2016 Green Industry Show & Conference Program

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It all happens here learn, network, discover. Industry-leading workshops for landscape, turf, tree, greenhouse, nursery and garden centre professionals - plus the largest industry tradeshow on the Prairies!

www.greenindustryshow.com 1-800-378-3198

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Join Us! The Green Industry Show and Conference is back in Edmonton for 2016! Our amazing team of staff and volunteers have put together a conference programme aimed to inform and inspire everyone from designers to arborists, owners to students, growers to contractors. Our conference sessions are mely and responsive to industry issues - with an updated format for 2016 that focuses on variety with 32 one-hour sessions over the two days. New this year are two full-day pre-conference workshops designed to fill the need of more in-depth technical level professional development. This year we have two workshops: one for Greenhouse growers, and the other for Landscape Designers and Architects. Please join us this November to make new connec ons, build your business, and share in the success of our industry in Alberta and beyond.

Connect with us!

Dates and Times

Use the hashtag #2016GISC when twee ng about our event.

November 16 - 18, 2016 Edmonton Expo Centre at Northlands

Follow @landscapeab on Twi er to stay in the know about what is happening at the Green Industry Show and Conference.

Pre-show Workshops Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Conference Thursday: 8:00 am – 12:25 pm Friday: 8:00 am – 12:25 pm

Table of Contents

Trade Show Thursday: 10:30 am – 4:30 pm Friday: 10:30 am – 3:30 pm Schedule At-A-Glance ..........................................................................4 Pre-show Workshops...........................................................................6 Thursday Sessions ...............................................................................8 Friday Sessions....................................................................................13 How to Register...................................................................................14 Registra on Form................................................................................14 Speaker Biographies............................................................................21 Hotel Informa on................................................................................24 Tailgate Party ......................................................................................25 Other Events .......................................................................................25 Exhibitor List .......................................................................................26 2016 GISC I 3

Wednesday, November 16 Time

Workshop/Event Registra on and Coffee

8:00 am 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Dynascape Design Workshop, Edmonton Expo Centre, Northlands

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

AGGA Day of Discovery, Edmonton Expo Centre, Northlands

7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Annual Auc on Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel, 10155 105 Street, Edmonton, AB

Thursday, November 17 Time


7:00 - 8:00 am

Registra on and coffee

8:00- 9:00 am

Managing Tree Roots in Nursery Produc on

Designing for Profit Patrick DuChene

9:05- 10:05 am

Mario Lanthier

Landscape Design/Build Workflow:  From Design to Implenta on

Invita on to The Edible Garden Excellence: High Performance Movement Paul Zammit Orienta on

Pest Diagnosis I Dr. Ken Fry

Pest Diagnosis II Dr. Ken Fry

Kristen Cumming

Gord Koch


10:05 - 10:20 am

10:20-11:20 am

Light for the Northern Grower Dr. Christopher Currey

Let it Suck - The Value of Discomfort Hydroponic Herb in Performance Produc on Dr. Christopher Currey Management Kristen Cumming

Improve Your Business with the Canadian Landscape Standards

Pest Diagnosis III Dr. Ken Fry

Phil Paxton

Green Industry Show - Hall E

10:30 am- 4:30 pm

Permeable Pavement Design and 11:25 am-12:25 pm Construc on David Hein

Cloud for the Anywhere Workplace Lindsay Dodd

Greening the Highways Dr. Darby McGrath

Pest Diagnosis IV Dr. Ken Fry

1:00- 5:00 pm

Landscape Industry Cer fied Wri en Exams

3:30- 5:00 pm

Landscape Alberta Tailgater on the Trade Show Floor (pg 25)

4:30- 6:00 pm

Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group Mee ng

5:00- 5:30 pm

AGGA Annual General Mee ng

5:30- 10:00 pm

AGGA Garden Party

4 I 2016 GISC

Friday, November 18 Time


7:00 - 8:00 am

Registra on and coffee

8:00 - 9:00 am

Managing the Design Process Patrick DuChene

9:05 - 10:05 am

Maintenance of Permeable Pavements David Hein

Designing Winter Container Arrangements

The B-Myth Laurie Daschuk

Tree Pest Management Clinic Mario Lanthier

Paul Zammit

5 Things Your Customers Can do IPM Minor Use Be er Than You New Products When it Comes to and Trends Social Media Peter Isaacson Lynn Switanowski-

Selling Fish at a Meat Market Mark Bradley



10:05 - 10:20 am

10:20-11:20 am

Preparing for the 2017 Growing Season Dr. Allen Hammer

Zero Inbox Laurie Daschuk

Succession Planning for Family Business Johnathan Small

Bruce Kay

Green Industry Show - Hall E

10:30 am - 3:30 pm

Engaged: The Next Social Innova on Genera on of in the Green 11:25 am -12:25 pm Hor culture Industry Professionals (panel) Gord Koch 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Synthe c Turf Uses in the Landscape

Kim Wickwire

Drone Use in Hor culture Anne Smith

Coun ng Pennies... Saving Dollars... Learn How - Star ng Now Lynn SwitanowskiBarre

Landscape Alberta Sod Growers Mee ng

Earn Credits (CEUs) All conference sessions qualify for educa onal points for renewing Landscape Industry Cer fied designa ons. Look for this symbol. It denotes one or more credits available at a par cular session for Alberta Environment’s pes cide applicator license renewal. This symbol denotes credits are available for ISA Con nuing Educa on Units.

Thank you to our conference sponsors!

2016 GISC I 5

Pre-show Workshops DynsSCAPE Design Workshop Wednesday, November 16 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm This one-day workshop will give landscape designers a deep insight into quick techniques to take their drawings to the next level, not to men on drama cally speeding up their design process. Register today and join Patrick DuChene of DuChene Design Solu ons on an adventure through DS|Design. A endees must bring their own Windows-based laptop and mouse.


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LLocated o 5 kms east of Strathmore, AB on Range Road 245 6 I 2016 GISC

AGGA Day of Discovery Wednesday, November 16 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Together we have an amazing amount of shared knowledge and experience. The AGGA Day of Discovery connects you with your peers and local experts on the topics of the day. Learn, share, grow! • • • • • • • • •

Social Media and You Chris e Pollock Ge ng Financing: What to Expect and Common Obstacles Patricia Booy Green Cer ficate Program Raelene Mercer How to: Create a MailChimp Newsle er Debbie Foisy Sanita on in your Greenhouse Sarah Brackman AgriStability 101 Leslie Garries The Adventures of a Greenhouse Grower Nadine S elow Growing for the Restaurant Industry Chef Jason Oliver 30 Great Gadgets in 30 minutes Michiel Verheul



25355 - 56TH AVE. ALDERGROVE, BC V4W 1G5 P. (604) 856-1264 F. (604) 856-1273 E. ZHSLZ'THPUSHUKÅVYHS JH W. THPUSHUKÅVYHS JVT 2016 GISC I 7

Conference Sessions

Thursday, November 17 Designing for Profit

Light for the Northern Grower

Patrick DuChene 8:00 – 9:00 am Maximizing the effec veness and efficiencies for a landscape designer isn’t always easy. In this session, you find out how to leverage your work space and design tools for top produc vity, refining your design process, developing internal and external communica on processes, and being empowered to understand how your design decisions may impact the profitability of the job.

Dr. Christopher Currey 8:00 – 9:00 am Light affects plant growth in different ways and in the north, managing light can be one the grower’s biggest challenges. Light intensity, light quality, and day length affect the growth and development of greenhouse crops differently. In this session, we will discuss how light affects plant growth and ac ons you can take in the greenhouse. From selec ng supplemental lights to managing the photoperiod, this should be an illumina ng session for any greenhouse grower!

Managing Tree Roots in Nursery Produc on Mario Lanthier 8:00 – 9:00 am Trees of good quality have a root system growing away from the trunk, similar to the spokes on a bicycle wheel. But not all trees are the same; some roots can cause serious problems and trees usually do not correct these defec ve roots. This session will examine common root defects on bare root trees and methods to correct them. There will also be a show-andtell with live specimens. Expect to be surprised! 8 I 2016 GISC

Pest Diagnosis I Dr. Ken Fry 8:00 – 9:00 am This session is hands-on, using microscopes to examine common pests and the damage they cause. It will also be exploring and demonstra ng mobile digital apps for use in diagnos cs and pest management. Bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session.

Landscape Design/Build Workflow: From Design to Implementa on Gord Koch 9:05 – 10:15 am All landscape design/build firms have some form of workflow process that moves the design through produc on to comple on. Regardless of how straigh orward or detailed the system is, at the end of the day the process should sell the design, es mate the project, and build it. Any number of issues can occur during the transfer from selling to construc on. This session highlights the integra on of a landscape design/build process that u lizes Trimble SketchUp Pro and Extensions to manage the whole pera on.

The Edible Garden Movement Paul Zammit 9:05 – 10:15 am In recent years, there has been renewed interest in ea ng local and growing edibles in the home garden. Join Paul for what promises to be a lively presenta on as he shares his experiences and ps. Explore the poten al and possibili es of growing veggies and herbs in gardens of all sizes, and by gardeners of all ages.

Invita on to Excellence: High Performance Orienta on Kristen Cumming 9:05 – 10:15 am This session is about star ng with the end in mind, using the orienta on period to influence employee performance throughout their term of employment. Discussion will include defining the knowledge, skills and a ributes required by the organiza on,

tac cs to promote the core values, culture and expecta ons of your organiza on, and strategies to surface key strengths in candidates. Managers can conduct new employee orienta on at a level of excellence that will elevate the employee’s performance and therefore improve organiza onal outcomes and compe veness.

Pest Diagnosis II Dr. Ken Fry 9:05 – 10:15 am This session is hands-on, using microscopes to examine common pests and the damage they cause. It will also be exploring and demonstra ng mobile digital apps for use in diagnos cs and pest management. Bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session.

Let it Suck – The Value of Discomfort in Performance Management Kristen Cumming 10:20 – 11:20 am The process of iden fying and correc ng performance issues can be difficult, both for the employee and their supervisor. This session will review the process of performance correc on and iden fy the common challenges that managers face in the process. Performance correc on can create both an emo onal and performance vacuum; this session will explore when and how to “let it suck” and when to fill the void. Op mal for anyone who supervises employees and has peak performance in mind. 2016 GISC I 9

Thursday, November 17 Hydroponic Herb Produc on

Pest Diagnosis III

Dr. Christopher Currey 10:20 – 11:20 am Hydroponic food crops are increasing in popularity among consumers and producers. Culinary herbs are a great crop to produce hydroponically and complement le uce and leafy green produc on. If you are interested in star ng to produce herbs or fine-tune your current produc on, this session will have something for you. From propaga on to harves ng, we will discuss how to select systems and manage light, temperature, and nutri on to produce high-quality culinary herbs.

Dr. Ken Fry 10:20 – 11:20 am This session is hands-on, using microscopes to examine common pests and the damage they cause. It will also be exploring and demonstra ng mobile digital apps for use in diagnos cs and pest management. Bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session.

Improve your Business with the Canadian Landscape Standards Phil Paxton 10:20 – 11:20 am The Canadian Landscape Standard (CLS) is intended for use by anyone who specifies, designs, builds or maintains landscape work and is the single, authorita ve resource for landscape construc on projects across Canada. For the first me, there is a na onal guideline to set the standard of landscape work in every province across the country. Join Phil as he talks about the CLS and what that means for us in Alberta, for your business and for your bo om line.

10 I 2016 GISC

Permeable Pavement Design and Construc on David Hein 11:25 am – 12:25 pm David’s session will provide an overview of permeable pavement site selec on and the determining factors for deciding the suitability of a loca on. It will cover all of the pavement structural design and hydrologic design requirements to ensure the success of the project. Permeable interlocking concrete pavement, pervious concrete, porous asphalt and grid pavements will be covered.

Cloud for the Anywhere Workplace Lindsay Dodd 11:25 am – 12:25 pm Learn about the newest workplace tools from Amazon, Google and Microso and how the cloud will change the way you do business in the green industry. Are your workers on sites that are too far away for collabora on? Working in your vehicle or worried about no access to internet? Is it peak season and sudden spike in business catches you unexpectedly?

Need to shi to opera ng versus capital costs and pay only for what you use? With the cloud, all this is a possibility.

Greening the Highways Dr. Darby McGrath 11:25 am – 12:25 pm The urban landscape can be a tough place for trees. Most ci es are designed for cars, which means lots of pavement. Good soil condi ons for roads are the exact opposite ideal for trees. The Greening the Highways project is looking at ways to rehabilitate heavily compacted soils found around our roadways. With the three test sites across Alberta, this session will focus on the findings to date, as well as an eye to the next steps.

Pest Diagnosis IV Dr. Ken Fry 11:25 am – 12:25 pm This session is hands-on, using microscopes to examine common pests and the damage they cause. It will also be exploring and demonstra ng mobile digital apps for use in diagnos cs and pest management. Bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session.

Thank You to our Sponsors!

Intelligent Water Solutions

2016 GISC I 11

Conference Sessions

Friday, November 18 Managing the Design Process

The B-Myth

Patrick DuChene 8:00 – 9:00 am Do you have standard opera ng procedures? Do you have one for your design process? In this session, you’ll see just how beneficial it is to have a standardized approach to your design process. Developing a ques onnaire, a client interview, processes for communica ons, and standardizing your presenta on all lead to greater efficiencies and a greater degree of effec veness, transla ng to more profitable design services.

Laurie Daschuk 8:00 – 9:00 am Some mes you just need a break, away from it all, to figure everything out. Learn to focus on key behaviors, ac ons and thinking processes necessary to cra a career that is rewarding and meaningful career that meets your needs and wants over the long arch of your professional life. How you respond to and resolve work-life conflict will limit or enable your success. Make the most of each situa on and use it as a learning opportunity or a leadership opportunity. Whether you are management or an employee, know that small changes can make a big difference.

Designing Winter Container Arrangements Paul Zammit 8:00 – 9:00 am Paul believes just as gardens change with the seasons, so, too, should container arrangements. Join Paul for an energe c presenta on where he will discuss the steps to success for crea ng drama c, eye-catching and las ng outdoor winter arrangements. He will highlight many of his favorite plant choices, seasonal combina ons of greens and branches and planter accents.

Tree Pest Management Clinic Mario Lanthier 8:00 – 9:00 am Let's review the season and examine the pests that affected nurseries this past year. Insects, diseases and weeds - we will examine the best methods of management and, as a bonus, the use of newer controls Be ready to test your knowledge - this will be a quiz format with team exercises. 2016 GISC I 13


Please use a separate form for each person registering. Photocopy for additional forms.

Additional Events AGGA Garden Party $15.00


$______________ $______________

GST 5%

Onsite $20.00





*Must show student ID onsite.







$275.00 $225.00

After Oct. 28 & Onsite Member Non Member

GST Reg# 107595530


Pre-Registration Free $10.00




Trade Show Pass








$235.00 $150.00

Pre-Show Workshops DynaSCAPE

Friday Only Pass

Thursday Only Pass


Full Conference Pass

Early Bird Rates (until Oct. 28) Member Non Member

Member rates apply to those who are members of Landscape Alberta, AGGA , ISA or AALA. Please check if you are a member of: __ Landscape Alberta __ AGGA __ ISA __ AALA

Email _______________________________________________________________________________________

Phone _______________________________________ Fax ___________________________________________

City/Town _______________________________________ Prov. ________ Postal Code ____________________

Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________________

Company ____________________________________________________________________________________

First Name ____________________________________ Last Name _____________________________________



14 I 2016 GISC

2. Email/Fax/Mail

1. Online Visit www.greenindustryshow.com and hit the “Register Now” button. Select the conference pass of your choice and complete the registration form.

2 ways to register:

All conference registrations include entry to the Trade Show.

3. Pre-show workshop: A one-day pass to one of the pre-show, full-day workshops on Wednesday, November 16.

2. One Day Pass: A one-day pass that gives you access to all sessions on either Thursday, November 17 or Friday, November 18

1. Full Conference Pass: Includes access to all sessions on Thursday, November 17 and Friday, November 18.

3 options available:

How to Register



2016 GISC I 15


___ MasterCard

___ Cheque enclosed, payable to GISC ($50.00 NSF fee)

Friday, November 18 Managing the Design Process Designing Winter Container Arrangements The B-Myth Tree Pest Management Clinic Maintenance of Permeable Pavements 5 Things your Customers Can Do Better than you IPM Minor Use New Products and Trends Selling Fish at a Meat Market Preparing for the 2017 Growing Season Zero Inbox Synthetic Turf Uses in the Landscape Succession Planning for Family Business Engaged: The Next Generation of Hort Professionals Social Innovation in the Horticulture Industry Drone Use in Horticulture Counting Pennies... Saving Dollars… Learn How


Refund policy: Registration cancellations made thirty (30) days prior to the event will be fully refunded. If less than thirty (30) days prior to the event, cancellations will be accepted until Thursday, November 3, 2016 and registration fees, less a 25% administration fee, will be refunded. Any registrations cancelled after Thursday, November 3, 2016 will not be refunded for any reason. If the event is cancelled by the Association, a full refund will be granted. A copy of our refund policy is available on request.

Email credit card receipt to ___________________________________________________________________

Cardholder name (print)_______________________________________________________________________

Signature (required)__________________________________________________________________________

Card # ___________________________________________________________ Expiry _________/_________

Please print clearly


Thursday, November 17 Designing for Profit Managing Tree Roots in Nursery Production Light for the Northern Grower Pest Diagnosis I (8:00 am) Landscape Design/Build Workflow The Edible Garden Movement Invitation to Excellence: High Performance Orientation Pest Diagnosis II (9:05 am) Let it Suck – The Value of Discomfort in Performance Management Hydroponic Herb Production Improve your Business with the Canadian Landscape Standards Pest Diagnosis III (10:20 am) Permeable Pavement Design and Construction Cloud for the Anywhere Workplace Greening the Highways Update Pest Diagnosis IV (11:25)

Please make your session selections below.


Inquiries: 1-800-378-3198 (press 0) Fax: 780-444-2152

Pre-registration accepted until 4:00 pm Monday, November 14; registration after this date must be onsite.

Early Bird prices are applicable only to registrations received prior to 4:00 pm Thursday, October 28, 2016; after this date, standard pricing applies.

Member Rate Members of the following associations are entitled to member pricing: Landscape Alberta, Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA), International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA) .

Complete one registration form per person and return witth payment to: admin@landscape-alberta.com Fax: 780-444-2152 Mail: 200, 10331-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5

Friday, November 18 Maintenance of Permeable Pavements

IPM Minor Use New Products and Trends

David Hein 9:05 – 10:15 am Star ng with an overview of the maintenance and rehabilita on needs of permeable pavements. Inspec on and tes ng to ensure the con nued permeability will be covered along with method to restore clogged pavements. The presenta on will also cover key aspects of pavement maintenance prac ces and methods to complete repairs including u lity cut restora on. Finally, guidelines for the type and frequency of maintenance inspec ons will be provided.

Peter Isaacson 9:05 – 10:15 am Join Peter Isaacson, CNLA’s IPM/Minor Use Coordinator, to learn more about availability and use of pest control products currently available to the green industry in Canada. Peter will focus on new products and those currently making their way through the PMRA’s registra on process. This is your opportunity to ask ques ons, as well as provide input into what’s really bugging you and your plants.

Selling Fish at a Meat Market 5 Things Your Customers Can Do Be er Than You When it Comes to Social Media Lynn Switanowski-Barre 9:05 – 10:15 am Your job as a retailer is to provide products and services that your customers want and need. When it comes to telling the marke ng message for your business- it’s the same story. You must deliver the messages where your customers want to hear them - and how they want to see them. In this seminar, we’ll explore how your customers are researching brands before they purchase and what tools they are using to do so. Even if you’re not involved or using these tools, your customers are, which makes it cri cal for your business to “catch up” and understand them be er.

Mark Bradley 9:05 – 10:15 am Many in our industry are great at what they do, but they are uncomfortable with sales. And if you can’t sell , you can’t make money. This session is designed to make selling easier. Sell your customer what they should have rather than what they asked for. Take a fresh look at your sales and pricing approach and see how a different proposal will drive sales and profits. A endees will leave with firsthand knowledge of a proven sales process and how to help customers set and increase their landscape budget. Mark will also share a template of a proposal/quote that lands sales!

2016 GISC I 17

Friday, November 18 Preparing for the 2017 Growing Season Dr. Allen Hammer 10:20 – 11:20 am Planning and prepara on are essen al to growing greenhouse crops. Planning is most o en associated with all the physical needs of both so and hard goods which is extremely important, however growing also requires planning and prepara on. We will consider those important growing plans and prepara ons to produce outstanding spring plants and reduce avoidable plant problems. It is always easier and cheaper to avoid plant problems whenever possible.

Zero Inbox Laurie Daschuk 10:20 – 11:20 am Email is simple, but it’s not easy! You can reinforce produc vity and good teamwork with prac cal strategies and clever email tools. Learn how top Business Leaders manage their email and thrive in the workplace with this fun and interac ve presenta on, focused on achieving email mastery, confidence and work-life balance. You will also see improved results in workplace engagement and team communica on.

Synthe c Turf Uses in the Landscape Bruce Kay 10:20 – 11:20 am How, as a hor culturist, can you jus fy using ar ficial turf? Bruce has struggled with this ques on and emerged victorious. In this session he will share the prac cal applica ons of synthe c grass, focusing on low impact 18 I 2016 GISC

development and smart design. There will also be discussion on how to price and sell high-end product that both you and yours customers will love.

Succession Planning for Family Business Jonathan Small 10:20 – 11:20 am This session will cover the major considera ons approaching succession such as achieving the appropriate balance between the o en compe ng needs of the family, the business and the owners. Because these three domains are connected to each other, plans that focus too much or exclusively on one domain invariably fail. Jonathan will discuss the common pi alls that families fall into and how to avoid them.

Engaged: The Next Genera on of Hor culture Professionals (Panel) Gord Koch 11:25 am – 12:25 pm This discussion will provide the opportunity to bring together stakeholders to strengthen the connec ons between youth, educators, government and professionals in hor culture. The invited guest panel is made up individuals who are currently enrolled or graduates of all levels of educa on. This session will raise awareness of the views and percep ons of the next genera on of hor culture professionals and how we can work collabora vely in promo ng the industry as a profession and career.

Social Innova on in the Green Industry

Coun ng Pennies... Saving Dollars… Learn How - Star ng Now

Kim Wickwire 11:25 am – 12:25 pm Social Innova on - what does that have to do with my business? We work in an industry that has historically employed the ideals of when help is needed, we help out those in need. We have always been involved with projects, from local to interna onal, that provide assistance to individuals and groups that reach out to us. How can we make this happen in a more inten onal manner? How can we actually make and execute a plan for posi ve change for others from within our business or industry associa ons? Join the conversa on and get involved!

Lynn Switanowski-Barre 11:25 am – 12:25 pm A end this business-building seminar and your retail business bo om-line will thank you for years to come. A endees will walk away with ac onable bo om line improvement strategies including: • Tips and tricks to save you money in every business area • Learning how to improve your vendor rela onships to improve your bo om line • Leveraging co-op marke ng dollars

Drone Use in Hor culture Anne Smith 11:25 am – 12:25 pm Find out the ways drones are being used in agriculture and how that can extend to the hor culture industry. Learn how unmanned aerial vehicles can help with collec ng and processing data, along with rules, regula ons and legal issues with this new technology.

This conference program was jointly developed by Landscape Alberta and the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Associa on.

2016 GISC | 19

2016 GISC Speakers Mark Bradley founded TBG Landscape out of his backyard 18 years ago. Since then, TBG has won many awards for its innova ve work and has grown to be one of the top 100 landscape contractors in North America. Mark established LMN in 2009, now the industry’s most popular landscape es ma ng and mekeeping so ware. He is never short on ideas on how we can improve our businesses and is highly sought a er to share his invaluable knowledge on industry best ideas and prac ces. Kristen Cumming is focused on improving the connec on between people and their work. Her experience in HR and career development is complemented by a passion for demography. Kristen is an instructor with the Bachelor of Management Business Economics program at the U of A and operates a consul ng prac ce through which she serves as a speaker and trainer on demography, reten on, high performance teams and leadership. Dr. Christopher Currey received a B.S. in Environmental Hor culture and M.S. in Applied Plant Science from the University of Minnesota and has a Ph.D. in Hor culture from Purdue University. In 2013, he joined the faculty in the Department of Hor culture at Iowa State University; his appointment is split between teaching, research, and extension with an emphasis in greenhouse and controlled environment crop produc on. Laurie Daschuk formed the company “Stop the Presses” to consult with businesses and organiza ons to coordinate

and deliver professional development courses and conferences, improve communica on and facilitate work-life balance. Lindsay Dodd, CEO of Savvia, uses emerging technology to make organiza ons more powerful and compe ve. Dodd’s strategic technology firm is crea ng higher profits for the private sector and higher sa sfac on rates in the public sector through cloud technology. Lindsay speaks passionately about innova on and how organiza ons can harness technology to improve strategic capabili es, compe ve advantages and cost structures. Patrick DuChene has more than 20 years of experience in the landscape industry, and has worked for some of the Northeast’s most pres gious landscape companies and one of the top 100 landscape companies in the United States. Along with his extensive design experience, Patrick has managed million-dollar residen al construc on divisions. With an ever-changing industry, he par cularly has a great interest in technology and uses the most cu ng edge so ware available to prepare and es mate presenta ons and proposals. Dr. Ken Fry, Coordinator for the Hor culture Program and Entomology Instructor at Olds College, has been involved in insect pest management research, teaching and extension for over 25 years, including nine years as a research scien st at the Alberta Research Council. His research is focused on biological control of insect pests and integrated pest management.

2016 GISC I 21

Dr. Allen Hammer provides Technical Support for Dummen Orange, a posi on he has had for the last 10 years. He re red from Purdue University where he taught courses in Greenhouse Management, Plants for Interiors, Interna onal Hor culture and Florists’ Crop Produc on. Dr. Hammer also has published numerous extension and research ar cles on greenhouse produc on and management, and has par cipated as a speaker in numerous mee ngs and conferences around North America. David Hein is a Principal Engineer and Vice-President of Transporta on of Applied Research Associates, Inc. in Toronto. He has been extensively involved in the design, construc on and maintenance of permeable pavement systems. Recently, he has been working with the City of Calgary to develop permeable pavement design and construc on guidelines. Peter Isaacson is the Na onal IPM Coordinator for the CNLA and co-founder of DessIsaa Hor cultural Consultants Inc. He has also been involved in the development and delivery of the landscape appren ceship plant health curriculum and botany for hor culture at the Burnaby School District and Kwantlen Polytechnic University and involved in coordina ng and conduc ng research trials for private industry and government. Peter delivers IPM workshops for retailers, landscapers and nurseries and writes technical IPM documents and factsheets.

Bruce Kay is the owner of OnGrowing Works Ltd. and has 32 years of industry experience. Bruce is currently the Presiding Officer for the Alberta Government's Provincial Appren ceship Commi ee. He also is ac vely involved with Olds College School of Hor culture as an Industry Advisor. Bruce contributes to provincial educa onal sub commi ees for Landscape Alberta and was a key contributor to wri ng the Red Seal standard and Na onal Occupa onal Analysis with the Canadian Agriculture Research Council in the Landscape Hor culturist trade. Gord Koch is in his 16th year as an instructor at the Olds College School of Animal Sciences and Hor culture. Prior to joining Olds College, Gord spent 25 years managing the design and installa on of large-scale public and commercial landscape projects. Gord holds a master’s degree in educa on, in addi on to designa ons as a Landscape Architectural Technologist, Journeyman Landscape Gardener and Green Roof Professional. Mario Lanthier has been working in the industry since 1980 and in the field of Integrated Pest Management since 1990. He is a bugologist (friend of bugs) who loves compost and thinks that soil is more than N-P-K. His company, Crophealth Advising & Research, is a proud member of Landscape Alberta and offers services in hor culture, agronomy and arboriculture for urban se ngs and agriculture produc on throughout Western Canada. Dr. Darby McGrath’s research group integrates nursery produc on research with ecological restora on principles

22 I 2016 GISC

to address challenges of urban tree survival. Current work in the McGrath lab aims to increase tree plan ng in the built environment across Canada by improving soil structure and root architecture. Ul mately, Darby’s research is concerned with providing the nursery and landscape sector informa on and rela onships that will help them produce suitable selec ons of quality nursery stock for urban plan ngs. Phil Paxton is the owner of Alpha Be er Landscaping Inc., Homescapes Complete Residen al Landscaping and Wheatland Trees Ltd. in Calgary. He is a strong industry advocate and has been an industry volunteer for over 37 years, si ng on many boards in Alberta and Canada. He is currently the treasurer of the CNLA and chair of the Landscape Canada Commi ee, as well as past chair of the Cer fica on commi ee. Jonathan Small, BSc, PAg, is a Farm Management Consultant based in MNP’s Red Deer office. As part of MNPs Agricultural team, he provides management consul ng services to all types of family farms. Jonathan’s work focuses on primary agriculture, the farming industry and related topics. He spends about half his me working with farm families and their transi on plans. He also works extensively on farm economics, business planning, economic studies and li ga on support specializing in quan fying economic losses. Anne Smith is a research scien st with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge, AB. Her research focuses on applica ons of remote sensing for crop, soil and grassland management. To date she has worked with both op cal and

radar remote sensing data acquired from satellite, aircra and ground-based pla orms and more recently unmanned aerial vehicles. Lynn Switanowski-Barre is the Founder and President of Crea ve Business Consul ng Group (CBCG). Using more than 29 years retail experience as her guide, Lynn leads the CBCG team to engage with retailers, e-tailers and manufacturers helping them create and implement profit improving sales, marke ng and inventory management strategies. Kim Wickwire grew up at her Mom and Dad's side in the family vegetable and flower gardens where she learned at a very young age that the produc on of good food is the founda on for good health. She gained an apprecia on for the hard work that is involved in growing that good food working alongside them. Kim a ended the Olds College Hor culture Program, and now teaches hor culture courses at the college. Paul Zammit is the Nancy Eaton Director of Hor culture at the Toronto Botanical Garden. His home garden has been featured in Canadian Living, Gardening Life and Canadian Gardening and his container designs have also been showcased in gardening magazines, most recently in the May issue of Canadian Gardening. Paul has been awarded the Young Professionals award by the Perennial Plant Associa on.

2016 GISC I 23

Where to Stay Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel 10155 105 Street, Edmonton, AB Rates from: Comfort Queen (2): $159 single occupancy, $169 double occupancy Comfort King: $159 single occupancy, $169 double occupancy Superior Queen (2): $169 single occupancy, $179 double occupancy Superior King: $169 single occupancy, $179 double occupancy Reserva ons: 1-800-663-1144 or h p://coa.st/qlnz Group Code: CEP-GFC14214 Cut-off for room rate: Friday, October 15, 2016 Shu le Service will be available between the Coast Edmonton Plaza and Northlands on show days, November 17 & 18, 2016. LRT is also avaiable from downtown to Edmonton Expo Centre at Northlands.

Enter to win one of three Dash Cams

! n i


24 I 2016 GISC

Pick up a tradeshow passport, visit all par cipa ng exhibitors (listed below) and enter the draw! Passports available at the registra on desk or at the Landscape Alberta booth #140. Ball Hor cultural Company Bron & Sons Nursery Co. DLF Pickseed Canada Inc. DynaSCAPE So ware Florists Supply Ltd. High Q Greenhouses Horta-Cra Limited Houle Country Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries Landscape Alberta Manderley Turf Products Inc. Olds College Southern Irriga on Stewart Brothers Nurseries

Landscape Alberta

TAILGATER What: When: Where:

Beer Tasting & Social Thursday, November 17 3:30 - 5:00 pm Trade Show Floor, seating area

Tickets are available on the trade show floor through participating exhibitors and at the cash bar. Visit the www.greenindustryshow.com for details.

J oin us at our Annual Live & Silent Auction Presented by:

Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel, 10155 105 Street, Edmonton, AB Join in the fun at this year’s auction Hot hors d’oeuvres, carving station and cash bar Everyone welcome - this event is free to attend! Proceeds go toward horticultural research programs and projects

Sponsored by:

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Exhibitor List A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. ADVANCE Nursery Co. Ltd. AIM Environmental Group Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Alberta Invasive Species Council Apex Compact Tractor Solutions Ltd. ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Atlasta Tree Nursery Inc. Aubin Nurseries Ltd. B8 Ventures Ltd. Bailey Nurseries Inc. Ball Horticultural Company Ball Seed - Greenhouse Equipment Biobest Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Brandt Tractor Ltd. BrettYoung Seeds Bron & Sons Nursery Co. Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd. BURNCO Landscape Centres Inc. BW GLOBAL Structures Inc. Bylands Nurseries Ltd. C Y Grower Supplies Ltd. Canadian Nursery Landscape Association Canadian Prairie Chapter, Irrigation Association Cannor Nurseries Ltd. Cervus Equipment Construction Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. Clearview Horticultural Products Inc. Clifty View Nursery Coaldale Nurseries Corix Water Products LP Crescent Garden DeCloet Greenhouse Manufacturing Ltd. Devan Greenhouses Ltd. DeVry Greenhouses Ltd. DLF Pickseed Canada Inc. Drive Products Dümmen Orange Dutchman Industries Inc. DynaSCAPE Software Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply EarthApples Inc ECCO Chips Edge Equipment Ltd. Equinox Industries Ltd. Evergro Division- Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. EVL Nursery Inc. Expocrete, an Oldcastle company FBC - Farm Business Consultants Finning (Canada) Florists Supply Ltd. 26 I 2016 GISC

Foothills Nurseries Ltd. Four Seasons Nursery Frensch, C. Ltd. Garden Essentials GlobalTroxler Green Patch Environmental Consulting Ltd. Health Canada, PMRA Henri Studio by Stonecasters LLC High Q Greenhouses HJS Wholesale Ltd. Holt Industrial Holt Tree Spades Ltd. Horta-Craft Limited HortProtect - CNLA Houle Country Inline Nurseries (2010) Inc. Intercontinental Truck Body Iseli Nursery J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. J.R.T. Nurseries Inc. Jack Van Klaveren Ltd. (JVK) Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. Jolly Farmer Products Inc. Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd. Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries Kubota Canada Ltd. L & M Sales Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. Landscape Alberta Landscape Industry Certified Program - CNLA Larchwood Nurseries Lawyer Nursery Inc. Lemar Tree Spades LinkGreen Linnaea Nurseries Limited LMN LS Training System Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Manderley Turf Products Inc. Martin Deerline Metal Pless Inc. McKenzie Seeds Morgan Creek Tropicals Ltd. Mountain Bark Inc. Nektar Data Systems Inc. Nordic Nurseries Oakcreek Golf & Turf L.P. Olds College Ontario Seed Company Limited Pacific Rim Brackets Ltd. Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Papa Harry Trucking Paridon Horticultural Ltd. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Pine Meadows Tree Farms

Plant Health Division Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. Premier Tech Home & Garden IGC Professional Gardener Co. Ltd., The Purple Springs Nursery Redbud Supply Inc. Regency Irrigation Ltd. Rick's Concrete Products/ Fountain Factory Rocky Mountain Equipment Rocky Mountain Landscape Bark RyMar Synthetic Grass Sea Soil™ /Foenix Forest Technology Inc. Second Nature Compost City of Edmonton Sester Farms Inc. Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. SiteOne Landscape Supply Skeer System Inc. Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) Southern Irrigation Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. Spectrum Equipment Inc. Stewart Brothers Nurseries Stokes Seeds Limited Sun Gro Horticulture Inc. TerraLink Horticulture Inc. Top Spray® Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. TreeTime.ca Valleybrook Gardens Ltd. Van Noort Bulb Company Vanhof and Blokker Ltd. Vanstone Nurseries VRE Systems Wellmaster Carts, Div. of Wellmaster Pipe & Supply Inc. West Coast Floral Growers & Distributors Ltd. West Coast Seeds Western Alfalfa Milling Co. Ltd. Westland Ltd. Zeller & Sons Enterprises

Exhibitor List is current as of July 31, 2016. For up-to-date list visit: www.greenindustryshow.com



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