2022-23 Admissions Viewbook

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We challenge and inspire every boy to think deeply and broadly; to embody the values of respect, resilience, and honor; to seek balance and pursue excellence in all endeavors; to become the best version of himself.

He is why we don’t waver – in our values, our program, or our people. And this commitment to him is why we are a national leader in boys’ college preparatory education. We want him to bring his energy, goodness, ideas, humor, creativity, curiosity, and intensity to every class, performance, project, and practice. The men and women of Landon who will be his teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends will challenge him to bring his very best.


At Landon, boys achieve at one of the finest all-boys college preparatory schools in the nation.

since 1929, Landon school has prepared generations of boys to become accomplished, responsible, and caring men. For nearly a century, this mission has been made possible by dedicated men and women who have tirelessly shared their talent and expertise, by students eager to engage in the challenges Landon has introduced to them, and by the demanding, high-minded expectations Landon has set before them. our program develops boys as scholars and servantleaders, as thinkers and creators, as men of character and commitment who are ready for college and life beyond.

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75 acres of fields, labs, studios, and active boys


Experienced teachers apply best practices for boys, such as incorporating movement, nontraditional assessments, and healthy competition into their lesson plans.


800 signatures on the Code of Character pledge – one for every student and faculty and staff member


Our teachers present key concepts in ways boys find exciting – such as stock market contests, Shark Tank pitches, and geography mystery games.


40% students of color and a student body offering countless perspectives


5,000+ alumni willing and able to support young Bears in their careers


Respecting his teachers, coaches, and mentors as experts who genuinely care about him is essential to his willingness to learn.


Every boy in every grade participates in arts and athletics programming.


Our school days move as fast as boys do and provide the breaks they need to remain engaged throughout the day.

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Landon students have attended 145 colleges over the past four years, including:

Amherst College

Berklee College of Music

Boston College

Bowdoin College


A happy, healthy, and active environment awaits every Lower School boy.

our faculty are well-versed in what a boy needs to be successful throughout his academic career. it all starts in the Lower school, where we thoughtfully build a foundation of essential critical-thinking skills and social-emotional wellness. our approach is backed by research and based solely on what’s best for boys.

• Hands-on projects like mining gems and the building spaghetti bridges challenge and engage boys’ energy for problem solving and competition.

• A developmentally appropriate schedule maximizes students’ most attentive time periods.

• daily recess rejuvenates boys’ brains, boosting cognitive development and overall health.

• singapore Math and Harvard’s Project Zero pedagogical approach elevate boys’ critical-thinking capabilities.

• silent, sustained reading time ends each school day, when students most need calm.

115 movement minutes per day

During this time of transition for boys, teachers are role models whom the boys respect and admire.

The Middle school program focuses on increasing students’ aptitude for challenge, broadening their interests, and spurring social-emotional growth. Teachers know how to get the most out of every boy and vary their instruction accordingly – whether it’s a rotation of 10-minute learning stations in chinese class or metric olympic challenges in science.

• students choose to study either chinese, French, Latin, or spanish.

• students present “This i Believe” speeches before the entire Middle school, learning the value of their voice, speaking in public, and writing persuasively.

• Boys have small-group advisory sessions in which they share their ideas, perspectives, and emotions.

• Faculty emphasize time management, self advocacy, organization – strengthening the executive functioning skills needed for success in the upper school.

2 days learning and traveling during spring mini-mester trips


Holistic challenge yields the intellect, resilience, and independence that help boys become good men.

Adolescent boys must be known, and at Landon, they are –by teachers, coaches, and mentors who see them through multiple perspectives and leverage such relationships to the boys’ benefit. students grapple with difficult ideas in humanities, build mousetrap-powered cars, create films of classic literary works, and hone the acoustics of paper plate speakers. Along the way, they realize how far their abilities can take them.

• Faculty, staff, and alumni lead seniors through the senior capstone experiences to give boys real-world opportunities.

• senior Prefects serve as role models and tutors for Bears in the Lower and Middle schools.

• science classes employ student-directed laboratory investigations that give boys the opportunity to further develop their criticalthinking and analytical skills as the year progresses.

• More than 40 different clubs are offered, including improv club, Model un, it’s Academic Team, chess club, debate club, and more.

40 honors courses offered every year

Bucknell University

Claremont McKenna College

Columbia University

Cornell University

Dartmouth College

Duke University

Elon University

Emory University

Georgetown University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Kenyon College

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Middlebury College

New York University

Northwestern University

Princeton University

Sophia University (Japan)

Swarthmore College

Tufts University

United States Military Academy

United States Naval Academy

University of California, Berkeley

University of Chicago

University of Michigan

University of North Carolina

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Virginia Tech

Wake Forest University

Williams College

Yale University

“Throughout his years at Landon, my son has grown from a shy boy focused on his own interests to a young man always looking for ways to put others before himself. We could not be more proud.”



The goodness and vast human potential inherent in boys inspire our focus on character development.

We know boys will rise to the expectations set for them. That is why our code of character is at the core of what we do every day. We develop caring and thoughtful men who realize that their views and ideas matter, that their words can lift others, and that their actions, guided by respect, empathy, inclusivity, and civility, can effect positive change. it is not just worthy work; it is a moral obligation we owe to our boys, their families, and the world to develop young men who live honorable and ethical lives.

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Students in the Middle and Upper Schools attend more than 100 ethics assemblies throughout the year, which include speeches presented by their peers and faculty.

diversity, equity, and inclusion are priorities at Landon – and are evident in our student body, our curriculum, and the conversations we have with our boys. our intentional and thoughtful approach will immerse your son in a community that truly lives out its values. indeed, we believe the wider the variety of boys we welcome into our community, the richer each boy’s experience will be.

Though our Buddies program, Upper School boys meet regularly with our Lower School Bears to serve as role models for our youngest boys.


service is voluntary at Landon because a requirement has never been necessary to motivate our boys to share their time and talents with others. Landon boys look out for opportunities to work with different types of people through special olympics, A Wider circle, and iona senior services, among others.

Students attend Landon from 57 different ZIP codes around the DMV area.


every student, teacher, and staff member signs our code of character at the beginning of every school year, reminding boys that we all must be accountable to each other in modeling the principles of respect and honesty.

All Grade 8 students present “This I Believe” speeches.


We believe leadership grows from experience, which is why Landon students earn opportunities to take responsibility for their own actions and those of their peers through positions on our student and honor councils, captaincies on our athletic teams, and more.

Landon collaborates with Holton-Arms School on 21 annual coed events.

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connections for Life

Along with the success your son achieves and the type of person he becomes through a Landon education, he will also have lasting friendships and a network of caring individuals throughout his career and his life. Whatever path your son chooses, he will have the support of Bears everywhere because they trust the character, intellect, and work ethic that stem from this shared experience.


“A Constellation of Vital Phenomena,” written by Anthony Marra ’03, was nominated for the National Book Award.

Austin Bisnow ’06 sings lead vocals for Magic Giant, an alternative rock band whose songs have charted the Billboard Top 30.

Dr. Vincent Santillo ’87, a former investment banker, changed careers after his own cancer diagnosis, attending Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons.

Tom Scott ’85, cofounded Nantucket Nectars and is CEO of The Nantucket Project, an annual conference spurring dialogue around world issues.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TJ Kim ’22 has used his love for aviation and new pilot’s license to fly donated medical supplies every week to rural Virginia hospitals experiencing shortages. TJ’s “Operation SOS,” which stands for “Supplies Over Skies,” was recognized by the White House. He was also named a CNN Young Wonder for his efforts.

Attorney Scott Harris ’84 is the 20th Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States.
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Recognized as All-Met Player of the Year in 2011 and the American Hockey Coaches Association Rookie of the Year at Quinnipiac, Sam Anas ’11 now plays in the NHL.

“i can see the effort he puts into playing quarterback or point guard, and i know he has the determination, focus, and patience required to improve as an artist.”


Boys experience real and lasting personal growth through challenge and balance.

We believe requiring a boy to engage in an array of experiences, while providing him with multiple levels of support and guidance, introduces him to passions and abilities he didn’t know he had. This approach is essential to his emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth. The abilities to challenge himself, to constructively compete with those around him, to work hard toward a goal, and to learn from mistakes are essential skills for him to develop. That’s why every boy at Landon participates in arts and athletics in addition to our comprehensive and engaging academic program.

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Teacher, coach, Mentor

relationships are the foundation of our educational approach.

Boys work harder and achieve more when they respect and connect with their teachers. As experts in boys’ education, Landon faculty recognize that boys will only fully open themselves to complex intellectual problems and inspirational ideas when they trust that their teachers genuinely care about their well-being and success. The exceptional men and women at Landon treat this responsibility with the seriousness, commitment, and energy it deserves.

The same faculty members will guide your son during times of celebration, stress, adversity, and triumph, helping him navigate his emotions and grow from his experiences. Because teachers also serve as coaches and mentors, they know each boy in multiple areas and can introduce challenge and reinforce character development on an individual level.

Boys have group and one-on-one advisory meetings with faculty mentors every week.

Our teachers are experts in their fields – 70% hold advanced degrees.

With only 14 students in the average class, teachers are able to challenge each boy to achieve his personal best.

The nine-year average tenure of faculty members illustrates their commitment to our boys. 19 G ro WTH A nd A c H ie V e M en T in ALL A re A s


Athletic participation at Landon instills resilience, a strong work ethic, teamwork, and leadership. Because we believe so strongly in the importance of developing these qualities, every boy participates in athletics during every season.

Athletic teams partner with community service organizations throughout the year to lead service projects with Families 4 Families, Wider Circle, retirement homes, Jumpstart Jubilee, Just Tryan It, Leveling the Playing Field, and more.

In the last two years, 49 graduates have committed to play NCAA athletics at Georgetown, Harvard, Middlebury, the Naval Academy, Northwestern, and many more.

Top coaches, trainers, and state-of-the-art facilities – from a turf field installed in 2019 to our 42,0000-square-foot weight room – offer every Landon boy an experience akin to a collegiate student-athlete.

Landon offers 61 athletic teams from Grade 3 through Varsity.


Kino Lily ’21 was named Ivy League Rookie of the Year in 2022 as a freshman at Brown University.

The Bears have won 22 IAC championships in nine sports over the last six years.

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During “MAD” Days (music, arts, and drama), Middle School students perform for the whole school, allowing them to see themselves as multidimensional and creative.

Boys who participate in Landon’s theater program develop confidence and emotional intelligence, gain public speaking experience, and learn to work as a team alongside Holton-Arms drama students.


Our Middle School studio provides noise-cancelling headphones for boys who prefer to work in silence and group tables for boys who prefer to talk while painting.

Five Landon students were recognized in the 2021 Maryland Region of the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Pierce Ryan ’22 and Peter Qiu ’21 both won Gold Key honors.

Lower School students learn empathy and artistic technique as they create portraits of civil rights leaders alongside their inspiring quotes.

Every year, Landon offers 22 courses in music, theater, and studio art to choose from, beginning in Grade 3.

Cyrus Redjaee ’21 earned the sole seat for a baritone saxophone player in Maryland’s All-State Jazz Band.
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handbells, orchestra, chorus, and band programs encourage award-winning musicians and beginners alike to take their musical ability to the next level.
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The Best Version of Himself


MAG uire e TH ics sc H o LA rs H i P reci P ien T

As he entered Form iii, Thomas Mearns ’21 earned the Maguire ethics scholarship, a merit award to reward students of high moral character at Landon. As a senior, Thomas served as class president, a prefect, co-founder of the ethics club, and a varsity tennis player.

“There are so many diverse opportunities to learn at Landon. i’ve learned so much about myself. i’m not a nationally ranked tennis player or the top student in my class, but i am the sum of all these experiences.”


in T ern AT ion AL c H e M is T ry o L y MP i A d si LV er M ed AL is T

in the upper school, Kien has played tennis, served as a peer tutor, joined the Asian student society, and competed on the “it’s Academic” team. Plus he is among the top 20 high school chemistry students in the country.

“i want to express my gratitude to my chemistry class instructor for providing me with this extraordinary chance to test my knowledge. she is an amazing teacher and thanks to her, i have been able to consolidate my foundation in chemistry for further study.”


reco G ni Z ed F or e X ce LL ence in c H inese

Kaleb was the president of the Black student union, captain of the varsity track and cross country teams, and founder of the Hip-Hop club. in 2019, he joined Landon’s cultural exchange program in china. He was also a prefect and peer counselor.

“in order to best understand the world, you have to engage with new perspectives. in every experience, you learn something. i hope more people have the opportunity to share these same experiences that i’ve had.”

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Amidst today’s challenges, boys excel in our commitment to flexibility, innovation, structure, and valued relationships. You can count on Landon. Nothing diminishes our commitment to providing a safe, healthy, and impactful learning experience for your son.




Bethesda, Maryland

After-school programming offered until 6 p.m. for Lower and Middle schools




69% male; 31% female

70% hold advanced degrees student–teacher ratio: 6:1


700 students

40% students of color

Average class size: 14



The relationships they build with boys form the cornerstone of our entire approach, and the men and women who lead our students treat this responsibility with the seriousness and the energy it deserves.


21 annual collaborations with Holton-Arms school students in performances and leadership seminars


28% of students receive financial aid

Average aid award: $25,817

90% of families who apply for aid qualify

Grades 3-5: $43,100

Grades 6-12: $47,940


53% of class of 2022 graduates attending colleges on U.S. News and World Report Top 50 national universities or Liberal Arts colleges lists

84% of the class of 2022 are attending where they filed early applications student–college counselor ratio: 30:1

Average sAT score: 1320

Average AcT score: 29

LA ndon sc H oo L
LANDON McLean Great Falls Georgetown Largo Silver Spring Alexandria New Carrollton Olney Potomac Germantown Gaithersburg Arlington
SCHEDULE A VISIT, EXPLORE OUR CAMPUS TRANSFORMATION, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS. 301.320.1067 | admissions@landon.net WWW.LANDON.NET 6101 Wilson Lane Bethesda, Maryland 20817 A Private School for Boys Grades 3–12

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