Active City Network Best Practice Guide 2019

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Active City Network


Active City Network

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Welcome to the Active City Network’s Best Practice Guide 2019 I am delighted that the Best Practice Guide continues to inspire businesses across London. This is of great importance as we move towards the City of London Corporation’s and Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy vision to eliminate all death and serious injuries by 2041. To realise this ambition, within such a busy Square Mile, will require stakeholders from all over the City and London to work together, and bringing them together is the role of the Active City Network. Through this collaborative approach, I believe we, as employees and employers, can work towards ensuring London thrives and celebrates healthier living. The Square Mile continues to see booming levels of active travel. While this is a major achievement, we still see too many collisions, particularly at peak times. Therefore, we are supportive of trials, initiatives and projects that can make the City safer. We call on employers to support the promotion of safer behaviours, safer speeds and more responsible procurement. Together we will continue to make the City of London a great place to work and live.

n Alderman Alison Gowman, Chairman of the Active City Network


Active City Network



Contents About the Active City Network


Transport Strategy is about accessibility for all


Spotlight on the ACN’s key aims

Bruce McVean explains how the City of London Corporation’s new Transport Strategy will create safe and people-friendly streets across the Square Mile

Healthy minds matter in the workplace

Introducing strategies that boost the mental health of employees are not only the right thing to do but are good for business, says wellbeing consultant Charlotte Wiseman

Step away from that screen!

Getting outdoors - be it for a walking meeting or to enjoy the green spaces of the Square Mile - could improve your output and make you feel better, says Ryan Jones at Business Healthy



Bikes are good for business


Creating sustainable solutions


Heart of the matter


Taking action against air pollution


Making a clean break


Team London Bridge is helping members experience the benefits of cycling through a range of initiatives including cargo bike deliveries, more cycle parking and lobbying for improved cycling infrastructure City Hall and the City of London Corporation are working together to combat the adverse impact of freight, writes Deputy Mayor for Transport Heidi Alexander Together we can beat the heartbreak caused by the World’s biggest killers, writes Lucy Thorpe of the British Heart Foundation Measures in the City’s Low Emission Neighbourhood include greening initiatives, more EV charging bays and secure cycle parking, and ambulance drivers pledging to stop engine idling, writes Beth Humphrey

Take a walk on the quiet side


Safer in the City: in numbers


Thinking outside the hoarding


Greener, safer, quicker deliveries


‘Lunchtime streets’ bring alfresco vibe to the City


The scheme that puts people and safety first


Living Streets is working with businesses to encourage people to explore the City’s hidden wonders, says Patti Kydd A series of infographics revealing why it increasingly makes sense to prioritise people over motor vehicles in the Square Mile The best way to get constructors to understand the needs of vulnerable road users is to take them on walking and cycling tours, says TfL’s Michael Barratt MBE A trial that made streets traffic-free during the lunchtime period at St Mary Axe in the City of London proved a massive hit with the public

A service that enables commuters to take a shower after a journey will encourage more people to travel by bike or on foot, says Scott Cain of RunFriendly Tool and equipment firm Speedy Hire is cutting its emissions by using electric bikes, a hybrid electric van and consolidating individual orders, writes John Fahey There has been a significant fall in casualties at Bank Junction since access was restricted to buses and pedal cycles during peak hours, writes Gillian Howard


Active City Network


Encourage all employees and your community to bring their ideas to the table. By being a member of the ACN, you will have the opportunity to feed into strategies, campaigns and events through surveys and consultations.


Working together towards Healthy Streets

The City of London Corporation’s ACN works with members to shape campaigns, transport strategies and infrastructure changes in the Square Mile. The aim of the ACN is to establish a communication channel to both talk to, and get feedback from, employers about initiatives planned in the City of London to support safer commuting. Through the Network we can provide training and encouragement for workers to enjoy a safer, more active journey to work. More staff walking and cycling more often has many benefits around improved fitness and health, air quality and productivity. Join the Active City Network to access exclusive services and work together to improve our streets.

Join the Network


Businesses can receive several services for free including free training for drivers and riders, travel planning advice, bespoke business roadshow events and more. We can also support City residents and the community work towards creating safer, healthier streets.


The Active City Network hosts free events to engage with the City community. You can network with your peers, learn from influential speakers and find out more about initiatives to support health and wellbeing, business corporate social responsibility and safer active travel.


The Active City Network continues to encourage business to share best practice and inspire each other. Establish your business as a leader, share your experiences and help other businesses adopt best practice for a safer, healthier City.


Stay up to date with industry news, proposals and advice from the City of London Police, Transport for London, City Corporation and more.



Active City Network

Transport Strategy is about accessibility for all Bruce McVean explains how the City of London Corporation’s new Transport Strategy will create safe and people-friendly streets across the Square Mile In May of this year the City of London Corporation adopted its first ever long-term Transport Strategy. The Strategy sets out how the City Corporation will design and manage the Square Mile’s streets over the next 25 years. We spent a lot of time engaging with residents, workers and businesses in the Square Mile during the development of the Transport Strategy. What we discovered is that many people in the City want bold approaches to making our streets more attractive places to walk, cycle and spend time. High quality streets and public spaces are seen as key to helping to attract talent and investment, and as part of our offer to visitors. Some 90% of on-street journeys that start or finish in the Square Mile are walked, but pavements are often overcrowded. When we asked people what they thought about our streets, just 10% said the experience of walking was pleasant. So, a key principle of our Transport Strategy is to put A ‘peaceful oasis’ has been created at Aldgate Circus

the needs of people walking first. Extending the appeal of cycling More and more people are choosing to cycle to and within

who would like to cycle are still put off by concerns about

relaxed cycling culture by creating a safe and attractive

the Square Mile. We have seen an almost 300% increase

safety. We must address this if we are to enable a more

cycle network, made up of streets with low traffic

since 1999. People cycling now make up nearly a third of

diverse range of people to choose to cycle.

volumes, and with protected space on busier streets.

all vehicular traffic during the daytime. But many people


The Transport Strategy will lay the foundations for a

BEST PRACTICE GUIDE Some 90% of on-street journeys that start or finish in the Square Mile are walked, but pavements are often overcrowded

Our vision

Streets that inspire and delight, world-class connections and a Square Mile that is accessible to all. By delivering this vision we aim to…

l Ensure the Square Mile is a healthy, attractive and easy place to live, work, learn and visit.

l Support the development of the Square Mile as a vibrant commercial centre and cultural destination

l Protect and enhance its unique character and heritage

Vision Zero

for the next generation of road user charging. Less traffic will ensure essential vehicles, including deliveries, can still get around reliably even as we reallocate street space. The Ultra Low Emission Zone, which came into force in April, is welcome, but we need fewer as well as cleaner

The City Corporation is also committed to delivering

vehicles. We want to reduce the number of motor vehicles on

Vision Zero to ensure no one is killed or seriously injured

our streets by at least 25% by 2030 and at least 50% by 2044.

on the City’s streets. This means redesigning our streets to

We are at the advanced stages of planning for last mile

make them safer, something we are working with

delivery hubs, which will allow delivery companies to use

Transport for London (TfL) to achieve.

spare space in City Corporation car parks as depots for

An intrinsic element of this is safer speeds, and that’s why we will be asking the Department for Transport for permission to reduce the speed limit in the Square Mile to 15mph. And this requires safer behaviour by all street users, particularly those who drive or cycle dangerously or

switching deliveries to cargo cycles and to deliveries on foot. This is part of a suite of measures to reduce the number of lorries and vans on our streets and move deliveries out of the morning, evening and lunchtime peaks.

The Transport Strategy will enable safe cycling for all

irresponsibly. The City of London Police are key partners

Crucially, retiming deliveries will help to reduce the

in delivering Vision Zero through education, engagement

potential for conflict between large vehicles and people

City Cluster. But it is not all about mega projects; smaller

and enforcement.

walking and cycling.

improvements, many of them delivered in partnership

Reducing traffic

Our streets have changed significantly over the last 25

with developers, help make the day-to-day experience of

years – for example, the gardens that now stand south of

travelling in the City more enjoyable and improve

Providing more space for walking, cycling and public

St Paul’s Cathedral used to be a coach park. More recently,

accessibility for all.

realm means less space for motor vehicles. Over the last 20

we have created a peaceful oasis at Aldgate Square where

years the number of motor vehicles on the City’s streets

once there were four lanes of traffic.

n Bruce McVean, Acting Assistant Director – City

has halved – all while the City has grown. We need to continue this positive change and are calling on the Mayor of London and TfL to accelerate planning

This transformation will continue with, for example,

Transportation, City of London Corporation

further improvements to Bank Junction and projects to

City of London Corporation Transport Strategy:

support Culture Mile and create world-class streets in the


Active City Network

Healthy minds matter in the workplace

Putting in place strategies to boost the mental health of employees is not only the right thing to do but is also good for business, writes Charlotte Wiseman

Marble Arch BID

At a time when mental ill health costs employers an average of ÂŁ1,300 per staff member, investing in wellbeing should be a priority for every organisation. The average return on wellness initiatives is 6:1, so it makes business sense to commit to supporting the health of your team. However, the practicalities of how to do so are not so simple - free fruit and wellness weeks will only go so far. Both the government and ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) strongly recommend that companies have mental health first aiders on site as part of health and safety standards. This is a great start, but if we want long-term change we must do more. We need to promote positive mental health and prevent illness, not just manage issues when they arise. We should take a proactive approach, embedding wellbeing and mental fitness into the culture of the organisation, and this has been the focus of my efforts working with employers over the last year. A case in point is hospitality business Soho House & Co, where we not only train Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) champions and Mental Health First Aiders but offer all staff two-hour mental health awareness courses twice a month. These voluntary sessions enable team


Charlotte Wiseman (right) facilitates a mental health awareness course for members at the Marble Arch London BID

BEST PRACTICE GUIDE members to drop in when they are available while new

demand. Meanwhile, designer Acrylicize has

starters are given the clear message that mental health is

acknowledged the importance of employees being able

a priority.

to integrate their personal and work lives so employees

At drinks company Innocent, where the nature of dayto-day work is a little less active, it has supplemented regular mental health awareness training with encouraging daily activity.

are given a half day off each month to explore an art gallery or exhibition of their choice. Breaks in the day boost the mind’s ability to function, improving productivity, promoting creative thinking

This may not sound like a mental health initiative, but just 10 minutes of daily light exercise such as walking can be as effective for treating mild to moderate depression as antidepressants.

and reducing stress. When it comes to wellbeing in the workplace, it is time to change the way we think. We know it makes business sense, financially, legally

In addition to their on-site gym, Innocent now has a fleet of bikes so that team members can cycle to local meetings rather than take a bus or taxi. This is in addition to their regular cycle to work

and morally, so start investing in your team today and investing in a fitter business future. n Charlotte Wiseman is a wellbeing consultant and

scheme. The company states that the bikes are now so

Step-Inside trainer at Charlotte Wiseman Ltd. Learn

popular it is planning to expand the fleet to meet rising

more at:

Here are three ways to boost your employees’ mental health immediately:

l Get the data – The Wellbeing Kiosk is an interactive data collection tool, which offers incentives to employees. After a 15minute reading session they will receive a report of their total wellbeing including physical, mental and lifestyle markers and guidance. You will get

When it comes to wellbeing in the workplace, it’s time to change the way we think

an aggregated (anonymous) report of the wellbeing of all employees to help shape future initiatives.

l Start the conversation – every team member should complete mental health awareness training. This can be added to your on-boarding process or offered throughout the year as drop-in sessions. For every 50 employees it is recommended that

you have at least one mental health first aider who has completed the full two-day accredited MHFA England course and all line managers should complete a one-day mental health in-depth training course.

l Make it a habit – consider the daily habits that you could integrate to give people a little more mental space and

time to de-stress during the day. The impact will be improved productivity, better health and happier, more loyal staff. This could involve: ‘walking meetings’ to get people out of the office; encouraging people to get up and talk to colleagues rather than sending internal emails; or getting staff to take lunch breaks even if for just 30 minutes.

Charlotte Wiseman: ‘We need to embed wellbeing and mental health into the culture of the organisation.’


Active City Network

Step away from that screen! You don’t need to stay at your desk to be productive, says Ryan Jones. In fact, getting outdoors – for a walking meeting, to make phone calls or explore the hidden wonders of the Square Mile – could improve your output and make you feel better

In the average working week, Office of National Statistics (ONS) data suggests that most of us spend over one-third of our day at work, with the majority of those hours spent sitting in front of computer screens. Meanwhile, NHS figures reveal that many adults in the UK spend more than seven hours sitting down each day. The British Heart Foundation links a sedentary lifestyle to diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and obesity. Being inactive is said to cause one in six premature deaths in the UK every year. The great outdoors There are, however, some easy steps we can take to tackle the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. The Square Mile is bustling with green spaces and miniature parks, filled with beautiful greenery and a rich history. These present a great opportunity to take your work outdoors. Weather permitting, stepping outside for walking meetings, reading documents or taking phone calls, can be beneficial to wellbeing, reducing sitting time and boosting productivity.


Postman’s Park: Verdant pockets of tranquillity can be discovered across the Square Mile


We all have to consider our mental health and, as with physical health, we need to work on keeping mentally

businesses as a result of absenteeism, presenteeism costs them £2.50. Aside from the direct negative impact of

healthy. A leading cause of poor mental health is social

presenteeism on companies’ bottom lines, a poor

isolation. Over two-fifths of people, including those of

working environment can also contribute to poor health,

working age, surveyed for the Mental Health

decreased morale and an unhealthy culture.

Foundation’s ‘The Lonely Society’ report said that they had felt depressed because they felt alone. A

Implementing some low-cost and simple changes has the potential to bring about wide-ranging benefits to

Government report found that loneliness is as bad for

employees and their employers alike. This can include

health as obesity or smoking. The workplace setting can

the purchase of plants (opting for those that improve air

help staff who are lonely; employees can be provided

quality), building ‘living walls’, or incorporating nature-

with the opportunity to spend lunch with each other and

inspired decor within the office design.

forge relationships with new starters, through lunchtime walking clubs, for example. The City of London Corporation has a range of free, self-guided walking maps covering: Roman London; hidden gardens and pocket parks; the Great Fire; modern architecture; Charles Dickens; film locations; and even

All of these activities help to create a culture where consciously limiting sedentary behaviour, moving more and embracing the health benefits of nature is part of business as usual. Business Healthy is a free network and resource for City of London employers, providing support and

majestic trees. Just search for ‘self-guided walks’ at:

signposting to help them improve the health and

wellbeing of their workforce. Business Healthy is

A natural environment

delivered by the City of London Corporation’s Public

Working day in, day out in an office with poor

workplace health and wellbeing, including mental

ventilation can have a negative effect on productivity,

health, physical wellbeing and much more.

according to research carried out by the UK Green

Health team and covers a wide range of topics relating to

To find out more visit:, or

Building Council. People may be at their desks, but not

contact the team at:

fully engaged in their work – a phenomenon known as

‘presenteeism’. In its ‘Health at Work: Economic Evidence Report’, ERS estimated that for every £1 cost to

n Ryan Jones, Public Health Support Officer, Business Healthy


Active City Network

Take a walk on the quiet side

Living Streets is working with the City of London Corporation to encourage people to explore the Square Mile’s hidden wonders, writes Patti Kydd from Living Streets The City of London is the most walkable part of London.

As part of National Walking Month 2018, the City

Being the historic heart means that it has plenty of

Corporation’s Active City Network (ACN) team worked in

pedestrian dedicated infrastructure pre-dating the motorcar.

partnership with Living Streets, with support from The

The existing walking environment includes a mixture of

Ramblers, to develop and launch the City’s first dedicated

pathways, hidden passages, high-level walkways, quiet

Pedestrian walking map.

streets and other dedicated walking routes, such as the

Unlike traditional city maps, the Hidden City Walking

Thames Path. In addition, as the City is a small geographical

Map highlights the pedestrian dedicated pathways, high

area, walking should be the natural choice for people getting

walkways and quiet streets over the busier roads.

from A to B as well as to enjoy the Square Mile.

As well as a whole City version of the map, the map

Walking initiatives and plans

l Walking has so many benefits for employee wellbeing and health but also to the wider organisation such as increases in productivity and performance. Use these to promote the benefits of your programme. Securing support for your walking initiatives from your senior management is key – get them to lead by example.

l Embed your walking programmes in other key initiatives such as employee wellbeing, sustainability and corporate responsibility programmes.

l Make use of existing resources such as TfL’s Walking Tube map and Hidden City Walking map, or design your own to engage staff in walking. Download the Hidden City Walking Map from or email to request hard copies.

focuses on four key areas of walking infrastructure: The

Navigating the City

Barbican high level walkways; City Cluster; Thames Path;

This natural walking environment leads to over 90% of

and the Chancery Lane area.

workers, residents and tourists. We found that the lunchtime

accommodating the mobility of a working population of

National Walking Month

walks were naturally more attractive for workers whereas

over 513,000 pedestrians each day. On top of this, the City of

During National Walking Month, Living Streets and The

London Corporation’s Transport Strategy consultation puts

Ramblers delivered a series of eight led walks in partnership

along the Thames here… I would like to see as much of the

people and walking first in the future design and

with the ACN. Each walk promoted pedestrian walkways

City of London pedestrianised as possible.”

management of the City’s streets. This will improve both the

and infrastructure that the Hidden City Walking map

health of its people and streets as well as reducing the

highlighted across the Square Mile.

journeys that start and finish in the City being made on foot,

number of car journeys made in the City. Other key

The walks were designed to promote the walkability of

objectives include aims to implement pedestrian priority on

the City by using the most walking friendly infrastructure as

50% of the City’s Streets and make the walking environment

well as highlighting the City’s interesting and diverse

even more comfortable, with major streets achieving at least

heritage and cultural features.

a B+ Pedestrian comfort rating. A key element of ensuring that the City is walkable is wayfinding and promoting its walkability to users, whether they are residents, workers or visitors.


Walking destinations included: The Barbican; The Guildhall; The Thames Path; West Smithfield; and City Cluster. The walks engaged with over 100 attendees over the

month and attracted a great variety of city users, including

the evening walks had more of a mixture of attendees. A lunchtime walker said: “It’s great that you can walk

Most enjoyed exploring and learning about the City as well as the exercise and health benefits that the walks brought.

n Patti Kydd, Project Coordinator at Living Streets 1: The City Cluster Hidden City Walking Map, one of four maps covering the Square Mile 2: Living Streets and the Ramblers are running led walks in partnership with the Active City Network 3: The led walks celebrate the City of London’s interesting and diverse heritage




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Active City Network

Safer in the City: in numbers

The City of London Corporation is seeking to introduce a 15mph speed limit on all roads, and the statistics below show why. Meanwhile, the figures to the right show why the City Corporation is looking to prioritise people walking, cycling or taking public transport.




Active City Network

Thinking outside the hoarding

The best way to get constructors to understand the needs of vulnerable road users is to take them on walking and cycling tours, says TfL’s Michael Barratt MBE During building works, it is important to make

which are viewed as necessary to accommodate works, says

contractors aware of the adverse impact of development-

Barratt. “The impacts of this greatly affect local communities.

based roadworks on local communities, including people

The walks not only raise awareness of the problems but can

with disabilities, and those cycling or on foot. This is the

help towards improving the walking environment from

firmly held view of Michael Barratt MBE, from TfL’s

committed changes to working methods.”

Network Management team, which helps keep London’s roads moving safely. He has been helping to raise awareness of potential

little cost. “The next stage is to return to the site and do an

boundaries to help constructors understand the needs of

audit to see if the necessary changes have been made.” Barratt also helps constructors implement ways of

members of local groups are also invited along to share

designing out opportunities for criminal activity on the

their experiences.

periphery of building sites. This can involve applying

“Many sites focus on the build programme while the

lighter colours to hoardings, smoothing out corners,

highway impacts are not always visualised,” says Barratt.

removing recesses and installing mirrors to improve

“By taking constructors out on a ‘walk or cycle around’ to

sightlines and comfort for people walking.

see how their sites, adjacent developments or associated

Another way of raising safety levels is by offering more

works are managed helps raise awareness for the

support to HGV drivers, he explains. “We have seen

importance of best practice.”

marshals sending HGV drivers on loops when there isn’t

He adds: “It is important that constructors actively


some of which, he says, can be achieved quickly and at

hazards by leading walking and cycling tours around site vulnerable road users. People with disabilities and

An on-site boundary walking tour with a visually impaired local resident

During the walks and cycle rides, Barratt points out risks “outside the hoarding” and suggests improvements,

space for them on the site. One way to tackle this

engage the local communities that are impacted by their

unnecessary polluting traffic is by creating holding areas

works, especially those that use wheelchairs, have visual

near the site where drivers can park and wait.”

impairments, young children and the elderly. If everybody goes above and beyond, above and beyond becomes

Walking with Sir Robert McAlpine

business as usual.”

TfL and the charity Living Streets have been working with

Contractors often close or create obstructions in footways,

building and civil engineering company Sir Robert

BEST PRACTICE GUIDE McAlpine at Broadgate in the City of London to assess development associated roadworks. Senior managers – including project managers, health & safety managers,

boxes, communication boxes, etc, reduce the pavement width to an inaccessible mobility access width.

l Design out potential hiding places for

Liz Waters concludes: “One of the most useful aspects of the tour was that it enabled us to start to recognise what we need to take into consideration for future projects.

works managers and community/sustainability managers

muggers/attackers in hoarding layout as well as blind

Many of the Broadgate projects are already well

– have taken walking tours of the four live projects on the

spots that people may use as a toilet.

established and mature in their timeline, but we have new

Broadgate campus. “We met with Living Streets and TfL on the Broadgate

l Ensure street furniture does not become a suitable launch point for people to leap over the hoarding.

projects coming up where we will be taking into consideration some of the things discussed.” n

campus to initially review our own projects before walking further into the City of London to view other developments,” says Liz Waters, Stakeholder & Community Manager at Sir Robert McAlpine. The group discussed how health & safety and security could be improved at the sites. “Michael Barratt made observations as we walked on a number of things that we saw, offering us a different perspective from one we may normally take. The walks were an opportunity to review both our own sites, as well as others, and discuss any hazards, possible solutions as well as recognise good practice.” Barratt adds: “TfL works closely with London authorities to help improve the street environment. Literature to assist developers and contractors such as the Active City Network guide and the TfL Traffic Management Handbook are there to guide contractors in the right direction.” Feedback from the walking tours included:

l Hoardings should have planned openings, good visuals for external crossing points and good lighting. The impact of colour on different groups within the public realm should be recognised, for example, with some forms of dementia, black can seem like a hole.

l Proper crossing points, with tactile paving for visually impaired people. Note how obstructions such as post

Michael Barratt (in hi-vis vest) leads a walking tour with Sir Robert McAlpine and City Corporation employees


Active City Network

‘Lunchtime Streets’ bring an alfresco vibe to the City

A trial that made streets traffic-free during the lunchtime period at St Mary Axe in the City of London proved a massive hit with the public

‘Lunchtime Streets’ is a proposal to enable people to enjoy their lunch in a safer and more pleasant environment. Making the streets safer for people is key to both the City of London Corporation’s Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan and Transport Strategy, which both support the Mayor of London’s Healthy Streets ambitions. Reducing traffic, timed closures and car free days are not new concepts. Cities around the world have been exploring ways to challenge the dominance of the car to create people-friendly streets. In many cases, cities have shown they can improve air quality, the safety of the streets, and encourage people to use and enjoy the public realm. However, closing streets to non-essential traffic is not without its challenges. It is important to recognise the effects and perceptions of the local community when reducing traffic at peak times, when most people are travelling on foot or bicycle. So, this March, during planned street closures while Thames Water installed new pipes on Leadenhall, the City Corporation and the Active City Network trialled ‘Lunchtime Streets’, with the support of surrounding businesses and partners.


BEST PRACTICE GUIDE What did the trial involve?

Lessons Learned

The City Corporation, with the support of the Active City

l Be prepared for rain, even when it’s sunny!

Network, is seeking to create Safer Streets and cut the

l Big journeys start with small steps - engage early and listen to your community. Working together is what makes projects thrive.

number of people injured in the City of London. Achieving this will require a reduction in the motor

l What you say and what you do must always line up. Be clear and realistic on what you can take on and deliver.

vehicle traffic in the City, particularly during peak times. Engagement started early and involved helping the

l Never stop learning. Technology and tools are often changing, as do attendee expectations. Make use of the skills and professionals around you.

community to visualise a public space focussed on people rather than traffic. As part of the trial the Active City Network, St Mary Axe businesses and partners supported the idea of a green

l Keep in touch. Reminding people on agreements through regular engagement avoids misunderstandings.

lunch. St Mary Axe is at the heart of the City Cluster,

Members of Living Streets encouraged workers in the City to agree to walking pledges

home to the Gherkin, Aviva building and the Leadenhall

City. Hundreds of people also commented on what

What’s next?

Building. Several new towers are nearing completion and

activities they would like to see at future lunchtime

The team are now working on follow-up events and will

Crossrail is set to deliver up to 60,000 additional workers

streets, and 100% of the stallholders who took part said

continue to monitor the value of these events.

to the area. The City Corporation ran ‘Lunchtime Streets’

they would like to be invited to future events.

If you would like to get involved, organise an event, or

seating feature, where people could sit and enjoy their

activities and events over four days to encourage people

Henry Colthurst, chair of the steering committee and

onto the streets. Despite a cold snap, hundreds of people

Ward Member for Lime Street, said: “This area is one of

came out of their buildings to enjoy the activities, some

the world leading centres for the insurance industry. As it

even brought their musical instruments to join in with the

expands, we want to ensure people can enjoy their

band, and when the sun finally came out, the street filled

lunchtimes in a safe attractive environment, and this event

with people chatting and eating lunch.

showed most workers share our vision for the future.”

What the trial showed?

Network, added: “It was a very enjoyable event, but more

During the four-day event more than 273 people gave

importantly we were pleased to see overwhelming support

their opinions to a survey, which showed overwhelming

from City workers for reducing traffic during peak times to enhance their safety and comfort. I look forward to

showed 95% support for the trial and making St Mary Axe

Lunchtime Streets being staged again.”

In addition, 82% of people said they would support or strongly support other timed street closures across the

email: n

Alderman Alison Gowman, Chair of the Active City

support for traffic-free streets at St Mary Axe. The results traffic free at lunchtime.

would like us to consider your street for an event, please

The City Corporation points out that the support of its partners and businesses was instrumental in ensuring the trial was a success.

St Mary Axe was closed to traffic during the trial


Active City Network

Team London Bridge

Bikes are good for business

The City Corporation is seeking to increase the number of deliveries by cargo bike. Team London Bridge explains how it is helping to make this happen in the City and elsewhere A pilot programme is underway in the London Bridge area to encourage businesses to carry out more deliveries by cargo bike. The initiative, led by Team London Bridge, is set to have an impact in the City of London as London Bridge based businesses increasingly use cargo bikes for services such as the delivery of confidential documents between banks and law firms. In most cases businesses will book cargo bike operators in the same way they would a regular delivery service provider, explains Jack Skillen, Placeshaping Director at Team London Bridge. “That said, some of our businesses might purchase or lease their own bikes if that suits their business needs, for example if they already run a van. And if they already run a van they might be eligible for the Mayor’s scrappage scheme too.” A great many motorised deliveries could be replaced by cargo bikes, Skillen believes. “The largest cargo bike with a trailer can carry the equivalent load to that of a regular transit van. We’d particularly like to switch from diesel to pedal power.” Team London Bridge has launched Bikes for Business in a bid to convert diesel deliveries to cargo bikes in central London


Team London Bridge says its sustainable transport partner MP Smarter Travel will help members find the right cargo bike supplier. The BID will also offer members business case evidence for procurement and purchasing staff and provide a


Bridge will be monitoring the impact of more cargo bike deliveries. “We’ve done a baseline on street traffic counts in three locations of numbers of cargo bikes,” says Skillen. “By the

The ‘Bikes for Business’ convoy took to the roads in April to demonstrate how a range of motorised deliveries could be carried out by cargo bike

Team London Bridge

subsidy to help them make the initial switch. Team London

end of the project, we’ll expect to see more cargo bikes in the area, backed up by another count. “We’ll also ask for feedback from the businesses about the number and regularity of deliveries they’ve switched to cargo bikes, and their feedback on the service, to help establish a preferred suppliers list.” Action Plan for Cycling Cargo bike deliveries feature in Team London Bridge’s ‘Action Plan for Cycling’ strategy. The Action Plan is designed to create partnership frameworks to help deliver projects, which will lead to improved efficiency, quicker deliveries, healthier staff and cost savings, says Skillen. Measures include: monthly Dr Bike services; new cycle parking; working with partners to improve cycling

The Action Plan will: support workers who want to have

pushing Southwark Council and TfL on projects such as

conditions; and pushing for better cycling in new

their bikes fixed; provide more training and mapping; lobby

developments. Skillen says: “We are about to install, as a

for improved infrastructure, leading to a safer cycling

increased parking and a new Santander docking station.” n

Cycle Superhighway 4, as well as smaller projects like

trial, a row of cycle hoops on the fencing/barriers outside

environment; install more cycle parking near to workplaces;

Team London Bridge is a Business Improvement District

Guy’s Hospital and The Shard, to turn the fly parking in this

work with developers to make sure new premises are

(BID) which currently has over 400 business members in

area into a positive space, and make parked cycles neat and

designed with cycle friendly facilities.

the London Bridge area. These include PwC, EY, the

By being involved in the Action Plan, members will be

GLA, King’s College London, Guy’s Hospital NHS

given the means to improve cycling for all the community

Trust, Southwark Council, News UK, Imperial War

their own organisational objectives, he adds. “Being located

and demonstrate participation in a far-reaching wellness

Museum and Network Rail.

in a place that is good for cyclists is an attractive offer to

project, says Skillen.

tidy in line with expectations of the area.” Most members feel that supporting cycling complements

getting the best staff wanting to work in the area. Tenants are increasingly demanding this of their landlords.”

Team London Bridge has committed £10,000 per year to support services that enable the growth of cycling. “We are

London Bridge: An Action Plan for Cycling


Active City Network

Creating sustainable solutions

City Hall and the City of London Corporation are working together to combat the adverse impact of freight, writes Deputy Mayor for Transport Heidi Alexander

At City Hall, we’re determined to increase ‘click and collect’ facilities at stations so commuters can pick up packages at their convenience, without clogging up roads

Good progress is being made across the capital, including in

over time. As a member of the Fleet Operators Recognition

but we also want to make them safer. I’m proud that in just

the City of London, to ensure the more efficient management

a few months’ time London is on course to become the first

Scheme, the City of London only uses the safest, most

of freight. Reducing the number of deliveries made during

city in the world to introduce safety permits for lorries,

efficient vehicles in its supply chain, and TfL’s HGV safety

peak hours was built into the planning permission granted

reducing the chances of further heartbreak and tragedy

permits will ensure others follow suit.

for the skyscraper on Twenty Two Bishopsgate.

associated with road traffic collisions, which Heavy Goods

‘Click and collect’ facilities

The City of London Corporation stated that deliveries

Vehicles (HGVs) are disproportionately involved in. HGVs

must be sent to an off-site consolidation centre first, with

will be categorised based on the level of the driver’s direct

Cleaner freight is also key. The central London Ultra Low

materials then brought on-site at night – reducing congestion

vision, from ‘zero star’ (lowest) to ‘five-star’ (highest).

Emission Zone will encourage cleaner alternatives and

at peak hours, the likelihood of collisions and air pollution. This is the first time that an office tower has had such planning requirements, but with the capital continuing to

Only vehicles rated ‘one-star’ or above will be able to operate in London from 2020, with standards getting higher

we’re supporting micro businesses and charities to make the switch to electric through our scrappage scheme. Getting businesses to play their part is undoubtedly part

grow it seems like a no-brainer that others will follow suit.

of the solution but we all need to do our bit. Do you really

Lorry safety permits

need that new top delivered to your work tomorrow or could you choose a longer delivery period and use ‘click

Where possible, we are encouraging businesses to reduce

and collect’ to avoid an extra van journey in central London?

deliveries, and working with neighbouring businesses to

It might seem insignificant but it all adds up, with a

consolidate deliveries and servicing trips is a good way to

staggering 200,000 to 400,000 personal deliveries made to

achieve this. I’m pleased that the historic Petticoat Lane

offices in central London alone every day. At City Hall,

Market is set to become more sustainable and more efficient

we’re determined to increase ‘click and collect’ facilities at

having been recently awarded funding from TfL’s Healthy

stations so commuters can pick up packages at their

Streets Fund for Business. Waste will be taken to new

convenience, without clogging up roads.

compactor machines at a single collection point, reducing

There’s no easy answer to the challenge of balancing the

the number of freight movements needed to keep the area

demands of London’s growing population with the impact

clean and tidy.

on freight. But by making freight safer, cleaner and more

Not only do we want to reduce the number of deliveries,


efficient we will help our city thrive and grow. n


Heidi Alexander visits DPD’s last mile depot in Westminster. Facilities like this will soon be operating in the Square Mile


Active City Network

Heart of the matter

Together we can beat the heartbreak caused by the World’s biggest killers, writes Lucy Thorpe of the British Heart Foundation The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is forging

right and so went to see a doctor, who sent her straight to

partnerships with businesses and organisations to realise

A&E, where doctors decided they needed to take a closer

its mission: a world without heart and circulatory

look at her heart. An angiogram showed that Esther had


suffered a heart attack and would need an operation to

As well as raising vital funds for lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases, these partnerships will bring lasting benefits to your company, clients and supply


A heart attack was the last thing Esther had expected. “My dad had died of a heart attack,” she says. “So I

chain. Not only can the BHF offer support with your

thought if you had a heart attack you died. Or you’d be

fundraising and event participation, but we can also help

clutching your chest like you see in the movies. But I

your business drive sales and reach new audiences.

never thought I had what dad had – partly because I am a

Lifestyle choices

fatty food.”

We can also help people to take preventative steps. Just

Impact guru and international speaker Esther Stanhope has made changes to her lifestyle after suffering a heart attack

insert a stent – a device to hold open her blocked artery.

woman, I am relatively healthy, and I don’t eat loads of After the heart attack, Esther started thinking more

ask Esther Stanhope, an impact guru and confidence

about how to run her business and lead a more active

speaker, who lives near the City of London. Her work life

lifestyle. She says: “Since my heart attack, I’ve started

is busy and exciting – she might be coaching a client in

walking more. After I came out of hospital I struggled to

Spitalfields one day, and speaking at an international

even walk a few miles – but now I always aim for 10,000

event the next.

steps a day.

In summer 2017, Esther had been attending back-toback events in Amsterdam and New York when she

“I live near the City of London, so when it’s a short distance to a meeting I will walk there, and I make sure I

started to feel unwell. She came off stage after an event in

arrive early to minimise stress. I’ve made going to the

New York and felt dizzy and breathless, so she decided to

gym twice a week part of my routine, rather than

get a cab home and have an early night. Not thinking too

something I’d regularly put on the back burner. My work

much of it, she even attended an exercise class the

is really important to me – but so is taking care of myself.

following day. But back in the UK, Esther still didn’t feel

It’s all about less stress, more exercise and less rushing.”


Research is the key The BHF funds around £100m of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and their risk factors. Heart diseases, stroke and vascular dementia are often connected by the circulatory system. They can have the same risk factors. That’s why our research starts with your heart, but doesn’t stop there. Research has given us machines that can restart hearts, the ability to fix arteries in tiny babies, the power to give someone a heart they weren’t born with, and so much more. People’s donations have got us this far. BHF’s Fiona Riley says: “The BHF is currently funding scientists at more than 50 research locations, across more than a thousand projects. Any one of these at any time could be something that’s about to change someone’s life. We are making a difference, but we still need your help.” More than seven million people are living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK today – that’s more than all cancers and Alzheimer’s disease combined. Shockingly, heart and circulatory diseases still cause more than one in four deaths in the UK and one in three globally. In London, around 620,000 people are living with these diseases and 14,000 people die from them each year. These conditions cause heartbreak on every street. And that’s why our work is as urgent and vital as ever.

n Lucy Thorpe, Partnership Manager, British Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation supporters at the Tower of London Run


Active City Network

A ‘green screen’ at Prior Weston primary school

Taking action against air pollution

Measures in the City’s Low Emission Neighbourhood include greening initiatives, more EV charging bays and secure cycle parking, and ambulance drivers pledging to stop engine idling, writes City of London Corporation’s Beth Humphrey


A series of pilots have been introduced in the City of London’s Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) around the Barbican, Guildhall and Smithfield area in a bid to improve air quality. Measures are in place to closely monitor and understand the issue, raise awareness, reduce emissions and reduce exposure. The LEN, established in September 2016, is one of five

BEST PRACTICE GUIDE across the capital appointed and part-funded by the Mayor of London, starting a three-year air quality improvement programme. The aim is to engage stakeholders in a two-fold approach to air quality – how to protect yourself and how to limit your emissions – as well as advocating and enacting change in local infrastructure and transport systems. A cornerstone to any action is monitoring air pollution levels. This is fundamental to our ability to understand the need for, and outcome of, actions being taking to improve air quality in the City, with air pollution measured at over 15 sites across the LEN area. Stakeholder engagement Stalls, e-newsletters, focus groups and informative events are helping raise the profile of air quality to encourage support for the pilot projects. The CityAir Business Engagement Programme resulted in over 30 businesses identifying air pollution as a major issue. They have pledged to take action to both reduce their emissions profile and educate employees on how to reduce their exposure. Independent assessment of the City LEN programme delivery has identified that the ability to spread influence of the LEN on local businesses, residents, operators and its LEN initiatives. Many of these initiatives have benefitted directly from awareness raising activities including stakeholder consultation and engagement, media coverage and artistic installation. ‘On-the-ground’ pilot initiatives focused on two key points: reducing exposure to air pollution and reducing pollutant emissions in the local area. Greening initiatives served as a visible opportunity to raise awareness as well as encouraging pockets of plantings beneficial to air quality on pedestrian and cycling routes around the LEN, reducing exposure to particulate matter. Most notable is the greening of four columns on Beech Street and the Moor Lane Pop-Up

Demonstration of an EV charging point

The Moor Lane Pop-Up garden Garden, one of the 19 ‘Clean Air Gardens’ installed by individuals and organisations around the LEN as part of the 2017 City in Bloom campaign spearheaded by Friends of City Gardens. These measures worked in line with the Barbican Low Emission Route, which provided a predetermined route away from heavily trafficked areas and use of the CityAir app, which directs you along the lowest polluted route (this can be downloaded onto both Android and iPhones from the app store).

Air pollution monitoring does not distinguish between sources of air pollution, and therefore identifying reduction in emissions in the immediate aftermath of the LEN projects cannot typically be measured. However, a selection of initiatives was undertaken due to their potential to reduce emissions. Ambulance drivers at St Bart’s underwent idling engine training, leading to drivers pledging to switch off engines when not needed. Initiatives to encourage cycling as alternative travel was also a priority, resulting in the installation of 96 secure cycle parking spaces across the Barbican and Golden Lane Estates. Cargo bike delivery initiatives demonstrated an immediate reduction in vehicular emissions through use of alternative methods of travel. Following requests by residents, several EV charging bays were installed on the Barbican Estate to provide infrastructure to encourage a shift towards hybrid and EV vehicles, and a long-fought for taxi-only rapid EV charger has recently been installed in the Nobel Street taxi rank. Through the LEN, several organisations, City of London Corporation departments and other policymakers have pulled together to deliver both education and pilot initiatives. As air quality is rising on our politicians’ priority list, so a greater understanding and desire to act against air pollution has been progressively observed on a local level in the last three years. The LEN has played out against a changing backdrop of policy: Transport for London (TfL) brought in the Toxicity Charge, which has been replaced by the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (a surcharge on more polluting vehicles), and Central Government has committed to banning the sale of diesel and petrol vehicles by 2040. In the coming months, lessons learnt through the City and other LENs will inform further policy. n Beth Humphrey, Air Quality Officer, City of London Corporation @_CityAir


Active City Network

Making a clean break

A service that enables commuters to take a shower after a journey will encourage more people to travel by bike or on foot, says Scott Cain

There is a growing body of science that shows that when

find additional time, or miss out altogether? Why not

we move by our own power – cycle, walk, run etc – we

walk, run, cycle one or more legs of the journey?

feel more happy, trusting, positive and resilient, both in everyday life and in work. How we re-design activity back into our daily lives – as individuals and families, as employers, as policy

Overall, two-thirds of us, including many who drive or take Ubers and taxis often, want to be more active in our daily commute and everyday journeys. But we face practical and emotional barriers, both real and

makers and planners – matters now and for the long

perceived. The team behind the British Council of

run. This makes the pioneering work of the City of

Offices research into cycling and ‘end of trip’ facilities

London and its Active City Network all the more timely.

tell me that less than 10% of London offices have

As CEO of active travel business RunFriendly, I have

adequate showers and storage. And that doesn’t include

been working with the University of Leeds and bus and

the many people who work in retail, services, leisure or

train company Go-Ahead Group. We conducted a study

construction, who are not office-based.

involving over 900 London commuters, a significant proportion of whom were

New income for venues

heading in and out of the Square Mile,

Our research showed that of the people who saw

to understand how active, or not, we

themselves as being active, more than three-quarters

are in the first and last mile of our

(76%) would run or cycle more, for journeys and leisure,

daily journeys.

if they could grab a shower nearby.

The surveys and interviews revealed

That’s why RunFriendly has developed its ‘showers-

Scott Cain easily and often. It helps them to save money as well as time, and

that time-pressured young parents often

on-demand’ service (pictured left), which enables

sacrifice their own time for the gym or a

subscribers to run and cycle and then access showers

crucially, generates new income for the participating

yoga class after returning to work.

across London in gyms, hotels, co-working spaces,

network of RunFriendly venues. We are engaging

Given that we all need to commute at

retailers and leisure centres. This helps people overcome

employers that are keen to add RunFriendly as an

least some of the time, why not use that

the practical barrier of where to get freshened up, which

additional company benefit, sometimes as an alternative

time to be active, rather than having to

in turn enables them to run, cycle and be active more

or in addition to gym memberships because they lack



Businesses and organisations in the City could generate new income from allowing access to under-used assets showers & changing facilities - whilst helping more of us run and cycle whatever the weather

RunFriendly is working with some of the most prominent buildings in the City of London, including 22 Bishopsgate, to innovate new ways of encouraging active travel

sufficient ‘end-of-trip’ facilities for their staff at work. The City of London is taking a globally leading position in terms of active travel, introducing measures to improve air quality, enhance the quality of shared, public spaces and to calm streets from motor traffic. What more could you and your business do to make healthy, active journeys the norm – not just to and from work but also when travelling to visit others during the working day across London? Or what about the many thousands of people who visit your offices? Might a welcoming RunFriendly venue nearby, for those who would prefer to actively travel to you but currently have nowhere to freshen up or store their bike, take even more traffic off the roads? Combined with all other positive measures the City of London is taking, we might well, collectively, breathe more easily as a result and find an extra spring in our steps too. For more on the active first and last mile project with Go-Ahead go to:

n Scott Cain, CEO and Founder of RunFriendly.


Active City Network

Greener, safer, quicker deliveries

Tool and equipment firm Speedy Hire is cutting its emissions by using electric bikes, a hybrid electric van and consolidating individual orders, writes John Fahey

Speedy Hire Plc has established itself as the UK’s leading

routes. Anecdotal feedback from customers was very

provider of tools and equipment hire and services, working

positive, and the innovative way of delivering the

with 85 of the top 100 contractors in the UK as well as Small

equipment attracted attention, not only from construction

and Medium Sized Businesses and local traders.

workers but also the general public on route.

We have earned a reputation for delivering and

Based on a two-mile radius, carbon savings were 15kg

collecting equipment quickly and efficiently. To underline

per delivery compared with van deliveries. In the wake of

this commitment, we recently launched a guaranteed four-

the trial, Speedy and PedalMe are now working on a new

hour delivery promise on our top 52 products in London.

bike design and build, which is planned for use in

But we are acutely aware of our responsibility to the

London and other cities around the UK.

environment, and the need to improve air quality through

We have also been working with the Ford Motor

both our operations and transport logistics.

Company to develop and trial the UK’s first hybrid

Emission free deliveries

electric van, in conjunction with some of the UK’s largest blue chip brands, which operate significant transport

Speedy has worked with Transport for London (TfL) and

fleets. The results from the trial showed a significant

PedalMe, a company that provides an on-demand pedal

reduction in CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) when

powered taxi service in central London, to address the

travelling in London, and if replicated across Speedy’s

issues of congestion and CO2 emissions in the capital.

commercial fleet could save c.12,000 kg of CO2e over the

In July 2018 we conducted a trial to deliver small hire tools and equipment by electrically assisted bike,

course of a year.

ensuring that the items were delivered safely, quickly and


emission free. During the trial 83 products were

Southbank Place is one of London’s highest-profile

delivered, with much time spent loading the bike with

construction sites. Built around the iconic Shell Centre

alternative pieces of equipment, ensuring the rider was

Tower, it includes residential apartments, office space

safe and able to keep full control of the bike on various

and retail and leisure facilities. Canary Wharf


PedalMe and Speedy ran a trial to deliver small hire tools by electrically assisted bike


Speedy’s depot at Southbank Place is reducing traffic movements by consolidating orders

A Speedy van outside Southbank Place Contractors (CWC), a subsidiary of Canary Wharf

The on-site depot reduces traffic movements by

London, says: “With our trials in new, greener delivery

Group, is responsible for the design and construction

consolidating individual orders, making deliveries

options including electric vans and cycle deliveries in

of the project over the next four to five years.

from its central London superstore at pre-scheduled

London, as well as our on-site operations, we are

times. All small deliveries and many larger ones use

enabling tools and equipment to be delivered faster,

over the project’s lifetime, CWC has entrusted Speedy

Speedy’s electric-powered zero-emission BMW i3

and more efficiently, reducing costs, benefitting the

With an estimated 65,000 deliveries set to be made to carry out the efficient delivery of equipment.

vehicles, which together reduces vehicle movements

environment and improving our customers’

Sharing CWC’s vision, Speedy created a one-stop-shop

and the risk of accidents, while also benefitting air


for the project capable of delivering equipment quickly,


easily, and in an environmentally friendly way.

Justine Bridge, Speedy Account Manager in Central

n John Fahey, Communications Director, Speedy Hire Plc


Active City Network

The scheme that puts people and safety first There has been a significant fall in casualties at Bank Junction and the surrounding area since access was restricted to buses and bikes during peak hours, writes the City Corporation’s Gillian Howard

Bank on Safety launched on 22 May 2017 on an

across the junction, therefore reducing the probability of a

experimental basis to tackle growing concern over the

collision for all road users. Reducing movements was felt

safety record of the Bank Junction. The scheme restricted

to be the most time effective way of tackling the safety

vehicle access to only buses and pedal cycles crossing the

concern given the engineering difficulties of making

junction, or accessing Cornhill in a westbound direction,

physical changes in this location.

during Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm. This

A strong partnership with Transport for London (for

was the time period when 75% of the collisions were

which we were awarded the London Transport

occurring at Bank, which had a high number of pedestrian

Partnership of the Year Award 2018) during the lead up to,

and cycling casualties.

and implementation of, the experiment was invaluable as

Prior to 22 May 2017 Bank Junction was:

much of the scheme’s success relied on the re-phasing of

between 8am and 9am.

City, which required real time monitoring and information

l Congested: Around 25,500 people used the junction l Polluted: One of the City’s locations with the highest levels of NO2 pollutants.

l Dangerous: 111 casualties between 2011 and 2015, with several fatalities.

l Busy: The busiest underground station in the City, with 96,000 people boarding, alighting or interchanging in the morning peak period (three hours). The changes at Bank Junction were a big step for the City of London but ultimately something had to change. The junction was no longer fit for purpose for the number of people passing through it each day. The reasoning behind the scheme was to reduce vehicular movement


around 25 surrounding traffic signalled junctions in the feeds. Safety was the critical factor in this scheme, and provisional results indicated a significant reduction in casualties had been observed in the first 12 months of operation at the junction as well as in the surrounding area in comparison with the previous five-year averages. The City’s most senior decision-making body voted to make the 16-month Bank on Safety scheme permanent in September 2018. n Gillian Howard, Principal Project Manager, City of London Corporation

Lessons learned

l Engagement was a critical part of the scheme. Speaking to as many people as possible about why the experiment was being put forward, and what was hoped to be achieved was important. It gave users of the junction the context for the change and what they could expect to see and when.

l Setting out clear, measurable success criteria, which was agreed with the City Corporation’s Planning and Transportation Committee and TfL, and detailing how it would be monitored was important. The monitoring strategy was shared with Committee Members ahead of the experiment going live so that everyone knew what was going to be reported back. This enabled data-led reporting of the impact of the scheme to aid the decision-making.

l The use of an experimental traffic order gave the City Corporation an opportunity to test how well the scheme worked before committing to making it permanent. Had the scheme been proposed as a permanent measure straight away it is unlikely it would have received all the approvals necessary to be implemented.

The knowledge that it could be taken out if unsuccessful gave decision makers more confidence to try something bolder. And all the evidence shows that the changes at Bank Junction are paying off.

BEST PRACTICE GUIDE The scheme has created a safer and more relaxed environment

Bank Junction: Before and after the launch of a scheme in May 2017 to restrict traffic to only buses and pedal bikes


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