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Common Snipe

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Glaucous Gull

(a) Spring (b) Autumn

Figure 3-72. Relative abundance during (a) spring and (b) autumn of Charadrius hiaticula counted on twice-weekly estuarine surveys in the Andakíll Ramsar site in 2017. Spring = 12th March - 7th June; Autumn = 12

th June - 25th

October. The number of dots in each subsite refers to the total number of birdrecords (from weekly low tide and rising tide surveys) in spring and autumn, adjusted for the length of the season, and reflects the species’ abundance in that season, not the specific location of birds.

Figure 3-73. Proportion of foraging and roosting Charadrius hiaticula during weekly (a) low tide and (b) rising tide estuarine surveys in six subsites in the Andakíll Ramsar site between 12th March and 25th October 2017.

(a) Low tide (b) Rising tide

Common Snipe

Gallinago gallinago Hrossagaukur

While there was very little suitable habitat within the survey area, Snipe were recorded on two occasions. Six birds were observed foraging above the high tide line on 4th April, and a single bird was recorded on 31st July. Elsewhere in the Andakíll Ramsar site, they were the most abundant breeding wader (Tierney & Tierney 2020).

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