Portfolio of suitable sites

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land South of Aldcliffe Hall Drive Easting Northing Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 0.82322 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 15

Site Source

Suitability Whilst Aldcliffe is not a village which has been identified as a sustainable location for residential development officers consider that limited development which is locally supported and intended to enhance and maintain the vitality of Aldcliffe may be in accordance with emerging planning policy contained within the Publication edition of the Development Management DPD. Officers note that the site is greenfield and access may be somewhat constrained by trees which are the subject of a TPO. Notwithstanding the above officers consider that the site may be suitable for a modest degree of residential development. Achievability Officers have limited concerns regarding how the land will be accessed and the potential for impacts on protected trees. It is considered that these concerns may be overcome by detailed design of the site. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner during the call for sites process. As such, officers are satisfied that the site could be made available for development promptly. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is deliverable. Development Assessment: Aldcliffe is not a village which has been identified as a sustainable location for residential development however emerging policy in the Development Management DPD suggests that limited development which is locally supported, appropriate in scale and intended to enhance and maintain the vitality of a local community may be supportable. Whilst Aldcliffe falls within the countryside area officers consider it to be a location which benefits from very strong links to Lancaster town centre (pedestrian and cycle in particular via the canal towpath and Millennium Cycleway) although this view is tempered by an understanding that access to the wider road network by motor vehicle is somewhat constrained . As such it is concluded that a development of limited scope may be acceptable subject to careful design and detailed consideration of access and sustainability issues. Officers have some concerns regarding how this land may be accessed however consider that an agreeable solution may be identified with access from Aldcliffe Hall Drive. The potential for impacts on protected trees which would also need to be addressed however as those trees are principally at the perimeter of the site is not considered likely that this will be an insurmountable issues at this stage. Consequently it is considered that a small quantum of housing may be achievable on this site. Officers will review these considerations as more evidence becomes available.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land South of Aldcliffe Hall Drive

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SHLAA Refference


Address The Sheirling And Surrounding Land, Kirkby Lonsdale Road Easting 358195

Site Area 0.594797

Northing 472063 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Extension of owners garden - open field. Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 25


Suitability The site was previously assessed as unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on the exclusion of Arkholme as a village where the council would look to direct development. Since undertaking the SHLAA the council has reassessed its approach to development in villages with Arkholme now included as one of the councils sustainable villages and a location whereby the council would look to support appropriate new development. In view of this officers have reassessed the suitability of this site with the site now viewed to be a suitable location for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


The Sheirling And Surrounding Land, Kirkby Lonsdale Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Arkholme Methodist Church, Kirkby Lonsdale Road Easting Northing Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 0.60764 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 20

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document which identifies Arkholm as a suitable location for residential development

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land East Of Arkholme Methodist Church, Kirkby Lonsdale Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Railway Crossing, St Michaels Lane Easting 347969 Northing 468158 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use

Site Area 0.762626 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 23


Suitability The site lies on the western edge of Bolton-le-Sands which is an identified village in the Local Plan. As such, residential development would be expected in this area. Whilst the site is Greenfield it is not within the Green Belt allocation and is not, according to the Environment Agencies flood zone maps affected by flooding. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site has been proposed through the Councils Local Development Framework consultation. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: Officers consider that the site offers a suitable opportunity for residential development

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land East Of Railway Crossing, St Michaels Lane

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Coastal Road Easting 347799 Northing 467113 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Fields

Site Area 3.878825 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 79


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for residential development as part of the 2011 planning application and as part of the preparation of the Local Plan. Whilst an application for 37 dwellings on this site has recently been refused by the council the appeal has been successful and a further permission has been granted. The Council's objections to that scheme related to detail and not the principle of housing. The site is expected to contribute to future housing supply. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is being taken forward by Oakmere Homes. It is understood that discussions are ongoing to secure complete ownership of this site with some questions over the deliverability of the site as approved in the 2011 planning application. Officers continue to envisage the entire site being brought forward. Deliverability Officers are confident that, subject to current availability issues, this site will be delivered. In view of ownership issues and the need to obtain planning permission the site has not been included in the council's five year supply with delivery not anticipated to the second five year component. Development Assessment: Officers are confident that, subject to current availability issues, this site will be delivered. In view of ownership issues and the need to obtain planning permission the site has not been included in the council's five year supply with delivery not anticipated to the second five year component.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land East Of Coastal Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land West Of Sycamore Road Easting 353684

Current Use Site Area 1.755445 Mainly open fields. Buildings located in the south west corner.

Northing 464644 Greenfield TRUE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 25


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. This considered that the larger site provided an important area of open space between the villages of Caton and Brookhouse with development in this area impacting on the character of the villages and the local natural environment. There were also noted to be access issues associated with the site although it is recognised that further information relating to this has been provided. In reassessing the site Officers consider that there is some potential for development of part of the overall site subject to access and potential landscape impacts being addressed. It is considered that some development, subject to the conclusions of a more detailed landscape assessment, could be accommodated on this site without impacting on the openness of land between Caton and Brookhouse. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that the site is achievable in the immediate future Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. Correspondence from the landowner confirms that the site is available for development. Whilst the site itself is available access into the site is noted to be in separate ownership. Officers would require confirmation that this can be addressed prior to any consideration of the site, it is officers view that this consideration should be limited to the smaller site. Deliverability Subject to the confirmation of access arrangements the site is viewed to be a potentially suitable site for development. The development would need to be designed in a manner which considered the landscape and topography f the surrounding however it is considered that this may be achievable. The site has boundary has been amended to reflect an approximation of the developable areas. The site has therefore been included in the council's housing trajectory. Development Assessment: In reassessing the site Officers consider that there is some potential for development of part of this site subject to access and potential landscape impacts being addressed through appropriate design.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land West Of Sycamore Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land North Of Brewers Barn, North Road Easting 350804 Northing 470931 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agriculture

Site Area 1.697683 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 52

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA with concerns raised regarding access. The 2008 SHLAA also considered there to be more preferable sites for development to meet the needs of Carnforth without extending the town in this area. Whilst officers agree in part with this assessment it is considered that if access issues could be addressed the site could, subject to further assessment work, be considered as a potential housing site. As presently presented it is not clear how this site could be accessed with North Road noted to be at capacity. Pedestrian and public transport access to the site are both noted to be poor. Access could be possible via the adjacent site (site ref SHLAA_43). As discussed in the assessment for site SHLAA_53 it is possible that access could be provided via the A601(M). The County Council, as Highways Authority, have indicated that this could be possible subject to the status of the road being amended. Improvements to public transport provision and pedestrian access would also need to be provided. This is currently being investigated as part of an application for mixed use development on land adjacent to the canal to the south of this site. Subject to this being resolved officers consider the site to be suitable for development. However in the absence of information to confirm how this site could be accessed officers are unable to confirm at this point in time that the site is suitable for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward for development in the lifetime of the plan in years 11 to 15. Deliverability Whilst there are noted to be concerns regarding access officers consider that this could be addressed via proposed access off the A601(M) on land to the south of this site. Subject to this being acceptable as well as improved pedestrian and public transport provision officers believe that this site, in conjunction with adjacent site SHLAA_43 could be considered deliverable for housing. In the absence of information to confirm how this site could be accessed officers are unable to confirm the site as being suitable for development. Development Assessment: Whilst there are noted to be concerns regarding access officers consider that this could be addressed via proposed access off the A601(M) on land to the south of this site. Subject to this being acceptable as well as improved pedestrian and public transport provision officers believe that this site, in conjunction with adjacent site SHLAA_43 could be considered deliverable for housing.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land North Of Brewers Barn, North Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Brewers Barn, North Road Easting 350888 Northing 470784 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agriculture

Site Area 7.372905 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 224


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. This was based on an assessment of access and the remoteness of the site in relation to the main urban area of Carnforth. The 2008 SHLAA considered there to be more preferable sites for development to meet the needs of Carnforth without the need to extend the town in this direction. Whilst officers agree in part with this assessment it is considered that if access issues could be addressed the site could, subject to further assessment work, be considered as a potential housing site. As presently presented it is not clear how this site could be accessed with new access required off the A601 (M). It is understood that this is being investigated as part of the application for mixed use development at this site with the county council, as Highways Authority, indicating that they would not object to such access provided that the status of the A601(M) is amended with all costs borne by the development. Even with this access the site remains poorly linked to the main urban area with improved pedestrian and public transport links required. Unless these issues can be addressed the site cannot be viewed as a suitable location for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. It is not clear how the cost of providing access off the A601(M) would impact on viability. Availability Land adjacent to the canal is currently the subject of a planning application for a mixed use development. Residential development does not form part of this application and as such officers are unable to confirm that the entire site is available for residential development. It is considered that subject to the provision of suitable access an element of this site could be developed for residential development. Deliverability Whilst there are noted to be concerns regarding access the county council have indicated that this could be overcome via access off the A601(M). Subject to this being acceptable as well as improved pedestrian and public transport provision officers believe that this site, in conjunction with adjacent site SHLAA_42 could be considered deliverable for housing. The site is not however being promoted for residential development and as such can not be viewed to be available for development. Development Assessment: Whilst there are noted to be concerns regarding access the county council have indicated that this could be overcome via access off the A601(M). Subject to this being acceptable as well as improved pedestrian and public transport provision officers believe that this site, in conjunction with adjacent site SHLAA_42 could potentially be considered deliverable for housing.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Brewers Barn, North Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Springwood, North Road Easting 350252 Northing 470591 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Residential

Site Area 0.452359 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 9

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was considered to be a suitable housing site in the 2008 SHLAA. There were noted to be some concerns over access which would require upgrading prior to any approval. Topography was also noted to be a potential issue. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Recent information submitted by the landowner confirms continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site is considered to be available for development with the owner indicating continued interest in bringing the site forward for development. Whilst there are noted to be concerns regarding access and topography it is considered that these could be overcome with suitable design and upgrading. Development Assessment: Garden site off North Road. Subject to access improvements the site is viewed to be a suitable location for development, providing much needed housing in a sustainable location. The amenity of adjoining residential properties would need be considered and appropriate design and siting undertaken to ensure that this is protected.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Springwood, North Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land South Of 24-25 Greengate Lane, Crag Bank Easting 348976 Northing 469986 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Garden

Site Area 0.357507 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 5


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment recognised that access was an issue but that it was possible to make improvements to this to serve a small amount of development. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted as part of the SHLAA. It is noted that there has been some developer interest in this site in the past. Deliverability The absence of information to confirm the availability and achievability of this site mean that officers are unable to include this site in the next 5 year period. It is however considered that subject to access improvements this site could be brought forward for small scale residential development in the longer term. For this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s housing land supply. The number of dwellings on this site has been reduced to reflect a more realistic delivery. Development Assessment: The absence of information to confirm the availability and achievability of this site mean that officers are unable to include this site in the next 5 year period. It is however considered that subject to access improvements this site could be brought forward for small scale residential development in the longer term. For this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s housing land supply. The number of dwellings on this site has been reduced to reflect a more realistic delivery.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land South Of 24-25 Greengate Lane, Crag Bank

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land South Of Carnforth Cemetery, Kellet Road Site Area 0.389235

Easting 350460 Northing 470020

Current Use Flood water storage area Previous Use

Greenfield FALSE

Number Dwellings (est) 15


Suitability This site benefits from an established planning permission. Achievability PP Granted at Appeal Availability PP Granted at Appeal Deliverability PP Granted at Appeal Development Assessment: PP Granted at Appeal

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land South Of Carnforth Cemetery, Kellet Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Lundsfield Quarry, Kellet Road Easting 349838 Northing 469992 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Derelict land

Site Area 13.44425 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 200



Suitability The suitability of this site was considered as part of the adopted Local Plan allocation and more recently as part of the determination of the 2008 planning application which the council were minded to approve, subject to the signing of the Section 106 Agreement. The Section 106 Agreement seeks to deliver improved access connecting the site to the rest of Carnforth. The provision of this link was considered to be essential to improving the accessibility of the site which is noted to be poor. Subject to the delivery of this route or the provision of alternative sustainable transport options officers would conclude that the site is suitable for development. Officers have been advised that the Section 106 Agreement for the site is close to being signed. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is noted to be in multiple ownership with 7 landowners involved. The council has been advised by the agent for the site that all landowners are working to bring the scheme forward for development. There is also noted to be active developer interest in the site with Redrow currently having an option on the site. Officers are confident that the Section 106 Agreement is close to agreement and that the site can be considered to be available in the next 5 year period. Deliverability Officers are confident through dialogue with the agents for this site that this site will be delivered in the plan period. Evidence from the agent would indicate that development could commence quickly once the S106 Agreement has been signed. Development Assessment: Officers are confident through dialogue with the agents for this site that this site will be delivered in the plan period. It is noted that the S106 Agreement is close to being signed and that a decision notice for this site will be issued shortly. Officers have no reason to question the deliverability of this site.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Lundsfield Quarry, Kellet Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address 24 Haws Avenue Easting 349705 Northing 470497 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Dwelling curtilage

Site Area 0.238859

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 16


Suitability The site was refused planning permission in 1996. In considering the application officers considered that the site would result in the overdevelopment of a restricted site, would be detrimental the amenity of adjoining houses and wider amenity and would be detrimental to highway safety. The 2008 SHLAA whilst agreeing with the reasons for refusal felt that with appropriate design there may be some potential for development of this site. Officers agree with this conclusion and consider that small scale development may be appropriate. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that the site is achievable for development. Availability Officers have no evidence to confirm that the site is available for development. Deliverability Officers consider there potential for small scale development on this site. Development Assessment: Officers consider there is potential for small scale development on this site. In the absence of confirmation from the landowner the site has been included in the second five year period.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


24 Haws Avenue

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SHLAA Refference


Address Keer Bridge, Warton Road Easting 349889

Site Area 2.430161

Northing 471296 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Mixed Commercial and Childrens Nursery Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 30


Suitability The site was concluded to be suitable in the 2008 SHLAA with no obvious constraints identified. Delivery of the site would however be contrary to the sites current allocation for employment in the Local Plan. In assessing existing employment sites the partial employment land review for the district considered that the site represented one of the least suitable employment sites in the district with potential for reallocation to alternative uses. If the site was to be reallocated through the land allocations process housing was viewed to be most suitable use. This is however subject to a number of factors, including an assessment of flood risk with some of the site located in flood zone 3. Appropriate and sensitive design will also be required given the sites location adjacent to a number of listed buildings and environmental designations. Opportunities to address these issues will need to be considered. Whilst important issues officers believe that through appropriate policies and dialogue with key stakeholders these can be overcome. The site has been included as a residential allocation in the emerging Land Allocations document. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted in the 2008 call for site process by the landowner Correspondence with the owner indicates that they are still interested in bringing the site forward for development. The site is now cleared with no active businesses located on it. Deliverability With appropriate mitigation measures officers believe that this site is a suitable site for housing. This is subject to an assessment of employment needs in the district and the conclusion that this site is no longer needed for employment purposes. This work is being undertaken as part of the land allocations process. Whilst considered to be suitable and available there remains a number of obstacles preventing the immediate development of this site, namely the current allocation and the need to mitigate flood risk. In view of this officers consider it unrealistic to rely on this site in the next 5 year period. The number of dwellings on the site have been reduced from those envisaged in the 2008 SHLAA. This reflects a more realistic level of development and constraints on site. Development Assessment: With appropriate mitigation measures officers believe that this is a suitable site for residential development. Whilst considered to be suitable and available there are noted to be a number of obstacles preventing the immediate development of this site, namely the employment allocation and need to mitigate flood risk. In view of this officers consider it unrealistic to rely on this site in the next 5 year period. The number of dwellings on the site have been reduced from those envisaged in the 2008 SHLAA. This reflects a realistic level of development given constraints. 14 March 2014

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Keer Bridge, Warton Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Norjac Service Station, Scotland Road Easting 349982 Northing 470705 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Derelict site

Site Area 0.305643 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 24

Petrol station


Suitability Whilst the site was assessed as being suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA the site was considered to be a difficult site which was unlikely to be attractive to developers. Officers are somewhat agreed with this position. It is noted however that the site offers a brownfield opportunity in a sustainable location. As such, officers conclude that this may be a suitable site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site is currently in use for parking. Officers have no evidence to indicate that this site is available for development. Deliverability Officers have some concern that the site may not be a suitable location for development due to its previous uses its location adjacent to Carnforth conservation area and the awkward change of levels on site. Development Assessment: Officers have some concern that the site may require remediation and note that the site falls adjacent to Carnforth Conservation area they note however that the site is brownfield, is not currently in an active use (other than for parking) and is located in a very sustainable location. It is therefore concluded that the site may deliver residential development but that, given the above concerns, it is not considered likely to do so in the immediate 5 year period.

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Norjac Service Station, Scotland Road

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Address Windermere Road Garages Easting Northing Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 0.186672 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 3

Site Source

Suitability The site is located in Carnforth which is identified to be a sustainable location for residential development. As such, the site is noted to be unconstrained and accessible. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is achievable Availability The site was put forward by the landowner during the call for sites process. As such, officers are satisfied that the site could be made available for development promptly. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is deliverable Development Assessment: The site is located in Carnforth which is identified to be a sustainable location for residential development. As such, the site is noted to be unconstrained and accessible.

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Windermere Road Garages

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Address Former TDG Site, Warton Road Easting 349850 Northing 470942 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Industrial uses

Site Area 6.415145 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 150

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. This was based on the fact that the site at the time was in use for employment and as such was viewed to be unavailable for development. The sites location was also viewed to be unsuitable being surrounded by other employment uses and bordered on two sides by railways. Whilst Officers agree in part with this assessment it is considered that with appropriate mitigation measures residential development could be brought forward as part of a mixed use development on this site. This is consistent with the sites identification as a 'Development Opportunity Site' in the Preferred Options draft of the Land Allocations DPD. Any future proposals would need to protect and be sensitive to the listed building on site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability The site is available for development. The site is currently being marketed for redevelopment. Deliverability The site represents a large vacant brownfield site in Carnforth. A suitable and deliverable future use must be identified, residential development could form part of this use with potential for residential development on an element of this site. As specified in the Land Allocations Preferred Options document the council would expect this site to be brought forward as a mixed use development incorporating employment (not B8 storage and distribution), residential, commercial and/or recreational use. The site is suggested as a Development Opportunity site in the emerging Land Allocations document recognising the range of uses that may be appropriate on this site. The amount of residential development envisaged on this site has been reduced from that previously identified in the 2008 SHLAA. Development Assessment: The site represents a large vacant brownfield site in Carnforth. A suitable and deliverable future use must be identified, residential development could form part of this use with potential for residential use on an element of this site. As specified in the Land Allocations Preferred Options document the council would expect this site to be brought forward as a mixed use development incorporating employment (not B8 storage and distribution), residential, commercial and/or recreational use. The site is suggested as a Development Opportunity site in the emerging Land Allocations document recognising the range of uses that may be appropriate on this site. The amount of residential development envisaged on this site has been reduced from that previously identified in the 2008 SHLAA.

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Former TDG Site, Warton Road

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Address Moor Platt, Lancaster Road Easting 353038 Northing 464753 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Care home

Site Area 1.059888 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 30


Suitability The sites past use as a care home and the current approval of 36 units would indicate that the site is a suitable site for the proposed use. Achievability The delivery of this site has been impacted by the current economic climate. This has reduced the likely ability to bring this site forward without additional public sector funding. The achievability of this site needs to be investigated. Availability The site is in the ownership of Lancashire County Council who are committed to bringing this site forward. It is noted that Progress Housing have been brought on board to help deliver this site. A Section 106 Agreement between the County Council, Lancaster City Council and Progress Housing was signed in March 2010. Deliverability Whilst officers would have to question the achievability of this site the commitment from both the City Council and County Council to bring this site forward together with a Registered Social Landlord partner increases confidence in delivery. For this reason officers would conclude that the site is likely to be delivered in the next 5 year period. Development Assessment: The site benefits from an extant planning permission, is suitable and achievable, and has been the subject of developer interest. As such it is considered an appropriate location for residential development

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Moor Platt, Lancaster Road

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Address Land West Of Mill Lane Easting 352645

Site Area 0.759436

Northing 464773 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Store of Building Materials Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 22


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. This recognised the sites location within the Forest of Bowland AONB. Whilst being assessed as being suitable in the 2008 SHLAA Officers have some concerns regarding the development of this site in relation to its impact on the setting of a number of adjacent listed buildings, its location on the periphery of the village and a number of TPO trees which bound the site. Sensitive design and layout will be important in bringing this site forward for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted as part of the call for sites process by the landowner. The site is currently used for the storage of building materials. Officers understand that the landowner is still interested in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal.

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Land West Of Mill Lane

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Address Land West Of Quernmore Lane Easting 352920 Northing 464267 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 1.12405 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 33

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised the sites location within the Forest of Bowland AONB will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. In particular officers would require any potential development to consider carefully the need to successfully mitigate potential impacts on the amenity of an area within the AONB. Development of this site would need to be considered in conjunction with other potentially developable sites within the village.

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Land West Of Quernmore Lane

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Address Land South West Of Quernmore Lane Easting 352825 Northing 464329 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 2.473017 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 60

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised the sites location within the Forest of Bowland AONB will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. In particular officers would require any potential development to consider carefully the need to successfully mitigate potential impacts on the amenity of an area within the AONB. Development of this site would need to be considered in conjunction with other potentially developable sites within the village.

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Land South West Of Quernmore Lane

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Address Land East And South Of Caton Community Primary School Easting 353096 Northing 463979 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Fields

Site Area 5.216889 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 125

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. Part of the site is currently in use as playing field for the local Primary school and any development could only occur where this facility is replaced with facilities of at least equivalent value/benefit to the school. It is recognised the sites location within the Forest of Bowland AONB will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this officers consider that subject to the appropriate relocation of the playing fields the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process however includes land currently in Lancashire County Council Ownership. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development including an arrangement whereby the schools playing facilities would be improved and relocated. It is understood that Governors at the school are aware of these proposals and have given them some consideration. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal and an appropriate arrangement between the school, Lancashire County Council and the landowners being secured. Given the complexities of such an arrangement and the need to consider carefully the design of such a scheme within the AONB officers do not consider that it is likely that this site will deliver dwellings within the first five years of the plan period. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, this is subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal and an appropriate arrangement between the school, Lancashire County Council and the landowners being secured. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document.

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Land East And South Of Caton Community Primary School

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Address Land South Of Willey Lane Current Use

Site Area 1.145205

Easting 346599 Northing 452320

Previous Use

Greenfield true

Number Dwellings (est) 17

Site Source

Suitability The site has an established permission for residential development Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site is being promoted for development and subject to planning approval is considered to be available for development and an application has recently been approved Deliverability The site has an established planning permission and as such is considered to be deliverable Development Assessment: Site with planning Permission

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Land South Of Willey Lane

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Address Burr Tree Meadow, A65 Easting 363526 Northing 476567 Greenfield false

Current Use

Site Area 0.577521 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 12

Site Source

Suitability The site is located in the small settlement of Cowan Bridge. The village has limited service provision and would not ordinarily be considered a sustainable location for development other than by virtue of links to Kirkby Lonsdale. The site itself is largely unconstrained other by the AONB allocation. As such, officers consider that limited development which is locally supported and intended to enhance and maintain the vitality of cowan Bridge may be in accordance with emerging planning policy contained within the Publication edition of the Development Management DPD. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are aware from correspondence with the landowner that this site is available for development. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be the case. Deliverability Officers consider that the most appropriate policy response for this area would be to consider this site through a neighbourhood plan as indicated in the pro-forma. The deliverability of the site will be dependant on the demonstration of a local need and robust community support. As such, officers consider it unlikely that the site could be brought forward during the first phase of the development plan and would be more likely to be delivered during years 6-10. Development Assessment: The site is located in the small settlement of Cowan Bridge. The village has limited service provision and would not ordinarily be considered a sustainable location for development other than by virtue of links to Kirkby Lonsdale. The site itself is largely unconstrained other by the AONB allocation. As such, officers consider that limited development which is locally supported and intended to enhance and maintain the vitality of cowan Bridge may be in accordance with emerging planning policy contained within the Publication edition of the Development Management DPD. Officers consider it unlikely that the site could be brought forward during the first phase of the development plan and would be more likely to be delivered during years 6-10. Due to the exceptional nature of this proposal the conclusions above will remain under review.

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Burr Tree Meadow, A65

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Address Land North Of Dolphinholme Cof E Primary School, Star Bank Lane Easting 351806 Northing 453618 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 0.2603 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 10

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised the sites location within a rural countryside setting near to the villages conservation area and as such will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are aware from correspondence with the landowner that this site is available for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Officers are not aware of any constraints which would unduly prohibit the development of this site. It is noted however that costs associated with access to the site, lighting and access to services etc. will need to be borne by the developer. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document. When considering development of this site it should be noted that costs associated with the delivery of a site within a rural area will necessarily be borne by the developer. In particular the need to consider the character and amenity of the area and to ensure high quality, safe links to services will be essential. Additionally where a number of developments come forward within an identified village officers would expect that the developments proposed work collectively to maximise benefits and further enhance the vitality of the community.

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Land North Of Dolphinholme Cof E Primary School, Star Bank Lane

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Address Land West Of Starbank Lane Easting 351791 Northing 453925 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 1.05362 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 25

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised the sites location within a rural countryside setting near to the villages conservation area and as such will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are aware from correspondence with the landowner that this site is available for development. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be the case. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document. When considering development of this site it should be noted that costs associated with the delivery of a site within a rural area will necessarily be borne by the developer. In particular the need to consider the character and amenity of the area and to ensure high quality, safe links to services will be essential. Additionally where a number of developments come forward within an identified village officers would expect that the developments proposed work collectively to maximise benefits and further enhance the vitality of the community.

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Land West Of Starbank Lane

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Address Land North Of Anyon Lane Easting 351548 Northing 453429 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 0.476423 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 15

Site Source

Suitability This site is located in a village which has been identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised that the site is located within a rural countryside setting and as such will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this, officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are aware from correspondence with the landowner that this site is available for development. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be the case. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially suitable for development subject to the sensitive design and layout of the proposal. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document. When considering development of this site it should be noted that costs associated with the delivery of a site within a rural area will necessarily be borne by the developer. In particular the need to consider the character and amenity of the area and to ensure high quality, safe links to services will be essential. Additionally where a number of developments come forward within an identified village officers would expect that the developments proposed work collectively to maximise benefits and further enhance the vitality of the community.

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Land North Of Anyon Lane

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Address Land north of Abbeystead Road Easting Northing Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 9.425048 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 150

Site Source

Suitability The site is located in Dolphinholme which is identified to be a sustainable location for residential development in the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document. As such, the proposed site lays in a location where the Council would expect to support appropriately designed development in the forthcoming plan period. It is recognised that the site is located within a rural countryside setting and as such will require sensitive design and careful consideration of any proposals impacts on the amenities of the area. Notwithstanding this, officers consider that the site may be a suitable location for residential development. Consequently the proposed site is considered to be in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is achievable Availability The site was put forward by the landowner during the call for sites process. As such, officers are satisfied that the site could be made available for development promptly. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is deliverable Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being a deliverable site for housing with the site offering potential, subject to appropriate design, to provide much needed housing in the district. This is reflective of the revised policy position in the Development Management document. When considering development of this site it should be noted that costs associated with the delivery of a site within a rural area will necessarily be borne by the developer. In particular the need to consider the character and amenity of the area and to ensure high quality, safe links to services will be essential. Additionally where a number of developments come forward within an identified village officers would expect that the developments proposed work collectively to maximise benefits and further enhance the vitality of the community.

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Land north of Abbeystead Road

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Address Galgate Mill, Chapel Lane Easting 348518

Site Area 0.927491

Northing 455770 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Part of industrial estate Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 27

Silk Mill


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. This was based on an assessment of its current role as a local employment site and the need to retain the building given its listed status. Officers now agree that this site provides an important rural employment site but consider that some level of residential development may however be appropriate if it could be developed sensitively and provided that employment uses are supported by such a scheme. The site has been suggested as a development opportunity site in the draft Land Allocations document. Subject to an appropriate scheme being brought forward residential development could be delivered on this site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. The need to maintain and convert the existing building could impact on the viability of bringing this site forward. Availability The site is noted to be in multiple ownership. Information from the agent indicates that the owners have formed a consortium to help promote the site for development. It is understood from the proforma that this site could be brought forward for development in the next 5 years. Deliverability Any development would need to retain the existing buildings and support employment uses on the site. Whilst this may present a challenge to the delivery of residential development on site It is officer’s view that some residential development could be delivered. In view of this uncertainty it is not considered appropriate to rely on this site as part of the council’s housing land supply in the first 5 year development phase. There is however considered to be potential for some residential development to support wider employment uses. This site could therefore make some contribution to the council’s housing land supply position in the future. Development Assessment: Partial conversion may be suitable as part of a mixed use scheme and to meet identified needs. Whilst the site has a current role as a local employment site and the need to retain the building given its listed status it is considered that a mixed use conversion which retained some employment and retail on the site may be acceptable. Some level of residential development may however be appropriate if it could be developed sensitively and provided that it supports reinvigorated employment uses. The site has been suggested as a development opportunity site in the draft Land Allocations document. Subject to an appropriate scheme being brought forward residential development could be delivered on this site.

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Galgate Mill, Chapel Lane

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Address Land North Of Stoney Lane Easting 348675 Northing 455417 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Grazing

Site Area 6.119408 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 45


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The suitability of the site was restricted to the western end of the site, closest to the existing built up area. Officers agree with this conclusion and are not aware of any new information to indicate that this should no longer the case. An initial assessment of the site would indicate that access would be required via Stoney Lane. There are issues surrounding this with the lane limited in terms of width, parked vehicles and a narrow footpath. A comprehensive Transport Assessment and Travel Plan would be required to support this scheme. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted on behalf of a number of trustees via the call for sites process. Recent correspondence confirms that there remains interest in bringing this site forward for development. It is noted that the site has been the subject of previous developer enquiries. Deliverability In the absence of information on the achievability of this site officers are unable to rely on housing delivery from this site in the next 5 years. Notwithstanding this officers remain satisfied that this is a suitable site for development which is capable of bringing forward housing in the lifetime of the plan. The number of houses envisaged for this site has been reduced to a more realistic figure from that specified in the 2008 SHLAA. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being deliverable for residential development. This is based on only the western element of the site. Development of the wider site is not viewed to be suitable with this being inconsistent with the existing built form of the village, together with concerns over access, topography and proximity to the motorway. An initial assessment of the site would indicate that access for the western element would be required via Stoney Lane. There are issues surrounding this with the lane limited in terms of width, parked vehicles and narrow footpaths. A comprehensive Transport Assessment and Travel Plan would be required to support this scheme.

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Land North Of Stoney Lane

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Address Land East Of Ellel House, Chapel Lane Easting 348658 Northing 455733 Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 1.481624 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 45

Site Source

Suitability This site was assessed as being unsuitable in the 2008 SHLAA. The suitability of the site was restricted by its greenfield nature and the potential for traffic concerns. Not withstanding the above it is notable that national planning policy is generally more supportive of such residential proposals at this time and so some reconsideration may be necessary. Subject to the concerns of highway impacts being addressed Officers consider that the site may be suitable particularly if development could support an ongoing and sustainable use for the wider site including the listed buildings and there employment uses. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in the middle period of the plan, years 6 to 10. Deliverability Officers have some concern that highway constraints may render the scheme undeliverable in effect. However until such time as these concerns are confirmed it is considered that the site may be deliverable. Development Assessment: Subject to highways considerations it is considered that the site may be deliverable for residential development

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Land East Of Ellel House, Chapel Lane

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Address Laund Fields, Stoney Lane Current Use

Site Area 2.126034

Easting 348435 Northing 455199

Previous Use

Greenfield true

Number Dwellings (est) 50

Site Source

Suitability The site has an established permission for residential development Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site is being promoted for development and subject to planning approval is considered to be available for development and an application has recently been approved Deliverability The site has an established planning permission and as such is considered to be deliverable Development Assessment: Site with planning permission

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Laund Fields, Stoney Lane

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Village Hall, Brodie Hill Easting 344338 Northing 456113 Greenfield false

Current Use

Site Area 0.175142 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 5

Site Source

Suitability Whilst Glasson is not identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the Development Management Document it is considered that some development may be appropriate to support and enhance the continued viability of the settlement. The proposed site offers a relatively unconstrained opportunity to deliver a small number of dwellings in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Development Assessment: Whilst Glasson is not identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the Development Management Document it is considered that some development may be appropriate to support and enhance the continued viability of the settlement. The proposed site offers a relatively unconstrained opportunity to deliver a small number of dwellings in a suitable location.

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Land East Of Village Hall, Brodie Hill

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Tithebarn Hill Easting Northing Greenfield true

Current Use

Site Area 1.82294 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 50

Site Source

Suitability Whilst Glasson is not identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the Development Management Document it is considered that some development may be appropriate to support and enhance the continued viability of the settlement. The proposed site offers a relatively unconstrained opportunity to deliver a small number of dwellings in a suitable location. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Development Assessment: Whilst Glasson is not identified as a sustainable rural settlement in the Development Management Document it is considered that some development may be appropriate to support and enhance the continued viability of the settlement. The proposed site offers a relatively unconstrained opportunity to deliver a small number of dwellings in a suitable location.

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Land East Of Tithebarn Hill

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Address Halton Mill, Mill Lane Easting 350665 Northing 464733 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Mill

Site Area 6.194417 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 176


Suitability The suitability of this site was considered as part of the determination of the 2000 outline planning application. Since then several further applications have been approved, two of which were approved at appeal. Development of the site has already commenced. It is officers view that were it not for wider market conditions, beyond the control of the Local Authority, this site would have continued to have been developed. As such officers would conclude that this site is suitable for residential development with only market conditions preventing its continued build out. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable in the immediate future however it is noted that dwellings are currently completed on site and there is developer interest in continuing with development in this location. Availability The site is noted to be in two ownerships. The larger part of the site which has already commenced construction was in the ownership of Time and Tide. This company has since gone into administration and was in the hands of an administrator. This element of the site is now under new ownership. Some pre-application discussions are noted to have taken place. The two appeal sites adjacent to this are in the ownership of Barratts. Uncertainty regarding the delivery of the larger site has impacted on the development of these sites. There are no other known issues impacting on the availability of this site. Deliverability Development of this site is noted to have been impacted on by wider economic circumstances. The site is noted to be in new ownership with development having recommenced on part of the site. Officers remain confident that in improved economic conditions this site will continue to be completed. For this reason the site remains part of the council's future housing land supply. Development Assessment: Development of this site is noted to have been impacted on by wider economic circumstances. The site is noted to be in new ownership with development having recommenced on part of the site. Officers remain confident that in improved economic conditions this site will continue to be completed. For this reason the site remains part of the council's future housing land supply.

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Halton Mill, Mill Lane

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Address Land North Of High Road Easting 350809

Site Area 4.336415

Current Use Agricultural Tenancy - expired 30th June 2008

Northing 465528 Greenfield TRUE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 35


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA due to the potential impact of the site on the landscape. Whilst officers are mindful of this concern it is noted that the National Planning context for this sort of development is generally more favourable and that it may be the case that the benefits of delivering residential development may outweigh the undesirable impacts on the landscape. As such, officers consider that, subject to a more detailed landscape assessment, there may be potential for a limited amount of development particularly at the front of the site on land adjacent to High Road. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted as part of the 2008 SHLAA. Officers have not received any further information to confirm that this site is available for development. Deliverability It is recognised that further work is required to assess the suitability of this site for development in regards to potential landscape impacts. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district. Development Assessment: It is recognised that further work is required to assess the suitability of this site for development in regards to potential landscape impacts. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review.

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Land North Of High Road

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Address Land South Of Low Road Easting 351143 Northing 464907 Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 11.17398 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 45

Site Source

Suitability The site is located on the edge of Halton adjacent to the Halton Mills site which is currently under construction. The site lays outside of nearby flood zones however falls within a Geological Heritage Site and partly within an AONB. Consequently it is considered that the site is relatively unconstrained and lays within a sustainable location for residential development. Officers would note that the site is affected by steep topography in places and is crossed by national grid infrastructure. As such, whilst the site may be considered suitable officers would expect that development would need careful consideration from a design stand point and would not likely deliver dwellings across the whole of the site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site has been submitted by an agent on behalf of the landowner via the call for the site process indicating that the site is available for development. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be possible. Deliverability Officers consider that the pylons on site and the steep topography in places may impact upon the deliverability of dwellings in some areas on this site however consider that overall the site is capable of being delivered. Development Assessment: Whilst parts of the site shown would be unsuitable for development due to topography, pylons and the potential visual prominence of dwellings in alleviated positions officers consider that some development could be accommodated if sensitively designed. This view reflects the revised policy position in the Development Management document brought about by the NPPF.

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Land South Of Low Road

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Address Land West Of Middleton Road Easting 341332 Northing 460168 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 2.175348 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 40


Suitability The suitability of this site was assessed as part of the 2005 planning application and as part of the 2008 SHLAA process. Both concluded that the site was suitable for residential development. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. County Highways have advised that the accessibility of this site could be improved if a pedestrian/cycle route was provided across the adjacent playing field to the main road. This should be investigated as part of any future proposals. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted as part of the call for sites process and is in the ownership of Holden Homes. More recent information indicates that Holden Homes remain committed to bringing this site forward for development and are investigating how to achieve this through the allocation process. Deliverability The site has an established planning consent and is likely to remain a suitable location for sustainable development. As such, officers consider it appropriate to include this site in the first 5 year development period. Development Assessment: The suitability of this site was assessed as part of the 2005 planning application and as part of the 2008 SHLAA process. Both concluded that the site was suitable for residential development. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. The site has been identified as a potential residential allocation as part of the emerging Land Allocations document.

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Land West Of Middleton Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Address Former Bus Depot, Heysham Road Easting 342034

Current Use Site Area 1.055852 Residential -majority of units have already been completed

Northing 463286 Greenfield FALSE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 18



Suitability The site has an established permission for residential development Achievability The site has an established permission for residential development Availability The site has an established permission for residential development Deliverability The site has an established permission for residential development Development Assessment: The site is currently under construction with the remaining 18 units anticipated to be completed in the 2013/2014 monitoring period.

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Former Bus Depot, Heysham Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Address Mossgate Park, Mossgate Road Easting 341889 Northing 460774 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use

Site Area 16.45329 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 347


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the determination of the original application in 1993. The current development represents the completion of the larger Mossgate development, which on completion will have seen over 1,000 new dwellings constructed. Achievability The site is currently under construction and as such is considered to be achievable. Availability The site is currently under construction and as such is considered to be available for development. Deliverability Officers are confident that the site will continue to be delivered at a similar rate of construction. Development Assessment: Officers are confident that the site will continue to be delivered at a similar rate of construction.

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Mossgate Park, Mossgate Road

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Address Garage, Grosvenor Road Easting 341794 Northing 462999 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Garage

Site Area 0.167111 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 9


Suitability The suitability of this site for residential development was considered as part of the determination of the 2009 planning application and its renewal in 2012. Officers are not aware of any new information which would impact on the suitability of this site for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is noted to be in the single ownership of the applicant. Whilst the site is in active use as a car garage the site could be available for development should this use cease. Deliverability Whilst not in receipt of information on the achievability of the site officers consider that given the scale of the site and in the absence of any known abnormalities the site can be viewed to be deliverable for development. Development Assessment: Whilst not in receipt of information on the achievability of the site officers consider that given the scale of the site and in the absence of any known abnormalities the site can be viewed to be deliverable for development. Officers consider it appropriate to include this site in the first 5 year development period.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Garage, Grosvenor Road

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SHLAA Refference


Address Sunacre Court, Maple Avenue Easting 342403 Northing 463001 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use

Site Area 0.238693 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 4


Suitability The suitability of this site was assessed as part of the 2008 SHLAA and as part of the 2008 and 2009 planning applications. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Correspondence from the landowner confirms that whilst there remains a commitment to develop this site the state of the wider economy and lack of available finance means that there are no short term plans to develop this site. Deliverability Whilst officers are not in receipt of information to confirm the achievability of this site, the site is still viewed to be an attractive site which could be brought forward relatively easily when wider economic conditions improve. For this reason the site is included within the council’s 5 year supply although supply is not envisaged until the end of this period. Development Assessment: Whilst officers are not in receipt of information to confirm the achievability of this site in the immediate future the site is still viewed to be an attractive site which could be brought forward relatively easily when wider economic conditions improve. For this reason the site is included within the council’s 5 year supply although supply is not envisaged until the end of this period.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Sunacre Court, Maple Avenue

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SHLAA Refference


Address Reservoir, Seymour Grove Easting 341812 Northing 461409 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Reservoir

Site Area 0.392975 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 10


Suitability The suitability of this site was assessed as part of the original 2006 application and more recently as part of the 2011 application. Officers are not aware of any new information to revise this assessment. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted via the call for site process by United Utilities. The site is now in the hands of new owners following its sale by United Utilities in November 2011. Deliverability Officers are confident that given the scale of the development and its location this site will be delivered in the next 5 years. Development Assessment: The site was granted outline planning permission for 9 houses in April 2011. The suitability of this site was assessed as part of this application. Officers are not aware of any new information to revise the assessment for this site and are confident that given the scale of the development and its location this site will be delivered in the next 5 years.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Reservoir, Seymour Grove

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Address Vacant Land, Draycombe Court, Draycombe Drive Easting 341936 Northing 462736 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Open space

Site Area 0.151986 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 6


Suitability The site was viewed to be a suitable for some residential development in the SHLAA. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Information submitted by the landowners for this site confirm that the site is available for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as a potential housing site and as such has been included in the housing trajectory as part of the years 5 to 10 supply. Development Assessment: Although some alteration of levels would be required to facilitate access from the east the site offers a sustainable location for residential development

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Vacant Land, Draycombe Court, Draycombe Drive

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SHLAA Refference


Address Strands Farm, Strands Farm Lane Easting 358416

Site Area 0.373458

Current Use Holding area for building supplies. Existing farm buildings.

Northing 468095 Greenfield FALSE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 11


Suitability The suitability of the site was assessed as part of the 2011 planning application. The city council is not aware of any new information to indicate that the site is no longer suitable. Achievability Whilst not in receipt of information on the viability of this scheme officers are confident that given its dialogue with Adactus Housing together with the confirmed funding from the Homes and Communities Agency this site will be developed in the next 5 year period. Availability The site is being taken forward by Adactus Housing Association. Deliverability Given the information above officers are confident that this site will be delivered in the next 5 year period. Correspondence from Adactus anticipates a commencement on site in September 2012 with a 12 month build out. Development Assessment: Officers are confident that this site will be delivered in the next 5 year period. Correspondence from Adactus Housing Association anticipates completion by the end of 2013.

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Strands Farm, Strands Farm Lane

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SHLAA Refference


Address Barn North East Of Ingleborough View Easting 358678

Site Area 0.49746

Northing 468006 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Builders store and open fields Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 5


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. This was based on the sites location outside of the main boundary of the village. Officers have reassessed this conclusion and consider that the sites location within an identified sustainable settlement together with its brownfield status present opportunity to provide housing and achieve the efficient use of land. The site has therefore been reassessed as being suitable for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. A planning application for 4 dwellings on the site was submitted in 2013. Whilst this was subsequently withdrawn it is understood that a new application will be submitted shortly. Deliverability Officers have assessed this site and consider that the sites location within an identified sustainable settlement together with its brownfield status present opportunity to provide housing and achieve the efficient use of land. The site has therefore been reassessed as being suitable for residential development. The site is also known to be available for development with a new planning application for four dwellings to be submitted shortly. Development Assessment: Officers have assessed this site and consider that the sites location within an identified sustainable settlement together with its brownfield status present opportunity to provide housing and achieve the efficient use of land. The site has therefore been reassessed as being suitable for residential development. The site is also known to be available for development with a new planning application for four dwellings to be submitted shortly.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Barn North East Of Ingleborough View

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land North Of Royal Oak Meadow And Hornby Bank Easting 358471 Northing 469212 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Fields

Site Area 1.1256 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 20


Suitability The sites location on the edge of Hornby meant that it was assessed as being unsuitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. Officers have reassessed the suitability of this site and consider that it does form a suitable site for residential development and would serve to round off the village of Hornby. Access would be provided via Royal Oak Meadow with no known constraints evident. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that the site is achievable. Availability Information submitted through the call for sites process would indicate that this site is available for development. Recent correspondence with the agent confirms continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site is considered to be a suitable site for development and has been included in the council’s housing land supply. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be a suitable site for development and has been included in the council’s housing land supply. Development of the site would serve to round off the village of Hornby. Access would be provided via Royal Oak Meadow with no known constraints evident.

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Land North Of Royal Oak Meadow And Hornby Bank

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Address Brades Farm, Hornby Road, Farleton Easting 357222 Northing 467149 Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 1.391114 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 40

Site Source

Suitability Whilst the site is located outside of the district's urban areas it is considered to be sufficiently well located to benefit from services at Hornby which is identified as a sustainable location for development. As such, officers have concluded that the site may be suitable for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is achievable. Availability The site was suggested through the call for site s process. As such, officers consider that the site could be made available readily. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is deliverable. Development Assessment: Whilst the site is located outside of the district's urban areas it is considered to be sufficiently well located to benefit from services at Hornby which is identified as a sustainable location for development. As such, officers have concluded that the site may be suitable for development.

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Brades Farm, Hornby Road, Farleton

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Address Land South West Of Bailrigg Lane, Bailrigg Village Easting 348467 Northing 458138 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 0.866283 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 25


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on poor access and the loss of agricultural land. Officers have reassessed the conclusions for this site and consider that there may be potential for small scale development on this site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. Officers have not received any information to confirm that this site is still available for development. Deliverability Officers consider there to be potential for small scale development on this site. This would need to be of an appropriate scale and design reflecting its location in Bailrigg. Development Assessment: Officers consider there to be potential for small scale development on this site. This would need to be of an appropriate scale and design reflecting its location in Bailrigg.

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Land South West Of Bailrigg Lane, Bailrigg Village

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Address Former British Waterways Land And Buildings, Aldcliffe Road

Current Use Site Area Part of0.513907 the site is used by British Waterways for operational purposes, the rema

Easting 347515 Northing 461013

Previous Use

Greenfield FALSE

Number Dwellings (est) 14


Suitability The suitability of this site was considered as part of the 2010 application. Officers are not aware of any new information which would impact on the suitability of this site for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is in the ownership of Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways) who are actively pursuing this application. The scheme also benefits from a developer partner, H2O Urban. Conditions for this application were discharged in 2012. Officers are confident that the site is available for development. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location in south Lancaster is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Whilst officers are not in receipt of information on achievability they remain confident that this site can be delivered in the next 5 year period. Development Assessment: Site with planning permission

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Former British Waterways Land And Buildings, Aldcliffe Road

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Address Ridge Hotel, 10 Patterdale Road Easting 348454 Northing 462238 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Hotel

Site Area 0.156036 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 6


Suitability The suitability of the site was considered as part of the 2008 planning application. The site has since been cleared for development. Officers are not aware of any new information which would impact on the suitability of this site for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are not in receipt of any information to confirm that this site is available for development. Deliverability Whilst officers have no evidence to say that the site is available or achievable for development the site has been cleared and could be brought forward relatively quickly once wider economic conditions improve. The site therefore continues to form part of the council’s housing land supply. Development Assessment: Whilst officers have no evidence to say that the site remains available for development the site has been cleared and could be brought forward relatively quickly. The historic planning approval suggests that the site is suitable and achievable, it therefore continues to form part of the council’s housing land supply.

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Ridge Hotel, 10 Patterdale Road

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Address Royal Albert Fields South, Ashton Road Easting 347327

Site Area 2.373627

Northing 459644 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Grazing (Summer grazing licence) Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 60


Suitability Whilst the site is allocated for housing in the adopted Local Plan it was assessed as being unsuitable in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment reflected concern over local service provision and unnecessary encroachment onto land to the west of Ashton Road. Concern was also expressed regarding access and the impact of development on the elevated area of this site. Officers would agree in part with this assessment, although it is considered that a limited amount of development could be possible on the lower section of this site. A sensitive design would be required to reflect the sites proximity to De Vitre Cottages. Officers would consider the site to be a suitable site for residential development. There is potential to consider this site alongside land to the north (site SHLAA_169). Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm the achievability of this site. Availability Information from the landowners indicates that the site could be brought forward in the first five years of the plan. Deliverability In assessing this site officers consider that there is some potential for development on the lower levels of this site, adjacent to Ashton Road. The landowners are noted to be keen to bring this site forward and would be willing to work with the council to bring forward an acceptable scheme. For this reason the site has been included as part of the councils longer term housing land supply. Development Assessment: In assessing this site officers consider that there is some potential for development on the lower levels of this site, adjacent to Ashton Road. The landowners are noted to be keen to bring this site forward and would be willing to work with the council to bring forward an acceptable scheme. For this reason the site has been included as part of the councils longer term housing land supply.

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Royal Albert Fields South, Ashton Road

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Address Albion Mills, Factory Hill Easting 348194

Site Area 0.53656

Northing 462079 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Part vacant part constructors office Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 26

Textile Works


Suitability The site was assessed to be suitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. The site now benefits from planning permission for 26 affordable units. Achievability It is noted that the city council is looking at providing funding to the scheme via its Section 106 funds to help bring forward this development and help deliver much needed affordable and specialised housing. Officers have no reason to question the achievability of this site. Availability Officers have no reason to question the availability of this site. The site is being brought forward by a Registered Provider who is working to grant deadlines. Assistance is also being provided by the City Council via its Section 106 funds. Both of these will require development to be brought forward by a particular point in time. Deliverability Officers are confident that this scheme will be developed in the next 5 year period. Development Assessment: Given the recent approval and the City Council's own involvement in this site Officers are confident that this site is deliverable for housing with development expected to be completed in the next 5 years.

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Albion Mills, Factory Hill

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Address Riverview House, Bulk Road Easting 348291

Site Area 1.425955

Northing 462328 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Hostel for adults with learning difficulties Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 53


Suitability There are no known constraints to developing this site. The site was assessed as being suitable in the 2008 SHLAA and as part of the 2013 planning application. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Planning permission was granted in November 2013 for 53 dwellings. Officers are confident that this site will be delivered in the next five years. Deliverability The site has recently been granted planning permission for 53 dwellings. Correspondence with the agent and Registered Social Provider involved in the scheme confirm that this site will be brought forward in the next five years. Officers have no reason to question the deliverability of this site. Development Assessment: The site has recently been granted planning permission for 53 dwellings. Correspondence with the agent and Registered Social Provider involved in the scheme confirm that this site will be brought forward in the next five years. Officers have no reason to question the deliverability of this site.

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Riverview House, Bulk Road

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Address Halton Training Camp, Halton Road Easting 349270 Northing 464529 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Halton Training Camp

Site Area 6.841393

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 35


Suitability The site is considered to be a suitable for development subject to it no longer being required for its current use. Whilst the proposed Heysham M6 link road is noted to partially dissect an element of the site it is noted that this would improve access into the site enhancing accessibility. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. Availability The site is currently in the ownership of the Ministry of Defence who have indicated in the past that this part of the site may no longer be required for their operations. Whilst the site is potentially available it is noted that the corner section of the site is dissected by the proposed Heysham M6 link road. The location of the road has been factored into the council’s considerations of this site and its capacity. Deliverability The site is considered to be a suitable site for development and subject to confirmation that it is no longer required by the Ministry of Defence. The site has been assessed as being available for development in the later period of the plan period. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be a suitable site for development and subject to confirmation that it is no longer required by the Ministry of Defence. The site has been assessed as being available for development in the later period of the plan period.

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Halton Training Camp, Halton Road

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Address Luneside East Easting 347035

Site Area 6.772831

Northing 462244 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Derelict land and buildings Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 150


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the last Local Plan process and as part of the determination of the outline planning application. The suitability of this site for residential development has therefore been accepted. Achievability Officers are confident from its discussions with the developer that this site is achievable. Availability The site is being taken forward by Luneside East Ltd, a joint venture between CTP Ltd and Development Securities plc. Work on remediating this site is now well underway. Deliverability Officers remain confident that this site is deliverable and that development on this site will commence in the next 5 year period. The number of dwellings envisaged on this site has been reduced in order to reflect a more realistic view of delivery. Development Assessment: Officers remain confident that this site is deliverable and that development on this site will commence in the next 5 year period. The number of dwellings envisaged on this site has been reduced in order to reflect a more realistic view of delivery.

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Luneside East

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Address Nightingale Hall Farm Easting 348976 Northing 461826 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Rendering plant

Site Area 5.689058

Previous Use Rendering plant Number Dwellings (est) 100


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the last Local Plan process and as part of the determination of the 2007 planning application. The suitability of this site for residential development has therefore been accepted. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site as currently allocated in the adopted Local Plan is within the ownership of 3 landowners, one of which is Lancaster City Council. The site that currently benefits from planning permission is under single ownership. Officers remain confident that through discussions with relevant parties issues that have prevented this site being brought forward can be overcome. Deliverability Officers are confident that the issues that have prevented this site being developed are resolved and that the site can be assessed as being deliverable for residential development. In order to reflect changes in delivery expectations the number of dwellings anticipated on this site has been reduced from the 164 approved to 100 dwellings. Development Assessment: Officers are confident that the site can be assessed as being deliverable for residential development. In order to reflect changes in delivery expectations the number of dwellings anticipated on this site has been reduced from the 164 approved to an estimated 100 dwellings.

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Nightingale Hall Farm

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Address Derwent Court, Salt Ayre Lane Easting 346515

Site Area 0.848141

Northing 462519 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Grounds of Sheltered Housing Scheme Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 20


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable in the 2008 SHLAA. This assessment recognised the lands identification in the council's PPG17 study as an area of open space. Whilst recognising the sites status in the PPG17 study Officers have reassessed the site and consider that there is potential for affordable housing on this site related to the existing sheltered housing scheme. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The land is noted to be in the ownership of the Housing Trust who have expressed an interest in developing affordable housing on this site in conjunction with the existing sheltered housing scheme. Deliverability In assessing this site officers consider that there is potential for development of affordable housing related to the existing sheltered housing scheme. Questions over achievability mean that the council is unable to rely on this site as part of its 5 year supply. A lower level of units are anticipated from that stated in the 2008 SHLAA. Development Assessment: In assessing this site officers consider that there is potential for development of affordable housing related to the existing sheltered housing scheme. Questions over achievability mean that the council is unable to rely on this site as part of its 5 year supply. A lower level of units are anticipated from that stated in the 2008 SHLAA.

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Derwent Court, Salt Ayre Lane

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Address Former St Georges Church, Willow Lane

Northing 461897 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Church

Site Area 0.203323

Easting 346801

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 16


Suitability Officers note that the site has planning permission Achievability Officers note that the site has planning permission Availability unavailable development is underway Deliverability Officers note that the site has planning permission Development Assessment: Officers note that the site has planning permission

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Former St Georges Church, Willow Lane

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Address Former Chorley Nissan Garage, Wheatfield Street Easting 347297 Northing 461383 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Vacant buildings

Site Area 1.460033

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 59


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the determination of the 2013 outline application. The site is considered to be suitable for development subject to the provision of adequate measures to reduce and mitigate the impacts of noise and air pollution caused by the proximity of the site to the railway. Whilst important, officers believe that through appropriate design, these issues can be addressed. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is currently being marketed with a number of developers known to be interested. Deliverability Officers remain confident that this site is deliverable. A number of developers are known to be interested in the site with the site currently being marketed. This will be kept under review. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be a deliverable housing site. An outline application for 59 dwellings was approved in 2013 and the site is currently being marketed for development.

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Former Chorley Nissan Garage, Wheatfield Street

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Address Royal Albert Fields North, Ashton Road Easting 347381 Northing 459851 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Fields

Site Area 4.564224 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 120


Suitability Officers considered that development could be possible on some sections of this site. A sensitive design would be required to reflect the sites proximity to De Vitre Cottages . Officers would consider the site to be a suitable site for residential development. There is potential to consider this site alongside land to the north (site SHLAA_267). Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm the achievability of this site. Availability Information from the landowners indicates that the site could be brought forward in the first five years of the plan. Deliverability In assessing this site officers consider that there is some potential for development on the lower levels of this site, adjacent to Ashton Road. The landowners are noted to be keen to bring this site forward and would be willing to work with the council to bring forward an acceptable scheme. For this reason the site has been included as part of the councils longer term housing land supply. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be deliverable for residential development with potential for development alongside adjacent land to the south.

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Royal Albert Fields North, Ashton Road

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Address Lancaster Moor Hospital, Quernmore Road Easting 349707 Northing 461843 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Vacant buildings

Site Area 15.87833

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 420



Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the planning application process. The city Council considered the site suitable for development and granted planning permission in June 2008. This assessment included consideration of the impact on the listed building and the opportunity that this scheme provided to restore this historic asset and contribute to the wider housing needs of the district. Achievability Officers consider the site to be achievable as development in the main building an within the grounds has commenced. Availability The site is noted to be available for development with both the hospital building and its ground currently in development. Deliverability Development on site has now commenced with Story Homes completing the new build element of this sit. Conversion of the listed building is also in progress. Officers have no evidence which calls the deliverability of this site into question. Development Assessment: Development on site has now commenced with Story Homes completing the new build element of this site. Conversion of the listed building is also in progress. As such, the site is considered developable with delivery expected within the first 5 years of the plan period.

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Lancaster Moor Hospital, Quernmore Road

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Address Damside Street Car Park, North Of 50-62 Church Street Easting 347652 Northing 461867 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Building and curtilage

Site Area 0.070234

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 17


Suitability The site lies within Lancaster City centre in close proximity to services and public transport nodes. The site has an established consent for a development of student accommodation. As such, it is considered that this is a suitable location for some form of residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is achievable. Availability The site has been the subject of a recently approved planning application for student dwellings. As such the site is known to be available for development. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that development could not be completed in accordance with the established planning permission. Development Assessment: The site has planning permission, consequently it is considered to be suitable, achievable and developable and has therefore been included as a developable site which could contribute dwellings to meet the district's needs within the first 5 year phase of the development plan.

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Damside Street Car Park, North Of 50-62 Church Street

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Address Land East And West Of Grab Lane Easting 349487 Northing 461065 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Grazing

Site Area 32.23921 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 450


Suitability The site was assessed as being potentially suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA should a need for additional housing be required. Officers agree with this assessment. Since undertaking the 2008 SHLAA the council have undertaken further work on the suitability of this site. This has included a more detailed landscape assessment for the site and a setting study in relation to the sites relationship with Ashton Memorial. Both pieces of work confirm the suitability of the site for some level of development. In view of this work officers have reviewed the assumptions on the number of dwellings to be delivered. The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, and would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. The Council would aim to control the scale and design and pace of delivery of development in this area to ensure effective delivery of a range of necessary infrastructure. Achievability The viability of this site is currently being investigated as part of the council’s evidence base work. Availability The site is noted to be in the single ownership of one landowner. Story Homes are noted to have an option on this site. There are no known ownership or tenancy issues which would impact on the delivery of this site. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that physical constraints would present insurmountable obstacles to the development of this site. It is noted however that the need to consider potential landscape and heritage impacts as well as provide suitable improved access to services, and to consider the need for affordable housing provision may result in delivery being delayed until the second phase of the development plan (years 6 - 10). Development Assessment: The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, which would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. That allocation would offer a substantial, contiguous opportunity to deliver a significant quantum of residential development in manner which will secure necessary infrastructure upgrades in a sustainable location. Subject to sensitive design and layout the site has been assessed as being deliverable for residential development. In supporting proposals the council will require schemes to demonstrate through appropriate design and layout that they will not have an unacceptable impact on adjacent heritage assets.

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Land East And West Of Grab Lane

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Address The Greaves Hotel, 142 Greaves Road Easting 347959

Site Area 0.316471

Northing 460462 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Excess car parking Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 54


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on the continued use of the hotel and the need to retain car parking to service this. Since undertaking this assessment an application for 54 extra care apartments has been approved on appeal. The principle of residential use on this site has therefore been accepted. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability The site is currently in use although it is noted that the site may soon be available for alternative development. A planning application for 54 extra care apartments has recently been granted on appeal. Deliverability The principle of residential use on this site has now been accepted with an application for 54 extra care apartments approved on appeal in 2013. Officers have no reason to question the suitability or achievability of this site. Development Assessment: The principle of residential use on this site has now been accepted with an application for 54 extra care apartments approved on appeal in 2013. Officers have no reason to question the suitability or achievability of this site.

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The Greaves Hotel, 142 Greaves Road

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Address Luneside West Easting 346376 Northing 461963 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Vacant

Site Area 10.75384 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 403


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the planning application process. This included an assessment of the use of this site for residential development over its current employment land allocation in the Local Plan. The suitability of this site for residential development has therefore been accepted. Achievability Officers are confident that the site is achievable for development with development now noted to have commenced. Availability Officers are confident that this site is available for development. The site is under single ownership and benefits from a joint development agreement between Redrow and Barratt Homes, both of whom are noted to be actively promoting the site. Deliverability Officers remain confident that this site is deliverable and that completions will be recorded within the next 5 year period. Development Assessment: Planning permission has been granted for 403 dwellings was granted in March 2013. Officers have not been provided with any information to question the deliverability of this site. The site has been included as a potential housing allocation in the emerging Land Allocations document. Officers remain confident that this site is deliverable and that completions will be recorded within the next 5 year period.

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Luneside West

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Address The Knoll, Westbourne Road Easting 346808

Site Area 0.437811

Northing 461378 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Social Services Offices Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 10


Suitability The grade II listed status of this building means that only sensitive conversion would be supported. The city council’s Conservation Officer has advised that new development in the grounds is unlikely to be supported. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was sold in July 2013. It is understood that the purchaser is investigating residential use. Deliverability Whilst officers are not in receipt of information to confirm the achievability of this site it is considered that the site remains an attractive site for development. Sensitive conversion to residential use would ensure the continued protection of this listed asset. This would need to be undertaken in close liaison with the city council’s conservation officers. A lower level of units are anticipated from that stated in the SHLAA. Development Assessment: Whilst officers are not in receipt of information to confirm the achievability of this site it is considered that the site remains an attractive site for development. Sensitive conversion to residential use would ensure the continued protection of this listed asset. This would need to be undertaken in close liaison with the city council’s conservation officers. A lower level of units are anticipated from that stated in the SHLAA.

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The Knoll, Westbourne Road

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Address Land North And East Of Bailrigg Lane Easting 348507 Northing 458471 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Grazing

Site Area 45.54202 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 750


Suitability The site was assessed as being potentially suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA should a need for additional housing be required. The 2008 SHLAA considered that the site could form a sustainable extension to Lancaster. Officers agree with this assessment although it is recognised that a number of constraints exist which will need to be overcome before development could be supported. This includes significant infrastructure issues relating to highway capacity on the A6 and the requirement for secondary access into the site in addition to that suggested off the A6. These issues are currently being investigated by the promoter of the site, the City Council and Lancashire County Council in their role as Highways Authority. Delivery of this site is reliant on these issues being resolved. Achievability The viability of this site is currently being investigated as part of the council’s evidence base work. Availability The site is noted to be in two ownerships, one of which being the City Council. The site is being actively promoted by Savills on behalf of one of the landowner. A developer partner is also currently being sought to take the site forward. Deliverability Whilst the site has been assessed as being deliverable for development there are concerns regarding highway issues and the requirement for an appropriate and deliverable secondary access. In view of this officers are unable to conclude with confidence that this site can be delivered in the next five years with delivery not projected to take place until the second five year period. The requirement for infrastructure investment has delayed the council’s projected delivery of this site. Development Assessment: Whilst the site has been assessed as being deliverable for development there are concerns regarding highway issues and the requirement for an appropriate and deliverable secondary access. The council is working with relevant parties and stakeholders to address these issues and are confident that through continued dialogue these can be overcome. The site continues to form part of the council's housing supply with delivery not envisaged until towards the end of the plan period.

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Land North And East Of Bailrigg Lane

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Address The Abattoir, Wyresdale Road Easting 349112

Site Area 3.706733

Northing 460818 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Abattoir and Leisure Park Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 72


Suitability The site could form a potentially suitable site should the abattoir cease to operate. Contamination could be a potential issue given the sites previous use. This could be addressed should the site be brought forward for development. The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, and would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. The Council would aim to control the scale and design and pace of delivery of development in this area to ensure effective delivery of a range of necessary infrastructure. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is currently in use an abattoir and as such is not expected to be immediately available. Whilst an interest in developing the site has been expressed in the past officers are not aware of any current proposals to release this site for development. Officers would therefore question the availability of this site within the first 5 year phase of the development plan. Deliverability Subject to the relocation of existing uses the site is considered to offer the potential to be a suitable location for residential development. Potential contamination issues raise some concerns however officers would not ordinarily expect such issues to be insurmountable. Development Assessment: The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, which would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. That allocation would offer a substantial, contiguous opportunity to deliver a significant quantum of residential development in manner which will secure necessary infrastructure upgrades in a sustainable location. At the current time officers are unable to confirm when the site may become available and, as such, are unable to include the site within the first 5yr phase of development. Potential contamination issues raise some concerns however officers would not ordinarily expect such issues to be insurmountable.

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The Abattoir, Wyresdale Road

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Address Land At Whinney Carr, Carr Lane Easting 347557

Site Area 60.9597

Northing 458787 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural purposes including Dairy Farming Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 900


Suitability The site was assessed as being potentially suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA should a need for additional housing be required. The 2008 SHLAA considered that the site could be phased over the next 15 years with issues over access and existing highway capacity impacting on the immediate delivery of this site. Officers agree with this assessment. Delivery of this site is reliant on a new link road being created over the west coast rail line. The City Council and County Council would be unable to support development on this site without this link road. The delivery of this road is currently being investigated by the developers for the site, the City Council and Lancashire County Council in their role as Highways Authority. Delivery of this site is reliant on these issues being resolved. Achievability The viability of this site is currently being investigated as part of the council’s evidence base work. The ability to deliver the west coast main line crossing will be a major factor in determining this. Availability A number of developers are noted to have options on the site with the site split into several development parcels. This includes land on the east side of the west coast rail line which is currently being pursued for a supermarket development. This land is no longer in the ownership of the landowner of the main Whinney Carr site. Approval from Network Rail will also be required to cross the rail line. The other access point from Ashton Road will also require access over land outside of the main land owners control. In view of the above officers are unable to conclude that the site is available with ransom strips impacting on the ability to access the site. It is understood that discussions are ongoing to address these issues with the agents for this site and developer partners confident that these can be overcome. Evidence of this will be required by the council. Deliverability Whilst the site has been assessed as being deliverable for development there are concerns regarding highway and ownership issues. Until these can be overcome the council is unable to conclude with confidence that this site can be delivered in the immediate future with further information required to support delivery. This work is currently ongoing with the council working with all interested parties and stakeholders to investigate how the site can be taken forward. In view of these issues the council does not anticipate delivery until later in the plan period. Development Assessment: Whilst the site is considered to be deliverable for development there are concerns regarding highway and ownership issues. The council is working with relevant parties and stakeholders to address these issues and are confident that through continued dialogue these can be overcome. The site continues to form part of the council's housing supply with delivery not envisaged until towards the end of the plan period.

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Land At Whinney Carr, Carr Lane

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Address Land South Of Long Marsh Lane Easting 347017

Current Use Site Area Open Space/ Informal Car Park. Part of lease to Lancaster City Footba 0.318677

Northing 462059 Greenfield FALSE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 17


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for housing as part of the 2008 SHLAA process. Discussions are currently underway with a Registered Provider regarding the delivery of an affordable housing scheme on this site for 16-18 dwellings. A planning application for 18 apartments has now been submitted to the council. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this site is no longer suitable for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Discussions on the future use of this site have taken place. This has included discussions between the council and a Registered Provider regarding the delivery of an affordable housing scheme. An application for 18 apartments has now been submitted to the council for determination. Deliverability The site is considered to be a deliverable site for housing. A planning application for 18 apartments has been submitted to the council and is currently awaiting determination. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be a deliverable site for housing. A planning application for 18 apartments has been submitted to the council and is currently awaiting determination.

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Land South Of Long Marsh Lane

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Address Canal Corridor North Development Site Easting 348002 Northing 461833 Greenfield FALSE

Site Area 4.779289

Current Use Mix of uses - car park, retail units, residential Previous Use


Suitability Development of the site has already been accepted in principle. The previous determination of the application included an element of residential development. It is noted that a revised scheme is currently being prepared. A reduced amount of residential development is anticipated. The anticipated level of residential development has been revised to reflect this. Achievability Officers have no evidence to assess the achievability of this site. Availability The site is noted to be available for development. A revised planning application for the site is anticipated. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being available and suitable for development. The developers remain committed to bringing this site forward for development and have been working with the city council and English Heritage to address previous concerns. A revised planning application is anticipated n the new year. Whilst officers remain satisfied that this site is deliverable the level of residential development has been reduced. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being available and suitable for development. The developers remain committed to bringing this site forward for development and have been working with the City Council and English Heritage to address previous concerns. A revised planning application is anticipated n the new year. Whilst officers remain satisfied that this site is deliverable the level of residential development has been reduced. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review.

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Canal Corridor North Development Site

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Address Land North Of Bailrigg Lane Easting 348405 Northing 458297 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 0.716797 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 21


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on poor access and the loss of agricultural land. Officers have reassessed the conclusions for this site and consider that there may be potential for small scale development on this site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. Officers have not received any information to confirm that this site is still available for development. Deliverability Officers consider there to be potential for small scale development on this site. This would need to be of an appropriate scale and design reflecting its location in Bailrigg. Development Assessment: Officers consider there to be potential for small scale development on this site. This would need to be of an appropriate scale and design reflecting its location in Bailrigg.

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Land North Of Bailrigg Lane

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Address Land North Of Ashbourne Road Current Use

Site Area 0.607829

Easting 347841 Northing 463357

Previous Use

Greenfield False

Number Dwellings (est) 27

Site Source

Suitability The site has an established permission for residential development Achievability The site has an established permission for residential development Availability The site has an established permission for residential development Deliverability The site has an established permission for residential development Development Assessment: Site with planning permission

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Land North Of Ashbourne Road

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Address Ridge Lea Hospital, Stone Row Head Easting 349328 Northing 462175 Greenfield False

Current Use Hospital

Site Area 3.664078

Previous Use Womens Hospital Number Dwellings (est) 50


Suitability Whilst the site is not listed it is viewed to be a local heritage asset which should be retained. Conversion to residential use is viewed to be a suitable use for this building. Officers would however have concern regarding the cumulative impact of more development in this area on local services and local infrastructure. This issue has been raised for other sites in east Lancaster. Opportunities to address this will need to be considered. Whilst important issues officers believe that through appropriate policies and dialogue with key stakeholders these can be overcome. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable. It is noted that the requirement to convert this building could impact on the viability of bringing this site forward for development, this will need to be investigated. Availability The site remains in use as a hospital. Following a review of service provision this site is no longer needed by the Primary Care Trust and will be vacant by the Autumn of 2016. The building has been identified as a site for disposal. Deliverability The site will be available from 2016 and a suitable use must be found. Whilst there is uncertainty surrounding the achievability of this site officers consider that that this site could provide a suitable location for residential development. For this reason the site has been included as part of the council’s longer term housing land supply. Development Assessment: Whilst the site is not listed it is viewed to be a local heritage asset which should be retained. Conversion to residential use is viewed to be a suitable use for this building. Officers would however have concern regarding the cumulative impact of more development in this area on local services and local infrastructure. This issue has been raised for other sites in east Lancaster. Opportunities to address this will need to be considered. Whilst these are important issues, officers believe that through appropriate policies and dialogue with key stakeholders these can be overcome.

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Ridge Lea Hospital, Stone Row Head

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Address Land North Of Quernmore Road Easting 349763 Northing 461479 Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 2.891662 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 50

Site Source

Suitability The site is located outside of the main urban area however is adjacent to several other potential locations for residential development. The site is considered to be in a broadly sustainable location and in consideration of other neighbouring developments and the likely infrastructure improvements which may arise it is considered that this may represent a suitable location for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability Officers have received no further information to say that this site continues to be available for development. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location in Lancaster south of the river is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, which would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. That allocation would offer a substantial, contiguous opportunity to deliver a significant quantum of residential development in manner which will secure necessary infrastructure upgrades in a sustainable location. Officers consider that this site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver some residential development and potentially other services

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Land North Of Quernmore Road

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Address Land East Of Deep Cutting Farm, Ashton Road Easting 347281 Northing 459162 Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 1.937046 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 40

Site Source

Suitability The site is located outside of the main urban area however is adjacent to several other potential locations for residential development. The site is considered to be in a broadly sustainable location and in consideration of other neighbouring developments and the likely infrastructure improvements which may arise it is considered that this may represent a suitable location for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be possible. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. Development Assessment: Officers consider that this site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver residential development in a sustainable location.

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Land East Of Deep Cutting Farm, Ashton Road

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Address Land South Of Pinewood Close, Ashton Road Easting 347118 Northing 458797 Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 3.845663 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 80

Site Source

Suitability The site is located outside of the main urban area however is adjacent to several other potential locations for residential development. The site is considered to be in a broadly sustainable location and in consideration of other neighbouring developments and the likely infrastructure improvements which may arise it is considered that this may represent a suitable location for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be possible. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. Development Assessment: Officers consider that this site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver residential development in a sustainable location.

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Land South Of Pinewood Close, Ashton Road

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Address Land North Of Newlands Road Easting 349246 Northing 460430 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Grazing

Site Area 10.65537 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 123


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on the sites location outside of the main urban area, its proximity to the M6 motorway and the sites designation as a key urban landscape in the Local Plan. Officers remain concerned about these issues and the topography of the site however not the council is reassessing its key urban landscape designation as part of the preparation of the Land Allocations document. The continued appropriateness of this designation will need to be considered through this process. It is recognised that a more detailed landscape assessment of this site may be required. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability Correspondence with the agent for the site confirms continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Discussions with potential developers are noted to have taken place. Deliverability Subject to the conclusions of a more detailed landscape assessment officers consider that, in view of housing need in the district, the longer term development of this site may be appropriate. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review. Development Assessment: Subject to the conclusions of a more detailed landscape assessment officers consider that, in view of housing need in the district, the longer term development of some part of this site may be appropriate. Any proposed development would need to satisfy the Council that noise impacts could be satisfactorily addressed and that the proposed design and layout would be suitable given the steep topography of parts of the site. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review.

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Land North Of Newlands Road

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Address Stone Row Head Easting Northing Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 0.881499 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 20

Site Source

Suitability Stone Row Head is located to the east of the main Lancaster conurbation and adjacent to a number of other potential residential allocations. The site offers a brownfield location with a limited number of constraints. The site contains a number of non-listed buildings which are viewed as heritage assets and is also in close proximity to a number of TPO trees. Subject to the details of any design and the appropriate retention/re-use of the buildings on site the site is viewed as a suitable location for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted by the landowner as part of the call for site process. The submitted pro-forma indicates that the site could be brought forward in 5 years assuming planning permission was granted. Officers have no reason to believe that this would not be possible Deliverability Other than the proximity of TPO trees and the existing buildings on site (which are not considered to be detrimental) there are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: Stone Row Head would form an extension of previously identified allocations to the East of Lancaster. In combination with other nearby proposed allocations it is considered that the site may offer a sustainable location for residential development.

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Stone Row Head

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Address Land North Of Ambleside Road And Honister Road

Northing 462683 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Open Space

Site Area 0.732777

Easting 348896

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 15


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the SHLAA. This considered the site as part of a larger site and identified it as having an important role in providing open space and play facilities for the neighbouring residential area as well as its allocation as key urban landscape within the adopted Local Plan. The areas identification as a key urban landscape is continued in the emerging Land Allocations document. Whilst officers agree in part with this conclusion it is felt that a small element of the site could be developed for residential development without impacting on the open nature of the wider area of key urban landscape. For this reason the site has been sub-divided into two parts. The smaller site, this site, is viewed, subject to sensitive design and siting, to provide a suitable site for residential development which could be brought forward for development whilst maintaining and protecting the adjacent area of open space. The site is owned by the local authority and it is considered that the development of some part of the site may enable the improvement of community facilities on the remaining open space and allow the delivery of much needed affordable dwellings. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is owned by the local authority. Deliverability The site forms an area of amenity for recreation and is adjacent to areas protected for biodiversity. As such development would only be acceptable if it were to deliver improvements to the remaining areas for community benefit. As the land is council owned it is also likely to offer an opportunity to deliver affordable housing. Development Assessment: The site boundary has been revised for this site with two sites now created. In assessing these sites separately officers believe that there is potential for development on the smaller element of the site, without impacting on wider landscape and environmental quality. The deliverability assessment has therefore been revised with this site viewed to be a potentially suitable location for residential development.

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Land North Of Ambleside Road And Honister Road

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Address Land South East Of Lancaster Leisure Park, Wyresdale Road

Northing Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 8.04165


Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 150

Site Source

Suitability This site is located to the east of the main Lancaster conurbation and is adjacent to a number of other potential residential allocations. Although the site has previously been used as the rare breeds areas of the Leisure park it remains a greenfield site. There are some potential issues regarding the topography of the site however it is anticipated that such issues could be addressed through judicious design and layout. The site falls within an area currently allocated as Key Urban Landscape, however the Councils is intending to review the boundaries of this policy area as part of the preparation of the forthcoming Land Allocation Document. As such, officers consider that this site may be suitable for residential purposes. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that a development on this site would be achievable Availability The site is owned by the local authority. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its deliverability. The position and aspect of the site are considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: The site is in a greenfield location to the East of Lancaster. Officers consider that this site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver residential development. The site is one of a number located to the east of Lancaster, which would, if progressed, need to form part of a strategic allocation of land. That allocation would offer a substantial, contiguous opportunity to deliver a significant quantum of residential development in manner which will secure necessary infrastructure upgrades in a sustainable location.

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Land South East Of Lancaster Leisure Park, Wyresdale Road

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Address Moor Park, Quernmore Road Easting Northing Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 2.485367 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 75

Site Source

Suitability This site is located to the east of Lancaster and would form a continuation of the Moor Hospital redevelopment which is currently in progress. Whilst consideration would need to be given to the impacts of any proposal on the TPO trees, officers consider that a development which sought to make effective use of the brownfield land should be supported. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that a development on this site would be achievable Availability The site is understood by officers to be available for development Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its overall deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: Whilst the site is constrained by TPO trees Officer conclude that the land may be suitable for some residential development.

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Moor Park, Quernmore Road

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Address Woodburn Farm, 52 Low Farm Easting 342487 Northing 458652 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Farm buildings

Site Area 0.506692

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 6

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was concluded to be suitable in the 2008 SHLAA with no obvious constraints noted. It is noted that an element of the site is located in flood zone 3. Development of this site would require a site specific flood risk assessment. Historic assets on site would also need to be protected with the retention and conversion of exiting buildings sought. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable Availability Recent information submitted by the landowner indicates interest in taking this site forward. Deliverability The site is noted to be suitable and available for development. This is subject to appropriate flood mitigation measures being provided and the retention and conversion of existing buildings on the site. In view of this it is considered unreasonable to include the site in the first five year period. It is however considered reasonable to expect delivery of this site within the lifetime of the plan and as such it has been included in the trajectory. The number of dwellings envisaged for this site in the SHLAA has been reduced in the amended housing trajectory for the district. Development Assessment: Information from the landowner confirms a continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Whilst an element of the site is within flood zone 3 it is considered that through appropriate flood mitigation measures this could be addressed. A site specific flood risk assessment would be required. The protection and conversion of existing buildings on site would be sought. It is recognised that this could impact on viability and as such the deliverability of the site has been delayed until the second delivery period.

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Woodburn Farm, 52 Low Farm

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Address Land North Of Carr Lane Easting 342118 Northing 458756 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Grazing land

Site Area 3.576705 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 75


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The SHLAA considered the scale of development proposed to be unacceptable given the level of service provision in Middleton. Officers now note that Middleton is a village which has been included in the Development Management Development Plan Document as a suitable location for development. As such, the Council would expect development in this area and subject to the details of a proposal meeting all other policies of the development plan would support residential schemes. Consequently Officers. The proposed development would back onto existing residential areas and would adjoin Middleton Wood. The site is considered to be relatively unconstrained. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers have not received any information to confirm that this site is still available for development. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that a housing development could not be delivered on this site. Development Assessment: Middleton has been identified within the Publication version of the Development Management DPD as an area where the Council would expect to see housing development over the forthcoming plan period. Whilst the development would be adjacent to Middleton Wood and other residential areas officers conclude that the site is relatively unconstrained and could, subject to good design and layout, be brought forward for housing promptly.

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Land North Of Carr Lane

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Address Former Pontins Holiday Camp, Carr Lane Easting 341285

Site Area 23.11049

Current Use Construction site - several units already completed

Northing 458237 Greenfield FALSE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 570

Holiday camp


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the planning application process. The site was concluded to be suitable for the use proposed by the Planning Inspectorate in 2002 and was subsequently granted planning permission. The applicant has since gone into administration and as such there are questions over the achievability of this site to the level of development proposed and the specialised housing envisaged in the original application. An application to vary the legal agreement relating to affordable housing and age restriction occupation on this site is currently pending appeal decision. Whilst the specific details of the occupancy are currently being assessed Officers consider that the suitability of this site for some form of residential development has been accepted. For this reason officers would still envisage some form of development on this large brownfield site. Achievability The delivery of this site having regard to the scale of development proposed and the specialist housing nature is questionable. This has been confirmed by information submitted from Coast Development. Alternative proposals are being investigated and officers are confident that a solution can be identified within the plan period. Availability The developer for this site has gone into administration with the site now in the ownership onow split between owners. It is noted that alternative forms of development are currently being investigated with the current proposals viewed to be un-implementable by the land owner. It is noted that the site is available for development with the land owner keen to complete development on this site. Deliverability Whilst officers have no information to indicate that a scheme on this site is achievable the agents acting on behalf of the owners are investigating options for this site and have an application to vary the condition relating to occupancy currently awaiting determination. Whilst the details are being investigated officers are confident that development of some nature will occur within the plan period. Development Assessment: Whilst officers have no information to indicate that a scheme on this site is achievable the agents acting on behalf of the owners are investigating options for this site and have an application to vary the condition relating to occupancy currently awaiting determination. Whilst the details are being investigated officers are confident that development of some nature will occur within the plan period.

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Former Pontins Holiday Camp, Carr Lane

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Address Chatsworth Gardens Development Site Easting 342704 Northing 463559 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Residential

Site Area 1.219205 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 0


Suitability The site has been the subject of a planning application which has been favourably determined. As such, it is considered that this is a suitable site for residential development. Achievability Officers are not aware of any evidence to suggest that the redevelopment is unachievable Availability The site is in mixed ownership with the council owning a number of dwellings in the area. Deliverability Officers are not aware of any evidence to suggest that the redevelopment is undeliverable Development Assessment: The development, whilst complicated is considered achievable, is located in a suitable location and is potentially available within the plan period.

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Chatsworth Gardens Development Site

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Address Morecambe Town Hall Car Park Easting 343940 Northing 464724 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Town Hall

Site Area 0.286663 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 11


Suitability The site is located in a residential area and as such is considered a suitable location for development. Achievability Officers have no reason to suggest the site is unachievable Availability The site is in current use as Council Offices Deliverability Officers have no reason to suggest the site is deliverable Development Assessment: Subject to the site being confirmed as available and appropriate provision for parking is made elsewhere as required

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Morecambe Town Hall Car Park

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Address Frontierland, Marine Road West Easting 342783 Northing 463982 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Derelict site

Site Area 3.146349

Previous Use Former theme park Number Dwellings (est) 50


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the determination of the original 2006 planning application and again as part of the 2009 renewal. This is continued in the Morecambe AAP which identifies the site as a Development Opportunity site with residential viewed to be the most appropriate use. Whilst the suitability of housing on this site has been accepted it is recognised from the emerging evidence base work undertaken as part of the Area Action Plan process that a lower level of residential development is anticipated. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site is a derelict site in a prominent location on Morecambe promenade. Discussions with the team responsible for the preparation of the AAP and the agents for this site confirm that the land owners remain interested in bringing this site forward for development. The availability of this site for residential use has however been questioned with the landowner currently promoting a predominantly retail led scheme. A planning application is anticipated shortly. Deliverability The preferred use for this site is residential with this use being promoted through the AAP. The suitability of this has already been accepted through earlier planning approvals. It is however noted that alternative uses are currently being promoted for this site, these have yet to be submitted to the council for determination. Whilst this is an important consideration in the assessment of this site it is officers view that given the current residential approval for the site and its proposed policy designation in the AAP residential use remains the preferred position for this site. This is supported by the evidence base prepared to support the AAP. The site therefore remains part of the council's future housing supply. Delivery has however been delayed to the second five year period to reflect current uncertainty. Development Assessment: The site is noted to be suitable for residential development. The site has been identified as a Development Opportunity Site in the Morecambe AAP with residential development highlighted as a preferred use. Whilst supporting residential development it is recognised that a reduced amount of development on this site is more likely then that currently approved.

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Frontierland, Marine Road West

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Address Nursery On White Lund Road, White Lund Easting 344446 Northing 463070 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Garden Nursery

Site Area 0.497377

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 9


Suitability The site was considered to be suitable in the adopted Local Plan and more recently as part of the 2008 SHLAA. This assessment recognised the location of the site in a flood risk area. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that the site is no longer suitable for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable Availability The site is within the city council’s ownership and is presently in use. Deliverability The absence of information to confirm the availability and achievability of this site meant that officers are unable to include this site in the next 5 year period. It is however considered that should this site no longer be required for its current use it could form an attractive residential site. For this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s housing land supply. Development Assessment: The absence of information to confirm the availability and achievability of this site meant that officers are unable to include this site in the next 5 year period. It is however considered that should this site no longer be required for its current use it could form an attractive residential site. For this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s housing land supply.

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Nursery On White Lund Road, White Lund

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Address Land South Of Betony Road Easting 345967 Northing 464960 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Open space - waste land

Site Area 0.267191

Previous Use Former railway site Number Dwellings (est) 1

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site had been assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. A planning application for a single dwelling has since been submitted and approved by the council. In view of this application officers have reviewed their assessment for this site with the site now assessed as being suitable for development. The number of dwellings envisaged on this site has been reviewed to reflect this approval. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability Officers are satisfied that this site is available for development. Deliverability In view of the approval of a recent application on this site officers have reviewed their assessment for this site and concluded it to be deliverable for housing. Development Assessment: In view of the approval of a recent application on this site officers have reviewed their assessment for this site and concluded it to be deliverable for housing. The number of dwellings envisaged on the site has ben reduced in line with the approved application.

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Land South Of Betony Road

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Address Land West Of 113 White Lund Road, Oxcliffe Road Easting 344148

Site Area 0.227602

Current Use Derelict site - two log cabins currently occupy the site

Northing 462630 Greenfield FALSE

Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 5

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. A planning application for 11 park homes on this site was submitted to the council in 2012 but has subsequently withdrawn. This followed concerns regarding access and the relationship of the development to neighbours. Whilst concerns regarding access and the relationship to neighbouring properties remain officers believe that through appropriate design these could be overcome. The site is viewed to be a suitable site for development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability A planning application for 11 park homes was submitted to the council in 2012 and then subsequently withdrawn. The site remains subject to discussions with the agent with interest in bringing the site forward for development noted. Deliverability Subject to appropriate design the site is viewed to be a suitable location for development. Whilst current discussions for the site relate to park homes officers believe that this site could form a deliverable site for residential development. It is recommended that the site be considered as one planning unit, combined with the neighbouring site (SHLAA_181). There is noted to be interest in bringing this site forward and as such the site remains part of the council's future housing land supply. Development Assessment: Subject to appropriate design the site is viewed to be a suitable location for development. Whilst current discussions for the site relate to park homes officers believe that this site could form a deliverable site for residential development. It is recommended that the site be considered as one planning unit, combined with the neighbouring site (SHLAA_181).

14 March 2014

SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land West Of 113 White Lund Road, Oxcliffe Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address 179 Torrisholme Road Easting 345994

Site Area 0.636613

Northing 463455 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Purposes ancillary to main house Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 5


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The location of the site adjacent to the approved route for the Heysham M6 link was considered as part of this assessment. Officers are not aware of any new information to review this conclusion. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The most recent call for sites proforma submitted for this site indicates that the landowner remains interested in bringing this site forward. There is also noted to have been interest by local developers in developing this site. Deliverability Whilst there is noted to be a willing land owner officers have concerns regarding the deliverability of this site in the immediate future given its proximity to the proposed Heysham M6 link road. In view of this officers do not believe that it is appropriate to rely on this site in the next 5 year period. It however remains part of the council’s longer term housing land supply. The amount of housing on the site has been reduced to reflect a more realistic expectation for delivery. Development Assessment: Whilst there is noted to be a willing land owner officers have concerns regarding the deliverability of this site in the immediate future given its proximity to the proposed Heysham M6 link road. In view of this officers do not believe that it is appropriate to rely on this site in the next 5 year period. It however remains part of the council’s longer term housing land supply. The amount of housing on the site has been reduced to reflect a more realistic expectation for delivery.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


179 Torrisholme Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Regents Road Bridge, Westgate Easting 343194 Northing 463141 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Fields

Site Area 2.224058 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 66


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for housing in the adopted Local Plan. This assessment was continued into the 2008 SHLAA where the consultants considered that the site remained a suitable site for housing. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. The site has been included as a housing allocation in the emerging Land Allocations document. Appropriate design and siting will be required in order to ensure compatibility with the adjacent land use. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site was submitted as part of the call for sites process on behalf of the owner. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability In the absence of information on the achievability of this site officers are unable to rely on housing delivery from this site in the next 5 years. Notwithstanding this officers remain satisfied that this is a suitable site for development capable of bringing forward housing in the lifetime of the plan. Development Assessment: The site has been identified as being suitable for residential development. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land East Of Regents Road Bridge, Westgate

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Broadway Hotel, Marine Road East Easting 344552 Northing 464857 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Hotel

Site Area 0.281275 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 47


Suitability The suitability of this site for development was considered as part of the determination of the original 2007 planning application and again as part of the renewal. Officers have no reason to question the suitability of this site for residential use. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The recent renewal of the application and pre-application discussions for this site indicate continued interest in bringing the site forward for development. Deliverability Recent pre-application discussions would indicate that there remains a long term interest in bringing this site forward for development and for this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s longer term housing land supply. Development Assessment: Recent pre-application discussions would indicate that there remains a continued interest in bringing this site forward for development and for this reason the site continues to be included as part of the council’s longer term housing land supply.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Broadway Hotel, Marine Road East

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Grove Street Depot Easting 342750 Northing 463879 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Depot

Site Area 0.15392 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 8


Suitability The site was assessed as being suitable for residential development as part of the 2005 application and as part of the 2008 SHLAA. Officers are not aware of any new information to indicate that this is no longer the case. Achievability The site has an established permission for residential development. Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for development. Availability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is available for development. Deliverability Whilst officers have no evidence to confirm that the site is available or achievable it is considered that in improved market conditions this site could be a suitable location for residential development. For this reason the site has been included as part of the council’s future housing land supply. Development Assessment: Whilst officers have no evidence to confirm that the site is available or achievable it is considered that in improved market conditions this site could be a suitable location for residential development. The site has an established permission for residential development and could be brought forward promptly.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Grove Street Depot

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Elms Hotel, Elms Road Easting 345311 Northing 465067 Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 0.400793 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 45

Site Source

Suitability The site has an established permission for residential development Achievability The site has an established permission for residential development Availability The site has an established permission for residential development Deliverability The site has an established permission for residential development Development Assessment: This site has an established planning permission for residential use and as such has been assessed as suitable within the SHLAA.

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Elms Hotel, Elms Road

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14 March 2014

SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Playing Field, Acre Moss Lane Easting Northing Greenfield True

Current Use

Site Area 0.734485 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 25

Site Source

Suitability The site is understood to be no longer used or needed as sport recreation/amenity space and is located in a sustainable residential area. The site is largely unconstrained. Officers consider that development of some part of this sitemay be appropriate if it resulted in the improvement of the remainder or alternative provision being made available to the public. Achievability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is achievable however it is noted to be relatively unconstrained greenfield site within the urban area. Availability Officers understand that the site is no longer in formal use and could be available in the near future. Deliverability Officers have no evidence to suggest that the site is deliverable Development Assessment: The site is understood to be no longer used or needed as sport recreation/amenity space and is likely to become available within the plan period. The site is located in a sustainable residential area and is largely unconstrained. Officers consider that development of some part of this site may be appropriate if it resulted in the improvement of the remainder or alternative provision being made available to the public. Given the potential uncertainty regarding the availability and current level of use of this site the above conclusions will remain under review,

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Playing Field, Acre Moss Lane

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

Page 197 of 216

SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Briar Lea Road Easting 350356

Site Area 0.443062

Northing 468153 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Short term agricultural tenancy agreement Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 13


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA. The assessment was based on the sites location outside of a named village in the Core Strategy. Since undertaking the 2008 SHLAA the council has reassessed its key villages as part of the Development Management DPD preparation. Nether Kellet is now identified as one of the key villages where the city council would look to direct development. Officers are not aware of any other constraints that would impact on the development of this site. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for residential development. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Recent information indicates that the site is still available for development. Deliverability Officers have reassessed the suitability of this site and consider the site to be a suitable location with no known constraints impacting on its deliverability. The site is noted to be available for development with access possible via Briar Lea Road. Development Assessment: Officers have reassessed the suitability of this site and consider the site to be a suitable location with no known constraints impacting on its deliverability. The site is noted to be available for development with access possible via Briar Lea Road.

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land East Of Briar Lea Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Yard Area, Old Hall Farm Easting 351787

Site Area 0.3852

Northing 469962 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Ex Agricultural buildings Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 4

Site Source DC ENQUIRY

Suitability The site was identified as being suitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA with the sensitive conversion of the existing buildings supported. Officers agree with this conclusion and consider the site to be potentially suitable for residential development. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. The conversion of buildings on the site are likely to add to the cost of developing this site. Availability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is available. Deliverability While the site is considered to be potentially suitable for residential development, subject to the sensitive conversion of existing buildings, the absence of information on availability means that the site is unable to be included in the council's five year housing land supply. Development Assessment: The site is considered to be potentially suitable for residential development, subject to the sensitive conversion of existing buildings. The site offers a small brownfield opportunity in a sustainable village location. Officers consider that a scheme could be progressed relatively quickly on this site.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Yard Area, Old Hall Farm

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land North Of Winder Garth And Kirkby Lonsdale Road Easting 352695 Northing 470119 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 2.770919 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 83


Suitability The site was assessed as being unsuitable for residential development in the 2008 SHLAA with concern over the visual and landscape impact of development. Officers note however that the National Planning context for such developments is generally more favourable and that proposed development on such a site would benefit from n assumption in favour of development. As such, officers consider that a sensitively designed scheme which is tailored to meet housing needs may prove acceptable in this location. In the absence of other significant constraints the site is considered to be potentially suitable. Achievability Officers have no evidence to confirm that this site is achievable for residential development. Availability The site was put forward by the landowner as part of the call for sites process. Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability Officers have concerns regarding the suitability of this site for housing. Further information is required in relation to potential landscape impacts. Subject to these being assessed officers would consider some level of development possible on this site. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being deliverable for residential development subject to appropriate design and access arrangements.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land North Of Winder Garth And Kirkby Lonsdale Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Langthwaite Filter House, Langthwaite Road Easting 349848

Site Area 0.297633

Northing 460434 Greenfield FALSE

Current Use Former Filter House Previous Use

Number Dwellings (est) 2


Suitability Whilst the site was viewed to be suitable in the 2008 SHLAA it was recognised that this would be as an exception with only the conversion of existing buildings supported. Planning permission for the conversion of the building to two dwellings was granted in February 2013. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Planning permission for two dwellings was granted in February 2013. Officers have no reason to question the availability of this site with the site viewed to be deliverable within the next five year period. Deliverability In view of the recent approval for two dwellings officers have assessed the site as being deliverable for residential development. Development Assessment: In view of the recent approval for two dwellings officers have assessed the site as being deliverable for residential development.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Langthwaite Filter House, Langthwaite Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Harrison Farm, Main Street Easting Northing Greenfield False

Current Use

Site Area 1.084015 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 30

Site Source

Suitability Whilst the site falls principally within Whittington Conservation area it is considered that this brownfield site could be developed sensitively. It is concluded that the site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver a site which will enhance and maintain the vitality of the local community. To ensure that the proposal is as sustainable as possible particular care when considering the requirements of the Housing Needs of the area and the district will need to be demonstrated. Achievability Officers are unaware of any constraints which would prevent the being developed Availability The site has been suggested through the Call for sites by the owner. As such, it is considered to be available for development. Deliverability There are no known constraints in relation to this site which would impact on its overall deliverability. The small scale nature of the site together with its location is considered to make this an attractive site for development. Development Assessment: Whilst the site falls principally within Whittington Conservation area it is considered that this brownfield site could be developed sensitively. It is concluded that the site may offer a suitable opportunity to deliver a site which will enhance and maintain the vitality of the local community. To ensure that the proposal is as sustainable as possible particular care when considering the requirements of the Housing Needs of the area and the district will need to be demonstrated.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Harrison Farm, Main Street

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land North Of Homes, Wennington Road Easting 360289 Northing 467817 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 1.942252 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 29


Suitability Whilst this site is located within the Forest of Bowland AONB it is noted that the forthcoming Development Management Development Plan Document identifies Wray as a location which is sustainable and where the Council would expect to see development within the plan period. This is a continuation of policy from the previous Local Plan and the Core Strategy. Officers therefore consider that the site is potentially suitable for residential development offering opportunity to provide housing to meet the districts needs. Whilst some areas of Wray fall within flood zones it is notable that this site is outside of those areas. Discussions with the Highway Authority suggest that highway improvements within the village may be required and an acceptable site access would also need to be demonstrated, however these requirements are not identified as insurmountable obstacles at this stage. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site forward for development. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially deliverable for residential development. This is subject to a more detailed landscape and highways assessment. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district. Development Assessment: the forthcoming Development Management Development Plan Document identifies Wray as a location which is sustainable and where the Council would expect to see development within the plan period. The site has been assessed as being potentially deliverable for residential development and is known to be available. Any development would need to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the landscape/design issues affecting the site and establish a suitable highways arrangement. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district.

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Land North Of Homes, Wennington Road

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Appletree Barn Easting 360426 Northing 467760 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Field

Site Area 0.260956 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 4


Suitability Whilst this site is located within the Forest of Bowland AONB it is noted that the forthcoming Development Management Development Plan Document identifies Wray as a location which is sustainable and where the Council would expect to see development within the plan period. This is a continuation of policy from the previous Local Plan and the Core Strategy. Officers therefore consider that whilst the amenity impacts of development on this site would need to be considered carefully it remains a potentially suitable location for development. This site was assessed as being suitable for residential development in the SHLAA 2008. Officers are not aware of any new information to suggest that this is no longer the case. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability The site has been the subject of developer interest and is considered likely to be available within the plan period. Deliverability In view of the absence of information on availability and achievability officers are unable to include this site as part of its housing land supply. For this reason the site has been removed from the housing trajectory. Development Assessment: This site has been the subject of developer enquiries and is known to be available. Officers consider that the site falls within a sustainable location that would be supported by emerging policy and that, subject to careful design, would be a suitable location for small scale residential development. In the absence of evidence to suggest that the site is undeliverable or unachievable officers consider that the site could deliver dwelling within the first 5yr phase of the local plan period.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Appletree Barn

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Wood Ho Easting 360406 Northing 467522 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Field

Site Area 0.221182 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 6


Suitability Whilst this site is located within the Forest of Bowland AONB it is noted that the forthcoming Development Management Development Plan Document identifies Wray as a location which is sustainable and where the Council would expect to see development within the plan period. This is a continuation of policy from the previous Local Plan and the Core Strategy. Officers therefore consider that whilst the amenity impacts of development on this site would need to be considered carefully it remains a potentially suitable location for development. The site was assessed as being suitable for residential development in the SHLAA 2008 with potential to link into adjacent residential development. Officers note that the site is bounded by neighbouring residential properties and any development would need the benefit of careful design with regard to amenity, overlooking and scale. It is concluded that the site is suitable. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable. Availability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is available for development. Deliverability In view of the absence of information on availability and achievability officers will continue to review the overall deliverability of this site. It is currently considered however that this is a compact site which, subject to appropriate design could deliver a number of dwellings in a high value area of the district Development Assessment: Officers consider that the site falls within a sustainable location that would be supported by emerging policy and that, subject to careful design, would be a suitable location for small scale residential development. In the absence of evidence to suggest that the site is undeliverable or unachievable officers consider that the site could deliver dwellings within the first 5yr phase of the local plan period. Officers are continuing to monitor this sites availability and will review the above conclusions accordingly.

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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHLAA Refference


Wood Ho

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SHLAA 2014 - Sites Prortfolio - March Edition

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SHLAA Refference


Address Land East Of Home Farm Close Easting 360492 Northing 467635 Greenfield TRUE

Current Use Agricultural

Site Area 3.46 Previous Use Number Dwellings (est) 50


Suitability A smaller part of this site was assessed as being suitable for housing in the 2008 SHLAA. This recognised the sites location within the Forest of Bowland AONB and flood risk. During the process of undertaking this assessment the site has been extended to include additional land to the east. The following assessment for this site is based on the larger site area. Officers consider that the site is potentially suitable for residential development offering opportunity to provide housing within a defined boundary for the settlement. Whilst this site is located within the Forest of Bowland AONB it is noted that the forthcoming Development Management Development Plan Document identifies Wray as a location which is sustainable and where the Council would expect to see development within the plan period. The development of this site would represent a major addition in the village in close proximity to the conservation area and important areas of open space. As such, officers are mindful of the AONB designation and of the need to conserve the amenity and character of the area. It is nevertheless considered that a sensitively designed scheme may satisfy the policy requirements of the area. The site is bounded to east and south by flood zones and any proposed development would need to be supported by a site specific flood risk assessment. It is considered that there maybe sufficient land for a developer to demonstrate that a suitable highway access can be arranged however particular care would need to given to the accessibility of the site to services in Wray and the accessibility of Wray in general. Subject to the developer supporting the necessary improvements it is concluded that this may prove a suitable location for residential development. Given the scale of the site and the necessary detail needed to conclusively establish the suitability of this site the above conclusions will be kept under review. Achievability Officers have no evidence to say that this site is achievable however note that the site appears relatively unconstrained. Availability Officers are aware of continued interest in bringing this site for development with the landowner and agents progressing the site through consultation with the Parish Council. Deliverability The site has been assessed as being potentially deliverable for residential development. The site is noted to fall within the districts higher value areas however development in this location would likely be subject to significant on and off site requirements to ensure acceptable and sustainable development including the need to address affordable housing needs. The delivery of this site will be subject to a more detailed highways and flood risk assessment. Subject to the conclusions of this additional work the site has been included in the housing trajectory for the district. The conclusions for this site will be kept under review. Development Assessment: The site has been assessed as being potentially deliverable for residential development and is noted to be located in an area which is considered sustainable and where the council would expect to 14 March 2014

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support development in the forthcoming plan period. This suitability and deliverability of this site will be subject to additional work and the conclusions detailed above will remain under review. The site falls within the AONB and the site specific impacts of any development design would need to be assessed in detail however officers conclude that a developable scheme may be achievable. Whilst it is known that the landowner is looking to proceed with the planning process shortly it is considered that due the size and complexity of the site and the range of issues which would need to be addressed it is appropriate to include the site in the second phase of the forthcoming plan period (yrs. 6-10).

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Land East Of Home Farm Close

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