Behaviour change
NEVER MIND NUDGE THEORY, THE MAJORITY UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC OF TRADE-OFFS A survey conducted by Lucy Farrow and Tom Cohen exploring attitudes to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods revealed that most people are willing to accept slightly longer journey times in exchange for wider benefits Lucy Farrow
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Base: All respondents (n=2071).
Tom Cohen
Despite their seemingly benign nature, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) are continuing to generate opposition, support and media coverage. While it is tempting to laugh off incidents like the ‘vandalism’ of a planter closing a road in Oxford1, this backlash sets a poor precedent for the other decarbonisation projects that will be needed to hit net zero targets. If, as some commentators suggest, we’re reaching the limits of ‘stealth’ decarbonisation2 behind the scenes, then future interventions are going to be just as visible as LTNs. And they’ll need to confront the fact that high levels of concern about climate change aren’t translating into support for climate mitigation measures.