A Simple Tail

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 En el jardín grande de una casa en la calle Alberta, un perro negro y blanco que se llama Alfie está sentado cerca de la valla. Como es normal, este perro pequeño tiene cuatro patas, dos ojos, una nariz negra y puntiaguda, y dos orejas puntiagudas. ¡Desafortunadamente lo que no tiene es una cola! A Alfie, no tener una cola le molesta. Le hace triste porque mientras que todos los otros perros en el barrio pueden demostrar su felicidad meneándose la cola, él no puede. Durante el día, a Alfie le gusta tomar el sol cerca de la valla, mirando a todo el mundo que pasa. El problema es que cuando pasa una persona simpática que le dice ‘hola’, Alfie no puede devolver el saludo. ¡Pero Alfie tiene otra cosa que sí puede hacer! Él puede ponerse en sus patas de atrás, saludando a la persona con sus patas delanteras. ¡No hace falta una cola cuando ya puedes mantener el equilibrio!



English In the large garden of a house on the corner of Albert Street, a black and white dog named Alfie is sitting near the garden fence. This small dog has the usual four legs, two eyes, one tiny black pointed nose, and two pointed ears. What Alfie does not have is a tail! Not having a tail bothers Alfie. It makes him sad because whilst all the other dogs in the neighbourhood can show they are pleased by wagging their tails, Alfie can’t. During the day Alfie likes to just laze about in the front garden, preferably in the sunny spot by the garden fence, where he can see everyone walking by. The problem is that when a friendly human walks by they often stop and say hello to the little dog, and Alfie, not having a tail to wag, can’t say hello back! But Alfie has something else he can do! He can stand up on his back legs and wave his two front paws in front of his face and this is what he does to say hello to all the people. You don’t need a tail when you have good balance like Alfie has…


 Comprehension questions:

1) What colour is Alfie? 2) Where is Alfie sitting? 3) How is his nose described? 4) What doesn't he have? 5) Why does this bother him? 6) What can't he do when someone says 'hello' to him? 7) What can he do? 8) Fill in the gaps to translate the last sentence: You don't ___________________ a _______________ when you can _____________________


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