The strategy was to stimulate existing stagnant systems, (land preservation, agriculture, land ownership). It hoped to allow the landscape to develop and evolve without being guided or managed. The role of the Landscape Architect transformed into provoker, advocating self organisation, allowing potential growth, accepting constant change whilst allowing for failure. The strategy is interwoven with time, the state of change and adaptation.
Example singular line of reactions encouraged by the strategy
Four were rules applied to the existing stagnant systems, creating a complex adaptive system, encouraging the landscape to be used differently and the emergence of new multifunctional land uses.
Land preservation is the taxidermy of nature
Landscape change through time encouraged by the strategy
Landscape types be eco ome determined by water level, as the sea level rises, each landscape type moves up p a contour level, creating a new set of opportunitiess and usage for the lowest level, which is predominantly y inundated.
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Adaptation p
Th detail The d t il d design i workk undertaken intended to create elements with adaptable usage which act as a catalyst for new land uses. Able to change and develop through time rather than degrading, their use and mis-use celebrated as a reaction to the catalyst.