Green Industry 2015
Show & Conference
November 19 & 20, 2015 BMO Centre, Calgary, AB
Calga o ry for 20 15!
Industry-leading workshops for landscape, turf, tree, greenhouse, nursery and garden centre professionals - plus a 230 booth tradeshow! 1-800-378-3198
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We’re moving to Calgary for 2015!
In case you haven’t heard, we’re bringing the 2015 Green Industry Show and Conference to Calgary! It’s the first time since 1990 that we’ve hosted this event outside of Edmonton – there is a buzz of excitement among our staff, trade show exhibitors and industry supporters alike.
Our amazing team of staff and volunteers have put together a conference program aimed to inform and inspire everyone from designers to arborists, owners to students, growers to contractors. Our conference sessions are timely and responsive to industry issues - this event is not to be missed! Please join us this fall in Calgary to make new connections, build your business, and share in the success of our industry in Alberta and beyond.
Connect with us!
Dates and Times
Follow @LandscapeAB on Twitter to stay in the know about what is happening at the Green Industry Show and Conference.
Conference Thursday: 8:30 am - 12:15 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 12:15 pm
Table of Contents
Use the hashtag #2015gisc when tweeting about our event.
November 19 & 20, 2015 BMO Centre at Stampede Park Calgary, AB
Trade Show Thursday: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday: 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Schedule At-a-Glance ..................................................................4 Thursday Workshops ..................................................................6 Friday Workshops........................................................................9 How to Register............................................................................13 Registration Form ........................................................................14 Speaker Biographies ...................................................................17 Welcome Reception .....................................................................21 Other Events.................................................................................22 Hotel Information .........................................................................23 Exhibitor List ................................................................................25
2015 GISC I 3
Schedule At-a-Glance Wednesday, November 18
AGGA Garden Centre Bus Tour
Pick up at 9:00 am Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB. Page 22 for details.
Landscape Aberta Nursery Producers Annual Auction
7:00 pm Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB. Page 22 for details.
Thursday, November 19 Time
7:30 am - 8:30 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Registration, coffee and refreshments
Simple and Effective Ways to Enhance Your Home, Community, and the Larger World Brad Lancaster Reduce the Tree Canopy, Retain the Tree Philip van Wassenaer
Strengthen Your Social Marketing and Grow Your Business Katie Dubow Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop Dr. Ken Fry
SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design Daniel Tal
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
How Soil Health Provides Sustainable Landscapes & Protects the Environment Dr. Britt Faucette and Ron Alexander
Life after Neonicotinoids Rob O’Hara and Stan Vander Waal Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management Dr. Elizabeth Lamb Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop
10:30 am - 4:30 pm 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Earn Credits
4 I 2015 GISC
Dr. Ken Fry
GREEN INDUSTRY SHOW - HALL C Landscape Industry Certified Exams
Welcome Reception on the Trade Show Floor (pg 21)
Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group Meeting AGGA Annual General Meeting AGGA Garden Party
All conference sessions qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for renewing Landscape Industry Certified designations. Select sessions will provide CEUs for Pesticide Applicator Recertification and for ISA Certified Arborists (call Landscape Alberta office for details 1-800-378-3198).
Friday, November 20 Time
7:30 am - 8:30 am
8:30 am - 9:30 am
8:30 am - 10:15 pm
Registration, coffee and refreshments
Greenhouse Business Health Check Up Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza
Food Forests within the Landscape: Designed to Dine Kim Wickwire
Find Lost Profit in your Company with On-the-Job Training (OJT) Joel Beatson 3D Terrain Modeling in SketchUp Daniel Tal
Tree Risk Management Gordon Mann
365 Days of Container Sales Ideas
9:45 am - 10:45 am
10:30 am - 12:15 pm 10:30 am - 3:30 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Christina Salwitz
Principles, Practices, and Tips for Water-Harvesting Earthworks and Raingardens Brad Lancaster Get More Jobs Done On Time + On Budget with Better Job Costing! Mark Bradley C.A.R.E. Leadership Peter van Stralen
Panel: Trees in the Urban Landscape Moderator: Bonnie Fermanuik; Panel: Darby McGrath, Ron Alexander and TBA
GREEN INDUSTRY SHOW - HALL C Technology, Mobility and Apps, Oh My! Gord Koch
The Accountable Landscape Co. Developing Staff Who Care About the Bottom Line Mark Bradley
Your Customer Doesn’t Live Here Anymore Tom Shay
Landscape Alberta Sod Growers Group Annual Meeting
2015 GISC I 5
Thursday, November 19
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Integrated Local Harvests: Simple and Effective Ways to Enhance Your Home, Community, and the Larger World Brad Lancaster
This dynamic presentation shares patterns and strategies to harvest, integrate, and enliven free local resources—such as rain-, grey-, and storm waters; sun, wind, and shade; along with soil fertility, wild foods, and community fun—in a way that generates far more potential than the sum of their parts. You’ll see examples of transformation, including how once-dying wetlands and creek flows are being regenerated with simple hand-built structures made of on-site materials; and how once-blighted, overheated neighborhood streets are being rejuvenated into thriving greenbelts of water, people, wildlife, art, food, and celebration.
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Reduce the Tree Canopy, Retain the Tree Philip van Wassenaer
This presentation examines aspects of crown reduction from several different perspectives. An understanding of natural tree survival strategies informs management approaches for aging trees. Large pruning wounds can lead to significant decay and structural weakness but if too little is cut, the tree may break, also causing large wounds. How do we find the appropriate dose? The techniques used for maintaining aging trees can also be applied to younger or storm-damaged trees.
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Strengthen Your Social Marketing and Grow Your Business Katie Dubow (@KatieGMG)
Is your head is spinning in the sea of social media? You are not alone. There is no play book, and there are no rules. There are, however, some basic principles and a few secrets that will help you navigate the social media waters and help further brand your company. From Facebook to Pinterest, you will gain insight into social media trends, strategies and secrets to make waves in the sea of social media.
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8:30 am - 10:15 am 10:30 am - 12:15 pm
Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop Dr. Ken Fry
This session will be hands-on, using microscopes to examine common landscape pests and the damage they cause. We will also be discussing and demonstrating mobile digital apps for use in diagnostics and pest management. You are encouraged to bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session.
A second session on this topic will be offered from 10:30 am - 12:15 pm. When registering, please indicate which time slot you prefer to attend. SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design Daniel Tal
Daniel provides a holistic lecture on the uses of 3D modeling and other technology for landscape design projects. We will review the basics of 3D modeling approaches for landscape designers and contractors and include live demonstrations of how SketchUp can be used to model a detailed site plan. The seminar will include a discussion on the economics behind 3D modeling and how to evolve 3D models into more articulated, realistic renderings excellent for proposals or awarded projects.
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
Life after Neonicotinoids Rob O’Hara and Stan Vander Waal Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management Dr. Elizabeth Lamb
Life after Neonicotinoids With increased public and supplier pressure to eliminate the use of neonicotinoid pesticide in production practices, growers today are faced with how to adapt to life without it. Stan Vander Waal, President of Rainbow Greenhouses, will talk about the customer pressure that led to their reduced use of “neonics� this past growing season. Rob O'Hara, Head Grower at Rainbow Greenhouses, will discuss the alternative strategies that helped them achieve this goal.
Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management In order for biological control of greenhouse insect pests to be successful, a grower needs a good IPM program and lots of information. The Greenhouse Scout mobile app was developed to provide a reference on insect pests and the beneficials that can be used to manage them. To encourage efficient monitoring, it is paired with a program that allows you to enter scouting data directly into your smartphone and view results over time. Learn how to use the app and how the data it collects will help you manage your business. 2015 GISC I 7
How Soil Health Provides Sustainable Landscapes & Protects the Environment Dr. Britt Faucette and Ron Alexander
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
This workshop will focus on the importance, need and benefits of soil health in landscape construction projects.
Ron Alexander will present on Compost use in Landscape and Turf Management, providing a clear understanding of organic matter, explaining why compost is so important to soil health, and ensuring you can identify quality compost for landscape applications and soil blending. Ron will also bring you up to date on sustainable landscaping and green infrastructure trends.
Dr. Britt Faucette will address Compost use in Non-Traditional Applications – Soil and Water Protection, including erosion and sediment control, storm water management techniques, and compost applications for Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Buildings.
8 I 2015 GISC
Friday, November 20
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Greenhouse Business Health Check Up Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza
Did you know that plant problems can become cash flow problems if not diagnosed and treated at the right time? Learn about iron efficient and inefficient plants, diseases and insects that cause businesses to suffer, the dangers of over-using growth regulators, and the successes of Dr. Mirza’s plant diet strategies. This session will benefit ornamental, bedding plant and vegetable growers and provide key tools for diagnostics and treatment.
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Food Forests within the Landscape: Designed to Dine Kim Wickwire
It takes all segments of our industry to work together to make a movement happen. Food crops of all sorts and sizes are excellent additions to both residential and commercial landscape projects. Veggies, herbs, prairie hardy fruit - plants are valuable to humans and all sorts of creatures. To make this happen, growers, retailers and landscapers need to talk, and sooner rather than later! We will take a look at the plants that have great potential for all types of clients and planting situations.
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Find Lost Profit in your Company with On-the-Job Training (OJT) Joel Beatson
Do you want to find the “stolen profit” in your company? Do you want to unlock a level of efficiency and engagement in your staff that makes you money? If so, OJT is just the thing you are looking for. By focusing on the areas of lost productivity, lost materials, and lost time (safety), you can eliminate waste and thus increase profit. This one-hour session on the OJT method is designed to introduce you to this pragmatic training system and demonstrate the advantages of the full OJT workshop - designed to teach people how to unleash a lean management culture in everyday, on-the-job situations.
2015 GISC I 9
8:30 am - 10:15 am 8:30 am - 10:15 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am
3D Terrain Modeling in SketchUp Daniel Tal
Daniel will provide a hands-on live demonstration of how to model a site plan onto existing site terrain. The lecture will show a step-by-step modeling process that includes steps, walls, roads, walks, vegetation and structures. He will demonstrate how to model proposed grades from existing contour information, how to integrate the model into free, high-resolution Google Earth aerials and generate new contour information useful for constructing the site. Tree Risk Management Gordon Mann
Arborists experience risk management related to trees every time we visit a location, assess trees, prepare for, and perform tree work. How that risk is determined, how it is communicated to the client, and how it is managed is critical to growing trees where people live, work, and play. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the values trees provide and why they are worth investing in. We’ll explore the process for developing clear mitigation specifications to perform quality tree work and reduce the risk associated with trees. 365 Days of Container Sales Ideas Christina Salwitz
From New Year’s Day to December 31st, a well-designed container garden has the ability to impact sales in countless ways. From gloves to miniatures, from edibles to art, the only limit is your business-savvy imagination. New and repeat customers are relying on YOU to set the pace of new ideas in container gardening. Learn how to translate container design ideas into bigger sales volume through the year. Principles, Practices, and Tips for Water-Harvesting Earthworks and Raingardens Brad Lancaster
Plant the rain before you plant your trees to boost production, reduce flooding, conserve water, and create sustainable oases around your homes and community infrastructure. Raingardens and other small-scale earthworks quickly infiltrate rainfall into the soil where less is lost to evaporation, while reducing erosion. Living “pumps” of vegetation then enable us to access that water. Learn simple principles and tips to leverage greater success as you implement these simple and effective passive systems.
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Friday con’t...
9:45 am- 10:45 am
Get More Jobs Done On Time + On Budget with Better Job Costing! Mark Bradley
TBG Landscape has been a fixture on Lawn and Landscape magazine’s top-100 list for several years, but what is so outstanding about their achievement is their industry-leading productivity. Their sales-per-person always rank at or near the top of the list. So join Mark as he describes the methods TBG employees use to increase the velocity of their jobs and the productivity of their team by: • Using equipment to reduce job time and overhead costs • Knowing when to invest in equipment/overhead • Building a company where everyone is accountable to the estimate
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
C.A.R.E. Leadership Peter van Stralen
Whether you are a business owner, a team leader or a new hire looking to contribute to the team, the C.A.R.E. leadership program can enhance your success. Businessman and author Peter van Stralen will share a clear road map to building and sustaining a Culture of C.A.R.E. within your company. It’s all about the culture, van Stralen argues, and each principle he teaches — ranging from “Create a Remarkable Experience” to “Be Humble” to “Listen Well and Communicate with Respect” — gets leaders one step closer to creating a team that is competent, fun, fulfilled, engaged, and committed to giving customers the best service possible. All session attendees will receive a copy of Peter’s book! Panel: Trees in the Urban Landscape Moderator: Bonnie Fermanuik Panel: Darby McGrath, Ron Alexander and TBA
Whether it be loss of tree canopy to a major storm, tree mortality issues in new developments, or the latest pest or disease that threatens our urban forests – all of these factors pose a risk to trees in our cities. Join us for several short presentations on important factors in tree health that will lead in to a moderated discussion on what we can do, individually and collectively, to give trees the best chance to thrive in an urban jungle.
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Friday con’t...
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Technology, Mobility and Apps, Oh My! Gord Koch
As the use of mobile smart devices grows, related “apps” and technology for the horticulture industry are bringing new opportunities to the table for improved productivity, accessible information sharing and data resources. The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of horticulture related apps and technologies including GPS/GIS, image enhancement, greenhouse production, insect scouting, turfgrass management, plant identification, landscape design and industry calculations. This session will also reflect on the software and web services that organizations are using, along with the migration of data and information to cloud-based platforms for information access and sharing.
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Accountable Landscape Co. Developing Staff Who Care About the Bottom Line Mark Bradley
In this session, you’ll learn the key systems used by TBG to earn a healthy bottom line because of their workforce….not in spite of it. What’s most shocking about their numbers is how they’ve been able to make profit with half the staff of most of their peers. • How to hire and who to hire • How to show opportunity to new employees • Daily systems that keep problems in check • Incentives that show ‘What’s in it for me?” to staff
Your Customer Doesn’t Live Here Anymore Tom Shay
This seminar presents solid, tried and proven ideas that businesses can examine and utilize as they develop that "always do business here first!" feeling with their customer. Identify what type of business you should be; recognize the five types of customers and target those you want to attract; develop the customer service techniques that customers crave; fulfill the customer’s equation for value. Sound interesting? Don’t miss this session with Tom Shay! This conference program was jointly developed by Landscape Alberta and the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association.
12 I 2015 GISC
How to Register 3 options available:
Regis October 3 ter before 0 name ente and have your red to win a S into a draw amsung tablet!
1. Full Conference Pass: Includes access to all sessions on Thursday, November 19 and Friday, November 20.
2. Thursday Only Pass: A one-day pass that gives you access to all sessions on Thursday, November 19.
3. Friday Only Pass: A one-day pass that gives you access to all sessions on Friday, November 20. All conference registrations include entry to the Trade Show. 2 ways to register:
1. Online Visit Select the conference pass of your choice and complete the registration form. 2. Email/Fax/Mail Complete one registration form (next page) per person and return with payment to: Email: Fax: 780-444-2152 Mail: 200, 10331-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5
Member Rate Landscape Alberta, Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) and International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) members are entitled to member pricing.
Early Bird prices are applicable only to registrations received prior to 4:00 pm October 30, 2015; after this date, standard pricing applies. Pre-registration accepted until 4:00 pm Friday, November 13; registration after this date must be onsite.
Inquiries: 1-800-378-3198
2015 GISC I 13
The Green Industry Conference 2015
Please use a separate form for each person registering. Photocopy for additional forms.
First Name
Last Name
Company Mailing Address City/Town
Postal Code
Please select your choice and total your costs
Please make your workshop selections on the next page
Full Conference Pass
Choice of any workshops and general sessions
Early Bird
After Oct.30
Member Non Member Student*
__ $255.00 __ $330.00 __ $155.00
__ $300.00 __ $365.00 __ $205.00
Member Non Member
__ $160.00 __ $230.00
__ $195.00 __ $265.00
Member Non Member
__ $160.00 __ $230.00
__ $195.00 __ $265.00
__ $80.00 __ $10.00
__ $90.00 __ $10.00
*Must show student ID onsite.
Thursday Only Pass
Friday Only Pass
Please make workshop selection(s) on next page.
Additional Events: AGGA Bus Tour, Wednesday, November 18 AGGA Garden Party, Thursday, November 19 Member rates apply to those who are members of Landscape Alberta, the AGGA or ISA. Please check if you are a member of:
14 I 2015 GISC
__ Landscape Alberta __ AGGA __ ISA
GST 5%
Conference Session Selection
Please assist us by indicating your session choices. You may change your selections at any time.
Thursday, November 19 8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am 8:30 am - 10:15 am 8:30 am - 10:15 am 10:30 am - 12:15 am 10:30 am - 12:15 am 10:30 am - 12:15 am 10:30 am - 12:15 am
Friday, November 20 8:30 am - 9:30 am 8:30 am - 9:30 am 8:30 am - 9:30 am 8:30 am - 10:15 am 8:30 am - 10:15 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am
10:30 am - 12:15 pm 10:30 am - 12:15 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Payment ___ VISA
__ Simple and Effective Ways to Enhance Your Home, Community, and the Larger World __ Reduce the Tree Canopy, Retain the Tree __ Strengthen Your Social Marketing and Grow Your Business __ Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop* __ SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design __ How Soil Health Provides Sustainable Landscapes __ Life after Neonicotinoids Greenhouse Scout: Mobile App Pest Management __ Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop* *Seating is limited to 20 per session.
__ Greenhouse Business Health Check Up __ Food Forests within the Landscape: Designed to Dine __ Find Lost Profit in your Company with OJT __ 3D Terrain Modeling in SketchUp __ Tree Risk Management __ 365 Days of Container Sales Ideas, __ Water-Harvesting Earthworks and Raingardens __ Get More Jobs Done On Time + On Budget with Better Job Costing! __ C.A.R.E. Leadership __ Panel: Trees in the Urban Landscape __ Technology, Mobility and Apps, Oh My! __ Developing Staff Who Care About the Bottom Line __ Your Customer Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (GST Reg #107595530)
___ MasterCard
Please print clearly
___ Cheque enclosed, payable to GISC ($50.00 NSF fee)
Card # ____________________________________________________Expiry_______/_______ Signature (required)______________________________________________________________ Cardholder name (print)__________________________________________________________
Refund policy: Registration cancellations made thirty (30) days prior to the event will be fully refunded. If less than thirty (30) days prior to the event, cancellations will be accepted until Thursday, November 5, 2015 and registration fees, less a 25% administration fee, will be refunded. Any registrations cancelled after Thursday, November 5, 2015 will not be refunded for any reason. If the event is cancelled by the Association, a full refund will be granted. A copy of our refund policy is available on request.
2015 GISC I 15
16 I 2015 GISC
Speaker Biographies Ron Alexander is a horticulturist with almost 30 years of experience working with compost and other organic recycled products. He is President of consulting company R. Alexander Associates, Inc., and has presented over 300 papers as well as authoring the Field Guide to Compost Use, the AASHTO Erosion Control Specifications for Compost, and Landscape Architecture Specifications for Compost Utilization.
Joel Beatson is the Executive Director of Landscape Alberta and is one of Canada’s first OJT Master Trainers, as well as a Landscape Industry Certified Manager. Joel spends his spare time slaying dragons with his wizard companion, Declan, and cooking feasts worthy of much song and drink.
Mark Bradley is the founder and president of TBG Landscape, a full service landscape contracting firm from Toronto. In just 13 short years, Mark has grown his business from grassroots start-up to annual sales of over $17 million while designing and installing some of Ontario's most prestigious residential design/build projects. Mark has recently opened up his business and exposed the systems that grew his company by founding the Landscape Management Network, an online collection of tools, software, and education to help landscape contractors improve the way they see and manage their businesses.
Katie Dubow is creative director at Garden Media Group, a public relations firm that specializes in the lawn and garden industry. You can find her enhancing brands’ reputations, building killer campaigns and launching new products at the firm’s world headquarters, and only location, in Kennett Square, PA. Her goal is to convince people that brown thumbs can be turned green.
Britt Faucette, Ph.D., is an Ecosystem Scientist, Certified Professional of Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC), and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP). Dr. Faucette currently directs research and technical services programs for several companies within the storm water management and the organics recycling industries. He has authored nearly 20 scientific peer-reviewed journal publications, over 100 popular press articles and developed federal and state specifications on organic materials used in erosion and sediment control and storm water management. Dr. Ken Fry, Coordinator for the Horticulture Program and Entomology Instructor at Olds College, has been involved in insect pest management research, teaching and extension for 25 years, including nine years as a research scientist at the Alberta Research Council. His research is focused on biological control of insect pests and integrated pest management.
Gord Koch is in his 15th year as an instructor at the Olds College School of Animal Sciences and Horticulture. With a special interest in the latest technology tools, he delivers courses in the management, design and implementation of traditional and sustainable landscape applications. Prior to joining Olds College, Gord spent 25 years managing the design and installation of large-scale public and commercial landscape projects. Gord holds a master’s degree in education, in addition to designations as a Landscape Architectural Technologist, Journeyman Landscape Gardener and Green Roof Professional.
2015 GISC I 17
Dr. Elizabeth Lamb is the coordinator for the ornamentals section of the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. She has the pleasure of working with greenhouse, nursery, and Christmas tree growers throughout the state to help them manage insect, disease and weed pests.
Rob O’Hara is the Head Grower of Rainbow greenhouse of Chilliwack BC. He manages 50 acres of production of various crops across three locations; two in BC and one in Alberta. Rob was born and raised in Saskatchewan and has worked for Rainbow Greenhouse for the past 18 years.
Gordon Mann is a consulting arborist and urban forester with 37 years of experience in public works and urban tree management. He served as Village Forester in Brookfield, IL, Tree Maintenance Supervisor with the City of San Mateo, CA, and public works superintendent and City Arborist in Redwood City, CA. Gordon is passionate about the benefits trees provide people, tree care standards, conserving large trees, managing risk, and clear specifications for work.
Tom Shay will provide attendees with the “nuts and bolts” necessary to improve the operation and profitability of their businesses. He has authored eleven books on small business management and a college textbook on small business accounting and business planning. Tom has also earned the Certified Speaking Professional distinction, attained by only 8 percent of speakers worldwide.
Brad Lancaster is a dynamic teacher, consultant, and designer of regenerative systems that sustainably enhance local resources and our global potential. His hometown projects have included working with the City of Tucson and other municipalities to legalize, incentivize, and provide guidance on water-harvesting systems, demonstration sites, and policy. He is the author of the award-winning, best-selling book series Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, the website, and its Drops in a Bucket blog.
Dr. Moyhuddin Mirza retired from a successful career with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development in October 2008 and is now a consultant for the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) for education and extension. He shares his wide field of experience, expertise and enthusiasm with greenhouse businesses in Alberta and beyond, and maintains an active interest in the development of the industry. 18 I 2015 GISC
Christina Salwitz is THE Personal Garden Coach. She is a horticultural guidance counselor, cheerleader and hand-holder. She teaches gardeners how to get the best from their landscape by saving labour, time and money while focusing on fabulous foliage to give year round “awe factor”! An experienced horticulturist of more than 20 years, Christina designs small space and container gardens. She also has a long history of experience as a buyer and manager in nurseries and an extensive customer service background.
Peter van Stralen is a highly sought after and nationally admired author, business coach and keynote speaker. His engaging talks have influenced leaders to build better lives, teams and company cultures. He is the author of the book C.A.R.E. Leadership which shares the extraordinary story of how the ten van Stralen brothers built The Grounds Guys® from a small start-up to a multimillion-dollar multinational brand, highlighting eight simple but powerful leadership principles.
Invermere BC - based high end residential landscape construction company for sale. Most prestigious client list in the area. Contact Rick at 250-341-1589 for details.
20 I 2015 GISC
Daniel Tal is a landscape architect with over 17 years of experience and has worked on a variety of projects ranging from large master plans to capital projects in the US and internationally. Daniel combines his experience in the design profession with his knowledge of 3D applications, allowing a high-level of articulation and presentation of project design. He is currently leading a 3D viz studio for Stanley Consultants, a 1000+ engineering firm in Denver, Colorado. Stan Vander Waal and his wife, Wilma, started Rainbow Greenhouses in Chilliwack in 1985. Since then, Rainbow has expanded their operations to include two locations in British Columbia and one in Alberta, for a combined total of over 2.5 million square feet of growing space. Rainbow Greenhouses Inc. is a privately owned wholesale grower and distributor of potted plants, serving various markets in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well as Washington, USA.
Philip van Wassenaer, B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Master of Forest Conservation, is the principal consultant for Urban Forest Innovations, Inc., which specializes in the preservation, enhancement and management of the urban forest using a research- and science-based approach. He is an ISA Certified Arborist, member of ASCA, a Past President and Director of the Ontario Urban Forest Council. Kim Wickwire grew up at her Mom and Dad's side in the family vegetable and flower gardens where she learned at a very young age that the production of good food is the foundation for good health. She gained an appreciation for the hard work that is involved in growing that good food through working alongside them. Kim attended the Olds College Horticulture Program, and now teaches horticulture courses at the college.
GET TOGETHER Food, drinks and great company!
What: When: Where:
Olds College Brewery Beer Tasting & Social Thursday, November 19 3:30 - 5:00 pm Trade Show Floor, concesssion area
Tickets available on the trade show floor. Exhibitors call the Landscape Alberta office to pre-order tickets: 1-800-378-3198.
2015 GISC I 21
We invite you to join us at our Annual Live & Silent Auction Presented by:
Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary AB Join in the fun at this year’s auction Hot hors d’oeuvres, carving station and cash bar Everyone welcome - this event is free to attend!
Proceeds go toward horticultural research programs and projects
Sponsored by:
AGGA Bus Tour Pre²Conference Event
We Wedne Wedn Wednesday, Nove Novembe November Nov 18 2015 18, 2 To of Tou Tour o th the C Cal Calga Calgar Calgary aarea: ar Su Sunnysid Sunnysi Sunnys Sunny Sunn Sunnyside G Gr Gree Greenh Greenho Greenhou Greenhous Greenhouse Greenhouses Ltd Ltd. Lt | Greengate Gree Greeng Greenga Gr Gar Gard Garden G Cent Centr Centre Centres Ce Ltd. Ltd L Urban Ur Urba Green Gr G Produce Pro Prod Produ Produc Pr Inc. IInc Tour bus host: Dr. Mirza
PrePre-registration registrati is registrat registra regist regi re i required. require re req requ requi required Se See ppage pa 13 1 or o visit vi visi v http://2015gisc.eventbrite ht htt http http: http:/ http:// http://2 http://20 http://2015 http://2015gi http://2015gisc http://2015gisc. http://2015gisc.e http://2015gisc.ev http://2015gisc.eve http://2015gisc.even http://2015gisc.event http://2015gisc.eventb http://2015gisc.eventbri http://2015gisc.eventbrit http://2015gisc.eventbrite. h http://2015gisc.eventbrite.c For more information on the bus tour visit &OLFN RQ ³&RQIHUHQFH ,QIRUPDWLRQ´
Held in conjunction with the 2015 Green Industry Show & Conference.
Open to all AGGA members and friends of the AGGA.
Tickets $10
Advance registration requested. Register online at: or visit and click on Conference Information, then on Conference Program & Registration
22 I 2015 GISC
Thursday | November 19 | 2015 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM BMO Centre at Stampede Park | Calgary
Executive Royal Hotel & Conference Centre 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8T4 Rates from: $129.00 Deluxe accommodation, 1 or 2 queen $139.00 Standard King accommodation, 1 king $159.00 Executive accommodation, 1 king w/pull out sofa
All rates are based on single/double occupancy, each additional adult $10.00. Taxes not included. Rates include complimentary parking for registered guests, complimentary high-speed internet access, free local calls and a refrigerator in all rooms.
Reservations: 1-877-769-2562 Group booking name: Landscape Alberta Online:
For a list of alternate hotels, visit
Enter to win one of three Fitbits! Pick up a tradeshow passport, visit all participating exhibitors (listed below) and enter the draw! Passports available at the registration desk or at Landscape Alberta booth 100.
Ball Horticultural Company Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Cervus Equipment Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Florists Supply Ltd. High Q Greenhouses Horta-Craft Limited Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries Landscape Alberta Manderley Turf Products Inc. Olds College Regency Irrigation Ltd. Rocky Mountain Equipment Southern Irrigation Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. 2015 GISC I 23
Thank you to our 2015 GISC Sponsors!
As of July 31, 2015
BM Centre BMO C Ce Cen Centr a at Stampede Stamp Stampe Stamped Sta Pa Par | Ca Park Cal Calg Calga Calgary C | Al A Alb Albe Albert Alberta
A World W Wor of P Po Poss Possi Possibilit Possibilities $OEHUWD¶V WUDGH VKRZ ZLWK 150 exhibitors showcasing products & services for the landscape, greenhouse, garden centre, nursery, turf and tree care industry!! Show Hours: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:30 am ² 4:30 pm Friday, November 20, 2015 10:30 am ² 3:30 pm
1-800-378-3198 24 I 2015 GISC
Exhibitor List
Trade Show Hours
Thursday, November 19 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday, November 20 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Admission: $10 at the door Trade show admission is included with all conference registrations.
A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. ADVANCE Nursery Co. Ltd. Alberta Agriculture & Forestry Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development Alberta Invasive Species Council Apple Creek Propagators Atlasta Tree Nursery Aubin Nurseries Ltd. Ball Horticultural Company Ball Seed - Greenhouse Equipment Biobest Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Brandt Tractor Ltd. Brico Services Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Brothers Two Small Engines Inc. Bugle Forklilft Sales and Rentals Ltd. Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd. BW Global Structures Inc. Bylands Nurseries Ltd. C Y Grower Supplies Ltd. Canadian Nursery Landscape Association Canadian Prairie Chapter, Irrigation Association Canadian Sunlight Enterprises Ltd. Cannor Nurseries Ltd. Carlton Plants LLC Cervus Equipment Construction
Cervus Equipment Forklifts & Material Handling Cervus Equipment Agriculture Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Clearview Horticultural Products Inc. Clifty View Nursery CLS Landscape Supply Coaldale Nurseries CORIX Water Products Crescent Garden Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. - Evergro Division DeCloet Greenhouse Manufacturing Ltd. Devan Greenhouses Ltd. DeVry Greenhouses Ltd. Drive Products D端mmen Orange Dutchman Industries Inc. DynaSCAPE Software Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply Earth Smart Solutions ECCO Recycling Edmonton Potato Growers Enertec Mechanical Expocrete, an Oldcastle company Finning (Canada) Florists Supply Ltd. Foothills Nurseries Ltd. Four Seasons Nursery Frensch, C. Ltd. Garden Essentials Garden Marketing Group Green Patch Environmental Consulting Ltd. Health Canada, PMRA Henri Studio by Stonecasters LLC High Q Greenhouses HJS Wholesale Ltd. Holt Industrial Holt Tree Spades Ltd. Horta-Craft Limited HortProtect - CNLA
2015 GISC I 25
Houle Country Inline Nurseries (2010) Inc. Intercontinental Truck Body Iseli Nursery J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. J.R.T. Nurseries Inc. Jack Van Klaveren Ltd. (JVK) Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. John Deere Landscapes Jolly Farmer Products Inc. Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd. Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries Kubota Canada Ltd. L & M Sales Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. Landscape Alberta Landscape Industry Certified Program - CNLA Larchwood Nurseries Lawyer Nursery Inc. Lemar Tree Spades Link Green Linnaea Nurseries Limited LMN - Landscape Management Network Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Manderley Turf Products Inc. McKenzie Seeds Monrovia Growers Mountain Bark Inc. Nektar Data Systems Inc. Nordic Nurseries Olds College Ontario Seed Company Limited Pacific Rim Brackets Ltd. Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Paridon Horticultural Ltd. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Pickseed Canada Inc. Porous Pave Inc. Premier Tech Home & Garden IGC Professional Gardener Co. Ltd., The Purple Springs Nursery RayMax Equipment Sales Regency Irrigation Ltd. 26 I 2015 GISC
Rick's Concrete Products/ Fountain Factory Rocky Mountain Equipment Rocky Mountain Landscape Bark RyMar Synthetic Grass Sea Soil™ /Foenix Forest Technology Inc. Second Nature Compost - City of Edmonton Sester Farms Inc. Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) Southern Irrigation Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. Square Canada Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. Stokes Seeds Limited Sun Gro Horticulture Inc. TerraLink Horticulture Inc. The Grounds Guys Top Spray® Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. Troxler Canada West TWD Lawn & Garden Products Urban Green Produce Inc. Valleybrook Gardens Ltd. Van Belle Nursery Van Noort Bulb Company Vanhof and Blokker Ltd. Vanstone Nurseries VRE Systems Wellmaster Carts, Div. of Wellmaster Pipe & Supply Inc. West Coast Floral Growers & Distributors Ltd. West Coast Seeds Wescan Marketing Inc. Western Isuzu Truck Westland Ltd. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Zeller & Sons Enterprises Exhibitor List is current as of July 31, 2015. For up-to-date list visit:
The Cat M Series Small Wheel Loader will increase power by up to 10% for maximum productivity and decrease fuel consumption by 35%* for more efficiency.
*35% when compared to 938H **Savings based on 938M versus 938H, working 50 hours per week . © 2015 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
Green Industry Show & Conference Administration Office 200, 10331 - 178 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5