Loveable Neighbourhoods

Page 12


School Streets

SCHOOL STREETS: A POPULAR IDEA THAT IS CHALLENGING THE DOMINANCE OF THE CAR James Cleeton from Sustrans explains how School Streets not only improve people’s quality of life locally, but can make a huge difference for entire communities Before 2020 there were just 76 School Streets across the whole of London. Since then, Transport for London’s Healthy Streets Officers (HSOs) programme delivered by Sustrans and local authorities has helped increase this collectively to over 500, with our HSO team working on 318 of them. School Streets help children and families to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle. They tackle the congestion, poor air quality and road safety concerns that many schools experience by temporarily restricting motor traffic at the school gates, generally at drop-off and pick-up times. Helping schools implement longer-term switchable trips – swapping car journeys for active travel like walking, wheeling and cycling – is also part of the programme. This contributes to TfL’s Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe scheme, which since starting in 2007 has replaced more than 22 million kilometres of car journeys with active travel. London’s children already experience pollution levels above World Health Organisation recommended limits, and they are particularly vulnerable to air pollution as their lungs develop. Studies have shown that School Streets reduce nitrogen dioxide by up to 23% during morning dropoff, and 18% of parents reported that they drove to

school less as a result of the programme. A further 90% of parents and residents say they would support regular traffic-free streets outside schools.

Counting the cost of congestion TfL’s finances were hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, with their resultant drop in fares. The financial challenges faced by TfL are substantial and well documented, but as traffic congestion continues to cost London’s economy £5.1bn a year, or £1,211 per driver, measures to facilitate walking, and cycling remain vital to help make neighbourhoods healthier and happier. This is why working with London boroughs to build on the achievements of the School Streets and Healthy Streets Officers programmes, and offering continued support to them is my first priority as London director of Sustrans. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has an ambitious transport strategy, which sets the target for 80% of all trips to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041. It will take a major, long-term step change in how, as a society, we view getting from A to B within a world city. This is an opportunity for more and more

people to experience the benefits of active travel, but people only change how they get about when it feels safe, comfortable, convenient, and is easy to do so. Initiatives funded by TfL and the capital’s councils to show people how active travel can transform and improve their surroundings, such as School Streets, are an essential introduction to changing their assumptions about having to live with constant traffic and pollution. In the longer term, our public realm and streets can be reimagined to prioritise people over traffic flow. And then we need to support people to take those first steps towards active travel for their local journeys.

Supporting disadvantaged residents Needless to say, change like this is not easy. But when we make active travel possible for everyone, we can tackle climate change, air pollution and the huge health crisis. And by doing so we also make neighbourhoods places that people want to live and work. Smaller scale initiatives like School Streets not only improve people’s quality of life locally, but taken together across London can add up to making a significant difference for entire communities.

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Articles inside

Sponsors’ Directory

pages 59-60

How the right tools can improve urban live

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Three ways to deal with resistance to schemes

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Rediweld shapes the right street solutions

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How to turn parking places into people spaces

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Let’s build back greener

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Placing SuDS at heart of green spaces

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Creating sustainable spaces with residents

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Top three mistakes in the engagement process

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Innovating towards an active travel future

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Digital engagement helps shape healthy streets

pages 28-29

Hospital lays foundations for healthy travel

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Can road closures really make traffic ‘disappear’?

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Catering for cargo and dealing with disabilities

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Meet the new hangar on the block

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Positive lessons from Old Bethnal Green Road

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Majority understand the logic of trade-offs

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How Hackney walks the walk

pages 8-11

TfL Action Plan aims to boost bus use

pages 5-7

School Streets: Challenging the car

pages 12-13


page 4
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