Wee Bit Giddy
Hydrangea macrophylla Wee Bit Giddy shares the same intense red flowers and dwarf habit as Proven Winners’ Cityline Paris hydrangea. However, it adds durability for improved performance in the landscape. Hardy to Zone 5. Proven Winners Willowbrook Nurseries
Fire Light Tidbit
Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMNHPK’ Firelight Tidbit is a tiny, tidy hydrangea. Big, lush mop-head flowers appear in early summer, nearly obscuring the textured green foliage. As summer progresses, the flowers begin to develop bright pink and red tones. Hardy to Zone 3. Proven Winners - Hillen Nursery
Silver Cloud Maple
Acer saccharinum This selection is noted for its improved hardiness, upright crown form and symmetrical branching. A good choice for larger spaces, Silver Cloud grows to a height and width of 12 m. JC Bakker and Sons
Cheer Drops
Thuja x ‘SMNTDGT’ Proven Winners ColorChoice Cheer Drops is a fresh green, dense arborvitae with a unique Weeblelike, teardrop habit. Ideal for creating shorter, wider hedges and windbreaks, or as a specimen plant. Hardy to Zone 3. Spring Meadow Nursery Proven Winners
Rosy Teacups
Cornus kousa x nutallii ‘Rosy Teacups’ An exciting new flowering dogwood with an abundance of large deep pink flowers, Rosy Teacups is both heatand disease-resistant. Glossy green leaves turn red in fall. Hardy to Zone 5. Canadale Nurseries
Flirty Girl
Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘ Minsnow3’ Unlike climbing hydrangeas, which can take a while to produce flowers, Proven Winners ColorChoice Flirty Girl false hydrangea vine produces flowers in two or three-gallon containers with loads of lightly fragrant white blooms. Hardy to Zone 5. Spring Meadow Nursery Proven Winners