Local plan progress table june 2014

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Local Plan progress table Process documents Local Development Scheme

Annual Monitoring Report

Statement of Community Involvement

Description It sets out the timetable for the Local Plan for April 2010 - March 2015. It covers which Development Plan Documents will be produced, helps the community to understand the development plan process and how to get involved. Councils are required to publish this each year to show how the preparation of the Local Plan documents are progressing and to monitor the effects of planning policy on the district. It sets out how we involve people in plan-making and the planning application process. It includes details about who will be involved, consulted with and how and when this will be done.

Development documents

Completed Stages

Core Strategy

Adopted July 2008

Development Management Policies Morecambe Area Action Plan

Land Allocations and Local Plan Policies Map

Adoption / publication date

 Consultation carried out on a draft policy options July - August 2011  Draft Preferred Options consultation carried held October – December 2012  Preparation of report on findings of Draft Preferred Options consultation  Publication version was open for representations October to November 2013  Submission of Development Management DPD to Planning Inspectorate – December 2013  Consultation carried out on a draft policy options July - August 2011  Draft Preferred Options consultation carried held October – December 2012  Preparation of report on findings of Draft Preferred Options consultation

Updated version published July 2013 Report published for previous financial year each December Adopted June 2006, an updated version was consulted upon in August to September 2013

Current Stage

Next Stage

Public examination of the documents – Late March 2014

Adoption – Summer 2014

 Strategic Options consultation on general approach to sites for increased housing requirement

Addendum consultation on additional Land Allocations sites – Early 2015 Publication version open for representations – July 2015 Submission to Planning Inspectorate – September 2015 Public examination of the documents – Late 2015 04/06/2014

Local Plan progress table

Memorandum of Agreement signed between Lancaster City Council and South Lakeland District Council

Arnside and Silverdale DPD

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation DPD

 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) completed – July 2013  GRT community engagement event hosted at Salt Ayre Leisure Centre – Sept 2013

Evidence base requirements are being reviewed.

 Additional community engagement planned to determine the type of sites and locations for new allocations.  Planning Officers to accompany Housing colleagues on annual caravan count in December 2013.

Adoption – April 2015 Publication version open for representations – July 2015 Submission to Planning Inspectorate – September 2015 Public examination of the documents – Late 2015 Adoption – January 2016 Publication version open for representations – December 2014 Submission to Planning Inspectorate – April 2015 Public examination of the documents – Summer 2015 Adoption – November 2015

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) Meeting Housing Needs SPD

Adopted 7 February 2013

To be reviewed following the adoption of the Development Management DPD


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