Overwhelm... the amount of people who are coming out as life coaches or something similar. There is so much choice out there that you could almost be overwhelmed (another reason for me writhing this article) once again with the amount of information getting thrown out there. My advice is to make sure if you’re going to work with a Coach, ensure they are qualified, check out their testimonials and see if their energy and personality resonates with you so you are engaging in a trusted and accountable relationship.
Have you or are you currently experiencing this feeling? This is a topic that crops up in conversations most days in my work with clients, students and chats with friends and family.
he past two years has been monumental in playing a part in change – and that change can affect us in different ways, some people move more quickly with it and adapt and others come completely from the opposite end of the scale and can let it take them down, almost consuming every cell in their body. However you choose to deal with change – it can be partly down to your personality, and genetic makeup but if you have self-awareness, and learn to cultivate this, you will begin to and understand more about how you think and how you feel and how it impacts your behaviours and the results that you get in your life, and that this is the life you are giving yourself. You don’t have to be stuck in the life, the job, the relationship you are in. You can move, you have choices, they may not good choices but knowing you have them gives you a sense of hope and a doorway to a new life. So by knowing you can choose different ways to navigate yourself through life instead of trudging through treacle is a game changer. More and more people are talking about personal development, personal growth or personal transformation. You can see on social media people posting positive quotes, inspirational reels and pictures. From my perspective as a Coach for 20 years I have noticed a huge increase in
The world of personal development is all about growth mindset, and coming away from being fixed to just your own beliefs, values, thoughts and feelings. It’s also about none judgment of yourself, it’s about truly connecting to who you are, learning from life, making mistakes and trying again. No one is perfect but if you look at social media hours for hours on end each day then that’s what your comparing your life to. A lot of people posting the perfect life, perfect home, perfect baked cakes even. Guess what perfection doesn’t exist– there’s no such thing. So leave that one right there or even throw it out the window. Part of why we may feel overwhelmed is down to many things as mentioned but the more we realise what we can’t control and let go of things, such as; people, places, experience, events the more we can move forward in our lives with less baggage, therefore feeling more in flow. SO LET ME HELP YOU BY EXPLAINING EMOTIONAL OVERWHELM… It is a state of being surrounded by intense emotion that is difficult to manage. It can affect your ability to think and act rationally. It could also prevent you from performing daily tasks. Emotional overwhelm may be caused by stress, traumatic life experiences, relationship issues, and much more. It can affect you in any area of your life from career, finances, mental, physical, environmental and relationships. So do you recognise this? It’s not a nice emotion to experience, however this is a part of life. The best thing for you to firstly recognise that you’re in overwhelm, or that you’re on your way to it and then when you can do something about it to help you and the situation you are in. This comes through being self-aware and becoming conscious of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This is something I used to suffer with a lot. Being an ESFJ in my Myers Briggs personality type I like to be on the go all the time, doing, helping, pushing, achieving, organising however this leads to overwhelm, low energy, sickness and burnout.
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