2014 Landx

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2014 LANDX

LANDX—Your first source for contacts in the nursery and landscape industry in Alberta: Nursery Growers, Landscape Contractors, Garden Centres, Arborists, Lawn Care Services, Greenhouses, Sod Producers and Industry Suppliers.

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2014 LANDX Published by

Advancing the professional landscape industry.

200, 10331 - 178 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5S 1R5 Telephone: 780-489-1991 Fax: 780-444-2152 Toll Free: 1-800-378-3198 Email: admin@landscape-alberta.com www.landscape-alberta.com www.greenindustryshow.com Follow us on Twitter @LandscapeAB

LANDX… your first source for contacts in the nursery and landscape industry.

Use the Nursery Growers Resource Listing (yellow pages) to source quality, prairie-hardy trees, shrubs and perennials. This section includes maps showing the location of member growers in Alberta.

See our Member Listings and Supplier sections to find member businesses that provide services and products for the landscape industry in Alberta: landscape contractors in design, construction and maintenance; arborists; retail garden centres; tree nurseries and sod producers. Also find distributors of equipment, wholesale landscape products and business services.


Landscape Alberta Executive Committee and Office Staff .............2 Nursery Growers Resource Listing (yellow pages) ........................5 Nursery Growers Location Guide .................................................12 Member Listings. ..........................................................................17 Calendar .......................................................................................51 Suppliers.......................................................................................53 Key Industry Contacts ..................................................................71 Advertising Index ..........................................................................76 DISCLAIMER Every effort is taken to enure the accuracy of the listings as provided to us. However, the occasional error or omission may occur. Landscape Alberta accepts no liability for errors or omissions. All listings are current as of January 31, 2014.



Executive Director Joel Beatson joel.beatson@landscape-alberta.com


Chris Brown - Chair CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd.

Member Services Director and Certification Administrator Marnie Main member.services@landscape-alberta.com Member Services Assistant Erynn Watson erynn.watson@landscape-alberta.com

Green Industry Show Coordinator and Office Services valerie.stobbe@landscape-alberta.com Administrative Assistant and Communications Kyla McKechnie admin@landscape-alberta.com

Bookkeeper Cheryl Teo accounting@landscape-alberta.com

Brian Gibson - Vice Chair Green Drop Lawns Ltd.

Arnold van de Ligt - Treasurer Manderley Turf Products Inc. Cody Brown Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd.

Phil Paxton Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Jordan Voogd Sunstar Nurseries Ltd.

John van Roessel JVR Landscape (2006) Ltd. Anita Heuver Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd.


Anita Heuver (403) 934-3670 Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd.

Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Toll Free: 1-888-446-3499 Toll Free Fax: 1-866-833-8603 info@cnla-acpp.ca

Member Services, Christine Finn - Ext. 8655 christine@cnla-acpp.ca


Certification Coordinator, Colin Vince - Ext. 8620 colin@cnla-acpp.ca

Member Benefits

Landscape Alberta is dedicated to supporting the green industry in Alberta. No matter what sector of the industry you are in, we have programs and services that will benefit you and your business.

1. Financial Benefits Members have access to money saving programs provided through the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) which include discounts on vehicle purchases, banking, safety training, work apparel, and much more.

2. Professional Development Landscape Alberta contributes to the development and professionalism of the landscape industry in Alberta. We are involved with the Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship Program, Landscape Industry Certified program, and On-theJob-Training.

3. Educational Opportunities Landscape Alberta hosts conferences, workshops and seminars throughout the year to ensure members have opportunities to keep up-to-date with industry and business issues.

4. Promotion & Marketing Landscape Alberta promotes member businesses through our online membership directory and through our referral service. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for our many events and publications. 5. Industry Voice & Lobbying An important role of our association is to ensure that your concerns regarding industry issues are presented to government, media and the public.

For more information on membership with Landscape Alberta, or if you have any questions about the association, call us at 1-800-378-3198 or email member.services@landscape-alberta.com.




Nursery Growers

Nursery Growers

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Nursery Crop Growers Contact Information and Product Listings

For information on the Clean Plants program, see page 75.




5 Star Trees Ltd. Box 26, Site 3, RR 3 High River, AB T1V 1N3 Tel: (403) 256-2089 Fax: (403) 254-2089 vaughn@5startrees.com www.5startrees.com Location: Okotoks Contact: Vaughn Peoples

Caliper Trees - Conifer Planting Services Delivery Services

Arrowhead Nurseries 2503 - 211 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 6P8 Tel: (780) 472-6260 Fax: (780) 472-6270 arrowheadnurseries@gmail.com www.arrowheadnurseries.com Location: North on Manning Drive, right on Old Fort Road (across from Hwy 28A), left on 17 Street NE, left on 211 Avenue NE Contact: John Vriend

Deciduous Shrubs Deciduous Trees Evergreens Perennials Native Plants Caliper Trees

Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Box 11, Site 2, RR 1 Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 Toll Free: (855) 533-4777 Fax: (403) 342-7488 bluesod@xplornet.com reddeer.bluegrassnursery.com Location: 5 km west of Red Deer on Hwy 11A and 2 km north on RR 282.

Daily Delivery to Edmonton Sod Trees and Shrubs Aggregates Landscaping Services Rainbow Play Systems

Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Ltd. Box 2643 Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Toll Free: (800) 831-9611 Fax: (250) 442-5936 info@bronandsons.com www.bronandsons.com Contact: Shane Neufeld or Kevin Milany

Ornamental Shrubs & Roses Ornamental & Fruit Trees Perennials Grasses Evergreen Shrubs & Trees Native Plants

Bylands Nurseries Ltd. 1600 Byland Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1H6 Toll Free: (800) 769-4996 Fax: (250) 769-5566 sales@bylands.com www.bylands.com

Trees (including 2” caliper) Edibles Roses Evergreens Shrubs/Native Shrubs Perennials

See our ad on page 44

See our ad on page 38


Cannor Nurseries Spruce Grove Ltd. 26515A Twp Road 514 (Woodbend Road) Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1G1 Tel: (780) 987-9133 Fax: (780) 987-9170 edm@cannor.ca www.cannoredmonton.ca Location: 20 minutes from Edmonton (Devon Hwy 60 and Woodbend Road). Contact: Deborah Bodine

Caliper Trees Shrubs Container Trees Evergreens Perennials Designer Plants

Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Box 3060 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 Tel: (780) 929-8102 Fax: (780) 929-8107 Toll Free: (866) 490-2647 info@cheyennetree.ca www.cheyennetree.ca Location: 5 miles south of Edmonton Contact: Jeff Wotherspoon

Caliper Trees Potted Trees Evergreens Container Evergreens Potted Shrubs Perennials

Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Box 1267 Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 Tel: (403) 345-4633 Fax: (403) 345-2866 coaldalenurseries@platinum.ca www.coaldalenurseries.ca Location: On Hwy #3, 11 km east of Lethbridge Contact: David & Cindy Kuperus

Caliper Trees Spruce Trees Dwarf Spruce Varieties

Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. PO Box 2340, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Toll Free: 1-866-805-5007 Tel: (403) 934-3670 Fax: (403) 934-3626 wholesale@eaglelakenurseries.com www.eaglelakenurseries.com Location: 5 km east of Strathmore and 2.5 km south of Hwy 1 on Range Road 245. Contact: Tony or Anita Heuver

Specimen Caliper Trees Specimen Evergreens Pot in Pot Trees Container Shrubs & Evergreens Perennials Delivery Service

Everblue Nursery 5822 Dalgleish Road NW, Calgary, AB T3A 1K6 Tel: (403) 247-2787 Fax: (403) 663-1427 info@everbluenursery.com www.everbluenursery.com Location: Bowden - 5km south of Bowden at the junction of Hwy 2 & 2A; Calgary - NW corner of Hwy 8 & RR 33 Contact: Steve Bouchet-Bert

B  & B and Caliper Stock Coniferous Trees Deciduous Trees Custom Planting Farm Direct Pricing

See our ad on page 46

See our ad on Tab 1

See our ad on Back Cover

See our ad on Inside Back Cover




Foothills Nurseries Ltd. PO Box 139, Chestermere, AB T1X 1K8 Tel: (403) 203-3338 Fax: (403) 236-4433 admin@foothillsnurseries.com www.foothillsnurseries.com Location: East of Calgary on Glenmore Trail to Range Road 284 (1.6 km east of 100 Street SE); 1/2 km north on Range Road 284 Contact: Blaire Cote

Specimen Caliper Trees Deciduous & Coniferous Trees Contract Growing Delivery to Site Container Trees & Shrubs Perennials

For Trees Company Limited Box 787 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Tel: (403) 335-8965 Fax: (403) 335-8935 trees@fortrees.com www.fortrees.com Location: 1448 Twp Road 312A, Mountain View County Contact: Gerard Fournier

Native Plants Container Trees and Shrubs Wire Basket Trees Custom Planting Certified Arborist Services Consulting

Four Seasons Nursery 3240 Montana Hwy 35, Kalispell, MT 59901 Toll Free: (888) 349-1422 Tel: (406) 890-3239 Fax: (888) 349-1455 brian@fourseasonsnurserymt.com www.fourseasonsnurserymt.com Location: Approximately 320 miles from Calgary; 500 miles from Edmonton. Contact: Robert Fink and Brian Gardner

Spruce: Colorado (7-21’), White and Black Hills Lodgepole, Ponderosa & Scots Pine Large Caliper Shade Trees including CVI Shuberts, Crabapple, Toba & Snowbird Hawthorn, Swedish Aspen, Trembling Aspen, Ash & Maple All Northwest Montana Grown We coordinate freight and border paperwork

Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. 8513 - 68 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2R3 Tel: (780) 539-0303 Fax: (780) 539-0310 greenbla@telusplanet.net www.greenblade.ab.ca Location: Landscape Centre on 68 Avenue and 85 Street Contact: Greg Carlson

Caliper Ornamental Trees Landscape Construction Landscape Supply Depot Tree Spades/Moving Hydroseeding Landscape Maintenance

Heritage Nurseries Ltd. 54420 Range Road 252 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 0J2 Tel: (780) 459-4463 Fax: (780) 459-4495 heritage1981@aol.com Location: 3 km west of Hwy 37 overpass on Hwy 2, 2 km south Rge Rd 252 - West side Contact: Gerald van Bruggen

Caliper Trees Tree Moving Custom Tree Digging & Planting Delivery to Site Landscape Contractor Hydroseeding

See our ad on page 42


Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. 27007 Twp Rd 532 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3M1 Tel: (780) 962-5358 Fax: (780) 962-0097 kiwiland@telus.net www.kiwinurseries.com Location: Southwest corner of Yellowhead Highway (Hwy 16) and Atim Road (RR 270) Contact: Murray & Alison Munro

Caliper Trees Container Trees & Shrubs Landscape Contractor Treespades/Tree Moving Custom Tree Digging & Planting Delivery to Site

Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. 25355 - 56 Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 1G5 Tel: (604) 856-1264 Fax: (604) 856-1273 sales@mainlandfloral.ca www.mainlandfloral.com Contact: Fred de Boer

Tropical Foliage Indoor Flowering Plants Poinsettias Bedding Plants Perennials Freight Service

Mattson Tree Farm Box 19, Site 1, RR 2, Olds, AB T4H 1P3 Tel: (403) 556-2965 Fax: (403) 556-3690 info@mattsontreefarm.com www.mattsontreefarm.com Location: 2 miles west of Olds on Hwy 27 and 1.5 miles north on RR 22 (see website for details). Contact: Brett & Dann Mattson

Specimen Caliper Trees Specimen Evergreens Delivery Services Installation Services

Millcreek Nursery Ltd. 3103 - 17 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6T 1H9 Tel: (780) 469-8733 Fax: (780) 465-5328 millcreeknurseryltd@telus.net www.millcreeknursery.ca Location: 2 km south of Whitemud Drive on 17 Street, or 3 km north of Anthony Henday Drive. Contact: Ken Riske

Quality Caliper Trees Container Shrubs & Trees Evergreen Shrubs & Trees Perennials Fruit Trees & Shrubs Delivery Service

Pan American Nursery Products Inc. 5151 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0L2 Tel: (604) 576-8641 Fax: (604) 576-6560 panam@panamnursery.com www.panamnursery.com Location: 30 minutes from Vancouver Contact: Ed van Zanten

Container and Bareroot Roses Hardy “Ownroot” Roses Clematis Perennials Fruits Shrubs

See our ad on page 30




Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Box 25004, Deer Park PO Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2 Tel: (403) 340-8755 Fax: (403) 340-8759 dbeck@pnls.ca www.pnls.ca www.needtrees.ca Location: 2 miles east of Red Deer Contact: Dwayne Beck

Over 500 acres of Caliper Trees Shrubs & Perennials Evergreens Semi & Picker Trucks (Delivery Service) Hard Goods (Wholesale) Toll Free: 1-888-340-8733

Pidgeon Tree Farms Box 16, Site 17, RR 1 Dewinton, AB T0L 0X0 Tel: (403) 818-0395 tedp@pidgeontreefarms.com www.pidgeontreefarms.com Location: 274129 48 St W. MD of Foothills, south & west of Dewinton, AB Contact: Ted Pidgeon

Caliper Trees Potted Trees Tree Installation & Moving Specialty Trees Custom Tree Digging

Purple Springs Nursery 4516 Hullcar Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Tel: (877) 289-3813 Fax: (250) 546-9155 ed@psnursery.com www.psnursery.com Location: 1 km south of Enderby on Hwy 97; turn right up Canyon Road 5.1 km; turn right onto Hullcar Road 6.8 km. Contact: Ellen Dyck, Joe Klassen

Over 250 acres in production Specializing in “Prairie Hardy” trees Caliper Shade Trees 4’ to 18’ Colorado Spruce #15 Pot in Pot

Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Box 1078, Coaldale, AB T1M 1M9 Tel: (403) 345-2716 Fax: (403) 345-4306 Cell: (403) 330-8010 simon@bosnurseries.com www.bosnurseries.com Location: 6 miles north and 2 miles east of Coaldale. Contact: Simon Bos

Caliper Field Grown Container Deciduous Spruce

Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. 4500 Stewart Road West Kelowna, BC V1W 4N5 Toll Free: (800) 313-2101 Tel: (250) 764-2121 Fax: (250) 764-4421 kal.jhaj@stewartnurseries.com www.stewartbrothersnurseries.com Contact: Kal Jhaj

Prairie hardy deciduous & coniferous trees Large inventory, high quality Overnight delivery to Alberta & Saskatchewan Family owned and managed Celebrating 103 years

See our ad on Inside Front Cover

See our ad on page 33

See our ad on Tab 3


Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. 810 - 167 Avenue NE Edmonton, AB T5Y 6K9 Tel: (780) 472-6103 Fax: (780) 472-9218 intosunstar@telusplanet.net www.sunstarnurseries.com Location: Road construction in the area. Check our website for up-to-date directions. Contact: Harold & Hetty Voogd

Deciduous Trees & Shrubs Evergreen Trees & Shrubs Perennials B & B and Caliper Stock Container Stock Propagation

Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. 50 Country Hills View NW, Calgary, AB T3K 4Y5 Tel: (403) 619-5410 Fax: (403) 983-8396 ted@treetotreenurseries.ca www.treetotreenurseries.ca Location: Located at the intersection of the TransCanada Highway and Range Road 223 near Gleichen, Alberta. Contact: Ted or Cody Brown

Caliper Deciduous Trees Custom Machine Digging 32”, 36”, 42” spade Plant Sourcing Service Specimen Caliper B & B Trees Job Site Tree Delivery

Wheatland Trees Ltd. 11800 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 Tel: (403) 934-2829 Fax: (403) 934-2854 wbishop@wheatlandtrees.ca www.wheatlandtrees.ca Location: 6 km east of Hwy 24 on Glenmore Trail East Contact: Wayne Bishop

Caliper Trees Custom Planting/Digging Delivery Evergreens Shrubs Large Trees

Wolf’s Botanical Greenhouse & Nurseries Box 5210, Lacombe, AB T4L 1W9 Tel: (403) 782-5729 Fax: (403) 782-5725 hainzmann@rttinc.com www.wolfsbotanical.com Location: Rge Rd 26-0, 8 km east of Lacombe on Hwy 12 and 2 km south on Prentiss Road; Blue Sign 40231 Contact: Florian Hainzmann

Caliper Trees Tree Moving Container Trees & Shrubs Perennials and Annuals Garden Centre Landscaping and Design

See our ad on page 17








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Map Not to Scale Note: Business locator sites show only an approximate location. Please refer to directions on the following page for more details.


Arrowhead Nurseries Locator Number 1 2503 - 211 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5Y 6P8 Tel: (780) 472-6260 Fax: (780) 472-6270 arrowheadnurseries@gmail.com www.arrowheadnurseries.com Location: North on Manning Drive, right on Old Fort Road (across from Hwy 28A), left on 17 Street NE, left on 211 Avenue NE. Contact: John Vriend

Cannor Nurseries Spruce Grove Ltd. Locator Number 2 26515A Twp Road 514 (Woodbend Road) Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1G1 Tel: (780) 987-9133 Fax: (780) 987-9170 edm@cannor.ca www.cannoredmonton.ca Location: 20 minutes from Edmonton (Devon Hwy 60 and Woodbend Road). Contact: Deborah Bodine Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Locator Number 3 Box 3060 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 Tel: (780) 929-8102 Fax: (780) 929-8107 Toll Free: (866) 490-2647 info@cheyennetree.ca www.cheyennetree.ca Location: 5 miles south of Edmonton Contact: Jeff Wotherspoon

Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 6 27007 Twp Rd 532 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3M1 Tel: (780) 962-5358 Fax: (780) 962-0097 kiwiland@telus.net www.kiwinurseries.com Location: Southwest corner of Yellowhead Highway (Hwy 16) and Atim Road (RR 270). Contact: Murray & Alison Munro

Millcreek Nursery Ltd. Locator Number 7 3103 - 17 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6T 1H9 Tel: (780) 469-8733 Fax: (780) 465-5328 millcreeknurseryltd@telus.net www.millcreeknursery.ca Location: 2 km south of Whitemud Drive on 17 Street, or 3 km north of Anthony Henday Drive. Contact: Ken Riske

Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 8 810 - 167 Avenue NE Edmonton, AB T5Y 6K9 Tel: (780) 472-6103 Fax: (780) 472-9218 intosunstar@telusplanet.net www.sunstarnurseries.com Location: Road construction in the area. Check our website for up-to-date directions. Contact: Harold & Hetty Voogd

Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Locator Number 4 8513 - 68 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2R3 Tel: (780) 539-0303 Fax: (780) 539-0310 greenbla@telusplanet.net www.greenblade.ab.ca Location: Landscape Centre on 68 Avenue and 85 Street Contact: Greg Carlson Heritage Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 5 54420 Range Road 252 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 0J2 Tel: (780) 459-4463 Fax: (780) 459-4495 heritage1981@aol.com Location: 3 km west of Hwy 37 overpass on Hwy 2, 2 km south Rge Rd 252 - West side Contact: Gerald van Bruggen






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Map Not to Scale Note: Business locator sites show only an approximate location. Please refer to directions on the following page for more details.


5 Star Trees Ltd. Locator Number 9 Box 26, Site 3, RR 3 High River, AB T1V 1N3 Tel: (403) 256-2089 Fax: (403) 254-2089 vaughn@5startrees.com www.5startrees.com Location: Okotoks Contact: Vaughn Peoples

Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Locator Number 10 Box 11, Site 2, RR 1 Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 Toll Free: (855) 533-4777 Fax: (403) 342-7488 bluesod@xplornet.com reddeer.bluegrassnursery.com Location: 5 km west of Red Deer on Hwy 11A and 2 km north on RR 282.

Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 11 Box 1267 Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 Tel: (403) 345-4633 Fax: (403) 345-2866 coaldalenurseries@platinum.ca www.coaldalenurseries.ca Location: On Hwy #3, 11 km east of Lethbridge Contact: David & Cindy Kuperus

Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 12 PO Box 2340 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Toll Free: 1-866-805-5007 Tel: (403) 934-3670 Fax: (403) 934-3626 wholesale@eaglelakenurseries.com www.eaglelakenurseries.com Location: 5 km east of Strathmore and 2.5 km south of Hwy 1 on Range Road 245. Contact: Tony or Anita Heuver Everblue Nursery Locator Number 13 5822 Dalgleish Road NW Calgary, AB T3A 1K6 Tel: (403) 247-2787 Fax: (403) 663-1427 info@everbluenursery.com www.everbluenursery.com Location: Bowden - 5km south of Bowden at the junction of Hwy 2 & 2A; Calgary - NW corner of Hwy 8 & RR 33 Contact: Steve Bouchet-Bert

Foothills Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 14 PO Box 139 Chestermere, AB T1X 1K8 Tel: (403) 203-3338 Fax: (403) 236-4433 admin@foothillsnurseries.com www.foothillsnurseries.com Location: East of Calgary on Glenmore Trail to Range Road 284 (1.6 km east of 100 Street SE); 1/2 km north on Range Road 284 Contact: Blaire Cote

For Trees Company Limited Locator Number 15 Box 787 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Tel: (403) 335-8965 Fax: (403) 335-8935 trees@fortrees.com www.fortrees.com Location: 1448 Twp Road 312A, Mountain View County Contact: Gerard Fournier

Mattson Tree Farm Locator Number 16 Box 19, Site 1, RR 2 Olds, AB T4H 1P3 Tel: (403) 556-2965 Fax: (403) 556-3690 info@mattsontreefarm.com www.mattsontreefarm.com Location: 2 miles west of Olds on Hwy 27 and 1.5 miles north on RR 22 (see website for details). Contact: Brett & Dann Mattson

Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Locator Number 17 Box 25004, Deer Park PO Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2 Tel: (403) 340-8755 Fax: (403) 340-8759 dbeck@pnls.ca www.pnls.ca www.needtrees.ca Location: 2 miles east of Red Deer Contact: Dwayne Beck Pidgeon Tree Farms Locator Number 18 Box 16, Site 17, RR 1 Dewinton, AB T0L 0X0 Tel: (403) 818-0395 tedp@pidgeontreefarms.com www.pidgeontreefarms.com Location: 274129 48 St W. MD of Foothills, south & west of Dewinton, AB Contact: Ted Pidgeon

Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 19 Box 1078 Coaldale, AB T1M 1M9 Tel: (403) 345-2716 Fax: (403) 345-4306 Cell: (403) 330-8010 simon@bosnurseries.com www.bosnurseries.com Location: 6 miles north and 2 miles east of Coaldale. Contact: Simon Bos

Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. Locator Number 20 50 Country Hills View NW Calgary, AB T3K 4Y5 Tel: (403) 619-5410 Fax: (403) 983-8396 ted@treetotreenurseries.ca www.treetotreenurseries.ca Location: Located at the intersection of the TransCanada Highway and Range Road 223 near Gleichen, Alberta. Contact: Ted or Cody Brown

Wheatland Trees Ltd. Locator Number 21 11800 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 Tel: (403) 934-2829 Fax: (403) 934-2854 wbishop@wheatlandtrees.ca www.wheatlandtrees.ca Location: 6 km east of Hwy 24 on Glenmore Trail East Contact: Wayne Bishop

Wolf’s Botanical Greenhouse & Nurseries Locator Number 22 Box 5210 Lacombe, AB T4L 1W9 Tel: (403) 782-5729 Fax: (403) 782-5725 hainzmann@rttinc.com www.wolfsbotanical.com Location: Rge Rd 26-0, 8 km east of Lacombe on Hwy 12 and 2 km south on Prentiss Road; Blue Sign 40231 Contact: Florian Hainzmann



Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Ltd. Box 2643 Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Toll Free: (800) 831-9611 Fax: (250) 442-5936 info@bronandsons.com www.bronandsons.com Contact: Shane Neufeld or Kevin Milany

Bylands Nurseries Ltd. 1600 Byland Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1H6 Toll Free: (800) 769-4996 Fax: (250) 769-5566 sales@bylands.com www.bylands.com

Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. 25355 - 56 Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 1G5 Tel: (604) 856-1264 Fax: (604) 856-1273 sales@mainlandfloral.ca www.mainlandfloral.com Contact: Fred de Boer

Purple Springs Nursery 4516 Hullcar Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Tel: (877) 289-3813 Fax: (250) 546-9155 ed@psnursery.com www.psnursery.com Location: 1 km south of Enderby on Hwy 97; turn right up Canyon Road 5.1 km; turn right onto Hullcar Road 6.8 km. Contact: Ellen Dyck, Joe Klassen

Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. 4500 Stewart Road West Kelowna, BC V1W 4N5 Toll Free: (800) 313-2101 Tel: (250) 764-2121 Fax: (250) 764-4421 kal.jhaj@stewartnurseries.com www.stewartbrothersnurseries.com Contact: Kal Jhaj

Pan American Nursery Products Inc. 5151 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0L2 Tel: (604) 576-8641 Fax: (604) 576-6560 panam@panamnursery.com www.panamnursery.com Location: 30 minutes from Vancouver Contact: Ed van Zanten


Four Seasons Nursery 3240 Montana Hwy 35 Kalispell, MT 59901 Toll Free: (888) 349-1422 Tel: (406) 890-3239 Fax: (888) 349-1455 brian@fourseasonsnurserymt.com www.fourseasonsnurserymt.com Location: Approximately 320 miles from Calgary; 500 miles from Edmonton. Contact: Robert Fink and Brian Gardner


Here to help you grow. Since 1985

Traditional Product Line

Nursery Containers







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Member Listings


Member Listings

2014 Landscape Alberta Member Listings Quick Reference by Service Type - North Quick Reference by Service Type - South

Member Listings - Contact Information Active Members Associate/Supplier Members Affiliate Members Out of Province Members Lifetime Members Individual Members

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Residential Landscape Construction Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Baja Bobcat Services Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Canadian Tree Care Classic Landscape Centre Curb Appeal Today Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Elite Lawn & Snow Inc Evergreen Horticulture Services Fantascapes Landscaping First Class Landscaping Ltd. G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. GreenCare Landscaping & Bobcat Services High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Julia’s Alpine Garden K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Landesign Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mixxim Inc. More Trees Please Inc. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. RPM Property Maintenance Ltd. Salisbury Landscaping Seven M Construction Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd. The Landscaping Company Inc. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design You Dream It We Build It


Residential Landscape Maintenance Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Baja Bobcat Services Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Curb Appeal TodayDelta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Elite Lawn & Snow Inc Evergreen Horticulture Services First Class Landscaping Ltd. G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd.


GreenCare Landscaping & Bobcat Services HML Landscape Construction Ltd. High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Mixxim Inc. Persnickety Lawns Inc. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd. TruGreen

Residential Landscape Design Services Aztec Landscaping Ltd. Baja Bobcat Services Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Classic Landscape Centre Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. Elite Lawn & Snow Inc G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP HML Landscape Construction Ltd. High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. Julia’s Alpine Garden K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Land Design Landesign Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Salisbury Landscaping Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. The Landscaping Company Inc. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design You Dream It We Build It Garden Centres Arrowhead Nurseries Cannor Nurseries Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Classic Landscape Centre Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Spruce Grove) Greenland Garden Centre Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. More Trees Please Inc. Millcreek Nursery Ltd. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Rovertsone Garden Centre Salisbury Greenhouse Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. The Landscaping Company Inc. Residential Arborists Alberta Arborists Canadian Tree Care Classic Landscape Centre Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd.


Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Green Drop Lawns Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd. Western Landscape & Design Residential Tree Movers Classic Landscape Centre E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd. Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. More Trees Please Inc. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd.

Residential Pest Control Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd. Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Green Oasis Services (North) Inc. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Three Seasons Landscaping TruGreen Weed Man

Residential Snow Removal Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Baja Bobcat Services Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. Evergreen Horticulture Services Fantascapes Landscaping First Class Landscaping Ltd. G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. More Trees Please Inc. Mixxim Inc. Persnickety Lawns Inc. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Three Seasons Landscaping Residential Consultants B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Canadian Tree Care Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray)

NORTHERN ALBERTA Evergreen Horticulture Services Forster Nurseries Ltd. Green Oasis Services (North) Inc. Green Side Up Inc. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. J. W. Jansen Consulting Services Ltd. Land Design Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Navus Environmental Inc. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design Commercial

Commercial Landscape Construction Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Basin Environmental Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Canadian Tree Care Classic Landscape Centre CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd. Curb Appeal TodayDelta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. Elite Lawn & Snow Inc Evergreen Horticulture Services Fantascapes Landscaping First Class Landscaping Ltd. G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Green Side Up Inc. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd. High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. Julia’s Alpine Garden K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Landesign Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mixxim Inc. More Trees Please Inc. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. RPM Property Maintenance Ltd. Seven M Construction Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Takla Maintenance Corp. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd.



The Landscaping Company Inc. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design Wilco Contractors NW Inc.

Commercial Landscape Maintenance Aztec Landscaping Ltd. Basin Environmental Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Classic Landscape Centre CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd. Curb Appeal TodayDelta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Elite Lawn & Snow Inc Evergreen Horticulture Services First Class Landscaping Ltd. G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Green Side Up Inc. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. GreenCare Landscaping & Bobcat Services HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd. High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Landesign Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mixxim Inc. Nor- Alta Environmental Services Ltd. Persnickety Lawns Inc. RPM Property Maintenance Ltd. Seven M Construction Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Takla Maintenance Corp. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd. The Landscaping Company Inc. Three Seasons Landscaping TruGreen Commercial Greenhouse Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Classic Landscape Centre Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Spruce Grove) Greenland Garden Centre Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Millcreek Nursery Ltd. Salisbury Greenhouse


Commercial Nurseries Arrowhead Nurseries B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. C & C Tree Farm


Cannor Nurseries Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Classic Landscape Centre Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. Final Grade Tree Nursery Inc. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Greenland Garden Centre Heritage Nurseries Ltd. Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Millcreek Nursery Ltd. More Trees Please Inc. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Salisbury Landscaping Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. TreeTime.ca

Commercial Hydroseeding Classic Landscape Centre Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd. Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Landesign Ltd.

Commercial Arborists Alberta Arborists Canadian Tree Care Classic Landscape Centre Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd. Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Green Drop Lawns Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd. Western Landscape & Design Commercial Tree Movers Classic Landscape Centre Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. E- Tree Nurseries Ltd. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd. Kiwi Nurseries Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. More Trees Please Inc. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd.


Commercial Sod Growers Big Lake Sod Farm Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd. Manderley Turf Products Inc. Mister Sod Farms Ltd. Sturgeon Valley Sod Ltd.

Commercial Pest Control Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd. Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Green Oasis Services (North) Inc. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. TruGreen

Commercial Snow Removal Aztec Landscaping Ltd. B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Baja Bobcat Services Ltd. C & B Maintenance Corp. Canadian Tree Care Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Elite Lawn & Snow Inc Evergreen Horticulture Services Fantascapes Landscaping First Class Landscaping Ltd. G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd. Goodfellas Property Maintenance Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Green Side Up Inc. Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Heritage Nurseries Ltd.



Residential Landscape Construction Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Arboricultural Services Inc. Artemis Landscapes & Design Ltd. Aura Landscapers Ltd. Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Greenworks Ltd. Calgary Landscape Maintenance (1998) Ltd. Clintar Landscape Management Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Create Escape Landscaping Creative Landscape & Design Ltd.

NORTHERN ALBERTA High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd. K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Landesign Ltd. Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd. Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mixxim Inc. Persnickety Lawns Inc. RPM Property Maintenance Ltd. Seven M Construction Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Takla Maintenance Corp. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design

Commercial Consultants B & W All Seasons Maintenance Ltd. Canadian Tree Care CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd. Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. (Fort McMurray) Evergreen Horticulture Services Green Oasis Services (North) Inc. Green Side Up Inc. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. J. W. Jansen Consulting Services Ltd. Julia’s Alpine Garden Land Design Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd. Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd. Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc. Nor- Alta Environmental Services Ltd. Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd. Terra Landscaping Ltd. The Landscaping Company Inc. Three Seasons Landscaping Western Landscape & Design


Dendron Services Ltd. Earthlings Inc. Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Everblue Nursery Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Geneva Gardens Inc. GLI Landscaping Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Greentree Landscapes Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Homescapes Complete Residential Landscaping JCM Landscaping and Contracting Jenron Creative Landscapes Inc. JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd.



Kazan Construction Ltd. Landform Inc. Landscape Plus MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Mirage Landscaping Inc. OnGrowing Works Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Peter Hughes Landscape Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Planta Landscaping Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Real Enterprises Ltd. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Saunders Landscaping and Renovations Ltd. Scope Projects Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. Stewart Tree Farms Stone Tek Landscaping Inc. Sungreen Landscaping Inc. The Gardener Landscape Maintenance Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. Tranquil Gardens Incorporated ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Visionscapes Landscape Wheatland Trees Ltd. Wolf’s Botanical Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.


Residential Landscape Maintenance Alberta Yard Care Ltd. Arboricultural Services Inc. Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Greenworks Ltd. Clintar Landscape Management Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Dr. Green Services Inc. Earthlings Inc. Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Homescapes Complete Residential Landscaping JCM Landscaping and Contracting JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Landscape Plus Lawn Master Services Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Mirage Landscaping Inc. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Pepper Pro Grass Services Peritus Yard Maintenance Peter Hughes Landscape Pixie Gardens Inc. Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Real Enterprises Ltd. Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. Stone Tek Landscaping Inc.


The Gardener Landscape Maintenance Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Residential Landscape Design Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Arboricultural Services Inc. Artemis Landscapes & Design Ltd. Aura Landscapers Ltd. Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre Blue Grass Nursery- Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Greenworks Ltd. Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Create Escape Landscaping Creative Landscape & Design Ltd. Earthlings Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Geneva Gardens Inc. GLI Landscaping Grassroots Landscaping & Irrigation Ltd. Greengate Garden Centres Ltd. Greentree Landscapes Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Homescapes Complete Residential Landscaping JCM Landscaping and Contracting Jenron Creative Landscapes Inc. JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. Landform Inc. Landscape Plus OnGrowing Works Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd. Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Pixie Gardens Inc. Planta Landscaping Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Scope Projects Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. SPR Construction Inc. Stewart Tree Farms Sungreen Landscaping Inc. Tranquil Gardens Incorporated Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Visionscapes Landscape Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc. Garden Centres Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Calgary Plants Coaldale Nurseries Ltd.


Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. For Trees Company Ltd. Green Haven Garden Centre Greengate Garden Centres Ltd. Kayben Inc. Lawland Gardens Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd. Sunnyside Greenhouses Ltd. Wolf’s Botanical Residential Arborists Alberta Yard Care Ltd. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Arboricultural Services Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Planta Landscaping Prairie Evergreens Ltd. The Yardist Ltd. Tree & Spray Service ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Residential Tree Movers 5 Star Trees Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Countryside Landscape & Garden Centre Dendron Services Ltd. GLI Landscaping Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp. On the Green Turf Pros Inc. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Prairie Evergreens Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Stewart Tree Farms Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Wolf’s Botanical Year-Round Landscaping Inc. Residential Pest Control ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Dr. Green Services Inc. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Green Oasis Services Inc. Lawn Master Services Ltd. Nutri-Lawn (Calgary) Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers


Pepper Pro Grass Services Prairie West Landscapes Inc. The Gardener Landscape Maintenance ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Weed Man

Residential Snow Removal Alberta Yard Care Ltd. Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Bradbosh Lawn Services Inc. Clintar Landscape Management Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. GLI Landscaping Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. JCM Landscaping and Contracting K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Landscape Plus Lawn Master Services Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Mirage Landscaping Inc. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Pepper Pro Grass Services Peritus Yard Maintenance Peter Hughes Landscape Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Scope Projects Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. Stone Tek Landscaping Inc. The Gardener Landscape Maintenance Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. Tranquil Gardens Incorporated ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Residential Consultants ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Cougar Mountain Greenhouses Earthlings Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Green Oasis Services Inc. Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Homescapes Complete Residential Landscaping JCM Landscaping and Contracting JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. OnGrowing Works Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd. Planta Landscaping Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Real Enterprises Ltd. Scope Projects Stewart Tree Farms Tranquil Gardens Incorporated



ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd. Year-Round Landscaping Inc. Commercial


Commercial Landscape Construction Acre Landscaping, a Division of Acre Prime Inc. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Arboricultural Services Inc. Artemis Landscapes & Design Ltd. Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre Blue Grass Nursery- Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. BOS Scapes Inc./BOS Sod Farms Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Landscape Maintenance (1998) Ltd. Cedar Crest Lands (Alta) Ltd. Clintar Landscape Management Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Creative Landscape & Design Ltd. DDS Consulting Dendron Services Ltd. Eagle Lake Turf Farms Ltd. Earthlings Inc. EarthTek Landscape Construction Inc. Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Everblue Nursery Evergreen Services Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd. For Trees Company Ltd. Geneva Gardens Inc. GLI Landscaping Grassroots Landscaping & Irrigation Ltd. Greentree Landscapes Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Harco Developments Inc. JCM Landscaping and Contracting Jenron Creative Landscapes Inc. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Landform Inc. Landscape Plus Lorraine Landscape Services MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Maco Paving Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Michele’s Landscaping Inc. Mirage Landscaping Inc. On the Green Turf Pros Inc. OnGrowing Works Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Planta Landscaping Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Prestige Landscape Group Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Saunders Construction Ltd. Saunders Landscaping and Renovations Ltd.


Scope Projects Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. SPR Construction Inc. Stewart Tree Farms Stone Tek Landscaping Inc. Sungreen Landscaping Inc. The Gardener Landscape Maintenance Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Visionscapes Landscape Wheatland Trees Ltd. Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc. Wolf’s Botanical Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Commercial Landscape Maintenance Able Landscaping Ltd. Acre Landscaping, a Division of Acre Prime Inc. Alberta Yard Care Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Arboricultural Services Inc. BOS Scapes Inc./BOS Sod Farms Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Landscape Maintenance (1998) Ltd. Calgary Services Ltd. Clintar Landscape Management Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Delta Landscaping Earthlings Inc. Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Evergreen Services Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd. GLI Landscaping Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Harco Developments Inc. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Landscape Plus Lawn Master Services Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Maco Paving Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Michele’s Landscaping Inc. Mirage Landscaping Inc. On the Green Turf Pros Inc. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Peritus Yard Maintenance Peter Hughes Landscape Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Prestige Landscape Group Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Signature Landscape Maintenance Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services SPR Construction Inc. Stone Tek Landscaping Inc. Summit Property Maintenance Sungreen Landscaping Inc. The Gardener Landscape Maintenance


Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Commercial Greenhouse Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Cougar Mountain Greenhouses Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Green Haven Garden Centre Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Meadowbrook Greenhouses Inc. Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd. Sunnyside Greenhouses Ltd. West Haven Nursery Wolf’s Botanical

Commercial Nurseries 5 Star Trees Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Dendron Services Ltd. Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Everblue Nursery Foothills Nurseries Ltd. For Trees Company Ltd. Greentree Landscapes Ltd. Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp. Lawland Gardens Mattson Tree Farm Meadowbrook Greenhouses Inc. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Poplar Ridge Tree Farm R.S.B. Tree Farms Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services \Stewart Tree Farms Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd. West Haven Nursery Wheatland Trees Ltd. Wolf’s Botanical Hydro-Seeding Acre Landscaping, a Division of Acre Prime Inc. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. Arboricultural Services Inc. Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. BOS Scapes Inc./BOS Sod Farms EarthTek Landscape Construction Inc. Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd. Grassroots Landscaping & Irrigation Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. Harco Developments Inc.

SOUTHERN ALBERTA Lorraine Landscape Services Michele’s Landscaping Inc. Prestige Landscape Group Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc. Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Commercial Arborists Able Landscaping Ltd. Alberta Yard Care Ltd. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Arboricultural Services Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Planta Landscaping ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Commercial Tree Movers 5 Star Trees Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Coaldale Nurseries Ltd. Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre Delta Landscaping Dendron Services Ltd. GLI Landscaping Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. On the Green Turf Pros Inc. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services Stewart Tree Farms Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Wolf’s Botanical Year-Round Landscaping Inc. Commercial Sod Growers Blue Grass Nursery-Garden Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. BOS Scapes Inc./BOS Sod Farms Manderley Turf Products Inc. Mountain Sod & Seed Farm Ltd. Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Commercial Pest Control Able Landscaping Ltd. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Evergreen Services Inc.



G & L Lawn Services Ltd. Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Green Oasis Services Inc. Lawn Master Services Ltd. Nutri-Lawn (Calgary) Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Signature Landscape Maintenance The Gardener Landscape Maintenance ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Weed Man Wheatland Trees Ltd.


Commercial Snow Removal Able Landscaping Ltd. Acre Landscaping, a Division of Acre Prime Inc. Alberta Yard Care Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Arboricultural Services Inc. Artemis Landscapes & Design Ltd. Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Bradbosh Lawn Services Calgary Landscape Maintenance (1998) Ltd. Calgary Services Ltd. Clintar Landscape Management Delta Landscaping EarthTek Landscape Construction Inc. Essential Property Maintenance Inc. Evergreen Services Inc. Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc. Five Star Landscaping Inc. Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd. GLI Landscaping Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Greentree Landscapes Ltd. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. JCM Landscaping and Contracting Jenron Creative Landscapes Inc. K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd. Landform Inc. Landscape Plus Lawn Master Services Ltd. MacInnised Contracting Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Michele’s Landscaping Inc. Mirage Landscaping Inc. On the Green Turf Pros Inc. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Pepper Pro Grass Services Peritus Yard Maintenance Peter Hughes Landscape Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd. Prestige Landscape Group Ltd. Real Enterprises Ltd. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Signature Landscape Maintenance Skaley Landscaping & Bobcat Services SPR Construction Inc. Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. Stone Tek Landscaping Inc.


Summit Property Maintenance The Gardener Landscape Maintenance Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Visionscapes Landscape Yard Barber Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Commercial Consultants ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd. Cougar Mountain Greenhouses Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping Earthlings Inc. For Trees Company Ltd. Green Oasis Services Inc. Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Crop. Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd. JCM Landscaping and Contracting OnGrowing Works Ltd. Ornamental Landscape Maintainers Planta Landscaping Prairie West Landscapes Inc. Real Enterprises Ltd. Scope Projects Stewart Tree Farms ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd. Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Look for this symbol. It indicates a 2013 Landscape Award Recipient.


5 Star Trees Ltd.

Vaughn Peoples Box 26, Site 3, RR 3 High River, AB T1V 1N3 (403) 256-2089 Fax: (403) 254-2089 info@5startrees.com 5startrees.com


Able Landscaping Ltd.

Wayne Thomas 208 - 17 Street SE Calgary, AB T2E 8V7 (403) 651-0078 Fax: (403) 274-9765 info@ablelandscaping.com

Acre Landscaping, a Division of Acre Prime Inc.

Miles Rusnack 234234 Wrangler Road SE Rocky View County, AB T1X 0P5 (403) 272-2168 Fax: (403) 235-2228 admin@acreprime.ca www.acreprime.ca

Alpha Better Landscaping Inc.

Barry Paxton 11800 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 (403) 204-6508 Fax: (403) 569-0055 bpaxton@alphabetterlands.com www.alphabetterlands.com

ArborCare Tree Service Ltd.

Jim Fisher 10100 - 114 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A5 (403) 273-6378 Fax: (403) 272-1536 Toll Free: (800) 645-6533 trees@arborcare.com www.arborcare.com

Arboricultural Services Inc.

John Land Box 68192 Crowfoot RPO Calgary, AB T3G 3N8 (403) 285-6092 Fax: (403) 280-9620 asiservices@shaw.ca www.theasigroup.ca

Alberta Arborists

Arrowhead Nurseries

Alberta Yard Care Ltd.

Artemis Landscapes & Design Ltd.

Craig Jabs 5480 Meridian Street Edmonton, AB T6P 1R3 (780) 448-0584 Fax: (780) 465-2355 info@albertaarborists.com www.albertaarborists.com Kelly Evin PO Box 296, Stn Ctr Red Deer, AB T4N 5E8 (403) 346-7520 Fax: (403) 343-6803 abyard@telus.net www.albertayardcare.ca

Almac Landscapes Ltd.

Alan MacKenzie 51 Midland Crescent SE Calgary, AB  T2X 1N8 (403) 256-8414 alan@almaclandscapes.com www.almaclandscapes.com

John Vriend 2503 - 211 Avenue NE Edmonton, AB T5Y 6P8 (780) 472-6260 Fax: (780) 472-6270 arrowheadnurseries@gmail.com www.arrowheadnurseries.com Trevor Hall PO Box 47010 20-12192 Symons Valley Road NW Calgary, AB T3P 0B9 (403) 241-8484 Fax: (403) 241-7144 artemislandscapes@gmail.com www.landscapersincalgary.ca

Aura Landscapers Ltd.

James Knaut 2740 Grant Crescent SW Calgary, AB T3E 4L1 (403) 246-5900 Fax: (403) 246-0984 auralandscapers@shaw.ca www.auralandscapers.com


Aztec Landscaping Ltd.

Adam Pio 7006 Poplar Drive Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5P9 (780) 538-1030 Fax: (780) 538-3585 azteclandscaping@live.com www.azteclandscaping.ca


B & W All Seasons Maintenance Inc.

Wayne Tebb 27432 Township 534A Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3T1 (780) 218-3818 Fax: (780) 963-0503 bwtebb@hotlinkwireless.com

Baja Bobcat Services Ltd.

Simon Paquette 206 Charlotte Way Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0K6 (780) 236-2332 bajabobcat@gmail.com www.bajabobcat.com

Basin Environmental Ltd.

Darren Rath 1143 - 113 Street SW Edmonton, AB T6W 1P5 (780) 910-5248 darren.rath@telus.net

Bruce McEwen Box 11, Site 2, RR 1 Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 (403) 347-7211 Fax: (403) 342-7488 bruce.mcewen@bg-rd.com www.bluegrassnursery.com

BOS Scapes Inc./Bos Sod Farms Peter Bos PO Box 661 Coaldale, AB T1M 1M6 (403) 345-5607 Fax: (403) 345-5677 bosscapes@xplornet.com www.bossod.ca

Bradbosh Lawn Services Inc.

Hrvoje Bosnjak 410 - 38 A Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1X4 (403) 899-6697 Fax: (403) 243-8499 info@bradbosh.com www.bradbosh.com


C & B Maintenance Corp.

Big Lake Sod Farm

Bernie Boyes / Chris Yarkie 327 Cornwall Drive Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1G7 (780) 799-6369 bmboyes@shaw.ca

Blocks & Rocks Landscaping Centre

K. H. Cresswell 24209 Township Road 552 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 1Y4 (780) 973-3062 kcresswell@interbaun.com

Blue Grass Nursery - Garden Centre

Robb Honsberger Box 49031 7740 – 18 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3W5 (403) 279-7857 info@calgarygreenworks.com www.calgarygreenworks.com

Wayne & Lori Purschke RR 3, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1X1 (780) 352-6637 Fax: (780) 352-8314 biglakesod@xplornet.ca www.biglakesodfarm.com David Riehl 1525 - 33 Street North Lethbridge, AB T1H 5H2 (403) 327-1525 Fax: (403) 381-8317 Toll Free: (888) 327-6606 dave@blocksandrocks.com www.blocksandrocks.com


Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Ltd.

(Branch Office) Bill McEwen 260130B Writing Creek Cresent Rocky View County, AB T4A 0M9 (403) 226-0468 Fax: (403) 226-0713 bluegrass@telus.net www.bluegrassnursery.com

C & C Tree Farm

Calgary Greenworks Ltd.

Calgary Landscape Maintenance (1998) Ltd.

Scott Forrest / Chelsea Passuto 9715 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2R1 (403) 236-8556 Fax: (403) 236-7037 office@calgarylandscape.net www.calgarylandscape.net

Calgary Plants

Rick Bron 3107, 13045 - 6 Street SW Calgary, AB T2W 5H1 (403) 454-2213 Fax: (403) 455-6051 rick@calgaryplants.com www.calgaryplants.com

Calgary Services Ltd.

Arthur Krukowski PO Box 30241 RPO Chinook Calgary, AB T2H 2V9 (403) 714-5146 Fax: (403) 685-5147 info@calgaryservicesltd.com www.calgaryservicesltd.com

Canadian Tree Care

Trevor Pihrag Box 79168 RPO Nottingham Sherwood Park, AB T8A 5S3 (780) 485-0700 Fax: (780) 485-0703 info@canadiantreecare.ca www.canadiantreecare.ca

Cannor Nurseries Spruce Grove Ltd. Deborah Bodine 26515A Township Road 514 (Woodbend Road) Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1G1 (780) 987-9133 Fax: (780) 987-9170 edm@cannor.ca www.cannoredmonton.ca

Cedar Crest Lands (Alta) Ltd.

Kurt Keller 2727 Centre Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2A 2L4 (403) 295-0400 Fax: (403) 275-8909 kkeller@cedarcrest.ab.ca


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‘New’ Clean’n’Easy Roses for 2014

‘Canadian Artist Series’ Rose - Campfire

‘New’ Clean’n’Easy #3c container with booklet tag


Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd.

Countryside Landscapes & Garden Centre

Classic Landscape Centre

Create Escape Landscaping

Jeff Wotherspoon Box 3060 Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 (780) 929-8102 Fax: (780) 929-8107 Toll Free: (866) 490-2647 info@cheyennetree.ca www.cheyennetree.ca Jack Payne 9904 - 6 Avenue SW Box 66015, Heritage RPO Edmonton, AB T6J 6T4 (780) 988-9888 Fax: (780) 437-8084 jack@classiclandscapes.com www.classiclandscapes.com

Clintar Landscape Management

Ryan Jones 3450 48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3L6 (403) 474-4164 Fax: (403) 474-4165 ryan_jones@clintar.com www.clintar.com

Coaldale Nurseries Ltd.

David & Cindy Kuperus Box 1267 Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 (403) 345-4633 Fax: (403) 345-2866 coaldalenurseries@platinum.ca www.coaldalenurseries.com

Cougar Mountain Greenhouses Lee & Diane Schneider Box 77 Millarville, AB T0L 1K0 (403) 931-2506 lschneider@platinum.ca

Countryside Greenhouse & Boon Landscaping

Aaron & Debbie Bryant PO Box 2587 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 (403) 823-8733 Fax: (403) 823-6486 dbryant@telusplanet.net countrysidegreenhouses.com

Glen V. Hubick Box 194 Dewinton, AB T0L 0X0 (403) 938-1835 Fax: (403) 938-1955 info@csgcl.com www.csgcl.com Chris Jensen Comp 45, Site 5, RR 8 Calgary, AB T2J 2T9 (403) 237-6300 Fax: (403) 237-6301 mail@createescape.ca www.createescape.ca

Creative Landscape & Design Ltd. Daryl Beck / Lisa Robinson Box 159 Delburne, AB T0M 0V0 (403) 347-2343 Fax: (403) 302-3688 creative@creative-landscape.com www.creative-landscape.com

CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd.

Chris Brown 210, 6051 47 Street Leduc, AB T9E 7A5 (780) 986-3469 Fax: (780) 986-3469 crsbrownland@gmail.com

Curb Appeal Today

Todd Reader 53231 Range Road 271 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3L9 (780) 271-9954 todd@curbappealtoday.ca www.curbappealtoday.ca


Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd.

Kevin Cassells 5622 - 103A Street Edmonton, AB T6H 2J5 (780) 433-8733 Fax: (780) 436-4161 kevin.cassells@davey.com


DDS Consulting

Donald Stumborg 183 Citadel Meadow Close NW Calgary, AB T3G 4T4 (403) 880-2360 Fax: (403) 239-8245 dstumborg@shaw.ca www.castinstonefences.ca

Delta Landscaping (A Division of Alpha Better Landscaping Inc.) (Branch Office) Barry Paxton 11800 - 40th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 (403) 204-6508 Fax: (403) 569-0055 bpaxton@alphabetterlands.com www.alphabetterlands.com

Delta Valley Landscaping & Lawn Services Ltd.

Mark Anderson Box 76012 Southgate Edmonton, AB T6H 5Y7 (780) 435-1887 Fax: (780) 955-3646 mark@deltavalley.ca www.deltavalley.ca

Dendron Services Ltd.

Eric & Andrea Lodders Box 1175 Bow Island, AB T0K 0G0 (403) 545-2384 Fax: (403) 545-2383 alodders@hotmail.com www.dendronservices.com

(Branch Office) Brock Friesen 51530 Range Road 260 Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1A9 (780) 470-0527 Fax: (780) 470-0565 bgfriesen@dunvegangardens.ca www.dunvegangardens.ca


E- Tree Nurseries Ltd.

Richard Paul Engler Box 1867 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P4 (780) 594-2005 Fax: (780) 594-2671 etreefarm@gmail.com www.etreethetreefarm.com

Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd.

Tony or Anita Heuver PO Box 2340 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 (403) 934-3670 Fax: (403) 934-3626 Toll Free: (866) 805-5007 anita@eaglelakenurseries.com www.eaglelakenurseries.com

Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply

Dr. Green Services Inc.

Eric Heuver 285177 Frontier Road SE Rocky View, AB T1X 0N2 (403) 262-5600 Fax: (403) 262-5603 info@eaglelakelandscape.com www.eaglelakelandscape.com

Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd.

Kirsten Hironaka 4610 - 58 Street S Lethbridge, AB T1K 7E2 (403) 327-8722 earthling@telus.net www.earthlingsinc.ca

Gregory Novak 3, 3705 - 29 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5W4 (877) 374-7336 grnovak@doctorgreen.com www.doctorgreen.com

Brad Friesen 128 Garden Lane, Box 6580 Fort McMurray, AB T9H 5N4 (780) 791-4363 Fax: (780) 791-9169 bvfriesen@dunvegangardens.ca www.dunvegangardens.ca


Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd.

Earthlings Inc.

EarthTek Landscape Construction Inc.

Mitch Leavitt 11, 9510 114 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A5 (403) 873-0761 Fax: (403) 873-0766 mitch@earthtek.ca www.earthtek.ca

Economy Landscape Contractors Ltd.

Evergreen Services Inc.

Steve Bolton 14940 - 131 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5V 1S8 (780) 452-4479 Fax: (780) 452-7793 steve@economylandscape.com www.economylandscape.com

Henry Huisman 25 Bearspaw Meadows Way NW Calgary, AB T3L 2M3 (403) 239-5329 Fax: (403) 547-4195 evergreenservices@shaw.ca

Darin hera 431 2949 - 17 Avenue SE Edmonton, AB T2A 0P7 (780) 758-7669 Fax: (780) 758-7670 elitelawnandsnow@outlook.com www.elitelawnandsnow.net

Fantascapes Landscaping

Blair McMurdo 9311 - 151 Street, Edmonton, AB T5R 1K1 (780) 756-1078 Fax: (780) 756-1078 fantascapes@shaw.ca www.fantascapes.ca

Stephen Jeffery 431 2949 - 17 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2A 0P7 (403) 830-3872 essentialpm@me.com www.essentiallawncare.ca

Brad Parker Bay 2, 3611-48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3N8 (403) 217-1182 Fax: (403) 217-3934 info@fiddlersgreeninc.com www.fiddlersgreeninc.com

Elite Lawn & Snow Inc.

Essential Property Maintenance Inc.

Everblue Nursery

Steve Bouchet 5822 Dalgleish Road NW Calgary, AB T3A 1K6 (403) 247-2787 Fax: (403) 663-1427 info@everbluenursery.com www.everbluenursery.com

Evergreen Horticulture Services Ltd. Colin & Murray Horne 416 Kaska Road Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4G8 (780) 464-7900 Fax: (780) 464-9700 ehs@shaw.ca www.evergreenhorticultureservices.ca


Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc.

Final Grade Tree Nursery Inc. Ken & Tammy Ludwig 50168 Range Road 244A Leduc County, AB T4X 0P3 (780) 818-3000 ludwig.ken01@gmail.com www.finalgradetrees.com

First Class Landscaping Ltd.

Garett Poff Box 12714, RPO 10 Lloydminster, AB T9V 0Y4 (780) 205-5296 Fax: (780) 874-3478 garett@firstclasslandscape.ca www.firstclasslandscape.ca


Five Star Landscaping Inc.

David Duplain RR 4, Box 17, Site 5 Red Deer, AB T4N 5E4 (403) 342-1413 Fax: (403) 341-3042 riaduplain@genevagardens.com www.genevagardens.com

George Heuver 2626 - 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 1M4 (403) 273-0113 Fax: (403) 248-6305 info@foothillslandscaping.ca www.foothillslandscaping.ca

Sandra Jahnke PO Box 28029 Cranston RPO Calgary, AB T3M 1K4 (403) 993-0699 sandra@glilandscaping.com www.glilandscaping.com

Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd.

Foothills Nurseries Ltd.

GLI Landscaping

Goodfellas Property Maintenance

Blaire Cote PO Box 139 Chestermere, AB T1X 1K8 (403) 203-3338 Fax: (403) 236-4433 admin@foothillsnurseries.com www.foothillsnurseries.com

Andrew Hill 6230 - 100 Street Edmonton, AB T6E 3X4 (780) 433-6666 Fax: (780) 433-6636 andrew@goodfellaspm.com www.goodfellaspm.com

Gerard Fournier Box 787 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 (403) 335-8965 trees@fortrees.com www.fortrees.com

Trevor Ross 69, 924-91 Street SW Edmonton, AB T6X 0P2 (780) 439-7645 Fax: (780) 469-1805 trevor@grasschopperlandscaping.com www.grasschopperlandscaping.com

For Trees Company Ltd.


G & J Parking Lot Maintenance LP

Tomasz Gwozdz 11610 - 151 Street Edmonton, AB T5M 4E9 (780) 454-0700 Fax: (780) 452-3050 services@gjparking.com www.gjparking.com

G.P. Lawn Doctor Ltd.

Darren Chambers 12B, 711016 RR 53 County of Grande Prairie No. 1, AB T8W 5A3 (780) 539-7090 Fax: (780) 513-1540 info@gplawndoctor.com www.gplawndoctor.com


Geneva Gardens Inc.

Troy Ryz Suite 206 #315, 5155 130 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0N3 (403) 203-4058 Fax: (403) 248-4080 troyryz@shaw.ca www.fivestarlandscaping.ca

Grasschopper Landscaping Ltd.

Grassroots Landscaping & Irrigation Ltd.

Ronald Smythe 1566 Gershaw Drive SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8E2 (403) 526-2645 Fax: (403) 529-0742 rrs@memlane.com www.justaddwater.ca

Green Acres Landscaping Ltd. Kevin Thiessen 181 Hidden Ranch Road NW Calgary, AB T3A 5S6 (403) 804-5276 office@greenacreslandscaping.ca www.greenacreslandscaping.ca

Green Drop Lawns Ltd.

(Branch Office) David Judson Bay 14, 7439 - 49 Avenue Crescent Red Deer, AB T4P 1X6 (403) 347-9333 Fax: (403) 342-0226 djudson@greendrop.com www.greendrop.com

Green Drop Lawns Ltd.

Brian Gibson 1230 Meridian Road NE Calgary, AB T2A 2N9 (403) 273-9000 Fax: (403) 235-2299 bgibson@greendrop.com www.greendrop.com

Green Drop Lawns Ltd.

(Branch Office) Kyle Schram 16815 - 128A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5V 1K9 (780) 447-1000 Fax: (780) 447-1045 kschram@greendrop.com www.greendrop.com

Green Haven Garden Centre

Karen Barby PO Box 124 Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3 (403) 327-6172 Fax: (403) 329-4313 greenhav@telus.net

Green Oasis International

(Branch Office) Kelly Otto 100 - 25 Belich Crescent Red Deer County, AB T4S 2K5 (403) 358-3339 Fax: (403) 358-7676 reddeer@greenoasis.ca www.greenoasis.ca

Green Oasis International

(Branch Office) Dave Calder 110 – 60 Industry Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 (403) 206-9900 Fax: (403) 264-9606 calgary@greenoasis.ca www.greenoasis.ca




Green Oasis Services (North) Inc.

GreenCare Landscaping & Bobcat Services

Green Side Up Inc.

Greengate Garden Centres Ltd.

Travis Pulfer 7324 - 36 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6B 3E8 (780) 414-6777 Fax: (780) 468-5542 Toll Free: (866) 414-6777 edmonton@greenoasis.ca www.greenoasis.ca Dana Choma 5328 Calgary Trail #1602 Edmonton, AB T6H 4J8 (780) 450-2356 Fax: (780) 450-0798 danachoma@greensideupinc.com

Allan Kelly 3503 - 16A Avenue Edmonton, AB T6L 2N3 (780) 461-7179 Fax: (780) 665-7330 greencare@shaw.ca www.greencarelandscaping.ca Shane Telford 14111 Macleod Trail South Calgary, AB T2Y 1M6 (403) 256-1212 Fax: (403) 256-4420 shane.telford@greengate.ca www.greengate.ca

Greenblade Landscape Co. Ltd.

Greenland Garden Centre

Greg Carlson 8513 - 68 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2R3 (780) 539-0303 Fax: (780) 539-0310 greenbla@telusplanet.net www.greenblade.ab.ca

Deborah Sirman 23108 Highway 16 Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4V2 (780) 467-7557 Fax: (780) 467-8940 gardening@greenlandgarden.com www.greenlandgarden.com

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www.mand derley.com

Greentree Landscapes Ltd.

Tarance Zak 444 Douglas Glen Close SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3A4 (403) 279-9791 tarance@greentreelandscapes.com www.greentreelandscapes.com

Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp.

Janet Falkenberg Box 12, Site 16, RR 7 Calgary, AB T2P 2G7 (403) 936-5936 Fax: (403) 936-5981 info@greenviewnurseries.ca www.greenviewnurseries.ca

Grumpy’s Landscaping Ltd.

Hawkin Everts Box 2488 Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-4589 Fax: (403) 627-2909 grumpys@xplornet.com


Harco Developments Inc.

Ken Coward c/o Silver Springs PO Box 71004 Calgary, AB T3B 5K2 (403) 239-9528 Fax: (403) 241-5359 harco.ken@telus.net

Heritage Landscapang and Outdoor Services Ltd. Mike Heppner 1833 New Brighton Drive SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4N8 (403) 926-3333 Fax: (403) 455-3331 info@heritagelandscaping.ca www.heritagelandscaping.ca

Heritage Nurseries Ltd.

Gerald van Bruggen 54420 Range Road 252 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 0J2 (780) 459-4463 Fax: (780) 459-4495 heritage1981@aol.com

High Standard Land Maintenance Ltd.

Rod Martinez PO Box 65009 St. Albert, AB T8N 5Y3 (780) 418-7800 Fax: (780) 418-7802 info@highstandardlandscape.com www.highstandardlandscape.com

Hire A Son Contracting Inc.

Travis Currie 77 Skyview Point Common NE Calgary, AB T3N 0H1 (403) 889-4398 tcurrie2008@hotmail.com

HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Casey Beckhuson 54314 Range Road 255 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 0T8 (780) 460-2088 Fax: (780) 460-2038 info@hmlconstruction.com www.hmlconstruction.com

Homescapes Complete Residential Landscaping (A Division of Alpha Better Landscaping Inc.) (Branch Office) Jennifer Bjorkman 11800 - 40th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 (403) 204-6504 Fax: (403) 236-3645 info@homescapes.ca www.homescapes.ca


J. W. Jansen Consulting Services Ltd.

Bill Jansen 33, 54029 Range Road 275 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3S6 (780) 963-5015 Fax: (780) 963-0624 jwjansen@worldgate.ca

JCM Landscaping and Contracting Ltd.

Jeff & Kelli Miller 4 Prestwick Estate Link SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4H2 (403) 255-1887 Fax: (403) 255-1779 jcmlandscaping@shaw.ca jcmlandscaping.ca



Jenron Creative Landscapes Inc. Steven Kletke Calgary, AB (403) 615-2441 stevek@jenron.ca www.jenron.ca

Julia’s Alpine Garden

Julia Todorova 10831 - 127 Street Edmonton, AB T5M 0S6 (780) 498-3605 yuliyatodorova@hotmail.com www.juliasalpinegarden.ca

JVR Landscape (2006) Inc.

John van Roessel Suite 8, 12110 - 40th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4K6 (403) 257-3479 Fax: (403) 257-3472 jvr@telusplanet.net www.jvrlandscape.com


K Plowman Contracting Ltd. Keith Plowman Box 534 Stn Main Athabasca, AB T9S 2A5 (780) 370-8450 keith@kplowman.ca www.kplowman.ca

K.C. Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd.

Rose Thorn 137 Woodburn Crescent Okotoks, AB T1S 1L3 (403) 938-5061 Fax: (403) 938-5017 office@kclandscaping.ca

Kazan Construction Ltd.

Robert Kazanowsky 21 Springland Way Calgary, AB T3Z 3N6 (403) 249-9073 Fax: (403) 242-9843 kazan@nucleus.com

Kentucky Blue Grass Ltd.

Gary Schmidt 6107 - 34 Street Edmonton, AB T6B 2V6 (780) 415-5201 Fax: (780) 415-5746 gwschmidt@telus.net www.kentuckylandscape.ca

Kiwi Nurseries Ltd.

Murray & Alison Munro 62, 53217 Range Road 263 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3G2 (780) 962-5358 Fax: (780) 962-0097 kiwiland@telus.net www.kiwinurseries.com

Land Design


Cecilia Littleton 10274-110 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 1S7 (780) 539-0716 cecilia.littleton@land-design.ca www.land-design.ca

Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd.

Ron Oudyk 14210 - 141 Street Edmonton, AB T6V 1H7 (780) 457-5751 Fax: (780) 457-5753 info@landtec.ca www.landtec.ca

Landesign Ltd.

Jennifer Boyd PO Box 5528, Leduc, AB T9E 2A1 (780) 980-9244 Fax: (780) 980-9248 info@landesignltd.com www.landesignltd.com

Landform Inc.

Chris Chetcuti Box 11, Site 12, RR 3 Airdrie, AB T4A 0P7 (403) 245-2182 Fax: (403) 245-4764 estimates@landform.ca www.landform.ca

Landscape Plus

Kerry Malakoff Box 17, Site 2, RR 1 Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6 (403) 934-4421 Fax: (403) 934-6207 landscapeplus1@yahoo.ca www.landscape-plus.net


Lawland Gardens

Gerald & Joanne Law Box 9, Site 18, RR 2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 (403) 274-7069 Fax: (403) 274-5766

Lawn Master Services Ltd.

Arnold van de Ligt 55403 Range Road 222 Sturgeon County, AB T0A 1N1 (780) 998-1995 Fax: (780) 998-2783 avandeligt@manderley.com www.manderley.com

Leta Landscape Contractors Ltd.

Jordan Phillips 636 Beaver Dam Road NE Calgary, AB T2K 4W6 (403) 730-8711 Fax: (403) 730-7879 jordan@marmotconcrete.ca www.marmotconcrete.ca

Dennis Dick 727 - 29 Street North Lethbridge, AB T1H 5G3 (403) 320-5296 Fax: (403) 381-8508 office@lawnmaster.ab.ca www.lawnmaster.ab.ca Lee Davies 12911 - 136 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5L 4B2 (780) 641-9553 Fax: (888) 607-6088 lee@leta.ca www.leta.ca

Lowe’s Landscaping Ltd.

Shaun Lowe 9949 - 160 Street Edmonton, AB T5P 3E3 (780) 498-2462 Fax: (780) 487-2551 loweslandscaping@shaw.ca www.loweslandscaping.ca


MacInnised Contracting Ltd.

Tania & TRob MacInnis 261175 RR 292 Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E3 (587) 438-5555 info@macinnisedcontracting.com www.macinnisedcontracting.com

Maco Paving Ltd.

Elizabeth McIntyre 234150 Wrangler Road Rocky View County, AB T1X 0K2 (403) 262-2002 Fax: (403) 243-0942 liz@macopaving.com www.macopaving.com

Manderley Turf Products Inc.

(Branch Office) 3090B - 52 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 1N2 (403) 273-8558 Fax: (403) 248-1526 www.manderley.com


Manderley Turf Products Inc.

Marmot Concrete Services Ltd.

Mar-Wes Holdings Ltd.

Brenda Montey Box 7836 Edson, AB T7E 1V9 (780) 723-3391 Fax: (780) 723-2804 marwes@telus.net

Mattson Tree Farm

Brett Mattson Box 19, Site 1, RR 2, Olds, AB T4H 1P3 (403) 556-2965 Fax: (403) 556-3690 info@mattsontreefarm.com www.mattsontreefarm.com

Meadowbrook Greenhouses Inc.

Tanya Visser PO Box 570 Penhold, AB T0M 1R0 (403) 886-4769 Fax: (403) 886-2252 info@mbrook.ca

Michele’s Landscaping Inc.

Antonio Motta 210, 5126 - 126 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0H2 (403) 248-8668 Fax: (403) 235-1947 michland@micheleslandscaping.ca www.micheleslandscaping.ca

Millcreek Nursery Ltd.

Ken Riske 3103 - 17 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6T 1H9 (780) 469-8733 Fax: (440) 465-5328 millcreeknurseryltd@telus.net www.millcreeknursery.ca

Mirage Landscaping Inc.

More Trees Please Inc.

Jeff Peters 6, 6304 Burbank Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 2C2 (403) 252-5235 Fax: (403) 259-5236 jeff@miragelandscaping.ca www.miragelandscaping.ca

Dale Reinke Box 159 Hay Lakes, AB T0B 1W0 (587) 784-3334 Fax: (780) 417-9601 info@moretreespleaz.com www.moretreespleaz.com

Blaine Rolinger Box 3112 Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 2T1 (780) 998-7144 Fax: (780) 998-4651

Peter Mountain 35049 Range Road 20 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M8 (403) 227-5723 Fax: (403) 227-4884 mountainsodfarm@gmail.com

Mister Sod Farms Ltd.

Mixxim Inc.

Perry Romick Box 3443 Stn Main Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3A7 (780) 919-2234 perry@mixxim.ca

Mountain Sod & Seed Farm Ltd.

Mr. V’s Field & Forest Inc.

Bruno Wiskel RR 1 Boyle, AB T0A 0M0 (780) 689-2944 Fax: (780) 689-2945 bruno@mrvs.net www.mrvs.net

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New Line Skateparks Inc.

Trevor Morgan 101, 6249 - 205 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N7 (403) 852-0936 Fax: (604) 530-1119 trevor@newlineskateparks.com www.newlineskateparks.com

Nor- Alta Environmental Services Ltd.

Jim Haeberle 157, 9768 170 Street Edmonton, AB T5T 5L4 (780) 486-4931 Fax: (780) 486-6046 jhaeberle@nor-alta.com www.nor-alta.com

Nutri-Lawn Calgary Inc.

Mike House 4980 - 28 Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3H2 (403) 252-1500 Fax: (403) 252-0404 mhouse@nutrilawn.com www.nutrilawn.com/calgary


On the Green Turf Pros Inc.

Tony Siviglia Box 19, Site 2, RR 2 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 (403) 512-1012 Fax: (403) 337-5888 contact@onthegreen.ca www.onthegreen.ca

OnGrowing Works Ltd.

Terry Norman 125 River Avenue Cochrane, AB T4C 2C2 (403) 932-3766 Fax: (403) 932-5338 info@ongrowing.com www.ongrowing.com

Ornamental Landscape Maintainers

Don MacDonald 147 Maitland Road NE Calgary, AB T2A 4Z3 (403) 273-7957 Fax: (403) 248-8267 ornamentaldon@shaw.ca www.ornamentallandscape.ca

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Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd.

Gloria Beck RR 2, LCD 1, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E2 (403) 346-5613 Fax: (403) 346-4443 info@parklandgc.ca www.parklandgarden.ca

Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd.

Dwayne Beck PO Box 25004, Deer Park P.O. Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2 (403) 340-8755 Fax: (403) 340-8759 Toll Free: (888) 340-8733 dbeck@pnls.ca www.pnls.ca; www.needtrees.ca

Pepper’s Pro Grass Services

Pete & Pam Pepper 613 - 15 Street SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W9 (403) 526-0031 Fax: (403) 526-7755 pamela@peppersprograssservices.ca

Peritus Yard Maintenance

Charles Decottignies 87 Bridlewood Green SW Calgary, AB T2Y 3L2 (403) 201-7182 Fax: (403) 201-7182 peritusyards@shaw.ca www.peritusyards.ca

Persnickety Lawns Inc.

Daryll Cranston 62-23211 Twp Road 520 Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1G2 (780) 449-6894 Fax: (780) 449-6895

Peter Hughes Landscape

Peter Hughes 7203 Flint Place SE Calgary, AB T2H 1Y8 (403) 543-3999 Fax: (403) 543-3998 info@peterhugheslandscape.ca www.peterhugheslandscape.ca

Pidgeon Tree Farms

Ted Pidgeon Box 16, Site 17, RR 1 Dewinton, AB T0L 0X0 (403) 818-0395 tedp@pidgeontreefarms.com www.pidgeontreefarms.com

Pinnacle Plants & Contracting Ltd.

Stephan Van Geest / Nick Jr. Van Geest Box 4561 Taber, AB T1G 2C9 (403) 315-9661 Fax: (403) 223-0046 steve_vangeest@hotmail.com www.pinnaclelandscapingandtreecare.com

Pixie Gardens Inc.

Bobbie Beddoes PO Box 15061 Aspen Woods RPO Calgary, AB T3H 0N8 (403) 228-2802 bobbie.beddoes@pixiegardens.ca www.pixiegardens.ca

Planta Landscaping

Elisa Galdon 404, 3339 Rideau Place SW Calgary, AB T2S 1Z5 (403) 254-5437 Fax: (403) 201-5723 planta@plantalandscaping.com www.plantalandscaping.com

Poplar Ridge Tree Farm

Ewald Braun RR 1, 28376 Township 384 Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 (403) 347-2465 Fax: (403) 347-2772 info@poplarridgetreefarm.com www.poplarridgetreefarm.com

Prairie West Landscapes Inc.

Joseph Supino 3541 - 78 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 1J7 (403) 252-6330 Fax: (403) 252-0372 info@pwlscapes.com

Prestige Landscape Group Ltd.

Mike Haberl 941 - 48 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 2A7 (403) 280-5400 Fax: (403) 280-5470 mike@plgroup.ca www.plgroup.ca



R.S.B. Tree Farms

Lorne Buckland RR 1 Cayley, AB T0L 0P0 (403) 395-2236 Fax: (403) 395-2482 rsbfarms@xplornet.com

Real Enterprises Ltd.

Real 134 Willow Street Red Deer County, AB T4E 1B4 (403) 358-3535 Fax: 4033142214 realltd@telus.net www.reddeerlandscaping.net

Riverstone Garden Centre

Todd Strembitsky PO Box 23019 Citadel RPO St. Albert, AB T8M 6Z9 (780) 456-0480 Fax: (780) 472-9497 info@riverstonegardencentre.com www.riverstonegardencentre.com

Rock Bottom Landscaping & Maintenance Beau Riedel Box 8, Site 10, RR 1 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 (403) 617-6676 beau@rockbottomcalgary.com www.rockbottomcalgary.com

RPM Property Maintenance Ltd. Dwight Roth 13216 - 64 A Street Edmonton, AB T5A 0Z3 (780) 220-5536 Fax: (780) 462-4340 dwight@rpmlawnandsnow.com www.rpmlawnandsnow.com


Salisbury Greenhouse

Dave Sproule PO Box 3093 Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1 (780) 467-5743 Fax: (780) 467-4040 salisbury@salisburygreenhouse.com www.salisburygreenhouse.com

Salisbury Landscaping

(Branch Office) Adam Sproule PO Box 3093 Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1 (780) 410-0611 Fax: (780) 467-5629 carab@salisburylandscaping.ca www.salisburylandscaping.ca

Saunders Construction Ltd.

Bryan and Wendy Saunders Site 1, Bos 36, RR 6 Calgary, AB T2M 4L5 (403) 936-4510 saucltd@telus.net

Saunders Landscaping and Renovations Ltd.

Len Saunders/Travis Pope 283075 Township Road 240 Rocky View County, AB T1X 0M8 (403) 272-5013 Fax: (403) 272-5026 office@saunderslandscaping.ca


Blue Grass Nursery, Sod & Garden Centre


Calgary 1 1-877-82 26-0468 Red D Deer 1 1-855-53 33-4777



www.cannor.ca edm@cannor.ca Visit us at our Edmonton location


Scope Projects

Stewart Tree Farms

Seven M Construction Ltd.

Sturgeon Valley Sod Ltd.

Robert McDonnell Box 1138 Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0 (403) 949-2785 Fax: (403) 949-2755 scopeprojects@telus.net www.scopeprojects.com Mae Kapler 16811 - 128A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5V 1K9 (780) 483-3448 Fax: (780) 452-2224 mae.kapler@7mtopsoil.com www.7mtopsoil.com

Signature Landscape Maintenance

Doug Poffenroth 2, 206 - 35 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 2K4 (403) 257-1965 signaturelands@telus.net www.signaturelandscapingcalgary.com

Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd.

Simon Bos PO Box 1078 Coaldale, AB T1M 1M9 (403) 345-2716 Fax: (403) 345-4306 simon@bosnurseries.com www.bosnurseries.com

Skaley Landscaping &  Bobcat Services

Len & Carolyn Skaley Box 806, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 323-0239 Fax: (403) 742-5749 lenskaley@gmail.com

Solid Landscape Construction & Design Inc. Chris Boyse 803 Allandale Road SE Calgary, AB T2H 1W7 (403) 217-6870 Fax: (403) 217-6860 solid.landscapes@hotmail.com www.solidlandscapes.com

SPR Construction Inc.

Shaun Rusnack Box 22, Site 17, RR 2 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K5 (403) 934-4499 Fax: (403) 934-6902 shaun@sprconstruction.com www.sprconstruciton.com

Ryan Stewart PO Box 1799 Cochrane, AB T4C 1B6 (403) 239-0600 Fax: (403) 239-9272 ryan@stewart-treefarms.com www.stewart-treefarms.com Wayne Van Brabant Box 3309 Morinville, AB T8R 1S2 (780) 939-2226 Fax: (780) 939-2226 www.svsfarm.ca

Summit Property Maintenance

Tom Sanderson 845 – 24 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1P6 (403) 605-1934 Fax: (403) 452-7516 summitcalgary@shaw.ca www.summitpropertymaintenance.com

Sungreen Landscaping Inc.

Henry Barwich 232043 Range Road 283 Rocky View, AB T1X 0K7 (403) 256-7500 Fax: (403) 256-3833 sungreen@sungreen.net www.sungreen.net

Sunnyside Greenhouses Ltd.

Grant/Warren Jensen 3439 - 69 Street NW Calgary, AB T3B 2J8 (403) 288-3006 Fax: (403) 286-6908 gjensen@sunnysidehomeandgarden.com www.sunnysidehomeandgarden.com

Sunstar Nurseries Ltd.

Harold & Hetty Voogd 810 - 167 Avenue NE Edmonton, AB T5Y 6K9 (780) 472-6103 Fax: (780) 472-9218 intosunstar@telusplanet.net www.sunstarnurseries.com

Supreme Landscaping (1994) Ltd.

Jorge Acosta Box 41043, Petrolia P.O. Edmonton, AB T6J 6M7 (780) 430-5399 Fax: (780) 989-0575 jorge@supremelandscaping.ca



Takla Maintenance Corp.

Andrew Takla 875 Ryan Place Edmonton, AB T6R 2K3 (780) 707-8329 Fax: (780) 430-8781 taklamaint@gmail.com

Terra Landscaping Ltd.

Colette Russell Houle 5 - 51528 Range Road 262 Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1C1 (780) 470-0748 Fax: (780) 470-3927 info@terraland.com www.terraland.com

Terrace Turf Maintenance Ltd.

James & Kyle Mantel 62, 52331 RR 225 Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1C8 (780) 449-1228 Fax: (780) 449-1023 ttjmantel@hotmail.com

The Gardener Landscape Maintenance

Kevin Linstead Suite 101, 7030 Woodbine Avenue Markham, ON L3R 6G2 (403) 257-8879 calgarysouth@hirethegardener.com www.hirethegardener.com

The Landscaping Company Inc.

Ryan Currie 9701 83 Street Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3P7 (780) 233-7239 rcurrie@thelandscapingcompany.ca www.thelandscapingcompany.ca

The Yardist Ltd. Tree & Spray Service

Mark Chasse 1708, 246 Stewart Green SW Calgary, AB T3H 3C8 (403) 242-3332 Fax: (403) 242-3332 mchasse@shaw.ca www.yardist.com


Three Seasons Landscaping

Darren Wright 53008 RR 222 Ardrossan, AB T8E 2E9 (780) 922-4619 Fax: (780) 922-4614 darren@threeseasonslandscaping.ca www.threeseasonslandscaping.ca

Top Notch Landscaping Ltd. Jody Francis 39 Sage Hill Manor NW Calgary, AB T3K 0H1 (403) 861-3414 jody@topnotchlandscaping.ca www.topnotchlandscaping.ca

Tranquil Gardens Incorporated

Tim Madder 273 Patterson Blvd SW Calgary, AB T3H 3K1 (403) 471-6877 Fax: (403) 240-2658 tranquilgardens@shaw.ca

Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd.

Ted & Cody Brown 50 Country Hills View NW Calgary, AB T3K 4Y5 (403) 619-5410 Fax: (403) 983-8396 ted@treetotreenurseries.ca www.treetotreenurseries.ca


Drew Patterson 204, 9366 - 49 Street Edmonton, AB T6B 2L7 (780) 472-8878 Fax: (780) 472-0460 Toll Free: (866) 873-3846 sales@treetime.ca www.treetime.ca


Adnan Dhariwala 9768 - 47 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 5P3 (780) 438-3537 Fax: (780) 436-0474 adhariwala@trugreenmail.ca www.trugreen.ca


Visionscapes Landscape

ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc.

Ken Ruddock 235120 Ryan Road Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3 (403) 235-5353 Fax: (403) 235-5530 info@ulslandscaping.com www.ulslandscaping.com


Valley Landscapers Ltd.

George Leger Box 899 Grimshaw, AB T0H 1W0 (780) 618-9166 Fax: (780) 332-1855 gleger@abnorth.com

Jeff Campbell 309, 10820 - 24 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4C9 (403) 281-8751 Fax: (403) 281-8762 jeff@vision-scapes.ca www.vision-scapes.ca

Vollmin Tree Movers Ltd.

Dale Friesen 261051 Range Road 24 Calgary, AB T3R 1E3 (403) 239-0506 vollmin@efirehose.net www.vollmintrees.com

Weed Man


Philip Lo 3619 Blackburn Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4A3 (403) 243-5770 Fax: (403) 243-8625 phil@weedmanalberta.com www.weed-man.com

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Weed Man (Edmonton)

Wheatland Trees Ltd.

West Haven Nursery

Wilco Contractors NW Inc.

(Branch Office) Lori Heidt 100, 18003 - 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2E1 (780) 414-8899 Fax: (780) 452-9823 edmonton@weedmanalberta.com www.weed-man.com Rick Riddell 36366 Range Road 25 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N1 (403) 728-2100 westhaven@cciwireless.ca

Western Landscape & Design

Jared Ellerbeck 59 Amherst Crescent St. Albert, AB T8N 2P7 (780) 239-1917 Fax: (780) 665-4317 info@westernlandscape.ca www.westernlandscape.ca


(Branch Office) Phil Paxton 11800 - 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 (403) 248-3648 Fax: (403) 901-1494 ppaxton@alphabetterlands.com www.wheatlandtrees.ca Cory Grismer 108, 205 Carnegie Drive St. Albert, AB T8N 5B2 (780) 447-1199 Fax: (780) 447-2330 cory.grismer@wilco.ca www.wilco.ca

Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc. Peter Maat 4700 - 110 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 2T8 (403) 225-2930 Fax: (403) 225-2931 petermaat@wilco.ca www.wilcosouthwest.ca

Wolf’s Botanical

Florian Hainzmann Box 5210 Lacombe, AB T4L 1W9 (403) 782-5729 Fax: (403) 782-5725 fhainzmann@live.com www.wolfsbotanical.com

Yard Barber


Mark Sauer Box 47088 20-12192 Symons Valley Road NW Calgary, AB T3P 0B9 (403) 921-9273 Fax: (403) 274-6610 theyardbarberltd@gmail.com www.yardbarber.ca

Year-Round Landscaping Inc.

Joe Caputo 292055 Wagon Wheel Blvd Rocky View, AB T4A 0E2 (403) 236-1948 Fax: (403) 236-1562 jc@yearroundlandscaping.com www.yearroundlandscaping.com

You Dream It We Build It

Sean Eskow 14, 52312 Range Road 225 Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1E1 (780) 417-8484 Fax: (780) 410-0873 sean@youdreamitwebuildit.net www.youdreamitwebuildit.net

Upcoming Events March 12, 2014 Landscape Alberta Spring Workshop Glenmore Inn, Calgary, AB March 12, 2014 Landscape Awards Dinner Glenmore Inn, Calgary, AB

March 25 & 26, 2014 Landscape Industry Certified Test Olds College, Olds, AB August 2014 Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Group Summer Education Tour Niagara, ON (details TBA) October 17, 2014 Landscape Awards Entry Deadline

November 12, 2014 Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Group Annual Live & Silent Auction Coast Edmonton Plaza Edmonton, AB

November 13 & 14, 2014 Green Industry Show & Conference Edmonton Expo Centre Edmonton, AB

Look for this symbol. It indicates a 2013 Landscape Award Recipient.

For more information on any of the above events, please contact the Landscape Alberta office at 1-800-378-3198 or email admin@landscape-alberta.com.




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Airdrie Tractorland

Jason Wega / Greg Jensen 105 East Lake Crescent Airdrie, AB T4A 2H6 (403) 948-7400 Fax: (403) 948-0095 airdrie@atractorland.ca www.airdrietractorland.ca Kubota Tractors, Excavators, Track Steer & Lawn Equipment - sales, parts & service. Stihl product dealer. Implement lines include Land Pride, Muratori, Agri-Fab, Wallenstein, Farm King, Horst, Vermeer and others.


Brandt Tractor Ltd.

(Branch Office) BJ Cross 3555 - 46 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2B 3B3 (403) 248-0018 Fax: (403) 273-1340 bcross@brandttractor.com www.brandt.ca Your supplier for John Deere, Ditch Witch, Bomag and Bandit products.

Brandt Tractor Ltd.

Van Wall 10630 - 176 Street Edmonton, AB T5S 1M2 (780) 484-6613 Fax: (780) 489-6891 vwall@brandttractor.com www.brandttractor.com Your supplier for John Deere, Ditch Witch and Bomag compaction equipment.

Brandt Tractor Ltd.

(Branch Office) Paul Gleason 101 Burnt Park Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 0J7 (403) 343-7557 Fax: (403) 343-7549 pgleason@brandttractor.com www.brandttractor.com Your supplier for John Deere, Ditch Witch, Bomag and Bandit products.

Brandt Tractor Ltd. Grande Prairie Branch

(Branch Office) Mark Michalyshen 7301 - 102 Street Clairmont, AB T0H 0W0 (780) 532-3414 Fax: (780) 539-0155 mmichalyshen@brandttractor.com www.brandttractor.com Your supplier for John Deere, Ditch Witch, Bomag and Bandit products. Providing products and support to deliver an unmatched level of sales, parts and service expertise.


Travis Unger RR 4 Calmar, AB T0C 0V0 (780) 985-7300 Fax: (780) 985-8580 Toll Free: (800) 359-5503 travis.unger@brettyoung.ca www.brettyoung.ca Supplier of native and turf Seed, fertilizer, chemical, hydroseeding and erosion control products.

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

(Branch Office) Mike Rice 825 Memorial Drive Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0K4 (780) 791-6699 Fax: (780) 791-5371 mike.rice@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

(Branch Office) Dustin Reid 6924 13 Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 2P9 (403) 252-1131 Fax: (403) 252-1104 dustin.reid@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.


Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

(Branch Office) Clara Leblond 262111 Range Road 10 Balzac, AB T0M 0E0 (403) 252-1131 Fax: (403) 274-2724 clara.leblond@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

Morgan Martel Box 1480 Station T Calgary, AB T2H 2P9 (403) 255-2600 Fax: (403) 255-0323 communications@burnco.com www.burnco.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

(Branch Office) Bill Gerrie 4305 77 Street Red Deer, AB T1J 4N1 (403) 342-5678 Fax: (403) 309-0601 bill.gerrie@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.

(Branch Office) Nathan Silverman 7811 44A Street NW Edmonton, AB T6B 3A4 (780) 466-5200 Fax: (780) 466-5236 nathan.silverman@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.


Cervus Equipment

Tim Gammage 292177 Crosspointe Road Rocky View, AB T4A 0S3 (403) 280-2200 Fax: (403) 285-4105 timgammage@cervusequipment.com www.cervusequipment.com John Deere, Arctic Cat dealership.

Cervus Equipment

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

(Branch Office) Doug Nanne 280 - 28042 Hwy 11 Red Deer, AB T4S 2L4 (403) 346-9011 Fax: (403) 346-9051 dnanne@cervusequipment.com www.cervusce.com Bobcat dealer. Attachments, skid steers, JCB products, JLG products, rentals, parts, service & sales.

Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

Daxter Schultz 4403 - 112 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5C5 (403) 243-2011 Fax: (403) 243-2068 dschultz@cervusequipment.com www.cervusequipment.com Bobcat dealer. Attachments, skid steers, JCB products, JLG products, rentals, parts, service & sales.

(Branch Office) Bill McDonald 2500 West Side Drive West Lethbridge, AB T1J 4N1 (403) 327-0808 Fax: (403) 381-7004 Cell Phone: (403) 795-7950 bill.mcdonald@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs. (Branch Office) Colleen Kwiatkowski 11649 199 Street Edmonton, AB T5S 2C6 (780) 455-8615 Fax: (780) 451-7612 colleen.kwiatkowski@burnco.com www.burncolandscape.com Contractor and retail friendly, the one stop shop for all your landscaping needs.


Burnco Rock Products Ltd.

Cervus Equipment, Contractors Bobcat/JCB

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Cervus Equipment Bobcat of Edmonton

(Branch Office) Marcelo Guerrero 14504 Yellowhead Trail Edmonton, AB T5L 3C5 (780) 447-4441 Fax: (780) 447-5505 mguerrero@cervusequipment.com www.cervusequipment.com Bobcat dealer. Skid steers, compact track loaders, compact tractors, sales, service, parts & rentals.

City Soil Services

Bill Rutledge 12516 60 Street Edmonton, AB T5W 5J6 (780) 913-1198 Fax: (780) 463-8088 bill@citysoilservices.com www.citysoilservices.com Wholesale supplier of soils, garden mixes and compost.

Cochrane Landscape Supply

Janelle Leary 108 Railway Street E Cochrane, AB T4C 2C3 (403) 851-0900 Fax: (403) 851-0950 janelle@cohranelandscapesupply.com www.cochranelandscapesupply.com Wholesale/retail supplier of natural stone, soils, gravel, paving stones, retaining walls. We service both Calgary and Cochrane.


Direct Solutions - A Division of Agrium Advanced Technologies

Jaime Griner 1557 Hastings Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 4C8 (403) 287-3988 Fax: (403) 243-7470 Toll Free: (800) 661-2991 jgriner@agriumat.com www.aatdirectsolutions.com Wholesale suppliers of soil-less media, water soluble and slow release fertilizers, pesticides, biological control, greenhouse and nursery containers, greenhouse and landscaping supplies, turf fertilizers and related products, vegetable seeds.

Doktor Doom Insecticides (Ultrasol Industries)

Grigg Kellock 10755 - 69 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6H 2C9 (780) 432-6535 Fax: (780) 436-6646 doktordoom@doktordoom.com www.doktordoom.com Wholesaler of Premium Quality Insecticide Products for Retail and end-use Insecticide Products for Greenhouses, Farms and Livestock. Mosquito Repellents for end use and Retail. 100% Canadian Owned and Operated.

ECCO Recycling


Christina Venczel 10114 - 24 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3X7 (403) 800-3226 Fax: (403) 800-3227 Toll Free: (866) 720-0444 info@eccorecycling.com www.eccorecycling.com Recycled wood mulch products for landscaping; available in natural or four environmentally safe colours. 2 & 3 cu.ft. bags for retail centres. Bulk loads for landscape depots.

Expocrete Concrete Products, an Oldcastle Company

John Moroz 38 - 53016 Hwy 60, Acheson Industrial Park Acheson, AB T7X 5A7 (780) 960-4553 Fax: (780) 962-3230 john.moroz@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com Manufacturers of Concrete Paving Stones, Segmental Retaining Walls, Allan Block Products and Hydro-Pressed Sidewalk Blocks. Distributors of “Aquascape Designs� Water Gardening equipment and Rain Water Harvesting.


Expocrete Concrete Products, an Oldcastle Company

(Branch Office) Jeaneen Galas RR 3, Site 17, Comp 21 Airdrie, AB T4A 0P7 (403) 279-0404 Fax: (403) 279-4191 jeaneen.galas@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com Manufacturers of innovative sustainable concrete solutions, Interlocking Concrete Paving Stones, Tilestone, Permeable Paving Stones, Segmental Retaining Wall Systems & Garden Walls. Distributors of “Aquascape Designs” Commercial Rain Harvesting Solutions.

Finning (Canada)


Tim Quiring 16830 - 107 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5P 4C3 (780) 930-4913 Fax: (780) 930-4891 tquiring@finning.ca www.finning.ca Caterpillar machines can handle all your residential and landscape needs. A full line of Skid Steers, Mini Excavators and Work Tools built Cat tough, support by Finning. Call 1-888-finning for details.

Finning (Canada)

(Branch Office) Daniel Walls 10920 - 170 Street Edmonton, AB T5S 1H6 (780) 443-7387 Fax: (780) 443-7390 dwalls@finning.ca www.finning.ca Finning’s commitment to the landscape industry: dedicated compact construction equipment (CCE) sales reps and management, dedicated CCE shop facilities, service management and technicians, dedicated technical communicators, dedicated Caterpillar representation for equipment and service, and Finning (Canada) is an associate member of Landscape Alberta.


Finning (Canada)

(Branch Office) Pat Thompson 6735 - 11 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7H9 (403) 516-2801 Fax: (403) 274-8608 pthompson@finning.ca www.finning.ca Caterpillar Sales, Parts & Service.


Green Patch Environmental Consulting Ltd. GPEC

Ken Dyck 15845 - 112 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 2V9 (888) 550-9188 Fax: (780) 800-5541 ken@gpec.ca www.gpec.ca Supplying the construction, erosion control and landscaping industry with mulches, native grass seed, geotextiles, geomembranes and other construction and remediation products.

Groundhog Soil Products

Ritchie Ketcheson 10612 - 205 Street Edmonton, AB T5S 1Z1 (780) 451-7585 Fax: (780) 469-7585 rktcont@telus.net Soil, special blends, sand and peatmoss. Delivery - Tandems, End-dumps, and Conveyor Truck. Water truck and concrete saw services. Grading, levelling, excavating & back filling.


High River Landscape Products Inc.

Paul Dodge Box 5515 High River, AB T1V 1M6 (403) 601-2134 Fax: (403) 601-2370 info@highriverlandscapeproducts.com www.highriverlandscapeproducts.com Supplier of landscape material, decorative rocks, aggregates and recycled material.

Houle Country

Vern Houle Box 6071 Westlock, AB T7P 2P7 (780) 562-0066 houlecountry@gmail.com www.houlecountry.com Supplier of bulk peat moss - NOT BOG HARVESTED! Peat and black dirt mix excellent for landscapers! All product is processed to eliminate lumps and big sticks. Bulk pricing/discounts available.


International Nursery Products Inc.

Barbara Milne 1201 - 42nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1Z5 (403) 287-9844 Fax: (403) 287-9845 Toll Free: (800) 546-4787 barb@inurseryproducts.com www.inurseryproducts.com Quality Nursery Products Manufacturer and Supplier. Containers, Baskets, Burlap, Twines, Fabrics, and more.


Marsh Canada Limited

Leah Lefebvre 680, 10180 - 101 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5J 3S4 (780) 917-4855 Fax: (780) 429-1422 Toll Free: (888) 949-4360 leah.lefebvre@marsh.com www.marsh.com Through Marsh Canada Limited, Landscape Alberta members have access to HortProtect - a CNLA endorsed, high quality insurance program tailored to reduce risk exposures, minimize overall costs, and offer education through training.


Martin Deerline

17104 - 118 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2L7 (877) 627-8468 Fax: (780) 451-2739 edmonton@martineq.com www.martindeerline.com Martin Deerline: full line of John Deere lawn & garden and commercial worksite equipment: plus 24 hr emergency parts and service. Demo a John Deere today at Martin Deerline - Nothing Runs Like A Deere.

Nature’s Call


Barry Creighton Box 10040 Airdrie, AB T4A 0H4 (403) 948-5434 Fax: (403) 948-2992 barry@natures-call.com www.natures-call.com Wholesale supplier of Bulk, totes or bagged Compost, Peatmoss, Potting soil, Garden Soil, Top Soil, Mulches (Coloured, Doug Fir, and Cedar), stones, Bird Seed, Ice Melt.

Navus Environmental Inc

Steven vanNieuwkerk 8525 Davies Road Edmonton, AB T6E 4N3 (780) 463-1315 Fax: (780) 463-1317 steven@navus.ca www.navus.ca

Nektar Data Systems

Rob Evers 14420 - 154 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6V 0K8 (780) 451-7573 Fax: (780) 447-2330 rob.evers@histree.net www.histree.net HisTREE.net is a tree and asset management system that utilizes RFID tagging, GPS, mobile data collection and a web based data centre to provide unique life cycle management and trade in the green and parks industries.


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Pickseed Canada

Kevin Shaw 11239 186 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 2T7 (780) 231-8959 Fax: (780) 464-0305 Toll Free: (800) 265-3925 kshaw@pickseed.com www.pickseed.com Wholesale supplier of turf, forage and native grass seeds, hydroseeding mulch and fertilizer.

Professional Gardener Co. Ltd.

Allan Nielsen 915 - 23 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1P1 (403) 263-4200 Fax: (403) 237-0029 progar@telusplanet.net Wholesale greenhouse & landscape supplies. Greenhouse: growing mediums w/bio-factors, fertilizers, containers & watering supplies. Landscape: tree baskets/liners, root enhancers, tree watersaver bags, pruning tools, grass seed mixes & hydro-mulch.


Renfrew Insurance Ltd.

Brian Jardine 300, 334 - 11 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0Y2 (403) 299-2847 Fax: (403) 266-5177 Toll Free: (800) 661-9897 bjardine@renfrew窶進nsurance.com www.renfrew-insurance.com Landscape trades knowledgeable insurance provider to members for 17 years. All lines of insurance, including commercial property, liability, automobile & surety at very competitive prices. We can design an insurance program specific to your needs.


Second Nature Compost

Brent Hamilton Site 320,13111 Meridian Street NE Edmonton, AB T6S 1G9 (780) 496-5128 Fax: (780) 406-5402 brent.hamilton@edmonton.ca www.secondnaturecompost.com Wholesale supplier of compost and compost/soil mix products.

Shaw Isuzu Trucks

Andy Drever 4620 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2G 4G2 (403) 287-5928 Fax: (403) 243-3578 andydrever@shawgmc.com www.shawgmc.com Shaw Isuzu Trucks is a division of Shaw GMC Chevrolet Buick and has been specializing in selling and servicing all models and sizes of commercial vehicles since 1962.

STIHL Limited

David Schwartz PO Box 5666 London, ON N6A 4L6 (519) 681-3000 Fax: (519) 681-1603 david.schwartz@stihl.ca www.stihl.ca Leading supplier of German engineered outdoor power equipment for the consumer and professional. STIHL Limited has over 1,000 authorized, independent, servicing dealers across Canada.


TD Canada Trust Agriculture Services

Mark Johnson 2045 - 34th Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6Z2 (403) 292-1254 ext. 246 Fax: (403) 292-1253 mark.i.johnson@td.com www.tdcanadatrust.com/agriculture At TD Canada Trust Agriculture Services we work with an experienced team in the agriculture industry. We are dedicated to building a relationship and a plan to help you achieve your goals.

The Cedar Shop Building Materials

Brad Palko 404 - 42 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1Y4 (403) 243-5720 Fax: (403) 243-4382 cedarshp@telusplanet.net cedarshop.com Retail/contractor supplier of cedar, spruce, treated lumber, sheds, gazebos, sauna packages, cedar furniture, cedar and pine tongue & groove paneling, cedar and treated fencing, and Timbertech and Trex composite decking.

Tip Top Soil Ltd.

John Kraemer PO Box 43133 D.V.P.O Calgary, AB T2J 7A7 (403) 272-9865 Fax: (403) 273-9596 tiptopsoil@shaw.ca www.tiptopsoil.ca


Top Spray

Rob Olenick 305 Griffin Road West Cochrane, AB T4C 2C4 (403) 932-1464 Fax: (403) 932-5733 info@topspray.com www.topspray.com Supplier of premium organic landscaping products including mulch and compost blends. Services include pickup, bulk delivery, Express Blower Truck applications. We are certified installers of a variety of Erosion and Sediment Control products as well as Green Roof application. We also offer custom grinding of various materials.

Top Spray® A Division of Spray Lake Sawmills

(Branch Office) David Ip 211 - 53016 Hwy 60 Acheson, AB T7X 5A7 (780) 962-8450 Fax: (780) 962-8930 david.ip@topspray.com www.topspray.com Supplier of premium organic landscaping products including mulch, soil and compost blends. Services include pickup from our Express Sites in Cochrane and Edmonton, bulk delivery and application.

TWD Lawn & Garden Products

Gerry O’Handley 12340 - 184 Street Edmonton, AB T5V 0A5 (780) 452-8788 Fax: (780) 452-6141 Toll Free: (800) 565-8432 gohandley.twd@bell.net Innovative manufacturer and marketer of Mr. Tweed landscape fabric and Mr. Fothergill’s packaged seeds. Importer/ distributor of a wide variety of decorative fencing, bamboo, lawn edging and unique garden accessories.



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Calgary Zoo



Corinne Hannah 1300 Zoo Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7V6 (403) 695-3809 Fax: (403) 237-7582 corinneh@calgaryzoo.com www.calgaryzoo.com

City of Airdrie

Kevin Brinson 23 East Lake Hill NE Airdrie, AB T4A 2K3 (403) 948-8400 Fax: (403) 948-8403 parks@airdrie.ca www.airdrie.ca

City of Edmonton

Travis Kennedy 12304 - 107 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2S7 (780) 496-6997 Fax: (780) 496-4978 travis.kennedy@edmonton.ca www.edmonton.ca

City of Grande Prairie Parks Operations

Cynthia Horton 5 St. Anne Street St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9 (780) 459-1592 Fax: (780) 458-1974 chorton@st-albert.net www.stalbert.ca

City of Wetaskiwin

Byron Olson 5520 - 50 Street Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2G9 (780) 361-4436 Fax: (780) 352-5021 bolson@wetaskiwin.ca www.wetaskiwin.ca


Lac Ste. Anne County

Lorraine Taylor Box 219 Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0 (780) 785-3411 Fax: (780) 785-2985 ltaylor@lsac.ca www.lsac.ca


Mount Royal University

Josy Burrough 9505 - 112 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6H8 (780) 538-0476 Fax: (780) 532-7588 jburrough@cityofgp.com www.cityofgp.com

Shane Williams 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Calgary, AB T3E 6K6 (403) 440-6423 Fax: (403) 440-7797 sewilliams@mtroyal.ca www.mtroyal.ca

Chris Witkowski 304 Stafford Drive North Lethbridge, AB T1H 2A6 (403) 320-3853 Fax: (403) 320-4026 chris.witkowski@lethbridge.ca www.lethbridge.ca

James McIvor 9626 96A Street Edmonton, AB T6C 4L8 (780) 496-8740 Fax: (780) 496-8747 james.mcivor@edmonton.ca

City of Lethbridge

City of Spruce Grove Parks & Open Spaces


City of St. Albert

Keith Frank 315 Jesperson Avenue Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3E8 (780) 962-7592 Fax: (780) 962-9443 kfrank@sprucegrove.org www.sprucegrove.org

Muttart Conservatory



Cheryl Bailey 11762 - 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1 (780) 471-7420 Fax: (780) 471-8482 cherylb@nait.ca www.nait.ca


Northlands, Grounds Maintenance Dept.

Thomas Fairley Box 1480 Edmonton, AB T5J 2N5 (780) 887-1178 Fax: (780) 471-7115 tfairley@northlands.com www.northlands.com

Olds College


Gord Koch 4500 - 50 Street Olds, AB T4H 1R6 (403) 556-4751 Fax: (403) 556-4713 gkoch@oldscollege.ca www.oldscollege.ca


Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Stephen Fudge Parks Div. 9909 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4 (780) 799-5832 Fax: (780) 790-9680 stephen.fudge@woodbuffalo.ab.ca www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca


Strathcona County Recreation Parks & Culture

Jaime A. Salazar, Foreman 2025 Oak Street Sherwood Park, AB T8A 0W9 (780) 400-2064 Fax: (780) 449-1057 jaime.salazar@strathcona.ca www.strathcona.ca


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Contact us: Phone: (403) 273-6917 E-mail: auroradesign@shaw.ca Fax: (403) 313-6917


The Glencoe Golf and Country Club

Carmen Henry 636 - 29 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2S 0P1 (403) 240-3663 Fax: (403) 240-9805 chenry@glencoe.org www.glencoe.org

Town of Banff

Nadine Setzer Box 1260 Banff, AB T1L 1A1 (403) 762-1240 Fax: (403) 762-1263 nadine.setzer@banff.ca www.banff.ca

Town of Okotoks - Open Spaces

Client Administration PO Box 20 Okotoks, AB T1S 1K1 (403) 938-8958 Fax: (403) 938-2784 openspaces@okotoks.ca www.okotoks.ca


University of Alberta, Landscape Services

Wayne McCutcheon 420 General Services Building Edmonton, AB T6G 2H1 (780) 492-4045 Fax: (780) 492-7582 wayne.mccutcheon@ualberta.ca www.ualberta.ca

University of Alberta, Central Grounds

Tom McLean 420 General Services Building Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3 (780) 492-2407 Fax: (780) 492-7582 tom.mclean@ualberta.ca




A.M.A. Plastics Ltd.

Rick Bradt 1367 Oxford Avenue Kingsville, ON N9Y 2S8 (519) 322-1397 Fax: (519) 322-1358 Toll Free: (800) 338-1136 ama@amaplas.com www.amaplas.com

Adorna Flowers & Landscaping Ltd. John Vander Kley 33 Lorne Road Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7 (867) 668-4959 Fax: (867) 668-5132 adorna1@hotmail.com

Advance Nursery Co. Ltd.

Fred Elsaesser & Garfield Marshall Box 1649 Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 (250) 442-5291 Fax: (250) 442-2030 advance@aoco.ca www.advancenursery.ca


Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Ltd.

Ed or Vince Bron Box 2643 3315 Carson Road Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 (250) 442-2014 Fax: (877) 542-5936 Toll Free: (800) 831-9611 sales@bronandsons.com www.bronandsons.com

Bylands Nurseries Ltd.

Michael Byland 1600 Byland Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1H6 (250) 769-4466 Fax: (250) 769-5566 Toll Free: (800) 769-4996 sales@bylands.com www.bylands.com



CropHealth Advising & Research Mario Lanthier Rural PO Box 28098 Kelowna, BC V1W 4A6 (250) 717-1898 office@crophealth.com www.crophealth.com


Exemplar Horticulture Ltd.

Ewan MacKenzie PO Box 38, Mt. Lehman Station Abbotsford, BC V4X 2P7 (604) 607-0456 Fax: (604) 856-7241 exemplarhort@shaw.ca www.exemplarhorticulture.com


Ferrier’s Land & Waterscapes Inc.

Rick Ferrier Box 447 Invermere on the Lake, BC V0A 1K0 (250) 341-1589 rickferrier@hotmail.com www.ferriers-waterscapes.com

Four Seasons Nursery

Robert Fink / Brian Gardner 3240 Montana Hwy 35 Kalispell, MT 59901 (888) 349-1422 Fax: (888) 349-1455 brian@fourseasonsnurserymt.com www.fourseasonsnurserymt.com


HJS Wholesale Ltd.

Terry Folkers / Tony Bevilacqua Box 2, Group 582, RR 5 Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2 (204) 668-8360 Fax: (204) 667-1775 terryf@hjswholesale.com www.hjswholesale.com


Jeffries Nurseries Ltd.

Wilbert Ronald Box 402 Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7 (204) 857-5288 Fax: (204) 857-2877 jeffnurs@mts.net www.jeffriesnurseries.com


Lawyer Nursery Inc.

John Lawyer 6625 MT Highway 200 Plains, MT 59859-9216 (406) 826-3881 Fax: (406) 826-5700 trees@lawyernursery.com www.lawyernursery.com


Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Fred de Boer 25355 - 56 Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 1G5 (604) 856-1264 Fax: (604) 856-1273 sales@mainlandfloral.ca www.mainlandfloral.com


Neudorff North America

Cameron Wilson PO Box 178 Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1R3 (250) 652-5888 Fax: (250) 652-5788 info@neudorff.ca www.neudorffpro.com


Pacific West Perennial Growers Ltd. Neville Sinclair 22051 - 56 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 2M8 (604) 532-1898 Fax: (604) 532-1897 info@pacificwest-perennials.com www.pacificwest-perennials.com

Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Ed van Zanten 5151 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0L2 (604) 576-8641 Fax: (604) 576-6560 panam@panamnursery.com www.panamnursery.com

Paridon Horticultural Ltd.

Hans de Jongh 5985 - 104 Street Delta, BC V4K 3N3 (800) 586-5236 Fax: (604) 596-6155 reception@paridon.com www.paridon.com

Purple Springs Nursery

Joe Klassen / Ellen Dyck 4516 Hullcar Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 (877) 289-3813 Fax: (250) 546-9155 info@psnursery.com www.psnursery.com


Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. Kal Jhaj 4500 Stewart Road West Kelowna, BC V1W 4N5 (250) 764-2121 Fax: (250) 764-4421 kal@stewartnurseries.com www.stewartbrothersnurseries.com


TS Benefit Solutions

Todd Schwindt 544 Conestogo Road Waterloo, ON N2L 4E2 (519) 746-2288 Fax: (519) 746-2902 Toll Free: (800) 265-7282 todd@tsbenefits.net www.tsbenefits.net


Van Belle Nursery

DeVonne Friesen 34825 Hallert Road Abbotsford, BC V3G 1R3 (888) 826-2355 Fax: (604) 853-6282 devonne@vanbelle.com www.vanbelle.com



Casement, E. Brendan

Heuver, Henry

9112 - 152 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5E 2R7 (780) 476-3984 bcasement@shaw.ca

2626 - 48 Street Calgary, AB T2B 1M4 (403) 273-0113 Fax: (403) 248-6305 henry@foothillslandscaping.ca

Hartwell, Wade

Box 129 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A5 (403) 561-2400 wadehart@hotmail.com

Balogh, Doug


c/o City of Red Deer, Box 5008 Red Deer, AB T4N 3T4 (403) 342-8371 Fax: (403) 314-5836 doug.balogh@reddeer.ca

Davies, Milton

276, 6005 Gateway Blvd. Edmonton, AB T6H 2H3 (780) 718-2551 milton.davies@arbor-pro.ca

Dreaver, Ken

7320 - 98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6A 0A7 (780) 426-4110 Fax: (780) 426-4110 kdreaver@connect.ab.ca

Erickson, Ronald

Box 94 Viking, AB T0B 4N0 (780) 336-4946 Fax: (780) 336-4942 flowergardens10@hotmail.com

Forster, Don

RR 2 Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1W9 (780) 352-6900 Fax: (780) 352-6705 dforster@incentre.net

Heuver, Arnold


231124 Range Road 280 Rocky View, AB T1X 0H6 (403) 862-2398 arnoldheuver@platinum.ca

Jamal, Bashire

Box 22, Site 14, RR 7, Stn LCD 1 Calgary, AB T2P 2G7 (403) 235-4507 bashir.jamal@calgary.ca

Rankin, Gail

13067 - 115 Street Edmonton, AB T5E 5G4 (780) 944-1845 ranking@shaw.ca



Alberta Association of Landscape Architects Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 435-9902 aala@aala.ab.ca www.aala.ab.ca

Alberta Construction Association Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 455-1122 info@albertaconstruction.net www.albertaconstruction.net

Alberta Construction Safety Association

Edmonton, AB Phone: (800) 661-2272 edmonton@acsa-safety.org www.acsa-safety.org

Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA)

Edmonton, AB Phone: (800) 378-3198 member_services@agga.ca www.agga.ca

Alberta Invasive Species Council Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 415-2342 info@abinvasives.ca www.abinvasives.ca

Calgary Construction Association

Calgary, AB Phone: (403) 291-3350 mail@cca.ca www.cca.ca

Canadian Nursery Landscape Association

Milton, ON Phone: (888) 446-3499 info@canadanursery.com www.canadanursery.com

Edmonton Construction Association Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 483-1130 contact@edmca.com www.edmca.com

International Society of Arboriculture Prairie Chapter Office Phone: (866) 550-7464 office@isaprairie.com www.isaprairie.com

Irrigation Association, Canadian Prairie Chapter Calgary, AB Phone: (403) 828-5134 info@irrigationalberta.org www.irrigationalberta.org

Landscape Saskatchewan www.snla.ca

Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) Herndon, VA USA Phone: (800) 395-2522 info@landcarenetwork.org www.landcarenetwork.org

Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED)

Phone: (877) 837-ELMS pestman@shaw.ca www.stopded.org

Diagnostic Resources AGAT Laboratories

Edmonton: (780) 395-2525 Calgary: (403) 735-2005 Grande Prairie: (780) 402-2050 info@agatlabs.com www.agatlabs.com

Clifton Associates Ltd.

Edmonton: (780) 432-6441 Calgary: (403) 263-2556 Lloydminster: (780) 872-5980 webmaster@clifton.ca www.clifton.ca



Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development

Toso Bozic Woodlot Extension Specialist Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 415-2681 toso.bozic@gov.ab.ca www.agric.gov.ab.ca

Alberta Environment – Pesticide Branch

Vivian Servant Pesticide Certification Specialist Grande Prairie, AB Phone: (780) 538-8054 vivianne.servant@gov.ab.ca

Alberta Learning

Chris Robertson Manager, Trades and Occupations Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 427-8765 chris.robertson@gov.ab.ca




Olds College

Phone: (800) 661-6537 info@oldscollege.ca www.oldscollege.ca

Dr. Ken Fry, School of Environment Phone: (403) 556-8261 kfry@olsdcollege.ca

Darlene Morton, Program Coordinator Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship Program (LGAP) Phone: (403) 556-4775 dmorton@oldscollege.ca

Horticulture Research Vineland Research & Innovation Centre

Vineland Station, ON Phone: (905) 562-0320 info@vinelandresearch.com


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Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 Landscape Awards!

Earthlings Inc. HML Landscape Construction Ltd. Julia's Alpine Garden JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. Landform Inc. Peter Hughes Landscape Planta Landscaping Salisbury Landscaping ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc.

Look for this symbol. It indicates a 2013 Landscape Award Recipient.



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ADVERTISING INDEX A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. .............................................................67 Airdrie Tractorland ................................................Tab 3 (front) Arrowhead Nurseries ...........................................................44 Aurora Design......................................................................66 Blue Grass Nursery, Sod and Garden Centre .....................45 Brandt Tractor ..................................................................4, 56 Bron and Sons Nursery Co. Ltd...........................................38 Cannor Nurseries Spruce Grove Ltd. ..................................46 Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. ..................................Tab 1 (front) Clean Plants Program .........................................................75 Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. .......................Outside Back Cover Eco-Flex ..............................................................................29 Everblue Nursery........................................Inside Back Cover Finning Canada ...................................................Tab 2 (back) Foothills Nurseries Ltd. ........................................................42 Green Industry Show & Conference....................................65 International Nursery Products Inc. ......................Tab 2 (front) Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd....................................................35 Landscape Alberta Advertise with Us ..................................74 Landscape Alberta Landscape Awards................................63 Landscape Alberta Member Benefits.....................................3 Landscape Award Winners 2013 .........................................73 Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship Program ...................60 Landscape Industry Certified Program ................................41 Manderley Turf Products Inc................................................36 Mountain Sod & Seed Farm Ltd. .........................................50 Pan American Nursery Products Inc....................................30 Purple Springs Nursery ..............................Inside Front Cover Second Nature Compost .....................................................49 Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. ....................................................33 Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd............................Tab 3 (back) STOPDED ...........................................................................59 Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. .........................................................17 The Professional Gardener Co. Ltd.....................................55 Trees & Shrubs for the Prairies ...........................................52 Van Belle Nursery ................................................Tab 1 (back) 76


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