GLTN Publication Catalogue

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Publication catalogue / 2006-2012

BRIEF 1/2012



islamic principles and land OppOrtunities fOr engagement

Documenting Land Inventory Processes in Botswana

© Christian Lemmen

© UN-Habitat / Danilo Antonio


THE CHALLENGE Conventional land administration systems rarely improve tenure security for the poor. Many people, especially poor and disadvantaged people, do not have their tenure relations to land included in a formal administration system with women, in particular, more likely to be excluded from such a system. Without recognized tenure rights, the poor lose the associated

benefits such as: 1) improved tenure security; 2) increased investment in the land; 3) increased land value and marketability; 4) increased access to credit; and 5) fewer disputes and forced evictions. Also, local (and national) governments would not be able to better manage land use and development, and mobilize resources.



RappoRt 3 /2012

Mobilisation des RessouRces financièRes locales docuMentation des ReGistRes foncieRs uRbains des coMMunes du benin

Sécurité des droits fonciers et de propriété pour tous


Evaluation Report 3/2011 RepoRt 4 /2012


Mid-Term Evaluation Global Land Tool Network

Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing

Regional leaRning WoRkshop on “land and natuRal ResouRces tenuRe secuRity” Final pRoceedings


Stockholm, Sweden, 16–17 June 2008

29 -31 Nations May 2012 United Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) P.nairobi, O. Box kenya 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO KENYA Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Office)

Securing land and property rightS for all

HS Number: HS/XXXXX ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-132028-2 ISBN Number(Volume): XXXXXXX

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty



the global land tool network (gltn) Publication catalogue 2006-2012

Publication catalogue / 2006-2012

Publication catalogue / 2006-2012 May 2013, nairobi, Kenya copyright Š united nations Human Settlements Programme (un-Habitat), 2013

DiSclaiMeR the designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the united nations or the city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. the analysis, conclusions and recommendations of the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the united nations Human Settlements Programme, the governing council of the united nations Human Settlements Programme or its Member States, or of the international Fund for agricultural Development. united nations Human Settlements Programme (un-Habitat) Po box 30030, nairobi 00100, Kenya tel: +254 2 623 120 Fax: +254 2 624 266 Printer: unon, Publishing Services Section, nairobi, iSo 14001:2004 certified


Secure land tenure and property rights are fundamental to shelter and livelihoods as well as the realisation of human rights, food security, poverty reduction, economic prosperity and sustainable development. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) main objective therefore is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. UN Habitat through GLTN continues to work towards this with partners who include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. This catalogue features key publications produced from 2006 to 2012, arranged by year of release with their respective bibliographic data and abstracts. GLTN is keen for our partners to have easy access to information that is relevant to their work and our common goal of improving human settlements. If you wish to order any of our publications, please use the order form on the back page, email your request to, or use the online catalogue on the Publications page of the GLTN Secretariat website.

Copyright Š United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), 2013 All rights reserved Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Facilitated by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, Kenya. Tel: +254 20 7623120 e-mail: Web: Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, or its Member States.


Order online: 2

Handling Land: Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

Handling land

Everyone has a relationship to land. It is an asset that, with its associated resources, allows its owner access to loans, to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. In rural areas, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence and food security. However, land is a scarce resource governed by a wide range of rights and responsibilities. And not everyone’s right to land is secure. Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving land governance the rules, processes and organizations through which decisions are made about land - is more urgent than ever. This book shows how the Global Land Tool Network is addressing these problems by setting an international agenda on land. It features the land tools that the Network has developed.

Innovative tools for land governance and secure tenure

ore information, please contact us: Secretariat, ated by UN-Habitat ox 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya 254 20 76 5199 254 20 762 4256 ite:


Year: 2012 Pages: 152, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132438-9, HS: 023/12E

BRIEF 1/2012



Not about us without us:

About this publication This publication, from the Global Land Tool Network, presents the grassroots mechanism it plans to promote for the effective inclusion of local community groups (grassroots). The involvement of the grassroots is crucial at all stages of land-related processes. However, many pro-poor land policies are developed and implemented with weak grassroots participation, leading to project failure or outcomes that do not assist women or people living in poverty. This report provides detailed criteria to assess grassroots participation in order to determine whether it is genuine, effective and rights-based. It then goes on to describe approaches for achieving such participation via four strategic activity areas:

Documenting Land Inventory Processes in Botswana


Working with grassroots organisations in the land field

1. Ensuring grassroots participation in large-scale land tool development. 2. Scaling up community-led initiatives. 3. Building the capacity of the grassroots to engage in land administration and land management. 4. Promoting grassroots participation approaches amongst GLTN partners. Taken together, these approaches define how GLTN sees grassroots mechanism operating within the development of land tools. They will prove helpful to programme planners and decision makers at different levels of the land sector. © Christian Lemmen

© UN-Habitat / Danilo Antonio

nge of organizations involved first phase of operations. The ates how all land stakeholders ards achieving equitable access

Innovative tools for land governance and secure tenure

addressing these problems by d tools” that the Network has stration and management.


ts associated resources, allows up small businesses in cities. and food security. However, s and responsibilities. And not mpetition mean that improving ough which decisions are made

Featured Title


UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division Shelter Branch (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 207623120; Fax: +254 207624266 Website:

Conventional land administration systems rarely improve tenure security for the poor. Many people, especially poor and disadvantaged people, do not have their tenure relations to land included in a formal administration system with women, in particular, more likely to be excluded from such a system. Without recognized tenure rights, the poor lose the associated

benefits such as: 1) improved tenure security; 2) increased investment in the land; 3) increased land value and marketability; 4) increased access to credit; and 5) fewer disputes and forced evictions. Also, local (and national) governments would not be able to better manage land use and development, and mobilize resources.

GLTN contributes to the implementation of pro-poor land policies to achieve secure land rights for all GLOBAL LAND TOOL NETWORK


RepoRt 2 /2012


islamic principles and land


OppOrtunities fOr engagement

Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing

Designing a LanD RecoRDs system foR the pooR FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar

Stockholm, Sweden, 16–17 June 2008 Secure land and property rightS for all


Evaluation Report 3/2011

Land and ProPerty tax

Mid-Term Evaluation Global Land Tool Network

About this PublicAtion Land and Property Tax: a Policy Guide is a companion for government officials and land and property professionals seeking to understand how to establish a viable and vibrant land-based taxation system. Using various examples, alternatives and illustrations around the World, the Guide provides a compelling case for generating local revenue through land and its improvements.

The Guide presents a step-by-step approach to implementing a range of land and property taxation policies, strategies, tools and instruments. It provides various taxation alternatives that can be adapted to local contexts and local and central authorities’ capacities. The Guide will be a valuable resource for local, sub-national and national government officials, community leaders, researchers, urban planners, international and national urban consultants working on land and property taxation, urban land market, urban economies, and land-based finance mainly in developing countries and emerging economies.

HS/081/11E ISBN: 978-92-1-132375-7

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division

Land and ProPerty tax: A Policy Guide

In the Guide, you will find answers to questions such as ‘why land and property taxes are often an important source of local revenue, what the options are for designing and sustaining a land-based tax system, and what needs to be considered in their implementation’?

A Policy Guide

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO KENYA Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Office)


Shelter Branch (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 207623120; Fax: +254 207624266 Website: HS Number: HS/XXXXX ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-132028-2 ISBN Number(Volume): XXXXXXX


2012 Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines (Summary Report)

Regional Learning Workshop on Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security

This publication documents and draws lessons from the Philippines’ experience in implementing alternative approaches in securing tenure for the urban poor. It also explores how these approaches can be institutionalized and ensure sustainability. The study examines three approaches: presidential land proclamations, the Community Mortgage Program, and the usufruct arrangement. The key features of each approach are described and their application illustrated through two actual cases. The approaches are then analyzed in terms of the legal and institutional frameworks that supported their implementation and the benefits they delivered, both as perceived by the beneficiaries and in terms of meeting the broader social need for secure housing and tenure. Pages: 55, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132525-6, HS: 111/12E

This publication is the summary of the proceedings of the Regional Learning Workshop on “Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security” held in Nairobi, Kenya from 29-31 May 2012 as jointly organized by UN Habitat/Global Land Tool Network and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The aim of the workshop was to deepen the understanding of land and natural resources tenure security issues and to identify opportunities to strengthen land tenure security and land access of the rural poor and marginalized groups in subSaharan Africa. Pages: 42, Year: 2012 HS: 117/12E

REPORT 5 / 2012


InnOvaTIvE URban TEnURE In ThE PhIlIPPInEs Challenges,

summary report

approaChes and institutionalization

nciers urbains (RFU) propose des suggestions concrètes n foncière urbaine. Basées sur des leçons apprises dans ment les autorités communales peuvent mobiliser les nt les autres composantes du système RFU, encore moins œuvre afin de mettre à la disposition des municipalités ment de la sécurité des droits fonciers des populations

place un système d’information foncière. Le Guide tation de systèmes information foncières existants dans de maîtrise d’ouvrage détaille les modalités pratiques de

Pour plus d’information, contactez-nous: Secrétariat de GLTN Facilité par ONU-Habitat BP 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 20 76 5199 Fax: +254 20 7624256 Courriel: Site Web:


GUIDE 1 /2012

Cette publication, Guide du maître d’ouvrage les registres fonciers urbains (RFU) propose des suggestions concrètes pour développer et mettre en oeuvre un système d’information foncière urbaine. Basées sur des leçons apprises dans le contexte des communes du Benin, le Guide démontre comment les autorités communales peuvent mobiliser les recettes fiscales à travers le foncier. Le Guide présente comment les autres composantes du système RFU, encore moins exploitées dans le cas du Benin, peuvent être mieux mises en oeuvre afin de mettre à la disposition des municipalités un système d’information foncière qui contribue au renforcement de la sécurité des droits fonciers des populations urbaines. Pages: 68, Year: 2012 ISBN: 978-92-1-132471-6, HS: 055/12F GUIDE DU maîtrE D’oUvraGE

rEGIstrEs foncIErs UrbaIns

e Guide les informations, étapes et procédures ’information foncière qui servirait plusieurs causes y cière et la gestion urbaine.

Les Registres Fonciers Urbains

GUIDE DU maîtrE D’oUvraGE LEs


Securing land and property rightS for all

LEs rEGIstrEs foncIErs UrbaIns

systèmEs D’InformatIons foncIèrEs, oUtILs DE GEstIon mUnIcIpaLE, taxatIon foncIèrE Et DE rEnforcEmEnt DE La maîtrIsE D’oUvraGE LocaLE

Sécurité des droits fonciers et de propriété pour tous

RepoRt 4 /2012

Regional leaRning WoRkshop on “land and natuRal ResouRces tenuRe secuRity” Final pRoceedings 29 -31 May 2012 nairobi, kenya

Securing land and property rightS for all

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty

Mobilisation des Ressources Financières Locales This publication retraces the trajectory of Urban Land Registries (RFU) in urban municipalities in Benin over two decades as experienced in almost 20 municipalities which have proven its value and popularity in their ability to mobilise resources financial resources to strengthen the management of communes. In this document, you will find the context, strengths and weaknesses of the RFU. The report proposes solutions, suggestions and tools to improve the performance of the RFU. The document also addresses questions such as: what is an RFU? How to set up and maintain an RFU? What should be done to make RFU system more efficient? The document is intended primarily for urban municipalities who want to implement a land information system that would serve multiple purposes, including property taxes, tenure security, land administration, urban planning and management of cities. Mayors, urban managers, land valuers and urban development in Benin and beyond will find this document a source of inspiration. Pages: 40, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132266-8, HS: 151/10E, RappoRt 3 /2012

Mobilisation des RessouRces financièRes locales docuMentation des ReGistRes foncieRs uRbains des coMMunes du benin

Sécurité des droits fonciers et de propriété pour tous

Tapping the Potential: The role of grassroots in land policy implementation

RepoRt 2 /2012

This is the first attempt to fill the gaps in the development of new forms of land recordation to assist the implementation of a continuum of land Designing a LanD RecoRDs rights approach at scale. It is about the system foR the pooR development of the initial design of a pro-poor land recordation system - a recording system aimed at supporting the recognition and protection of a range of rights of the poor. This publication emphasizes a co-management approach where the community performs a greater role in the design and management of the system. The design also highlights affordability, legitimacy and credibility as key requirements for success. However, it also recognizes that more work and studies are needed to enhance the design and better inform its implementation. Pages: 35, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132442-6, HS: 027/12E

This report illustrates four examples of strengthening grassroots organizations engagement with formal land policy implementation processes. The premise is that land policy implementation and any land interventions will be far more effective in helping poor rural and urban communities when those communities are meaningfully involved. The report shows how GLTN is advocating for this principle of grassroots engagement. Through providing small grants, GLTN is enabling a process of learning and communication to take place, with the aim of grassroots solutions eventually making the critical leap from pilots to large scale impact. The examples described in this report intend to build confidence among stakeholders from different sectors towards the goal of secure tenure for all. Pages: 40, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132451-8, HS: 036/12E

Handling Land: Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

Mid-term Evaluation Global Land Tool Network

Everyone has a relationship to land. It is an asset that, with its associated resources, allows its owner access to loans, to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. In rural areas, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence and food security. However, land is a scarce resource governed by a wide range of rights and responsibilities. And not everyone’s right to land is secure. Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving land governance. This book shows how the Global Land Tool Network is addressing these problems by setting an international agenda on land. It features the land tools that the Network has developed. Pages: 152, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132438-9, HS: 023/12E

A mid-term evaluation of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) was carried out to inform the planning and decisionmaking of the second phase of GLTN. The GLTN was launched in June 2006 with the goal of contributing to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. The Network is supported by a project implemented by UN Habitat and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Norway. The evaluation found that the GLTN had made impressive progress in achieving its expected outcomes, given its limited staff base and the short time in which funding has been available to implement activities. Pages: 60, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-132412-9, HS: 004/12E

Secure land and property rightS for all



hows how the Global Land Tool Network is addressing these problems by ternational agenda on land. It features the “land tools” that the Network has practical ways to solve problems in land administration and management.

Land Tool Network is a partnership of a wide range of organizations involved s. Established in 2006, it has just completed its first phase of operations. The ates the work of the Network so far and illustrates how all land stakeholders n handling the critical social change needed towards achieving equitable access ll.

Innovative tools for land governance and secure tenure

s a relationship to land. It is an asset that, with its associated resources, allows ccess to loans, to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. s, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence and food security. However, rce resource governed by a wide range of rights and responsibilities. And not ght to land is secure. Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving ance – the rules, processes and organizations through which decisions are made is more urgent than ever.

on, Land and Governance Branch Unit 0, Nairobi 00100, Kenya 23120; Fax: +254 207624266

Innovative tools for land governance and secure tenure

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO KENYA Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Office)

: HS/023/12E er(Volume): 978-92-1-132438-9


Handling land

For more information, please contact us: GLTN Secretariat, Facilitated by UN-Habitat P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel.: +254 20 76 5199 Fax: +254 20 762 4256 Email: Website:


HS Number: HS/XXXXX ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-132028-2 ISBN Number(Volume): XXXXXXX

Land Records for the Poor

Evaluation Report 3/2011

Mid-Term Evaluation Global Land Tool Network



Designing a Land Records System for the poor

BRIEF 1/2012


Conventional land administration systems rarely improve tenure security for the poor. Many people, especially the poor and disadvantaged, do not have their tenure relations to land included in a formal administration system with women, in particular, more likely to be excluded from such a system. Also, local (and national) governments would not be able to better manage land use and development, and mobilize resources. Pages: 4, Year: 2012 LAND RECORDS FOR THE POOR

© UN-Habitat / Danilo Antonio

© Christian Lemmen



Conventional land administration systems rarely improve tenure security for the poor. Many people, especially poor and disadvantaged people, do not have their tenure relations to land included in a formal administration system with women, in particular, more likely to be excluded from such a system. Without recognized tenure rights, the poor lose the associated

benefits such as: 1) improved tenure security; 2) increased investment in the land; 3) increased land value and marketability; 4) increased access to credit; and 5) fewer disputes and forced evictions. Also, local (and national) governments would not be able to better manage land use and development, and mobilize resources.


2011 Monitoring Security of Tenure in cities

Innovative Land and Property Taxation

This publication, Monitoring Security of Tenure in Cities: People, Land and Policies, presents an innovative method to ascertain the extent to which security of tenure can be measured at three main levels. Targeting cities in developing countries, the methodological framework presented in this publication is entrusted in the concept of continuum of land rights where tenure can be realized at various levels: individual, household, settlement or community, city and national levels. Various options to measure tenure security at each of these levels are presented. You will also find in this publication a review of the experience of several agencies and individual academics in measuring tenure security. Pages: 94, Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-92-1-132415-0, HS: 130/11E

This publication, Innovative Land and Property Taxation, is derived from a 2009 Conference in Warsaw, Poland. It presents the ways in which land and property taxation policies, legal frameworks, tools and approaches to sustainable urban development have been experimented with around the World. Its key finding is the prominent role that land-based financing and local authorities play at the core of urban development. Carrying ten policy lessons, it is a worthwhile reference for policy makers at local and national governments, researchers, land and property tax specialists, urban economists and other urban development specialists. Pages: 114, Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-92-1-132407-5, HS: 22/11E


Carrying ten policy lessons, it is a worthwhile reference for policy makers at local and national governments, researchers, land and property tax specialists, urban economists and other urban development specialists.

HS Number: HS/122/11E ISBN Number(Volume): 978-92-1-132407-5


For more information, please contact us: GLTN Secretariat, Facilitated by UN-Habitat P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel.: +254 20 76 5199 Fax: +254 20 762 4256 Email: Website:

Designing and Evaluating Land Tools with a Gender Perspective 1

This training course covers the principles of the Gender Evaluation Criteria and illustrates how a land professional can use them to evaluate the gender equality of specific land tools, and make sure that gender is considered in the initial design of a tool. Pages: 24, Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-92-1-132355-9, HS: /061/11E, ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION

This technical publication documents and draws lessons from the Philippines’ experience in implementing alternative approaches in securing tenure for the urban poor. It also explores how these approaches can be institutionalized to achieve a larger scale and ensure sustainability. The study examines three approaches: presidential land proclamations, the Community Mortgage Program, and the usufruct arrangement. The key features of each approach are described and their application illustrated through two actual cases. The approaches are then analyzed in terms of the legal and institutional frameworks that supported their implementation and the benefits they delivered, both as perceived by the beneficiaries and in terms of meeting the broader social need for secure housing and tenure. The analysis also explores the factors which helped in the successful implementation of the approaches, as well as the constraints and difficulties encountered in the process.

Designing and Evaluating Land Tools with a Gender Perspective A Training Package for Land Professionals

InnovatIve Land and ProPerty taxatIon

Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines

HS/070/11E ISBNE: 921-1-131494-1

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division Shelter Branch (UN-HABITAT) P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 207623120; Fax: +254 207624266 Website:

This technical publication documents and draws lessons from the Philippine’s experience in implementing alternative approaches in securing tenure for the urban poor. It also explores how these approaches can be institutionalized to achieve a larger scale and ensure sustainability. The study examines three approaches: presidential land proclamations, the Community Mortgage Program, and the usufruct arrangement. The analysis also explores the factors which helped in the successful implementation of the approaches, as well as the constraints and difficulties encountered in the process. Pages: 100, Year: 2011, ISBN: 921-1-131494-1, HS: 070/11 INNOVATIVE URBAN TENURE


Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization


UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME UN-Habitat Urban Legislation, Land and Governance Branch Land and GLTN Unit P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 207623120; Fax: +254 207624266 Website:


This publication, Innovative Land and Property Taxation, is derived from a 2009 Conference in Warsaw, Poland. It presents the ways in which land and property taxation policies, legal frameworks, tools and approaches to sustainable urban development have been experimented with around the World. Its key finding is the prominent role that land-based financing and local authorities play at the core of urban development.


le Human Settlements


obi 00100, Kenya



Land and Property Tax: A Policy Guide

Urban World: Cities and Land Rights (Volume 3 Issue 1)

This is a companion for government officials and land and property professionals seeking to understand how to establish a viable and vibrant land-based taxation system. Using various examples, alternatives and illustrations around the World, the Guide provides a compelling case for generating local revenue through land and its improvements. In the Guide, you will find answers to questions such as why land and property taxes are often an important source of local revenue, what the options are for designing and sustaining a land-based tax system, and what needs to be considered in their implementation. Pages: 136, Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-92-1-132375-7, HS: 081/11E A Policy Guide

Land is a scare resource involving a wide range of rights and responsibilities. When poorly managed, it can become contentious often leading to disputes, conflict, degradation and other problems, all of them drivers of slum development and poverty in urban areas.




This Policy Guide provides policymakers with the necessary knowledge about the challenges and rights of Indigenous peoples in relation to land and property in the urban context. The Guide sets out how to secure land rights of Indigenous peoples in cities through a human rights framework in the context of urbanization, including migration and urban expansion. This Policy Guide to Secure Land Rights for Indigenous Peoples in Cities builds on earlier guides and is part of a series of UN Habitat handbooks focused on the rights of Indigenous peoples. Pages: 102, Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-92-1-132360-3, HS: 066/11E

Land and ProPerty tax

Land and ProPerty tax: A Policy Guide

be a valuable resource for local, sub-national and national government nity leaders, researchers, urban planners, international and national urban king on land and property taxation, urban land market, urban economies, finance mainly in developing countries and emerging economies.

This booklet arises from GLTN’s work on Islamic dimensions of land which began in 2004 with the commissioning of research leading to Sait and Lim’s “Land, Law and Islam: Property and Human Rights in the Muslim World”. Based on this research a training course on “Islamic Land, Principles and Housing Rights in the Muslim World” has been produced in 2010. The booklet provides a short summary of the key principles and elements of Islamic dimensions of land. It is intended for land professionals, policy makers, and any other stakeholder working in the land sector, who is looking for a short overview of these aspects of land in Muslim societies. It is intended to provide a wider understanding of how to integrate Islamic dimensions into land projects and programmes. Pages: 24, Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-92-1-132354-2, HS: 055/11E OppOrtunities fOr engagement

ty Tax: a Policy Guide is a companion for government officials and land ofessionals seeking to understand how to establish a viable and vibrant ion system. Using various examples, alternatives and illustrations around Guide provides a compelling case for generating local revenue through ovements.

nts a step-by-step approach to implementing a range of land and property strategies, tools and instruments. It provides various taxation alternatives pted to local contexts and local and central authorities’ capacities.

Securing Land Rights for Indigenous Peoples in Cities

islamic principles and land


u will find answers to questions such as ‘why land and property taxes mportant source of local revenue, what the options are for designing a land-based tax system, and what needs to be considered in their ?

Islamic Principles and Land: Opportunities for Management

In this issue of Urban World: Land and climate change in a new urban world, African ministerial meeting adopts new action plan, Five years into the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)– A perspective from UN Habitat partners around the world and Land governance for rapid urbanization Communities making new gains. Pages: 34, Year: 2011




e Global Land Tool Network is part of the Network’s activities on Islamic dimensions of land. amic law, principles and practices make an important contribution to shaping access to land. of its objectives the identification and development of Islamic land tools and case studies erdisciplinary and global process, owned by Muslims, but also including other civil society and e information on work in this area is available on GLTN’s website (

Kenya 4 207624266

GLTN contributes to the implementation of pro-poor l and policies to achieve secure land rights for all



This training course from the Global Land Tool Network is part of the Network’s activities on Islamic dimensions of land. In most Muslim countries Islamic law, principles and practices make an important contribution to shaping access to land. GLTN therefore has as one of its objectives the identification and development of Islamic land tools and case studies through a cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and global process, owned by Muslims, but also including other civil society and development partners. The training course, designed as an introduction to the field, is divided into eight stand-alone Modules, intended for use across Muslim societies. It is generic in nature, encouraging local adaptations where applicable. In addition to the Modules, the package includes a Guide for Facilitators and a set of annexes to drawn from during the training course. The target groups for the course are policy makers or an audience at beginners or undergraduate level without prerequisite knowledge of Islamic land law but having basic experience with land issues in the Muslim world. Pages: 174, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132228-6, HS: 118/10E

This publication provides an overview of some the most important landrelated environmental and climate change problems that the world is facing. It also offers an overview of the relationship between land tenure, land management approaches and UN HABITAT the environment and identifies clear linkages between land, environment and climate change, moving from a scientific framework to a country level implementation framework. The implications this has in urban and rural areas are presented, and illustrated with 20 brief cases. This global overview of key environmental and climate change issues related to land use, land administration, land management and land tenure offers timely material and land tools for land professionals, environmental practitioners, and planners. The report identifies opportunities, gaps and priority research areas and critical land tools for action at local, sub-national, national, regional and global levels. Readers will find in this publication action-oriented suggestions for new research, land tool development, advocacy, resource mobilisation, and coordination. Pages: 82, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132251-4, HS: 136/10E

Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners

Citywide Strategic Planning: A step by step guide

The Guidelines provide a holistic approach to addressing land issues from the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster through early recovery and reconstruction phases. It is targeted at humanitarians and land professionals, as well as government officials. The Guidelines take an interdisciplinary approach to land, one that also brings together humanitarian emergency relief and early recovery perspectives. Throughout the text, readers will find many short cases illustrating practical aspects of bringing land issues into the post-disaster recovery process. Tools and other useful references are also included. The information provided in these Guidelines will be of interest and use to anyone directly working to support rapid yet sustainable recovery of human settlements following a natural disaster. The Guidelines were produced through a partnership between UN Habitat, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), FAO and the Early Recovery Cluster. Pages: 140, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132236-1, HS: 1254/09E

Citywide Strategic Planning articulates the necessary ingredients for initiating and implementing a planning process that focuses on a set of strategic issues of principal importance for sustainable urban development. The guide presents the citywide strategic planning rationale and approach. Three main questions are addressed – where are we today? – where do we want to be? – how do we get there? Conceived as a land tool, this guide shows you why and how focusing on strategic issues that can change the face of the whole Metropolitan area has several social, institutional and economic benefits. Pages: 20, Year: 2010, ISBN: 978-92-1-132250-7, HS: 134/10E

on land, property and housing rights in the Muslim world

A training course on land, property and housing rights in the Muslim world


EMENTS PROGRAMME Settlements Development Division

Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools

A training course

d as an introduction to the field, is divided into eight stand-alone Modules, intended for It is generic in nature, encouraging local adaptations where applicable. In addition to the des a Guide for Facilitators and a set of annexes to drawn from during the training course.

urse are policy makers or an audience at beginners or undergraduate level without slamic land law but having basic experience with land issues in the Muslim world. The course by Sait S and Lim H (2006) Land Law and Islam: Property and Human Rights in the Muslim N-HABITAT).

A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World

Land, Environment and Climate Change Challenges, Responses and Tools



Strategic Planning

a SteP by SteP guide


man Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)

O Nairobi, 00100, Kenya

3120 Fax: + 254 020 762 3477

This Handbook introduces key economic and related concepts explaining the functioning of urban land markets. You will find in this Handbook tools for engaging in a critical analysis of conventional economics, particularly in the understanding of how African urban land markets work. It equips you with a better understanding of how interventions affect the market, and also how markets affect, enable, constrain and shape interventions by governments, developers, banks, micro-lenders or any of its actors. This understanding provides practitioners in the field with a framework and tools to make informed decisions when formulating policies or making recommendations. Pages: 106, Year: 2010, ISBN: 978-92-1-132258-3, HS: 143/10E

Improving Gender Equality and Grassroots Participation through Good Land Governance, A training package

Financing Affordable Housing & Infrastructure in Cities: Towards Innovative Land & Property Taxation

This training package provides an introduction to the important, complex, and sometimes daunting theme of improving land governance as a means to enhance gender equality and grassroots participation in land matters. The training package is prepared in two volumes: Trainee’s Handbook: Readers and References and; Trainer’s Guide and Training Tools. Pages: 146, Year: 2010, ISBN: 978-92-1-132299-6, HS: /004/11E

The International Conference on land and property taxation and financing of infrastructure and housing development in urban areas took place in Warsaw, Poland. The Conference was aimed to enhance and share knowledge and experiences, disseminate lessons learnt from the region and other countries/ regions on policies and instruments of land management and land and property taxation, and also to generate further synergies and networks amongst participants and countries in the region and beyond. Pages: 74, Year: 2010

A training package Improving gender equality and grassroots participation through good land governance

Count me in: Surveying for Tenure Security and Urban Land Management


Successful land policy formulation and implementation depend on a complete and up-to-date inventory of land holdings. Such reliable land inventory, informs land policy choices and implementation priorities. Tribal land management constitutes the UN HABITAT largest of the three main tenure types that prevail in Botswana (tribal, State, and freehold). This publication documents challenges, opportunities, processes and lessons learnt for implementing a successful land inventory. It also recommends that countries planning to embark on a land inventory process should adapt Botswana’s experience to their respective jurisdictions, while taking into account the political, economic, technological, socio-cultural and institutional arrangements. Pages: 66, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132245-3, HS: 1248/09E GLOBAL LAND TOOL NETWORK

Surveying for tenure security and urban land management

ut involving and engaging urban poor communities in one of any participatory planning or upgrading initiative. It decan use “participatory enumerations” a surveying method tter knowledge of the needs and priorities of the commuand analyses existing and novel applications of participatory enhance tenure security and improve urban land manage-

Urban Land Markets: Economic Concepts And Tools For Engaging In Africa

Documenting Land Inventory Processes in Botswana

Count me in

n was scared. The city government had instructed him to s in the settlement. He arrived smartly dressed carrying a pboard with pen in hand and a list of the shacks. His job was shacks without the official number painted on the door.

tely ran into problems. The local residents confronted him, was doing. Soon a small crowd had gathered. They took mmunity hall, where a meeting was under way. He explained d sent him, but the local people were suspicious. The last were counted, rumours flew that they would have to move. tried to explain that the information was needed to plan for ent. The people had heard such stories before, and shouted discussion became so heated the local committee had to to his car for his own safety.”

Land Inventory in Botswana, Processes and Lessons

Count me in

This book is about involving and engaging urban poor communities in one of the first steps of any participatory planning or upgrading initiative. It describes how we can use “participatory enumerations” a surveying method used to gain better knowledge of the needs and priorities of the community. It presents and analyses existing and novel applications of participatory enumeration to enhance tenure security and improve urban land management. Pages: 174, Year: 2010, ISBN: 978-92-1-132228-6, HS: 118/10E Surveying for tenure security and urban land management


2009 Gender evaluation criteria for largescale land tools

Gendering Land Tools: Achieving secure tenure for women and men

Despite progress on women’s rights, rights to land and security of tenure are not enjoyed equally by women and men in many parts of the world. This goes against international human rights, and also impacts negatively on households and the economy. Gender issues related to land are complicated. They involve sensitive social and cultural territories and challenge deeply rooted power structures. At the same time, we know that for a land tool to be effective, it needs to go beyond a technical lens and also consider social dimensions such as gender. The GLTN’s work to date on criteria for designing new, or evaluating existing, land tools from a gender perspective are presented in this brochure. Pages: 4, Year: 2009

This publication, from the Global Land Tool Network, presents a mechanism for effective inclusion of women and men in land tool development and outlines methodologies and strategies for systematically developing land tools that are responsive to both women and men’s needs. The report will assist programme planners and decision makers at different levels of the land sector, with or without gender expertise in identifying practical ways to make land tools more effective for both women and men. Pages: 48, Year: 2009


Secure land rights for all Ensure equitable access to land and property rights

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Secure land and pro



There can be no sustainable development without secure land rights

s publication

ation, from the Global Land Tool Network, presents the grassroots mechanism romote for the effective inclusion of local community groups (grassroots). The t of the grassroots is crucial at all stages of land-related processes. However, poor land policies are developed and implemented with weak grassroots n, leading to project failure or outcomes that do not assist women or people verty. This report provides detailed criteria to assess grassroots participation determine whether it is genuine, effective and rights-based. It then goes on to proaches for achieving such participation via four strategic activity areas:

g grassroots participation in large-scale land tool development. up community-led initiatives. the capacity of the grassroots to engage in land administration and land ment. ng grassroots participation approaches amongst GLTN partners.

her, these approaches define how GLTN sees grassroots mechanism operating development of land tools. They will prove helpful to programme planners and kers at different levels of the land sector.

ATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME nd Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division anch (UN-HABITAT) 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya 207623120; Fax: +254 207624266

GLTN contributes to the implementation of pro-poor land policies to achieve secure land rights for all

Not about us without us: Working with Grassroots Organisations in the Land Field

Land, Tenure and Housing Issues for Conflict-Displaced Populations in Georgia

This publication presents the grassroots mechanism it plans to promote for the effective inclusion of local community groups (grassroots). The involvement of the grassroots is crucial at all stages of land-related processes. However, many pro-poor land policies are developed and implemented with weak grassroots participation, leading to project failure or outcomes that do not assist women or people living in poverty. This report provides detailed criteria to assess grassroots participation in order to determine whether it is genuine, effective and rights-based. Pages: 34, Year: 2009

Housing and property rights in the context of post-conflict rehabilitation are amongst the most complex and sensitive issues affecting displaced p o p u l a t i o n s i n G e o r g i a t o d a y. This problem stems primarily from a persistent lack of permanent accommodation for those displaced subsequent to intensive conflicts in the country in the 1990s. The more recent (August 2008) conflict has merely exacerbated this already serious situation, as it added to the number of people who cannot return to their homes and places of origin. Pages: 51, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132187-6, HS: 1221/09E

Not about us without us:

Working with grassroots organisations in the land field



operty rights for all


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Better land management to reduce land conflicts



Good land governance for poverty reduction


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2008 United nations HUman settlements Programme P. O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, KENYA; Telephone: 254-20-7623120; Fax: 254-20-7624266/7 (Central Office) Email:; Website:

How to Develop a Pro-poor Land Policy

Secure Land Rights for All

Developing new land policies can be a long and difficult process. Based on experience in various countries in Asia and Africa, it is not a recipe-book, but outlines a process that can be adapted How to Develop a as appropriate to the situation in each Pro-poor Land Policy country and the specific aspect of land policy that needs to be addressed. This process is participatory: it involves a wide range of stakeholders from all aspects of land policy, including civil society and the poor themselves. Including all these groups is vital if the resulting policies are to be politically acceptable, technically feasible, pro-poor and capable of being enforced. This guide is intended for Ministers and senior policymakers responsible for land issues, donors, professionals, consultants, and NGOs involved in developing land policies. Pages: 23, Year: 2008, ISBN: 978-92-113-1969-9, HS: 971/07E

This publication demonstrates how secure land rights are particularly important in helping to reverse three types of phenomena: gender discrimination; social exclusion of vulnerable groups; and wider social and economic inequalities linked to inequitable and insecure rights to land. It argues that policymakers should adopt and implement the continuum of land rights because, no single form of tenure can meet the different needs of all social groups. This study can assist policy-makers to understand and apply the practical ways in which people’s land rights can be made more secure, while at the same time improve land policies as a basis for the better, fairer and more sustainable urban and rural development. Pages: 47, Year: 2008, ISBN: 978-92-1-131961-3, HS: 978/08E

How to Establish an Effective Land Sector

Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing

Process, Guide and Lessons


How to Develop a Pro-poor Land Policy


This guide presents a general overview on institutional harmonisation processes, i.e. the various factors and tools included in fostering How to Establish an institutional harmonisation in a Effective Land Sector sector. The experiences informing this document mainly result from the tacit knowledge of the land sector in Kenya by UN Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN). They are complemented by experiences from other sectors (such as water, governance and decentralisation), African countries and from state as well as nonstate actors. Non-state actors include civil society organisations, the private sector and professional associations. Pages: 25, Year: 2008, ISBN Number: 978-92-1-131969-9, HS: 987/08E

This report provides a summary of the presentations that were given Improving Slum Conditions to catalyse the Dialogues, the key through Innovative Financing issues that emerged in the Dialogues themselves, and the conclusions reached and directions for the way forward that were put forth at the seminar’s closing. The result of the seminar aims to provide a valuable contribution to the IV World Urban Forum, to be held in Nanjing, China in November 2008. The publication is a joint effort of FIG and UN Habitat and is published in the FIG Report series. Pages: 64, Year: 2008, ISBN: 978-87-90907-70-9, HS: 1034/08E FIG REPORT



Stockholm, Sweden, 16–17 June 2008


Since the early 1990’s aid modalities and their effectiveness have been repeatedly scrutinised with the aim to promote aid and thus development effectiveness through institutional harmonisation, often referred to as Harmonisation, Alignment and Coordination (HAC). HAC processes are under way in a growing number of developing countries. They are based on the consensus reached between donor and recipient countries at high-level meetings on aid effectiveness and guided by the Millennium Declaration (2000) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Pages: 25, Year: 2008, ISBN: 978-92-1-131969-9, HS: 987/08E

Land Registration in Ethiopia: Early Impacts on Women This publication from the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) belongs to a series of research reports examining the changing landscape of land tenure security in developing countries. The intent is to provide up-to-date information to land professionals and policy-makers working in the land sector and to raise awareness on what is being done at the country level. This study focuses on how Ethiopian land law has been implemented in practice. In particular, it examines how the position of women, in cases of divorce or death of their husbands, may have changed and whether the new laws have impacts on the empowerment of women. Gender impacts are also captured by comparing the situation of female-headed households. Pages: 25, Year: 2008, ISBN Number: 978-92-1-132014-5, HS: 1035/08E Institutional Harmonisation Processes in the Kenyan Land Sector:

A Case Study of the Time Period 2003–2007

GLTN contributes to the implementation of pro-poor land policies to achieve

secure land rights for all

Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia Land, Property, and Housing in Somalia is a detailed and comprehensive report that focuses on the Somali legal frameworks and institutional systems relating to land and on the historical background of the current landholding and ownership patterns in Somalia. It also looks at a much wider range of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental contexts and examines some of the theoretical debates on land issues. Pages: 204, Year: 2008 HS: 1043/08E,


Institutional Harmonisation Processes in the Kenyan Land Sector: A Case Study of the Time Period 2003–2007



2006 Analytical Perspective of Pro-poor Slum Upgrading Frameworks

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa, Lesotho LA N D TEN U R E, H OU SIN G R IGH TS A N D GEN D ER

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, KENYA Telephone: 254-20-7623120; Fax: 254-20-7624266/7 (Central Office) E-mail:; Website:http//

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America -Brazil L AND T ENURE, HO USING RIG HT S AND G ENDER

This report on Brazil forms part of a study of law and land tenure in four Latin American countries. The study also includes a much broader regional overview covering land tenure throughout Latin America. A number of common and broad themes emerge from these studies, applicable in different degrees within the specific country contexts. Pages: 108, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-13177-54, HS: 792/05E, B R A Z I L

L a w, L a n d Te n u r e a n d G e n d e r R e v i e w : L a t i n A m e r i c a

This report was commissioned by UN Habitat to review the laws and land tenure of a selected number of southern African countries. It involved the appointment of country specialists who researched and produced country chapters for their respective countries namely, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia. A regional expert was appointed to produce a regional overview to serve as a source document for the country reports, as well as provide overall coordination of the project. The project was carried out over a period of roughly one year, which began in March 2004. Pages: 91, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 787/05E L E S O T H O

L a w, L a n d Te n u r e a n d G e n d e r R e v i e w : S o u t h e r n A f r i c a

Other available reviews include:

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa- Mozambique Pages: 91, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 787/05E,

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa- Namibia Pages: 96, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 788/05E

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa- Zambia Pages: 106, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 789/05E,

Other available reviews include:

Also available:

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America – Colombia


Pages: 229, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131775-4, HS: 784/05E

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America - Mexico Pages: 239, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131778-9, HS: 791/05E

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America - Nicaragua Pages: 100, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-131776-2, HS: 790/05E 14

L a w, L aOF n d INFORMAL Te n u r e a nSETTLEMENTS d G e n d e r R eIN v i eKISUMU w: Southern Africa ANALYSIS

HS/786/05E ISBN NUMBER (Series) : 92-1-131768-1 ISBN NUMBER (Volume) : 92-1-131770-3


The close of the last millennium saw the development of cities in the developing world being radically shaped by the intrinsically related processes of urbanization and globalization. Neither of these phenomena is new, what is unprecedented is their pace and scale. Indeed, urbanization processes in most developing countries are intensifying. This poses immense challenges for governments at all levels. These are rapid urban population growth and the urbanization of poverty. The latter is manifested most conspicuously in the proliferation and expansion of slums and informal settlements, which are home to a growing proportion of urban dwellers in developing countries. Pages: 79, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131841-6, HS: 847/06

Law, Land and Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa - Lesotho Pages: 89, Year: 2006, ISBN: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 786/05E

Pages: 91, Year: 2006 ISBN Number: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 787/05E

Zambia Pages: 106, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 789/05E

Namibia Pages: 96, Year: 2006, ISBN Number: 92-1-131768-1, HS: 788/05E,

United nations HUman settlements Programme (Un-Habitat) un-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live in dignity. un-Habitat works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of government, civil society and the private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban development. our vision is cities without slums that are livable places for all, which do not pollute the environment or deplete natural resources.

tHe global land tool network (gltn) gltn aims to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. the network has developed a global land partnership. its members include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. the network adopts a more holistic approach to land issues and improve global land coordination in various ways. For further information and registration visit the gltn web site at

Secure land tenure and property rights are fundamental to shelter and livelihoods as well as the realisation of human rights, food security, poverty reduction, economic prosperity and sustainable development. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) main objective therefore is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. UN Habitat through GLTN continues to work towards this with partners who include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. This catalogue features key publications produced from 2006 to 2012, arranged by year of release with their respective bibliographic data and abstracts. GLTN is keen for our partners to have easy access to information that is relevant to their work and our common goal of improving human settlements. If you wish to order any of our publications, please use the order form on the inside back cover, email your request to, or use the online catalogue on the Publications page of the GLTN Secretariat website.

For more information please contact us: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Urban Legislation, Land and Governance Branch Land and GLTN Unit P.O. 30030, Nairobi 00100, Kenya Tel: +254 20 76 23120; Fax: +254 20 762 4266 Website:

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat Facilitated by UN-Habitat E-mail: Website:

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