Do You Know Which Method Of Numerology Is Best?

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There are two formal versions of Numerology in the world today. They are the ancient science of Chaldean Numerology based on the world's original root language Chaldean/Sumerian (4,000 BCE), and the Western (so-called Modern) Numerology based on the pre-Roman Empire Alphabet of 22 letters (500 BCE). Both systems will be briefly explained and contrasted to provide you with a little more insight on the difference of the numerology calculators. Chaldean Numerology is based on "sound-syllables" (sound frequencies/resonance) that generate energy, which creates the vibrational patterns of our "names." The Western version of Numerology is not based on the vibrational patterns of sound-syllables, but on a simplistic, linear, and sequential assignment of numbers to the letters of the Western/English alphabet. Numerology, the ancient science of numbers or the study of the significance of numbers, says that you are born with a set of unique numerical values that represent vibrational patterns which have definable and describable meanings. From those meanings we can find out our destiny, who we are compatible with, what our personality is really like, and more. The numbers of your name and birthdate can show you a design and blueprint that reveal the potential your life holds. In Chaldean Numerology, sound-syllables resonate to numerical values which identify and define the vibrational patterns that affect our body's physiology and energy processes, and impact the unfolding, living, changing environment in our lives. These vibrational patterns are then translated into written form through the interpretation of the language of numbers (numerology numbers). The Chaldean Alphabet/Formula shown below assigns only "eight" root numbers (numerical values 1 through 8) to the sound-syllables (letters) of their alphabet. The Original Sacred Alphabet also shown below was expanded from 22 to 26 letters by the third millennium BCE to accommodate the language variations as humanity expanded outward. The Chaldean Alphabet/Formula applied characteristics to ensure the accuracy of interpretations of the patterns of our names. One characteristic was the power of the Number 9. The Number 9 was considered to be "Sacred" in and of itself, sacred not only because it was symbolic of the highest level of spiritual attainment, but also because its level of creative energy was higher than all numbers. The Number 9 could never be assigned to represent a single letter of the alphabet. Chaldean Alphabet/Formula Numerical Values with Letters Assigned 1 = A, I, J, Q, Y 2 = B, K, R 3 = C, G, L, S

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Do You Know Which Method Of Numerology Is Best? by Lance Ray - Issuu