Lancaster Square Routes Revitalising historic spaces and routes in Lancaster city centre
What is Lancaster Square Routes? Lancaster Square Routes is a Lancaster City Council led initiative to help rejuvenate the important historic city centre of Lancaster. By investing in high quality public realm (streets and spaces) the project aims to strengthen the city’s position as a quality destination for both visitors and residents of the district. For more information on the project and how it has been developed, please visit our website at You can download a copy of our previous newsletters here or alternatively you can pick up a copy at Lancaster or Morecambe Town Hall.
Market Square It seems a fairly long time ago since we first stood in a marquee in Market Square and asked for people’s comments on a new project called Lancaster Square Routes. Since May 2009 the project has come a long way and we are very near to seeing one of the main project areas being physically completed. In Market Square we have removed all of the tired paving and redundant street furniture, including the defunct fountain, and introduced a more flexible space yet with significantly more seating, better lighting and with bespoke features that remind you that you’re in Lancaster - a small city with a big story and an even bigger sense of pride! The physical improvements are for a purpose though and we thank everyone for their continuing patience and co-operation and are delighted to see some of the changes starting to bear fruit. It has been great to see the new centrepiece in daily use since the fencing came down just over a month ago; playing host to a combination of tired feet, enquiring minds and musical talent just as intended! We look forward to seeing it used for a wide variety of purposes over the Bank Holiday weekend, event organised by the BID coming months and years. We also look forward to seeing use of the new pedestrian wayfinding signs which will be installed shortly. The first phase of new signs will offer a much improved navigational experience for many locals and visitors alike. The new signs offer mapping which is orientated to the way you are facing, (heads-up mapping) and guidance on walking times to key destinations and facilities, such as the Bus and Railway Stations. They also offer a collection of interpretative stories to intrigue and inspire with a design that complements the bronze artwork around the centrepiece.
Charter Market Following initial consultation with traders, the layout review is on-going. On the back of this, two options are currently being developed for further consultation which will be available soon.
Other than some snagging, works in Horseshoe Corner, Cheapside and Penny Street are otherwise now complete - see the reverse page for some of the recent changes you may have spotted. All works have been gratefully co-funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme 2007-2013, Lancaster City Council and Lancashire County Council.
The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted that we have moved the position of the CCTV column in Horseshoe Corner. The new position is less intrusive on the space and together with a new camera at the Lancaster Gate entrance to St. Nicholas Arcade, is also providing improved coverage within the city centre. Most of the new granite ‘alley mats’ are now in (as below), highlighting some of the traditional ginnel and route names, such as ‘James Lane’ and ‘Ashton Walk’.
Above: CCTV column before and top right: after, close to the building line. Below right: the new trees and seating arrangement on lower Market Street.
All of the new building mounted LED street lights are now installed along Cheapside and Penny Street. We’d like to thank building owners for their co-operation in this and helping to keep Lancaster well lit and less cluttered. A far easier change to spot has been the addition of five new trees in the city centre three along Penny Street and two on lower Market Street. The species are ornamental pears (Pyrus Chanticleer) which have been specifically selected for their suitability for the urban environment. The new bench in lower Market Street replaces the one that was previously outside WH Smith. In this new position it offers a much better resting spot between Market Square and Horseshoe Corner.
Market Street and New Street Square - update Works to lower Market Street are largely finished and the completion of the junction between upper Market Street and New Street is imminent. Works have now started on upper Market Street so there is no vehicular access off King Street until at least Monday 13 October but pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. In the meantime, essential vehicle access to the zone should be made in either of the following ways:
Entering at Penny Street, turning left at Horseshoe Corner to access Market Square whereby onward deliveries etc. should be made on foot. Vehicles should then exit via Horseshoe Corner, turning left into Cheapside and exiting on to North Road, or
Entering at upper Church Street, making onward deliveries to New Street etc. by foot and exiting the zone at the bottom of Church Street on to North Road.
If you have any queries regarding these works, please pop into the site office at 5 Cheapside and ask to speak to Andy Whitfield or Andy Williams of lead civil engineering contractors, The Landscape Group. Their Customer Careline remains 0800 917 6263 should you wish to contact them this way. The Beyond the Castle part of Square Routes has got through to next bidding round of the Coastal Communities Fund programme. Join the team in a number of events as they prepare to submit a full application in mid October to acquire £330,000 for the project. Further details are available at / / (01524) 582000