceed the projections with over 4 million passengers in the first three years of operation. Unlike Scotland, where the Scottish Government has responsibility for funding the railway infrastructure, the Welsh Government must rely on funding from Westminster. We have a letter from Paul Maynard, the Under Secretary of State with responsibility for railways in which he writes... 29

Lionesses December News which was drawn at full time, went into an exciting and Even with the inevitable domestically demanding time on the run up to the Christmas break, the Lionesses managed to cram in three training sessions, two friendly matches and a Christmas tournament in Aberaeron this December. Llandysul netball who have recently formed, visited Lampeter for their first friendly match. Two games were played with Lampeter fielding a solely non-league team of all ages in the first match and the league squad girls in the second. Llandysul, won the first game and Llewod triumphed in the second. Thanks to Heather from Llandysul and the team for the fixture and we wish them all the best for the New Year. After their netballing debut for Children in Need, Lampeter Trees Services agreed to a rematch with Llewod Llambed in our final meet of 2018. The all-male team, most of them six feet tall or more, showed boundless enthusiasm and agility in all areas of the court, and although only their second ever match, managed a win against the Lionesses (final score is still being hotly debated). Well done lads. The Christmas Tournament organised by the Ceredigion Netball League was a fun event with festive team names and fancy dress, but played with the usual commitment and competitiveness. Llewod fielded two teams “Lampeter Lights” and “Nadolig Llawen Llambed”, with “Lampeter Lights” eventually being beaten into 5th place by “Aeron Angels”, the match,

well fought five minutes of extra time. Hoping it is the first of many to come, Llewod Llambed club members gathered for a festive dinner at Lampeter Rugby Club. After a delicious Christmas dinner, a series of awards, certificates and silly gifts were given out to club members. Well done and thank you to Llewod Social Secretary Nicola Williams for organising a successful and fun night. And here is 2019. Llewod Llambed is looking forward to restarting their League matches later in January and to forging stronger friendship and ties with the ever growing Ceredigion netballing community through the League, friendlies and charity matches. Happy New Year! Llewod llambed is a club set up for women of all ages, fitness levels and experience, coming together to enjoy the camaraderie of being in a team, improving skills and for the joy of playing netball. We meet every Thursday, 7pm at Lampeter Leisure Centre. LLewod Elonwy Thomas seriously vertically disadvantaged against Sion of Lampeter Tree Services £3.50 each session. All are Welcome. Lynn Humphreys


Recent Reviews Lark, the talented Blues duo opened the evening by warming up the crowd with a flourish only the blues can bring, as everyone awaited the start of the main acts. The refreshing twang of a sitar came rolling across the room and let the crowd know it was time to begin and was not long before the deep thrum of a base track and the patter of drums rose to join in. It felt like the start to an epic adventure film, where the heroes were preparing to battle the greatest of evils and come out victorious. With clever wording and a sitar that proved you can apply any instrument to any song if you are talented enough, the crowd were drawn into a cohesive unity that perfectly mirrored the world wide ideals that the band champion. The vocalist began a chant of “Can you feel it”, and there wasn’t a single person that didn’t feel it right to their bones; different dances melding perfectly with the lyrics. In an incredible show of its

members’ collective talents, the band repeatedly moved between genres. The psychedelic trance gave way to an upbeat ska tune, then rolled seamlessly into a smooth reggae song. Through each of their songs though, no matter what genre or speed they took it at, every song had a remarkably special quality that is so rarely found in today’s music. It was akin to watching an artist work. The singer laid an outline with his charged spoken lyrics and melodic refrains. With the glorious mix of the sitar, the duel effect of the classic drum set and the handheld drums, and the thunderous drum and bass backing, colour blossomed over the sketch, creating a vivid scene that lit the senses and created a story for the crowd. Celf Llambed Arts have a particular talent of pairing up complementary acts, and tonight was no exception. The cultural variation of Transglobal Underground was in stark contrast to the techno speed of Paradox; but there was something in the energy of both performances that really tied them


together. As soon as Paradox took the stage, the mood became a club vibe. As soon as the singer began, her Natalie Imbruglia-esque voice led the tune, accompanied by the drums, guitar and keyboard. The 6-piece group didn’t need vocals to carry their tracks though the crowd. Even when the vocalist moved away, the musicians carried the hype of the crowd. Paradox were in tune with their audience in a way that is only achievable at smaller venues like this. They felt the need of the crowd for a slow and dirty track, and then threw in a round of rap to hit the crowd when they least expected it. They closed the crowd down with the pulsing rhythm track ‘Sunshine’; and left them shouting for more. Celf Llambed Arts is taking a break whilst Victoria Hall goes through an exciting period of refurbishment which will include new lighting and sound. Celf Llambed Arts

Recent Reviews Mesmerizing, Complex and Soothing music – a Persian experience A series of Persian classical music concerts, featuring highly accomplished musicians and singers from Iran, has over the past couple of years captivated the audiences in Lampeter. Each concert has opened up new vistas to the richness and beauty of this music, and on 23 November 2018, we were treated to yet another dimension of Persian music, this time presented to us by the duo Behdad Babaei (Seh-tar) and Navid Afghah (Tombak). As on previous occasions, the first impression to feed the senses, before we even listen to the music, is the sight of their amazing and beautifully crafted musical instruments. On this occasion it was the Seh-tar – a member of the lute family. It originally had three strings (seh means three), but was modified and a fourth string added. You may not be surprised to learn that the sitar is named after the seh-tar!! Tombak, the principle percussion instrument in Persian music, is a goblet drum, played mostly with the fingers, although sometimes the palm is also used to get the ringing timbre at the edge of the drumhead. A winter’s evening was the perfect backdrop for this brilliant exposition of the Persian classical repertoire, by such renowned musicians. Although not much was said in the way of introduction to these complex pieces, in the end it was the music which said it all, touching our hearts with its soothing yet complex patterns and tones. The skill, mastery and all-round excellence of Behdad Babaei and Navid Afghah made for a superb evening. The intricate patterns played on the tombak were absolutely mesmerizing. The music of the seh-tar was equally complex, but great beauty lay in that complexity! The duo presented two long pieces, each one building up to a vibrant, dynamic crescendo, carrying the listener through the various moods and expressions of each piece. The experience was magical and a feast for the senses. The audience gave the musicians a rousing standing ovation and were rewarded with an exciting encore. Lampeter has been blessed to experience such high-quality music by brilliant Iranian musicians. A member of the visiting group said how much they loved playing their music to our appreciative and discerning Lampeter audience! This surely is a message to our wonderful organisers, Eva Skalla of Global Heritage, Gary Thorogood and Transition Llambed, to arrange many more such concerts here in Lampeter. A big thank you to everyone!! Rajesh David

Celtic Christianity XLV St Beuno / Beunor Abbot of Clynnog Fawr, Caernarvon. Born c. 545. Reposed c. 640. Remembered 21st April and 14th January. Patron of sick children and cattle. Pronounced bay-no, not bway-no. Son of Beugi (Hywgi) ap Gwynllyw and Princess Peren, daughter of King Lot Luwddoc of Gododdin. His paternal grandfather was a minor Prince of Powys (the son of Tegid ap Cadell Ddyrnllug). Educated at Bangor Abbey, Herefordshire; then at Caerwent by St Tathyw, in the college founded by King Ynyr Gwent. Here he "obtained a knowledge of all the Holy Scriptures. He learned the service of the Church and its rules and took orders and became a priest." When walking by the Severn he heard an Englishman calling to his hounds from the other side. He told his disciples to leave before "the men of a strange language" invaded their land. King Cynan Gawyn gave him lands Gwyddelwern. So called because Beuno raised Llorcan Wyddel back to life there. Mentioned as one of the six persons resurrected through his prayers. St Winifred was his niece whose head was chopped off by violent Prince Caradog (for whom Ceredigion is named). St Beuno placed it on her shoulders and brought her back to life. When a man had lost his eyebrow by some accident, Saint Beuno healed it by applying the iron point of his staff: and so a church four miles from Clynnog has the name of Llanael Hayarn "church of the iron brow". He was buried at Clynnog Fawr. There is an 'eglwys y bedd' where miracles took place, covered with a large stone, upon which people still lay sick children for a cure. The large chest that held the pilgrims offerings survives "Cyff St Beuno". Made of one piece of oak, secured with three locks, which gave rise to the Welsh proverb, when a person attempted a difficult thing: "you may as well try to break up St Beunos chest." In a manuscript at Jesus College, Oxford “Llyvr Ancr Llanddewi Brevi” of 1346; there is a life of St Beuno in Welsh, which has never been published. Troparion Of St Beuno Thou didst work many miracles and found many churches, O glorious Father Beuno. Thou didst protect Saint Winifred and guide her in holiness Protect us also, by thy prayers, through all the dangers of this life that we may receive mercy. Holy Saint Beuno, pray to God for us. Harry Harrison 32

Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.

Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.

Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.

Sefydlu Gweinidog Newydd

Installation of the New Minister

Gan Delyth Phillips 08/01/19 Densil Morgan yn weinidog newydd ar chwech o eglwysi’r Bedyddwyr yn y cylch.

By Delyth Phillips 08/01/19 Densil Morgan is the new minister on six local Baptist churches.

Hamdden Llambed helping you to get rid of the turkey effects!

Hamdden Llambed yn eich helpu i waredu effaith y twrci!

By Arwel Jones 03/01/19 Details of all facilities and activities at Lampeter Leisure Centre.

Gan Arwel Jones 03/01/19 Manylion am holl gyfleusterau a gweithgareddau’r Ganolfan Hamdden.

Almost Forty Thousand on New Playing Equipment locally

Bron Deugain Mil ar Offer Chwarae Newydd yn lleol

By Dylan Lewis 02/01/19 New playing facilities for children in Cwmann and Lampeter.

Gan Dylan Lewis 02/01/19 Cyfleusterau chwarae newydd i blant yng Nghwmann a Llanbed.

Traditional and New Carols By Haulwen Lewis 30/12/18 Bethel Drefach, Brynteg, Capel Nonni, Gwyddgrug and Tabernacl Service of Lessons and Carols.

Carolau Traddodiadol a Newydd Gan Haulwen Lewis 30/12/18 Gwasanaeth Llith a Charol gofalaeth Bethel Drefach, Brynteg, Capel Nonni, Gwyddgrug a’r Tabernacl.

A Modern Version of the Nativity

Fersiwn Fodern o Stori’r Geni

By Alun Wyn 24/12/18 The account of Jo and Meri from Lampeter on a shopping trip to Swansea.

Gan Alun Wyn 24/12/18 Hanes Jo a Meri o Lanbed ar eu taith siopa i Abertawe.

Remember to spend in your local shops

Cofiwch wario yn eich siopau lleol Gan Sian Gwili 13/12/18 Llywydd Siambr Fasnach Llanbed a’r Noson Siopa Hwyr yn y dref.

By Sian Gwili 13/12/18 Lampeter Chamber of Trade President and the Late Night Shopping in the town.

Pobl o bob oed, o bob cenedl yn y Plygain

People of all ages and all nations in the Plygain

Gan Rhiannon Ifans 08/12/18 Canu’r hen garolau yn Hen Gapel Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant.

By Rhiannon Ifans 08/12/18 Singing the old carols in the University of Wales Trinity St Davids Old Chapel. Dylan Lewis 33

Ysgol Bro Pedr

Compiled by Heini Thomas

Next Generation of Young Inventors Celebrated at 20th Annual Innovation Awards Congratulations to Lisa Evans, Year 12 on winning the first prize at the WJEC Innovation Awards. Her Design and Technology Textiles work was awarded as the most innovative GCSE work in the whole of Wales! Lisa produced a dress inspired by the 60s which was designed using CAD (Computer Aided design). The dress was made by cutting the intricate geometric pattern in the fabric using the laser machine. It is a versatile dress that is ideal for taking on a holiday abroad, it can be worn over a swimming costume while relaxing near the pool, and then a base layer can be added to transform the dress for the evening. Lisa received her £250 award (and £150 for the Design and Technology department) from Education minister, Kirsty Williams at an awards ceremony at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay.

New Mural will welcome everyone to Lampeter Ysgol Bro Pedr, Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen, Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn and Ysgol Y Dderi Schools have been busy creating a mural under the guidance of the artist Rhiannon Roberts for Lampeter town. We would like to thank Rhiannon, Saint David’s Committee, Lampeter Town Council & Mayor Ann Morgan, y Drindod Dewi Sant University, LAS, Jewson, Clwb Cinio and Evans Brothers for their sponsorships. You will be able to see this fantastic piece of work up on the wall of WD Lewis soon – thank you. Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn

Ysgol Bro Pedr

Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen

Ysgol Y Dderi


COEDWIG GYMUNEDOL LONG WOOD COMMUNITY WOODLAND After a difficult and exciting year in the woods, it's good to reflect on the past year's achievements...

mammals such as Pine Martens, and we now have a pair of Barn Owls nesting in a purpose built nest box.

Following a really wet summer the previous year, the ground was waterlogged which made a lot of the Sitka Spruce unstable, due to it having a very shallow root structure. Then the storms came and took a number of trees down, weakened many more and finally the 'Beast from the East' arrived to cause considerable damage to coniferous woodlands throughout mid Wales, Long Wood included! The Spring was particularly mild, but a long hot summer did not help the trees. All of these things combined, meant that we had to call in a local contractor to make the woodland safe. This was paid for by selling some of the timber. During the summer, N.R.W. (Natural Resources Wales) also informed us that we have an outbreak of Larch Disease (Phytophthora Ramorum), and so instructed us to fell all the Larch in a hundred metre radius around the infected tree. On a more positive note, sales of our timber and a grant from the Lottery has helped us to finance the construction of a series of wildlife ponds and a wildlife hide in part of the area where we had previously had to clearfell dangerous trees. We want to create a lovely wetland habitat in this already quite waterlogged area, to attract more Invertebrates, which will attract more Birds, Amphibians and Mammals into an area that was previously a monoculture. The sunshine we let in has already had a positive impact on the species count in the clearfell area. One of our main aims has always been to go back to native broadleaf trees over the majority of Long Wood. This will take time, but the benefits to biodiversity are numerous.

As part of our commitment to the wildlife here, we have had various talks on Pine Martens, Red Squirrels and Owls from people who are specialists and incredibly passionate about these creatures. As well as conservation talks, the visitor centre has hosted quite a few events showcasing local artists and musicians, and has also been hired out by other local groups. There was the very successful “Hedgehog Hunt”, in aid of “West Wales Hedgehog Rescue”. This was a Hedgehog inspired event with a treasure hunt and included other fun activities like, the creation of a “Bug Hotel”, “Hook a Duck”, “Fling the Frog”, “Splat the Rat”, and a raffle and a talk about Hedgehogs. We also had craft stalls and more cake to buy than you could shake a stick at! The installation of a “Bean to Cup” coffee machine in our visitor centre has been a great engagement tool for local walkers and anyone who has popped in to say hello. Later in the year, Ysgol Bro Pedr sent their BBC Reporters Club to do a series of excellent videos about what we do in Long Wood. They were all polite, well mannered and a delight to work with.

Our Coppice project helps with biodiversity too, creating different levels of habitat, to suit different flora and fauna on a rotational basis, and also gives Coppice workers a sustainable source of fire and craft wood. This year, the Wednesday volunteer group have been working tirelessly building fences using timber that they felled and prepared themselves; repairing and improving footpaths; making steps and woodsheds; cutting our very own Coppice coupe; creating nest boxes for birds and;

To cap it all off, we donated two van loads of firewood to the Lampeter branch of “HomeStart”, an organisation which supports struggling young families in the area. All the work could not have been possible without the remarkable staff we have, and they deserve praise for all their effort and fortitude. So a big Thank You and Happy New Year to all who work, use and support Long Wood.? Bert Lewis, Volunteer

01570 493355, 35

Blankets made with Love - Latest update It is now six months since we began making the six inch squares and finished our first blanket. I must have been given a thousand or so over the last six months. They have been made by friends and groups in and near Lampeter. The variation of patterns, colours, stitches and designs are all amazing. I have now completed blanket number 28; each has 35 squares and has a personalised message attached to it. I have also received donations of wool and money for wool as well as squares. Each person involved in the blanket making has, or will have, one called after them. Just before Christmas we took some more over to the Salvation Army in Carmarthen. They were so grateful and just loved the amazing designs and messages too. They have been giving them out to people (where needed) and been met with real gratitude and messages of thanks to all concerned.

While we were there we met an elderly lady who kept thanking us over and over again for her lovely blanket. She loves the patterns, the message and the warmth it gives her on her bed. I asked if they had enough blankets to give out and was told that they will always keep wanting them. So we have reached 28 and, after hearing that, have decided that the target is 100 blankets. We are over a quarter of the way and there is no time limit so I am asking everyone to carry on knitting and crocheting if you can please. A great big thank you to everyone who has been involved. These blankets are made in love and given in love, as there is no money involved at all. For further details please contact: Diana Williams, 01570 64034, or call in to St Thomas Church, Lampeter on a Tuesday (10am-12noon) for a cuppa and a chat. Or go online to view some of them on Dawn’s Happy Paintings, Diana Williams


This fiftieth special Brexit General Knowledge and Cryptic PRIZE: Voucher Crossword is sponsored by Y Barbwr shop at 5 Market Street, Lampeter. The owner and manager, Leon Holmes, has kindly offered the winner a voucher to be Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 50 (Jeep) spent in the shop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Leon himself is a local man, 10 born and bred in Lampeter. 11 12 He went straight from 13 school to take a course in 14 15 Swansea in barbering, a 16 17 18 19 career that he had set his 20 21 22 23 heart on. He did his apprenticeship with Wyn Davies, the 24 25 previous owner of Y Barbwr, who had run the business for 50 26 27 28 29 years. Then, last September, Leon took over the business and now runs it single-handed. Y Barbwr is a traditional barber’s 30 shop, offering the usual short-back-and-sides as well as hot 31 32 shave, beard trim and skin fade. Prices are very reasonable 33 34 35 and the shop is open six days a week. To find out more you 36 37 38 can visit the Facebook website for Leon-y-Barbwr. 39 40 41 Opening times: Mon/Tue/Fri: 9am–5pm, Wed: 9am–1pm, 42 Thurs: 8am–6pm, Sat: 9am–12.30pm. Closed 12.30 – 1.30pm 43 competition

Large rough working grid, front cover - Eds.

Across 1. Ahead sans ripoff arrangement is what might be hoped for in negotiations (4,4,2.5) 10. Spanish separatists of metal core preceded Brexit (Abb) (1,1,1) 11. Calor explosion offering bets on Brexit? (5) 12. Possible North American’s option for Brexit (6’1) 13. Speculative trash ends in waste of cigarettes (3) 14. Sounds like snow slope could describe many people’s atti tude to Brexit (5) 16. It was his decision to call the referendum (5,7) 20. Spain and France might have short English Finish (Abb) (1,1) 21. Many say Brexit is a bit of a lottery (3) 22. Divorce settlement is at the centre of being allowed in (3) 25. What De Gaulle said when the UK wanted to join the EEC in 1967 (3) 26. Proportion voting for Brexit in the referendum (5-3,7) 30. Rules to follow if we leave the EU with no deal (Abb) (1,1,1) 31. Place found in dispute (3) 33. Total number of MEPs in NE and NW regions (6) 34. Majority of small businesses favour this trading option (6) 37. Symbol for one of the first six countries of the EEC (Abb) (2) 38. Informal thanks from part of Italy (2) 39. Arranges set demo action for objecting ministers? (7) 40. This man joins EU in 1995, not French, but prepared for board and lodging (3) 41. Original name of the EU (Abb) (1,1,1) 42. German and French might understand (3) 43. Necessary Brexit compromise when mock casino sense is spun (4,11)

Down 1. What Tony Blair recently favours (6,10) 2. What each side should perhaps do if they cared a fig over mess (7) 3. Which country has the most EU-born residents in Ceredigion? (6) 4. Allows conversion to centimetres if disorganised - scan own chip (4,3,4) 5. One mole disturbed by Greek drink of honey and wine (7) 6. Region allowing no tariffs (Abb) (1,1,1) 7. Not cold about new pads, like minister possessed before resigning (3,4) 8. Joints often put out by Brexit quarrels (5) 9. What many complain was absent in the referendum so scoff at testament fabrication (9,2,5) 15. Did 48% vote for this? (2) 17. Do Italy and France hold possibility? (2) 19. Treaty that established the EEC (4) 22. Traffic restriction for May’s insistence on what is available (3,3) 23. Corbyn’s answer if asked if he would vote for May’s deal (4) 24. Prebble’s comment on Farage’s psychological issue upset could in some way depict spy (9) 27. Mike info broadcast to reassure May’s supporters? (4,1’1,2) 28. Will this be the result of delays if twisting notice up? (3,2,3) 29. Coloured beverages that may be taxed if there is no deal (3,5) 32. International body that has warned of growing UK racism be cause of Brexit (Abb) (1,1) 35. Current position if ending EU seat (2) 36. What second-vote campaigners want to hear if mother leaves French house (2,2) 38. Age of one who could not vote last time, but might now (4) 41. Conceit at the heart of being so categorical (3)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 8 February 2019, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 50, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.


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LAMPETER TOWN FENCING CLUB Tues - 15.30-17.00 Fri - 18.30-20.00




Taster Day, Saturday 6 April, 10am-4pm One day introduction to beekeeping, including inspection of a beehive (weather permitting). £15 per person The Taster Day cost is reimbursed for people who go on to register for the full Beginner’s Course

Beginner’s Course, starts 28 April

01570 493139

Series of five theory & practical classes held Sunday afternoons (2-4pm) from April to June £75 per person (or £130 per couple) ALL COURSES ARE HELD AT THE MILLENNIUM HALL, CELLAN SA48 8HZ

For more information or to book a place, call Siobhan, 01974 821722 or Mike, 01974 821317

Family History Research Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life.

Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525

Copy Deadline for March Issue 67: Friday 8 February 2019 Articles:



Design help needed We






designs that fit our themes. Can you help? March - Costing the Earth (c) April - Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Reinvention (w) May - Hiraeth (c) June - Just a Minute (w)

For more information please get in touch.

Attention To avoid any undue upset or confusion Please check and update your adverts regularly Diolch / Thank You Diolch / Thank you. Eds


Two Saints Sale

25 Jan - 01 Mar Books At least Bags Vinyl DVDs everything* CDs Maps *except book tokens Cards



Open 10am-5pm Tues-Sat

8 Sgwâr Alban, Aberaeron, SA46 0AD 01545 23 82 82

Congratulations to our Crossword Winner


Sally Jones

Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue


Copy Deadline


67 Mar

Costing the Earth

Fri 8 Feb

Sat 23 Feb

Fri 8 Mar

Sat 23 Mar


68 - Apr Regeneration, Reinvention

(for People’s Market)

Gwilym Price waiting to award Sally with her winner’s voucher 69 - May


Fri 12 Apr

Sat 27 Apr

70 - Jun

Just a Minute

Fri 10 May

Sat 25 May

Please Send to: Articles, letters, reviews & enquiries listings adverts & classifieds

next issue… mar 2019 - issue 67 copy deadline: friday 8 february

Well done to everyone who completed crossword 49: Marilyn Bray, Mol Creame, Claire Davies, Daniel Davies, Helen Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, Sarah Davies, Llinos Griffiths, Trevor Harris, David Hyde, M.J Jones, Dawn Kenwright, George Kinchington, Merry Makers Women’s Group, Geoff Oldrid, Ieuan Reid, Jessica Reid, Sarah Roberts, Schröder family, and Marye Wyvill Check out your answers for crossword 49 below and see page 37 for more details about the prize for our 50th cryptic crossword, from our sponsor for issue 66, Y Barbwr NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 50, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor a crossword, then please contact Diolch/Thank you.

theme: ‘costing the earth’

Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 49 by “Jeep”


will this be the year that positive progress is made with the plastic recycling issue?


should we be made more aware of the environmental consequences of our actions? what simple things can we do to help? how many species are becoming extinct? what do you think about the current food debate - plant or meat? why not write in and tell us … (400 words maximum please! )

Diolch / Thank you We look forward to hearing from you soon 39










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