International Food Court Project

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International Food Court

Objectives  

  

Demonstrate your knowledge of international cuisine Design a restaurant based on your assigned country Create a menu based on your assigned countries cuisine and dining customs Collaborate with your team to present a complete design of a food court that includes all of your assigned countries Present your complete design to the class

Vision    

Name your architectural firm Members of your firm Name of the mall your food court will be located including the city and state Environmental location of the food court

Criteria for Success 

Create and Design  Four different restaurants that include;  Name of the restaurant (unique and not borrowed)  Specify the country of origin for the cuisine (drawn randomly)  Logo unique to the culture and cuisine (not borrowed)  Menu design that includes:  4 appetizers  4 side dishes  4 main dishes  4 beverage choices  4 dessert items  Description and cost for each item

Criteria for Success


Color theme and ambiance (décor & seating) consistent with the country of origin and their customs  Floor plan consistent with the country of origin and their customs  Garnishes (umbrellas, flower heads, parsley)  Table Setting  Serving dishes design (plastic, round, square) (colors)  Utensils offered (plastic, traditional, chopsticks, napkins, pita)  Entertainment (live demonstrations, music, televisions) 

Due on June 2nd 

One combined presentation board that illustrates plans of each restaurant with color samples and décor selections Four complete menus

Presentations 

Groups will be chosen randomly to present – BE READY ON ANY GIVEN DAY. ALL members must participate in the presentation and each will be graded accordingly.

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