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2023 Legacy Lunch
Not only is it helping to fund 20% of the Foundationers programme but in recent years it has also funded the refurbishment of the Ken Shearwood Pavilion and the Swimming Pool as well as the award-winning new Reception area. These are all projects which have made a real impact on the whole Lancing community and show what incredible results can be achieved when benefactors’ funding is spent well and effectively. We are extremely grateful to have our Legacy Society working quietly away behind the scenes and boldly helping us shape and secure the College for future generations.
Obviously, we would like to be able to do more. We all know that Lancing was founded on philanthropy and it has become a tradition embedded in the flint stones of the buildings that OLs, parents and staff give back to the College as so many feel they have benefited from their time here. Earlier this year we were very fortunate to receive a legacy from the estate of Alan and Margaret Deering. Alan was at the College in the 1950s, Gibbs’ 1950–1953, and when he told me he was considering leaving a legacy, his motivation to do this was because he wanted a young person to be given the opportunity of a Lancing education as he was. In fact, Alan’s generous gift will mean that at least three more students are going to come here and have a life-changing experience.
At our annual Legacy Lunch at the end of May, we talked about what legacy gifts have already achieved for the school, we thanked all our guests for their generous decision to leave a legacy to Lancing, and we remembered the kindness of the 24 members over the last 18 years who now have their names up on the 1848 Legacy Society honours board in Great School.