2 minute read
Qui diligit Deum
It underpins our holistic approach to the formation of our pupils and creates a community which welcomes people of all faiths and none. It is an environment in which faith can be explored and taken seriously as the foundation and goal of human existence. For many of our pupils it is while they are here at Lancing that they choose to celebrate their Christian faith at Confirmation, and in their own words some of them speak here of their experience of the preparation and service itself.
‘Our weekly Confirmation meetings have given me a lot to think about. I have learned how to better reflect on myself. The trip to Chichester, where we took a lot of time just letting our thoughts roam, showed me that it is sometimes good just to take time for oneself.’
Julia Kovska, Lower Sixth
‘Following weekly meetings in which we discussed various topics, from the impact of religion on science and the different ways Jesus is depicted within artwork, we went on a trip to Chichester. During the trip we had time to reflect and create, influenced by Bible passages, some drew, and others wrote, before having a tour of the Cathedral itself.’
Kayleb Meierdirk, Lower Sixth
‘The Confirmation was not only a beautiful service but a chance for the other candidates and I to fully confirm our faith in the presence of our loved ones and friends. I particularly enjoyed seeing how many people came to support us all, and enjoyed meeting Bishop Will.’
Louisa Vershima, Lower Sixth
‘Every candidate was made to feel that their Confirmation was of great significance. It was a special moment for me and all the others who can be caught up in the whirlwind of life. A day to remember. Thank you to everyone who supported me.’
George Armstrong, Fourth Form
‘I always wanted to be confirmed since I was 10 and I am glad that I was confirmed at the Lancing College Chapel along with my peers. The service made me realise that I was connected to God more than I thought I would have ever been! Being confirmed has opened a gateway to the next chapter in my life and I so am grateful for everyone who has supported me through my journey so far.’
James Carroll, Fourth Form
‘For me, the Confirmation was absolutely wonderful, and the most inspiring message given by Bishop Will was that “to inspire others to become Christian, our confirmed individuals should let them see the way we live our lives, only use words if we have to”. I will never forget the cheerful feeling from the bottom of my heart when I was being confirmed – a sense of getting closer to the Kingdom of the Lord. And may this cheerful feeling be everlasting in my heart and pass on to more individuals along my faithful journey.’
Jack Zhang, Upper Sixth