GLTN Newsletter Issue #8

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Issue 1 / 2014

GLTN promotes pro-poor land tools at the World Urban Forum Medellin, Colombia From 5 to 11 April 2014, the 7th World Urban Forum (WUF7) took place in Medellin, Colombia, drawing a record 22,000 participants from 142 countries, consisting of representatives of governments, private sector, international organizations, ac ademia, p rofessionals and civil society. The focus of the WUF7 was strengthening equity and equality in the urban environment and feeding into the preparations of Habitat 3 and the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. GLTN was strongly represented by both the secretariat and partners, actively positioning land tenure security, using this opportunity to promote the work which is being undertaken to strengthen the pro-poor and gender equality focus through community participation in developing solutions. WUF7 also saw the highest number of collaborative events from GLTN partners: Habitat for Humanity International and Slum/Shack dwellers international coorganized a session on technological solutions, including STDM, the Huairou Commission and the International Land Coalition collaborated on a training event on the Gender Evaluation Criteria, whereas UN-Habitat and partners positioned youth and land at the World Urban Youth Assembly. Other tools and processes presented by the partners for discussion included costing and financing of land administration, participatory and inclusive land readjustment; land readjustment and slum upgrading, and women’s land rights and land indicators in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. By the end of the forum the participants presented a declaration, drawn from the vast number of events, deliberations and dialogues.

The declaration reaffirms a commitment to integrate urban equity into the Post-2015 Development Agenda, employing all means and resources available to ensure that cities are transformed into inclusive, safe, prosperous and harmonious spaces for all. Further to this the declaration of the WUF7 includes a commitment to focus on tenure security, as part of the Agenda of promoting “equity as a foundation of sustainable urban development”, i.e.

Promote sustainable urban development, based on urban planning that promotes youth participation, gender equality, balanced territorial development; strengthened resilience to climate change and natural disasters; the upgrading and prevention of slums; and provision of housing, basic services and land tenure security; access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport; and access to safe public spaces and services for all.” In the closing remarks the UN-Habitat made special reference to the intersection between urban and rural land and the urban sprawl onto agricultural land, as being one of the key challenges. This also reconfirms the importance of GLTN’s work around developing pro-poor and gender sensitive land tools that address both urban and rural land challenges. If you have stories, pictures or outcomes of WUF7 you would like to share with GLTN, please share with GLTN Secretariat. For more information, contact Toril Iren at


GLTN kicks off work in Uganda with Land Stakeholders’ Workshop Page 2

Annual Conference on Land and Poverty Puts Land High on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Page 3

Security of tenure for women in the Muslim world Page 4

GLTN holds its 5th Partners’ Meeting Page 5

Global Land Indicators on the move Page 6

Vacancies Page 7

GLTN Partners Page 8





Issue 1 / 2014

GLTN kicks off work in Uganda with Land Stakeholders’ Workshop

11-12 June 2014 Asia Pacific Land Tenure Initiative Bangkok, Thailand

13-21 June 2014 Malaysia FIG Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

24-27 June 2014 Land Tools for Food Security Reference Group Meeting (RGM) The Hague, The Netherlands

June 2014 LPI EGM on Land Indicators (tbc) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1-4 July 2014 AfricaGeo 2014 Cape Town, South Africa

3 July 2014


GLTN Ornanogram Retreat Nairobi, Kenya

Participants of the Workshop, with Senior Government Officials. Photo: UN-Habitat/GLTN

Kampala, Uganda On 8 and 9 April 2014, over 40 participants attended the Land Stakeholders’ Workshop in Kampala, Uganda. The Workshop launched the GLTN’s country level engagement in Uganda. The Workshop brought together participants from Government, IFAD-supported projects, civil society, bilateral and multilateral organizations and academia and research institutions involved in the land sector. Participants discussed several thematic areas including Land Policy and Implementation, Urban Development, Land Information and Rural Development (including issues of Customary Tenure). Discussions were convened on existing programs and initiatives in Uganda. Some of the key issues identified in the group discussions included the need for the creation of a platform for stakeholder dialogue, information sharing and partnerships, support to knowledge management and awareness building, mapping out who is doing what and where (including the identification of gaps), consolidating existing research, sharing of information and initiatives on land, support to institutional and donor coordination and support to National Land Policy Implementation.

In addition, further legal and action research activities (e.g. customary lands, tenure security in urban areas, good practices), support to capacity assessment and capacity development initiatives were also identified as priority areas for interventions at the country level. Participants developed a draft action plan for country level engagement in Uganda, which focuses on strategic entry points, priority areas for engagement and partnership and institutional arrangements.

Group Session during the Workshop. Photo: Danilo Antonio, UN-Habitat/GLTN

Registered for XXV FIG congress yet?

Registered for AfricaGEO 2014 Conference yet?

Event Category: Event Dates:

Event Category: Event Dates:



Conference from Mon, 16 Jun 2014 12:00 AM to Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:00 AM Kuala Lumpur - Calvary Convention Centre, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1, Taman Teknologi Malaysia, 43000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The XXV FIG International Congress in Malaysia.

Place Telephone Website

Conference from Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:00 AM to Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:00 PM Cape Town International Convention Centre - CTICC - Cape Town, South Africa +27 21 410 5000

The conference aims at facilitating interaction, discussion, collaboration and capacity building amongst the participants. It will provide a platform to share the latest developments in the industry of surveying and geo-information.




Issue 1 / 2014

Annual Conference on Land and Poverty Puts Land High on the Post-2015 Development Agenda 07-11 July 2014 TSLI-ESA PhaseII Launch, Nairobi, Kenya

21 -23 July 2014 Youth and Land Workshop Naivasha, Kenya

14-25 July 2014

The UN-Habitat/GLTN booth at the World Bank Conference. Photo: UN-Habitat/GLTN

Washington DC, USA The 15th World Bank Annual Conference on Land and Poverty was held from 24-27 March in Washington DC, USA. The Conference brought together representatives from governments, civil society, academia, the development community, and the private sector to discuss issues of concern to communities, land practitioners and policymakers worldwide. Under the theme «Integrating Land Governance into the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Harnessing Synergies for Implementation and Monitoring Impact», the Conference featured a wide range of presentations to share experiences on innovative ways to address pressing problems of land tenure security, women’s access to land, youth, governance and transparency, food security, urbanization, climate change, and land and post-conflict contexts. The Conference came at a critical time when the global community is increasingly focused on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. It was a unique opportunity to put land higher on the Agenda in the post-2015 context, with a particular focus on gender equality and the right to own land and property. GLTN, facilitated by UN-Habitat, was among the sponsors and one of the most active actors during the Conference. Partners participated in a wide variety of events and sessions, advocating the GLTN agenda and initiatives

such as women’s access to land, youth and land, regional land initiatives in Asia-Pacific and in East and Southern Africa, tenure security, food security, land research, climate change, the African Land Policy Initiative work, land indicators and urban development challenges. GLTN Partners also held bilateral meetings to strengthen collaboration and joint initiatives. The GLTN Secretariat made presentations and chaired a number of sessions and side events. On Friday 28th March, the GLTN Secretariat coordinated a Post-Conference Action Planning meeting on Land Indicators, building on the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) held on the 22nd March. The Land Indicators meetings brought together a range of participants with a common interest in developing and collecting common land indicators, and in leveraging resources to deliver on indicator recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Participants included UN agencies, international finance institutions, bilateral donors, civil society networks, public sector technical specialists and independent experts. One of the emerging land indicators deals with tenure security for both women and men. For more information, contact Arno Haegens at


RCMRD Joint Learning Programme: Innovative Concepts, Tools and Practices in Land Administration Nairobi, Kenya

31 July - 1 Aug 2014 Workshop on the Flexible Land Tenure Act Windhoek, Namibia

15-19 Sept. 2014 Land Readjustment Writeshop TBC

24-26 Sept 2014 Validation WorkshopLand Use Planning Nairobi, Kenya

You want to post your events? Email us:



Issue 1 / 2014

Security of tenure for women in the Muslim world PUBLICATIONS

GLTN’S Capacity Development Strategy One of the presenters at the workshop. Photo: Jean du Plessis, UN-Habitat/GLTN Cairo, Egypt Security of tenure for women in the Muslim world Celebrating the International Women’s Day: land tools to increase women’s access to land and property in Muslim communities From 2 to 4 March 2014, a brainstorming session on priority land tools took place in Cairo, Egypt, in preparation to the International Women’s Day. A very diverse group of men and women shared lessons learned, identified opportunities and key tool development areas to be explored. Addressing the information requirements of the urban poor


• Information on land and property regimes that is accessible by all categories of women and their children, especially during and after marriage (e.g. marital property).

With an estimated 2% of the land registered in the name of women globally, access to land for ‘the better half’ of the world remains a challenge. Change requires shifting the mind set of women, men, communities, policy and law makers, land administrators, planners, researchers, civil society groups, traditional and religious leaders, and all those with a stake in land such as users, administrators and providers. Alongside with its global work, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is developing context-specific tools and approaches to facilitate access to land for women. Since 2006, GLTN Partners, the University of East London and UN-Habitat have researched and developed capacities of key partners on Islamic land principles and pro-poor and gender responsive land approaches for the Muslim world. The need of a set of specific tools to increase access to land for women in Muslim communities increasingly emerged as a key gap to be filled with urgency.

In a highly interactive fashion and using the Action Learning methodology, GLTN Partners UN-Habitat, the Urban Training and Studies Institute, the University of East London, GIZ, the Union of Arab Surveyors, Habitat International Coalition and participants from other institutions from the Muslim world deliberated and concluded that women in the Muslim world will benefit from: GRET & GLTN: Main Findings of the Publication Building Cities for All (Eng - 2012)

• Clarity and information on inheritance for women, including rights granted by Islamic land law and compensatory mechanisms that can complement existing inheritance provisions to grant access to land and property for women;

• Increased awareness on Islamic land principles and human rights (as recognized in the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) that are protecting the rights to land and property for all categories of women;

• Mechanisms that ensure the protection of women’s land and property rights (and their social and economic dimension) during land processes, such as urban expansion, land subdivision and consolidation, slum upgrading, resettlement, land readjustment and others. With the continuous support of its Partners and of the energetic brainstorming group, GLTN has embarked on an exciting journey that will lead to increased access to land and property rights for women in the Muslim world. For more information, contact Ombretta Tempra at



Issue 1 / 2014

GLTN holds its 5th Partners’ Meeting

Rural and Urban Cluster reporting back to plenary. Photo: Jean du Plessis, UN-Habitat/GLTN The Hague, The Netherlands From 11 to 13 November 2013, the 5th GLTN Partners’ Meeting was held at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague, The Netherlands. The meeting was graced by the participation of 120 representatives from 43 GLTN Partners and various observer organisations. High level officials gave insightful speeches on the importance of good land governance and how to work together on its implementation. Dr. Aisa K. Kacyira, Assistant Secretary General, Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat and Chair of GLTN Steering Committee and Ambassador K. Paulsen, Chair of the GLTN International Advisory Board, emphasized the need of getting the right messages about land and tenure security across to the world leaders. Frits van der Wal from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs drew attention to the global relevance of the land agenda and emphasised how partnership is paramount to making a change in the lives of people. Ms. Gerda Verburg,

Permanent Representative of The Netherlands to the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, WFP and IFAD) and Chair of the Committee on World Food Security, spoke about the more prominent role that the private sector and civil society want and need to have, in order to put land governance principles into practice, with the support of governments and international organizations. Partners worked with energy and passion on paving the way for the implementation of the GLTN agenda. On the first day of the meeting, information was shared on GLTN’s current work, achievements to date and future plans. Snapshots of work on the continuum of land rights, grassroots engagement and land indicators were accompanied by an overview of GLTN’s draft Capacity Development and Partnership Strategies. In the afternoon session, Partners elected their Cluster Representatives and developed a work plan for each of the GLTN Clusters.

On day two, the criteria and modalities for the engagement of GLTN Partners at the country level were discussed. GLTN’s draft Country Level Implementation Plan was presented, and working groups on Asia-Pacific, Africa and Latin America-Caribbean unpacked the different specifics of the regions. Indications on the way forward for regional engagement and countries / initiatives identification were proposed and the day concluded with a site visit to Dutch land tool areas. The third and final day of the meeting focused on land tools, including presentations and discussions on tools currently being developed or implemented, and priorities were set for the way forward. Partners and clusters discussed their interests and comparative advantages in these areas of work and identified possible tool development commitments in a cross-cluster, inter-partner fashion. Group discussions took place on interconnected tools perceived as the most relevant GLTN’s work, i.e. STDM, Gender Evaluation Criteria, Enumeration and Land Readjustment, Land-based Financing and City Wide Slum Upgrading. A lively discussion also took place on capacity development. A welcoming cocktail, a Partners’ dinner plenty of opportunity for bilateral discussions and socialization made the Partners’ Meeting an enjoyable and productive forum. The GLTN Secretariat wishes to thank its Partners and other participants for their active participation in and contribution to another successful Partners’ Meeting. For more information, contact Toril Iren at Toril.

GLTN welcomes four more Partners Since the issuance of GLTN Newsletter # 7 in September last year, four new Partners have joined the Network, now totalling 64 Partners.

African Studies Centre (Leiden University), Agriterra, Disaster Studies (Wageningen University), Hivos, the Royal Tropical Institute, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Triodos Facet. Following attendance as an observer of the GLTN Partner Meeting in The Hague, The Netherlands in November 2013, LANDac joined the GLTN Network on 26 February 2014.

On 24th September 2013, the Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) was added to the list of GLTN Partners. CLTS is part of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences ( and will further joint research, teaching and dissemination on land tenure and related issues.

LANDac was established in 2010 and is a network of universities, civil society organizations, the Dutch government and a private partners together with Southern partner organizations. The partners are the International Development Studies (Utrecht University),

LANDac’s core mission is to bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the field of land governance and development. For more information on LANDac, visit their website on Through its network and current activities, LANDac will contribute to the dissemination of GLTN values and outputs and participate in GLTN partner events.



Issue 1 / 2014

GLTN welcomes four more Partners ... continued On 3rd March 2014, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability (IASS) became GLTN’s 63rd partner.

IASS promotes, at international level, interdisciplinary science and research for global sustainability, particularly in the areas of climate change, the earth system and development of new technologies. The overall purpose of joining GLTN is to collaborate on opportunities to address issues of land tenure and access to land and fertile soils. IASS intends to contribute to GLTN, among other things, through the development and dissemination of pro-poor and gender-sensitive land tools and include, inter alia, the following specific areas of collaboration: • Facilitation of multi-stakeholder dialogues and sharing of good practices on the topics of poverty alleviation, land tenure and access to land through the lASS Global Soil Week platform ( • The development of land-related targets and indicators for global sustainable development agendas, more specifically,

for the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Post-2015 Development Agenda, as well as the subsequent monitoring of their implementation. Given the importance of soil and land resources, the expertise and position of IASS and the work carried out by IASS’s Global Soil Forum is expected to provide a great added value to GLTN. IASS is committed to work to improve land governance and tenure security for all, particularly for the poor, women and other vulnerable groups through the development and implementation of pro-poor land tools. For more information about IASS, please visit their website on institute

On 15th April 2014, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) joined as GLTN’s 64th Partner. OSGeo is a non-profit non-governmental organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of

open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation was formed in February 2006 to provide financial, organizational and legal support to the broader free and open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo draws governance inspiration from several aspects of the Apache Foundation, including a membership composed of individuals drawn from foundation projects who are selected for membership status based on their active contribution to foundation projects and governance. The foundation pursues goals beyond software development, such as promoting more open access to government produced geospatial data and completely free geodata, such as that created and maintained by the OpenStreetMap project. Education and training are also addressed. Various committees within the foundation work on implementing strategies. For more information on OSGeo, please visit For more information, contact Toril Iren at Toril.

Global Land Indicators on the move Washington DC, USA On the 28th March 2014, over 30 land specialists met in their third Expert Group Meeting (EGM) in Washington DC, USA, to advance the discussion on possible targets and indicators for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Participants represented various organisations and institutions including bilateral and multilateral, civil society, research and training, and independent experts. During the meeting, participants and organisations shared recent developments in the Agenda and identified possible ways of meaningful engagement. Participants also identified key land issues and messages that ought to be taken into account in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. These issues include gender, the continuum of land rights and tenure, and the cross-cutting nature of land to service a range of focus areas currently under consideration.

Experts proposed the following target for the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Increase by XX% the number of women and the number of men who have secure tenure of land, property and natural resources that support their well-being and livelihoods Experts also outlined the possible wordings of two indicators that could track progress towards the above target:

engagement in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

2. Percentage of women and percentage of men who perceive their tenure is secure

The EGM was convened at the margins of the Annual World Bank Land Conference and as a follow up to another meeting on land indicators feasibility studies, held in Washington DC on 22nd March 2014. The EGM was sponsored by GLTN a network of 63 global and regional partners working towards securing land and property rights for all. The meeting was facilitated by the Global Land Indicator Initiative (GLII), an initiative of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, UN-Habitat and the World Bank, supported by GLTN.

Experts issued a Communique that captures their key messages for discussion and further

For more information, contact Remy Sietchiping at

1. Percentage of women and percentage of men with tenure that is legally recognised and documented



THE GLOBAL LAND TOOL NETWORK The main objective of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. The Network has developed a global land partnership. Its members include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. It aims to take a more holistic approach to land issues and improve global land coordination in various ways. These include the establishment of a continuum of land rights, rather than a narrow focus on individual land titling, the improvement and development of pro-poor land management, as well as land tenure tools. The new approach also entails unblocking existing initiatives, helping strengthen existing land networks, assisting in the development of affordable gendered land tools useful to

poverty stricken communities, and spreading knowledge on how to implement security of tenure. The GLTN partners, in their quest to attain the goals of poverty alleviation, better land management and security of tenure through land reform, have identified and agreed on 18 key land tools to deal with poverty and land issues at the country level across all regions. The Network partners argue that the existing lack of these tools, as well as land governance problems, are the main cause of failed implementation at scale of land policies world wide. The GLTN is a demand driven network where many individuals and groups have come together to address this global problem. For further information, and registration, visit the GLTN web site at

FAO Vacancy: Consultant, Capacity Needs Assessment Specialist


Issue 1 / 2014

Name: TBI Job Title: Consultant, Capacity Needs Assessment Specialist Division/Department: FAO Representation Office in Kenya (FRKEN) Programme/Project Number: GCP/KEN/077/EC Location: Nairobi, Kenya with field missions to Tana River and Turkana Counties Expected Start Date of Assignment: ASAP Duration: 3 months (35 working days) Deadline for applications: 31 May 2014 Reports to: Name: Francisco Carranza Title: Chief Technical Adviser

ILC Vacancy: Director, ILC Secretariat:

Dear Reader, At the end of July 2015, the Land and GLTN Unit Leader, Ms Clarissa Augustinus will, after more than 12 years in service, leave the the post in UN-Habitat. The GLTN Secretariat will place a vacancy announcement for Clarissa’s position for interested candidates, for immediate appointment. Clarissa will on board this person during the remainder of her time. Details of the Land and GLTN Unit Leader’s Job Description can soon to be viewed on the UN-Habitat and GLTN websites and the UN Inspira portal.

Date of Issue: 04/15/2014 Deadline for Applications: 05/25/2014 Organizational unit: International Land Coalition Level: D-1 Duty Station: Rome Duration of Assignment: 1 year fixed-term Effective Date: 1 January 2015

NRC Vacancy: ICLA Project Manager, Jordan Commencement: 15. July 2014 Contract period: 24 months Salary/benefits: According to NRC’s general directions Duty station: Jordan Deadline for applications: 31st May 2014 For more information go to

Facilitated by




Issue 1 / 2014

Sharing stories and events The GLTN Secretariat welcomes its partners to share stories and events for upcoming GLTN newsletters. Kindly send your contributions to: or Arno.Haegens@

Become a partner Kindly email us:

GLTN Partners The Partners of the Global Land Tool Network subscribe to the following: • • • •

they adhere to the core values of GLTN, they engage in scale-able land tool development, they provide financial and / or knowledge input, they represent global and regional institutions, organizations or networks, • they join the network for non-commercial purposes.

LIST OF ALL GLTN PARTNERS Bilateral Organisations 1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2. GIZ (German International Cooperation) GmbH 3. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) 4. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation 5. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 6. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) International Professional Bodies 1. Arab Union of Surveyors (AUS) 2. Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) 3. Federation des Geometres Francophones (FGF) 4. International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 5. International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade (IU) 6. International Union of Notaries (UINL) 7. Kadaster International 8. Lantmateriet (National Land Survey of Sweden) 9. Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) 10. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) 11. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) 12. Statens Kartverk (Norwegian Mapping Authority, Cadastre and Land Registry) International Training/Research Institutions 1. Aalborg University 2. Association of African Planning Schools (AAPS) 3. Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) 4. Comite technique foncier-Developpement (CTFD) 5. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) 6. Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) 7. Institute for International Urban Development (I2UD) 8. International Alliance on Land Tenure and Administration (IALTA)

9. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 10. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) 11. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 12. International Research Group on Law and Urban Space (IRGLUS) 13. IS Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (LANDac) 14. Landesa 15. Les Afriques dans la Monde (LAM) 16. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 17. Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS) 18. Technical University Munich (TUM) 19. Terra Institute 20. University of East London (UEL) 21. University of Florida (UF) 22. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) 23. University of West Indies (UWI) Multilateral Organisations 1. Cities Alliance 2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 3. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 4. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) 5. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) 6. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) 7. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 8. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) 9. World Bank Group Rural/Urban International Civil Societies 1. ActionAid International 2. Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) 3. Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) 4. Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) 5. Groupe de recherche et d’echanges technologiques (GRET) 6. Habitat for Humanity International 7. Habitat International Coalition (HIC) - Housing and Land Rights Network 8. Huairou Commission 9. International Land Coalition (ILC) 10. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) 11. Slum/Shack Dwellers International (SDI) 12. World Vision International 24.] Urban LandMark

This newsletter is published by the Global Land Tool Network for its Partners. For more information, please contact: GLTN Secretariat, Facilitated by UN-Habitat P.O. Box 30030 Nairobi Kenya. Tel: +254 20 762 5199



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