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MIWE equipment features for efficiency
Recent updates and previous (energy) efficiency helpers: a. MIWE optitherm b. MIWE sbs:energymonitor c. MIWE condo handmode d. MIWE eco-Mode oven can bake faster, or more products, in a certain interval. This feature can be used on almost all MIWE ovens.
MIWE optitherm is an optional feature that enables a more precise temperature control of the MIWE condo. With a new controller, modified temperature sensors, and special chamber lining, MIWE optitherm provides more accurate and uniform heat distribution for high-quality baking results. It also helps save energy by allowing for shorter baking times and/or lower temperatures.
MIWE sbs:energymonitor is an energy monitoring system that tracks and analyses energy usage in in-store baking. It helps identify energy-saving potentials, reduce energy consumption and costs, and provides valuable insights into the bakery’s energy usage patterns.
The handmode in the MIWE condo is a feature that allows manual control of the MIWE condo oven through simple, user-friendly controls. It provides quick and easy access to temperature and time settings for baking without pre-programmed settings. This is of advantage to professional bakers, for an artisan-style of baking, as well as to untrained staff for easy operation.
The general Touch Control MIWE TC and its intuitive user interface make baking very simple even for untrained or frequently changing staff, which contributes to increasing efficiency in bakeries.
The MIWE eco-Mode is an energy-saving feature that allows bakers to reduce their energy consumption while still remaining ready for almost immediate baking. It can be set to automatic functioning or manual activation.
Monitoring energy means saving energy
Choosing from an array of useful tools and combining them for the best results is the answer to optimizing in-store baking. For example, the central management system, the MIWE smart baking suite, and especially the sbs:energymonitor, display a baking efficiency indicator. To calculate it, the system analyzes the different oven states (ready-to-bake, baking, heating, eco-Mode) and the amount of time they are active. Ideally, baking times should be high compared to ready-for-baking intervals, for optimum energy use. “This can be optimized by implementing ‘blocking times’, when an oven or deck is not allowed to bake, so that other decks can be used more efficiently, instead,” MIWE explains.
The MIWE sbs provides a number of benefits through its intelligent networked systems: “The software package allows for full-scale mapping of the organizational structure, central administration, monitoring, and synchronization of systems. Bakers can create, manage and centrally store baking programs and related information, assign uniform sets of baking programs to specific groups of stores, and analyze metrics-based reports about baking processes, capacity utilization, consumption, and adherence to process quality standards, in real-time,” explains the specialist.
Introduced at the end of 2022, the sbs:energymonitor feature was specially designed for networked baking stations, recording the energy consumption of the oven, while also compiling information about each mode of operation. This feature can even break down the energy consumed for different types of products and calculate an itemized energy bill. The system runs comparisons between days of the week, or over several weeks, with details about different products or baking programs, highlighting good and inefficient energy use.
It breaks down baking efficiency as a key operating parameter given by the ratio between the actual baking time and the total switch-on time. Depending on the value, this baking efficiency coefficient is displayed using a traffic light system, with red indicating very low efficiency, amber representing an average efficiency level, and green symbolizing high efficiency.
Sustainability matters
While each operation defines its own path to sustainability improvements, many roads lead to ovens. There are plenty of technologies, functionalities and features to choose from. The innovation going into baking ovens is a direct route to sustainability improvements, from features such as the MIWE flexbake, or the energy-saving MIWE eco-Mode. The company’s e+ products are designed to prioritize it: “MIWE products, especially e+ products are very energyefficient with effective insulation, efficient steam condensers and LED-lighting,” highlight the specialists. In addition, cleaning has simplified, to optimize the energy the oven needs to bake and to expand its availability. +++