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RONDO is committed to innovation: To innovative machines and equipment. To innovative processes. To produce innovative products. From our innovations come your benefits. Our innovation is the foundation for your success. www.rondo-online.com the exchange rate related British downturn, over-the-counter retail sales within the EU rose by 3%, but if the British figure in Euro is included, then it’s only a 1.8% revenue increase.

In this overview, however, per capita purchasing power and retail sales are nominal values from which the inflation rate must be subtracted to come closer to the real economic situation of the public. The inflation rate in 2017 eroded 1.7% of the increases in the 28 EU states again, with the result that when calculated across the whole of Europe, only a meagre 2% growth in real purchasing power is left, and as little as 1% for the retail trade’s sales growth. Incidentally, the forecasts for 2018 are an inflation rate of 1.9% and over-the-counter retail sales growth in the EU countries of 2.1%, provided no trade war or even worse intervenes in the meantime.
Retail trade sales is certainly an indicator that helps to compare consumption trends in the various countries, but even this indicator has its dependences. When the importance of housing, leisure and travel increases, logically retail sales as a proportion of private consumption decreases. As a rule, it is considerably lower in affluent nations than in countries where the population must spend a large part of their income for the bare necessities of life. The figure in prosperous Germany in 2017 was 26.8%, in Austria it was 30%, in Croatia 49% and in Hungary 49.5%. +++
Over-the-counter retail sales growth rates in 2017 as % (EU 28)
EU countries and their currencies

Belgium Euro (EUR)
Bulgaria Bulgarian Lev (BGN)
Denmark Danish Krone (DKK)
Germany Euro (EUR)
Estonia Euro (EUR)
Finland Euro (EUR)
France Euro (EUR)
Greece Euro (EUR)
Ireland Euro (EUR)
Italy Euro (EUR)
Croatia Croatian Kuna (HRK)
Latvia Euro (EUR)
Lithuania Euro (EUR)
Luxemburg Euro (EUR)
Malta Euro (EUR)
Netherlands Euro (EUR)
Austria Euro (EUR)
Poland Polish Zloty (PLN)
Portugal Euro (EUR)
Romania New Romanian Leu (RON)
Sweden Swedish Krona (SEK)
Slovakia Euro (EUR)
Slovenia Euro (EUR)
Spain Euro (EUR)
Czech Republic Czech Koruna (CZK)
Hungary Forint (HUF)
United Kingdom Pound Sterling (GBP)
Cyprus Euro (EUR)