2014 15 consultation plan

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Lancaster City Council’s 2014/15 Consultation Plan April 

Empty homes strategy

May     

Overview scrutiny committee work programme Potential health trail (active parks) in Ryelands Park (ongoing) Local heritage list criteria Future development of cliffs play area (ongoing) AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) housing needs survey

June  

Meeting our future housing needs Ryelands Park BMX track appearance and structure (ongoing)

July 

Mobile Homes Act - potential new inspection regime

August  Polling district and polling places review  Happy Mount Park masterplan (ongoing since 2013) September  Lancaster City Council staff survey  Greaves Park masterplan October  Local democracy/pupil power event January 

AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) development plan document issues and options

February   

Employment and skills plan supplementary planning document Design of shop fronts supplementary planning document Meeting housing needs supplementary planning document

Other potential consultations for 2014/15        

Williamson Park Palatine recreational ground Selective licensing Public awareness/expectations of food and health and safety services Air quality management area order amendment Potential council housing new build sites Council tax support Customer service satisfaction surveys

Throughout 2014/15                             

Holiday activity programmes Holiday playscheme programme Salt Ayre and community swimming pool customer “Talk Back” system Ad hoc Salt Ayre and community swimming pool feedback Potential developments for parks and open spaces Potential new play areas/alterations to existing play areas Recycling participation monitoring Street pride survey Food complaints survey Food premises inspection survey Environmental protection services customer satisfaction survey Pest control customer satisfaction survey Housing standards customer satisfaction survey Environmental permit applications consultations Home improvement agency customer satisfaction questionnaire Health and housing customer satisfaction questionnaire Council housing estate and sheltered housing surgeries and walk abouts Council housing tenant mystery shoppers Council housing tenant audit inspectors group District wide tenants forum Council housing quality groups including repairs, neighbourhood management and allocation, leaseholders and customer services and resident involvement Street/block voice and tenant and resident associations Annual council housing tenant environmental budget consultation Visitor information centre customer satisfaction surveys Planning applications Planning and housing policy consultation list Talk back forms (comments, compliments and complaints) Web site pop up survey Voice your views panel

April What Empty homes strategy When 8 April to 27 May 2014 How Via email and presented to two Cabinet Liaison Groups. Who All elected members and members of the Homeless Forum which includes statutory organisations, Registered Providers and third sector organisations. Why To find out the views of stakeholders, elected members and other interested parties before the strategy was presented to Cabinet for approval. Contact Housing strategy officer (Kathy Beaton) Regeneration and planning planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk

May What? Overview and scrutiny committee work programme When? April/May 2014 How? Your District Council Matters, Issue 31, Spring/Summer 2014 (page 17) Press release Councillors intranet site/email Report to council management team Who? Members of the public, councillors and council management team Why? Overview and scrutiny are keen to focus on issues that matter to local people. Consulting on the work programme is also a constitutional requirement (part 4, Section 5, 9(a)). Contact Principal democratic support officer (Stephen Metcalfe) Governance scrutiny@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Potential health trail (active parks) in Ryelands Park (ongoing) When? May – workshop at Lune Children’s Centre in Ryelands Park June - ‘This side of the river’ festival August – event in market square How? Workshops and events to share experiences of using the park and come up with ideas which will help designers from Lancaster University create plans or prototypes of the ideas using creative tools.

Who? Local residents Why? Lancaster City Council is working in partnership with Lancaster University, the Friends of Ryelands Park and NHS Lancashire Public Health to co-design a health trail in park. The aim of the Active Parks Project is to develop a new way of motivating the local community to take physical activity in their local park. As a result, a set of design guidelines and early prototypes will be taken forward by the project team and hopefully implemented, subject to further funding. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) Environmental services hryan@lancaster.gov.uk For more information visit www.imagination.lancs.ac.uk/activities/Active_Parks or www.facebook.com/RyelandsPark

What? Local heritage list criteria When? May 2014 How? Letter/email Who? Local residents, parish councils, local interest groups and local architectural firms Why? Lancaster City Council is in the process of developing a local list to assist with identifying locally important buildings and structures throughout the district (in addition to the national criteria). Contact Conservation officer (Juliette Griffiths) Regeneration and planning planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk For more information visit www.lancaster.gov.uk/conservation

What? Future of Cliffs play area When? An initial meeting took place on Thursday, 8th May at Heysham Library, Heysham Road, Heysham starting at 6.30pm. Since then a community group has been formed and is working towards relocating and redeveloping the park which has been renamed as Bay Cottage play area.

The group held a consultation/ fun day was held on 20 July. How? Public meeting Ongoing friends of Bay Cottage play area group meetings Who? Local residents Why? The Cliffs Play Area (also known by some as Bay Cottages) situated close to the shoreline between Whinnysty Lane and Knowlys Road, has come to the end of its useful life. A play area at this site has been enjoyed by families and visitors to the area for more than 30 years. The council is keen to continue working with the local community to consider ways to retain and improve a play area in this area. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) Environmental services hryan@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Silverdale and Arnside AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) housing needs survey When? May 2014 How? Cumbria Rural Housing were commissioned to carry out this independent survey. A covering letter and copy of the survey was sent to every household in the AONB area. Who? Every household in the Arnside and Silverdale AONB area. Why? Lancaster City Council and South Lakeland District Council need an understanding of the housing needs in the AONB area to help inform the councils Local Plans. The Local Plans will specify land that could be used for housing and employment development until 2031. Contact Senior planning officer (David Porter) Regeneration and planning dporter@lancaster.gov.uk

June What? Meeting our future housing needs When? June/July 2014

How?  14 drop in events across the district  Information on website including an online questionnaire  Wide range of publicity including press releases (resulted in local papers, online and radio coverage), emails, articles in newsletters, facebook, twitter, highlighted in various external meetings, posters and postcards in a wide range of locations. Who? Local residents, developers and a wide range of relevant organisations Why? To find out views on five potential options to identify additional housing sites across the district. Contact Consultation and engagement officer (Jennifer Milligan) Regeneration and planning planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Ryelands Park BMX track appearance and structure (ongoing) When? June 2014 How? Display at the ‘This side of the river’ festival, followed by Ryelands Park facebook Who? Local residents Why? The masterplan consultation process and other consultations in the district have highlighted a need/desire to a BMX pump track within the district. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) Environmental services hryan@lancaster.gov.uk

July What? Mobile Homes Act – potential new inspection regime When? July 2014 How? Letters Who? Mobile homes owners on sites across the district. Why? To help the council to understand mobile home owners site satisfaction to help inform the decision of whether or not the council should implement a new inspection regime of mobile home sites across the district.

Contact Public health team leader (Susan Clowes) sclowes@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

August What? Polling district and polling places review When? August to September 19 2014 How? Letters/emails Press release Who? Local residents Voice your view panel members with an interest in democracy City and county councillors MPs Parish councils Various organisations who represent older people and people with disabilities Why? The city council is reviewing its arrangements for voters on election day by reviewing polling districts and places. Contact Elections manager (Lisa Vines) Governance elections@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Happy Mount Park draft masterplan When? Ongoing since 2013 A consultation event was held by friends of the park and Lancaster City Council on Saturday 30 August 2014 between 2pm and 4pm for the final draft master plan How? Displays in the park in connection with the Happy Mount Park development group. Who? Local residents Previous consultation has also taken place with leaseholders, bowlers, police, councillors, park users and the park’s volunteer group. Why? To find out views on draft masterplan. This will now be used to bid for external funding whenever this becomes available. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) Environmental services hryan@lancaster.gov.uk For more information visit www.lancaster.gov.uk/happymountpark

September What? Lancaster City Council staff survey When? September 2014 How? Email and paper survey Who? Council staff Why? To find out staff views on a range of work based issues including customer service, management, communication, learning and development, equality and diversity. Contact Consultation and engagement officer (Jennifer Milligan) Regeneration and planning jmilligan@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Greaves Park masterplan When? September 2014 How? Face to face consultation was carried out during a ‘picnic in the park’ event. This will be followed up with door to door questionnaires. Who? Local residents Why? An initial consultation took place to find out what people feel and want from this park which will then be feed into a unique masterplan and vision for the park Lancashire County Council has agree to fund the development of the masterplan Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) Environmental services hryan@lancaster.gov.uk

October What? Local democracy When? October 2013 How? Pupil Power event which includes pupil power game, introduction to council services and a town hall tour Who? - Children and young people from across the district. - Pupils participating, teachers, Council Officers and Members - Schools and college within the district

Why? Local democracy events such as Pupil power encourage children and young people to engage with and learn about council services and how decisions have to be made dependent on budgets available. It also introduces them to the democratic process and provides an insight into council business and the buildings that we operate from. Event displays help to raise awareness off careers and jobs available in the district. Contact Children’s trust co-ordinator (Sue Pickthall) Health and housing spickthall@lancaster.gov.uk

January What? Arnside and Silverdale AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) issues and options consultation. When? January/February 2015 How? Issues and Options document will be circulated to landowners, developers, residents and organisations within the AONB for comment and response, as an important step in developing the Arnside and Silverdale AONB Plan. Who? Key stakeholders, including all on the existing contacts database. Why? Lancaster City Council and South Lakeland District Council are committed to preparing a joint development plan for the Arnside and Silverdale AONB area. The Issues and Options stage is the first formal stage in preparing a plan, and precedes writing policies or allocating sites – it is designed to test whether the councils have identified the correct planning issues and the correct options for dealing with them. Contact Senior planning officer (David Porter) Regeneration and planning dporter@lancaster.gov.uk

February What? Employment and skills plans supplementary planning document (SPD) When? Consultation on a draft SPD in early 2015 and aim to adopt in summer 2015. How? Email to planning policy consultation database, a press release and information on the planning policy web pages Who? Members of the public and organisations that are on the planning policy consultation database. Why? This supplementary planning document aims to encourage the growth of local apprenticeships through the construction phase of development proposals.

Contact Senior regeneration officer (Paul Rogers) Regeneration and planning planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Design of shop fronts supplementary planning document (SPD) When? Consultation on a draft SPD in early 2015 and aim to adopt in summer 2015. How? Email to planning policy consultation database, a press release and information on the planning policy web pages Who? Members of the public and organisations that are on the planning policy consultation database. Why? This supplementary planning document aims to provide guidance and advice on the design of shop fronts within town centres. Particularly the historic town centre of Lancaster. Contact Senior planning officer (Paul Hatch) Regeneration and planning planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk

What? Meeting housing needs supplementary planning document (SPD) When? Consultation on a draft SPD in early 2015 and aim to adopt in summer 2015. How? Email to planning policy consultation database, a press release and information on the planning policy web pages Who? Members of the public and organisations that are on the planning policy consultation database. Why? This supplementary planning document aims to ensure that developers and members of the public understand the council’s approach to meeting housing needs within the district including sizes and types of housing. In particular, how affordable housing will be sought and provided. Contact Planning policy officer (David Jeffrey) planningpolicy@lancaster.gov.uk Regeneration and planning

Throughout 2014/15 What Holiday activity programmes When April 2014/May 2014 /August 2014/October 2013/February 2015

How Paper questionnaire. Who Activity programme participants and their parents/guardians. Why To gain an understanding of participant and parent/guardian satisfaction levels. This can then be compared with previous levels to help to monitor service improvements. Contact Salt Ayre customer services officer (Simon Cheyette) saltayre@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Holiday playscheme programme When Throughout 2014 How Paper questionnaire. Who Playscheme programme participants and their parents/guardians. Why To gain an understanding of participant and parent/guardian satisfaction levels. This can then be compared with previous levels to help to monitor service improvements. Contact Salt Ayre customer services officer (Simon Cheyette) saltayre@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Salt Ayre and community swimming pool customer “Talk Back” system When Ongoing How Completion and return of the Customer Feedback Forms – “Talk Back” available at the facilities. Who All sport/leisure facility users Why To provide an opportunity for customers and the sports/leisure facility users to engage via comments, compliments and complaints. Contact: Salt Ayre customer services officer (Simon Cheyette) saltayre@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Ad Hoc Salt Ayre and community swimming pool feedback When Ongoing

How Face to face Short feedback form Who All sport/leisure facility users Why To find out what customers and the sports/leisure facility users think about potential changes eg session type or times. Contact: Salt Ayre customer services officer (Simon Cheyette) saltayre@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Potential developments for parks and open spaces When? Ongoing linked to a range of projects throughout 2014/15 How Potential ways of consulting include:  Door to door questionnaires to approx. 250 – 500 households within the catchment areas.  School visits  Discussions with young people  Workshops Who? Local residents including children and young people in park/open space catchment areas Why? To ensure local people’s views and needs are taken into account in order to deliver good provision of facilities. To be used to inform relevant funding bids. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) hryan@lancaster.gov.uk Environmental services

What? Potential new play areas or alterations to existing play areas When? Ongoing linked to a range of projects throughout 2014/15 How Potential ways of consulting include:  Door to door questionnaires to approx. 250 – 500 households within the catchment areas.  School visits  Discussions with young people  Workshops Who? Local residents including children and young people in play area catchment areas Why? To ensure local people’s views and needs are taken into account in order to deliver good provision of facilities. To be used to inform relevant funding bids.

Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) hryan@lancaster.gov.uk Environmental services

What? Recycling participation monitoring When? Throughout 2014 How? Areas are visited fortnightly over a period of six weeks to monitor whether residents present recycling boxes for collection. Houses that haven’t put any boxes out over this period will be visited by a recycling officer to discuss this and determine if they require any assistance to help them recycle. Who? Initially low participation to be targeted moving to a random selection across the district. Target 3 or 4 streets at a time across the district. Why? To increase recycling and meet/exceed Central Government set targets and those within the council’s corporate priorities. Contact Waste and recycling recycling@lancaster.gov.uk Environmental services

What? Street pride When? Throughout 2014/15 How? Online questionnaire on street pride web page. Emailed to people who nominate streets once street pride has taken place. Who? Local residents Why? To find out what people think about the information provided before events, street improvements and role in continuing to keep street clean and tidy and use this to improve future events. Contact Public realm officer (Helen Ryan) hryan@lancaster.gov.uk Environmental services

What? Home improvement agency customer satisfaction questionnaire When? Ongoing – on completion of service How? Paper questionnaire with free post return envelope Who? People who use the home improvement agency service Why? To find out what people think and ask for suggestions on how services could be improved. The results of the surveys are used to report back to various funding partners. Contact Housing enabling officer (John Helme) jhelme@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Pest control customer satisfaction survey When? Completion of pest control service How? Paper (postal) survey Who? Pest control customers Why? To find out if customers are satisfied with the service that pest control provides and identify areas of improvement. Contact Public health team leader (Susan Clowes) sclowes@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Housing standards customer satisfaction survey When? Monthly How? Paper (postal) questionnaires Who? A 20% sample of completed housing standard investigations, usually tenants. Why? To find out if complaints were investigated and dealt with satisfactory and within timescale. Contact Housing standards team leader (Fiona Macleod) fmacleod@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Food complaints survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who People who have made complaints about food or food premises Why To find out if complaints were investigated and dealt with satisfactory and within timescale Contact: Public health and safety team leader (Steve Sylvester) ssylvester@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Food premises inspection survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who Food business operators Why To find out satisfaction levels with the way that the food hygiene inspections are carried out. To identify problems and improvements. Contact Public health and safety team leader (Steve Sylvester) ssylvester@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Environmental protection services customer satisfaction survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaire Who Environmental Protection Service Customers Why To find out how satisfied customer are with how customer enquiries and complaints have been dealt and use feedback to make service improvements Contact Environmental protection manager (Nick Howard) Email: nhoward@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Housing standards customer satisfaction survey When Monthly How Paper (postal) questionnaires Who A 20% sample of completed housing standard investigations, usually tenants. Why To find out if complaints were investigated and dealt with satisfactory and within timescale. Contact Housing standards team leader (Fiona Macleod) fmacleod@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Environmental permit application consultations When? Following receipt of an environmental permit application How? Consultation letters, possible online and face to face discussions Who? Neighbours of almost every planning application. A range of statutory consultees eg Parish Councils, Environment Agency, Environmental Health etc. Why? This is a statutory requirement. Contact Air quality officer (Paul Cartmell) pcartmell@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Home Improvement Agency Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire When Ongoing – on completion of service How Paper questionnaire with free post return envelope Who People who use the home improvement agency service Why To find out what people think and ask for suggestions on how services could be improved. The results of the surveys are used to report back to various funding partners.

Contact Housing enabling officer (John Helme) Email: jhelme@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Health and housing customer satisfaction questionnaire (following planned maintenance works on homes) When? Ongoing How? Paper questionnaire Who? Council housing tenants Why? To involve council housing tenants and find out what they think of our services and how they can be improved. Contact Questionnaire – Technical manager (Tom Greenwood) tgreenwood@lancaster.gov.uk Results – Policy and performance officer (Tim Brunwin) tbrunwin@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Council housing estate and sheltered housing surgeries and walk abouts When? Twice per year How? Face to face surgeries/walk abouts to identify issues Who? Council housing and sheltered housing tenants Why? To involve council housing tenants and find out what they think of our services and how they can be improved. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing What? Council housing tenant mystery shoppers When? Ongoing How? Set mystery shopping exercises – contact council housing services by telephone, email and face to face and score various aspects of the customer experience. Who? Council housing tenants who have received training to carry out mystery shopping exercises.

Why? To ensure that council housing are provided a high quality service and identify areas for improvement. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Council housing tenant audit inspectors group When? Ongoing – one project per year How? Audit and Inspect one area of the service to independently review and make recommendations for improvement. Who? Council housing tenants who have received training to carry out an indepth inspection. Why? To ensure that council housing are providing a high quality service and identify areas for improvement. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? District wide tenants forum When? Ongoing How? Quarterly meetings? Who? Council housing tenants and leaseholders who are interested in being involved, councillors and senior health and housing service officers. Why? To involve council housing tenants and leaseholders at the highest level of decision making and ensure that their opinion is taken into consideration by councillors at cabinet meetings. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Council housing quality groups including repairs, neighbourhood management and allocation, leaseholders and customer services and resident involvement

When? Ongoing How? Quarterly meetings Who? Council housing tenants who are interested in being involved Why? To involve council housing tenants and find out what they think of our services and how they can be improved. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Street/block voice and tenant and resident associations When? Ongoing How? One to one and group meetings with tenant participation officer? Who? Council housing tenants who are interested in being involved Why? To involve council housing tenants and find out what they think of our services and how they can be improved. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What? Annual council housing tenant environmental budget consultation (ongoing via walk abouts) When? Ongoing How? Environmental budget sub group meetings who review - estate walkabouts, tenants and resident associations, street voice, block voice, sheltered housing surgery/walkabouts. Who? Council housing tenants who are interested in being involved Why? To involve council housing tenants and find out what they think of our services and how they can be improved. Contact Tenant participation officer (Juliet Grant) jgrant@lancaster.gov.uk Health and housing

What Visitor Information Centre (VIC) customer satisfaction surveys When Ongoing How Paper questionnaire Who Customers who choose to complete a postcard available on counters. Why To find out customer satisfaction levels with our visitor information centres and to identify any constructive customer comments. Contact Visitor services officer (Allison Thomas) lancastervic@lancaster.gov.uk For more information visit: www.visitlancaster.co.uk www.visitmorecambe.co.uk

What? Planning applications When? Following receipt of a planning application How? Consultation Letters Site notices posted for many applications to notify anyone passing the site that an application has been received. Weekly list of all applications the planning service has received made available on line and sent out by email. Legal requirement under Town and Planning Act 1990. Public Access web site http://planapps.lancaster.gov.uk/publicaccess provides details of all planning applications, including access to the plans, documents and an electronic map so people can view applications near their property. Future improvements to the Public Access website will mean that people can register and receive email alerts on applications received. Who? Near neighbours of almost every planning application. A range of statutory consultees eg Parish Councils, Environment Agency, Environmental Health etc. Other interest groups relevant to a planning application eg community groups, special interest groups for example the Ramblers Association or the North Lancashire Bat Group as specialist comments are often required. Why? Legal requirement to notify neighbours and consultation on applications (Town and Country Planning Act 1990). Contact Planning advice team developmentcontrol@lancaster.gov.uk Regeneration and planning

What? Planning and housing policy consultation list When? Ongoing How? Email Who? Members of the public and organisations who have signed up to the planning policy consultation list. Why? To keep planning policy consultation list members informed about upcoming consultations, Local Plan documents and other planning policy matters. Contact Consultation and engagement officer (Jennifer Milligan) haveyoursay@lancaster.gov.uk Regeneration and planning

What? ‘Talk Back’ forms on website and available on request in customer services When? Ongoing How? Customer comments/suggestions, compliments and complaints form Who? Customers visiting the website or customer service centres at Lancaster and Morecambe Town Halls. Why? To find out what people think and ask for suggestions on how services could be improved. Contact Customer services manager (Alison McGurk) amcgurk@lancaster.gov.uk Resources

What? Website pop up survey When? Ongoing How? A percentage of website visitors are asked by a pop up if they are willing to complete a short online exit survey. This is part of a national customer satisfaction benchmarking scheme provided by Socitm. Who? A percentage of people who visit the web site, selected at random Why? To find out whether people think the website is easy to use and how it could be improved.

Contact Web and e-marketing officer (Ian Jackson) communications@lancaster.gov.uk Regeneration and planning

What? Voice your views panel When? Ongoing How? Email Who? Members of the public and organisations who have signed up to the voice your views panel. Why? To keep voice your view panel members informed about consultations and how they can have their say and get involved in areas of the council that interest them. Contact Consultation and engagement officer (Jennifer Milligan) haveyoursay@lancaster.gov.uk Regeneration and planning

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