Lancaster City Council’s 2013/14 Consultation Plan April • Salt Ayre Young Peoples Survey • Salt Ayre Club Survey • Active Health Scheme Project Review May • • • •
Overview and Scrutiny Programme Waste and Recycling Service Consultation Lancaster District Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2013 Salt Ayre Satisfaction Survey
June • Sandcastle Festival • Morecambe Area Action Plan • Proposed Improvements to Streets and Spaces: Victoria Street, Market St and Euston Road • Contaminated Land Guidance Consultation • AONB Management Plan 2014-19 – Outline Plan Proposals • Visitor Parking Arrangements in Resident Parking Zones • Cliffs Play Area July • • • • • • • •
Council Housing Customer Satisfaction Survey (STAR Survey) Happy Mount Park Satisfaction Consultation Happy Mount Park Masterplan Consultation Park Heath Check Assembly Room Surveys Branksome play area Future of Storey Gardens Proposed new skate park in the Warton and Carnforth area
September • • •
Morecambe’s Seaside Festival Community Pool Satisfaction Survey Draft AONB Management Plan 2014-19, draft Delivery Plan and draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
October • • •
Leaseholder Manual Sports and Activity Non-user Survey Local Democracy
November • •
Annual Firework Spectacular 2013 A View for Eric
Planned for 2013/14 • • •
Value of ‘Blue Space’ (water and coastal areas) ‘Green Space’ consultations Museum consultations
Throughout 2013/14 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Holiday Programmes (wide range of sports and arts activities for children of all ages) Holiday Playscheme Programme Salt Ayre and Community Swimming Pool Customer “Talk Back” system Platform Customer “Talk Back” system Local Democracy Recycling Participation Monitoring Talk Back - Forms in Customer Service Centres Customer Satisfaction Surveys Visitor Information Centre Customer Satisfaction Surveys Home Improvement Agency Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire Pest Control Customer Satisfaction Survey Housing Standards Customer Satisfaction Survey Environmental Permit Applications Consultations Street Pride Potential New Play Areas/Alterations to Existing Play Areas Food Complaints Survey Food Premises Inspection Survey Environmental Protection Services Customer Satisfaction Survey Planning Applications
Annual/Biannual Surveys • • • •
Web Site Pop Up Survey Visitor Information Centre (VIC) Mystery Shopping Survey Employee Matters Survey Internal IT users survey
April What Salt Ayre Young Peoples Survey When April/May 2013 How Paper based and online questionnaire, focus group sessions and individual meetings. Who Young users of Salt Ayre Sports Centre and Young People Service Team Leaders and related groups. Why To gain an understand of the needs of young people around sport and physical activity, the accessibility of Salt Ayre and general satisfaction levels and views on the service. This consultation is taking place as part of a wider review of Salt Ayre. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Salt Ayre Club Survey When April 2013 How Paper based and online questionnaire, focus group sessions and individual meetings. Who Sport Club Officials and Participants of Salt Ayre Sports Clubs Why To gain an understanding of club participants and officials views on Salt Ayre including current user satisfaction across a number of areas relating to club use. This consultation is taking place as part of a wider review of Salt Ayre. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Active Health Scheme Project Review When April 2013 How Telephone Interviews Who Active Health Scheme Participants Why To review the experiences and understand the level of activity of all scheme
participants. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing
May What Overview and Scrutiny Programme When April/May 2013 How Promote via a press release and council website and email all councillors Who General public Why To engage the public on issues that would be suitable for council scrutiny committees to investigate. Contact Principal Democratic Support Officer (Stephen Metcalfe) Email: Telephone: 01524 582073 Governance What Waste and Recycling Service Consultation When May-June 2013 How Online and paper questionnaire, targeted face to face interviews and roadshows. Who Residents throughout the district. Why To find out how the service is used, satisfaction levels and to help identify future service improvements. Contact Waste and Recycling Promotions Officer (Lauren Gora) Email: Telephone: 01524 582466 Environmental Services What Lancaster District Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2013 When May-Sept 2013 How •
Opinion Research Services accommodation assessment including telephone interviews with a wide range of people/organisations who work with the
• • • • •
travelling community. Letters and follow up phone calls to private site managers and representative organisations that work with the travelling community. Posters in a range of locations offering a range of ways for the travelling community to have a say. Consultation with young people from the travelling community via local schools and Heysham Library. Consultation with the Mellishaw Women’s Group. Potential lunchtime consultation event
Who Gypsy, travellers and travelling show people Why To assess whether the current and future accommodation accommodation needs are being met with existing provision and to inform the preparation of the new Lancaster District Local Plan. Contact: Planning Officer (David Hayward) Email: Telephone: 01542 582723 Regeneration and Planning What Salt Ayre Satisfaction Survey When May 2013 How Paper based and online questionnaire. Who Salt Ayre Customers. Why To gain an understanding of current user satisfaction levels including choice and use of facilities. In addition, the survey will gain existing user views on their general all round level physical activity/lifestyle. This consultation is taking place as part of a wider review of Salt Ayre. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing
June What Sandcastle Festival When June 2013 How During the festival a questionnaire will be handed out with prepaid envelopes. An online questionnaire will go live after the festival. Who People who attend the festival
Why To find out what people think of the event including its organisation and to help identify any improvements for future events. Contact Marketing Officer (Mark McTigue) Email: Telephone: 01524 582870 Communications What Morecambe Area Action Plan - final draft (submission) When Subject to council decision 6 weeks either June-July 2014 or September-October 2014, timing to avoid the main summer holiday period. How Standard local plan consultation procedures including a mail out to all members of the local plan consultation database, public exhibitions, meetings with key stakeholder organisations eg Morecambe Town Council. Who Residents in the district Why To gain views on the final draft to help inform how the plan progresses. The council has a statutory requirement to consult on this. Contact Senior Planner (Julian Inman) Telephone 01524 582336) Or Senior Service Support Administrator (Justin Shaw) Telephone: 01524582375 Email: Regeneration and Planning What Proposed Improvements to Streets and Spaces: Victoria Street, Market St and Euston Road When Early summer 2013 How Direct engagement with occupiers of properties in streets and spaces and with key stakeholder organisations eg Morecambe Town Council and the Town Team. Who Residents and businesses in the areas to be affected. Why To gain views on the proposed improvements and as necessary to meet any highway requirements. The work is planned to start in winter 2014. Contact Regeneration Officer (Kate Smith) Email: Telephone: 01524582337 Or
Senior Service Support Administrator (Justin Shaw) Email: Telephone: 01524582375 Regeneration and Planning What Contaminated Land Guidance Consultation When Summer 2013 How Issue a press release, email all councillors, advertise on council website with information about the guidance changes. Who General public and statutory consultees Why To provide information about the upcoming guidance changes to be made to update the council’s inspection strategy and bring it in line with the most recent guidance regulations. Contact Contaminated Land Officer (Mark Edwards) Email: Tel: 01524 582741 Health and Housing What AONB Management Plan 2014-19 – Outline Plan Proposals When Summer 2013 How Consultation via email with AONB Partnership members and key stakeholders, via AONB website with public. ‘Drop in day’ at Arnside Cemetery chapel on 29th June. Who AONB Partnership members, key stakeholders, local residents, members of the public. Why To gain views on the outline plan proposals to help inform how the draft plan progresses. Contact: AONB Officer (David Askew) AONB Development Officer (Sue Hunter) Telephone 01524 761034 Email: Regeneration and Planning What Visitor Parking Arrangements in Resident Parking Zones When June to September 2013 How Surveys via letters and through Customer Services and the council' s website
Who local residents living in controlled parking zones in the district Local residents living in controlled parking zones in the district Why To obtain residents views on the simplification of visitor parking arrangements. Contact: David Hopwood Telephone: 01524 582817 Email: Parking What Cliffs play area – relocation When June How Door to door questionnaires with pre paid envelopes, approximately 400 and online questionnaire. Who Local residents and users including voice your views panel Why To find out people’s views on relocation of the play area due to erosion and health and safety issues. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services
July What Council Housing Customer Satisfaction Survey (STAR Survey) When July/August 2013 How Postal Survey Who Random sample of 1900 council tenants Why This is a comprehensive satisfaction survey which helps us understand levels of customer satisfaction across all areas of the council housing service, including repairs and maintenance, customer involvement, complaints, estate management and value for money. The results of this survey allow us to identify areas for service improvement, and help us to ensure we are providing a service which meets the needs of tenants. It also provides an excellent source of information for our various tenant led Quality Groups who are responsible for scrutinising our service delivery. The survey is carried out using a standard format which is used by social housing providers nationally. This allows us to also compare our performance with other housing providers and put our performance in context.
Contact: Peter Linsley, Policy and Performance Manager Telephone: (01524) 586873 Email: Health and Housing Services What Happy Mount Park Satisfaction Consultation When July - September How Face to face, online questionnaires and Sport and Play Officer sessions. Who Local residents and visitors to the park Why To find out what people think of the park and its attractions/facilities. Contact Promenade and Outdoor Facilities Manager (Sharon Wilson) Email: Telephone: 01524 582847 Wellbeing What Happy Mount Park Masterplan Consultation When July – September Tuesday July 9th 3:30 – 6:30pm Saturday 13th July 11:00 – 3:00pm Week commencing 26 August – date to be confirmed Saturday 28th September How Face to face in the park and meetings with those interested plus a stakeholder workshop (31 July) Who Local residents and visitors to the park Why To find out how people feel about and future ideas for the park. Once prioritised, a consultation will take place on potential designs in September. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services What Park Health Check Covering: Williamson Park, Happy Mount Park, Regent Park, Ryelands Park and Douglas Park.
When Launched in Love Parks Week (27 July to 3 Aug) ongoing survey How Online survey which will be promoted through web pages and social media. Some face to face questionnaires carried out by park volunteers. Who Local residents Why To measure customer satisfaction and the level of pride people have in their parks. Contact Marketing Officer (Emma Jones) Email: Telephone: 01524 582708 Regeneration and Planning (Communications)
What Assembly Room Surveys When July 24 July 2013 am 26 July 2013 pm How Face to face questionnaires and targeted discussions Who Assembly Room and general shoppers Why To help us to understand how the Assembly Rooms is currently used and identify opportunities for improvement. Contact Visitor Economy Development Officer (Rachael Dyer) Email: Telephone: 01524 582805 Regeneration and Planning Service What Replacement of play equipment in the current area When 31 July on site How Drop in session on site Who Local residents Why To find out what local residents preference are for replacement equipment. The playground is coming to the end of its life and needs refurbishing. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822
Environmental Services
What Future of Storey Gardens When July to November How Various eg open days, questionnaires, focus groups Who Local residents and relevant stakeholders Why To find about people’s views on the future of the Storey Gardens eg whether they should be open to the public etc. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services What Proposed new skate park in the Warton and Carnforth area When July/August How Door to door questionnaire with pre paid envelopes. Approximately 500. Who Local residents and potential users Why To find out whether there is a need for a skate park in the area. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services
September What Morecambe’s Seaside Festival When September 2013 How During the festival a questionnaire will be handed out with prepaid envelopes. An online questionnaire will go live after the festival. Who People attending the festival Why To find out what people think of the event and to gain an indication of visitor numbers attending from outside the district.
Contact Marketing Officer (Mark McTigue) Email: Telephone:01524 582870 Communications What Community Pool Satisfaction Survey When September/October 2013 How Paper based and online questionnaire. Who Community Pool Customers; Heysham, Carnforth and Hornby Why To gain an understanding of current user satisfaction levels including choice and use of pools. In addition, the survey will gain existing user views on their general all round level physical activity/lifestyle. This consultation is taking place as part of a wider review of Salt Ayre. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Draft AONB Management Plan 2014-19, draft Delivery Plan and draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report When September – October 2013 How On line consultation promoted via email and media Who AONB Partnership members, key stakeholders, local residents, members of the public. Why To gain views on the draft plan proposals to help inform how the final plan progresses. Contact: AONB Officer (David Askew) AONB Development Officer (Sue Hunter) Telephone 01524 761034 Email: Regeneration and Planning
October What Leaseholder Manual When October/November/December 2013
How Invitation only consultation meeting Who Officers, leaseholder quality group, leaseholders Why To gain views to inform the development of a comprehensive leasehold policy. Contact: Principal Administration Officer (Ian A Hurst) Email: Telephone: 01524 582517 Health and Housing What Sport and Activity Non User Survey When Autumn 2013 How Paper based and online questionnaire. Who Non users of sport and physical activity facilities. Why To gain an understanding of how the Salt Ayre brand is perceived by non users, reasons for their non activity and the types and to help identify levels of “non organised physical activity” taking place. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Local Democracy When October 2013 (various through year) How ' Pupil Power'game and mock council Event displays eg Fresher’s Fair and Careers Events Who Children and young people from across the district. Pupils participating, teachers, Council Officers and Members Schools and college within the district. Why Pupil power and mock council events encourage children and young people to engage with and learn about the democratic process, what services the council provides and how decisions have to be made dependent on budgets available. Event displays help to raise awareness off careers and jobs available in the district.
Contact Children’s Trust Co-ordinator (Sue Pickthall) Email: Telephone: 01524 582662 Partnerships
November What Annual Firework Spectacular 2013 When November 2013 How During the festival a questionnaire will be handed out with prepaid envelopes. An online questionnaire will go live after the festival. Who People attending the festival Why To find out what people think of the event and identify improvements for future events. Contact Marketing Officer (Mark McTigue) Email: Telephone:01524 582870 Communications What A View for Eric - National Maintenance Week When 25-31 November 2013 How Activities likely to include a workshop, leaflet, press release etc Who Local residents, business owners, volunteers, contractors and professionals Why To raise awareness about the importance of carrying out regular maintenance on historic buildings. A View for Eric forms part of the Morecambe Townscape Heritage Initiative 2. Contact Senior Service Support Administrator (Justin Shaw) E-mail: Telephone: 01524 582375 Planning and Regeneration
Planned for 2013/14 What Value of ‘Blue Space’ (water and coastal areas) When Summer 2013
How Face to face and online questionnaires Who Local residents Why To measure the ' value of blue space'(water and coastal areas). This information will help the council to identify the health benefits that its various initiatives and areas provide. This information could then be shared with Lancashire Sport who are now acting as a liaison for GPs etc. Contact Promenade and Outdoor Facilities Manager (Sharon Wilson) Email: Telephone: 01524 582847 Wellbeing What ‘Green Space’ Consultations When Ongoing linked to a range of projects throughout 2013/14 How Face to face and online questionnaires and workshops (where appropriate). Who Local residents including residents groups Why These will mainly be in conjunction with residents groups and will vary depending on the project and need. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services What Museum Consultations When 2013/2014 How Paper based and online questionnaire. Who Museum visitors at various museum sites, City, Maritime, Cottage, Judges Lodgings, Storey Gallery and The Castle Why To gain an understanding of current user satisfaction levels across a number of areas of the museum service. Also to gain an understanding of the visitor profile that the museums are attracting. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing
Throughout 2013/14 What Holiday Activity Programmes - Participant and Parent/Guardian Reviews When April 2013, May 2013 , August 2013, October 2013 and February 2014 How Paper questionnaire. Who Activity programme participants and their parents/guardians. Why To gain an understanding of participant and parent/guardian satisfaction levels. This can then be compared with previous levels to help to monitor service improvements. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Holiday Playscheme Programme - Participant and Parent/Guardian Reviews When Throughout 2013 How Paper questionnaire. Who Playscheme programme participants and their parents/guardians. Why To gain an understanding of participant and parent/guardian satisfaction levels. This can then be compared with previous levels to help to monitor service improvements. Contact Performance and IT Manager (Jason Mills) Email: Telephone: 01524 582830 Wellbeing What Salt Ayre and Community Swimming Pool Customer “Talk Back” system When Ongoing How Completion and return of the Customer Feedback Forms – “Talk Back” available at the facilities. Who All sport/leisure facility users Why To provide an opportunity for customers and the sports/leisure facility users to engage via comments, compliments and complaints. Contact: Salt Ayre Operations Manager (Susan Williams)
Email: Telephone: 847540 ext. 207 Wellbeing What Platform Customer “Talk Back” system When Ongoing How Completion and return of the Customer Feedback Forms – “Talk Back” available at the Platform Who Platform event attendees Why To introduce the Talk Back system to the Platform to provide an opportunity for the Platform to engage with users via comments, compliments and complaints. Contact Platform Interim Manager (Katrina Cross) Email: Telephone: 01524 582828 Wellbeing What Recycling Participation Monitoring When Throughout 2013 How Areas are visited fortnightly over a period of six weeks to monitor whether residents present recycling boxes for collection. Houses that haven’t put any boxes out over this period will be visited by a recycling officer to discuss this and determine if they require any assistance to help them recycle. Who Initially low participation to be targeted moving to a random selection across the district. Target 3 or 4 streets at a time across the district. Why To increase recycling and meet/exceed Central Government set targets. Contact Waste and Recycling promotions officer (Lauren Gora) Email: Telephone: 01524 582466 Environmental Services What Talk Back Forms in Customer Services When Ongoing
How Customer comments/suggestions, compliments and complaints form Who Customers visiting the Customer Service Centres at Lancaster and Morecambe Town Halls. Why To find out what people think and ask for suggestions on how services could be improved. Contact Customer Service and Visitor Information Manager (Heather Armstrong) Email : Telephone : 01524 582399 Communications What Customer Satisfaction Surveys When To be confirmed How Phone or face to face questionnaire with customers Who Customer Service Customers Why To find out satisfaction levels with customer service and identify areas for improvement. Contact Customer Service and Visitor Information Manager (Heather Armstrong) Email : Telephone : 01524 582399 Communications What Visitor Information Centre Customer Satisfaction Surveys When Ongoing How Paper questionnaire Who Customers who choose to complete a postcard available on counters. Why To find out customer satisfaction levels with our visitor information centres. Basic questions are designed for sharing across a national tourism benchmarking group. Contact Customer Service and Visitor Information Centre Manager (Heather Armstrong) Email: Telephone: 01524 582399 Communications What Home Improvement Agency Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
When Ongoing – on completion of service How Paper questionnaire with free post return envelope Who People who use the home improvement agency service Why To find out what people think and ask for suggestions on how services could be improved. The results of the surveys are used to report back to various funding partners. Contact Housing Enabling Officer (John Helme) Email: Telephone: 01524 582611 Health and Housing What Pest Control Customer Satisfaction Survey When Completion of pest control service How Paper (postal) survey Who Pest control customers Why To find out if customers are satisfied with the service that pest control provides and identify areas of improvement. Contact Public Health Team Leader (Susan Clowes) Email: Telephone: 01524 582740 Health and Housing What Housing Standards Customer Satisfaction Survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaires Who A 20% sample of completed housing standard investigations. Usually tenants Why To find out if complaints were investigated and dealt with satisfactory and within timescale. Contact Housing Standards Team Leader (Fiona Macleod) Email: Telephone: 01524 582649 Health and Housing
What Environmental Permit Application Consultations When Following receipt of an environmental permit application How Consultation letters, possible online and face to face discussions Who Neighbours of almost every planning application. A range of statutory consultees eg Parish Councils, Environment Agency, Environmental Health etc. Why This is a statutory requirement. Contact Air Quality Officer (Paul Cartmell) Email: Telephone: 01524 582728 Health and Housing What Street Pride When Throughout 2013/14 How Online questionnaire on street pride web page. Emailed to people who nominate streets once street pride has taken place. Who Local residents Why To find out what people think about the information provided before events, street improvements and role in continuing to keep street clean and tidy and use this to improve future events. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services What Potential new play areas or alterations to existing play areas When Ongoing linked to a range of projects throughout 2013/14 How • Door to door questionnaires to approx. 250 – 500 households within the catchment areas. • School visits • Discussions with young people • Workshops (where appropriate) Who
Local residents including children and young people in play area catchment areas Why To ensure local people’s views and needs are taken into account in order to deliver good provision of facilities. To be used to inform relevant funding bids. Contact Public Realm Officer (Helen Ryan) Email: Telephone: 01524 582822 Environmental Services What Food Complaints Survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who People who have made complaints about food or food premises Why To find out if complaints were investigated and dealt with satisfactory and within timescale Contact: Environmental Health Manager (Nick Howard) Email: Telephone: 01524 582734 Health and Housing What Food Premises Inspection Survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who Food business operators Why To find out satisfaction levels with the way that the food hygiene inspections are carried out. To identify problems and improvements. Contact Environmental Health Manager (Nick Howard) Email: Telephone: 01524 582734 Health and Housing What Environmental Protection Services Customer Satisfaction Survey
When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who Environmental Protection Service Customers Why To find out how satisfied customer are with how customer enquiries and complaints have been dealt and use feedback to make service improvements Contact Environmental Protection Manager (Nick Howard) Email: Telephone: 01524 582734 Health and Housing What Planning Applications When Following receipt of a planning application How Consultation Letters Site notices posted for many applications to notify anyone passing the site that an application has been received. Weekly list of all applications the planning service has received made available on line and sent out by email. Legal requirement under Town and Planning Act 1990. Public Access web site provides details of all planning applications, including access to the plans, documents and an electronic map so people can view applications near their property. Future improvements to the Public Access website will mean that people can register and receive email alerts on applications received. Who Near neighbours of almost every planning application. A range of statutory consultees eg Parish Councils, Environment Agency, Environmental Health etc. Other interest groups relevant to a planning application eg community groups, special interest groups for example the Ramblers Association or the North Lancashire Bat Group as specialist comments are often required. Why Legal requirement to notify neighbours and consultation on applications (Town and Country Planning Act 1990). Contact Planning Advice Team Email: Telephone: 01524 582381 Regeneration and Planning
Biannual/Annual Surveys What Web Site Pop Up Survey When Annual How A percentage of website visitors are asked by a pop up if they are willing to complete a short survey. This is part of a national customer satisfaction scheme. Carried out by Socitm. Who A percentage of people who visit the web site Why To find out whether people think the website is easy to use and how it could be improved. Contact Web and E-marketing Officer (Ian Jackson) Email: Telephone: 01524 582038 Communications What Visitor Information Centre (VIC) Mystery Shopping Survey When Not yet confirmed – annual How Arranged by Visit England, an assessor visits/calls/emails the VICs unannounced and supplies a subsequent report on customer service and quality of information provision. Who Independent assessor/Visit England Why To ensure that standards of service provision continue to conform to National Tourist Information Centre Standards. To ensure that visitors are receiving consistently good service. Contact Visitor Services Officer (Allison Thomas) Email: Telephone: 01524 582397 Communications What Employee Matters Survey When 2013/14 How Online and paper questionnaire Who All Council staff Why To find out staff opinions on internal communication, job satisfaction, stress, training
and customer service and identify improvements Contact Human Resources Manager (Stuart Hampson) Email: Telephone: 01524 582076 Governance What Internal IT users survey When Annually How Online questionnaire Who Council computer users Why To find out how satisfied Council computer users are with the service they receive from Information Services and how well the service supports the Council' s business. This will allow us to focus on specific areas for business improvement. Contact: Applications Manager (Chris Riley) Email: Telephone: 01524 582106 ICT