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GCSE & A Level Art Exhibition
This has been yet another bumper year for some stunning creative and personal work by our talented Fifth and Upper Sixth Form Art and Photography students.

We enjoyed an emotional celebratory opening evening, when it was so special to see the smiles of our proud students and their equally proud parents and guests when they realised what all the hard work of the past two years has delivered.
Every year we exhibit the final outcomes of project work in whatever shape or form they may take for our examination groups in Fine Art and Photography. However, this year has been additionally challenging, as we returned to the process of timed examinations again – put on hold during the pandemic. The work is initially exhibited for internal marking prior to moderation by the exam board.
Despite the tighter time scale and greater volume of work produced, we managed to squeeze it all into the Art School, and we have been delighted by the positive responses from all those who have seen the show. Visitors included pupils from our two Prep schools with their wonderful Art teachers, parents of prospective pupils, and all of the Third Form students as well as all who will be exhibiting their work next year.

We are hugely grateful to our amazing maintenance, cleaning and catering departments for their support, ranging from transforming the studios into gallery spaces, keeping it all clean, and providing first class refreshments for our opening night.
Looking forward now to the Summer Exhibition 2024!
Judith Renfrew, Head of Art