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Webinar series from October onwards
A webinar series organized jointly with FEDIMA 1 and AMFEP 2 supplies information about the safe handling of enzyme-containing ingredients in baked goods production.
+Enzymes are proteins and, like other proteins, can act as respiratory tract sensitizers if persons are repeatedly exposed to air containing them. Such sensitization can ultimately lead to respiratory tract allergy, although not all individuals develop symptoms. As FEDIMA and AMFEP report, the sensitization and allergy risk potential can be controlled by suitable process monitoring, product formulations and the observance of appropriate handling instructions.
The two associations intend the webinar initiative to bring together dust pollution monitoring/control knowledge, best practice and tools, and for this information to reach as many people working in the bakery sector as possible. FEDIMA and AMFEP had already published a sector guideline entitled “Guidelines on the Safe Handling of Enzymes in the Bakery Supply Chain”3 in 2018. A poster4 about handling enzymecontaining ingredients safely has also been prepared, and is available in twelve languages.
According to the associations: “Our work is strongly inspired by the detergents industry, represented by the International Association for Soaps and Maintenance Products (AISE). In 2015, for example, the AISE published a guideline on the safe handling of enzymes in detergent production.”
What can participants expect from the webinars?
The webinars will be given in English and are free of charge. Participants will receive an overview of the steps that need to be taken to reduce risks in all areas of baked products manufacture: from milling and baking ingredients production to artisan and industrial bakeries. The webinars are particularly relevant for:
+ SHE managers, WHS managers and/or OHS managers
+ All plant operational staff, including managers
+ R&D employees in the bakery sector
+ Program managers and teachers in bakery education centers
+ Representatives of occupational health and safety organizations
Dates/times and topics
Webinar 1 - October 15, 2019 (14:00 CET): Introduction to safe handling of enzymes in the bakery supply chain, including regulatory aspects
Webinar 2 - October 29, 2019 (14:00 CET): Control of exposure during handling of enzymes in the bakery sector – Artisan bakeries, bakery schools & demonstration bakeries
Webinar 3 - November 19, 2019 (14:00 CET): Control of exposure during handling of enzymes in the bakery sector – Flour millers, Industrial bakeries & ingredients manufacturers
Webinar 4 - November 26, 2019 (14:00 CET): Health surveillance and air monitoring
Costs: Free of charge
Language: English
Registration: Register via this link: https://form.jotformeu.com/90783021551351
For more information and questions please contact FEDIMA: fedima@kellencompany.com
+ Craft/artisan bakers
+ Baker’s union representatives
The webinars will describe:
+ Health hazards associated with enzymes
+ Current regulatory framework concerning the use of flour and enzymes in the baking industry
+ Management procedures required to ensure adequate controls and staff training
+ Process and equipment design to minimize and maintain low exposure levels
+ Air monitoring procedures to assess enzyme exposure levels
+ Recommendations on health surveillance
+ Enzyme allergy as a consumer issue
1 FEDIMA: Federation of European Union Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionery and Patisserie Industry, www.fedima.org
2 AMFEP: Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products, www.amfep.org
++ Poster about the safe handling of ingredients containing enzymes

3 The Guidelines can be found on the FEDIMA web site at: http://www.fedima.org/content/public-documents
4 The posters are available for download in 12 languages. Please follow the link: https://www.fedima.org/resources/ safety-at-work +++