Lancahsire Local issue 17

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Issue. 17

Inside This Issue: Leisure • Visit Wales • Weddings • School’s Out • Visit Cumbria • What’s On




THE COUNTDOWN is on to Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life in Manchester. With just a few weeks to go until the big day, organisers are urging women who haven’t secured their place yet to sign up as soon as possible for the events on Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17 at Heaton Park. Entry closes on 15th July and mums, daughters, grannies, sisters, friends and workmates who want to take part in the 5k, 10k and Pretty Muddy women-only events are encouraged to sign up at Emma Rowlandson,

Event Manager for Race for Life in Manchester, said: “We are absolutely thrilled that so many women have entered Race for Life in Manchester. But we still have places left so we’re urging anyone who has been thinking about it to commit and take action today.” Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco for the past 15 years, is an inspiring women-only series of 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy, marathon and hiking events which raises millions of pounds every year to fund research to help beat 200 types of cancer. This year, organisers need 14,000 women and girls to rally together to help raise £700,000 for

vital research. One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives, but the good news is more people are surviving the disease now than ever before. Survival rates have doubled since the early 1970s. Money raised through Race for Life allows Cancer Research UK’s doctors, nurses and scientists to advance research which is helping to save the lives of men, women and children across Manchester and the UK. Women can boost their contribution to Cancer Research UK’s work by doing a ‘wardrobe work-out’ before their event. The charity is encouraging

them to sort out and bag up hidden treasures such as quality clothes, books and accessories they no longer use and take them to Race for Life or their local Cancer Research UK shop. Emma added: “Taking part in Race for Life, alongside thousands of like minded women, is incredibly motivating. The atmosphere at all the events is full of emotion as participants wear signs on their backs declaring their reasons for taking part. Many will be remembering loved ones lost to cancer or celebrating the lives of people dear to them who have survived. “Race for Life events are not competitive. They are about an army of women crossing the finish line together in the fight against cancer. Whatever the distance, every step taken around the course will help bring us one step closer to the day when all cancers are cured.” To enter Race for Life visit or call 0300 123 0770.

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New drive to tackle incorrectly

fitted child car seats St Helens Council's Road Safety Team has launched a new initiative to raise awareness among parents, grandparents and carers about the dangers to young children of incorrectly fitted or inappropriate child car seats. In the UK last year, 71 per cent of child car seats were found to be not safely fitted or incompatible to the child or the vehicle. In tackling this vital road safety issue, the council has adopted the award-winning Good Egg In-Car Child Safety campaign to benefit from its proven record of success in significantly reducing casualty rates among child passengers throughout the UK. St Helens Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Lisa Preston said: "It's a startling fact that an unrestrained child passenger can suffer fatal injuries in a collision at less than 5mph. "Although well-intentioned parents may install a child car seat to protect their child, the danger of serious injury is just as great if the seat is not fitted correctly or if they have

chosen the wrong type of seat for the height, weight and age of the child." A free car seat checking event took place at Tesco Extra Linkway, during Child Safety Week, where dozens of residents received advice and information about car seat safety. 27 child car seats were checked

throughout the day, with 75 per cent of these found to have either major or minor faults requiring alterations – echoing last year’s national statistics. Parents can find out more about the campaign by contacting St Helens Council’s Road Safety Team on 01744 671656 or by visiting

w w w. g o o d e g g c a r s a f e t y. c o m Councillor Preston added: "We are delighted to be launching the Good Egg campaign in St Helens and strongly urge anyone with responsibility for carrying children in their car to learn more about this vital issue by contacting the Road Safety Team."

REACTION: UK voting to leave the EU

Now that the UK has voted to leave the UK experts from Manchester University are available to unpick the results and explain what it means and what the constitutional, political and economic implications will be for Britain. Economic implications Diane Coyle, Professor of Economics at Manchester, said: "There will be a number of investors who decide to move jobs into an EU country, especially in financial services. The City of London's position is particularly vulnerable. How big the losses will be from these moves, or from other overseas investors deciding against coming to the UK in the first place, is hard to predict. The vote is bad news for investment and jobs, but it will be some time before we can see the scale of it. "The UK is in for a long period of great uncertainty, which in itself damages the economy because people hold off on their planned spending. “The fall in the pound will have immediate effects, making Britons' overseas holidays more expensive and tending to push up prices of imports like food. We will probably quite soon see reduced investment by foreign businesses. “People should be under no illusion that the vote is a bad outcome in terms of the economy for the foreseeable future. "For exporters the next several years will be highly uncertain as we will not know the rules under which the UK is going to trade with our main export market, the EU. This is particularly true in the service sector, which is largely not going to be covered by the kinds of trade rules available to us outside the European single market." Constitutional implications Colin Talbot, Professor of Government and Public policy, said:"Britain is now entering a period of severe economic and political turmoil.

"The financial and money markets have already reacted badly. A recession is more than likely. "Constitutionally the likely result is that Scotland will have a new referendum, and vote to leave the UK, before we have even finished withdrawing from the EU. Indeed they have every incentive to do so to try and stay in the EU. "Politically we are likely to see a major realignment in British politics. Tim Farron of the Lib-Dems has already made a pitch for a centreleft realignment around a pro-EU social democratic coalition. It is hard to see how the pro-EU Tories will survive. "David Cameron will be gone within months, not years, and in likelihood Boris Johnson become Tory leader and PM. Given the majority of MPs – both Tory and Labour – are in favour of ‘Remain’ a fresh General Election becomes almost inevitable. "The process of ‘leaving’ is going to be messy and prolonged and there is no consensus amongst the ‘leavers’ about what they want next." Political implications Dr Maria Sobolewska, Senior Lecturer in Politics & member of Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity, said: “The result of the referendum is not about the European Union as much as it is a damning of British internal politics, which have been broken for a while. “We have to tackle the issues left behind, such as unrepresentative democracy and socio-economic inequality, because leaving the EU will not automatically solve any of them. “In fact, the crisis that may follow is likely to make many of these issues worse as it is more likely to further hit government spending and jobs

creation. I think the important thing now is to engage seriously with the underlying causes for Brexit and not dismiss them out of hand as a vote of racists and idiots as some are being portrayed on social media. “To emerge from this crisis better rather than worse off we need respect, unity and democracy to prevail.” Dimitris Papadimitriou, Professor of Politics, said: “'People vs the House of Commons'. The need for consensus over two Parliaments, will make Brexit a very messy political crisis. Dr Kathryn Simpson, Lecturer/ Research Associate in Politics, said: “What is important to note with regards to the vote to Leave in the EU referendum is that it isn't a resolution, it's the beginning of many big questions for the government both domestically and internationally. “If citizens merely use EU referendums as a chance to punish the government or to express established political party allegiances then EU referendums hardly approximate high quality deliberative processes.” Andrew Russell, Professor of Politics, said: "Britain (especially England and Wales) has revealed itself to be deeply divided in political terms. This result has deep implications for the issue of the nation's place in the world but also reveals much about a nation ill at ease with itself. Future elections are likely

to follow a similar polarised path. "There is bound to be pressure to reexamine the relationship between Scotland and the rest of the U.K. and possibly Northern Ireland too. David Cameron has gambled and lost for the first time in his political career. His party rejected his vision of Britain in Europe. "The next Conservative Prime Minister will have to bring together the party and the country. Too many on both sides in the referendum campaign will find it impossible to work with the other side of their own party. Cameron's likely successor may well have played a fairly low key role in the EURef could Theresa May be the remainer that the brexit camp could work with? "Labour too has to face up to some uncomfortable truths. An understandable reaction to the civil war in the Conservative party was ultimately disastrous for the remain campaign as the labour heartlands outside of London and the big metropolitan cities never got going. "The failure of the opposition to see that huge swathes of its core support rejected the party's official position, or perhaps even worse failed to notice it, is at the heart of understanding this result and the stunning victory for the leave campaign."

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Lancashire Local. Issue 17. Page 3.

Every Man Remembered thanks A salute to our to celebrated sculpture Armed Forces Residents turned out in great numbers to observe the annual Armed Forces Day parade, in celebration of our Armed Forces – past, present and future. The national event is an opportunity to show support and salute our forces for all they do. It was an especially significant ceremony this year, marking 100 years since the Battle of the Somme the largest battle on the Western Front during the First World War, in which more than one million men were killed or wounded. The Union Jack will fly at full mast above the Town Hall on Friday 1 July from 7:30am - the moment the men went over the top, at the commencement of the offensive. The Armed Forces Day parade featured serving personnel, exservice men and women, cadets and various local veterans’ organisations, who advanced across Victoria Square to the War Memorial for a service and prayers led by Reverend Dr Chris Stafford.

A statue to commemorate the lives of soldiers who perished in the First World War arrives in Blackburn. The Every Man Remembered statue was unveiled in Cardiff city centre in April 2015 and promotes the Royal British Legion’s campaign which urges the public to pay personal tributes to the 1.1million Commonwealth servicemen and women who died during the 1914 to 1918 conflict. The special structure has already made appearances in Edinburgh and London’s Trafalgar Square. The statue will display in Blackburn in front of the town hall,

from June 27 to July 11, coinciding with the Somme Commemoration period. Councillor Mohammed Khan, Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: It is a great honour to welcome this sculpture to the borough. It is a vital reminder of the great sacrifices made by servicemen and women in this war and all conflicts, and makes sure we remember them. This statue helps us to honour the service and sacrifice made in conflicts at home and abroad and I hope people will take a little time to visit the sculpture.” The striking structure is based on the

Unknown Soldier and stands on a block of limestone from the Somme area of France, where the bloodiest battle of the Great War saw almost 800,000 Allied combatants lose their lives. This included 235 from the 724-strong 11th Battalion of the East Lancs Regiment, better known as the Accrington Pals, with a further 350 seriously injured. Stephen Barnett, Assistant Director of Operations North, said: In the years which mark the Centenary of the conflict which gave birth to the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance and hope, the Legion’s role remains as contemporary and as

vital as it has ever been, upholding the memory of the fallen and supporting the future of the living. As the national custodian of Remembrance, we hope the sculpture will act as a focal point for modern day remembrance during these centenary years.” To mark the occasion of the unveiling of the sculpture the band of The King’s Division will play a selection of WW1 favourites at a free lunchtime concert in the Square at 1pm. For more information on the Royal British Legion’s Every Man Remembered campaign, visit www.

Volunteers took to the streets for a community clean-up for the Your Call community pride scheme

Around 150 volunteers got together to collect 80 bags of rubbish as part of a pre-Ramadhan clean-up. Volunteers included residents of Shear Brow and Brookhouse along with students from Park Lee Markaz-Uloom, Milham St Mosque, OneVoice Blackburn, JamiatulIlm-Wal-Huda, the Abu Hanifah Foundation, representatives of the Interfaith Council and Brookhouse Development Group. The army of litter-pickers targeted streets, back alleys and grassed areas, working

their way along London Road to Whalley Range and Randal Street. The event that started at 11am ran until 3pm and covered around 18 streets. Litter picking equipment was provided by Blackburn with Darwen Council through the Your Call scheme. Community Worker and Brook House Development Group Clean-Up Programme lead Faz Patel, who helped organise the cleanup, said: “What a fantastic, mixed community. Everyone’s here, young and old helping side by side.

“It shows people really are concerned by these sort of things, they just need some help and some encouragement.” Randal Street Business Owner, Imran Patel, said: “This clean-up has been good but the key is for people who live around here to continue and take pride in the area.” Executive member for Regeneration at Blackburn with Darwen Council, Councillor Phil Riley, said: “I’d like to congratulate these volunteers

for all their hard work. It’s great to see the community come together like this and by encouraging people through community pride schemes like Your Call, we can all benefit from a cleaner and greener place to live.”

It was attended by Mayor and Mayoress of St Helens, Councillors Dave and Jeanette Banks, and the Civic Party. There was a flugelhorn solo by Freya Summers of the St Helens Youth Brass Band, which later performed a selection of WWI songs entitled ‘1914 March Medley’; singer/ songwriter Eleanor Nelly played an original acoustic composition; there was a reading of a poem written by former Royal Marine Alex Cockers and another penned by ex-Royal Air Force Gunner David Shields; and all joined voices for God Save the Queen. Meanwhile, at Mesnes Park, residents gathered for a picnic in the park in celebration of Armed Forces Day, where young people from Newton-le-Willows Royal Marines Cadets and Sea Cadets paraded.

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Volunteers recognised at

charity coffee morning

The Mayor and Mayoress of St Helens, Councillors David and Jeanette Banks, were among the guests at a very special coffee morning at the Chalon Court Hotel. The event, organised by Rotary St Helens, was staged as part of Volunteers Week - the annual celebration of the fantastic contribution made by millions of volunteers across the UK. Twenty two organisations were represented – including St Helens Carers, the Deafness Resource Centre, Home Start, Sam’s Diamonds, the Stroke Association and the Friends of Victoria Park. Rotary St Helens also distributed almost £9,000 on the day - spread across many of the organisations present - and provided lunch for all the volunteers and charity leads who attended.

Steve Lawson from Rotary St Helens said: “Following on from our very successful Healthy in St Helens weekend in May, we’re hoping that this Volunteers' Week event will become another regular fixture – showing our commitment to the St Helens community. “We’re especially grateful to the Mayor and Mayoress for spending the best part of two hours at the event - spending time with every charity and community group present.” Other organisations represented at the event were St Helens Girlguiding, Guide Dogs 4 the Blind, the Autism and Aspergers Society, ACE International, the Apex Trust, Crownway Community Centre, Chain Lane Community Centre, the Chrysalis Centre, Footsteps, Friends of Spartac, the Heart Support Group, Hope Centre, Park Farm ACYP, St Helens Cancer Support, Tunza Charity and Halton and St Helens VCA

Team tackles

alcohol problems

Warrington Borough council has set out its new three-year Warrington’s Strategic DAAT (Drug alcohol harm reduction strategy and celebrated successes and Alcohol Action Team) Group aims to reduce alcohol harm and in the work of the current scheme. misuse across the borough. During the three-year period of the previous strategy they have achieved reductions in both alcohol-related hospital admissions and alcoholrelated crime and disorder. The team has also further developed a comprehensive local community and prison alcohol treatment service and improved multi-agency approaches to licensing issues. Cllr Pat Wright, executive board member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “It is important to recognise that alcohol harm is not an issue that sits in isolation but that it impacts on many services in Warrington. “While this strategy comes at a challenging time for public services with reduced resources and increasing demands, we recognise that by working together we can all actively promote sensible drinking, lessen the harms and help make Warrington a safer and healthier place to live and work.” Objectives include to: · Improve the awareness of alcohol harm particularly among young people · Promote more responsible attitudes to alcohol and safer levels of drinking · Reduce the level of alcohol related health problems across our communities · Protect children, young people and families from the negative impact of alcohol · Ensure our treatment services for people with alcohol problems are effective and accessible · Ensure that effective controls are in place to promote the responsible supply and availability of alcohol

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Lancashire Local. Issue 17. Page 5.

Pension scams cost

savers millions

As research shows fraudsters targeting people under-55 and encouraging them to access their pension early is on the increase, Which? investigates some of the causes. City of London Police figures show that in the 12 months to February 2016, £13.2 million was lost to pensions liberation scams – an increase of 26% on the previous year. Pension liberation schemes target people under-55 and encourage them to withdraw or transfer their pension savings. However, pensions are designed to only allow savers access to their money after they turn 55. Accessing pensions savings before 55, unless in exceptional circumstances such as ill-health, is not permitted and consumers face

losing up to 70% of their pot as a tax penalty. And yet we found that companies offering early pension release for those under-55 are clearly advertising their services online. These sites offer early access to pension savings, potentially exploiting consumer confusion with the new pension freedoms, and don’t explain the huge losses at stake, often charging exorbitant fees. Many of these sites, which could potentially be scams, also appear prominently when searching online for phrases such as ‘cashing in your pension’ and could be contributing to an increase in pensions liberation scams. The Financial Conduct Authority has issued a clear warning

to savers about opting for early pension release, but adverts for early pension release often downplay the risks. Which?’s ‘Safeguard us from Scams’ campaign calls on businesses, regulators and the Government to do more to protect consumers from online scams. As part of this work, we have asked Google to work with the Financial Conduct Authority to stop firms targeting consumers through misleading online adverts. Alex Neill, Which? Director of Policy and Campaigns, said: “Pension scams are a worrying problem and are costing savers millions of pounds. Unfortunately, criminals will always find ways to try to target your money and it’s

Shopkeeper to pay

£4,000 for selling illegal tobacco

hard to tell the difference between the genuine and the dodgy online adverts. “Even the savviest people can be scammed by fraudsters, so it’s critical the Government, regulators and businesses redouble their efforts to protect consumers from these scams.

TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence

for Avenham & Miller Parks

traveller reviews on TripAdvisor over the past year. Certificate of Excellence recipients include accommodations, eateries and attractions located all over the world that have continually delivered a quality customer experience. Councillor Robert Boswell, cabinet member for community and environment, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for two of Preston’s outstanding parks. On behalf of the council and the hardworking parks team, I would like to thank members of the public for the TripAdvisor reviews that has led to this recognition.” Heather Leisman, Vice President of Industry Marketing at TripAdvisor, added: "With the Certificate of Excellence, TripAdvisor honours businesses and attractions that Preston City Council has announced & Miller Parks. Now in its sixth year, have consistently received that it has received a TripAdvisor® the achievement celebrates hospitality strong praise and ratings from Certificate of Excellence for Avenham businesses that have earned great

Premier League performance

by St Helens planners

New figures have confirmed that St.Helens Council planners are the quickest in the country when it comes to dealing with major applications. Data released by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) revealed that 100 per cent of major applications were processed inside 13 weeks, or within an agreed time scale over the last two years between April 2014 and March 2016. For smaller projects, the council dealt with 96.3 per cent of minor and other applications within eight weeks over a two year period, putting the authority 8th in the table nationally. St. Helens Council’s Cabinet Member for Growth (including Planning) Councillor John Fulham said: “St. Helens Council has a strong and consistent record of high performance which is beneficial in several ways. “Firstly, it gives developers confidence in the attractiveness of St.Helens as a place to do business; secondly,

it raises the profile of St.Helens nationally; and thirdly, residents get an efficient service. “Planning can be a time consuming process, so I'm pleased these new figures reflect our ‘can do’ attitude when it comes to

planning and inward investment. “I'm pleased that we've got such hardworking staff successfully balancing the needs and views or residents and developers with this first class service.”

travellers. “This recognition helps visitors identify and feel more confident in their decisions of where to spend their leisure time.” The Certificate of Excellence accounts for the quality and quantity of the most recent reviews submitted by travellers on TripAdvisor over a 12-month period. To qualify, a business must maintain an overall TripAdvisor bubble rating of at least four out of five, have a minimum number of reviews and must have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least 12 months.

A Rusholme newsagent has failed to kick an expensive tobacco habit having been fined twice in two years for selling illegal cigarettes and tobacco – the most recent of which totalled nearly £4,000. Jilani Mumtaz, trading as Jilani’s Newsagents, Wilmslow Road, Rusholme, was found guilty at Manchester Magistrates Court for selling illicit tobacco. Mr Mumtaz failed to attend court and the case was proved in his absence. He was order to pay a fine of £2,000 with costs of £1,740 and a victim surcharge of £200. Manchester City Council trading standards officers visited the Rusholme store in January this year and found 6940 cigarettes, 1kg of rolling tobacco and 94 items of smokeless products – including snuff. The magistrate took into account when sentencing that Mr Mumtaz had been previously prosecuted for the same offence in December 2014 – when he was fined £1000 with costs of £845. Councillor Nigel Murphy, Manchester City Council executive member for neighbourhoods said. "Those involved in dealing in illegal tobacco may be encouraging people, including children to smoke by providing a cheap source. "Our trading standards team did an excellent job of getting these products off Manchester shop shelves, and this prosecutions should serve as a warning that we take this very seriously and will bring those responsible for this trade before the courts."

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Padiham on Parade passes Manchester looks to guarantee out in style and success design standards for new homes

The Padiham on Parade celebration passed out in style with visitors, businesses and organisers alike heralding it a great success. The spirit of the 1940s was well and truly brought to life across the town centre as the clock was turned back more than 70 years and the sounds of styles of the wartime era returned. Thousands of people thronged the centre of Padiham over three days and there was a brilliant atmosphere through the town. Organisers and local businesses evoked a bit of the wartime spirit to make sure the event went according to plan.

As part of the Burnley Armed Forces Covenant, veterans and others came together to organise the biggest event of the year in the town. One of the organisers Councillor Ida Carmichael said: "Everyone really pulled together to make this the wonderful success it was. The organisers would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all the local residents, shopkeepers and businesses who entered into the spirit of the event by agreeing to the bunting going up, and their patience with the road closures. “The whole event was planned to help publicise and boost local businesses, and it was great to see so many new

visitors to Padiham, and to see the traders and pubs and cafes doing well over the weekend. “I’d like to thank everyone who is supporting the event, and warn them we’re already planning to make this an annual occasion!” The weekend included exhibitions, displays, vintage vehicles, markets and dances – as well as a fly past by a Spitfire. Local pubs and clubs staged their own entertainment and there was a host of other activities across the town including clog dancing, music from the Flat Cappers and the Barsby Belles, and performances by students from Shuttleworth College.

The Manchester Residential Quality Guidance will ensure design standards for all new residential property following consultation with an expert team. Going before the council’s executive committee next week, the proposals look to underpin the city’s ambition to create sustainable and popular neighbourhoods where people want to live. The quality guidance will demand design excellence in all new housing built in the city, set minimum space standards, and ensure high environmental standards.

A Sounding Board of experts, a multi-discipline team populated by architects and housing professionals, was brought together to develop the draft standards guide, providing expertise in planning, urban design, place making and architecture. Manchester is currently the fastest growing city in the UK and it is important that high quality housing is built to meet demand and support the continued growth and economic success of the city. In 2015, Manchester adopted the London Housing Design Guide Space standards, which has informed

building standards on an interim basis, but the Manchester guide will provide clear direction to those involved in the development, construction and management of new homes in the city. Following consultation a final version of the Manchester Residential Quality Guidance will be brought back to the executive committee later this year. Cllr Bernard Priest, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Our ambition is to deliver a minimum of 25,000 homes in the next 10 years, and to ensure the longevity of this prodigious home building plan, we need to make sure of the excellence of every property built. “High quality housing is essential to create attractive neighbourhoods build communities where people will choose to live and start a family. Setting out an absolute minimum, high standard for new homes can help us achieve that.” Architect Stephen Hodder of Hodder and Partners, Chair of the Manchester Residential Quality Guidance Sounding Board, said: "It’s been a privilege to be invited to be part of the Sounding Board group because I’m intensely aware of the importance of the role we have been given. “We’re not just talking about the look and feel of new residential development, but a wholesale citywide approach to how people live, how they interact with the homes they live in and how those homes impact on the carbon reduction ambitions of the city. It’s an exciting prospect, but one that needs to be taken incredibly seriously.”

go china

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Police investigating hate incident release footage

Lancashire Local. Issue 17. Page 7.

sourcing brought to you

Take advantage of this new scheme brought to you by the government of China. This scheme helps start up a business for individuals who want to start importing from China. Whether you are already in business or want Three people have been arrested in connection with a hate incident on a tram in Manchester City Centre. The incident happened at around 7.40am onTuesday 28 June, on a tram travelling towards the city centre and police were made aware after a video of the incident surfaced online. Two men aged 20 and 18 and a 16-year-old boy were arrested on suspicion of affray. The two men, aged 20 and 18, have been bailed pending further enquiries. The 16-year-old boy remains in police custody for questioning. Chief Inspector Gareth Parkin of GMP’s City of Manchester Team, said: “I would like to thank the public

for their help and support in this investigation, which has led to the swift arrest of these three people. “All hate incidents are treated with the upmost severity and this behaviour will not be tolerated in Greater Manchester. “We will continue to monitor this situation and would strongly encourage anyone who thinks they may have experienced or witnessed hate crime to report it by calling the police on 101, contacting Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or via the True Vision website at:” View the video online at

Warning issued after

motorbike sale thefts

Police in Skelmersdale and Ormskirk are urging internet sellers to be vigilant after several motorbikes were stolen as part of online sales. Officers have become concerned following several thefts in the past month where victims have reported arranging to sell off-road motorbikes through online auction and advertising websites. When the vendor has met with the alleged buyer, the motorbikes have been stolen by two offenders without making payment. The first theft was reported to police around 10.40am on May 25. A 25-year-old man from Plymouth arranged to sell an orange KTM SXF bike (pictured). He met with two men in West Park Drive, Skelmersdale, one of who has asked for a test drive. The first offender has then made off on the bike, before the second man drove off in a white Vauxhall Astra. The first offender is described as white, of medium build, with short curly ginger hair. He was wearing an orange high visibility waterproof jacket and black tracksuit bottoms. The second man is white, of slim build, with short light brown hair. He was wearing a grey tracksuit and black Nike trainers. Both men had Liverpool accents. On June 1 a second theft took place in Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, around 7.50pm. A 24-year-old man from Worksop has arranged to sell a blue and white Yamaha and met two males. The first man asked for a test ride, but instead of returning with the vehicle rode off at high speed. The second man then drove off in a Vauxhall Astra. The first offender is described as white, in his mid-20s, of stocky build, with light brown hair and a Liverpool accent. He was wearing a high visibility tabard, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and blue and black Nike trainers. The second offender is described as white, in his late-20s, of stocky build, with light brown hair and a Liverpool accent. He was wearing a high visibility tabard, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and white and green Nike trainers. On June 9, a third theft took place in Aughton Park

Drive, Aughton. Around 9.20am a 47-year-old man from Manchester has arranged to sell a white Yamaha. He met two men, one who asked for a test drive. The victim agreed, as long as he was left with the offender’s car keys. The first offender has then rode off on the bike, before the second man elbowed the 47-year-old man to the floor to take the car keys back. The second man has then driver off in a white Vauxhall Astra. Both offenders are described as white, of medium build, aged in their mid-20s with Liverpool accents. PC Louise Rigby, of Skelmersdale Police, said: “We are warning people to vigilant following several thefts of off-road motorbikes advertised for sale online. “The owner of the motorcycle on each occasion has placed their mobile number on the advertisement and been contacted by men wishing to purchase the vehicle. “The men involved are not leaving any details but are arranging the sale through mobile phone conversations with the seller. “Arrangements are being made for the vendor to deliver the motorcycle and they will pay on delivery. When the seller meets them at the agreed place they are making off with the motorcycle without making payment and on one occasion even used force to do so.” Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 quoting crime reference SB1602083 for the first incident, SB1602213 for the second theft and SB1602351 for the third robbery. Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

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As a significant practical step towards making the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library a re-imagined, single visitor destination, Lancashire County Council and Preston City Council have agreed to streamline the opening times. The two councils have been working together on the Harris Re-Imagined project since 2015, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. After much public consultation, it became obvious that the previous situation of differing open times was confusing and off-putting to the public. The new timetable has been devised to make it easier to plan your trip to the Harris and have the opportunity to experience everything it has to offer. This includes Sunday opening times for the entire building. Councillor Peter Kelly, Preston Cabinet member for culture and leisure, said: "This is a fantastic move forward towards a joined up approach

between ourselves and Lancashire County Council. It’s a small step but a really important one. It shows we mean business and are absolutely determined to change the Harris into Lancashire’s, and one of the region’s, premier attractions. Through this change, people will now be able to enjoy the Harris in its entirety on a Sunday – which is obviously great news for visitors, families and library users alike.” County Councillor Marcus Johnstone, Lancashire County Council's cabinet member for environment, planning and cultural services, said: "This is a really positive move forward. "It’s important that we are open when the public want to visit us. "We've worked closely with Preston City Council and also taken important feedback from the public consultation on board to achieve this. "The Harris can now continue to go from strength

to strength.” · The new opening times for the Harris are to come into effect from 2 July 2016 are as follows: Museum, Art Gallery & Library Mon: 10am-5pm (IT centre from 9am) (museum/art gallery from 11am) Tue: 10am-5pm (IT centre from 9am) Wed: 10am-8pm (IT centre from 9am) Thu: 10am-5pm (IT centre from 9am) Fri: 10am-5pm (IT centre from 9am) Sat: 10am-5pm (IT centre from 9am) Sun: 11am-4pm (IT centre from 9am) Café and Shop 10am-4pm on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am-7.30pm on Wed 11am-3.30pm on Sun · The revised opening hours are running for a trial, four month period with feedback from customers being taken on board as part of the trial.

Simply Classic serves up top hygiene ratings

A Burnley-based bistro and outside catering company Simply Classic, which has been feeding hungry residents and office workers for more than 26 years, has been awarded top hygiene scores.

All venues run by the family-owned Simply Classic chain, were awarded five stars under Burnley Council’s food hygiene rating scheme, also known as ‘scores on the doors’. Chris Burt one of the partners of Simply

Classic, said: “We’re delighted to have achieved the great accolade of having all our bistros and the catering and vending service receive top marks achievable in the food hygiene rating scheme. “Consumers

are increasingly taking hygiene into consideration when making dining out choices. It doesn’t matter how good the food and drink may be – having perfect hygiene is an absolute basic which every food restaurant, bistro, and takeaway should have as a core principal. “Our dedicated catering staff and a team of chefs work incredibly hard to deliver the best possible service to our customers and this hygiene award reflects that emphasis on our commitment.”Those awarded include Simply Classic at Shuttleworth Mead, Padiham; Simply Classic Bistro & Bar at Burnley Mechanics; Simply Classic Bistro

& Bar at the new Prairie Sports Village in Windermere Avenue and Classic Cuisine Lancashire Digital Technology Centre. The outside catering service Classic Cuisine, which is part of the well-established Classic umbrella, also received the rating of five stars. Founded by Robert and Anne Bradshaw, Simply Classic started its journey with Classic Cuisine catering in the 1990s. Since then the company has grown significantly, particularly in the last couple of years after teaming up with Burnley Leisure and opening bistros at the Mechanics and the Prairie. The two organisations are working hand

in hand running bistros and outside catering service at parties, business awards, christenings and wedding receptions. Chris has served in a wide range of venues from global companies to catering at dinners in private houses for some of the most successful business people. He said: “The business is booming and joining forces with Burnley Leisure has proved to be a great success. With opening the two latest bistros, we were not only able to double the size of the business but also establish ourselves as the largest family catering company in the area.”

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A taste of New York

comes to MediaCityUK

Manchester-based street diner, EAT NEW YORK is MediaCityUK’s newest indie food outlet, serving bagels, fries, pretzels and exciting weekly specials all with authentic NYC flavours, from its yellow taxi cab-style food truck outside The Greenhouse. Serving Monday to Friday, 11am to 7pm, EAT NEW YORK specialises in the city’s iconic foodie favourites, salt beef bagels, sour dough pretzels with blue cheese sauce and skin-on fries. The quirky yellow food van is hard to miss, and its flavours are as big as its personality.

Commenting on its MediaCityUK venture, owner Sean said: “EAT NEW YORK has gone down a storm at Manchester events including Castlefield Market, Parklife Festival and Manchester Day, so we are excited to be bringing our unique offering to the people of MediaCityUK. “A bartender, a waiter and a chef, we are three guys with restaurant trade background, passionate about bringing top quality cooking to the street food scene, inspired by famous New York flavours.” EAT NEW YORK joins other urban food concepts, The Hip Hop Chip

Shop and Bombay Dabbawala on The Splat outside The Greenhouse, adding to the growing diverse food retail offers at MediaCityUK. Managing director of MediaCityUK, Stephen Wild said: “Managing director of MediaCityUK, Stephen Wild said: “Lots of people not only work at MediaCityUK, but live and visit here as well – EAT NEW YORK is a fun and interesting addition, and a perfect fit with the other bars and restaurants that are already here for people to enjoy.”

Come join the

Walking Rainbow

Young people in Bury are organising an event to celebrate diversity, p r o m o t e e q u a l i t y, inclusion and say ‘no’ to homophobia and all forms of discrimination. They are inviting people of all ages and backgrounds to join them on the Walking R a i n b o w through the town centre on Sunday 10 July. The group will assemble outside Bury Town Hall at 12.30pm to begin walking at 1pm. The route will go to The Rock and down to Kay Gardens where there will be activities, information stands, music and speeches from a number of supporters, including the Mayor of Bury and the council’s leader and chief executive. The event is organised by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth Group based in Bury. It is supported by Bury Youth Cabinet, Bury

Council, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue, Foundation Events, The Lesbian and Gay Foundation, Manchester Pride, Gaydio, Streetwise, Unison and more. Lead organiser Nathalie McQueeney said: “Anyone can come along and join the fun; it’s time to celebrate the diverse and welcoming community of Bury.” Mike Owen, chief executive at Bury Council, said: “I will be proud

to join the Walking Rainbow because now, more than ever, it is important that we celebrate diversity, we celebrate tolerance and we celebrate the fact that Bury is a warm and welcoming community.” You can keep up to date with the event via Twitter (@walkingrainbow1), Facebook (‘The Walking Rainbow 2016’) event, ‘The Walking Rainbow’ page.

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Children and families invited to hunt

for Bury’d Treasure this summer

Children and families from across Bury are being invited to hunt for ‘Bury’d Treasure’ as part of a new pirate-themed family adventure game happening this summer across the borough. Launched by Bury Council in partnership with the I Will If You Will (IWIYW) campaign, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and 15 primary schools, the initiative aims to get children and families walking or cycling while searching for clues to solve puzzles that may win them a prize. The new adventure game was launched at Clarence Park on Monday 27 June with help from the Mayor of Bury, Councillor Mike Connolly, and Bury Council’s chief executive Mike Owen. Staff from Persona’s The Green Cafe provided drinks and snacks for the schoolchildren who attended the launch, which marked the start of an eight-week treasure hunt, with clues and puzzles hidden across the borough at Nuttall Park, Philips Park, Clarence Park, Kirklees Trail, Prestwich Clough, Outwood Country Park and Peel Monument. The clues will change every Monday for eight weeks until Sunday 21 August and children and families can choose to take part every week or just join in for part of the time. To join in, participants must register at the Bury’d Treasure website and then enter their answers to the puzzles via the website or the Bury’d Treasure app, to be entered into a weekly draw to win a selection of prizes. Councillor Trevor Holt, cabinet member for

health and wellbeing, said: “The launch has been a great success and Bury’d Treasure looks set to be the highlight of the summer for families throughout Bury. We’re sure the children will love hunting for clues in their local park, almost as much as the grown-ups! “Every time a family solves a puzzle they are entered into

a free weekly prize draw, plus they get the chance to customise their very own online pirate character. We can’t wait to see families setting off on their treasure hunts and the creations our wonderful schoolchildren come up with.” Children from a number of local schools attended the launch day,

collecting pirate hats and notebooks to start their very own Bury’d Treasure hunt. Mike Lonsdale, head teacher of Wesley Methodist Primary School in Radcliffe, said: “The children have been excited about this day since the Bury’d Treasure team came into school in May. They can’t wait to get walking and cycling to see how many clues they can find and solve.” To register for Bury’d Treasure or to find out more, please visit:

Concern growing for woman,

20, missing from Blackpool

Police are becoming increasingly concerned for the welfare of a 20-year-old woman who has gone missing while holidaying in Blackpool. Tessa Stanford, from the West Midlands, was last seen on June 21st at around 2pm while staying with her uncle. She left his home on Kincraig Road saying she was going to meet some friends at the beach, but would be home for tea. She has not been seen or heard from since. Sergeant Matt Walters, of Blackpool Police, said: “Tessa appeared happy when she left her uncle's house and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “It is extremely out of character for her to go missing like this so we are becoming concerned. “We would urge anybody who has seen her, or who knows where she may be, to made contact with us. Similarly we would urge Tessa herself, if she sees this appeal, to get in touch to let us know she is safe.” Tessa is described as white, around 5ft 9ins tall, with shoulder-length light brown hair usually worn in a ponytail. She was last seen wearing a pink and white stripy t-shirt with black tracksuit bottoms, a black cardigan and white Nike trainers. She is from the Tipton area of the West Midlands and it is possible she may have returned there. Anyone with information can contact police on 101 quoting log 1043 of June 23rd.

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The tower slide returns as makeover

of Heaton Park’s play area begins

The full refurbishment of the much-loved play area will commence at the beginning of July and will be completed by the end of August. All of the current pieces of play furniture will be completely replaced or restored and the area will be

extended to accommodate new features and more young people. The centrepiece of the development will replace the iconic tower slide with a new bespoke UFO-style

piece that will incorporate the current high slide. Inclusive play attractions are another key addition to the park – including a wheelchair accessible roundabout, double bay

cradle swings and a new nest for the existing cantilever swing that will make the play item fully accessible. An exciting addition to the park is the introduction of climbing boulders and

a natural section, encouraging adventure play, as well as a new 5 arm spinner and new spring rocker. Heaton Park was given £600k through Clean City funding - allocated in part to Heaton Park from a one-off dividend paid to the city council as part-owners of Manchester Airport Group – that has already been used to improve footpaths, bins and benches – along with the refubishment of the toilet block at the Farm Centre. The play areas will be fully closed to the public during the works, but alternative provision will be available at the Stables Café courtyard. Existing attractions will also be available, including the animal centre, donkey rides, cafes, land train and the boating lake, as well as a funfair during the summer holidays. Cllr Luthfur Rahman, Manchester City Council’s executive member for culture and leisure, said: “Using Clean City funding we wanted to make sure the improvements to Heaton’s play area were both ambitious and future proofed. I believe we will have the best play area in the region following the works, and also a fully inclusive set of play pieces to ensure everyone can enjoy the facilities. “Every piece currently in the park will be replaced or refurbished– along with many new additions – which I know will be welcomed by the many children and families who enjoy the space.”

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Come and enjoy some fabulous

events in our local parks in July

The fantastic annual Green Fayre is just one of the enjoyable free family events organised by West Lancashire Borough Council Parks and Countryside Ranger Service in July. The first event for July is the Ormskirk Community Dance Festival at Coronation Park, Ormskirk, on Saturday 2 July between 11am and 4pm. Organised in association with Divine Days, the festival showcases dances ranging from line dancing to street dance. Other attractions include children’s rides and entertainment, dance and art workshops, donkey rides, community stalls and much more. Find out about the fascinating uses for different plants found growing all around us on the Useful and Edible Plant Walk on Sunday 3 July. Join local experts for an informative exploration of Beacon Country Park, which starts from the Ranger Station at 10am. The event is free but booking is required. All under 14s will require the supervision of an

adult throughout the duration of the event. People can also put their best foot forward for the Extended Health Walk on Monday 4 July. This lovely five mile walk explores the wonderful wildlife corridors linking Mere Sands Woods to Rufford Canal. Meet at St Marys Marina car park, Rufford, L40 1TD at 9.50am to be ready for a 10am start. No bookings required. The Wimbledon tournament will be reaching its final stages in the first week in July so if you catch the tennis bug watching it then don’t miss the Ormskirk Tennis Festival at Coronation Park, Ormskirk on Saturday 9 July. This spectacular family tennis event offers you a chance to try the game and take part in fun competitions. You can also test your fitness playing cardio tennis and enjoy other activities. Refreshments will also be available. Beacon Country Park hosts the Green Fayre, a celebration of the countryside and countryside living, on Saturday 23 July and Sunday 24 July from

11am-5pm on both days. Thousands of people are expected to come and enjoy a huge range of wonderful attractions and family entertainment, including working woodlands and craft demonstrations, dog shows, owl and birds of prey displays, bouncy castles and a climbing wall. To round off an action packed month the West Lancashire Walking Festival begins on Saturday 30 July with an eight miles circular walk around Hunters Hill, starting at 10am at Hunters Hill. A variety of walks are planned throughout August for details please visit walkingfestival. Councillor Yvonne Gagen, portfolio holder for Leisure, said: “The Green Fayre is a fantastic day out for all the family so make sure you don’t miss this fantastic event, which is the biggest in the Council’s annual parks and countryside programme. There are other great events for people to enjoy in July, so come along to your local parks and join the fun.”

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The Caravan Club’s

Caravanner of the Year

Competition - The Winners!

The Caravan Club’s Caravanner of the Year competition has crowned its winners! John and Jenny Marsland competed in The Club’s inaugural Caravanner of the Year competition and emerged victorious. John and Jenny tour in a 1963 Cheltenham Waterbuck caravan, they love nothing better than heading off in their beloved Cheltenham for adventures across the UK and Europe. They have been caravanning for 37 years and have covered over 90,000 miles on their adventures and travels. The Caravan Club allowed the BBC to film its ‘Caravanner of the Year’ competition that celebrates this Great British pastime which is held in high affection. Six top enthusiasts, (all Club members) battled it out across two highly charged weekends to win the coveted title of ‘Caravanner of the Year’. It’s the caravanning world’s “Great British Bake Off”. John and Jenny Marsland, winners of The Caravanner of the Year Competition said, “We entered the competition to show that you don’t need to spend a fortune

to be adventurous and rounded caravanners, we also wanted people to see how beautiful our Cheltenham caravan is and to show how it has stood the test of time. We had great fun during the competition heats and we met such lovely people along the way. And to put the icing on the cake, we won the title of Caravanner of the Year which has made us very proud of our pastime.” The programmes – which were aired on BBC2 at 8pm on 20 and 27 April – followed the fun, and drama, of how the motorhomers, caravanners and campervanners competed against each other. The Competition really captured the imagination of the Great British

public and the media alike. The contestants have also appeared on BBC’s The One Show, BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Breakfast Show and The Saturday Show with Gaby Roslin, to name but a few of the shows that wanted to hear more about the competition and talk to the competitors. Harvey Alexander, Director of Marketing at The Caravan Club said, “It’s great that this competition, and the programmes, have been so well received. People who have not talked about caravanning before are now tuned-in to our fantastic lifestyle and see that it is a wonderful way to get out and explore the great outdoors.”

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Overseas Travel Service

The Camping and Caravanning Club reassures it's club members and customers of its Overseas Travel Service that it would be business as usual in the short term following the UK referendum result to leave the European Union. The Club’s Travel Service is a one-stop shop for all members’ camping and caravanning needs. The experienced team helps members select the right campsites abroad, book great-value ferry or tunnel crossings, and can devise bespoke travel plans to get members to their overseas destination. Whether campers want go it alone, take

part in an overseas rally with other campers, or join an escorted tour, the Club takes the hassle out of booking overseas camping adventures. The Club’s Travel Service Director, Richard Grimsdale, said: “I’d like to reassure Club members and all our customers that the UK’s exit from the European Union will not affect their overseas travel and holiday plans with the Club over the coming months. “Travellers may continue to move between the UK and EU, and European Health Insurance cards remain valid. There will be no changes to the bookings made with

us: whether it’s ferry or tunnel crossings, flights and transfers, or campsites booked by us with our overseas partners – it is business as usual.” Those keen to head further afield should take a look at the Club’s Worldwide Motorhoming Holidays offering, with fly-drive motorhome holidays in fabulous destinations around the world including America, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina and more. For more information and to book overseas travel with The Camping and Caravanning Club, please call an Overseas Travel Service specialist on 024 7642 2024.

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Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire

launches first class fleet of

buses on the newly re opened A591

Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire will introduce a brand new fleet of 12 buses on the 555 route between Keswick and Lancaster next month. The launch will coincide with an increased timetable with more frequent services which start on the

3rd July 2016 and sees an investment of £2.5 million to providing sustainable travel throughout the region. The new fleet of buses will operate on the A591, one of the county’s most vital roads providing a cost-effective way of keeping local residents well

connected between Keswick and Lancaster, which is essential for their daily commute. The new fleet of buses set to operate on the route are designed to look after the customer and provide a first class experience whilst traveling on one of the most scenic journeys through the Lake

District.. Each bus comes complete with a striking new livery to promote the best of the Lakes. Italian designed luxury seating, free Wi-Fi, USB charging points, specially designed to be wheelchair and buggy accessible and includes a cleaner, greener engine to help reduce carbon emissions.

Matthew Cranwell, Managing Director at Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire said: “We are really excited about launching our new and enhanced vehicles which will continue to serve the local community who rely on bus services as part of their everyday

commute. During the recent closure of the A591 between Grasmere and Keswick we have seen how vital the 555 route really is and the investment in12 brand new buses demonstrate Stagecoach’s continued commitment to the Lakes”

Captain Jack Sparrow

leads Towboat to Kendal

Colin Ogden, head of the 500 strong 'Owd Lanky Boaters Group', pulled off a spectacular event towing his historic Windermere boat Whimbrel into Kendal over the filled in canal, the first boat to do so for about 70 years. He was sponsored and helped in the event by West End MOT Centre of Accrington, Antrim Marine trim specialists, and Bridge House Marina, Garstang, where the journey started. Our photographer caught up with them at the recently refurbished Millness slipway, Crooklands, and followed them on this epic journey. Nearer Kendal at Larkhall Bridge, Captain Jack Sparrow recreated a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean, where a boat was hauled overland by the Captain. The Captain is convincingly played by Laurraine Smith, a Morecambe photographer. On to Kendal and through Castle Bridge, where the Captains flagging strength was quickly restored by several slugs of brandy, which quickly turned into a mock drunken sword and pistol waving revelry. Much to the enjoyment of Sunday afternoon walkers and cyclists. It was funny and well staged, and an excellent promotion for the Lancaster canal. Frank Sanderson. Friends of the Lancaster Canal.

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2016 Cumbria Tourism Award

Winners announced

The winners of the 14th Cumbria Tourism Awards were revealed at a glittering ceremony held at Cartmel Racecourse. The evening was the biggest celebration of the very best of Cumbria’s tourism industry the county has ever seen. Hundreds of tourism professionals representing businesses from around the county eagerly gathered to hear one of the North’s best-loved funny men, comedian, actor, writer and radio presenter Justin Moorhouse - loved for his role as the tiger faced Young Kenny of Phoenix Nights - announce the winners. This year, in addition to the awards, the 2016 Bernard Gooch Tourism Personality of the Year Award was awarded to Managing Director of Windermere Lake Cruises, Nigel Wilkinson, for the outstanding contribution he has made to Cumbria. The award is managed by the Commercial Members’ Committee at Cumbria Tourism and gives recognition to those who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution over and above their normal duties to enhance the visitor economy and reputation of Cumbria. Recent previous winners include farmer and author James Rebanks, Paul Loftus, the organiser of the annual Fred Whitton Challenge cycling event and the renowned Cumbrian chef Simon Rogan. Ian Stephens, Managing Director of Cumbria Tourism, said: “Last night we celebrated the very best of what Cumbria has to offer and reinforced why the county is the nations’ favourite holiday destination. Everybody involved in this industry should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved and in particular I would like to thank last night winners and finalists for their outstanding achievement, continuous hard work and their special contribution to Cumbria’s £2.6 billion tourism industry.” This year, due to the high standard of entries, an unprecedented number of finalists were shortlisted in the competition and nearly 400 guests gathered to hear the winners announced and enjoy a 3-course dinner served by Rowley’s Offside

at Cartmel Racecourse. 2016 saw the introduction of two new categories: · Wedding Venue of the Year recognising those businesses which host weddings of exceptional quality and provide unique and innovative experiences for the couple and their guests. · The B&B of the Year Award celebrates Cumbria’s best smaller, family or owner run B&Bs with 5 or fewer letting rooms (while the Guest Accommodation of the Year Award is now aimed at those larger guest houses, inns or restaurants with rooms which may offer a wider range of services to their guests). Across all the categories, the judges were looking for excellence in all areas of business practice. Winning businesses have proved they are providing memorable visitor experiences, an exceptional quality of product and exemplary customer service, as well as (where applicable) using the best, fresh, local ingredients and making a contribution to the long-term sustainability of their local community. Many of the winners from the awards will go on to represent the county at the Visit England Awards for Excellence in 2017. Cumbria has seen a great deal of success at national level in recent years, resulting in fantastic media promotion for the winning businesses and Cumbria - the Lake District as a quality visitor destination. Each category winner received a certificate and a specially commissioned award handcrafted by award-winning architectural and sculptural metalworkers Chris Brammall Ltd in Ulverston. The 2016 winners are: Large Hotel of the Year sponsored by Armstrong Watson · Waterhead, Ambleside Small Hotel of the Year sponsored by Colliers International · The Leathes Head Country House Hotel, Borrowdale Guest Accommodation of the Year sponsored by Lamont Pridmore · Askham Hall, Askham B&B of the Year sponsored by Cumberland Business · Whitrigg House, Clifton

Self-Catering Holiday of the Year sponsored by Out of Eden · Waternook Lakeside Accommodation, Howtown WINNER · Mill House Cottages, Kirkby Lonsdale HIGHLY COMMENDED Holiday Park of the Year sponsored by NatWest Commercial Banking · Park Cliffe Camping and Caravan Estate, Windermere Tourism Experience of the Year sponsored by Cumbria Tourism · Lakeland Segway, Cartmel WINNER · The Lakes Distillery, Bassenthwaite HIGHLY COMMENDED Tourism Event of the Year sponsored by G1 Colourmedia · Lord Birkett Memorial Trophy at Ullswater Yacht Club Visitor Attraction of the Year sponsored by H&H Reeds Printers · Steam Yacht Gondola, Coniston WINNER · Lakeland Climbing Centre, Kendal HIGHLY COMMENDED Large Visitor Attraction of the Year sponsored by Burnetts Solicitors · Ullswater Steamers Taste Cumbria sponsored by Enterprise Answers (2 sub categories): Taste Cumbria Dining Experience of the Year · The Cottage in the Wood, Whinlatter Forest WINNER · George and Dragon, Clifton HIGHLY COMMENDED Taste Cumbria Retailer of the Year · Low Sizergh Barn, Nr Kendal WINNER · Grasmere Gingerbread, Grasmere HIGHLY COMMENDED Wedding Venue of the Year sponsored by Napthens Solicitors · Askham Hall, Askham Sustainable Tourism Award sponsored by University of Cumbria · FSC Blencathra Centre, Threlkeld The Sheila Hensman Award for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence · Hilary Hutchinson, Lakeland Chauffeurs, Windermere Tourism Pub of the Year · The Wheatsheaf, Brigsteer New Tourism Business Award · Threlkeld Coffee Shop, Threlkeld

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Eden Markets

Eden is home to a wide and varied selection of markets; whether you’re looking for a farmers’ market to pick up some quality Cumbrian food produce or a local craft market showcasing the wonderful talents of so many of our citizens you’ll be able to find it close to home. Gifted Eden is the newest addition to the selection and takes the form of an artisan market, combining elements of both farmers’ markets and craft markets. Every piece of pork, pottery, photography and pavlova sold at Gifted Eden has been handmade in Cumbria and there is a real focus from all of the traders on bringing Cumbrian produce to the forefront and encouraging everyone to shop local. Gifted Eden is now in its fourth month with July’s market appearing as an integral part of the town’s Penrith on a Plate celebration on Saturday the 16th. For this special market St Andrew’s Churchyard will be buzzing with over 25 stallholders, entertainment from some of Cumbria’s finest performers and a great selection of food to munch while you shop. Gifted Eden is held in St Andrew’s Churchyard, Penrith from 9am – 4pm on the third Saturday of every month. For more info head to

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Blackburn Market Set

for an Exciting Year

One of Lancashire’s longest established markets is full of optimism for 2016 with a range of events, visitor offers and festivals set to transform a visit to Blackburn Market. Having just won Coach Friendly Shopping Destination of the Year at the Coach Tourism Awards, the year is off to a great start. The market is open 6 days a week & offers a wide range of traditional indoor

stalls linked directly to The Mall Shopping centre with all the big High Street brands you would expect. With its dedicated food court, the market is also a great place for lunch or a cuppa, with cuisine from traditional cafes and coffee shops to exotic tastes from around the world. The market, as well as offering long established traditional traders such as greengrocers, butchers and

fishmongers also adds a modern twist with high fashion, technology, beauty, fancy dress & even postal services. This year sees a range of family pleasing events, including children’s TV favourites and large screen movies as well as taking part in the Countryside Comes to Town Festival and the Blackburn Cathedral Flower Festival. Blackburn Market is more than just a market!

The local milkman/milklady

Portland Dairies are a small family owned business delivering dairy and non - dairy goods to households and businesses. I have been involved in the dairy industry for over 40 years, originally starting as a 10 year old boy and have seen many changes in that time , ups and downs , sad times with customers passing on but the ups side of watching children born and growing up with themselves becoming customers as they move into adulthood and start families themselves creating the next generation of customers. I met my partner Denise in the late 1980’s whilst out delivering, as she was a customer of mine and now many years later and with 4 kids and 3 grandkids I have gone full circle and deliver in the same area she lived when we met, but am under strict instructions not to get too chatty with the female customers! The doorstep industry has taken a battering over the years, especially through the effects supermarkets have had upon it, but we are determined not to let

this Great British Industry die. Many dairy farmers cease farming and people need to understand that when our dairy farmers have gone, that’s it they have gone and we cannot bring them back. We will eventually have to import our milk at large prices and poor quality and people will say ‘we made a mistake, we should have supported a great industry’ and supported all our small local businesses. There is not a clear understanding by some sectors of what ‘the milkman/ lady’ actually does. People think you pop milk onto a doorstep and that’s it you toddle off to the next delivery . Well you will be amazed at what a milkman/lady actually does and here are a few facts. 1. We are sometimes the only contact some customers have with the outside world and the only face they see. 2. We may have customers who suffer from dementia and you are the link between those customers and their families checking whilst delivering, making sure nothing looks out of

place such as doors left open. 3. Elderly customers may be at home and need care and in times between health visitors need help with tasks such as emptying their catheter bag, a request you cannot refuse. 4. Whilst customers are on holiday, the milkman will look at the house on passing to make sure nothing looks suspicious. 5. On occasions sadly, you find customers deceased in their homes which although not a find you want to make, you prefer it to be you that has found them and not having the family having to be the ones who find them. 6. We are part of the community, we like to think we are playing an integral role into bringing a sense of community spirit in the area and highlighting events and issues with customers when they arise. I and all other milkmen and milk women are proud of the heritage and history of our milk delivery service, so please support the doorstep milk delivery and please help support your small local businesses .

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Edinburgh International

Festival and summer festivals

Over the summer, the Edinburgh festivals bring a wave of colour and soaring excitement to the city. Eight spectacular festivals proudly serve up the most incredible smorgasbord of culture you could ever imagine, filling the city's performance venues and event spaces in late June, July and August. Attend a star-studded film premiere at the Edinburgh International Film

Festival and listen to top class live music when incredible musicians from all over the world roll into town for the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival. There'll barely be time to catch your breath before the Edinburgh Art Festival launches, an unmissable opportunity to see awesome and thought-provoking visual works created by talented Scottish and

international artists. And there's plenty more to get excited about come August. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo brings an extravaganza of tradition, ceremony and spectacle to Edinburgh Castle Esplanade while the Edinburgh International Festival and Edinburgh Festival Fringe mean that visitors and locals alike are well and truly spoilt for choice. Choose from the incredible array of

music, theatre, comedy, opera, dance, circus, cabaret, musicals, spoken word, exhibitions, children's shows and physical theatre. And let's not forget about the Edinburgh International Book Festival where you can join author

readings, Q&As and talks covering all types of literature. Most of the events take place in pleasant Charlotte Square, set between the handsome Georgian buildings of Edinburgh's New Town. Conserve a bit of energy at the end of the month and enjoy

the intercontinental delights of the Edinburgh Mela. Leith Links, in the north of the city, is filled with vibrant performances of music and dance of various ethnic origins during this much-anticipated celebration of cultural diversity.

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Manchester to Beijing: First Direct Flight

Outside of London to China Takes Off

A major milestone in the drive to create a Northern Powerhouse as the first ever direct, scheduled flight from anywhere outside of London to mainland China launches, from Manchester Airport. Also hailed as a significant moment for UK aviation, the Hainan Airlines service to Beijing takes off from Manchester Airport from June Announced in October 2015 by the President of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Xi Jinping, the four times a week route will link Manchester and Beijing, opening up a wealth of trade and tourism opportunities. The flights will provide a direct connection for the first time, giving the 100,000 passengers travelling each year between the two cities the convenience of direct scheduled services. The Manchester-Beijing route is worth at least £250 million in economic benefits to the UK over the next decade. Two-thirds of this will be felt directly in the Northern economy in terms of increased jobs, economic activity and tourism. By providing a non-stop service, the new route will also generate journey time savings worth £5 million every year for business passengers and avoid the inconvenience of changing planes at another airport. It has been welcomed by businesses, universities and tourism bodies across the whole of the North (see case studies below).

Hainan Airlines is China’s largest privately owned airline, and since 2011 it has won five consecutive global Skytrax five-star airline ratings. It is only one of only seven airlines in the world to currently have this accolade. Last year it was also rated as the Best Airline in China, by Skytrax. Transport Minister Andrew Jones said: “The new route between Manchester and Beijing is a testament to the strength of the Northern Powerhouse, opening up the North of England to investment while benefitting the many thousands of people who currently travel between the cities each year. “Not only will this add an estimated quarter of a billion pounds to the local economy over the next decade, it will open new opportunities for businesses in both countries, boost tourism between China and the UK and will encourage students in both countries to experience studying in a new and different culture. This is an exciting new development for Manchester, the North of England and the UK.” Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport John Whittingdale said: “This new route is a major breakthrough that will help boost tourism in the north of England. We want more Chinese tourists to enjoy the beauty and vibrant culture that can be enjoyed right across Britain. “China is a hugely important trading partner and more Chinese visitors coming to the UK is great news for

the tourism industry and the whole economy.” Ken O’Toole, CEO of Manchester Airport said: “Today’s inaugural flight with Hainan Airlines is clear evidence of the vital economic role that Manchester Airport plays both nationally and regionally within the UK. “Providing a direct link between the two cities unlocks significant trade and investment opportunities, which will serve as a shot in the arm to efforts to create a reenergised Northern economy. “This direct route will also have a significant impact on inbound tourism across the whole of the North. “And the early indications are good, with summer load factors currently averaging out at more than 80%. “Finally, it will also deliver a boost to universities, both in terms of providing a vital service for Chinese students and their families, and when it comes to finding commercial applications for the world-leading research being carried out by these institutions.” Xie Haoming, President of Hainan Airlines, said: “We are delighted to commence our direct scheduled service to Manchester. Beijing to Manchester’s inaugural outbound and inbound flight load factors have reached over 90%, which is incredibly strong for a new route. “A great number of travel agencies expressed their strong interest in working with Hainan Airlines,

based upon the new route, which is encouraging for future travel between the two cities. “With the ‘Golden Age’ of travel starting between China and the UK, it is foreseeable that the market between the two countries is entering a prosperous period. “I am sure the route between Manchester and Beijing will be incredibly popular and we look forward to developing our relationship with the city.” Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Manchester’s first route to mainland China is a hugely significant development in our growing links with the world’s fastest growing economy. The better connected Manchester is nationally and internationally, the better placed we will be to compete on a world stage, attracting jobs,

investment and visitors. This route further strengthens Manchester Airport’s status and Manchester’s position as a global hub.” Rhys Whalley, Executive Director of the Manchester-China Forum, said: “Today’s launch of a direct route connecting Manchester and Beijing is a significant milestone for the entire region. Given its importance as a catalyst in boosting commercial, tourism, cultural and academic links, securing a direct route into Mainland China has been the Manchester China Forum’s number one priority; so to be able to celebrate the launch of a non-stop service to Beijing today is a proud moment. “Since the Forum’s establishment, relations between Manchester and China have strengthened significantly – as evidenced by President Xi Jinping’s visit during last year’s State

Visit. Today’s route launch is another major milestone and will continue to drive investment into the city-region as well as open up trade opportunities to what is the world’s most important emerging market. “Hainan Airlines’ decision to operate this scheduled route out of Manchester, the gateway to the North, is recognition of the scale of growing traffic and collaboration between our two regions and will be a huge boosts to businesses, students and tourists looking for a more convenient connections between Beijing and the North of England.” The four-weekly service departs on Friday, Saturday, Monday and Wednesday, and will be served by an Airbus A330-300. The cabin will have 32 business class seats and 260 in economy. Return fares start from £487

Get Set for the Big

Switch-On Party!

VisitBlackpool has teamed up with Nickelodeon and MTV for what promises to be a spectacular Blackpool Illuminations Switch-On night. The celebration on Friday, 2nd of September will include a fantastic line-up of music, dance and entertainment with special surprises too! Nickelodeon will incorporate their entertainment brand, supported by Club MTV, the biggest music touring brand in the UK. Details of the special guests who will perform on the night will be revealed in coming weeks, including the identity of the Switch-On celebrity. Cllr Gillian Campbell, Deputy Leader of Blackpool Council, said: “We are delighted that this year’s Switch-On will be in association with Nickelodeon and MTV. “Nickelodeon and MTV are two of the world’s biggest entertainment brands, and their contribution to the Friday night activities will be a fantastic way to kick off a bigger than ever Switch-On weekend. “The Switch-On night promises to be the ultimate family-friendly event and a fitting start to this year’s Illuminations display.” The Friday night programme will start with a “Blackpool Introduces” showcase

featuring the best of talent from local venues including Verity Kinnon, James Edgar and Axi Wild, prior to the start of the main show. The lineup will also include Blackpool’s own Stacey McClean, formerly of spin-off band S Club 8. The Switch-On event will lead into a full weekend of music and slime as the first UK Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST takes place in the resort over the weekend of September the 3rd and 4th. As last year, the SwitchOn event will be free with the public invited to apply for 20,000 wristbands that will guarantee entry to the Tower Festival Headland arena. To apply, go to: switchon. Over the following two days the UK’s first Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST event will take place in Blackpool, with a mixture of free and ticketed events. The Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST ticketed shows will take place on Saturday, September 3 in the Empress Ballroom at the Winter Gardens. Two identical shows will feature live performances, games,

characters and plenty of slime! Acts set to perform at the SLIMEFEST live shows will be announced over the coming weeks. It’s set to be such an exciting event! SLIMEFEST weekend also features a free outdoor experience on the Tower Festival Headland throughout the Saturday and Sunday including character appearances and a whole host of family activities. Ticket prices for the live Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST shows begin at £25. Additional ticket packages include a guaranteed space at the SwitchOn celebration night, admittance to Blackpool Pleasure Beach and to Nickelodeon Land. Full ticket details are available at the Ticketmaster link (to be inserted). Footage from the SLIMEFEST live shows will be broadcast in a special SLIMEFEST programme on Nickelodeon UK in the Autumn. For more details on events in Blackpool this year, or to book your stay, go to

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Visitor returns for

Llanfair Line’s big event

An old friend returned to the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway, as the line begins to gear up for its annual Steam Gala in September. ‘Chevallier’, an 0-6-2T steam locomotive built by Manning Wardle & Co, Leeds, in 1915, will be the star attraction at the Gala, which this year is a three-day event being held from 2nd-4th September. The locomotive has twice before visited the line to take part in the Gala, in 1991 and 2010. Chevallier was built originally for a Royal Navy railway in Kent and later moved across to the Bowaters Paper Mill line in Sittingbourne. When that company closed its line in 1969, the locomotive went to work on a new line running through the animal

paddocks at Whipsnade Zoo. It was later sold to Bill Parker of the Flour Mill Workshop in the Forest of Dean, and Bill undertook a full overhaul. Chevallier came to the W&LLR’s 2010 Gala within days of the overhaul being completed, but various running-in issues prevented it showing its full capabilities over the weekend. W&LLR staff anticipate no such issues this time round – the loco has spent the last couple of seasons working very reliably in its old haunt of the Great Whipsnade Railway, while its early arrival in mid-Wales will leave plenty of time for testing over the Llanfair Line’s challenging eight-mile route throughout the summer before Chevalier takes its role

in a typically intensive Gala timetable. “We are delighted to have the loco here and grateful to owner Bill Parker for making the loan possible,” said W&LLR general manager Charles Spencer. “We will not be using Chevallier on any timetabled services before the Gala, but we will be carrying out extensive testing to ensure the loco can prove a worthy special guest at our biggest event of the year.” Plans are well underway for the Gala, which as in previous years will be held alongside the Garden Railway Show at Llanfair Caereinion High School, with a shuttle bus connecting the two. More details of the Gala attractions will be revealed closer to the event.

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fforest: Holidays with more!

Sandwiched between the Teifi gorge and the Teifi Marshes wildlife reserve, fforest takes advantage of 500 acres of bliss. Built from the inspiration and beauty of the great outdoors; the simplest and purest of things with adventure & wonder all around, it is a place to stay, gather, play, learn & celebrate in a pristine natural environment. A place to rediscover the luxury of simple. In the day, amble around the camp, relax on the terraces, take short drives to beautiful local beaches, walk a section of the coastal path or take their advice on the best local places to visit and things to do including a range of outdoor activities from canoeing to coasteering. At night, with their own onsite tiny pub, bbq meal nights and outdoor pizza restaurant downstream in Cardigan you won’t have to think too much about where to go for food & drink. A variety of accommodation is available from magical geodesic domes to a luxury newly renovated grand Georgian farmhouse. Prices for

a 7 night stay from £205.75pp (based on 5 sharing a katacabin) / £264pp (based on 14 sleeping in Ty Fforest, the bedroom farmhouse). For more information go to -www. Look at their amazing event in the

last 2 weeks of August here –www. fforest, Cardigan, Ceredigion, West Wales. 2 Hours North West from Cardiff 1.5 Hours South from Aberystwyth A world away.

Great Family day out

Whilst in Mid Wales, why not enjoy a visit to the historic Talyllyn Railway at Tywyn on the coast between Barmouth and Aberdyfi? The Talyllyn was the very first preserved railway in the world, when it was taken over by volunteers in 1951. It was originally built in 1865 to transport slate from Bryn Eglwys quarry to transfer to the newly opened main line at Tywyn. Passengers were

also conveyed from the beginning, and the carriages, along with the two original steam engines, are still in use today, albeit along with additional steam engines and carriages acquired over the years. Over the past twelve months we have been celebrating our 150th anniversary. Quite an achievement. We have constant high recommendations from such as Trip

Advisor, and we do all we can to make our visitors very welcome. Don’t miss your opportunity to enjoy the fantastic scenery and history of a ride from Tywyn to Dolgoch Falls, Abergynolwyn and Nant Gwernol, and perhaps enjoy some wonderful forest walks or visit our cafes, shops and museum. We look forward to seeing you.

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Lighting the way to

Lancashire Encounter

Big Difference Company has been awarded the contract for Procession of Light Producer with their ambitious ideas for the highlight event of Lancashire Encounter 2016. Building on the tradition of the Preston Guild torchlight procession, the Procession of Light has been designed to bring together communities, organisations and businesses from across Lancashire and showcase the region’s diversity, creativity and innovation. Big Difference Company, whose mission is to “...produce and deliver ambitious festivals & projects which improve social, economic & cultural wellbeing,” have been appointed to produce the procession and establish a dynamic and creative vision. With an ambition to create a vibrant, exciting and inspiring procession, Big Difference C o m p a n y propose taking inspiration from the steampunk movement to encourage participation with its DIY spirit as well as bringing together old

and new technology to celebrate Lancashire’s Great Industrial Heritage & Creative Imagination from jet engines to cogs from gas light to illumination. Big Difference Company have previously produced events including the public event for the re-interment of King Richard III, the Flame Festival for the 2012 London Paralympic Games and the annual Leicester Comedy Festival. There will be a series of workshops to encourage individuals and groups to get involved. Preston City Council is currently encouraging businesses and community groups to register an interest to get involved, online.

Councillor Peter Kelly, Preston City Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Services said, “This is a really exciting opportunity for Preston to welcome groups from across Lancashire to celebrate creativity from around the region. I cannot wait to see the end result.” Geoff Rowe, CEO of Big Difference Company, said “We’re really excited to be working with the team in Preston and the wider Lancashire community. Building on the great enthusiasm and making that went into the Guild processions, we are keen to create a unique procession of Light for Lancashire.”

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Moon Light Flicks

Film fans can once again watch a movie during the popular Moonlight Flicks season which tours the region this summer (July 5th until August 27th) Over 50 screenings of 12 different films, 5 evenings a week. Programmed by Storyhouse, the city based arts organisation who will run the cultural centre of the same name, currently under construction on Northgate Street. Thousands of moviegoers can enjoy the season as organisers announce a line up with everything from 80s classic Dirty Dancing to post-apocalyptic sci-fi Mad Max Fury Road. Also featured in the bill is animated Oscar winner Inside Out, cult hit of 2015 Birdman, romantic drama Brooklyn, iconic road movie Thelma and Louise, tear jerker The Artist, all-time rom-com classic Philadelphia Story and action adventure Jurassic World. Alex Clifton, Artistic Director of Storyhouse said: “Moonlight Flicks has quickly established itself as a firm favourite in the borough’s summer event calendar. It’s one of those wonderful events that welcomes a real cross section of audiences; families, groups of friends, couples and film buffs. We’re very much looking forward to welcoming movie-goers to the charming Roman Garden once again.’ For 2016 Storyhouse has partnered with Film Hub Wales and Chapter to be part of Roald Dahl on Film, a major season taking place across nearly 50 other locations in the UK. To celebrate the most magnificent storyteller, born in Cardiff in 1916, three films inspired by his children's books have been added to the Moonlight Flicks schedule, family favourite Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Danny DeVito’s Matilda and 80’s cult classic Gremlins. As in previous years Moonlight Flick's will use wireless headphones to ensure maximum sound quality. Based on last year's successful season it is expected that over 5000 people will attend the popular outdoor cinema. When it opens later in the year Storyhouse will have multiple film screenings a day from its unique 'lightbox' cinema structure, and like Moonlight Flicks will cater for a wide range of film fans. Movies are screened from dusk, times vary, to book and find out more visit

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Wedding Accessories For Men The obvious culprit for splashing out on wedding bling is usually the bride, but if you look out there are plenty of wedding accessories available for the groom Your wedding day is no place for the average work watch. If you are unsure what you can get for your man, a new watch could be on the cards. A classic wrist watch can be brought out for all formal occasions, not just your wedding. Whether it is for a job interview or your child’s christening, it will have the James Bond effect. Cufflinks are often a common gift bought by the parents of the groom, but why leave it to them. There is an endless range of cufflinks on the market, ranging from the cheap as chips to the arm and a leg. They can be novelty banana’s or initials engraved in silver, the endless variety allows you to choose something which is personal to the two of you and your wedding. Speaking to ‘Henrys For Men’ who are based in Oxfordshire, many grooms opt to buy silk handkerchiefs. James says “they are quite popular as they are easy to match with your waistcoat, and can make good gifts.” Rather than just sticking to the average buttons, some grooms would prefer to dress up using Dress Studs. They close the shirt, just like buttons but show an attention to the details. You can often get a set of dress studs with a set of cufflinks together which makes sure that even the style clumsy won’t make any fashion faux pas’. And finally, the shoes. They are probably the most important part of the whole ensemble. They say you can tell a lot about a man from his shoes, especially on your wedding day. If you are renting a suit, it is likely that the company will provide a selection of matching shoes. But if you want something different, don’t go too over-the-top. Black and brown are often the sleekest colours to wear on your big day. It is often the simple patent leather shoe that looks the most elegant. If you are using shoes which you already inhabit your wardrobe, just give them a good polish before the wedding day and they’ll look as good as new. Whatever your man decides to decorate himself with on the big day just make sure that he doesn’t go over-thetop. Nobody wants to marry a Christmas Tree.

What’s the

Best Age to

Get Married?

The age in which you wed is a universal subject of concern, with many displaying conflicting ideas about marriage and age. Where some believe that you can only know you if someone is ‘the one’ after you have spend many years with them others believe in love at first sight, suggesting age to be irrelevant. Nicholas H. Wolfinger, a University of Utah psychologist, has carried out strenuous research into the success of marriage in contention with age, arriving at a number of surprising outcomes. In his new research for the Institute for Family Studies he delved into divorce rates in correlation with young marriages. We would think the younger you get married the more likely it would end in divorce. With youth comes a lack of knowledge in regards to life and love, with hasty decisions such as marriage often becoming the wrong ones. However, Wolfinger says those who marry in their mid-30s or later are actually MORE likely to divorce than those who marry in their late 20s ‘My data analysis shows that prior to age 30 or so, each additional year of age at marriage reduces the odds of divorce by 11 percent,’ Wolfinger writes. ‘However, after that, the odds of divorce increase by 5 percent per year.’ All considered can you really base you life on a bunch of statistics?

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Survey reveals 70% of women would wear white to a wedding

Shopping site Lyst has revealed findings from a survey that discovered 7 out of 10 women would wear white to a friend’s wedding. Wearing white as a wedding guest has traditionally been considered a fashion faux pas, with the privilege reserved for the bride to outshine all in attendance. However, a recent survey conducted by, has found that 7 out of 10 women would defy conventions

by wearing white to a friend’s wedding. Of the 1,000 UK and US women surveyed, 70% considered the outfit etiquette ‘old fashioned’ – yet interestingly, only 40% would be happy for guests to wear white to their own ceremony. Responding to this shift in attitude and an increase by 116% of wedding guests searching for white and cream outfits, Lyst has launched a new Wedding Hub

which promotes the white trend. Lyst editorial director, Katherine Ormerod comments: “Weddings have changed to reflect the times we live in. Now you can marry who you want, how you want to. In an era of dog weddings, internet-ordained ministers, unusual venues and flashmob services - it’s no surprise that the old traditions carry less weight, and this goes for fashion too.”

Cumbria Weddings

Cumbria is a county of great natural beauty and it offers a wide range of very special venues for your special day. Cumbria have a number of Registration offices located around the county, and over 150 Approved Venues, which includes fairy tale castles, romantic hotels and friendly country houses, and even museums. Gone are the days when a civil marriage meant a simple ceremony held in front of an office deskThere are many options available when arranging your ceremony, and this can range from a simple ceremony with just you and two witnesses, to a large

ceremony and party for many family and friends at one of the Approved venues. The choice is yours Since March 2014 Cumbria Registration Service has been delighted to be able to offer marriage ceremonies to same sex couples. In the first couple of months since the legislation change, several same sex marriages took place and we have received very positive feedback from our newly married couples following their ceremonies. Your wedding is a special day and having a cumbria wedding can help make sure your day is a very happy

and enjoyable occasion. Cumbria has more than just lakes... there are a multitude of hidden treasures, amazing views, peace and tranquillity, outstanding food, friendly locals and unspoilt beaches. Dig further and you will find the magic of the Eden Valley nestled in the North Pennines, dramatic coastal scenery at the Lake District Peninsulas. With tranquil towns and villages, many historic monuments, churches and castles, poetry and the birthplace of Wordsworth, and the historic Hadrian’s Wall for you to explore.

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Wedding transport:

looking after your guests

When planning a wedding the fun part is shopping, looking through magazines and appreciating other people’s dresses, shoes and décor. With this juncture of your life being one of excitement and apprehension the last thing anyone needs is stress, wanting to relax and enjoy this exciting time. The one thing that notoriously lays on brides-to-be’s minds is whether or not their guests will feel welcome and accommodated for. This is why many brides choose to keep their guests in mind when planning their wedding, looking at every part of their day through the eyes of the people on the guest list. One big worry is whether or not people will turn up, causing brides to think carefully when arranging their wedding transportation. Wedding coach company, Coach Broker, say that brides in particular request coach hire for their guests, thinking it will secure a better turn out on their big day. Daniel Ford, Sales Manager at Coach Broker says: ‘We tend to get many brides-to-be looking to hire wedding coaches for their guests, generally asking their guests to meet at one central point for the coach to pick them up. By doing so they feel more confident that all of the invitees will turn up. This seems to be a bigger worry amongst brides rather than grooms.’ We completely agree that it would be

frustrating if you had catered to a guest that did not show but is coach hire an excessive way to prevent this? Mr Ford thinks not saying that wedding transport is a ‘great investment’ as well as a ‘cost effect transport solution’.

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Manchester academic wins

major national award

Danielle George, Professor of Microwave Communication Engineering at The University of Manchester, has been presented with the 2016 Rooke Award by the Royal Academy of Engineering for her efforts to promote the subject to the public. Her work on exciting projects such as the upcoming Robot Orchestra has been recognised by the Academy at an awards dinner in the Tower of London. The Rooke Award is awarded to an individual, small team or organisation who has contributed to the Academy's aims and work through their initiative in promoting engineering to the public. It has previously been won by people including TV presenters Johnny Ball, Adam Hart-Davis and Kate Bellingham, as well as Professor John Burland, whose work helped to stabilise the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The award is named in honour of the late Sir Denis Rooke, a former President of the Academy and one

of the UK's most distinguished engineers. As Chairman of British Gas, he built the UK's distribution network and united the gas industry, making domestic gas a cheap and convenient fuel source for millions of people. He later became Chancellor of Loughborough University, and served on many national advisory committees on both energy policy and education. Danielle is eager to make people excited about science and engineering, and to spread the message that we are all engineers at heart, which she does through a combination of interactive lectures and innovative citizen science experiments. She has been invited to present this engaging combination at many highprofile occasions including the 2014 Royal Institution Christmas Lecture broadcast on BBC Four, TEDGlobal and Manchester’s recent TEDx event. Her most recent project is the crowdsourcing of a robot orchestra, built from recycled electronics and junk donated by an eclectic mix of organisations i n c l u d i n g the Women’s Institute, the National Trust and Transport for Greater Manchester. She is encouraging people to get involved through a citizens’ engineering

Professor Danielle George

project with primary and secondary school groups and individuals, mainly around Manchester but as far away as London. Each team will make their own robot to play a particular part in the orchestra. Engineering company Siemens is building a special robot conductor to keep the other robots to time, and Professor George is also working closely with the Halle Orchestra, which has composed a special piece of music for the orchestra launch and will provide eight members of the orchestra to perform the music live alongside the robots. It will go on tour later this year, following its debut in Manchester in July as part of the European City of Science celebrations.

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Ormskirk MotorFest 2016 The 2016 Ormskirk MotorFest will roar into action on Sunday 28 August when between 250 and 300 cars from all eras of motoring will be lined up on town centre streets and in Coronation Park for people to admire. Thousands of people are expected to come to Ormskirk to admire the fabulous range of vehicles. The 2015 line-up included a Ginetta 55 racing car, which was brought to MotorFest by members of the University of Bolton’s Centre for Advanced Performance Engineering. There were

Motorists in

Bury are being encouraged to

take the None

for the Road

drink and drug driving pledge

Anyone who signs up to the campaign, being run by Bury Council’s road safety team, will be entered into a competition to win a £50 voucher. Participants will promise to never drive under the influence of any amount of alcohol or drugs. The pledge is open to any Bury resident who is over 18 and has a full driving licence. Full details of the competition can be found at nonefortheroad The winner will be announced after the end of the UEFA European Championships, which finish on 10 July. Jan Brabin, senior road safety officer at Bury Council, said: “We would like to use the popularity of the UEFA European Championships to remind drivers to be good team players and avoid the penalty of a drink or drug driving conviction. “There are plenty of alternatives for travelling safely after a night out, whether that is public transport, a taxi or sharing the responsibility for being a designated driver with friends and family.” Anyone convicted of driving under the influence of drink or drugs faces penalties including a minimum 12-month driving ban, a hefty fine, up to six months in prison, and an 11-year licence endorsement. They may also lose their job, have trouble travelling abroad, and face a hike in car insurance premiums.

also some fabulous Ferraris, Hot Rods and Porsches. Many of the cars took part in parade laps around the town centre, while some of the best presented cars took part in the Concours d’Elegance with prizes going to individual class winners. The overall winner was a Rover P5B Coupe owned by Graham Postlethwaite.

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Everyone’s a winner at the

‘Tour de Taylor Park’ Dozens of residents joined St Helens Council’s Traffic and Road Safety team for the annual ‘Tour de Taylor Park’ summer cycle safety event at Taylor Park. The free event saw a record number of adults and children learning to ride bicycles, helped by qualified, friendly and patient instructors - with adult bikes, balance bikes and helmets provided. Families also took part in guided bike rides around the park. Pedal-powered disco and smoothies were on offer, while 'Dr Bike' was on hand to treat bicycles for common mechanical ailments in his surgery.

Emirates Old Trafford

launches Big Red Day

EMIRATES OLD Trafford will be splashed in red for Day Four of the forthcoming Investec Test match between England and Pakistan for what it is being billed as ‘Big Red Day’. ‘Big Red Day’ will support three charitable organisations Lancashire County Cricket Club Foundation, We Love MCR Charity and the British Heart Foundation – on Monday 25 July at Emirates Old Trafford in a bid to raise funds and awareness for each charity as well as promoting healthy living.

Lancashire County Cricket Club will donate 10% of Day Four ticket sales, which will be distributed evenly to each of the charities, while supporters will be offered the opportunity to donate on the day. Spectators attending the fixture are being encouraged to wear red clothing to show their support for Big Red Day and to take part in a wide range of fun and healthy activities and challenges, such as cycling, rowing and setting records for running the 22 yards between

wickets, which will be held in a specially-created ‘Red Zone’ at the ground. Lancashire and England bowler James Anderson was on hand to launch Big Red Day. He said: “I think this is a brilliant idea and I am pleased to launch Big Red Day. As a cricketer being fit and healthy is part of the job, but it’s important that everybody makes an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle. “Each of the charities supports this message and I am certain that Big Red Day will be a huge success.” Daniel Gidney, Lancashire County Cricket Club’s Chief Executive said: “I am delighted that Emirates Old Trafford is in a position to utilise Day Four of the Investec Test as a day to raise awareness and funds for three charities that are important to us. ”Big Red Day will offer customers the opportunity to see at close hand what each of the charities are doing to promote healthy living. Through the power of sport, it is important that Lancashire County Cricket Club champions healthy lifestyles. “The day marks the start of the school

holidays and will be very much focused on all the family. I hope Big Red Day is a huge success for each of the charities.” Sandy Mitchell from the LCCC Foundation said: “Big Red Day is an exciting new international match day initiative and a fantastic example of the innovative work being done at Lancashire County Cricket Club to engage communities and spectators alike. Health and wellbeing is a key strand of work for the LCCC Foundation and this event provides a great platform to offer advice and guidance through a number of fun, interactive challenges.” Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Carl Austin-Behan on behalf of the We Love MCR Charity said: "July's Test Match will see cricket fans from across the globe descend on the region to enjoy what is always a keenly contested international fixture. The Big Red Day initiative now promises fans extra enjoyment off the field with a host of fun and healthy activities on offer for all the family, and it's a fantastic way of raising funds and

awareness for three worthwhile causes. "The We Love MCR Charity supports a number of initiatives across Manchester to benefit its local residents and communities. I'm excited to be able to support the charity's continued positive work to improve the lives of the people

of Manchester." Michelle Bailey Fundraising Manager for Greater Manchester at the British Heart Foundation, said: “What a fantastic day of fundraising this promises to be! We cannot wait to see everyone wearing red and joining together to help us beat heart disease.

“Heart disease is heartless, it can affect anyone at any age. But every pound donated to us from the Big Red Day will help fund life-saving research which could make a difference to millions, and end the devastation caused by these terrible conditions.”

Page 38. Issue 17. Lancashire Local

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Robinson Signs

New One-Year Deal

Burnley Football Club announce that goalkeeper Paul Robinson has signed a new one-year deal. The former England number one, 36, joined the Clarets on a short-term deal in January during their promotion push for the Premier League. And Robinson, who provided backup to Tom Heaton for the final 19 games of the Championship season, following an injury to Matt Gilks, has been rewarded with a new 12-month contract. Manager Sean Dyche said: “We are delighted to have Paul back on board. “He continues to work hard at his profession and his wealth of experience is hugely beneficial to the team and, in particular, the goalkeeping department. “Our other goalkeepers, especially the younger ones, will continue to improve while Paul is with us and we look forward to working with him again this coming season.” The former Leeds United, Tottenham Hotspur and Blackburn Rovers goalkeeper has clocked up over 400 club appearances and earned 41 England caps in a stellar career Read more at http://www. news/article/robinson-signsnew-one-year-deal-3157800. aspx#Z2xkUt5FPHyzR5Jo.99

New wheels at Sherdley Park

Golf Course Sherdley Park Golf Course has a brand new set of wheels. The course now has four electric golf buggies available for hire at competitive prices – from as little as £12.00 – bringing it on par with the best private courses in the region. The lean, green golf machines make navigating the undulating, 5,192 yard, par 71 course of mature parkland easier and quicker than ever, meaning there’s always time for a full 18-hole round. And with the new six holes for £6 offer, golfers with busy schedules have even more ways to slot in some quality time on the fairway, at one the North West’s premier pay-and-play golf courses. With its tree-lined fairways and strategically-placed hazards, the course provides a healthy challenge for golfers of all abilities. For full price details, memberships or to book please telephone 01744 813149 or visit www.sthelens. Golfers must present a valid driving license to hire the buggies.

Top fighters turn out at

Selwyn Jones Sports Centre

Fighters from across Europe converged on Selwyn Jones Sports Centre in Newton-le-Willows for a major Muay Thai kick boxing promotion featuring 25 bouts. Amateur and professional contests were staged at the event - organised by local promotions company Fighting Machines culminating in a European title fight that saw Portugal’s Rui Botelho edge it from Sam Buruca of Blackpool on a split decision. Local fighters also appeared on the bill. St Helens’ own David Borland successfully defended his Northern area title by beating David Lucas. More than 500 kick boxing fans turned up on the day – helping to raise hundreds of pounds for local charity Friends - Play for Disabled Children. For more information about the event contact Craig Nield on 07932 945436 or go to

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Lancashire Local. Issue 17. Page 39.

Roy Hodgson has stepped down as manager of the

England football team with immediate effect following

his side's Euro 2016 exit at the hands of Iceland

The 68-year-old announced the end of his four-year spell in charge in a postmatch press conference. Hodgson said: "I'm extremely disappointed. We haven't progressed as far as I thought we were capable of and that's obviously not acceptable."I'm proud of the work my coaching staff and I have achieved during our time at the helm with England. The transition of the squad whose average age is 30 to now being the youngest in the tournament is both remarkable and exciting for the future of English football. "I would have loved to have stayed on for another two years, however I am pragmatic and know that we are in the results business. "My contract was up after the Euros. So now is the time for someone else to oversee the progress of this young, hungry and extremely talented group of players. "They have been fantastic and they have done everything that has been asked of them. "When I arrived I was told that players didn’t turn up to play for their country, or that they pull out at the last minute but I’ve not seen any of that. These players love to play for their country and their commitment has been unquestionable."Ray Lewington and Gary Neville have asked me to speak on their behalf.

They arrived with me as part of my coaching team and they’ll leave with me. I’d like to thank them for their dedicated support and for the major part they’ve played in our team preparation. "Finally, I’d like to thank all the support staff, players, The FA and of course the fans – it’s been a fantastic journey these four years and it’s one I’ll look back on with pride. "Finally I’d like to thank the media for the support that you’ve given me during those four years. "I’m sorry it’s had to end this way with another exit from a tournament but these things happen and all I can do is wish everybody all the very best and hope that you will still be able to see an England team in a final of a major tournament fairly soon…we’ve been unable to do it. Thank you very much." In an FA statement they said: Like the nation, we are disappointed to lose and that our run in Euro 2016 has come to a premature end. We had high hopes of progressing through to the latter stages of the competition and accept that we have not met our own expectations or those of the country. We back Roy Hodgson’s decision to step down as England manager and will discuss next steps imminently.

North End striker Jermaine Beckford admits there is unfinished business for him going into the new season After firing PNE into the Championship with a hattrick in the Play-Off final in 2015, the striker missed the majority of the Lilywhite's first season back in the Championship with a knee injury. After making his return towards the end of the 2015/16 campaign, the 32-year-old is determined to be back to his best this time around and has high hopes for the new season ahead of the squad's return to pre-season next week. "I can't wait to be back with the lads. After missing a large chunk of last season, I feel like there's unfinshed business. "There is unfinished business, and I want to prove to myself that I'm as quick as ever, as strong as ever and as good in front of goal as ever. "To do that I have to be around the people that helped me the first time around, so that I can get back in it and repay some of the faith that has been placed in me." On making his return to the side back in March as the season began to draw to a close, Jermaine continued: "It was amazing, it was such a frustrating season for me on a personal level because I have never been out for that period of time before. "But to see the lads doing as well as they were doing and picking up the results when they needed to it eased the pressure off myself a bit I think. "I didn't have to put as much pressure on myself to get back sooner but it was frustating that I wasn't able to have more of an impact. I will be looking to put that right this time around. "I was disappointed that the season finished when it did, obviously it had to but from a personal point of view I was just getting started. "I had just started to get my match fitness level up, I put the ball in the net and that was a nice feeling and one that I can't wait to get back to.

"Pre-season this year will be as important as any because I was out for as long as I was, it's like a fresh start for me. I feel good, I have no worries, no complaints, no aches and pains, which is a rarity. "Being off for as long as I was, not only helped to heal my knee, but it also healed a lot of other little niggling injuries that I had as well. "I feel like I'm coming back in great condition, great shape and I feel good as well." Despite the off-season break, the squad still work hard while away from Springfields in order to maintain their fitness before getting back to business, and that's no different for the former Everton striker. "Any professional will tell you that you don't just turn up for preseason training and then start, you start when the season finishes. "You take a couple of weeks off to recover and heal any niggling injuries but then we are all professionals and we all want to be on the top of our game. "We do what we can do to make sure we are in a very good and strong position come the start of pre-season." The start of the season feels closer following the release of the fixtures on Wednesday, and Becks is feeling confident going into the new season after seeing the 2016/17 schedule. "I thought they were great for us, don't get me wrong there is no such thing as an easy game but we can come into the new season feeling

confident that we can have as good a season as last year. "There's no game I look for first, I have many favourites. We are going to have derbies, we are going to have teams that I have played for in the past, teams that beat us last season but we are always going to be confident going into the new season. "I am especially looking forward to the new season having missed so much of last year through injury but I'm sure everyone else is feeling the same way." There's an added edge to the Champoinship this year with competition as fierce as ever with the likes of Aston Villa and Newcastle United now in the division, and it's something Jermaine and many others are looking forward to. "Every team that is in this league now deserves to be there, we are all big teams. As big as Newcastle are, as big as Aston Villa are, there are teams that have been in the Championship for a good number of years now who are almost as big as those sides. "Everyone can and will want to take points off everyone and everyone is looking for a scalp against the bigger teams but I'm sure we will be able to maintain what we did last season and hopefully push on from that as well. Who knows, we might be able to finish higher than we did last season."

Page 40. Issue 17. Lancashire Local

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Each Edition of the Lancashire Local has a print run of 6,600 copies. Published by JAC Media Ltd, Foxhall Lodge, Foxhall Road, Nottingham, NG7 6LH.

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