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Issue. 33
Inside This Issue: Care • News • Weddings • Schools Out For Summer • Sports
Show stopping annual Art and Design exhibition at NCC NCC’s annual Art and Design Show has been hailed as the most successful to date as a stunning display of visually impressive and thought provoking works by students wowed visitors. Students from A Level and Vocational routes showcased their masterpieces across the four day event which launched with a VIP evening. Guests included parents of students and the Mayor and Mayoress of Pendle, Cllr David Whalley and his wife Barbara. They enjoyed a canapé and fizz reception before browsing the vast range of graphics, film, paint, photography and textiles exhibited. The talented students took inspiration from everything from animals to space and explored issues including bullying, celebrity culture, reuse of plastics and fracking in Lancashire. The annual event also marked the announcement of the Creative and Digital Awards for 2017, with students recognised and rewarded for 12 months of hard work. Visitors were so impressed with the standard of exhibits that Arteology in Colne are planning to put on a special
exhibition for the winners’ work, a local school has asked for a piece on bullying to go on display and the Pendle Rise Shopping Centre in Nelson will also be exhibiting pieces of the students’ work for seven days from July 21st. Christian Bell, who is finishing his Foundation Diploma in Art at NCC, was named Foundation Diploma Student of the Year. He is heading on to the University of Central Lancashire to do a Fine Art degree and will be curating the Pendle Rise exhibition next month. Christian said: “The show was a really brilliant experience and I was very pleased with my exhibits. It all came together well and the hard work paid off! I wanted to focus on the environment and I chose fracking as it is quite close to home. I filmed an activist at one of the sites and projected the clip on to a sink full of water for the exhibition. Some of the photographs I took were etched on to paper and wood. “The exhibition at the Pendle Rise is a great opportunity and has come about through the local arts group In Situ. “I would definitely recommend the Foundation Diploma and my tutor has been extremely helpful. I did my A Levels in Art and Design at
NCC years ago and this was perfect for me coming back into education as it is a one year course.” Olivia Cambridge, who has studied A Levels in Media, Photography and Textiles during her two years at NCC, won Student of the Year prizes in both Photography and Textiles. She has a conditional offer to go to Falmouth University to do Photography. “The Art and Design staff at NCC have all been dedicated and encouraging. This has helped me achieve the best I can in the courses.” Head of Creative of Digital Morag Davis said: “The Art and Design Show is one of the highlights of the College calendar and I think 2017’s exhibition has been the most spectacular yet. “The quality of the work on show this year was astonishing, and I think this is reflected by the requests we have
received to have the students’ pieces exhibited elsewhere. The feedback has been fantastic. “I am so thrilled to see the way in which our students have developed and honed their skills at College, and we wish each of them the very best for their futures.” One in 11 UK jobs are now in the creative industry and NCC has a Career College ethos to get students ready for successful futures. NCC offers a range of course options under the umbrella of Creative and Digital, and these include A Levels in Film, Graphics, Fine Art, Fashion and Textiles, Media and Photography. Vocational courses are available in Art and Design and Creative and Digital Media and the Foundation Diploma in Art, for those aged 18 and above, can be studied too. For more information about Nelson and Colne College contact 01282 440272 or visit www.nelson.ac.uk
Former teaching assistant
jailed for child sex offences
A former teaching assistant has today (Wednesday, July 5th) been jailed for 18 months after he was convicted of child sex offences. David Billington, 47, of Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, was found guilty last week of nine counts of sexual assault on six female pupils, all aged 10 or 11 years old at the time of the abuse. The abuse was carried out between 2012 and 2016 when Billington was a teaching assistant employed at St Anthony’s Primary School in Blackburn. He also engaged in conversations on social media with two of the victims.
Billington was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years. Keith Hill, from Lancashire Constabulary’s Operation Fervent team, a unit set up by the Constabulary in January 2015 to investigate Historical Child sexual abuse, said: “We welcome the sentence today which reflects the gravity of these offences. “These crimes displayed a gross breach of trust and were committed to satisfy David Billington’s own sexual gratification. The impact of these crimes on the victims cannot be
overstated. All credit must be given to the girls who were brave enough to report the offences against them and carry it through to a full trial were they had to reiterate their allegations in court. “Lancashire Constabulary remains committed to investigating allegations of this nature, no matter how historic, and no matter what the role, position and status of the alleged offender, and we would encourage anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence to come forward safe in the knowledge that they will be treated sensitively and professionally.”
Page 2. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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Huge interest in the
re-development of iconic
Wigan Pier buildings
A tender period for three iconic buildings at the world famous Wigan Pier has been extended following significant developer interest. Wigan Council unveiled a six-week tender period in May for bids to be made to develop the three Wigan Pier buildings. The three former industrial buildings stand on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and include The Warehouse, known locally as the former Way We Were Museum, The Orwell former public house, and the Education Centre. The buildings are central to the Wigan Pier Quarter regeneration area and have attracted attention from across the region as a destination for investment and new industries on an iconic waterside setting. Since the bidding period opened in May there has been a huge amount of interest from developers in the buildings with leisure, hotel, commercial, residential and creative uses being put forward. Feedback from developers to the council has led to the bidding window being extended following requests for more time to complete bids. Tours of the buildings will continue in the coming weeks for developers to finalise their plans. The tender process is being overseen by the council in partnership with commercial property agents Lambert Smith Hampton and the Canal & River Trust. Councillor David Molyneux, Wigan Council’s cabinet member for regeneration, said: “We are very pleased with the response so far from developers in the iconic Wigan Pier buildings. “There is no better address in the country for a
business than Wigan Pier – it is world famous. “We have had some fantastic and innovative ideas put forward by serious developers who all have experience in regenerating buildings of this kind both regionally and nationally. “During the process interested parties have expressed a desire to our agents and the council for more time to finalise their bids. “It is vital that we give them enough time to develop their bids to ensure they get them right. This will benefit the regeneration of Wigan Pier Quarter in the long-run.” Simon Turner, director at Lambert Smith Hampton, said: “Wigan Pier is an icon in the North West, and an important part of the history of the region. “We are delighted with the response so far and feel the extension of the deadline will help all interested parties deliver some really high quality bids. “This is a really exciting time for Wigan Pier with many talented people wanting to be involved in transforming the area into a real destination and a catalyst for growth.” The Wigan Pier Quarter has recently seen the development of the Pier Centre conference centre and performance venue, approved planning permission for a social, arts and café venue in a former industrial building next to the pier and Trencherfield Mill continues to attract interest from major employers as a new headquarters. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the publication of George Orwell’s landmark book ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’. Wigan Pier was a coal loading
jetty where wagons would unload coal on to canal barges and became famous through music hall jokes and its appearance in the title of Orwell’s graphic description of the plight of the English working class in the early 20th century. In 2014 Wigan Council announced the start of a 10 year regeneration programme to create
a 'New Road to Wigan Pier'. To support regeneration opportunities the council has invested in new car parking facilities, created a community garden, is continuing to market and develop business at Trencherfield Mill and has hosted a major business event to showcase the Pier Quarter and its opportunities. The bidding process now closes on Friday 28th July. For further information contact Lambert Smith Hampton on 0161 228 6411.
Simon Turner, Councillor David Molyneux and Karen Guest at Wigan Pier
Leigh town centre public realm improvements
Preliminary work will begin this improvements to Bradshawgate and lighting and tree planters will create week on improvements to Leigh Albion Street. High quality block a much more attractive space for town centre. The work will mean paving, new modern seating, LED shoppers, visitors and businesses. Wigan Council has funded and will manage the regeneration of Market Place with construction partner idverde UK. The programme will be carried out in phases to make sure that works progress as quickly as possible and that disruption is kept to a minimum. From the beginning of work to the middle of June the site compound will be installed and the removal of existing street furniture will take place. The canopy on Albion Street will then be dismantled from
early June to allow construction traffic to access all areas of the work from Gas Street. Works will then be completed in three phases. Phase one will take place on Bradshawgate between Vernon Street and Bold Street and is scheduled between June and August. Phase two will take place on Bradshawgate between Bold Street and Silk Street scheduled between July and September. Phase three on Albion Street and Gas Street is scheduled to take place between August and October. Access for local businesses will be maintained during normal business hours. Karl Battersby, Wigan Council’s director for economy and environment, said: “We are pleased that the regeneration work in Leigh town centre is starting on site. "The works are planned in a way which will keep disruption to a minimum.”
Businessman prosecuted after dumping
147 bin bags of household waste
A West Lancashire businessman has been ordered to do 100 hours community service after dumping 147 bin bags of household waste in Newburgh. Wigan County Court heard that the bags were found in a ditch at the side of Cobbs Brow Lane. This was one of the biggest amounts of flytipped waste West Lancashire Borough Council has ever had to deal with. Following a lengthy investigation by Council officers, the waste was traced back to Sean Ward, of Riding
Close, Haskayne. Evidence given to the court stated that Mr Ward had moved this waste from a property in the Liverpool area and had been paid for this work. He claimed during an interview with Council officers that he had had vehicle problems and took the waste out with the intention of returning for it at a later point, something which he did not do. Mr Ward pleaded guilty to flytipping and as well as being ordered to do 100 hours community service he was also told to pay £1,223.10 in costs.
Dave Tilleray, who heads up the Environmental Enforcement Team, said: “The Council is continuing to work hard to tackle fly-tipping and this case sends a strong message to all those thinking of illegally dumping waste in West Lancashire. “Fly tipping is a serious criminal offence with unlimited fines for individuals and businesses found guilty of offences. As can be seen with this case, guilty parties can face other penalties. For example, they could be sent to prison.” If you think waste has been disposed
of illegally then you can report this to the Council 24 hours a day at http://www.westlancs.gov.uk/ environment/keeping-west-lancs-tidy/fly-tipping.aspx. Or you can call 01695 577177 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. The Council would also like to remind all householders that they need to make sure any waste that they have removed is disposed of legally. Anyone removing waste as part of a business must have a waste carriers licence and give waste transfer notes to whomever they take waste from. Householders can check if anyone who removes waste from them has a waste carriers’ licence by contacting the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 or going on https://www.gov.uk/government/ organisations/environment-agency.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 3.
An ambitious new vision to deliver the Oldham town centre of the future is set to go to public consultation before being marketed to potential development partners. Oldham Council has been developing a masterplan looking ahead to 2035 with key schemes across five strategic town centre sites totalling 21 acres. The benefits would be the provision of new homes, 55,000 sq metres of new and refurbished employment space, and economic activity worth an additional £50m per annum to Oldham's economy. The masterplan seeks to remodel Oldham town centre to match the local authority’s aspirations for it to be a vibrant place with high-quality attractions, an excellent cultural and shopping offer and a nighttime economy that make it stand out as a destination within Greater Manchester. Key to that is transforming the area into a thriving place where more residents want to live and spend leisure time. This is to be supported by housing and schools better reflecting communities' needs and producing high-skilled residents working in a stronger local economy where businesses want to invest. If every masterplan element is delivered it could be worth an estimated 560 full-time jobs during construction, plus up to 700 new operational jobs in Oldham. The plan is the first step towards creating a town centre that works better and is aspirational for everyone – from residents to families, public sector partners and businesses/traders of all sizes. A priority proposal in this plan is to deliver a new Tommyfield Market on the existing site with a new 600-capacity multi-storey car park adjacent to attract additional footfall, plus complementary new retail/leisure units and quality public spaces. A new Civic Hub is also proposed using land including the former
Oldham Sports Centre to host a multiagency public sector centre providing more effective accommodation and cost sharing, plus new commercial office space. The current Civic Centre, Magistrates Court and Oldham Police Station sites could be the location for a refurbished QE Hall with a new hotel, plus offices and homes. Additional homes could go at the current Rock Street car park site and the surrounding area. Subject to Cabinet approval on July 10, work would begin to present these opportunities to market and share risks/costs with the private sector. The masterplan identifies a large number of publicly-owned sites that are under-used or no longer fit for purpose. These include Tommyfield Market, the Civic Centre, Oldham Police Station, the former Oldham Sports Centre and Oldham Magistrates Court, and the current Oldham Coliseum Theatre. Existing movement and footfall in Oldham town centre has been analysed and anticipated future pressures on housing, school places, public services and infrastructure are also factored in. Jean Stretton, Oldham Council Leader, said: “This is the biggest forward planning exercise we’ve ever had for Oldham town centre – it's exciting and it's about the kind of place we want it to be in the future." “Many positive regeneration schemes are already improving our town centre – like the Old Town Hall, the Cultural Quarter with a new Coliseum Theatre, and the Independent Quarter – but we cannot make the mistake of standing still. "This is about agreeing the type of place we want Oldham to be and having a clear plan to achieve it. The plan will be shaped and refined further as residents, partners, business and traders have their say in extensive consultation over the coming year.
“The plan looks to improve connections in and between different sites so that footfall and movement works better. It also strives to increase town centre resident, visitor and user numbers to make it a place that thrives round the clock. "We have the opportunity to do what other local authorities have done and look to share assets and cut costs with public sector partners to benefit everyone. “We also have a fantastic opportunity to attract private sector development partners into a joint venture to deliver this scheme, or specific elements of it, and we're confident this will be attractive to them. It is one of the biggest and most ambitious town centre schemes in Greater Manchester. "Due to the
Summer Saturday Takeover
Summer Saturday Takeover – Launches Saturday 29th July at Charter Walk Shopping Centre Take a picture on our GIANT Deckchair on Saturday 29th July. Join the fun, every Saturday from 11am – 3pm with 2BR. We have free to enter competitions, with lots of great prizes to giveaway. Saturday 29th July – Tennis Ace! Race the Clock How fast can you complete our
tennis-inspired obstacle course to WIN a great prize! Plus grab a balloon from our Balloon Modeller. Saturday 5th August – Skittle those Skittles Just how many can you knock over in our fun skittle competition? Plus have a go on our HAND BUZZ WIRE GAME!!! Saturday 12th August – Big Summer Wii Games
Join the fun in our GIANT Nintendo Wii competition to WIN a great prize! Saturday 19th August – Hole in One Crazy Golf Test your putting skills on our crazy course to WIN our final prize giveaway! Plus don’t miss the amazing stilt walking golfer. Make sure you come and join the fun!
amount of land that is publicly owned, there are relatively few issues around site assembly, and these plans can deliver a return on our investment back to the public purse. “When consultation gets underway I
would urge everyone to do your bit, get involved and give us your views and ideas. We all have a stake in Oldham town centre's future and this is a fantastic opportunity transform its prospects
over the next two decades." Subject to Cabinet approval, Oldham Council would take this opportunity to market by the end of 2017 with a view to appointing a preferred delivery partner(s) by summer 2018.
Page 4. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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Emilie Taylor’s brand new exhibition, Art & Soul Tattoo Studio Edgelands, has opened at Gallery Oldham.
Art & Soul Tattoo Studio is owned by Nick Bleasdale, who is a local man from the Preston area, having lived in Penwortham and Preston all his life. He has had an interest in tattoos since the age of fourteen, and he gets his talent for drawing and painting from his father, who was an accomplished amateur artist with a wicked eye for caricatures.
Nick and his father did not always see eye-to-eye concerning his determination to be a tattooist, and he spent some time travelling the length of the country with his tattoo kit in his rucksack, b e f o r e returning and settling down in Leyland. He attended the University of Central Lancashire and obtained a degree in Fine Art and Illustration to prove that he was serious! If you want to know anything about the history and development of tattooing, Nick is the man to see. You can drop in for a chat any time provided he is not busy with a customer, and you will get a brew and a very interesting discussion on the subject – just be prepared to spend an hour or so! Although Nick’s first love is the tattoo, he is also accomplished with an airbrush or paintbrush, pencil or charcoal, and any medium will do –
your skin is the first choice, but if you have a scooter, motorcycle, sidecar, car, van, fence or wall, (inside or outside) in need of adornment he will be happy to oblige. In his leisure time Nick is somewhat of a musician; he plays guitar, Mandolin, banjo, drums, penny whistle, flute and probably anything else if you hand it to him.
In this new body of work, she explores the lives of the young women who exist on the edge of society, and on the edge of womanhood. They live between the urban and the rural, between childhood and adulthood, which she describes as the ‘Edgelands’. Emilie has previously worked in frontline mental health and drug services for ten years and is acutely aware of the stories which go unheard. The young women depicted in this exhibition are ordinary young women doing the things which ordinary young women do – things that Emilie and her friends did in their youth. In the tale of Persephone and Demeter goddesses become mortal, but the classical forms of Emilie’s ceramics seem to elevate the lives of mortals to the same level of interest as goddesses. Maggie Kufeldt, Executive Director of Health and Wellbeing said: “Emilie has recently been tipped by the Contemporary Art Society as an artist to watch and we are thrilled that she has agreed to develop an exhibition with us at this stage of her career. There are some stunning pieces in the exhibition, which are all for sale.” The theme of fertility also runs through the exhibition in a number of ways - in the story of Demeter the goddess of harvest and fertility and her daughter Persephone, in the fields of corn on the ceramics, traditionally used to decorate harvest jugs, and not least because during the two year preparations for this exhibition Emilie became a mother herself
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 5.
Top tourist attraction teams up to deliver Chorley Flower Show
One of Chorley’s top tourist attractions will be teaming up with Chorley Council to deliver the awardwinning Chorley Flower Show for the third time in a row.Thousands of people enjoyed dazzling displays and a host of horticultural entertainment at the second ever show last year, which won the ‘Tourism Event Award’ in the prestigious Lancashire Tourism Awards. As people start snapping up tickets for the showcase event the council can reveal that Botany Bay will once again be the main sponsor. Councillor Alistair Bradley, Leader of Chorley Council, said: “To get recognised as the best tourism event in our county is a real coup for Chorley and we can’t deliver the show without the support of our sponsors who allow us to make it happen. “We had some tremendous feedback about what is a stunning event and by working with Botany Bay, which
also operates the free park and ride, it enables us to draw in an audience and put on a show that is on a par with some of the best in the country. “Tickets are now on sale and if people buy in advance you will receive a discount of up to 25 per cent on the entry fee on the day.” The two-day event, held on 30 and 31 July in Astley Park, will include: • A professional exhibitors’ marquee featuring gold-medal winning entrants from some of the country’s biggest shows • Stunning show gardens including Chorley’s award-winning RHS Chelsea Flower Show exhibit ‘The Evaders’ Garden’, • Regional competitions for two of the country’s most high profile societies – the National Sweet Pea Society and the Rose Society UK • Meet celebrity gardeners Carol Klein and Chris Beardshaw who will
be answering your questions • Horticultural trade stands offering the best quality in garden products • An amateur marquee incorporating flower and pot plant classes and floral art • Take a tour of the historic Astley Hall, which will be decked out with floral decorations Michelle Scott, Marketing Manager of Botany Bay, said: “We are delighted to be sponsoring the event again this year and with the calibre of attractions at this year’s show it makes a great day out for anyone. “There will be plenty of entertainment in the showground and there will be a section of the show for children with fun activities and fairground rides – it is a day out that all generations of the family can enjoy together. “If you’re travelling by car you can use the free park and ride at Botany Bay and spend time with us too.”
Helping brothers and
sisters to stay together
Lancashire County Council has launched an appeal to find people willing to keep families together by adopting siblings. Brothers and sisters are among the children who wait longest to be adopted, as there are not enough people coming forward who are able to give them a safe, permanent and loving family. County Councillor Susie Charles, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools, said: "We realise that when people first start to consider adoption, they don't usually envisage adopting two or more children. But I'm hoping that we can encourage people to at least think it over. "We keep brothers and sisters together whenever we can. For children who cannot be brought up by their own parents, those sibling relationships take on extra importance. In the midst of the trauma and losses these children experience, being placed with a brother or sister can be an important source of comfort and support, and give them the opportunity to grow
up together. "Adopting more than one child takes a special kind of commitment, and a willingness to accept a big change in circumstances. But we know it can work, because we already have some very happy families here in Lancashire which were created when people adopted siblings. "However, we know that adopting siblings might not be for everyone, and we still need adopters to come forward to look after children of all different ages and circumstances." Among the 62 Lancashire children ready to be adopted, there are nine two-sibling groups and four threesibling groups. The county council is keen to hear from a broad range of prospective adopters, including single people and couples, same-sex and heterosexual, from all religious backgrounds or none. It is also happy to consider people who have already adopted, already have a family, or are looking into adoption because they are unable to
have children of their own. The only legal requirements are that adopters must be over 21 and live within Lancashire or nearby. Not everyone is able to adopt more than one child and there are many single children who need a family too. Adoptive parents are also needed for children from young babies up to eight years of age, and particularly for the following groups: • Children aged over four, either gender • Children with special needs, disabilities or unpredictable medical issues • Boys of all ages • Mixed-heritage children of all ages Anyone interested in finding out more about adoption can contact the county council by: • Calling the friendly adoption team on 0300 123 6723 • Visiting the website at www. lancashire.gov.uk/adoption and filling in the enquiry form • Attending an information evening (details on the website above).
Tickets are now on sale priced £7 adults (£9 on the gate), £1.50 children (£2 on the gate), £15 for a family ticket (£20 on the gate) and parking will be free. You can also gain entry with seven time credits and there are special rates for groups of more than 20. If you’d like more information visit chorleyflowershow. com, where you can buy your tickets online, or you can get them from Botany Bay, Café Ambio, in Astley Park, or Malcolm’s Musicland, on Chapel Street.
Page 6. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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Free and cheaper parking Local
firm helps
in Chorley town centre council tackle litter
VISITORS to Chorley are being reminded that the town centre now has more free and cheaper parking spaces following the introduction of new tariffs on all council car parks. We have introduced the new parking tariffs to try and change people’s parking habits Chorley Council has introduced the new parking tariffs to encourage drivers to use different car parks in the town centre as well as ensuring people continue to visit and shop in Chorley while redevelopment work takes place on the Flat Iron to extend Market Walk shopping centre. The new parking tariffs will give people up to one hour parking for free on all short stay car parks, except the Flat Iron, and up to three hours free on all long stay car parks. Those who wish to stay longer can park for up to four hours from as little as £1 or all day for just £3.50. A two-hour maximum stay limit has also been introduced on the Flat Iron car park to increase turnover of spaces and encourage people to park on one of the many other car parks in the town centre for free or at low cost. The two-hour maximum stay on the Flat Iron is also applicable during the town’s usual free periods of parking including Saturdays 1pm to 5pm and Sundays and Bank Holidays 8am to 5pm and a time of arrival ticket must be obtained from the car park machine. The Chief Executive of Chorley Council, Gary Hall, said: “We have introduced the new parking tariffs to try and change people’s parking habits in Chorley town centre and to
Oldham Council has a new tool in the fight against litter and waste left on our streets. We’ve teamed up with Werneth-based ePower Trucks and have taken delivery of two Glutton Electric vacuum cleaners. The machines can vacuum up all kinds of waste and hold more than the traditional carts used by our environmental services staff – meaning more rubbish can be collected. Because the Glutton is electric there are no emissions and they are silent which means our staff can visit streets early in the morning and remove
provide visitors with more free and cheaper parking options. “Because the Flat Iron is the most central car park in Chorley, a lot of drivers head straight for it when they can park just a few minutes’ walk away for free or cheaper and for longer. Yes, there is work taking place on the Flat Iron but we are trying to minimise disruption and it is important for the extension to Market Walk and the redevelopment of the town centre. “Changing the Flat Iron car park to a two-hour maximum stay car park
is helping to free up spaces and it is important that people realise that this is applicable during the free periods on Saturdays after 1pm and on Sundays and Bank Holidays between 8am and 5pm as well. “Our advice is to download one of our parking maps showing where all the car parks are and check the parking tariff board carefully when obtaining a ticket, which you will need to do even in the free periods.” For further information on car parking in Chorley town centre, please visit chorley.gov.uk/parking.
waste while not disturbing residents. Councillor Barbara Brownridge, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives, said: “It’s good to see that a local firm has come up with an innovative product like the Glutton and we wish them well with it. “The simple truth is if people acted responsibly and didn’t drop litter then there wouldn’t be the need for us to clean up after them. “Our staff work seven days a week to keep our streets clean but the issue does not go away. That’s why we will give fixed penalty notices and prosecute those who think they
can just drop their rubbish where they want and not clean up after themselves.” A spokesman for ePower said: “The Glutton is a full electric vacuum designed to assist the cleansing operatives to keep the town centre and surrounding areas clear of litter. “We are extremely happy to be working with our local council and help make their lives easier when out collecting litter dropped by the public.” You can report litter online via the council website at www.oldham.gov. uk or by calling 0161 770 6644.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 7.
New business feels at home in the Independent Quarter
The latest business to open in Oldham’s Independent Quarter is already beginning to feeling right at home. Furniture by Lauren recently started trading at 46/48 Yorkshire Street, at the junction of Waterloo Street, in the town centre – breathing new life into the former Kiss Bar. Gavin and Lauren Howarth, who run the small family business, specialise in made-to-measure sofas but also sell a full range of accessories which will help turn any dwelling into a home. Between them the Royton couple has worked in the furniture trade for more than 30 years and say that experience
enables them to provide customers with well-known brands and bespoke made furniture at competitive prices. Gavin said: “We chose Oldham for our first retail premises because we are Oldham born and bred and still live locally. “We wanted to support our local town and are excited by the efforts the council are making trying to improve and regenerate the town centre. Lauren added: “We want to bring style, quality but also value for money to the people of Oldham.” Before the business moved into the premises they had been empty for a number of years. Oldham Council acquired the building and carried out
a full refurbishment, transforming the interior and exterior of a period building. Councillor Jean Stretton, Leader of Oldham Council, said: “We’re pleased to welcome Lauren and Gavin to the Independent Quarter. “They are a local couple who are willing to invest their money and are just the type of high end business we want to see in the Independent Quarter. They could have chosen to go elsewhere but have put their faith in the town centre and we hope people will support them and but local. “We want more businesses to come into the town centre, whether they are looking at occupying a council or privately o w n e d building, and we’ll help you every step of the way.” Since the Independent Q u a r t e r initiative was launched in 2013 a number of traders have already moved or relocated into new premises after receiving support. The initial focus is to support businesses in the
Independent Quarter in the triangle For further information on Oldham’s 2077. For more information on between Yorkshire Street, Clegg Independent Quarter visit: www. Furniture by Lauren visit: http:// Street and Union Street East. iqoldham.co.uk or call 0161 770 www.furniturebylauren.co.uk/
The horrendous event at Manchester Arena on the evening of 22nd May 2017 has had a direct and indirect effect on a huge number of people throughout the country and, in particular, across the North West. In recognition of the effect, North West Samaritans volunteers have been out in force in Manchester (Victoria Station & St Ann’s Square) as well as attending vigils where appropriate. Samaritans additional support started with the vigil in St Ann’s Square where 34 volunteers offered emotional support to anyone who needed it. The volunteer support continued in St Anne’s Square whilst the flowers and tributes remained.
Working in conjunction with Network Rail our volunteers were present in Victoria Station on its re-opening to provide emotional support to staff and travellers and this continued for a
number of days thereafter. Samaritans can be contacted by anyone suffering from emotional distress 24/7, 7 days a week on Freephone number 116 123.
Page 8. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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Choosing a final resting
place for loved ones
People in Pendle who may be agonising about a final resting place for their loved ones can now get more help and advice. Robert Careswell leads the Bereavement Services team
at Pendle Council and has launched a new guide and web pages. “Our aim is to help people come to terms with what is often a difficult decision - that of choosing a final resting place for their loved one’s cremated remains,” said Robert. “Bereaved families often keep ashes for a long time and they can feel distressed and unsure about what to do with them,” he explained. The new guide and web pages include details about Pendle Council’s six cemeteries which are not only for burials, but have a range of options after cremation, too. They range from the imposing Victorian Colne Cemetery established in 1860, which is Pendle Council’s
oldest cemetery, to the smallest and most rural, Salterforth Cemetery, which opened in Edwardian times in 1903. They are well maintained peaceful places, with mature trees, flower gardens and places for quiet reflection. “People tell us they find comfort and peace of mind when they choose a final resting place,” he said. “Funeral directors in Pendle welcome the new guide and web pages. "They are often storing cremated remains for families,” explained Robert. Options for families looking for a final resting place include memorial trees, memorial walls and chambers which can all include personal inscriptions.
Details are available at www.pendle. gov.uk/bereavement and copies of the free leaflet can be picked up from the Contact Pendle Centre at Number One Market Street, Nelson, local libraries and funeral directors. The Bereavement Services Office is open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4pm at the Council’s Fleet Street Depot off Scotland Road in Nelson and the team can be e mailed: parks@pendle.gov. uk. Robert Careswell added: “Everyone in our Bereavement Services Team provides a caring, sensitive service for people at the toughest time in their lives. “We can help and advise people in a way which respects them and their loved ones,” he stated.
£400+ fine for takeaway owner
A Burnley takeaway owner has been fined for not having the legally required Duty of Care documents for his business waste which was found fly-tipped at the entrance to Nelson Football Ground. Basharat Ali, who runs the Lal Qila takeaway on Parker Lane in Burnley, pleaded guilty to failing to produce Duty of Care documents. He was not able to prove that he disposes of his waste legally when he appeared at Burnley Magistrates’ Court this month. He was fined £409. The crime came to light when an Environmental Crime Officer from Pendle Council’s Neighbourhood Services team investigated a number of black bin bags dumped at the entrance to Nelson Football Club. Senior Environmental Crime Officer, David Alexander said:
“The bags contained food waste and packaging which linked the flytipping to Lal Qila takeaway. “Rats had been gnawing at the contents and half eaten contents were strewn along the roadside. It was absolutely disgusting.” Councillor David Whipp who leads Neighbourhood Services said: “We’ve had a spate of fast food waste bags being dumped at the Football Club and thanks to our investigations and this prosecution they have now stopped! “We found that the owner of Lal Qila did not have the Duty of Care documentation to prove that he was legally and safely disposing of his trade waste. “The evidence our officers found showed that his firm’s rubbish was being dumped in Pendle,” he said. David Alexander warned: " all
businessses in the UK must have legal documents to show that they have a plan in place to safely dispose of their rubbish. “Pendle Council offers a trade waste service and there are details on our website www.pendle.gov.uk/ commercialwaste and businesses can use other reputable waste disposal companies. “There is absolutely no excuse for fly-tipping,” he said. Councillor Whipp said: “Local people can help us sort out the problem of fly-tipping which is both unsightly and can pose a threat to health and to wildlife. “We take environmental crime seriously and people can report any incidents on www.pendle.gov. uk/envirocrime or by calling us on (01282) 661743 or by contacting the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 9.
Page 10. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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businesses do you EVERCARE PHARMACY Pendle struggle to find the right
brothers Javed and zaheer run an independant pharmacy in the heart of colne town centre. What made you want to become Pharmacists? I have always wanted to commit myself to healthcare, It gives me a chance to make a real difference to the health of others every day. And to make that my job was the most amazing and rewarding thing I could do. I am speaking to patient’s day in and day out on ways to improve their health, help them stop smoking, give them diet and exercise advice, talk with them about mental health problems they may be having, show them how to take their tablets and inhalers and explain to them why it’s important to take them on time. With a Doctor’s time becoming even more limited, now is the time to take full advantage of your local pharmacist as we have a vast amount of knowledge and training and resources to help patients with most for their health questions and worries. I am also in the process of training to work in a Doctor’s surgery and help them out part time. I will be seeing patients with minor ailments, doing medicine reviews, and a whole lot of other exciting and interesting work in helping the NHS become more streamlined and cost efficient. Experience. I worked in a lot of different pharmacies before I got the chance to run my own, so I have a good amount of experience behind me. But even now I am always seeing new drugs and patients with problems I have never encountered before so it is a good learning curve got me to learn about new areas of medicine, so I am well equipped for the future. Services we provide. Also, we have a wide range of vitamins, minerals,
supplements and proteins for optimal benefit from having their medications health. For those that want optimum checked professionally. We offer to sports performance, or for those that put patient’s medication in a 7-day want the most valuable nutrients blister pack so all the tablets are foods have to offer, in a raw and ready popped and put into the correct easy to consume form. All our staff time slot. All the patient needs do is are fully trained on what type of check the time and take the pills in supplements to offer in order to meet the right slot (AM, LUNCH, TEA and specific needs, For e.g. antioxidants, BEDTIME) heart support, energy, a clear mind, There are a lot of services we offer, joint support, balancing blood so I believe there is something for glucose, prostrate health for men, everyone there, and if there isn’t just younger looking skin and digestive give us a call or pop in, we can always health. work something out, Flexibility is the We offer patients a range of free key in our business, especially these services, some of them are: we do days, with people’s lives becoming Blood pressure checks for patients, more active and busier than ever. I We do the emergency hormonal mean even my grandma has emails to contraception for women. We offer the check and reply to every day now!! finger prick test for patients who are worried they may have high blood glucose (diabetes). We Two brothers are happy to be in business in Colne, offer clean and where they established their own pharmacy business sterile needles for in the main street. Javed and Zaheer Choksi, aged 29 those who inject and 27, from Bolton, are both qualified pharmacists, for a variety of and worked for pharmacies in the Bolton area before reasons. deciding to go it alone. We order and They took over the former Well Pharmacy in Market deliver patients Street – which had previously been a Co-op pharmacy m e d i c a t i o n s and a dry cleaner’s shop before that – and established so they don’t their Evercare pharmacy a year ago. “It was an forget, so once opportunity to run our own pharmacy and work for less hassle for ourselves,” said Zaheer. “Colne is a nice little town, the patients. although to be honest we hadn’t really heard of it And because before. It’s a lively town with a lot of potential, and were late night, it’s very interesting for us as a business. we can offer “We’re very happy with the way our first year has delivery when it’s gone, and we want to open another pharmacy later this convenient for year or early next year.” the patient. We do The brothers’ Evercare pharmacy offers a full medicine review prescription service including home delivery, for patients who plus consultations, flu jabs, morning-after pill and feel they may methadone specialism.
people with the right skills?
Their team is completed by Rebecca, Sarah and Shawana.
Are you a Pendle based business or do you trade in the borough? If the answer’s yes, you need to join us at Pendle Connects in June! Created in response to feedback from businesses, Pendle Connects events now run quarterly and combine business networking with panel interviews. More than 50 business people from across Pendle and beyond came to hear from the experts on what digital can do for their business at the launch event in March. And the organisers are now bringing together experts to discuss apprenticeships, skills and recruitment for their second event which will take place on Thursday 15th June, 8am – 10am at Nelson and Colne College.
So if you struggle to find the right people with the right skills for your business, or would like to know more about what apprenticeships can do for you, you’re urged to attend. Rachel Kay, Pendle Connects organiser, said: “We had fantastic feedback from our launch in March and look forward to growing the event. “On June 15 we’ll be discussing the challenges and changes in how companies find and retain the best fit and skills set for their needs. “Our expert speakers will examine the impact of automation, the rising importance of apprenticeships and how an effective skills pipeline between education and employment can be created and maintained.
“They’ll also look at the new apprenticeship levies, funding for upskilling current workforces and much more.” The speakers include: • Dr Michele Lawty-Jones, Director of Lancashire Skills Hub • Philip Heyworth, MD of JD Engineering • Alison Rushton, Vice Principal of Nelson and Colne College • Frazer Durris, MD of Businesswise Solutions As well as the chance to learn from and network with guest experts and other local businesses, Dean Langton, Pendle Council’s Strategic Director, will deliver an update for the borough. He will highlight upcoming projects within Pendle as well as what help and support is available to local and incoming businesses. The events are supported by Pendle Vision Board which speaks up for the private sector and promotes the borough as a great place to live, work and play. Dennis Mendoros, Chairman of Pendle Vision Board, said: “These networking events give us a great opportunity to shout about what we’re doing to make Pendle the place to do business. “We need to encourage new businesses to start and grow here, nurture existing ones to become more innovative and attract inward investment. “By working closely with our business community we can ensure that we can better meet their needs and provide a skilled workforce.” Dean added: “Combining business networking with themed panel interviews, these breakfast meetings provide a real platform for sharing best business practice, innovation and ideas.” Breakfast and refreshments will be provided at 8am and networking will take place until 8.40am when the panel interview begins. Tickets can be booked here at www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/pendle-connects-focus-onskills-recruitment-tickets Pendle Connects is a non-membership event with no annual fees to pay. Events are open to any businesses, located in or out of Pendle, to come along and listen, ask questions and share their views.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 11.
Page 12. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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To mark 100 years since Britons turned to allotments for their main source of food during World War One, vegetables are being planted in Avenham and Miller Parks to represent the food shortages faced by the country. Coupled with information boards located in the Pavilion, the project looks back on how a poor harvest in 1916, and the severity of Germany’s blockade, contributed to
households beginning rationing and starting to grow their own vegetables. Fears about the availability of food were felt in Preston as well as across the country. It wasn’t long after this food was compulsory rationed and families in Preston were initially issued with sugar ration cards. Councillor Robert Boswell, Cabinet member for community and environment, said: “This is a
wonderful opportunity to look at both the history of rationing and vegetable patches, not just in Britain but Preston’s direct involvement. “Looking at how Prestonians struggled led to key historic sites, such as the Harris, being used as a food control office. “I’d encourage everyone to head over to the parks and have a look; it is truly fascinating.”
COUNCILLORS are urging immediate action to re-open the borough’s A&E department saying the hospital trust has failed the residents of Chorley. The authority hosted an extraordinary meeting this evening (Friday) as councillors of all political parties expressed their surprise and deep concern over the sudden closure. It now wants bosses at the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust to leave no stone unturned as it tries to secure the extra doctors it needs to reinstate the life-saving department and give a timescale as to when it will re-open. Councillor Alistair Bradley, Leader of Chorley Council and who was speaking on behalf of all political parties at the authority, said: “We are more than a week on since the closure
was first announced and although we’ve got a long list of things the Trust is doing we now need to see some of this come to fruition. “The re-opening of the A&E department is something that everyone in the borough feels very strongly about and I feel the Trust has let the people of Chorley down. “When they spoke to us about the problem it was already too late and it came as a real surprise to everyone as we’d had reassurances the A&E department wouldn’t close just a week or so prior to this. “We will do all we can to hold the Trust accountable and I’d urge residents to join together as we want them to know that the people of Chorley won’t accept what has happened.” A special council meeting was called within
hours of the news breaking last week and a notice of motion was debated that was supported by councillors of all political parties. It states that there is deep concern that the problem at Chorley and South Ribble appears to be more acute than anywhere else and calls for the reopening of the A&E department as a matter of urgency. “It seems the hospital has been struggling with staffing for some time and it has tried to resolve the problems unsuccessfully without raising the severity of the situation soon enough,” said Councillor Bradley. “What we need now is a clear plan for the future and for the Trust to be open and honest with residents about their intention to keep an A&E department open in Chorley. “We think it’s vital that the service is maintained and I’m sure the Trust would agree that we can’t have a situation where people’s lives are being put at risk. “They have committed to us that they will reopen the A&E department – the answer we want now is when is that going to happen. “Our fight to get the A&E re-opened has unified the whole community in a way that we’ve not seen for many years and I think that underlines how important it is to residents to see a 24/7 emergency service reinstated as soon as possible.” The notice of motion was agreed unanimously at Friday’s meeting and the council will continue to push for the A&E department to be opened at the earliest possible opportunity.
Council demands assurances over hospital's future
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 13.
Page 14. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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Spotlight On The
Fylde Coast
From Lytham to Fleetwood, a short break on the Fylde coast has all the ingredients for the perfect escape. Take your pick from these indulgent
breakaway ideas. Fresh Air and Fantastic Views in Fleetwood and Cleveleys Relax – Wrap up and walk to
Rossall Point for great views across Morecambe Bay. Explore – Potter around Fleetwood Market and catch the Knott End
Morecambe Lytham
Morecambe offers you the chance to enjoy the many pleasures of the seaside, whether it’s flying kites, building sandcastles or enjoying the views across the bay. Stroll along Morecambe’s award winning promenade with an ice cream or have fun seeing it on two wheels, before grabbing a picnic and heading on down to the beach for a spot of sandcastle making or kite flying. Don’t forget to visit the Eric Morecambe Statue, which looks out across the promenade, and The Tern Project, a series of public art installations inspired by the birdlife of Morecambe Bay. And, of course, there’s the 1930s Midland Hotel, the art deco masterpiece which has been lovingly restored in recent years. Enjoy an afternoon tea overlooking the panorama of the Bay, treat yourself to a glass of wine in the Rotunda bar, and visit the stunning Eric Gill artworks on display in the foyer and at the top of the sweeping staircase. Time to eat? There’s plenty of scope for ice cream, fish and chips and other seaside fare whilst you amble along the seafront, but if you prefer to eat indoors then there’s an array of cafes and restaurants to tempt your taste buds. Just up the road lies Happy Mount Park, where familyfriendly attractions complement the atmosphere of peace and tranquillity of a traditional park. Swingboats, mini golf, trampolines, a miniature train, a splash park and a zip wire will keep the kids amused whilst you enjoy the park’s landscaped surroundings. Regent Park and the West End Gardens also offer places to walk, relax and have fun. For rainy-day entertainment, visit Morecambe Superbowl or the Reel Cinema, both conveniently situated right next to the seafront. In the evening, The Platform is the place to go to take in a theatre show, comedy gig or concert. If you’re in the mood for shopping, visit the boutique stores and gift shops along the Promenade. The town centre offers high street shopping whilst Central Drive Retail Park offers clothing, sportswear, gardening and homeware stores plus a large supermarket.
Just six miles from the bright lights of Blackpool, Lytham and St Annes, Fylde, are worlds apart in both character and atmosphere. The dual seaside towns are nestled along a picturesque stretch of coastline lined with well tended lawns, a boating lake and pretty parks. With an expansive sandy beach, Victorian pier, historic windmill, a ‘royal’ golf course and stylish independent shops, the dual seaside towns of Lytham and St Annes continue to remind us why we all love the British seaside so much. Since 2012 the now award winning St Annes Beach Huts, including an award at the Lancashire Tourism Awards 2015, have given us another reason to spend more time on this part of the Fylde coast. Whether you rent for the day, week or year; it’s the ideal beach side base for all the family to relax or celebrate in. We especially love the chic interiors and practical touches (fridge, kettle, microwave, deck chairs, cutlery and crockery) so you can concentrate on the really important stuff like relaxing with your friends and family whilst gazing out across the sands. Even if the weather is less than ideal, there are heaters and double glazing so you stay snug and warm in your beach hut making this a great experience whatever the weather.
Ferry across the Estuary. Lookout for wildfowl and wading birds. Stay – Enjoy 5 Star luxury at the Gold standard Breck Apartments in
Poulton-le-Fylde Dine –Twelve Restaurant and Lounge Bar in Thornton holds a Michelin Bib Gourmand and two AA rosettes for its mouth-watering menu. Heritage & Entertainment in Blackpool Relax – Choose from a variety of theatre at The Grand Theatre or the Opera House & Winter Gardens in Blackpool Explore – From the breathtaking tower ballroom, Victorian piers and much celebrated theatres, explore the town’s rich history on specialist heritage tour. Stay – Number One South Beach is still one of the best for 5 Star accommodation in the resort
Dine – World famous for its fish and chips, Harry Ramsden's offers indoor and outdoor seating for over 150 diners Pure Indulgence in Lytham St Annes Relax – Escape to the award winning The SPA Hotel at Ribby Hall Hotel to experience their amazing Aqua Thermal Journey. Explore – Walk through the grounds of Lytham Hall, the finest Georgian House in Lancashire. Stay – The Villa Country House Hotel at Wrea Green, an elegant 4 star country retreat complete with deliciously cosy open fire. Dine – Drive out to Little Eccleston to The Cartford Inn, a 17th century coaching house on the banks of the River Wyre.
Fleetwood Blackpool
Fleetwood is a beautiful, Victorian seaside resort boasting a stunning promenade, Art Deco Theatre, a beautiful harbour yacht marina, traditional shops and the Famous Fleetwood Market. Having undergone recent regeneration used to improve buildings, upgrade facilities and encourage business in the town, Fleetwood is now at the forefront of being the perfect holiday destination. Enjoy a walk along the promenade and see some of the most magnificent views in Lancashire, have some family fun at Marine Splash or see some top flight events at the historic Marine Hall. There are a number of award winning fish and chip shops in Wyre, it’s certainly one of our specialities. A must for any visitor to the district, and you’re guaranteed the famous Lancashire welcome too! Did you know you can go crabbing at Fleetwood Boating Lake. On a good summers day children can be seen all around the Lake with pieces of bacon, a line and rod and a bucket. Great family fun, but don’t forget to be kind to the crabs and put them back into the water afterwards! You can walk or Cycle the length of the Fylde Coast along the promenade from Fleetwood on to Cleveleys and to Blackpool which is approximately 11 miles. The walk is very flat in the main with stunning views across the Irish Sea
Blackpool is Britain’s most loved holiday destination, which should come as no surprise when you think about the huge range of attractions available all year round, as well as the new seafront, world class events and spectacular lighting shows. If you are feeling adventurous take a trip up the famous Blackpool Tower, which soars 158 metres above the town or get your adrenaline pumping at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, where you can ride the UK’s tallest rollercoaster, the Big One. Quieter adventurers can appreciate Blackpool’s calmer side by strolling down the newly renovated South Promenade, where they will discover contemporary artwork by pop artist Sir Peter Blake and the glittery spectacle that is the world’s largest Mirror Ball in the Great Promenade Show. Marvel at the gag-tastic Comedy Carpet which includes the work of over 1000 comedians and comedy writers from the days of music hall right up to todays stand up greats. The magnificent Winter Gardens have a fantastic programme of unmissable events from award-winning West End to big name music concerts, as well as the Blackpool Grand Theatre offering the stunning design of Frank Matcham. Coming in the Autumn? Don’t miss the world-famous Blackpool Illuminations, that turn six miles of promenade into a glittering festival of light and magic. Whether you are nine or 90, there are plenty of things you can do in Blackpool and with a wide range of accommodation from hotels to self-catering; there is something for every pocket.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 15.
PC Ian Ashton from Lancashire Constabulary has been shortlisted for the Positive Role Model Award for LGBT in the National Diversity Awards 2017. Charities and role models from across the UK will gather at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool on 8th September 2017 for the UK’s largest celebration of diversity. The best of British diversity will travel to the city to showcase the outstanding achievements of those who have demonstrated their devotion to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion in today’s society. Over 22,000 nominations and votes were received in the awards this year, paying tribute to grass root communities nationwide. PC Ian Ashton has been chair of the Lancashire Constabulary LGB&T Staff Support Network for 10 years and also works with the regional Police with Pride group and new National LGB&T Police Network. An officer for 24 years with Lancashire Constabulary, PC Ashton has worked on immediate response, neighbourhood policing, road policing, motorway, equality and diversity and now in his current role, he is a community cohesion and hate crime officer covering Blackpool and Lancaster. Outside of work he is a trustee with Lancashire LGB&T, Horizon Blackpool and URPotential. In 2013 he received a Chief Superintendent Commendation for his contribution to equality and diversity and recognition from the Lesbian and Gay Foundation for his outstanding contribution to LGB&T. The prestigious black tie event provides recognition for excellence regardless of race, faith, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and culture. Designed to highlight the country's most inspirational and selfless people, the NDA's are supported by the likes of Stephen Fry, Adam Hills and Sir Lenny Henry. Previous winners include Huddersfield based Disability Theatre Group Shabang! Freedom Fighting Refugee Aderonke Apata, and Transgender Support Charity
Mermaids. Paul Sesay, Founder and CEO of The National Diversity Awards said: “I am so proud to be able to witness the journeys of some of the most inspiring role models this country has to offer. Each year I am overwhelmed with the quality and quantity of nominations, and
those shortlisted should know how privileged I am to share your stories with the nation. You are all winners and I can’t wait to meet you at the ceremony.” To view a full list of nominees please visit www.nationaldiversityawards. co.uk/shortlist
A ceremonial golden bolt has been fitted to Newfield Autism Centre, which is currently being constructed in Blackburn. The £4.8m specialist autism centre will accommodate 60 pupils, is being built next to the existing school on Old Bank Lane and is expected to be completed in February 2018. Construction of the new, purpose-built school centre for children with autism began in March. The insertion of the last bolt signified the completion of the steel structure, with work now starting on the next phase of the project. Work on on the building stopped briefly for the ‘Golden Bolt Ceremony’, which was attended by students who will go to the new centre, members of Blackburn with Darwen Council and the Robertson North West team, which is leading construction on the building. Commenting on the project’s
progress, Darren Stirling, Robertson North West Operations Director, said: “The fitting of the golden bolt is always a clear indication that the construction is progressing well and we are excited to deliver a centre that will be extremely beneficial to the local community.” Councillor Dave Harling, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Executive Member for Schools and Education, said: “This ceremony shows we are getting ever closer to realising this centre which will provide fantastic facilities for children and young people with autism. Work is progressing well and we are very proud to be building this facility in the borough.” Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Children’s Services, said: “This type of centre has been needed for some time, and we had talked about this for a while. I am thrilled to see the progress being made. Newfield is an outstanding school, and I have no doubt that this centre is going to be outstanding as well, especially for the young people and the community.” The building will have 10 classrooms and will be run by staff at Newfield Specialist School. It is expected to offer a number of new places for pupils with autism and incorporate the existing pupils who are already at the school.
PC. Ian Ashton
Sefton's coast Sefton's coast has so much to offer residents and visitors. Miles of beaches and sand dunes to explore, woodland and estuary which play host to an amazing amount of wildlife and some of the most rare plants and animals in the country, all promise an almost infinite universe of discovery! Delve further in to the shipwrecks and prehistoric footprints which lay trapped for thousands of years in sediment beds and Antony Gormley’s “Another Place” installation on Crosby beach which offers the biggest open air art gallery in the country. The astonishing maritime history of Liverpool Bay means that Sefton overlooks some of the greatest trade routes in the world, which continue to bring new ideas, business and diversity to our doorstep just as they have for hundreds of years. The coastline is a key element in the character of Sefton – exciting and dynamic, always changing as the winds and tides constantly influence the shape of the coast. It appeals to visitors young and old, amateur or professional, whether they be daytrippers, anglers, naturalists, kiters, cyclists, dog owners, horseriders, walkers, artists, archaeologists or historians. Our coastline really is a source of inspiration for an active, inquiring and fun-loving population and we hope you enjoy discovering and exploring it as much as we do.
Page 16. Issue 33. Lancashire Local
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There’s more to
Lancashire than hotpot!
Discover the diversity of Lancashire's food and drink on a visit to this scenic county and you won't be disappointed. Dine on succulent seafood in
Morecambe Bay, purchase awardwinning sausages in Clitheroe's famous sausage shop and find local produce at farmers markets and farm
shops. Indulge in a gourmet feast of food and drink in Lancashire’s highly acclaimed restaurants, relax in cosy pubs.
What could be more appealing than a piping hot pot of tea accompanied by a slab of chocolate cake in a café or tea room?
You can always be confident in finding quality. Food is now one of the nation's favourite pastimes and as the
Ribble Valley has some of the finest producers and restaurateurs in the country. The recipe for traditional Lancashire cheese known as Creamy & Tasty is unique in Britain in that it blends the curds from different milkings which creates a cheese with depth of flavour, added complexity and a texture that gives an ideal melting consistency. Crumbly Lancashire is the most recent addition to the family of Lancashire cheeses. It was created in the 1960s as a lighter more acidic cheese and, unlike Creamy and Tasty, is made from the curds of one day's milking. Farmers Markets have grown in popularity over the past few years, and are noted for the quality of their fine locally produced stock, cheeses and meat products. Lancashire's farm shops sell local produce which often has been grown, picked, reared or made on the farm where the farm shop is located. Discover the delights of Lancashire's food at one of Lancashire's many exciting food festivals and events throughout the year. Coupled with visits to some of the most scenic countryside in the UK Lancashire has a fine feast to offer. Dine in our out, relax and enjoy!
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 17.
A PORTAL TO THE PAST Care and support for most
FOR PEOPLE LIVING vulnerable improving
People living with dementia in Oldham can now return to yesteryear in a nostalgic 1950s-inspired room which helps trigger old and new memories. Thought to be the first of its kind in Oldham, the memory room is decorated exactly as a home would be over sixty years ago. It is located at Trinity House on Godson Street – an Oldham Council Extra Care housing scheme which is independent living flats for people with some care and support needs. The room is full of 1950s memorabilia and decor; including a black and
white television, newspapers and posters from yesteryear and a record player playing familiar music. The time-warp room helps people living with dementia relax and feel comfortable through triggering memories from their past. Cllr Jenny Harrison, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Safeguarding, said: “Dementia is such a difficult condition for those who have it and it’s heart-breaking for their families and carers. We must do everything we can to help those with this cruel condition have the best quality of life they can.
Improved provision of child and adolescent
mental health services in
Lancashire and Cumbria
There are now more beds available for young people with mental health issues in Lancashire following a relocation of Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust’s inpatient Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Tier 4 into a single site. The service, which provides inpatient assessment and treatment for children and young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties, was previously provided over two sites in Preston and Lancaster. This is now offered from a single location at The Cove, Heysham following the move in May and provides care for up to 16 young people from the age of 13 years up to 18 years. The change in the way the service is provided follows on from a review that Lancashire Care carried out last year with NHS England (NHSE) which commissions its CAMHS Tier 4. Dr Elizabeth Crabtree, Clinical Director for the Children and Young Peoples
Wellbeing Network at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our Tier 4 CAMHS was previously split over two sites in Lancaster and Preston and, following on from a review that we carried out last year, it was decided that to improve the care that we offer, services should be moved into a single site at The Cove. This is also in line with the recommendations of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the health industry’s independent regulator. This now means that there are more beds available for young people aged 13 to 18 with mental health issues. NHSE has agreed to fully commission these beds, which should reduce the number of young people who travel outside of Lancashire to access Tier 4 services.” As part of the move, the Trust has been working with young people and their families, staff and other health professionals to develop effective models of care based on clinical best practice and stakeholder feedback.
“That’s why I’m so impressed with this memory room. The amount of time and effort that has gone into it is remarkable and if this gives someone just one precious memory back then it has been well worth it.” The room was made possible through donations of both money and old artefacts from staff, members of the public and Oldham Masonic Hall and Horton Lodge. It is available to anyone affected by dementia locally and can be booked by contacting Jodie Ashton on 03701924286. For more information on dementia and the support available locally for those affected, email donna. atherton@ageukoldham.org.uk or call 0161 622 933.
Warrington is performing well in Safeguarding vulnerable adults - 78% the third best performing local preventing hospital readmissions, of care providers in Warrington are authority, with only 2.6% of 16providing quality care, supporting meeting the council’s standards, 4% 17 year olds classed as NEET, homeless people, boosting higher than the national average. This compared to an England average employment and helping young measure includes residential homes, of 7.1%. In September, the Careers people achieve. homecare and supported living for Young People service held their most successful careers evening to The council’s latest quarterly providers. performance report reveals that Schools – The hard work of date, with a record number of 660 progress is being made in a number of Warrington’s young people and their people attending Orford Jubilee key areas. These include: teachers was rewarded by another Neighbourhood Hub, to speak Supporting older people to stay at year of excellent GCSE exam results, to college representatives and home – the latest figures show that with Warrington’s secondary schools employers. 83.2% of people using the council’s once again performing above the Council Leader, Cllr Terry O’Neill, ‘re-enablement’ services were at national average for 5+A*-C grades. said: “It’s pleasing, in such challenging home 91 days after their discharge Homelessness - There have been times for local authorities, that we from hospital. The AQUA scorecard almost 400 instances of positive continue to provide good services for (relating to supporting older people action in recent months to prevent some of our most vulnerable people. in the community) indicates that or relieve homelessness, including “This reports shows we are Warrington is one of the top performers providing housing assistance to making progress in caring for older in the North West in preventing older people who consider themselves residents, looking after those who people being readmitted to hospital. at risk of homelessness in the near are disadvantaged and helping build bright futures for our young people. It is also performing well above the future. regional average in getting older Employment – Recently published There’s much more to do, but we can people out of hospital quickly and figures for young people not in be encouraged that the work we are in reducing the need for older people employment, education or training doing continues to make a difference to be admitted to residential care. (NEET) show that Warrington is to people’s lives.”
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Land of legends: places to see
What makes a legendary place? It’s more than just people and buildings. Just about every lake, rock and hill in Wales comes with its own legend attached. Over the centuries, history and mythology have become intertwined - and that’s the way we like it. We make no apologies for having legends around every corner; we’re swimming in legendary people and places! But if you’re thinking ‘Well…
where do I start?’ here’s a snapshot of places where you can start your Welsh adventure. 1.) Yr Ysgwrn (Hedd Wyn’s birthplace). Hedd Wyn was the pen-name of the great poet Ellis Evans, who died in battle in World War 1. In 2017 the National Eisteddfod, held in Anglesey, remembers the centenary of his death and his birthplace ‘Yr Ysgwrn’ in Snowdonia unveils its new look and visitor centre. Visitors can also see
‘Y Gadair Ddu – The Black Chair’, the Bardic chair which was famously draped in a black cloth when it was revealed that he had been killed in battle some weeks before the chairing ceremony. 2.) Caernarfon Castle. This huge Norman fortress in North Wales was designed to evoke the romance of the Roman Empire and Macsen Wledig (Magnus Maximus), the 4th-century warrior who dreamed of (and later married) a Welsh princess.
Step Aboard FLOATING GRACE and join the Skipper Peter Kenny and his wife Carol for the warmest of welcomes. Our 50 Passenger floating restaurant and licensed bar is available for business events and family occasions including birthdays, anniversarys, weddings & christenings. FLOATING GRACE is berthed right in the heart of Liverpool City Centre, at the Famous Albert Dock. After a short safety brief, we depart our berth and set sail, whilst out top chef Alan Wafer is busy preparing your food we head east then south under Gower Street Bridge into Wapping Basin, passing the Big Wheel and Duke’s Dock entrance. Then we cruise into Wapping Dock; on the east side, you can see the beautiful East & West Quay apartments, which were originally dock warehouses when the docks were operational. Looking west, we pass Staybridge Hotel and the Jurys Inn; we can also see Liverpool’s Echo Arena and the BT Convention Centre. As we proceed under Queens Wharf Bridge
into Queens Dock, to the east we pass the Campanile Hotel, Leo’s Casino and the Dolby Hotel, to the west, we see the recently closed Customs & Excise VAT and Tax Office, now exclusive apartments. A bit further along to the west of Queens Dock is the Liverpool Watersports Centre, where waterborne sports like Canoeing, Dragon Boat Racing, competitive rowing and wakeboarding take place. Heading south and passing under Mariners Wharf Bridge, we enter Coburg Dock, the start of the Liverpool Marina; here you see some of Liverpool’s amazing Yachts and Cruisers, fantastic boats of all shapes and sizes. Full steam ahead… past the Yacht Club Bar and Restaurant into Brunswick Dock, where the rest of the 500 Boats & Yachts are berthed; this is also part of the Liverpool Marina. Continuing south, we pass the Brunswick Lock entrance, that leads to the famous River Mersey, and to the east we can see HMS Eaglet, the Royal Naval Reserve and
Royal Marine Reserve. We then turn about, and head north through the Docks at a leisurely cruise, returning to Salthouse Dock, where our journey started. For the Finale, we sail under Hartley Bridge into the famous Albert Dock, home of some of Liverpool’s finest Bars and Restaurants: PanAm, The Smugglers Cove, Revolution, Blue Bar, Circo and the Pump House. On board we have a PA System, playing light background music, whilst one of our crew provides a historical account of our Seven Docks Cruise. Why not try a Sunday lunch at £25 per head or an evening three course meal at only £35 per head. Booking is essential as the fresh ingredients are sourced locally to order! We are now taking bookings for Christmas office parties, Association cruises and Christmas meal cruises. For all enquiries and bookings please call Peter on 07540 373838. “What A Way To See All of South Liverpool’s Amazing Docks… A Truly Fantastic Unique Experience To Be Enjoyed…”
The castle, sits grandly in a harborside position, a short stroll from the epic ‘Black Boy Inn’, a historic Caernarfon coaching Inn where you can sup a pint and listen to the melodic Welsh language all around you. 3.) Beddgelert. This is the name of one of Snowdonia’s prettiest villages, meaning ‘Gelert’s grave’, after Llywelyn the Great’s trusty dog Gelert, who saved Llywelyn’s baby son from a wolf. The faithful old dog was slain in an unfortunate case of mistaken identity. You may wish to take a hankie when you read the full story. 4.) Bardsey Island. Bardsey is said to be the resting place of 20,000 saints, who share this beautiful North Wales island where grey seals bask on rocks and wildlife is abundant. The Welsh name for Bardsey (Ynys Enlli) means ‘island of the currents’ and it’s a great place for day trips. Just hop on a boat from Aberdaron or Pwllheli and sail to the place where Christians have been travelling to since the 6th century, when St Cadfan established a monastery on the island. 5.) Cantre’r Gwaelod. At low tide the remains of an ancient sunken forest appear in the sands of Borth and Ynyslas in Ceredigion. Situated at the gateway of Dyfi National Nature Reserve, the sight of 4,000 year old oak, pine and birch trees peeping through the sand is an arresting sight. According to legend, this is the lost land of Cantre’r Gwaelod. The poet J.J Williams wrote of this legendary place: ‘And as the sandy silence stays with me till I sleep, the bells of Cantre’r Gwaelod are ringing in the deep…’ 6.) St Davids. The 12th century cathedral, built from dusky purple sandstone, is
one of Wales’ most iconic religious sites and sits tucked away near the River Alun. So legendary is this site, that in the 12th century the Pope decreed that two pilgrimages to St Davids in Pembrokeshire were equal to a trip to Rome, and three matched one to Jerusalem. The legacy of Saint David (the man) lives on every 1st March in Wales – a day of concerts, eisteddfodau (festivals of literature, music and performance) and parades. 7.) Twm Siôn Cati’s Cave. Twm Siôn Cati was a 16th century folk hero, trickster and con-artist similar to Robin Hood. Born in Tregaron in Ceredigion, his exploits led to him hiding from the long arm of the law before eventually being pardoned by the queen. During his bandit career, Twm hid himself and his booty in this cave half way up a steep hillside overlooking the beautiful RSPB Gwenffrwd-Dinas nature reserve. You can see a copy of his will at the Red Kite Centre and even follow the Twm Siôn Cati trail in Tregaron. 8.) Pennard Castle. Swansea is chocfull of legendary smugglers tales and creepy castles. At Pennard, there are whisperings that the castle lord made the fatal error of annoying the local fairies, who took their revenge by swamping the fortress in sand. The castle ruins now perch on the edge
of Pennard Pill, which leads down to stunning Three Cliffs Bay. You may have to scramble up sandy hills to reach the top but it’s hands down one of the finest views you will see at any castle in the UK, with sweeping sea and bay views across to Penmaen Burrows. 9.) Llyn y Fan Fach. Llyn y Fan Fach lies at a lake below the peak of Black Mountain in the Brecon Beacons National Park. It's home to the beautiful Lady of the Lake, who married a local farm lad. Their sons became the first of many generations of herbalists and healers, know as the Physicians of Myddfai. It’s thought the myth of Llyn y Fan Fach inspired another famous tale – the Arthurian legend of the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur. Nowadays the lake is a great spot for wild swimming and paddling. 10.) Llanddwyn Island. St Dwynwen was unlucky in love. So she went to live as a nun on Llanddwyn Island, North Wales, where she prayed for true lovers to have better luck than she did. And so St Dwynwen became the Welsh patron saint of lovers, whose day we honour every year of 25th January, very much like Valentine’s Day. Her home, Llanddwyn, is one of the most wildly romantic spots in Wales and a great stop-off spot for an Anglesey adventure.
W H O ARE WE ? The Alabaster Jar is an independently run paint-your-own-pottery shop in Chorley, Lancashire. We provide a relaxing and friendly atmosphere where you can come and spend some quality time making bespoke pottery products for your home or loved ones. W HAT W E D O ? Come in during our opening hours to create from a wide selection of
pottery. All of our pottery is painted in glaze and fired in a kiln, which makes it waterproof and fully useable. We have all sorts of pottery blanks for different tastes and plenty of selection for both children and adults. Prices start from 50p up to £70 WHAT ELSE ? You paint it, We fire it! Simply drop into our studio, select a piece of pottery from a wide range of items. Paint your item however you
like and we will fire it for you in our kiln, then pop back a week later to collect your finished creation. There's no need to book but recommend ringing ahead for groups of 6+ WHY CHOOSE US? Unlike some other paint-yourown-pottery shops, we have no appointment system or studio fee. Why not you ask? Call us on 01257 274690 to find out or call in at 180 Pall Mall, Chorley, PR7 2LH
Cycle across the new Brecon Beacons route
Brecon Beacons National Park, allowing visitors to take in even more of the beautiful scenery in the area. It spans all the way from Llandeilo in the west to Abergavenny in the east. The route is divided into five sections, leading cyclists alongside a Roman road with panoramic views of the Central Beacons, gentle country lanes and a pretty tow path. Section 1: Llandeilo to Talsarn This 13-mile journey winds through the side streets of Llandeilo town before crossing the river Towy. From here, there's a climb towards Trapp that lets users take in great views of the Towy Valley and the Black Mountains, plus a steep descent and climb either side of Pont Newydd. It's better suited for experienced cyclists who like a challenge rather than novices and families, but the views will be worth it!
Section 2: Talsarn to Sennybridge Also for confident cyclists,this 11mile section begins with open views over fields that expand into a stunning exposed area near the Roman Camp. Continuing east through a forest with Usk reservoir to the north, the path then undulates into the army town of Sennybridge. Section 3: Sennybridge to Brecon This 9-mile route along the north of the River Usk, is a lovely stretch for those used to road cycling. The hedge-bound route along country roads gently rises and falls, providing great views of the Brecon Beacons. Section 4: Brecon to Llangattock/ Crickhowell This 15-mile part of the journey can be used to get to Llangattock and Crickhowell. It leaves Brecon on the towpath that runs alongside the Monmouthshire and Brecon canal,
then passes though the picturesque village of Talybont-on-Usk. From here, there's a climb up and over the Ashford canal tunnel and onwards to Llangynidr, crossing the canal a few times before passing the site of the famous Green Man Festival and the villages of Dardy and Llangattock. Alternatively, you can just stick to the family-friendly towpath as long as your bike can handle the varied road surface. Section 5: Llangattock/Crickhowell to Abergavenny For this 8-mile section, follow the towpath until Govilon Wharf, from which there is a route to the heart of Abergavenny. It's family friendly up to the village of Llanfoist, just outside of Abergavenny. If you fancy dipping in to any part of these routes, tweet or Instagram us your pics with #Findyourepic
The Diaz Academy of
Performing Arts
Fridays from 4:30pm – 6:30pm For Children Aged 8 – 16 Years Starting Friday 9th September! Come Find Us At Chester Music Theatre, On Tarvin Road, Boughton, In Chester The Diaz Academy of Performing Arts (The DAPA) is an exciting new Stage School in Chester, with a vision of promoting artistic individuality and confidence in performance. It covers an exciting balance of Drama, Dance and Music, as well as the opportunity to achieve LAMDA qualifications. The provides a platform for pupils to develop a passion for the Performing
Arts as well as the foundations to grow as self-assured, sociable and creative individuals. At The Diaz Academy of Performing Arts, for a supplementary cost, each year we will structure sessions to cover The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) examinations for pupils who are interested in gaining qualifications related to the Performing Arts. Pupils who enter for LAMDA exams with us are supported and encouraged throughout their journey and experience with tailored sessions for each individual need.
Testimonials “The Diaz Academy of Performing Arts has really boosted my confidence” Pupil. “My child has excelled at Drama in school, The Diaz Academy of Performing Arts have done an amazing job with him!” Parent. “The teachers at The Diaz Academy of Performing Arts are professional and approachable, they create a fantastic atmosphere for all the children” Parent. Contact us: Steven Diaz, Artistic Director – 07714 919 470 E-mail: steven@the-dapa.co.uk Website: the-dapa.co.uk
North Wales Named One of
Top Regions Globally for 2017
There’s cause for epic celebrations in Wales as North Wales has made it on to Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2017 list – the only destination in the UK to do so. A playground for thrill seekers, a haven for foodies, a hideout for stargazers and a goldmine for heritage seekers, North Wales has a holiday for every kind of traveller. But what caught the eye of the Lonely Planet, the world’s leading travel authority, is the way the former industrial landscape has been reinvented and repurposed to create a series of truly world class attractions, from high speed zip lining and inland surfing to underground trampolining in a 176-year-old disused slate mine. Alongside UNESCO World Heritage Sites as Conwy, Beaumaris, Harlech and Caernarfon Castles, North Wales is home to some of the best walking
and cycling in Britain, as well as a range of industry-leading attractions, all set against the spectacular backdrop of the Snowdonia mountains. On the flanks of Snowdonia National Park, Zip World boasts 11 different attractions in total including the everpopular Bounce Below, a colourful underground world of bouncing nets, slides and rope bridges. Zip World Velocity in Bethesda is the world’s fastest zip line with two 500 ft. (152 m) high courses that enable riders to exceed 100 mph (161 km/h), while Zip World Titan in Blaenau Ffestiniog offers Europe’s first four-person line – perfect for thrill seeking families. A short drive east is Surf Snowdonia, a world-first man-made lagoon where amateurs and professional surfers alike can surf a powerful 6.5 ft. (2 m) wave, under the watchful eye of Welsh National Surfing Champion,
Jo Denison. It’s not hard to see why North Wales is becoming known as the adventure tourism capital of Europe. With enough to keep even the most hardcore adrenaline junkies quiet, North Wales has a full range of accommodation and services to complete its tourism offer, from five star Chateau Rhianfa to yurts and cabins at Graig Wen, and for the extra brave, cliff camping suspended high above the sea with Gaia Adventures. And if it’s food you’re after, North Wales now has two Michelin-starred restaurants: Sosban & The Old Butcher's on Anglesey, and Tyddyn Llan in Denbighshire, not to mention the multitude of local producers, delis, cafes, restaurants, farm shops, markets and micro breweries who ensure that north Wales is full of excellent places to eat and drink.
The Gardens of North Wales
Trees planted to mark royal romances hundreds of years ago, and landscaped lawns and exotic guests. North Wales is famous for its gardens. From the National Ivy Collection to listed estates, here are a few places worth a visit. Bodnant Garden Devotees of the Italianate vision will love Bodnant. Leading up to the Hall, the upper garden has five terraces, featuring brick paths, lily ponds, formal lawns and herbaceous plants. Below, trees and shrubs flank The Dell, passed by the River Hiraethlyn. Homegrown collections include Chinese, North American and Japanese plants. Plas Newydd, Isle of Anglesey A touch of Aussie lushness on the Menai Strait, where this 18th century house – already the place for pristine views of Snowdonia – is home to an Australasian arboretum, no less. Elsewhere, there’s a spring garden, a summer terrace and colourful, massed hydrangeas to enjoy. The catkin garden is a highlight. Plas Tan y Bwlch, Gwynedd Acres of wonderful gardens fill this research epicentre of the Snowdonia National Park. They include a water garden, a Japanese garden, a fern nursery, an azalea walk and a wildlife garden, all teeming with unusual exotic
specimens. Valleys and woodlands surround this former home of an 18th century mansion. The Great Orme, Llandudno This valley was dedicated to local residents by Lord Mostyn in 1887, and it offers splendid views of the town more than a century on. Take a sloping walk to the charming landscaped gardens forming part of them, then lie back and relax under the ancient trees towering above. Bodelwyddan Castle, Denbighshire There are 260 acres of parkland surrounding Bodelwyddan, and the
formal garden, which is part of a site including a maze and woodland areas, was designed in 1910. The walls were the idea of 19th century baronet Sir John Hay Williams, who originally introduced many of the exotic plants here. Grade I listed Ivy Collection Erddig is the place to find the National Ivy Collection, but there are also some extremely rare fruit trees within the hallowed grounds of one of the most important gardens in Britain. Discover why William Eames’ late 18th century design has been deemed worthy of Grade I listing status.
The night sky above Snowdonia National Park has been granted dark sky status
Snowdonia National Park has become Wales’ second destination to be awarded dark sky status. It joins the Brecon Beacons to become one of only ten locations worldwide to be designated as an international dark sky reserve. Dark sky status is only awarded to locations with the highest quality of night air making them ideal for stargazing. Emyr Williams, Chief Executive of Snowdonia National Park Authority said “receiving this designation is very good news for the residents,
businesses, visitors and the wildlife of Snowdonia,” Mr Williams went on to say “the quality of the environment will be protected, there will be a new natural attraction to attract new visitors to Snowdonia on quiet periods of the year, the local economy will be improved and the dark sky above Snowdonia will be protected for future generations.”
Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre
Wales is not only the land of song, but also of great literature, and that’s why, nestled in the heart of Snowdonia, we have our very own residential creative writing centre. Established in 1990, thousands of aspiring and emerging writers have passed through our iconic teal front door. Every week, we welcome a new group of individuals from Wales, the rest of the UK and beyond to our home. They spend time together under the tutelage of professional writers, taking part in workshops and oneto-one tutorials, enjoying readings and basking in the inspirational setting of Tŷ Newydd. Participants also help in the kitchen, where home-made meals are prepared with local ingredients. Our programme of courses features a mix of residential courses and retreats, and covers a wide range of genres, forms and styles, including poetry, fiction, non-fiction, scriptwriting, nature writing, illustration, storytelling, yoga and more. We choose our tutors and guest readers carefully, and welcome some of the best writers to Tŷ Newydd every year. Present and past tutors include Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian Clarke, Pascale Petit, Paula Meehan, Mark Cocker, Menna Elfyn, Patrick McGuinness, Kaite O’Reilly, Imtiaz Dharker, Niall Griffiths, Daljit Nagra and Malachy Doyle. Our historical house which is set in the stunning surroundings of rural north Wales was the last home of former Prime Minister David Lloyd George.
It still retains the recognisable touches implemented by architect Clough Williams-Ellis, famous for his quirky Italianate village Portmeirion, the setting of classic TV series The Prisoner and Festival No.6. Nestled in a quiet spot between mountain and sea, Tŷ Newydd offers the perfect creative escape. Visit our website to find out more: www.tynewydd.wales. We look forward to welcoming you to Wales.
A new way to discover the wonders of Welsh wildlife
Wales is one of the world’s best places to watch wildlife, if you know where - and when - to look. So we’ve teamed up with Wildlife Trusts Wales to create an interactive guide to help you explore Wales’ wonderful wildlife, whether it’s amazing ospreys, a feeding frenzy of red kites, the world’s largest Manx shearwater colony, or the best place in Britain to
see puffins and porpoises. Why not go for a relaxing stroll through an enchanting Welsh rainforest carpeted in bluebells and daffodils? Or simply sit in a field full of orchids, or by a brilliant waterfall, and admire the view? The magic isn’t just restricted to spring and summer – there are amazing wildlife displays in autumn and winter with seal pups aplenty, the
return of thousands of birds to our estuaries, and wonderful autumnal woodland colours with golds, bronzes and foxy reds. Wales has an abundance of wildlife hot-spots, including 216 Wildlife Trust nature reserves, 11 RSPB sanctuaries, over 2,485sq miles (4,000sq km) of National Park, and an 870-mile (1400 km) Wales Coast Path for wildlife to, well, go wild in. Wales has it all – but knowing where to go is the key to unlocking its secrets. Wildlife of Wales helps visitors to explore Wales’s wonderful natural world
Blists Hill stop for Llanfair
Line’s African Train Tour
Hunslet 2-6-2T locomotive No. 85, built in 1954 for service in Sierra Leone and purchased from a scrap dealer by the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway (W&LLR) in 1975, will now be a feature exhibit in the summer-long festival of ‘Fire, Furnace and Steam’ at Blists Hill Victorian Town, one of the ten Ironbridge Gorge Museums in Shropshire. The loco will be on display at Blists Hill Victorian Town until Friday 25th August. The locomotive, which last ran on the mid-Wales heritage railway in 2010, has spent six years on display at the Locomotion Museum in Shildon, an outpost of the National Railway Museum. Since leaving there in April, it has visited the Armley Industrial Museum in Leeds, the city where it was built, then Hull, the 2017 City of Culture, the Museum of Water and Steam at Kew, and the 50th Anniversary Weekend of Tyseley Locomotive Works in Birmingham. At Blists Hill Victorian Town, the locomotive has been placed beside the London and North Western Railway goods shed, where visitors will see it as soon as they enter the Town. Displays created by the Friends of the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum (FoSLNRM) accompany No. 85, telling the stories of slavery and freedom, colony and independence, and the special story of the Sierra Leone Railway. The grand tour of UK heritage sites, funded by a £22,800 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, celebrates the
many links between the UK and Sierra Leone. The Tour has been organised by the W&LLR in partnership with the FoSLNRM and is helping to promote the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum and to raise funds for the building of a new workshop at the W&LLR’s Llanfair Caereinion base. It is intended that No. 85 will be the first locomotive to be restored in the new facility. When restored the loco will be able to form the African Train, running with two Gloucesterbuilt Sierra Leone Railways bogie carriages that the railway also purchased in 1975. Steam will be featured throughout the summer at Blists Hill Victorian Town,
from the Steampunk Festival on July 1st and 2nd through to the ‘Blists Hill in Steam’ event on the weekend of 19th-20th August. Throughout the summer visitors will be able to see many of the Blists Hill engines in steam, with different engines running on different days. While No. 85 is of mid-20th-century construction, its technology is thoroughly Victorian. At the end of its stay at Blists Hill Victorian Town, No. 85 will travel to the Shrewsbury Steam Rally on 27th-28th August before a triumphant return to the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway a week later as part of the line’s annual Steam Gala on 1st3rd September.
Marine Encounters with New Quay
Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips
The seaside town of New Quay, called Cei Newydd in the Welsh language, is located on Cardigan Bay in the central part of the west coast of Wales. From here New Quay Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips offer a variety of tours which offer visitors the chance to enjoy the area’s abundant marine life and spectacular scenery. Seeing wild dolphins, porpoises and seals
feeding and jumping out of the sea is undoubtedly a unique experience and one of the best things to do in Wales. The Ceredigion Marine Heritage Coast covers twenty-one miles and offers a wide range of coastal scenery including picturesque coves, golden sandy beaches and rocky cliffs. New Quay Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips offer a one-hour cruise which runs
daily and travels south to Cwmtudu. On this short trip you’ll be able to enjoy the spectacular coastal scenery, as well as view bird colonies of Guillemots and Razorbills, and also, observe Castell bach, the ruins of an Iron Age settlement. However, what makes this tour one of the most popular Wales attractions, are the Bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops Truncatus, Atlantic Grey seals Halichoerus grypus, and Harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena. Also on offer is a 2-hour cruise which travels further down the coast to the towering cliffs of the Ynys Lochtyn peninsula, one of the main feeding areas for the local dolphin population. That means you have an even better chance of seeing some of these wonderful creatures, if you're really lucky you may even spot a rare Sea turtle or a Sunfish on your voyage as well. The experienced captains and crew know the area well, and provide interesting and informative commentary about the birds and animals you will see in the Ceredigion Special Area of Conservation. When any creatures are spotted the captain slows or stops the boat, in accordance with the conservation areas rules so as not to disturb the natural activities of the animals. This also gives visitors a wonderful chance to view and experience at close range these marvellous creatures. Remember to take your camera along as you may
get a a chance to snap a shot of one of these graceful creatures jumping and playing in the water. ‘New Quay Boat Trips’ benefits from their unique local heritage heritage, approaching their 65th year of boat trip operation under the supervision of decorated former RNLI Coxwain Winston Evans they are rightly proud of their excellent safety record. All their boats are fully fitted with all safety equipment, boats and qualified skippers are tested and licensed by the UK government’s Maritime Safety Agency lifejackets are of course available but not worn due to the size of vessels. It can often be chilly out on the water so take warm clothing, and of course, the British weather
being as it is, be prepared to get wet if it rains, although the boats do offer protection from both rain and sun. Trips run from Good Friday to the end of October which also coincides with the calving period of the dolphins. New Quay Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips works closely with the Sea Watch foundation to offer Eco-friendly tours which promote and protect the natural beauty of the coast and educate as well as entertain visitors. New Quay Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips are the sole boat trip company to have one of their
representatives on board during most trips, taking data and pictures of the dolphins. For volunteering opportunities and cetacean training with Sea Watch aboard one of New Quay’s boats, visit their website seawatchfoundation. org.uk
Make the most of Wales this year... Lloyds Caravans and
Looking for holidays in Britain? Wales has so much to offer.
2017 is here and it’s the perfect time to discover Wales! Explore one of our historic castles, take a city break or relax in a luxury spa. So you may have decided where you are going to visit in Wales and what
type of accommodation you will be staying in, and you’ve more than likely got a pretty good idea what great activities will fill your days, but there is so much more great stuff to learn about Wales before you set off. Wales is a place of natural drama,
from the country’s beaches to walking its mountain ranges. The nation’s history is told through its ancient monuments and museums. While the bold 21st century Wales is there for everyone to enjoy on a short break in one of Wales’ cities to explore
Roy Kellett Caravans
No1 authorised dealers for
or getting active in this wonderful natural playground. Find out about the practical stuff, like the weather companies, Three Showgrounds… forecast or how to get to Wales, or working together to give you more choice! delve a little deeper and learn about Lloyds Caravans and Roy Kelletts to help and advise customers through the history of Wales, literature, music have been selling new and preowned every step of the buying process or the Welsh language. static caravan holiday homes in North in a relaxed and non-pressured Wales for over 50 years and in this environment. So when it comes to time we have been firmly established finding your ideal Caravan Park and as the NO.1 choice when it comes to location, Lloyds Caravans and Roy static caravans holiday homes. Kellett Caravans can suggest many We take pride in helping families find areas and parks that you may not their ideal park and holiday home. even know exist – and there are 100’s Lloyds Caravans and Roy Kellett of them! Our first-hand knowledge Caravans, have the largest collection of the areas and parks themselves, of caravan holiday homes in North means we will find the one that’s right Wales and offers all the leading for you. manufacturers including ABI, Atlas, Boasting the largest showground’s Carnaby, Regal, Swift and Willerby. of new static caravans North Wales There is a huge choice of new and has to offer, along with excellent preowned holiday homes on display customer service, we really are the that will suit all requirements and only place to buy static caravans! budgets and not to mention the North Wales Showgrounds are open 7 ‘Exclusive Designer Collection by days a week, so call in today Lloyds Caravans and Roy Kellett Roy Kellett Caravans – Towyn Road, Caravans’ which includes holiday Towyn, Conwy, North Wales LL22 homes that offer quality and style at 9NW – 01745 350043 affordable prices. enquiries@roykellettcaravans.com – The exclusive range includes www.roykellettcaravans.com ‘Willerby Impression’, ‘Willerby Lloyds Caravans – Pensarn Brenig’, ‘Regal Venture’ and ‘Swift Showground – Pensarn Industrial Snowdonia’. Estate, Pensarn, Abergele, Conwy, North Wales is blessed with some North Wales LL227PW – 01745 of the best Caravan Parks in the 832050 UK and as the dealer for the area, Lloyds Caravans – Talacre we have proudly supplied new and Showground – Main Coast Road, Tan used caravans for the parks and Lan, Talacre, Flintshire, North Wales their customers with the same high CH8 9JY – 01745 560224 standards of service and after sales enquiries@lloydscaravans.co.uk – care year after year. We are conscious www.lloydscaravans.co.uk
North Wales and Cheshire Two
GreenWood Forest Park, North Wales. Set in 27 magical acres, discover for yourself why it’s an award winning full day out
Jump aboard the world’s only people powered roller coaster, zoom down the longest sledge run in Wales, enjoy the Jungle Boat Adventure, discover the super bouncy Giant Jumper or
aquaplane down SolarSplash (the brand new water ride for 2016!). Plus, explore the turrets of TreeTop Towers, take off your socks and shoes for the BareFoot Trail or take
a ride on the zippy MoonKarts. Smaller tots will also find adventure in the Little Forest PlayBarn, Toddler’s Village, Tunnel Warren and the LittleGreenRun. In the Forest
Theatre during holidays and Peak Season, you’ll find extraordinary entertainment including Ricardo the Pirate, Harley’s Showtime & Smarty Marty’s Kiddies Challenge – they
just can’t wait to make you laugh. Or get creative in the craft area where you can see local crafts people and make something unique to take home with you! Other events include; Face Painting, Nader’s Pyro Art, John the Wood Turner, Crafty Bugwug, Lookachu body art and hair braiding as well as the ever popular Donkey Rides. With so much to do on a day out, you’ll need a break! So let the little ones discover the Enchanted WoodBarn - this indoor play area will keep your young explorers happy while you sit down and relax in our spacious and comfortable GreenOak Café which serves a wide range of appetising hot and cold meals and snacks. Or if you don’t want to miss out on all the outdoor fun, grab a bite to eat from one of our five snack bars. For up to date information including all times and dates of events please see: www.greenwoodforestpark.co.uk
Adventure & theme parks of all Ages
A Magical Day
Out for Visitors
In Wales, we don’t do Disney. But for high-powered thills and oldfashioned fun, our adventure parks are hard to beat. We keep it real with family farms, ski slopes, waterslides and rope courses. You can meet a dinosaur, ride an eco-friendly roller coaster, whizz around on a Segway or fly along a zipline at 100 miles per hour. Are you ready? Scream if you wanna go faster! Oakwood. Of the numerous rides and attractions at Pembrokeshire’s
Oakwood Park, three stand out. Hydro is Europe’s fastest and wettest roller coaster, Megafobia is one of the best-known wooden roller coasters in the UK and Vertigo’s extreme flight experience is the closest you’ll get to skydiving without actually jumping off a plane. Visitors often comment about the idyllic Pembrokeshire countryside setting, some of which they will see while upside down… Greenwood Forest Park Greenwood Park has twice been
named Best Family Attraction in North Wales. This is an adventure park with a difference. It features the world’s only rollercoaster harnessing natural energy, a sledge run longer than any other in Wales and a variety of indoor play attractions in the Enchanted Wood Barn. Folly Farm. You don't often see penguins and giraffes on Pembrokeshire farms; but then Folly Farm is not your ordinary visitor attraction. The farm is also home to a
fully working indoor Vintage Funfair, which offers thrills and spills for the young and great memories for the young-at-heart. From farmyard antics at the Jolly Barn, a zoo with some truly exotic animals and spacious adventure play areas, a day at Folly Farm is all-action from start to finish. Super sledging in the Beacons Framed by the surrounding Brecon Beacons, Cantref features Europe’s longest Super Sledge ride. A range of pony rides cater for all levels of rider
and there is a broad range of indoor and outdoor activities and animal attractions too. Barry Island Pleasure Park The Studt family have been part of the fabric of the Welsh fairground life since moving from Bavaria in the late 19th century. The super waltzer, dodgems and high roller fairground rides may be strangely familiar to fans of the television comedy programme Gavin & Stacey, which was filmed in Barry.
Gypsy Wood Park (Established 2004) There aren’t many places where you can combine the magic of fairies with the charm of animals and the rugged wilderness of 20 acres of beautiful natural woodland……. but here at Gypsy Wood Park, that’s just what we do, which is why we are one of Wales’ best kept secrets. Gypsy Wood Park is a unique North Wales attraction that all the family will love. There are loads of things to see and do at our outdoor park in the foothills of Snowdonia in North Wales, and we’re a must-see attraction for all animal, nature, outdoor, train and fairy lovers. Gypsy Wood Park is……. an enchanting place with so much to see. Bring your wellies to explore the wetlands, meet all the different animals who live here, find the fairies, make a wish, hop on Woody’s train and enjoy one of our fabulous adventure play areas; just some of the events and attractions available at Gypsy Wood Park. For a full list of things to do, see our ATTRACTIONS page on our website. Our on-site CAFE and SHOP provide refreshments, drinks and hot and cold snacks, but you are welcome to bring your own picnic with you to eat at one of our designated picnic areas. Gypsy Wood Park is also available for private hire, school groups and parties. CONTACT US for more details on 01286 673133
Get a taste for South Wales...
Love walking? Then South Wales is perfect for you, step outside of Cardiff or Newport and you've got the cliffs and vineyards of Glamorgan Heritage Coast, the Wye Valley and Vale of Usk, with trails winding their way right up through the South Wales Valleys all waiting to be discovered... Coed Morgannwg Way Coed Morgannwg Way offers a dramatic walk along ancient trackways, mostly through Forestry commission land and the Afan Argoed park. The route passes through Dare Valley and offers dramatic views, especially from its highest ascent, Craig-y-Llyn. See the remains of Celtic and Bronze Age settlements and enjoy the Bristol Channel and the Brecon Beacons in the distance. You can sample short sections, in Margam Park for instance, or walk the whole Way in around 16 hours. For a real long-distance challenge, join the Taff Trail at Gethin Woodland Park.
Sirhowy Valley Ridgeway Walk One for the fit walkers, the Sirhowy Valley Ridgeway Walk takes you through the heart of the South Wales Valleys along the ridges of Mynydd Machen and Mynydd Manmoel, with panoramic views. Pass through Sirhowy Valley Country Park with its two nature reserves and pass Hall's Tramroad, built by the same Benjamin Hall whose name was given to London's Big Ben. There is an Iron Age hill fort along the route, which ends at Tredegar - a town made wealthy in the 18th Century, thanks to the iron industry. Enjoy the 17th Century mansion, Tredegar House, and mark the end of your walk by visiting a monument to Aneurin Bevan - the NHS pioneering MP who was born at Tredegar. Sky to Sea This is a walk of great and dramatic contrasts, starting at the River Dare, where you can choose to climb to enjoy wonderful views of the valley. Leave Dare Valley Country Park and
make your way along footpaths, minor roads and forests tracks to Bryngarw Country Park near Bridgend. The route passes the Bwlch mountain and takes you through stunning scenery, before approaching the quiet but beautiful Glamorgan Heritage Coast, with its dramatic cliffs. Taff Trail Probably the most popular walk in the Valleys, and deservedly so. The Taff Trail is suitable for walkers and cyclists and runs along converted railways, canals and forest tracks. It takes you from the Brecon Beacons National Park, right to the nation's capital. Most of the walking is gentle, though there are steeper sections, including an ascent of Torpantau, at 439m above sea level. You start with canalside walking at Brecon and pass through the stunning Brecon Beacons. The walk then takes you to the viaducts at Pontsarn and Cefn Coed and into the heart of the industrial heritage of the South Wales Valleys.
Morfa Lodge Holiday Park
Morfa Lodge Holiday Park is renowned for its perfect location with outstanding views of the Snowdonia Mountain Range and beautiful sandy beach only a short walk away. The park has plenty to offer for those who just wish to enjoy a relaxing break away. We have a club house with restaurant, play areas for the children,
two outdoor heated swimming pools and a shop on site. We have a selection of quality holiday homes for sale and hire to accommodate couples, families and those wishing to bring along their family pet. For up to date sales details please visit our websites www.morfalodge.co.uk and www.
westpointresort.co.uk. Holiday homes for hire are available in 4 and 6 berth Luxury Units with veranda, DG/CH, or try our top of the range luxury lodge. Prices start from £325.00 £650.00 off peak season, to £670.00 - £1250.00 during the peak season. Please phone on 01286 830205 for further details or book on-line.
Dolphin spotting
boat trips
''Dolphin spotting boat trips of one and two hours duration run everyday between April and October cruising along the beautiful Ceredigion coastline from New-Quay to both Cwmtudu or Ynys Lochtyn returning to New Quay in one or two hours respectively. Whatever the weather you will have the chance to spot some of the many bottlenose dolphins residing in Cardigan Bay up close as they frequently approach our boats. Your skipper is trained to give you the best view without causing any disturbance in acordance with the code of conduct. Other coastal
and marine wildlife can be spotted including alantic grey seals, harbour porpoise and numerous bird nesting and feeding from the cliffs which are a feature of their own. Remember to bring your camera and you can even get involved with the important work of the Marine Conservation charity ‘Sea Watch’ as they monitor the wildlife from our boats. Don't miss this fun and educational experience, suitable for all ages, we look forward to welcoming you aboard the largestboatsin New Quay, partially covered to offer protection form rain and shade from the sun.
Alternatively we offer two and four hour fishing trips suitable for all abilities and ages. Group bookings and charters are welcome. Dolphins are wild so we cannot guarantee spotting them every trip. Book over the phone or at our office on the main pier. To read more about our trips from customers perspective please visit our facebook or trip advisor pages Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips. New Quay Boat established and operated forover 60 years by Winston Evans. Call 01545 560 800 w w w. n e w q u a y b o a t t r i p s . co.uk www.facebook.com/ DolphinSpottingBoatTripsNewQuay/
Upgrade your
lifestyle experience
to a holiday home in
beautiful North Wales
Do you dream of owning a caravan holiday home in beautiful North Wales, with its luscious landscapes and captivating coastline? Or perhaps wish to upgrade to the very latest model? Roy Kellett Caravans want to help you do just that! Roy Kellett Caravans are inviting the general public to their 2017 Holiday Home Exhibition at their showground in Towyn to see the most up-to-date 2017 Caravan Holiday Homes from all the top manufacturers between Good Friday 14th of April until 23rd of April. Roy Kellett Caravan Distributors specialise in selling both beautifully sculptured and affordable holiday homes from the leading manufacturers onto privately owned caravan parks across all of North Wales and Cheshire. The team at Roy Kellett Caravans are on hand when assisting you in making the decision of the right holiday home for you. Whether you’re after a new or preowned holiday home, or can’t decide against 2 or 3 bedrooms, the friendly staff at Roy Kellett Caravans will provide you with all the information and advice you
need to make that decision. New to ownership? Roy Kellett Caravans deal with 100’s of privately owned caravan parks across North Wales and Cheshire, from the Llyn Peninsula to the Wirral, with some park owners being at the exhibition themselves. With park owners and staff at hand during the event, help is at hand to narrow down your park options before the next holiday season starts. Finding you the perfect park which suits all your needs, in the most perfect location. Roy Kellett Caravans can recommend the best parks suited to you, the area you prefer, your lifestyle, the activities you enjoy and your budget, offering you parks you never knew existed. Roy Kellett Caravans 2017 Holiday Home Exhibition will take place over the 14th and 23rd April, where not only will the latest caravans be showcased from top manufacturers including; ABI, Atlas, Carnaby, Regal, Swift and Willerby but there will be discounts on pre 2017 models! Making sure there is something to suit all taste and budgets. Roy Kellett
Caravans, Sales Manager Jennifer Hughes, says ‘we have a wealth of knowledge and have been the leading suppliers of caravan holiday homes since 1965’, making Roy Kellett Caravans the perfect choice when looking to purchase a holiday home. Hughes and the rest of the team are determined when looking to exceed a customer’s expectations and will do all they can to ‘offer customers with parks to suit their particular taste, budget and holiday style.’ Hughes prides herself on introducing customers to ‘parks you never knew existed’, finding hidden gems throughout North wales and Cheshire which tick all the boxes. Head down to North Wales largest holiday home exhibition at Roy Kellett Caravan Showground in Towyn between the 14th and 23rd Aprtil to view all the latest releases from the biggest manufacturers in the industry and start the journey towards your dream holiday home. For more information on buying a static caravan holiday home or the parks we deal with visit www. roykellettcaravans.com
Three Lochs Holiday Park
When you become a holiday home owner at Three Lochs Holiday Park, not only will you get the keys to your caravan or lodge, you will also open the door to a fantastic new lifestyle and automatic entry to a world where family bonds are strong, friendships endure and kids enjoy a childhood where bikes rule and getting dirty is law. At Three Lochs, everyone is so busy having fun that electronic devices, mobile phones and social media don’t rule the roost. Three Lochs offers a healthier lifestyle in a breathtaking environment where you can enjoy peace and relaxation or action and adventure, depending on what you are looking for. Three Lochs is situated in a quiet corner of Dumfries and Galloway
at the edge of the famous Galloway Forest. Set against a dramatic backdrop of fishing lochs and sprawling woodland, Three Lochs is the perfect destination for those looking for a holiday home of their own with so much going on, you’ll never have to have a dull moment! There’s a huge range of activities available including, three fully stocked fishing lochs, archery, airgun and clay pigeon shooting, nine-hole golf course, cycle hire, horse riding, indoor swimming pool, jet-ski, two children’s playgrounds, sandpit and beautiful marked walking trails in and around the park. If you don’t want to venture far you don’t have to as everything you need is on site. There’s a shop, laundry and our
‘Duck or Grouse’ family bar/a la carte restaurant serving home cooked meals and a great range of wines, beers, spirits and soft drinks. However if you do fancy a change, the nearest town of Newton Stewart, is a twenty -minute drive away with shops, cinema, restaurants, bars and plenty of tourist attractions. So if you’ve been thinking about a holiday home of your own, don’t think any longer, just come and see us! We have a range of fantastic preowned and new caravans and lodges from £12,995 with site fees included until March 2018 and various finance plans available. All holiday homes come with a deck – perfect from which to enjoy the stunning views, relax with a morning coffee or watch the sun go down. With a season stretching for eleven months including Christmas and Hogmanay, you get enormous value for your site fees and if you want to, you can rent out your caravan or lodge and make it pay for itself. So if we’ve tickled your taste buds and you want to find out more, give us a call for details or to arrange a visit to see the park and the facilities. Don’t delay it could be the best phone call you ever make! Three Lochs – 01671 830304 or call Pete – 07787 298061 or by email enquiries@3lochs.co.uk. www 3lochs.co.uk. If you aren’t looking to buy a holiday home why not come and stay with us? We welcome holiday guests in our fleet of static caravan and luxury lodges. Tents, tourers and motorhomes are also welcome. Give us a call for details or to book your next break.
Enjoy the Lakes!
A predominantly rural county, Cumbria is considered one of the most beautiful regions of the UK and includes the whole of the Lake District, also known as The Lakes or Lakeland, the Eden Valley, the North Pennines, the Furness Peninsula, and part of the Yorkshire Dales. A hideaway just for two for a special occasion in the Lakes; anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day, proposal, engagement or honeymoon, or just to spend quality time with the one you love on a romantic short break. It might be a secluded holiday cottage for two with a cosy woodburner or open fire, a swish town centre
apartment with a deep roll top bath and luxury cottages with four poster beds that you're after. Accommodation in Cumbria are usually available by the week and also offer short breaks. From the national award-winning restaurants to gastro pubs and cafes, Cumbria offers the best in food and drink, day or night. From the clear Lakeland water in local beer to the renowned Lakeland lamb and beef, an abundance of excellent local food combines with global influences to provide for even the most discerning foodies. Cumbria has a good variety of places to cater for lovers of animals in Cumbria, from the specialist
centres for birds of prey and fishes, to Lakeland’s only Zoo at Dalton-in-Furness where tigers and other rare animals can be seen. Visitor centres, such as Brockhole and Whinlatter cater for children, and some attractions, such as the Beatrix Potter attraction are aimed especially at children. Cumbria has three historic steam railways, with children especially welcome. The many museums in Cumbria will offer plenty of interest to all the family.
Council gets to work on construction
of new cycleway in Kendal
The first phase of construction of a to Asda in Kendal has begun. The shared use cycleway along Burton 3m-wide cycleway will be available Road from Kirkbie Kendal School to use by cyclists, pedestrians, and wheelchair users. The second phase of works, beginning in April 2018, will further extend the cycleway from Asda to the railway bridge at Natland. Cumbria County Council is carrying out this work on behalf of Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership with funding from central government,
with the aim of the project to enhance Kendal’s infrastructure and make the town more accessible for more people. With 60% of all journeys that start or end in Kendal being made wholly within the town, it is also hoped that enhancing cycling infrastructure will encourage people to use their bikes rather than their cars - which will reduce congestion and improve air quality within Kendal, as well as
promoting an active and healthier lifestyle. A large number of daffodil bulbs discovered during the initial construction works have been replanted in the nearby Kendal Leisure Centre. Phase 1 works are expected to be completed in June. The council wishes to thank local residents and businesses for their understanding and patience during this period of construction.
History of the NGS In 1859 William Rathbone, who was a prominent Liverpool merchant & philanthropist, paid a nurse named Mrs Robinson to care for his sick wife. He was greatly impressed by Mrs Robinson’s work & it struck him that while he was capable of hiring a nurse because he was a wealthy man, there must be thousands of poor people in Liverpool who could not afford this & yet still had that need. He therefore paid Mrs Robinson to go into the city to nurse the poor. Before long Mrs Robinson returned to tell Mr Rathbone that because conditions were so terrible there was no way she could make any impression on them on her own. William Rathbone set up a school of nursing & sent nurses into the city in groups. Later this resulted in the creation of district nursing. District nursing spread through the length & breadth of the land. Among those who were actively supportive of this were Florence Nightingale & Queen Victoria, who were both deeply interested in the work. It is extraordinary to us today to recall that the NHS did not come on the scene until 1948, so all this work had to be funded by charity. The organising body for district nursing was the Queen’s Nursing Institute. In 1927 Miss Elsie Wagg, who was a member of the QNI Council, had the idea of inviting people with fine gardens to open them to the public with a view to raising funds. The first gardens opened in 1927. A total of 609 gardens opened at a standard charge of one shilling per head & a total of £8,191 was raised – a considerable sum of money in those days. It was considered a great success, undoubtedly assisted by the active support of his Majesty King George V, who opened the gardens at Sandringham in Norfolk, & these gardens
have been open every year since. When the NGS was born in 1927, visiting private gardens was a well established pastime, but only for the privileged few. So asking owners of fine gardens to open them once a year to the general public was a radical, but wonderful idea. The charity has gone from strength to strength ever since, with thousands of privately owned private gardens & suburban plots opening for the NGS, in addition to large gardens belonging to stately homes. Beneficiaries. Although many people associate the NGS with Open Gardens, surprisingly few people are aware of the the fact that it is the largest beneficiary of the nursing charities. Through the support of the garden owners & visitors, NGS Cumbria raised £55k in 2015, & the NGS scheme donated £2.7m to the following charities last year (up from £2.6m in 2014): MacMillan Cancer Support £500,000 Marie Curie Cancer Care £500,000 Hospice UK £500,000 Carers Trust £375,000 Queen’s Nursing Institute £250,000 Parkinson’s UK £100,000 Perennial £150,000 The Multiple Schlerosis Society £100,000. Horatio’s Garden £130,000 Contact Details Website address www.ngs.org.uk Follow us on Twitter – CumbriaNGS Like us on Facebook – Cumbria NGS Buy the annual bestseller ‘Yellow Book’ at newsagents everywhere, which gives details of all gardens open across the country for the NGS. Pick up the County Leaflet free in ‘What’s On’ shelves across Cumbria. This gives details of all NGS gardens open across the county. County Organiser – Diane Hewitt 015394 46238, dhewitt.kinsman@ gmail.com. Publicity – Carole Berryman 0153954 443649, carole@ caroleberrymangardens.co.uk Open gardens. 65 gardens will be open across Cumbria this year, of all shapes, styles & sizes. In addition to seeing some wonderful gardens, many not normally open to the public, there are often teas & cakes, & plant sales – a wonderful day out for garden lovers in aid of good causes.
Average price £3.50. 10 New gardens in 2016 including: Broom Cottage Long Marton, Appleby-in-Westmorland CA16 6JP open Sun 3 July 6&8 Conyers Ave Barrow-in-Furness LA14 4JT Open Sun 24 July Eden Place Kirkby Stephen CA17 4AP Open 3 July Fern Bank High House Rd St Bees CA27 0BZ Open Sun 10 April Grange Fell Allotments Fell Rd Grange-over-Sands LA11 6HB Open
Sun 3 July Grow West Allerby Aspatria Wigton CA7 2NL Open Sun 22 May Highlands High Knott Rd Arnside Carnforth LA5 0AW Open Sat-Sun 11-12 June Mirefoot Burneside Kendal LA8 9AB Open Sun 5 June Sandhouse Burnhill Scaleby Carlisle CA6 4LU 39 Outbarrow Rd Ulverston – part of Ulverston Open Gardens Open Sun 26 June
It’s official: Lake District named as
Britain’s top walking destination
The Lake District, Cumbria, is officially the most popular destination for walking in Britain, according to a new nationwide survey just released by Ordnance Survey. Their OS Maps
service analysed more than 500,000 routes over ten years and revealed that the Lake District has topped the country’s league table with Keswick and Ambleside being the
most popular locations for walkers. And of the 20 most popular places to create a walking route across Britain, an impressive 18 of them are within the core areas of the Lake
District National Park – taking in popular locations including Keswick, Ambleside, Grasmere, Helvellyn and Scafell Pike. Managing Director for Cumbria Tourism, Ian Stephens, says,
“This is the ultimate place to enjoy the great outdoors and this latest Ordnance Survey research confirms that the Lake District, Cumbria, is indeed the UK’s Adventure Capital.
“With a network of just under 2,000 miles of Rights of Way and some of the most spectacular scenery you are likely to find, it’s great to see that the Lake District remains a firm favourite. Whether you’re taking a gentle lakeside stroll with the family or scrambling up more challenging locations like Sharp Edge on Blencathra, this spectacular landscape appeals to everyone from the occasional walker to the more specialist adventurer.” Nick Giles, Managing Director of Ordnance Survey Leisure, says: “For centuries the Lakes have held a special place in people’s hearts, and we know the area is loved by map users, because the region frequently tops our bestselling paper maps. However, when we started examining this data and looking at the route-creating habits of people, we weren’t expecting the Lake District to dominate so strongly.” Just a few of the walks highlighted by Ordnance Survey include England’s highest mountain Scafell Pike and Langdale Fell which forms part of the popular Cumbrian Way. Other breathtaking walks include Nethermost Pike, one of the highest Wainwrights’ in the eastern fells; Allen Crags which is frequented by walkers on route to Scafell and Fairfield Horseshoe, one of the more classic Lake District walks.
Explore the country’s biggest adventure playgrounD
Whether you’re looking for a mountain scramble, a coastal gallop or a downhill challenge, the Lake District,
Cumbria has a dramatic landscape of lakes, mountains, countryside and coast to explore. Check out our top tips for outdoor adventures, or visit the GoLakes website for more ideas and inspiration: Take in the sea air on horseback: Enjoy stunning views across the Irish sea and the Western Lake District on horseback with Cumbrian Heavy Horses. Canter from the Duddon Estuary on the Cumbria coastline along endless miles of beautiful sand dunes and tranquil scenery. Ride on a majestic Clydesdale, Shire or Ardennes horse and make it a trip to remember. Prices start from £70 per person. Enjoy a quintessential Lakeland cruise: Windermere’s unique scenery and atmosphere make spring the perfect time of year to get out and discover some spectacular natural wonders. Travelling by Windermere Lake Cruises is a unique way to see the famous Lakeland fells, wooded shoreline and rolling countryside along the lakeshore. The 45 minute ‘Blue Islands Cruise’ is at £8 per adult and £4 per child, other cruises are available. Get in a spin: Explore the grounds of a country house estate or have an adventure on a race track on Cumbria Tourism’s ‘Tourism Experience of the Year’ Lakeland Segway. Feel the exhilaration as you whizz along
tracks and trails whilst taking in the glorious sights and sounds of Cartmel Racecourse and The Holker Hall Estate. With professional training, safety instruction, and lots of practice included, you’ll be well equipped to set off on a thrilling mini adventure. Prices start from £40 per person. Feed your need for speed: Challenge yourself whilst having an epic day out over endless miles on one of Cumbria’s fantastic man made mountain bike trails. The Altura Trail at Whinlatter Forest Park is a 19km red grade challenge with some superb flowing sections of single-track, huge sweeping berms, technical forest sections, and optional black graded features. This awesome trail rewards success with outstanding views, making it one of the best places for thrill seekers this spring! Free Entry. Walk the wall: Discover the northern frontier that is Hadrian’s Wall from Carlisle Castle and follow in the footsteps of a mighty Roman empire to the historic Birdoswald Roman Fort. Witness the longest surviving stretch of wall and extensive remains of Roman settlement while spotting fort milecastles, turrets, a Roman bridge, and Cumbrian wildlife as you look out towards the Lake District and North Pennines. With the
unique 2017 celebration of Hadrian’s Cavalry kicking off from 8th April, there has never been a better time to have your very own historical adventure. Carlisle Castle entry at £6.40 per adult and £3.80 per child and Birdoswald Roman Fort entry at £6.10 per adult and £3.70 per child. Look up to the sky: Head outdoors to witness the dark night sky in all its glory. Head away from the bright lights of towns and villages and up to Church Fell near Sizergh Castle in Lake District National Park where, on a clear night before a full moon, you can see infamous constellations the Plough and Orion’s Belt. Just remember to take your binoculars and a flask of hot chocolate. Free Entry to Church Fell. Sizergh entry from £6.50 per adult and £3.25 per child. Zip through a forest: Think you, your friends, and family could handle three hours of tree top adventure? Are you wild enough to climb 30ft up a rope ladder, Tarzan Swing into a giant rope net, then zip wire through trees, crawl through tunnels, and tackle high wire rope bridges? If so, try out GoApe at Grizedale Forest where you will be guaranteed hours of fun whilst unleashing your inner ape. The Tree Top Adventure
starts from £33 per adult and £25 per child. Descend a clifftop… backwards: A popular and thrilling activity for the brave – walking off a cliff backwards and living to tell the tale! Try your hand at a gentle abseil, push yourself with a mega abseil of 120ft, or really up the adventure stakes with a canyoning experience at Mere Mountains. Set amongst spectacular caverns and gorges, this exciting opportunity will make for a truly memorable day. Activities start from £35. Experience views like no other at 15,000ft: Get your adrenaline pumping, face your fears, and enjoy a once in a lifetime experience skydiving the Lake District this spring with Skydive Northwest. After the exhilarating 120mph freefall, it’s time to catch your breath whilst you enjoy a tranquil
parachute ride through stunning landscapes. What better way to go ‘sightseeing’ than from thousands of feet above it all? Tandem Skydive at £230 per person. Put yourself in the driving seat: Experience the exhilaration of a real 4X4 off road driving adventure and discover the Lake District National
Park from behind the wheel of a specially prepared KANKKU vehicle. These tough and capable exarmy Land Rovers allow you to go off the beaten track as you are expertly guided on challenging rough and rocky terrain on a gripping journey with a spectacular lake and mountain backdrop. Prices from £45 per person.
Welcome to Yorkshire
It’s been described as God’s Own Country, boasts Must see rolling green hills and Wolds in East Yorkshire, the Pennines If you like the sea, then see taking in gems like Whitby, Staithes, Scarborough, seven great cities, three National Parks, miles of golden stunning vistas are all on offer. Make including Bronte Country, the Peak some of the UK’s best along Filey and Bridlington among many others. beaches and two UNESCO World Heritage sites. sure you see the Yorkshire Dales, The District and the North York Moors. Yorkshire’s stunning coast For more information check out www.yorkshire.com The well coined phrase ‘whatever you want, we’ve got it’ is all too often used, but in Yorkshire’s case it is true. A long weekend won’t be long enough to sample the huge array of food hailing from the county’s award-winning restaurants and eateries. Whether it’s locally sourced pub food or high end dining, Yorkshire has it covered. Did you know the county has more Michelin starred restaurants than any other area outside London? World-class attractions are visitor magnets and Yorkshire is home to several national museums. These include the National Media Museum, National Railway Museum, National Coal Mining Museum, Royal Armouries and Eureka! National Children's Museum - you’ll need a few repeat visits to enjoy them all. Other great attractions include The Deep in Hull, Sea Life Scarborough, Yorkshire Wildlife Park in Doncaster, Tropical World in Leeds, Lightwater Valley near Ripon and Flamingo Land near Malton. All are great for making memories and filling up the photo album.
Keighley & Worth Valley Railway
Travel on the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway through Brontë Country, where you can take in the beautiful views and landscapes. Sit back and witness the landscapes that inspired the classic works of the Bronte sisters. The Railway has also appeared in many TV and film
productions including most recently Swallows and Amazons and Peaky Blinders. For those of a certain age the Railway is particularly famous as the location for the classic 1970 film The Railway Children. For those that like the great outdoors the railway has plenty of spectacular
walks and nature trails. Every stop offers a walk, whether it’s a moorland walk or one of The Railway Children walks - make sure you have your walking boots at the ready. Try the Top Withens Walk, which takes you out of Haworth, the village where the Brontë sisters lived and wrote, along pathways they walked and through the moorland that inspired them. Much more than just a railway, Keighley & Worth Valley Railway offers a great day out for all ages. You can hop off the line at Ingrow West, which is home to Rail Story; two award winning transport museums.
Here you can view the vintage carriages and learn about the history of rail travel. Throughout the year the Railway hosts a number of events from Steam Gala’s to Curry Trains and Beer Festivals. If you are looking for an evening of entertainment then don’t miss the Haworth Haddock and Keighley Korma. You enjoy two round trips, whilst being served with fish and chips or curry, alight at Keighley to enjoy live music to end the evening. If you are looking for something more traditional we run our Pullman Afternoon Teas throughout the year. Relax in the
luxurious Pullman Carriages, eating traditional Afternoon Tea while the beautiful countryside passes by. A fantastic treat for that special person. Finally our biggest and best event of the year are the Santa Trains. Running every weekend from the end of November to Christmas Eve, these trips create magical memories for all the family. Climb aboard and Santa comes to visit all the children and gives them a special gift, while mum and dad get a mice pie and a glass of sherry. All our events sell out fast so visit the website for more information and to book.
Yorkshire's Historic Past
Yorkshire - a county with a history unsurpassed in Britain For more than 2000 years, history has written a proud and fiercely independent story across the landscape, from the mighty castles of medieval England to the mills which mark the birth of the Industrial Revolution. This was once the kingdom of the woad-painted warriors, the Brigantes,
whose capital is now marked by the Roman town at Aldborough. The conquering Romans made their base at Eboracum which in its turn became the Vikings' Jorvik and later, medieval York. The Middle Ages left their legacy standing in stone - a wealth of ancient abbeys and castles. Seeking solitude in the wilderness, the monks gave glorious settings to their abbeys, among them Bolton,
Jervaulx and Rievaulx Abbeys and incomparable Fountains Abbey, a World Heritage site. For centuries, "he who held the north held the kingdom", a stark truth which speaks from the stones of castles such as Skipton, Helmsley, Conisbrough, with its mighty Norman keep, Castle Bolton, and tranquil Middleham in Wensleydale, once the power base of the infamous Richard III. More peaceful ages poured their wealth into lavish country homes, among them, Nostell Priory near Wakefield,
palatial Harewood House near Leeds and the Baroque splendour of Castle Howard, near Malton, made famous by the television series "Brideshead Revisited". Excellent city museums include those in Leeds, Hull and the Yorkshire Museum in York, with its superb Middleham jewel. Lively smaller museums include the awardwinning Hornsea Museum and Scarborough's distinctive Rotunda Museum, and museums with a special appeal such as Holmfirth Postcard Museum, Ripon's Prison and Police
Museum and Wilberforce House in Hull, dedicated to the fight against slavery. More intimate but no less beautiful are the region's many smaller historic homes. They reach back through time from Edwardian Lotherton Hall near Leeds to the Elizabethan warmth of Burton Agnes Hall on the Wolds and the medieval memories of Shibden Hall near Halifax, the West Yorkshire Folk Museum. Remember, too, Yorkshire's dynamic industrial museums capturing centuries of working
pride in textiles, mining, fishing and steel. See how people lived and worked at the Colne Valley Museum, Golcar, the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Sheffield and the Museum of South Yorkshire Life, Doncaster. Visit Worsbrough Mill Museum, Barnsley, Thwaite Mills and Armley Mills in Leeds, Bradford Industrial and Horses at Work Museum, the Calderdale Industrial Museum and the Hull Town Docks Museum - all harnessing the power of the past in a unique experience.
Blackburn’s Big Night Out
An event taking place at King Georges Hall is inviting people to celebrate 1973: the year Bowie Came to Blackburn. In the 70s Blackburn’s King George’s Hall played host to many world famous musicians and bands – and now fans are delighted to welcome back Woody Woodmansey, the drummer and last surviving member of David Bowie’s legendary Spiders From Mars, to the venue where they played on May 31, 1973. Woody will be the ‘guest of honour’ for the culmination of a Heritage Lottery funded multi-arts and heritage project celebrating Bowie and the many other top bands who played KGH that year, including Status Quo, Queen, The Sweet and Mott The Hoople. Fans will have a chance to meet Woody and hear how Woody had just been offered a promotion – to be second in command to the foreman no less – at the Driffield factory where he worked, when Bowie called to ask if he’d like to join the band.
Against all advice from family and friends, Woody said no to the factory and yes to Bowie. There followed an incredible roller-coaster touring the world with the biggest, most exciting and extraordinary band on the planet. Woody will also talk about his recently published ‘My Life With Bowie, Spider From Mars’ a funny and poignant memoir of his years with Bowie and subsequent career. Woody’s In Conversation and Panel Discussion are part of a packed showcase event to mark the culmination of the oral history and arts project: 1973: The Year Bowie Came to Blackburn. The event starts at 1pm in King George’s Hall, going throughout the afternoon and evening, ending with an iconic 1970s Roxy / Bowie Disco and Aftershow Party from midnight – 6am, Cellar Bar on King Street. Highlights include the film premiere:- ‘1973 KGH: Our Memories’ by 1973 fans who were there, live music including 1970s covers with a twist and specially composed new music by students from McNally Music Tuition, plus an original set from Sky Valley Mistress. There’ll also be presentations and talks bringing the 1970s alive with music journalist Dr. Toby Manning and a panel discussion: ‘Music Then And Now. Afternoon events are free. Tickets for the evening are £1.20, the same price fans All proceeds raised will raise money to showcase their work in heritage Bureau Centre for the Arts, McNally Music Tuition, Gill paid in 1973 and it will include a free CD of original new for ‘All the Young Dudes’, that venues in Blackburn. The event is Burns Community Dance and Action Factory Arts. To music and a booklet commemorating the project. supports young musicians and artists a creative collaboration with The book visit www.kinggeorgeshall.com Tel: 0844 847 1664
Enjoy the Green Fayre and many other fantastic parks events in July
July is an action-packed month and the wonderful Green Fayre, planned for the 22nd and 23rd, is just one of many fantastic free family events organised by West Lancashire Borough Council Parks and Countryside Ranger Service this month. The Wimbledon tournament will be reaching its final
stages in the first week in July so if you catch the tennis bug watching it then don’t miss the Ormskirk Tennis Festival at Coronation Park, Ormskirk on Saturday 8 July between 11am and 4pm. This spectacular family tennis event offers you a chance to try the game and take part
in fun competitions. You can also test your fitness playing cardio tennis and enjoy other activities. Refreshments will also be available, and there will be performances by Sound Affects Music Studios throughout the day. On Saturday 15 July buzz along on a Bee Safari around Beacon Country
Park with rangers and experts from Lancashire Wildlife Trust's "Plan Bee" project. Meet at the visitor centre at 2pm, no booking is required, just turn up to find out more about local bees, their importance and what you can do to help them. On Sunday 16 July the Ranger Service will be leading a 7-mile loop walk around wonderful Halsall. The walk will start and end at the car park of the Saracens Head pub. On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July Beacon Country Park hosts the Green Fayre, a celebration of the countryside and countryside living. Thousands of people are expected to come and enjoy a huge range of wonderful attractions and family entertainment. There will be Jousting, birds of prey displays, farm animals, Viking encampments, craft demonstrations, chainsaw carving, Music, dog shows,
caving, archery, bouncy castles, a climbing wall and much, much more. The show is FREE to enter and will be open from 11am-5pm on both days For more information on the Green Fayre please visit Green Fayre. A busy month continues with the start of the West Lancashire Walking Festival and the summer junior rangers events. See Countryside and parks events for more details. The summer music festival also starts in July. More details will be announced shortly. Dave Tilleray, Director of Leisure and Wellbeing, said: “July is a fantastic month at our Parks and Countryside sites with a wide range of events offering something for everybody to enjoy. There are walks, talks, conservation days and fundays like the Green Fayre, the biggest event in the Parks and countryside programme. There are plenty of
opportunities offering fantastic days out for all the family so make sure that you don’t miss out and get down to your local park and join in with the fun. For the organised walks children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. When attending park and countryside events please ensure that you wear suitable footwear and clothing for the weather, ground conditions and the planned activity. For more information regarding Council events please visit events. For more information about volunteering opportunities with the Parks and Countryside Ranger Service please email beacon.park@ westlancs.gov.uk or phone 01695 622794. Please note that we can only accept volunteers aged 18+. You can also follow the Rangers on Twitter @ WLBC_Rangers or Facebook.
Value drives Algarve towards
Cool Iceland is hot stuff
another record golf year with
The Algarve continues to exceed golf visitor records after a flying start to 2017, while it has also retained its place as the best value holiday destination for UK tourists. The region is widely-regarded as Europe’s number one golf destination with 43 fabulous courses and hit an all-time high for golf visitors numbers in 2016 with almost 1.3m rounds throughout the year – an increase of more than 10 per cent on its previous record in 2015. But the surge has continued into 2017 and the sights are now set on another new record after nearly 328,000 rounds were played in the first quarter of the year – another six per cent rise on last year’s figures.
Aside from the quality of the golf courses, the hospitality and the fabulous climate, golfers also know they can expect exceptional value for money as, according to the recent Post Office Holiday Costs Barometer, the Algarve is the best value holiday destination throughout the eurozone once again for 2017. The Algarve was one of 14 beach resorts in the eurozone surveyed by the Post Office for price checks on meals, drinks and other holiday essentials, coming out on top of the pile for British holidaymakers on a budget. Visitors know that prices for meals and drinks – one of the biggest costs for tourists – do not come any cheaper
than along the stunning Algarve coastline, which can make a huge difference to holiday costs. Maria Manuel Delgado e Silva, ATA golf product manager, said: “Last year was a hugely successful year for everyone associated with our golf tourism industry but it’s fantastic to see this continue into 2017. “Our guests know they can be assured of enjoying top-quality golf courses and can expect friendly and the very best in service whenever they visit. It remains our ambition to provide the very best in hospitality, accommodation and the whole golf experience and we look forward to welcoming many more visitors throughout the rest of the year.”
visiting golfers
Popular as a short-break destination, Iceland is now wowing overseas golfers. There are 65 golf courses spread around the volcanic island – 16 offering 18 holes and two with 27 holes – and golf is second only to football as its most popular sport. Foreign golfers are increasingly being attracted by its green fairways. Almost 4,000 visitors played golf in 2016, a big increase on 2015, and while half of them played only one round 27% played five or more rounds. Despite its proximity to the Arctic Circle, Iceland’s golf season lasts six months on average, and seven months in the south. Some courses near the coast can be played most of the year and there was even a golf tournament in northern city Akureyri, the world’s most northerly 18-hole golf course, in the middle of December! Golf Iceland chairman Magnus Oddsson said: “We have over 16,000 members in the Icelandic Golf Union, which is about 5% of Iceland’s total population, but according to surveys about 30,000 Icelanders say they play golf. “But we have so many courses, all of them open to public and during the midsummer months open 24 hours! Only 330,000 people live in Iceland and we are number one in Europe regarding courses per capita, so we have a lot of available tee times for visitors.” Golf Iceland was established in 2008 when the country’s courses and tourism sector joined forces to
create an organisation to promote and market its golf internationally. “IAGTO helped us with the first steps and made a marketing plan for us,” said Oddsson. “The number of foreign golfers visiting our courses has increased over those years, but it took some time to get the messages out, that golfers can play in nature on 65 courses around the island – in fact to make people believe that there are good golf courses in Iceland! “We have had a very good increase and in 2016 we were up about 50% compared with 2015. Almost 4,000 visitors played golf in 2016 and over 10,000 rounds were sold to foreign golfers last summer.” IAGTO Chief Executive Peter Walton said: “Very much like the destination itself, Icelandic golf is often spectacular! There are a number of high quality courses that will appeal to avid golfers and trophy hunters, as
well as golfers who love to experience unique and interesting environments with some tremendous views. We nicknamed the excellent Kellir Golf Course near Reykjavik ‘Lava-Links’ because the front nine negotiates its way through lava fields, transforming to a true links experience on the back nine. The Grafarholt and Oddur golf courses are also close to Reykjavik and are well worth playing for those visiting the capital.” Walton added: “Playing golf among volcanoes and even within ancient volcanic craters, such as on Heimaey in the Westman Islands, or within sight of angry towering geysers is not an every-day occurrence, which is why they live long in the memory. Interestingly, most courses in Iceland offer a special rate for couples which is significantly less that the cost of two green fees.” For more information, visit www.golficeland.org
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 53.
‘Improve not move’ as Home Improvement
Figures Continue to Grow
With many households having just undertaken a spring clean over Easter, home improvement figures continued to increase in popularity across 2016, as planning applications saw an upsurge in every region & country in Great Britain, except for Scotland. Published on April 2017, the ‘Home Improvers of Great Britain 2017’
report, compiled by construction industry analysts Barbour ABI in collaboration with the Federation of Master Builders, shows that London led all regions with 3.8 home improvement applications for every one - hundred private homes last year, with the East of England seeing the biggest growth in applications with a
14 per cent increase. At the other end of the spectrum, the North East & Scotland made up the bottom of the table, with only 1.1 applications for every one - hundred households (see figure 1.1). There was no change at the top from last year for the best performing district, as Kensington & Chelsea
continued its dominance with 6.8 applications for every one - hundred private households in 2016, albeit a decrease of eight per cent on its figure from 2015. However, nowhere exemplified more in 2016 the ‘improve not move’ stance than Cambridge. After a rapid surge in prices, sales in the city have fallen back sharply while home improvement has rocketed. Outside of Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea, Cambridge has the highest ratio of home improvement planning applications to home sales of any borough, whilst only squeezing into the top seventy for home improvement figures just two years ago. Overall, districts with the most home improvement applications was dominated by Southern England, with 18 of the top 25. Whereas 21 of the bottom 25 districts for home improvement were located north of the Midlands. A lack of home improvement outside of Southern England can be characterised by the first northern district, Harrogate, only placing 84th in the Barbour ABI league table. Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), commented: “ Demand for home improvement work is particularly vulnerable to dips in consumer confidence but at present, there’s no sign of a
negative “Brexit effect”. Indeed, the results of this year’s Home Improvers Report show that there was a 6% rise in home improvement work that requires planning permission in 2016 compared to 2015 in Great Britain and these results chime with the FMB’s own research. Despite gloomy predictions from many economists in the run up to the EU referendum last summer, construction SME workloads have not only held up, they are in rude health. Even as we approached Article 50 being served at the end of last month, the results of the FMB’s State of Trade Survey for Q1 2017 show that construction workloads continued to grow and 50% of firms expect this trend to continue into the second
quarter of this year.” Michael Dall, Lead Economist at Barbour ABI, said: “2016 saw continued growth of home improvement in areas expected, such as around the capital and other southern English regions. However it is encouraging to see considerable growth in the East of England with many of its boroughs making their way up the table.” “Looking forward, much will depend on the growth in the economy, as the link between it and home improvement is very evident. In addition, the shortage of housing across Great Britain generally is set to continue, which will undoubtedly help fuel home improvement activity as home owners look to ‘improve not move’.”
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 55.
Ava Travell produced it's First Holiday Brochure in
March 2016, which has been a huge success.
Director Miles Cassam, together with Alan Clenshaw and Aubrey Glasson (who had all previously worked for John Fishwick & Sons, Leyland, Bus Service & Holiday Tour Operator which finished trading after over a 100 years in October 2015) went into partnership with Paul Tattersall and the AVA Group which includes Avacab Taxis, Leyland Taxis, Avacoach and Avabus. We at AVA Travel operate out of town centre premises at 41
Hough Lane, Leyland, together with the Ava Group we are well on our way to being well established in the town. Miles Cassam's vision of a hassle fee Door to Door Service within the North West Region is part and parcel of AVA Travel's excellent Customer Service Policy AVA Travel offer modern, spacious Coach Travel to destinations throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales together with destinations in Europe.
No Overnight travel on long journeys is our policy, so overnight stops are in hand with chosen hotels or in accommodation on board ferries to the Continent. All AVA Travel Tours include Door to Door Service direct from your home to Coach, Airport or Docks and on return from your destination back home, so you can relax and enjoy your holiday without having to worry about anything other than having a good time. AVA Travel also offer a selection of Cruises, together with our own Made-to-Measure Flights & Hotels to Jersey and Guernsey available throughout April to September. Our Summer 2017 AVA Travel Holiday Tours Brochure programme is now underway and our new October 2017 to April 2018 Holiday Tours Brochure will be available from 23 May to order over the phone just call 01772 622 222 or via our website at www. avatravel.co.uk
Lake District’s newest
attraction to open this Summer
In June 2017, the Ravenglass Railway Museum will officially open to the public after undergoing a major, two year, Heritage Lottery-funded redevelopment. Built on the site of Ravenglass Station, in the West of Cumbria, the new train-shed extension will double the previous museum’s footprint and create a brand-new museum experience. The museum owns more than 6,000 objects ranging from 15inch gauge locomotives and rolling stock through to uniforms, photographs and historic engineering, but the new development will see these artefacts come to life with interactive exhibitions allowing visitors to not only see the heritage steam locomotives, but to watch how they work and sit in the driving seat too. David Rounce, Project and Activities Manager of the Ravenglass Railway Museum said: “We’re excited for the public to see everything we’ve been working on. The museum relies entirely on volunteers and over the last year they have worked extensively to restore the stock, much of which is over 100 years old, to make sure it is in working order and in exhibition condition.’ A star attraction will be the steam locomotive ‘Katie’ which ran at Ravenglass in 1916 and has just been restored to working condition for the first time since the 1920s. The new professionally-designed displays will appeal to the family and enthusiast alike. Exhibits will include a collection of locomotives and rolling stock spanning the line’s opening in 1875 to the present day, including an interactive steam engine exhibit that visitors can operate themselves. There will also be models and objects telling the story of ‘La’al Ratty’s industrial past as well as the daily life of workers on the railway including their uniforms, ‘bait’ boxes and games to determine if the visitors would be suited to the job. Thanks to Arts Council PRISM funding, awarded in January 2017, the museum will also boast the restored
‘Big Saloon’ coach which dates back to the opening of the railway to 3ft gauge in 1875, and visitors will be able to hop in and imagine taking a trip up the new line in the 1870s. Located in the only coastal village in the Lake District, Ravenglass Station is also home to the Ravenglass and Eskdale Stream Railway, or ‘La’al Ratty’; a 7-mile tourist attraction traveling through the Eskdale Valley. David continued: “As well as attracting tourists from ‘La’al Ratty’ to the museum, we hope it will become something of a community focal point through a programme of changing, community-led, exhibitions, and a
range of curriculum-linked resources for schools are being developed to educate local children about the technology and history not only of the railway, but also life and industry in the area.” There will also be a private archive on the upper level of the new building, for researcher and enthusiasts to book in advance and see intricate artefacts and memorabilia from the heritage railway’s history. The museum will be open whenever the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway is running, which is every day in the summer season. An official opening day and event will be announced soon.
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Bowland opens its doors
for Brewery Tours
Bowland Brewery has officially opened its doors to the public for brewery tours. The brewery, based at Holmes Mill in Clitheroe and owned by James’ Places, offers visitors a chance to see a fully operational brewery as well as an opportunity to share enthusiasm for beer. Scheduled tours run on Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesday at 11am and 1.30pm. Tours for groups of eight of more at other times (MondaySaturday during the Beer Hall opening hours) can be organised by prior arrangement. Said sales manager, Angela Edney: “We’re delighted to be able to offer these tours to the public in the Bowland Brewery’s new home as part of a £10 million transformation. “Between them, our guide, sales manager and head brewer have 80 years brewing expertise under their belts. They are excited to share their passion for real ale, and brewing with others. Visitors can also enjoy The Beer Hall afterwards if they wish.” Tour tickets include a 45 minute guided tour, tasters of Bowland Ale and the option of food, and start from £10.00 per person. To purchase a ticket, please call Angela on 01200 443 562 or email sales@ bowlandbrewery.com Beer buffs can also join the Bowland Beer Club which grants access to
special offers and exclusive discounts on Bowland Ales at Holmes Mill, The Shireburn Arms and the Waddington Arms. Members are also informed of events taking place at Holmes Mill and the latest beers available in the Beer Hall. To join the Beer Club, visit www.bowlandbrewery.com/beer-club and fill in your details. James' Places is currently conducting the £10m redevelopment of Holmes Mill, a previously derelict, former textile mill. As well as the brewery, Holmes Mill houses a Beer Hall, café,
Based on the lovely Lancaster canal in the Northwest of England. Water-babies provides holidays afloat allyear round. Our fleet of steel hull narrow boats have full central heating, luxurious soft furnishings and everything you could want for a comfortable and cosy cruise even in the coldest times of the year. Operating from landscaped private moorings, Waterbabies is ideally located to cruise north to the medieval City of Lancaster and beyond to where sea, canal, mountains and the forest form the perfect backdrop. The City of Lancaster offers culture in the historic castle and Cathedral. Lancaster offers an abundance of venues to enjoy a pub lunch or something a bit special. There is an opportunity to see the wildlife from a different position, Kingfishers , Herons and many more can be seen along the canal as it meanders ,following the contours of this land. You can feel miles away from the hustle of modern life. For those whom enjoy fishing, there is the opportunity to relax on the quiet banks of this canal.
bakery and multi-use function room. Further phases of the rejuvenation of the mill will include a hotel and gym. James' Places portfolio includes The Emporium, Clitheroe, Waddington Arms and Lower Buck in Waddington, Mitton Hall at Mitton, The Royal Hotel at Kirkby Lonsdale, Eaves Hall, West Bradford, Shireburn Arms at Hurst Green, Falcon Manor, Settle and the Bowland Brewery. All share the same service values and ethos for beautiful surroundings with exceptional food and drink.
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Wildlife project is great
for young people’s health
Young people in Lancashire can get involved in an exciting project that will boost their mental health and physical wellbeing whilst improving green spaces in the local community. Myplace is an exciting and innovative collaboration between Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust and The Lancashire Wildlife Trust and is funded by close to £1m in Big Lottery Funding that is administered by the national ‘Our Bright Future’ campaign for young people. The Myplace project encourages young people aged 13 – 24 years old to explore the environment by offering opportunities to participate in eco-therapy based activities where they can develop new skills, increase their self-esteem, build resilience and improve their own self-confidence. By getting involved in activities outdoors young people can reduce their stress levels, prevent mental health problems and improve their concentration and mood. Sue Moore, Chief Operating Officer at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said: "There is evidence to suggest that getting outdoors has a positive impact on mental health and physical wellbeing and the Myplace project is all about embracing that. “We really want to give young people
the opportunity to connect with each other and their local environments to explore the outdoor elements of childhood that are often missed out on. This partnership is extremely special and I'm really looking forward to watching it develop." The Lancashire Wildlife Trust has also secured an additional £630k in funding from the European Social Fund, that has resulted in the Myplace project being able to increase employability prospects for those members of the community that are currently furthest away from the jobs market, including some young people, women and members of ethnic minority communities. The expanded project will also include the establishment of two new ‘Men in Shed’s’ projects that enable older men to work together on practical projects, such as furniture restoration or creating garden ornaments in order to develop new skills and build self-confidence . Mike Winstanley, Health and Skills Project Manager at the Lancashire Wildlife Trust said:
“By working with local communities through Myplace, we have a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference to many people’s future health and employability prospects. Our partnership with the Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, assisted by the generous support from our funding partners offers the potential to develop long term solutions to a number of social issues, by utilising the local natural environment and offering local communities accessible opportunities to participate in the Myplace project”. The Myplace project is delivered throughout Chorley, Preston, Blackburn, Skelmersdale and East Lancashire running a variety of environmental activities to improve urban community greenspaces. For more information about the Myplace project visit www.lancashirecare.nhs. uk/myplace or www.lancswt.org.uk/myplace-project.
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Castles for your
dream wedding
Edinburgh Castle. The jewel in the crown of the Edinburgh skyline. It’s difficult to imagine a more dramatic venue for your wedding. Tie the knot in one of Scotland’s most famous landmarks and have a magical wedding day. Choose from a variety of packages and suites; all of the function rooms are immaculately restored and offer sumptuous surroundings with breathtaking views over Princes Street and Frith of Forth. If you choose to exchange vows in The Gatehouse Suite you’ll also benefit from a private terrace which looks out onto the historic Royal Mile. Pendennis Castle. This
enchanting Castle in Falmouth, Cornwall, commands panoramic views across the sea. Your ceremony will take place in the Tudor Castle Keep surrounded by candles, ancient tapestries and flowers of your choice. Dinner can be served in the impressive Royal Artillery Barracks before which guests can take champagne and canapés on the grassy “chemise.” This magnificent building is at its most striking when it’s floodlit after dark. Warwick Castle. Warwick Castle is a truly majestic venue. Framed by mature sweeping trees and an idyllic lake, you really couldn’t
hope for a better backdrop for your wedding photographs. The venue is also renowned for its high standard of hospitality and excellent catering facilities. Drinks can be taken in the Peacock Gardens surrounded by fountains. Your reception can take place in either The Great Hall or the State dining room. Leeds Castle. Despite its name this Castle is actually in Kent. It enjoys a secluded location as it’s marooned on its very own private island in the middle of the River Len. The Castle is exquisitely decorated and also has an aviary, small golf course and even a maize to keep your guests amused.
Mandy cobane
Weddings and Events
Welcome to Mandy cobane Weddings and Events , bespoke and boutique wedding planning and Events company based in St helens Merseyside.We offer a fully client managed service that starts with you and ends with you.From inception to delivery, we will work with you to create the event of your dreams, to capture your imagination and to bring
it alive- always with the highest level of professionalism and dedication, ensuring that everything comes together when it matters. Our services include full wedding and party design, event planning and management, venue searching, theming, sourcing suppliers and party accessories or simply just on the day support. We are truly passionate about
producing unique and personal celebrations based on using our expertise and extra-ordinary insights that make the biggest impact on our client;s special day. We always go that extra mile to create beautiful, bespoke and amazing events with the aim of delivering emotion and everlasting memories for our clients and their guests
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Kefalonia Weddings Unusual Wedding Venues
If you’ve never considered yourselves to be a conventional couple, check out our list of top alternative wedding venues in the U.K. Some are fun and quirky, some are downright odd. The Gherkin. Boasting the best views over the city of London, The Gherkin is the capital’s most iconic modern building. The London landmark also offers a very high standard of hospitality with some the biggest companies choosing it as the venue for their lavish parties. The Gherkin can be seen for miles around so your guests certainly won’t have any difficulty finding your wedding venue. A Cave. Wookey Hole in Somerset, who recently appointed a new resident witch, offer couples the opportunity to exchange their vows deep underground in one of their spooky caves. There are a selection of caves to choose from, the largest can accommodate 120 guests, all of which are fully licensed for civil ceremonies. A lighthouse. West Usk Lighthouse is situated halfway between Newport and Cardiff in South Wales. The lighthouse is privately owned and has been restored to a very high standard with a hot tub, four-poster beds, an exquisite spiral staircase and a beautiful roof garden with views across the Severn Estuary. Your ceremony can be conducted on top of the lighthouse in the open air. The building is steeped in history being over 180 years old and grade ll listed; keeps your eyes peeled as many of the local farmers have spotted UFO’s in the area. Editor’s Office. We’re not sure why, but the offer is there. Media
enthusiasts (if there is such a thing) can choose to commit themselves to each other in the Editor of The Daily Mirror’s office in Canary Wharf, London. Aaah, the romance! If you’re a busy career couple, this maybe the perfect venue as you can tie the knot during your lunch break; even better if you happen to work at The Daily Mirror. Theatre It’s expected that the newlyweds are the centre of attention on their big day, however privately owned Clonter Opera Theatre in Cheshire offers couples the opportunity to wed live on stage. They have a selection of 5 separate reception rooms to choose for your reception. The theatre enjoys an idyllic setting surrounded by bluebells woods and lush parkland. London Eye. Climb aboard your own private capsule with your family and friends and hold tight. A full revolution takes half an hour and by the time you’ve reached the highest point of the wheel 135 metres above the city, you’ll be married. If you choose the Platinum Package you’ll also be treated to a complementary ride on the Eye to celebrate your fist wedding anniversary. Absolut Ice Bar. Set in the heart of London this sub zero venue will certainly give your guests an occasion to remember. The aisle is constructed out of the purest ice harvested from a river in Sweden. This bar is far from being a novelty venue as they also offer a very high standard of catering courtesy of their award winning chefs.
Kefalonia Weddings offers a comprehensive wedding planning service covering all aspects of organising your event: from the initial
planning stages of finding the perfect venue, to sourcing all suppliers, creating the design concept through to making sure every last detail is in place on the day. We offer this to our Kefalonia Weddings clients so they can experience the full support of a professional planner. This ensures that the special day far exceeds expectations without stress and distance constraints of organising an over-seas event entirely alone. Kefalonia Weddings approaches each
wedding with a fresh, enthusiastic outlook, focusing on the individuality and uniqueness. A warm relationship is formed through the months of working together, developing trust and creating a special bond. We can schedule a convenient Skype appointment to discuss your plans in person as well as full email response. The warmth of the Greek sun, hospitality and ambience makes getting married abroad a simple solution - contact us now so we can start your wedding planning journey together.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 63.
Church Versus Registry Office
Many women dream about their wedding day from childhood. Not only is it one of the biggest days of a person’s life, it is also likely to be the most romantic. Given the momentous nature of the all-important wedding, it should therefore come as no surprise that a lot of thought goes into the planning involved. And one of the most significant aspects of that is the wedding venue. While most people associate a wedding with a church and minister, tying the knot in registry offices has become increasingly popular over the years. Ultimately, however, the decision between church and registry office depends on the individuals in
question. A bride and groom-to-be could think about whether they want a traditional wedding versus modern. There is nothing more traditional than donning a lavish white wedding dress and walking down a long aisle flanked by scores of family and friends to the tune of Here Comes the Bride. The tradition of having the father of the bride accompany his daughter and give her away at the altar is one that many dads dream about. Having bridesmaids at the side of the wife-to-be is another comforting aspect of traditional weddings that is so engrained in our cultural identity. But such strict adherence to tradition is not everyone’s cup of tea — particularly those who are in no way
religious. Ultimately, marriage is a legal contract and what better way to seal that than by having a more official and straightforward ceremony in a registry office? As opposed to having passages from the bible recited and old religious hymns sung by guests, registry office weddings can incorporate a more modern set up consisting of clear and concise vows - that are not necessarily devoid of romance — along with songs that again, are not strictly religious. At the bones of the comparison between church and registry office is just how lavish you want your wedding to be. For example, at a church there will be room for more guests, in which case
a big and extravagant ceremony is a possibility, but in an official office, only a handful of people can be present. Brides feel more comfortable wearing a fabulous traditional wedding gown in a church, but in a registry office, a smart dress and jacket seems more apt. A church wedding undoubtedly provides men and women — regardless of their religion - with the ultimate fairytale setting that is often considered more romantic and magical. But, on the plus side of the registry office, it can be an awful lot cheaper. There is also less wedding planning and stress involved, meaning that the bride and groom can focus solely on each other and the reasons why they are tying the
knot, instead of being distracted by the drama surrounding the spectacle that is their big day. There is a lot to be said for couples
Situated on the sea front of Lytham St Annes, The Glendower Hotel prides its self in providing a unique wedding every time. Wedding packages starts form £2999.00 including 50 day and 100 evening guests. Alternatively bespoke packages can be created to meet your requirements. The hotel is licenced to hold civil weddings in the beautifully decorated Lowther Room and Georgian suite. The Lowther Room can cater for a maximum of 40 guests all day and the Georgian Suite can cater for 150 civil ceremony and up to 170 guests in the evening. The two function rooms offer the perfect space to bring your vision to life. The Lowther is cosy
and modern with plenty of natural day light, making this room perfect for the more intimate wedding. Whereas the Georgian Suite is our largest space hosting a beautiful fairy light back drop, chandelier and swaging. Make your wedding day a stress free experience with your very own dedicated wedding co-ordinator, along with a toast master and on the day, arrive in style with our red carpet welcome, and traditional cake stand and knife, elegant candelabra centre pieces. End the night in our complementary sea view room especially for the bride and groom. During your wedding day you may have exclusive use of the hotel, ensuring that you are the only
who do not need to profess their love to the world by spending thousands of pounds on an over-the-top ceremony. Clearly all they need is each other.
LEISURE, Barnoldswick Glendower Hotel
YOUR SPECIAL DAY AT ROLLS-ROYCE Situated in picturesque surroundings on the Lancashire/Yorkshire border, Rolls-Royce Leisure is the perfect location for your special day. We specialise in Wedding Receptions and it is our aim to take care of you, your family and friends to ensure that your day is very special and memorable. It is our intention that you relax and enjoy your special occasion knowing that everything will run smoothly on the day. At Rolls-Royce Leisure each wedding is tailor made to suit the individual budget, style and taste of the Bride and Groom. Civil Ceremonies Rolls-Royce Leisure has a licence to hold marriages and civil partnerships
in the Trent Restaurant which is suitable for more intimate gatherings of up to 50 people and the Merlin Suite which is a spacious room with lots of natural light and can accommodate up to 150 people. Wedding Breakfasts. We have a reputation for providing superbly presented delicious food for every occasion. We have designed our Menus for balance and value with a selection to suit most tastes and budgets. The charming grounds offer plenty of opportunities to take some stunning photographs. Evening Wedding Receptions The Merlin Suite which can accommodate up to 220 guests is
completely self-contained with its own private bar and dance floor. The food we offer for an evening reception ranges from a Traditional Cold Buffet to a Hot Supper Buffet including things like Homemade Meat and Potato Pie and Peas to Lasagne or Chiili or lighter options such as Hot Bacon or Beef Rolls. Anthony Burniston, has many years’ experience of organising and coordinating weddings at Rolls-Royce Leisure and prides himself on going out of his way to ensure your day surpasses your expectations. Why not call Anthony today and arrange to come and take a look around.
bride and groom on the day. The Glendower Hotel hosts monthly wedding open evenings, which falls on the last Wednesday of the month between 6pm and 8pm. This is a great opportunity for you to view the rooms and to meet the events team to discuss any of your queries you may have. For more information please contact the wedding co-ordinator directly on sales@glendowerhotel.co.uk or 01253 723241.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 67.
Top job for the fit
and fearless
If you’re a fan of roaming the Lake District’s unique and sometimes testing fells in all weathers then this could be the job for you. The Lake District National Park is inviting applications from Winter Mountain Leaders to join its team of Fell Top Assessors who provide first-hand weather updates and safety advice for fell-walkers during the winter months. The service depends on a team of professionals to hike up one of England’s highest peaks, Helvellyn, from December through to April to
obtain weather readings and assess walking conditions. The successful candidate will complete the team of three assessors who share their up-tothe-minute reports with visitors via the trusted Lake District Weatherline service and their avid Twitter followers (@lakesweather). In addition to the daily hikes the new recruit will also deliver winter skills courses. This involves teaching others how to understand and judge snow conditions for safe winter walking. Applicants should possess a Winter Mountain Leader qualification
and ideally a Mountain Instructor Certificate. “This is a wonderful opportunity for someone who really loves the beauty and challenges of our fabulous fells,” said National Park Fell Top Assessor Graham Uney. “It’s incredibly satisfying providing a service that is valued by so many people.” He continued: “With the safety of our visitors being our top priority, this is a key job and will be an immensely fulfilling role for the right person. They’ll find a great welcome and the satisfaction of being part of team of
real enthusiasts.” Last winter Graham and his colleagues helped promote a #summitsafely campaign providing top tips for walkers who tackled the fells in sometimes treacherous conditions. The #summitsafely education will continue through the Winter Skills Courses which are due to start again later this year.
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Lancashire Local. Issue 33. Page 71.
Young people from Blackburn and Darwen took part in the annual North West Leaving
Care Football Tournament.
The tournament celebrates young people aged between 16 and 21 who have been in care across the region and took place at Witton Astroturf in Backburn. Organised by Blackburn with Darwen’s Leaving Care Team, the tournament hosted nine teams from across the North West and was won by the team from the Wirral. Blackburn with Darwen’s team scooped the runners-up trophy. Becky McPartlan from the Leaving Care team trains Blackburn with Darwen’s team with help from apprentice Anthony Oliver based in Adults Services and support from Mike Katon from Fenicowles and Pleasington Junior Football Club. The standard of play has been unbelievable and thanks to everyone involved. The spirit shown has been amazing.” Skylakes, who are currently supporting social services, sponsored the event by donating the kit.
Councillor Maureen Bateson, This is a wonderful annual tournament Executive member for Children’s and is always really fun for the young Services, cheered on the youngsters people and all the spectators. as they played. She said: “It is a really great way to mark the
youngsters leaving our care and embarking on the next phase of their lives. This is a brilliant initiative and I want to thank the Leaving Care team and all the young people that took part.”
Senior Professional
Development Phase Coach’
for the club’s U23s.
Michael Duff has been appointed as the new Professional Development Phase Coach for the club’s U23s. The former Clarets’ defender, who managed the U18s last season following his retirement as a player, steps up into his new role following the recent departure of Michael Jolley. And Duff, 39, admitted the opportunity to coach the Development Squad came earlier than he expected. He said: “It was a bit of a shock with Mike leaving to go and take a job in Sweden, so there was an opportunity to step up which the club have asked me to do and I’m happy to do. “It’s a nice progression into a new career and it probably happened a little bit quicker than I expected, but it’s a career path I want to take and I eventually want to end up managing, but I’m in a good place at the minute. “I’m learning from a good manager, with the new category
status at the Academy and going into the better games programme, playing against better players rather than just friendlies all the time. “And there’s obviously some of the lads who I worked with last year moving up, so the continuity is good.” Duff, who began his new role on the Academy’s return to training yesterday (Monday), added: “I learned a lot last year about how to deal with other people and which (training) sessions work and which don’t. “I really enjoyed it and it just seems to sit that the club have asked me to move up and I’m more
than happy to do it, working with professional players and the different demands.” The Development Squad will this season compete in the Professional Development League for the first time, following the Academy being granted Category Two status. That will pit the players against rival teams in a regional division, rather than the ad-hoc friendlies organised for the Development Squad last season. And Duff feels that will provide another stepping stone towards the ultimate goal of progressing towards first team
football. He added: “I think it’s good and I think it’s important because friendlies are friendlies and however much you can try and dress it up, the players see then as that. “Now, there are three points at stake so it’s a different pressure on the players and different expectations. “Ultimately it’s still about development, but part of the development now is about learning how to win a game of football so they’ll get asked different questions.” Michael will be assisted by Andy Farrell, who also steps up from the U18s.
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A note from
the Chairman
As by way of an update, it is frustrating to report that discussions between BluMarble and Dean Holdsworth are still unfortunately ongoing. I had hoped that this situation would have been resolved a long time ago, but hopefully a resolution will be achieved this week before the next WUP hearing between Sports Shield and BluMarble that is listed for July 10. I have made offers to both parties and I am optimistic that they will be acceptable, meaning that hopefully the matters will both be resolved this week. As always, l will keep you abreast of what is happening. This lack of a resolution was the main reason why the bonuses owed to the players were not paid on time as I was reluctant to continue to solely fund the club with still no certainty of an agreement being reached with both parties. However, as I have solely funded the club with substantial amounts during these ongoing discussions over the last few months, I have agreed to continue to do so for the time being, in the hope that an agreement will be reached with both parties in the short term. Accordingly, the players will be paid the outstanding monies
this week. Going forward, I will be looking at how and when bonuses are paid in the future as the timing has an adverse affect on our cash flow as we are paying out the bonuses before we have received any monies from the EFL and at a time when little or no funds are being generated. You can imagine the problem it would cause if we were fortunate enough to be promoted to the Premier League this season where bonuses at most clubs run into millions. I have to say I thought the comments on social media from Dean Moxey were disappointing and unnecessary, particularly from a player who has been paid handsomely based on the number of games he started last season. As far, as I am aware, the salaries have not been paid late every month as he has stated. As regards the tweet posted by Lee, he did this with my full backing and once Dean went public, I see no reason why Lee should not respond. After all, Dean's and the other players' salaries have effectively been paid through the financial support of Lee and his family. All in all, it would have been better to have remained a private matter but Dean chose to go public and
Lee responded accordingly. Lee has feelings as well and I can assure you he is very passionate about the club and gets extremely upset when anyone criticises it or me. That said, the players are entitled to be paid and on time and at the present time that will only happen because of the financial support of myself. Going forward, hopefully the club will become financially sustainable and not have to rely on funding from its shareholders. That has been my target from the outset and continues to be my aim. Paul Aldridge, Paul Holliday and myself met with the Supporters Trust last week and we had a very productive meeting where a number of matters were discussed. We informed them that we have appealed the Asset of Community Value (ACV) which they have applied for. We believe that the ACV will prevent us from obtaining the necessary future funding for us to reacquire the car parks and office space that were sold to Michael James prior to my arrival at the club. I believe that it is crucial that Bolton Wanderers Football Club owns these assets going forward. In regards to an update on the embargo situation, the accounts will be filed this week and these will greatly assist in our efforts to try and come out of said transfer embargo. Likewise, a resolution of the BluMarble issue and Dean’s shares will also help us in coming out of it. We were delighted meanwhile to bring in Will Buckley on a two-year deal on Friday. Will is a very talented player with plenty of Championship experience and will add a lot of quality to our squad. The manager and our recruitment team have been busy re-signing players on new deals and have also brought in some new faces. This is still ongoing and we are in discussions with a number of players, agents and clubs. Both Phil Parkinson and I believe we will have a strong and competitive squad for next season and that we will surprise a few people along the way. With a little over a month to go until the
start of the season, season ticket sales and corporate hospitality packages continue to increase. However, it is important that supporters and customers continue to back the squad. The more people that watch us perform in the Championship next year, the better it will be for the players on the pitch and also improves our financial hand in recruiting quality players to the squad. I would urge you to consider buying a season ticket as based on the matchday prices, they have been substantially discounted and are excellent value for money in my opinion. For more details, please visit www.bwfc.co.uk/tickets/ season-tickets-201718/. Also, please keep an eye out over the next week when the club will be launching our new kit for the forthcoming season. Again, your support in buying official merchandise will help our financial position. I was pleased to see Bolton Kia join our increasing portfolio of well-known blue chip companies associating themselves with Bolton Wanderers and special praise must go to our commercial team for their work over the summer. As a result, the West Stand will be known as the Bolton Kia West Stand over the next couple of years. Please keep an eye out on the Whites Hotel website and social media sites for the events which are being held on site over the coming months. Apart from being great events, these generate important revenue for the business as a whole. Finally, it is not long until that opening match against Leeds United and I for one am excited to see the return of Championship football at Macron Stadium and what better way to kick off a new season than against such an iconic team who no doubt will be there or thereabouts at the end of the season and undoubtedly will bring a large fan support with them? How good would it be to start the season like we finished the last with a virtually full house too? I hope you get to see the team during pre-season meanwhile and I shall see you all at Macron Stadium on Sunday 6 August.
Credit Bolton Wanderers Football Club
Will Buckley
determined to make his
mark with Wanderers
A player who boasts ample experience in the English game and predominantly the Championship, Will Buckley is ready and raring to go at Macron Stadium. The 27-yearold, who has played for the likes of Rochdale, Watford, Brighton & Hove Albion and Sunderland in his nine years as a professional to date, put pen to paper on a two-year deal with the Whites on Thursday. And speaking following confirmation of the deal, the winger is eager to make his mark with Wanderers during 2017/18 and beyond. “I’m really happy to be here,” he told bwfc.co.uk. “Bolton Wanderers is a massive club and they’ve offered me a real stage to help me get back to where I want to be. “Being out of contract at Sunderland this summer, it’s been a little bit of a waiting game to see which move would be best for me and obviously being from the North West, it was a no brainer when Bolton came in for me. “I’m right back where I want to be, nearby to the area where I grew up, and I’m confident that it will be a good move for both myself and the football club.” Buckley’s move to BL6 will also see
him reunite with one of his former teammates from the very start of his career in the form of Adam Le Fondre, with the Oldham-born wideman thrilled to be back alongside the Whites’ frontman. “I played with Alfie about nine years ago and it will be great to be in the same team with him again,” he said. “He’s a great goalscorer, so hopefully we can link up together again and have a great start to next season.” He continued, “All in all though, looking at the bigger picture, I’ve spent a lot of time in the Championship alongside having a few play-off adventures as well which would be nice to replicate here. “I like to think I’m a good attacking player and I’ll always give my all to create chances for my teammates and hopefully score a couple of goals too. “It will be a test for us this season in this division with the teams that have come down and also gone up, but I’m confident that we can do well this season. “It’s a huge club and to come in off the back of a promotion when everyone is buzzing is fantastic and hopefully it will be another great season for Bolton Wanderers in 2017/18.”
Credit Bolton Wanderers Football Club
Each Edition of the Lancashire Local has a print run of 10,100 copies. Published by JAC Media Ltd, Foxhall Lodge, Foxhall Road, Nottingham, NG7 6LH.