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Focus on food safety
For nearly 70 years Kwik Lok ® Corporation has created solutions to closing bags that has been used throughout the world in the consumer goods industry. This simple yet innovative little card seamlessly secures the end of a filled bag.
+The advantage of the Kwik Lok ® closure is that it is quick and easy to apply and reuse. With focus on food safety, sustainability and technology, Kwik Lok ® closures give extended reach beyond a simple bag closure, it also provides business-building opportunities.
The Kwik Lok ® Corporation is constantly working towards sustainability. The bag closure is designed to easily be reused and recycled. Kwik Lok ® is actively engaged in reducing its’ global footprint with clean process and environmentally conscience efforts to minimize energy demands. For example, Kwik Lok ® cools its extruders within a closed loop cooling system. Additionally, the closure does not use hardeners or additives in the plastic.
Food Safety
Kwik Lok® provides the technology to close bags, print required information on the closure, and apply label in one motion. These metal-free Kwik Lok® closures allow for the use of metal detection as the final step after packaging the product. The closure system can be combined with bag sealing machines to apply a weld seam, so both supplier and customer can be sure the product has not been mishandled.
Kwik Lok® printing capabilities extend beyond UPC and matric codes – build a brand promotion with customized labeling and messaging to see measurable increases in sales. Tip Top
Bakery Brands saw a 15% increase in sales, with consumer recall of 85%.With easy application and high-resolution laser printing, increasing brand awareness is easy.
Manufacturing iba
In addition to ease of use, the machinery required to apply the closure to packaging is simple.The shape of this closure is what makes it work. The Kwik Lok® high-speed bag closure system provides customers with automation, speed, reliability and custom printed bag closure labels.Kwik Lok ® provides the technology to close bags, print required information on the closure, and apply label in one motion for up to 120 film bags per minute.
Kwik Lok ® also offers other equipment like conveyors, bag tensioner, closure printer separator for hand bagged products, and printing solutions for bagged packages. The company makes bag closures and equipment for fully automated packaging lines as well as semi-automatic and hand applied closures. In addition to film bags, the Kwik Lok ® closure systems can also be used on burlap and paper bags.
Additionally, Kwik Lok® offers a roll-in/roll-out stand for flexible use for their label capabilities. This mobile stand can be used to try out the equipment in the facility, providing ease of use and testing without major modifications to the existing facility.
At iba, Kwik Lok ® will be demonstrating their new ink jet printer (Model 904) that features an easy to use touch screen. The high-resolution printer has the ability to print QR Codes and 2D barcodes. It features quick replace industrial sized ink cartridges. Additionally, it has the ability to print 120 closures per minute with only one moving part. +++