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Educational Values
Landon dedicates itself to the ethical, intellectual, physical, and social development of boys.
A broad educational experience helps each student realize his potential by emphasizing fundamental skills, promoting high standards of effort and performance, fostering curiosity, and stimulating aesthetic understanding and appreciation. This educational experience also demands that boys practice deeply held Landon values, including integrity, personal accountability, civility, social responsibility, sportsmanship, and physical well-being.
Students develop a strong sense of personal honor to guide and enrich their lives in an increasingly complex society. Within Landon’s diverse community, students share common experiences that help prepare them for leadership in tomorrow’s world. By doing so, students come to appreciate differences and to cultivate relationships based on mutual respect. The Code of Character, which brings together the values of the Civility and Honor Codes, provides a model for daily ethical conduct. All members of the Landon community — faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni — are expected to conduct themselves honorably and support the mission statement of the School.
Landon seeks to instill in its students the courage and confidence to voice their convictions clearly, honestly, and respectfully. This goal is best achieved in an educational community characterized by open discussion in small classes conducted by dedicated, caring teachers, with whom students are encouraged to develop meaningful relationships. These
connections are facilitated by faculty serving as advisors, coaches, and mentors.
In addition to their rigorous study, Landon boys build friendships and skills by participating in a variety of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, in which they learn to work cooperatively toward group goals. They develop their creativity and an appreciation for artistic expression through a required course of study in both the visual and performing arts. They assume social responsibility through a voluntary program of service to others, both on and off campus. Finally, Landon requires daily participation in athletics — either interscholastic or intramural — that emphasizes teamwork, sportsmanship, skill development, and personal fitness. Landon’s teacher-coach-mentor model reflects our commitment to shaping boys ethically, intellectually, socially, and physically.