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Editorial: “What’s in it for you?”
What’s in it for you?
Catalina Mihu, Editor-in-chief
Your commments or suggestions are always appreciated: e-mail: mihu@foodmultimedia.de The world’s population reached eight billion people this month. It has only taken us about a decade to be one billion more, with much of this growth (about 70%) coming from poorer parts of the world. According to UN data, most of the further growth will be concentrated in just eight countries: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Tanzania – interesting markets to watch. “Countries of sub-Saharan Africa are expected to contribute more than half of the increase anticipated through 2050,” when the population should reach 9.7 billion, the UN projects. There’s more: at the other extreme, countries with slowing growth rates, which leads to an ageing population, should take steps to adapt their public programs to support these demographic shifts, the organization recommends.
“The relationship between population growth and sustainable development is complex and multi-dimensional,” said Liu Zhenmin, UN Under-SecretaryGeneral for Economic and Social Affairs. ‘Sustainability’ is the key – and multifaceted – concept here, and one reshaping the baking industry as well. The painfully acute issue of labor shortage is a common denominator throughout the bakery world. An interesting idea I heard in a recent conversation at IBIE was that shows could support companies looking to hire with a section working as a job fair within the trade fair.
Need always inspires innovation, so there are several approaches the industry is taking to tackling people scarcity. A great place to start – always – is to value existing staff, individually and as a team, from ensuring working conditions to training and advancement opportunities. When bakeries have to lower production volumes because there are simply not enough people to fill all shifts, more measures need to be taken, and quickly. In this instance, sustainability is increased by automation, to take over the burden of the heavy load and to better streamline the work of the employees. Smarter, more self-reliant technology is literally the ‘next best thing since sliced bread’ for its contributions to sustainability on every level, from the people needed to work with it, to optimizing each production step, and providing the highest process accuracy level that has been possible to date. Resource-saving and reallocating are high on the list of benefits, too.
Sustainability is also at the top of our list, for new trends to watch, new solutions and ways to do business. You can expect to find as many different approaches as the concept entails, covered in our articles. This is why we would like to learn about your experiences, what is sustainability for you, which are the right-now priorities and your long-term vision. Our inbox is always open!
In the meantime, we want to wish you a joyful year-end, and a successful New Year! With warm wishes on behalf of our wonderful team to yours,
Catalina Mihu


© American Pan
One product, infinite possibilities: cakes come in all shapes and sizes, with unique concepts to mark memorable events or casual experiences. To create the cake that will stand out, the tray is the limit.
© Reading Bakery Systems

Low moisture, long shelf-life, diverse sizes and shapes – crackers and cookies are a segment filled with opportunity. Their characteristics also dictate process improvements and how equipment can support optimization.
What started as a farmers’ market stall for vegan donuts in 2015 is now a company with its own bakery and six stores in the German capital Berlin and a location in Hamburg - so far, because Brammibal’s has plans to grow further.
Sourdoughs are much more than just an ingredient. “They are an entire system of biotechnology,” explains Dr. Georg Böcker, Managing Director of Ernst BÖCKER GmbH & Co. KG, in an interview with baking+biscuit international.


© Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family
Vacuum cooling specialist Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family recently developed three new systems to handle the process. Dawn Foods launched a patent-pending glaze that strictly sticks with donuts, and never with the packaging or fingers.
BAKERIES 06 Brammibal’s: The vegan donut concept
PRODUCTION 10 AMF Bakery Systems: Proofing systems to get dough rising to full potential 26 Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family: The VACTORR vector in vacuum cooling
HYGIENE 12 Antimicrobial lighting: The lightbulb moment 24 Forbo Movement Systems: New homogeneous belts
TRAYS, PANS, MOLDS 16 Trays with a mission: Cake production
COOKIES, CRACKERS 20 Reading Bakery Systems: Next-generation equipment priorities
INTERVIEW 28 Dr. Georg Böcker, Managing Director of Ernst BÖCKER GmbH & Co. KG: “Sourdoughs are an entire system of biotechnology”
MARKETS 32 Euromonitor International: Have the cake!
NEW INGREDIENTS 34 Dawn Foods: Do not get sticky with it! 36 Palsgaard: How to make egg reduction a ‘piece of cake’ 44 Wanted: Added fibers
SUSTAINABILITY 38 Van de Weijer Drogerij: Terms of separation
SCIENCE 40 ttz Bremerhaven, BIBA: Artificial intelligence for the fermentation chamber 48 DIOSNA: The ever-trendy clean label evolves
REGULARS 03 Editorial: “What’s in it for you?” 18 News 31 News 50 Advertiser directory
Titelfoto: © Michael – stock.adobe.com www.instagram.com/food2multimedia

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