Table of Contents 1
Table of Contents 1
Table of Contents 1
Table of Contents
Ideas for Left Side of Interactive Notebook
Left Side of Notebook – “Output” This is where you personally connect with the information on the right side of the page. USE LOTS OF COLOR! (Highlighters, colored pencils, colored pens, crayon…no markers!) Output exercises: Brainstorming Concept Maps Graphic Organizers Questions you have about the topic (Things you are confused about or questions that extend beyond the core material) Describe the event in your own words with pictures “Wanted” posters (for famous people) Write a eulogy (for famous people) Flow Charts, Sequence Charts Compare/Contrast Chart Venn Diagram KWL Chart Create a political cartoon Comic Strip/graphic novel story What ifs… (we chose not to drop the bomb, Huns never invaded Rome, etc.)
Poems, Songs, Raps, Limericks Write a Riddle Create a Story about topic Charts, Graphs, Tables Mnemonic Devices What do you already know about topic? Create and label/annotate a visual illustration (drawing) explaining the topic How does this topic relate to your life? What are the important details to remember? Current events/articles that relate to topic Write a newspaper article about the topic Write a letter to a past historical person Outcome Sentences: o I learned…, I was surprised to find…, This reminds me of…, I wonder what would happen if…, I now understand…, because…, I liked…, I didn’t like…, The important thing about… Say it in a Sentence (summarize the entire lesson in one sentence) Here I Stand (tell me how you feel personally about this topic) Diary entry as a person from the time
Come up with your own! It just needs to show thought, effort, and understanding/processing!
How frequently should I be doing the ‘output’ side of my notebook? Every time something is added to the right hand side (input) you should do something on the left hand side that night.
What should I do on the left hand side? It is your choice what you do. This list provided gives some short/quick options to show what you understand so far and some more in-depth options that will allow you to show a deeper understanding. You should use a variety of options and will be required to do one of the more in depth options at the end of each unit.