Land Insights - Company Profile

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about us

About us

our capabilities

At Land Insights we cut through the complexities of planning and environmental approval processes, making developing easier. Put simply, we have the tools to enable developers to navigate the approvals process maze.


For developers, planning and environmental approval processes can not only be confusing, they can be costly. Our enviable networks and history of working on a range of government projects equips us with firsthand knowledge of approvals protocols. We work closely with the private sector to create faster and viable planning and environmental outcomes. We pride ourselves on providing strategic solutions to facilitate a smoother journey. Our clients also benefit from our strong relationships with public sector agencies. We understand how to work with government agencies to ensure that both parties reach viable, efficient outcomes. Land Insights also provides strategic planning, environmental planning and community liaison to State and Local Government clients, but our services extend beyond the obvious. We have extensive community liaison capabilities and a vast network of quality consultants at our finger tips. We have an enviable history of working with government on a range of projects and this experience has equipped us with firsthand knowledge of government protocols and systems. We know that no two projects are the same and we are not afraid to bring fresh ideas to the table.

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Applications and assessment for a variety of residential, rural, aged care, retail, commercial and industrial developments Concept plans R-Code assessments and performance criteria Review of applications Submissions


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Structure plans Outline development plans Detailed area plans Subdivision applications (rural, residential, commercial and industrial) Subdivision designs

Statutory Planning

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Amendment requests Additional uses Rezoning/recodings

Due Diligence

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Property information reports Pre-Assessment reports Planning advice

Environmental Planning

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Environmental approvals GIS mapping Environmental surveys Environmental management plans

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Environmental Planning Shire of Ravensthorpe

Shire of Ravensthorpe Coastal Management Plan Land Insights commenced work on the Shire of Ravensthorpe Coastal Management Plan in 2010. The project involved a thorough review of the previous management plan, visits to each coastal location to assess values, community consultation and preparation of a report supported by detailed plans of each site. The purpose of the plan is to assist the Shire in the future planning, management, rehabilitation and protection of their coastal reserves for the next 10 years.

Shire of Denmark

Shire of Denmark Coastal Reserves Management Strategy and Action Plan In 2010-2011 Land Insights prepared the Shire of Denmark Coastal Reserves Management Strategy and Action Plan. The management plan focussed on the four reserves managed by the Shire including Ocean Beach Reserve, Parry Beach Reserve, Boat Harbour Reserve and Peaceful Bay Reserve. The project involved a review of the previous coastal management plan, visits to each coastal location, community consultation and the preparation of a detailed management strategy for the coastal reserves in the Shire. The purpose of the plan is to assist the Shire in the future planning, management, rehabilitation and protection of their coastal reserves for the next 10 years.

Shire of Augusta-Margaret River

Incentives Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation of Private Land In 2009 Land Insights prepared Incentives Strategy for Conservation of Private Land in the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River. The ultimate aim is that the Strategy will provide information to private landowners who are interested in conservation of environmental assets on their properties and provide guidance to the Shire when assessing applications. The project involved a review of the environmental data in the Shire, a review of a variety of incentives available to choose the most appropriate for the Shire, community consultation, assessment of environmental values in the Shire and recommends a range of incentives to assist the Shire and community in protecting important biodiversity assets.

Shire of Busselton

Local Environmental Planning Strategy The Local Environmental Planning Strategy (LEPS) was prepared for the Shire of Busselton to provide a framework for environmental protection throughout the entire municipality over the next 30 years. The LEPS will provide a significant input and context for the future development of the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy and subsequent new Local Planning Scheme. The project involved a comprehensive analysis of existing data and the preparation of a GIS database and associated maps. This helped to identify potential environmental issues associated with development and were thus addressed in the Strategy. The final LEPS contains a list of actions and provisions which are recommended for inclusion in the Local Planning Strategy and Town Planning Scheme.

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Shire of Capel

City of Mandurah

Land Insights prepared the Peppermint Grove Beach Coastal Management Plan in 2008. The report provided detailed information on the current state of the beach (including current uses, access and environmental state), management recommendations for environmental protection and rehabilitation, actions for the future land use and management of the beach for recreational purposes and advice on funding and implementation of the plan. Detailed plans were prepared to show the location on the management actions recommended.

Following the finalisation of the Land Use Master Plan for Caddadup Reserve prepared by Land Insights for the City of Mandurah, the City again commissioned Land Insights to prepare a Management and Restoration Plan to guide the implementation of passive recreation facilities and restoration processes for the area. It is anticipated that the guidelines within the plan will help increase the ecological value of the reserve by restoring and improving native habitats and provide more opportunities for passive recreation. The plan includes consideration issues such as conservation, recreation, access and the protection of wildlife habitat and landscape values.

Peppermint Grove Beach Coastal Management Plan

Caddadup Reserve Restoration and Management Plan

DPI Bunbury

Scoping Paper – Binningup-Myalup District Structure Plan The then Department for Planning and Infrastructure appointed Land Insights to prepare a Scoping Study for the BinningupMyalup District Structure Plan. The study included a review of the environmental, landscape and social characteristics of the Binningup-Myalup area which helped to determine what constraints there were, if any, to future urban development. This information formed the basis of the District Structure Plan.

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Environmental Scoping Paper – Mundijong-Whitby District Structure Plan The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale commissioned Land Insights to prepare an Environmental Scoping Paper as one of the first stages in the long-term planning project that will ultimately result in the urbanisation of the Mundijong-Whitby area. The purpose of the environmental review was to provide the baseline environmental data for the area which could be used to assist with future planning of the area. This will help facilitate the future development of the land for residential and urban related development. The Scoping Paper identifies information that is already known about the site and describes any further environmental investigations that are required to be completed. The document has also been used as a basis for further environmental investigations within the Study Area.

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Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Shire of Capel

Land Insights co-ordinated the Shire’s environmental activities over a 10-month period during 2006 in-between the appointment of permanent staff. A range of strategic projects were continued or commenced, including policy preparation and review, extractive industry assessment, preparation of an Environmental Planning Framework for the Shire and the commencement of a Shire Biodiversity Strategy.

The Capel Coastal Strategy was prepared by Land Insights in 2005. The purpose of the Strategy was to provide a management framework for the Shire’s coastal areas by identifying coastal management issues and providing recommendations to address these.

Environmental Co-ordination

Coastal Management Strategy

Shire of Jerramungup Shire of Harvey

Coastal Management Plan In 2006, Land Insights prepared the Shire of Harvey Coastal Management Plan to provide a framework for future decision making and management regarding the Shire’s coastal areas. The role of the strategy is to provide management recommendations for coastal foreshore areas, protect and enhance the coastal environment and provide for community-based coastal facilities. This study included consultation with the community, steering group and Shire.

Coastal Management Plan Review Land Insights undertook a review of the Shire’s 1995 Coastal Management Plan. The review involved community and stakeholder consultation, culminating in the preparation of a management framework to assist the Shire in managing over 100km of remote coastline along the south coast of Western Australia.

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Strategic Planning Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale

Shire of Murray

Rural Land Strategy Review

Dwellingup Structure Development Plan

In early 2011 the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale commissioned Land Insights to prepare a Project Plan to guide the review of the Shire’s Rural Land Strategy. The overall purpose of the Rural Land Strategy is to preserve and enhance the Shire’s rural character and its role as an important economic contributor to the Shire and broader region.

In January 2009 Land Insights was appointed by the Shire of Murray to undertake a review of the Dwellingup Structure Development Plan (SDP). The purpose of the review is to assist the Shire of Murray with the expected rise in population and expansion of urban development now and in the future and will help guide planning in Dwellingup for the next 15 years.

The Project Plan outlines the objectives for the Rural Land Strategy, describes the issues to be considered in the next stage of the review and includes a description of the current mechanisms used to evaluate rural development proposals. The project also involved consultation with the Shire, the Council, relevant government agencies and the community.

The project involved the identification of issues within the townsite and determination of policies and strategies which address these issues.

Land Insights has recently (February 2012) been commissioned to continue the review and prepare a new Rural Land Strategy.

The Structure Development Plan was adopted by Council in late 2011.

Town of Cambridge

North Lake Monger Master Plan

City of Kalgoorlie

Kalgoorlie City Centre Strategy In 2010 Land Insights was commissioned by the City of KalgoorlieBoulder to prepare the Kalgoorlie City Centre Strategy. The project involved a thorough audit of the existing land-uses within the study area, investigation of innovative methods to improve its vitality and urban design and development of different development options. The objectives of the Strategy are to improve the amenity and appearance of the city and create a focal point for the community, provide opportunities for increased economic development, ensure new development is sympathetic to the existing built form and preserves the heritage values and promotes mixed use and higher density residential development.

Land Insights was recently involved in the preparation of a Master Plan for the northern end of Lake Monger Reserve on behalf of the Town of Cambridge. The purpose of the Master Plan is to provide guidance on the future development and use of the site which will meet current and future needs. The project involved a review of the social, environmental and economic issues relating to the site and the determination of different design options. The different design elements considered included the development of a cafe/kiosk, a skate park (or other facilities for children), provision of artwork, picnic areas, toilets and BBQ areas as well as some potential landscaping designs. A feasibility analysis was required to determine the feasibility of the construction and use of a cafe/ kiosk in the Study Area.

The strategy was adopted by Council in late 2011 and will form the basis for coordinated upgrades of the city centre.

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Shire of Busselton

Shire of Ravensthorpe

The Shire of Busselton Local Settlement Planning Strategy (LSPS) was prepared by Land Insights to help provide a framework for future settlement patterns and growth within the Shire for the next 30 years. The LSPS aims to address both immediate and long-term issues associated with ongoing population growth. The project involved a comprehensive analysis of available data and literature and the preparation of a GIS database and associated maps. This helped to identify potential issues associated with development and were thus addressed in the Strategy. It also aims to meet the needs of the community for personal safety, recreation, amenities, social interaction and cultural opportunities and privacy as well as containing recommendations on density, development, infrastructure and staging.

In October 2007 Land Insights was appointed by the Shire of Ravensthorpe to undertake a detailed review of their existing Local Planning Strategy to accommodate the expected significant growth within the townships of Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun. The information in the revised Local Planning Strategy was intended to help guide planning within the Shire for the next 15 years and provide recommendations for planning in the long term in response to the mining operation. Land Insights worked closely with Data Analysis Australia to review the population and demographic information (based on the confirmed opening of the BHP Billiton mine) and to make population predictions for the future. These were translated into land use outcomes. The LPS was adopted by Council in 2011.

Local Settlement Planning Strategy

Department of Water Peel Master Plans

In 2007 the Department of Water commissioned Land Insights to prepare Master Plans for Key Strategic Recreation Sites in the Peel area. The four sites included Boundary Island, Coodanup and Jennala Island, Herron Point and Ravenswood Regional Open Space. The purpose of the Master Plans was to guide the future development of the sites in order to improve facilities and enhance the natural environment. The plans also provided guidance for foreshore management and for the future development of land for recreational purposes.

Local Planning Strategy

DPI Bunbury

Land Use Strategy – Preston Industrial Park Land Insights were commissioned by the then Department for Planning and Infrastructure to prepare a Land Use Strategy for the Preston Industrial Area in Bunbury. It is expected that the Land Use Strategy will contribute to the District Structure Plan for the area. The project required the completion of detailed site investigations to obtain further information on the existing physical and biological environment and to determine whether future industrial development in the Study Area was suitable.

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DPI Bunbury

Land Use Strategy – Binningup-Myalup District Structure Plan Following the finalisation of the Scoping Paper for the BinningupMyalup Study Area, the DPI Bunbury commissioned Land Insights to prepare a Land Use Strategy as the next stage of the preparation of the District Structure Plan. The project involved a comprehensive investigation into what land uses are suitable for different areas of the study area, focussing on which areas have potential for future residential development.

City of Mandurah

Caddadup Reserve Land Use Master Plan Caddadup Reserve is one of the larger local reserves within the City of Mandurah. It is under a range of pressures for both land use and conservation purposes and is used for various recreational activities. The City of Mandurah appointed Land Insights to prepare a Land Use Master Plan to provide the Council with guidance for the future use and development of the reserve. Land Insights undertook an environmental review of the site, considered the needs of existing users of the reserve, consulted with the community and prepared a detailed Master Plan for the reserve.

City of Rockingham

Stakehill Swamp Town Planning Scheme Amendment An amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) was proposed that would remove Stakehill Swamp from the Rural zone and reserve it for Parks and Recreation. This process is being managed by the Western Australian Planning Commission based on a Parks and Recreation/wetland boundary that has been agreed by several Government agencies. The City of Rockingham sought the services of Land Insights to examine the existing pattern of land use, development and infrastructure services, assess the opportunities and constraints for development, consider the potential implications on the identified environmental features of Stakehill Swamp and any other matters that may be relevant to such development. Land Insights has prepared a comprehensive report on these issues and this will form the basis for the City of Rockingham’s consideration of future land use options in the area.

Shire of Waroona

Waroona North Structure Plan Preparation of a Land Use Master Plan over a 1500 hectare site to facilitate the northern expansion of the Waroona townsite and to guide land use and subdivision following the cessation of sand mining activities.

City of Nedlands

Nedlands Foreshore Enhancement and Management Plan Preparation of a detailed foreshore management plan for the Nedlands Foreshore.The plan addressed environmental issues, land use conflicts and competing community desires. It is currently being implemented by the City.

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subdivision and development subdivision & development

Land Insights prepares various planning and subdivision applications on a continual basis for a range of clients throughout Western Australia. This type of work is a significant component of our business and continues to grow. The types of development and subdivision projects we have undertaken include:

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Subdivision Applications - applications for subdivision applications for small (2-10 lots), medium (10-50 lots) and large (50+ lots); Development Applications - new development, additional uses, change of use, non-complying development; Town Planning Scheme Amendments - provision of additional uses, change of use, facilitating subdivision of land, increasing potential lot yield, rezoning; Structure Plans and Development Plans; Extractive Industry applications - environmental and planning assessments; Tourist resort planning and environmental approvals; Redevelopment of the Ascot Inn.

Over the past ten years we have completed projects in the following locations:

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City of Bayswater Town of Bassendean City of Swan Shire of Mundaring Shire of Chittering Shire of York Shire of Beverley Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Shire of Manjimup Shire of Boyup Brook Shire of Nannup Shire of Wandering Shire of Dandaragan Shire of Merredin City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Shire of Toodyay City of Mandurah Shire of Moora City of Wanneroo City of Canning Shire of Wongan-Ballidu City of Belmont

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1/1 Alvan Street, Mt Lawley WA 6050 | PO Box 289, Mt Lawley WA 6929 Phone: (08) 9271 8506 | Fax: (08) 9370 5786 | Email: 10

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