Green for Life

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Communities in Bloom Special Edition October 2012

Satin Moth Weed Wise Gardening

Calendar of Events

October 17‐18, 2012 Landscape Ontario Garden & Floral Expo Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON October 26, 2012 Landscape Alberta workshop: How to Run a Successful Snow Removal Business Greenwood Inn, Calgary, AB 1‐800‐378‐3198 November 15‐16, 2012 Green Industry Show Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands November 15‐16, 2012 Green Industry Conference Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands Click “Conference Information” at November 19 ‐ 21, 2012 HortEast Conference and Trade Show Cunard Centre, Halifax, NS

EDITOR Nigel Bowles PRODUCTION AND LAYOUT Kyla McKechnie ADVERTISING Erynn Watson, ph. 780‐489‐1991

Landscape Alberta Nursery Trades Association produces this publication for the green industry in Alberta.

Editorial and Advertising Landscape Alberta 200, 10331‐178 Street NW Edmonton, AB Canada T5S 1R5 P: 780‐489‐1991 F: 780‐444‐2152 admin@landscape‐ www.landscape‐

Landscape Alberta does not assume responsibility for and does not endorse the contents of any advertisements herein. All representations or warranties made are those of the advertiser and not the publication. Views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Landscape Alberta or its members.

Material may not be reprinted from this publication without the consent of Landscape Alberta.

ISSN No.: 1929‐7114 (print) ISSN No.: 1929‐7122 (online) Postmaster: Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: 200, 10331‐178 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5 Email: admin@landscape‐

Landscape Alberta Executive Committee

President ‐ Dean Falkenberg Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp.

1st Vice President ‐ Chris Brown CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd.

2nd Vice President ‐ Dave Montgomery Green Oasis Services Inc.

Treasurer ‐ Arnold van de Ligt Manderley Turf Products Inc.

Immediate Past President ‐ Gerard Fournier For Trees Company Ltd.

On the Cover: 2011 Landscape Award of Excellence Winner JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. Barr Allard Residence

Landscape Alberta Staff

Nigel Bowles, Executive Director nigel.bowles@landscape‐

Marnie Main, Member Services Director‐

Erynn Watson, Member Services Assistant erynn.watson@landscape‐

Valerie Stobbe, Trade Show Coordinator valerie.stobbe@landscape‐

Kyla McKechnie, Administrative Assistant admin@landscape‐

Susan Doiron, Bookkeeper accounting@landscape‐

2 I Green for Life October 2012

Satin Moth Invades Calgary The satin moth (Leucoma salicis) was There are a couple of cultural practices that can be used introduced to North America from to help control satin moth on a tree. The greenish egg Europe in the early 1920s. It was masses concentrated on the lower areas of the tree can discovered in Alberta (City of be easily scraped off in July with a dull blade and Edmonton) in 1994. Calgary has destroyed before they hatch. experienced a severe outbreak in A sticky band can be used to intercept much of the 2012. upward movement of young caterpillars that overwinter in bark crevices on the lower trunk area. A sticky band Mature satin moth caterpillars grow trap should be established by the end of April and to be 38 mm long. Their backs are monitored throughout the month of May to ensure the black with a central row of white or sticky surfaces do not become saturated with emerging light yellow markings. caterpillars. The adult moths have pure white wings with a satin‐like Chemical control can be achieved using Bacillus lustre. They are heavy‐built moths with a wingspan thuringiensis (Bt). Read the label before applying any ranging from 35 to 50 mm and can be distinguished from pest control product. other local white species by narrow alternating black and white bands on the legs. A small parasitic wasp (Cotesia melanoscela) can attack and suppresses satin moth populations. This was the Satin moth larvae feed on all species of poplar and case in Edmonton where there is no longer a problem willow, but prefer ornamental varieties of poplar. There with satin moth. are also a few reports of this species feeding on oak, crabapple and saskatoon. Although it is mainly a pest of planted trees, the satin moth has also attacked native stands of poplar. Damage becomes noticeable in mid to late May when overwintered larvae commence feeding on leaves. Damage is most conspicuous after mid‐June, when late‐instar larvae consume entire new leaves. In severe infestations, leaves turn brown and drop. Repeated severe defoliation has resulted in top‐kill and some tree mortality. Feeding is completed by late June or early July, and larvae construct conspicuous loosely woven silken cocoons in rolled leaves, twigs, or bark crevices, in which they pupate. The next generation of larvae, which commence feeding in August, skeletonize leaves but cause little damage. Adult satin moths appear in July and August. After mating, females lay eggs in batches of up to 400 on leaves and sometimes on branches and trunks. Eggs are light green, flat, and laid in oval masses of 150‐200 eggs covered with a glistening, white secretion. When eggs hatch after about 2 weeks, young larvae move to the leaves, which they skeletonize as they develop through two instars. Second‐instar larvae seek out hibernation sites on the trunk or branches of a host tree, and molt after spinning silken coverings that are usually covered with bark particles, mosses, or lichens. After overwintering, these larvae emerge in mid‐May and commence feeding on newly flushed leaves. Green for Life October 2012 I


Industry News...

Alberta Invasive Plant Council Welcomes New Federal regulatory measures prohibit the movement of Executive Director specific materials including any material and firewood of The Alberta Invasive Plant Council (AIPC) welcomes new all ash species from specific areas of Ontario and Quebec. Executive Director, Barry Gibbs. For the last 35 years, Barry Anyone violating these restrictions is subject to a fine has worked for Dow Agro‐Sciences Canada, most recently and/or prosecution. in Regulatory Affairs. He has been a board member for six years on the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia Slowing the spread of Emerald Ash Borer will protect and is a member of the Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Canada's environment and forest resources. It also helps keep international markets open to the forest and nursery Barry is currently working on establishing “cooperative industries in non‐regulated parts of Canada. weed management areas” and an Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) strategy for stopping the Please visit the federal CFIA website for more information introduction and spread of invasive plants. This vision is to on this highly invasive species, including symptom have Albertans looking for, identifying, and reporting identification and maps of affected areas: invasive plants. Their first step is getting a data collection and reporting system set up. Landscape Alberta will be assisting the AIPC in rewriting the popular Weed Wise Wonder Pesticide for Cross‐Canada Distribution Suppresses Emerald Ash Borer brochure. The Canadian wonder pesticide, TreeAzin, currently If you wish to get in contact with Barry, he can be reached available under emergency registration for emerald ash borer (EAB) in Ontario and Quebec, just might be available at across Canada in 2013 for many tree infestations. Emerald Ash Borer The Emerald Ash Borer has killed millions of ash trees in Scientific review has been passed for TreeAzin and is southwestern Ontario, Michigan and surrounding states. It currently under public review of the label. Translation was poses a major economic and environmental threat to complete in summer 2012. The pesticide will not be available to every jurisdiction across the country, but urban and forested areas in both countries. instead will be focused on specific areas targeting The emerald ash borer attacks and kills all species of ash outbreaks. except Mountain Ash, which is not a true ash. With artificial spread, where people move infested ash materials Oakville, ON started treating ash trees with TreeAzin for and firewood to new areas, this insect can quickly spread EAB in 2008, gradually increasing the number of trees. Their report in March 2012 stated all trees treated since to other areas of Canada. 2008 were still alive and in good health.■

Guide to Hiring Landscape Horticulturalists and Plant Suppliers Are you searching for a professional landscape contractor to maintain a property, renovate an existing landscape, or install a new one? Are you planning to purchase plants from a nursery? Any professional you consider should have certain qualifications to do the work. At some point you have to say “I trust this firm to do the work or supply me with plants.” As in all industries, there are different levels of competence in the landscape industry. Research the companies you are considering: ask for references, proof of liability insurance and WCB coverage; determine how many years have they been in business. Professional companies will display their affiliations and qualifications on their websites, promotional materials and job forms. Look for these logos... 4 I Green for Life October 2012

The Landscape Industry Certified program promotes excellence in skills, safety and workmanship in the Green Industry. The program was created by industry members and, through regular program review and refining, continues to set a high standard of professionalism for landscape technicians, managers and designers.

The goals of certification are:  To raise the standards and image of the industry  To encourage self‐assessment and improvement by offering guidelines for achievement  To identify persons with acceptable knowledge of principles and practices of the industry  To improve performance within the industry, by encouraging participation in continuing education  To create consumer confidence through a recognized system of qualification of knowledge and skills

Landscape Alberta hosts an annual Landscape Industry Certified Technician exam event in March at the Olds College Bank of Montreal Landscape Pavilion, and offers opportunities to complete written exam sections throughout the year. The program is open to anyone working in the landscape industry.

For Information: Contact Julia Ricottone, Certification Coordinator Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) Toll free: 1‐888‐446‐3499 ext.8615 ■

Join Landscape Alberta Today!

Landscape Alberta is dedicated to supporting the green industry in Alberta. No matter what sector of the industry you are in, we have programs and services that will benefit you and your business.

Benefits of Membership:

1. Financial Benefits Members have access to money saving programs provided through the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) which include discounts on vehicle purchases, banking, safety training, work apparel, and much more.

2. Professional Development Landscape Alberta contributes to the development and professionalism of the green industry in Alberta. We are involved with the Landscape Gardener Apprentice‐ ship Program, Landscape Industry Certified program, and On‐the‐Job‐Training.

3. Educational Opportunities Landscape Alberta hosts conferences, workshops and seminars throughout the year to ensure members have opportunities to keep up‐to‐date with industry and business issues.

4. Promotion & Marketing Landscape Alberta promotes member businesses through our online membership directory and through our referral service. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for our many events and publications.

5. Industry Voice & Lobbying An important role of our association is to ensure that your concerns regarding industry issues are presented to government, media and the public.

For more information on membership with Landscape Alberta, or if you have any questions about the association, call us at 1‐800‐378‐3198 or email‐

www.landscape‐ Green for Life October 2012 I


Landscape Alberta’s Landscape Awards Program This members‐only program is designed to recognize To enter the program, each contractor is required to landscape contracting professionals who execute high submit digital photographs and a written description of the quality landscape projects. Landscape Alberta strives to project. The design category also requires a plan drawing increase the awareness of environmental improvement and plant list for the project. A panel of industry judges through exceptional landscape work, to encourage reviews each entry and awards points based on set criteria. landscape contractors to use quality materials, and to For example, judging criteria for a Residential Landscape provide the best service to their customers. Construction project includes standards of workmanship, technical difficulty, and quality of both plant and The Landscape Awards program has four main objectives:  To encourage landscape contractors to be the best in hardscape materials. their field There are two award levels: Merit Awards are earned by  To provide a marketing opportunity for those achieving a score between 70 and 84; an Award of companies that earn an award Excellence is earned with a score of 85 or more.  To encourage a company’s employees to aspire to excellence  To provide an opportunity to compete in the National Exceptional winning entries are eligible to be selected for the National Awards of Landscape Excellence, a Canada‐ Awards of Landscape Excellence wide program developed by the Canadian Nursery There are several award categories, covering all aspects of Landscape Association (CNLA). landscape design, construction and maintenance. Judging for our Landscape Awards program is performed by a panel of experts from across the green industry, including landscape contractors, parks professionals and designers. Judging typically takes place in January ‐ if you are interested in judging for the 2012 Landscape Awards, contact Marnie Main at Landscape Alberta: 1‐800‐378‐3198 or marnie.main@landscape‐ The awards program is open only to members of Landscape Alberta and the Saskatchewan Nursery Landscape Association (SNLA). To view last year’s winning projects, visit www.landscape‐ and click on Landscape Awards. ■ Landscape Awards Program Sponsor:

Laurier Residence, Prairie Ridge Landscapes Ltd. 2011 Award of Excellence Winner.

6 I Green for Life October 2012

Avoiding Tree Damage During Construction With each new season, take the time to consider how you reduce the amount of pore space. This compaction not will approach the issue of tree protection on your only inhibits root growth and penetration, but also decreases oxygen in the soil that is essential to the growth construction sites. and function of the roots. The processes involved with residential or commercial Smothering Roots by Adding Soil. Most people are construction can be deadly to established trees. Unless the surprised to learn that 90 percent of the fine roots that damage is extreme, the trees may not die immediately but could decline over several years. With this delay in absorb water and minerals are in the upper 6 to 12 inches symptom development, you may not associate the loss of of soil. Roots require space, air and water. Roots grow best the tree with the construction. where these requirements are met, which is usually near the soil surface. Piling soil over the root system or It is possible to preserve trees on building sites if the right increasing the grade smothers the roots. It takes only a measures are taken. The most important step is to hire a few inches of added soil to kill a sensitive mature tree. professional arborist during the planning stage. An arborist can help you decide which trees can be saved and Exposure to the Elements. Trees in a forest grow as a can work with the builder to protect the trees throughout community, protecting each other from the elements. The each construction phase. trees grow tall, with long, straight trunks and high canopies. Removing neighboring trees or opening the How Trees Are Damaged During Construction shared canopies of trees during construction exposes the remaining trees to sunlight and wind. The higher levels of Physical Injury to Trunk and Crown. Construction sunlight may cause sunscald on the trunks and branches. equipment can injure the above‐ground portion of a tree continued on next page... by breaking branches, tearing the bark and wounding the trunk. These injuries are permanent and, if extensive, can be fatal. Cutting of Roots. The digging and trenching that are necessary to construct a house and install underground utilities will likely sever a portion of the roots of many trees in the area. It is easy to appreciate the potential for damage if you understand where roots grow. The roots of a tree are found mostly in the upper 6 to 12 inches of the soil. In a mature tree, the roots extend far from the trunk. In fact, roots typically are found growing a distance of one to three times the height of the tree. The amount of damage a tree can suffer from root loss depends, in part, on how close to the tree the cut is made. Severing one major root can cause the loss of 5 to 20 percent of the root system. The roots play a critical role in anchoring a tree. If the major support roots are cut on one side of a tree, the tree may fall or blow over. Family owned and operated since 1980, we are located on 160 acres of land on the northwest corner of Beaumont and grow over 1,000 varieties and sizes Less damage is done to tree roots if utilities are tunneled of ‘Prairie Hardy’ Trees, Shrubs and Perennials. We strive to provide our under a tree rather than across the roots. customers with hardy plants that can survive and thrive in our climate, while continuing to introduce and trial new varieties as they come available. Come out to the nursery for a stroll around and enjoy the ‘Pleasure of Plants’ Soil Compaction. An ideal soil for root growth and development is about 50 percent pore space. These pores 24309 Twp Rd. 510 Beaumont are filled with water and air. The heavy equipment used in construction compacts the soil and can dramatically 780-929-8102 Green for Life October 2012 I


Also, the remaining trees are more prone to breaking from wind or ice loading. Getting Advice Hire a professional arborist in the early planning stage. Many of the trees on your property may be saved if the proper steps are taken. Allow the arborist to meet with you and your building contractor. Your arborist can assess the trees on your property, determine which are healthy and structurally sound and suggest measures to preserve and protect them. One of the first decisions is determining which trees are to be preserved and which should be removed. You must consider the species, size, maturity, location and condition of each tree. The largest, most mature trees are not always the best choices to preserve. Younger, more vigorous trees usually can survive and adapt to the stresses of construction better. Try to maintain diversity of species and ages. Your arborist can advise you about which trees Erecting Barriers are more sensitive to compaction, grade changes and root damage. Because the ability to repair construction damage to trees is limited, it is vital that trees be protected from injury. The single most important action you can take is to set up Planning construction fences around all of the trees that are to Your arborist and builder should work together in planning remain. The fences should be placed as far out from the the construction. The builder may need to be educated trunks of the trees as possible. As a general guideline, regarding the value of the trees on your property and the allow one foot of space from the trunk for each inch of importance of saving them. Few builders are aware of the trunk diameter. The intent is not merely to protect the way tree roots grow and what must be done to protect aboveground portions of the tree, but also the root them. system. Remember that the root system extends much farther than the drip line of the tree. Instruct construction personnel to keep the fenced area clear of building materials, waste and excess soil. No digging, trenching or other soil disturbance should be allowed in the fenced area. Protective fences should be erected as far out from the trunks as possible in order to protect the root system. Limiting Access If at all possible, it is best to allow only one access route on and off the property. All contractors must be instructed where they are permitted to drive and park their vehicles. Sometimes small changes in the placement or design of a Often, this same access drive can later serve as the route building can make a great difference in whether a critical for utility wires, water lines or the driveway. tree will survive. An alternative plan may be friendlier to the root system. For example, bridging over the roots may Specify storage areas for equipment, soil and construction substitute for a conventional walkway. Because trenching materials. Limit areas for burning (if permitted), cement near a tree for utility installation can be damaging, wash‐out pits and construction work zones. These areas tunneling under the root system may be a good option. should be away from protected trees.

“A professional arborist can assess trees on a property to determine which are healthy and structurally sound and suggest measures to preserve and protect them.”

8 I Green for Life October 2012

Despite the best intentions and most stringent tree preservation measures, your Specifications trees still might be injured from the construction process. Your arborist can Get it in writing. All of the measures intended to suggest remedial treatments to help reduce stress and improve the growing protect your trees must be written into the conditions around your trees. construction specifications. The written specifications should detail exactly what can and This article is reprinted from a brochure in a series published by the International cannot be done to and around the trees. Each Society of Arboriculture as part of its Consumer Information Program. subcontractor must be made aware of the barriers, limitations and specified work zones. Source: International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) ■ Fines and penalties for violations should be built into the specifications. Not too surprisingly, subcontractors are much more likely to adhere to the tree preservation clauses if their profit is at stake. The severity of the fines should be proportional to the potential damage to the trees and should increase for multiple infractions. Maintaining Good Communications It is important to work together as a team. You may share clear objectives with your arborist and your builder, but one subcontractor can destroy your prudent efforts. Construction damage to trees is often irreversible. Visit the site at least once a day if possible. Your vigilance will pay off as workers learn to take your wishes seriously. Take photos at every stage of construction. If any infraction of the specifications does occur, it will be important to prove liability. Final Stages It is not unusual to go to great lengths to preserve trees during construction, only to have them injured during landscaping. Installing irrigation systems and rototilling plant beds are two ways the root systems of trees can be damaged. Remember that small increases in grade (as little as 2 to 6 inches) that place additional soil over the roots can be devastating to your trees. Careful planning and communicating with landscape designers and contractors is just as important as avoiding tree damage during construction. Post‐Construction Tree Maintenance Your trees will require several years to adjust to the injury and environmental changes that occur during construction. Stressed trees are more prone to health problems such as disease and insect infestations. Talk to your arborist about continued maintenance for your trees. Continue to monitor your trees and have them periodically evaluated for declining health or safety hazards. Green for Life October 2012 I


Mulching Techniques are Key to Healthy Trees

Mulching is one of the most beneficial things a homeowner can do to keep trees healthy ‐ it makes growing situations more "friendly" for trees in general. However, over‐mulching can be one of the worst landscaping mistakes you can make, causing significant damage to trees and other plants.

10 I Green for Life October 2012

The generally recommended mulching depth is 2 to 4 inches. When applied properly, mulch helps maintain soil moisture, control weeds, improve soil structure and inhibit certain plant diseases. Mulch also protects plants and trees from "weed whacker" damage and "lawnmower blight" in addition to giving planting beds a uniform, well‐cared‐for look. Too much mulch ‐ be it layers deep or piled high against tree trunks ‐ can cause major problems, including:  Excess moisture in the root zone, which causes plant stress and root rot;  Insect and disease problems;  Micro‐nutrient deficiency or toxicity;  Weed growth;  Smelly planting beds, caused by anaerobic conditions and "sour" mulch;  Creation of habitat for rodents that chew bark and girdle trees. Why mulch at all? Urban landscapes are typically harsh environments with poor soil conditions, little organic matter, and big fluctuations in temperature and moisture ‐ all "unfriendly" growing situations for trees. A 2 to 4‐inch layer of organic mulch can mimic a more natural environment for trees and improve overall plant health. When mulching, it is important to remember that the root system of a tree is not a mirror image of its top. "The roots of most trees extend out a significant distance from the trunk. Also, most of the fine absorbing roots of trees are located within inches of the soil surface." These shallow roots are essential for taking up water and minerals for trees and they require oxygen to survive. A thin layer of mulch applied broadly and practically, can improve the soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature and moisture availability where these roots grow. Mulching basics To ensure the health of your trees and plants, follow these practical mulching tips:  For well‐drained sites, apply a 2‐ to 4‐inch layer of mulch. If drainage problems exist, use a thinner layer.  If mulch is already present, check the depth. Do not add mulch if there is already a sufficient layer (2 to 4 inches) in place. Instead, rake the old mulch to break up any matted layers and refresh the appearance.  Avoid placing mulch against the tree trunks.  If mulch is already piled against the stems or tree trunks, pull it back several inches so that the base of the trunk and the root crown are exposed.  Mulch out to the tree’s drip line or beyond if possible.

 Most commonly available mulches work well in most landscapes. Be mindful of the fact that some plants may benefit from the use of a slightly acidifying mulch such as pine bark.  Organic mulches are preferable for their soil‐enhancing properties. Be sure it is well aerated and composted to avoid sour‐smelling mulch. Avoid using uncomposted wood chips that have been piled deeply without exposure to oxygen. Use composted wood chips instead, especially when they contain a blend of leaves, bark and wood. ■

“A thin layer of mulch applied broadly and practically can improve soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature and moisture availability…”

Let’s Protect Alberta’s Elm Trees

Since its introduction from Europe in 1930, DED has destroyed millions of American elm trees across North America. The fungus is primarily spread from one elm tree to another by three species of elm bark beetles; the smaller European, the native, and the banded elm bark beetle. These beetles are attracted to weak and dying trees, which serve as breeding sites for them. Once the beetles have pupated and turned into adults, they leave the brood gallery and fly to healthy elms to feed, transporting the fungus on their bodies from one tree to the next. Monitoring for the beetles is done annually throughout the “Dutch Elm Disease (DED) is a serious threat to elm trees in province by STOPDED. Alberta communities,” says Janet Feddes‐Calpas, Executive Director for the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease Pruning of elm trees is prohibited throughout Alberta each year (STOPDED). from April 1 until September 30. At present, Alberta has the largest DED‐free American elm For more information on DED prevention, call the STOPDED stand in the world, and it is important to protect this valuable hotline at 1‐877‐837‐ELMS (3567) or visit their website at resource. . DED is caused by a fungus that clogs the elm tree’s water To find a certified arborist in Alberta, visit conducting system, causing the tree to die, usually within one or two seasons. Green for Life October 2012 I


Weed Wise Gardening in Alberta

No gardener in Alberta knowingly plants invasive plants. Having deep respect gardens, lawns, boulevards and open areas across for the natural environment, they are diligent to keep gardens weed‐free – the continent. going to great lengths, and expense, to weed out any pesky plants. Some plants are grown in gardens around Alberta because of qualities valued by Like the dandelion, plants from other parts of the gardeners, such as beauty, hardiness, rapid growth or prolific flowering. globe, originally introduced as garden flowers, However, some aggressive species have escaped and invaded, or are have jumped the garden fence to become invasive threatening to invade, various areas in Alberta. in the natural environment. For some, the seeds have arrived as stowaways on shipments, The best‐known invasive plant is likely the dandelion. Originally from Eurasia, hitchhiked along traffic routes or floated down it arrived in North America with the earliest settlers. Today it is the bane of waterways, managing to survive, thrive and dominate in the wild. Accidental or intentional, these invaders cause not only environmental and ecological degradation, but social and economic loss as well. Their growth and rapid spread is detrimental to native plants and damages natural areas, rangelands and watersheds. While relatively few introduced plants actually become invasive, effective action needs to be taken to avoid planting – or to “weed” out – the ones that do. What Else Can You Do?  54 Pages of Prairie-Hardy plants Research: an internet search of the Latin/ botanical name of a plant provides information on  Clear & concise up-to-date information whether or not it could become invasive.  Hardiness Zone map  163 full-color photos Avoid purchasing and planting ornamentals with known invasive tendencies. Non‐native plants  Detailed plant descriptions valued as garden choices for being extremely  Conveniently packaged in boxes of 50 hardy, rapidly spreading or self‐seeding, may also be highly invasive. Use mulches and ground cover and maintain a healthy landscape. Cover open garden spaces with mulches or ground cover to resist invasion. Keep your lawn and garden well fed, properly watered, and disease and pest‐free to better compete for nutrients, water and light. Seek out non‐invasive alternatives for attractive but problematic plants. Consider native species which tend to be well adapted to your local environment. Deadhead plants that have bloomed to prevent Order today and receive a discount rate on your order. Call 1-800-378-3198. seed spread and dispose of weedy invaders Discount code: CIB2012 properly. Remove invasive plants before flowering and either burn them or bag for landfill disposal. 12 I Green for Life October 2012

Alberta’s Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship Program (LGAP)

Never dispose of garden materials in natural areas, and never compost invasive species! Avoid collecting pretty “wildflowers” from roadsides and natural areas for your garden. Many of the attractive plants found in ditches and alongside roads are highly aggressive invading species. Canada’s best landscape Avoid: Himalayan Balsam Fast growing, introduced annual. Can reach an impressive horticulturalist training program! size, rapidly out‐competing other plants, especially in riparian areas and along shorelines. Orchid shaped flower resembling a British policeman’s helmet. Very brittle seed capsules explode upon contact, catapulting seeds 6 meters or more. Shallow root system makes it easily controlled by hand‐pulling. Avoid: Oxeye Daisy European origin. Widespread invader in North American pastures and natural areas. Classic white daisy. Lower leaves toothed, upper leaves have wavy margins. Reproduces by seed, or by shallow rhizomes (creeping roots). Single plant quickly becomes a large patch. Landscape Gardener is a Red Seal trade Unpalatable for grazing livestock or wildlife, giving it a competitive advantage. Some cultivars sold as “Shasta Daisy” are in fact Oxeye Daisy. tumbleweeds, spreading seed to pastured and natural areas. Widespread infestations across Canada and Avoid: Creeping Bellflower northern United States. Bell shaped, nodding blue flowers on leafy stalks. Reproduces by seeds, slender creeping rhizomes and Avoid: Yellow Clematis tuberous root pieces. Rhizomes can travel under fences, Spreading vine plant. Yellow, pendant flowers. Seeds have sidewalks and concrete. Produces up to 15,000 seeds/ long, silky tufts easily carried on wind and water. plant. Can displace and dominate lawns and perennial sun Aggressive plant once established. Urban and natural area or shade garden. Survives periods of drought. Tuberous infestations are becoming more common, displacing roots, creeping rhizome system and resistance to some native flora and increasing fire hazard. Also moving into herbicides make it extremely difficult to eradicate. mountain parks. Avoid: Common Baby’s Breath Avoid: Purple Loosestrife Ornamental perennial used in floral arrangements. In Referred to as “the beautiful killer”. Tall, strong purple winter, stems break off, blowing around in the wind like spires. Takes over ponds, beaches, marshes, farm dugouts, irrigation canals. A mature plant can produce 2.5 million seeds. Ornamental cultivars, originally considered sterile, have proven very fertile when cross‐pollinated. Copious pollen sources for wild plants. Preventing introduction and rapidly responding to new occurrences is the most effective method of managing invasive plants. For a list of other invasive plants and suitable alternatives, visit the Alberta Invasive Plant Council website at ■

Invest in your people and your organization HIRE AND TRAIN AN APPRENTICE

Photo: Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) Green for Life October 2012 I


Should Municipalities Ban Pesticide Use? In Alberta, the use of lawn & garden pesticides* has come Agency (PMRA) using world‐leading scientific protocols, under scrutiny as some organizations argue they pose a which take into consideration many risk factors, including health risk and therefore should not be used in urban children’s exposure to treated lawns. The PMRA employs landscapes. For years, environmental organizations have over 300 scientists who assess all pest control products for lobbied Alberta municipalities recommending a ban on their impact on humans, animals and the environment pesticide use for ‘cosmetic’ purposes. before they are permitted for use by Canadians. It’s also important to note that the PMRA does not classify any We are not sure what the environmental groups mean by pest control product used by gardeners as carcinogenic. the term “cosmetic”, as the words “cosmetic use” are not found on any pest control product. We use products like So why do some environmental organizations reject herbicides to control weeds which, if left unchecked, will Health Canada’s scientists and imply that pesticides have envelop a lawn, making it unsuitable for sports or our been linked to a shopping list of health issues? One can enjoyment. If that is considered “cosmetic”, then property only surmise on their motive, but we believe it’s based on owners will have to decide how weedy their lawns become ideology, not on science, as no environmental organization before taking action. carries out propriety scientific research. Herbicides and insecticides are used in many products to By using terms such as “linked”, environmental organizations are able to circumvent having to prove that protect against a variety of pests. They are used extensively in agriculture to ensure we have an abundant the various health issues they cite are caused by pesticides. supply of fruits, vegetables and grains. We use many of the same pest control products in the urban landscape. Many environmental groups, however, have no problem with pesticides being used by agriculture or the golf All pest control products are thoroughly evaluated for industry – just not on our lawns! Their rationale being that safety by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory homeowners don’t follow label instructions and misuse the products. Let’s give people, especially the licensed applicators, a little more credit than that. Some groups will point to “alternative” products being available and say that we don’t need to use synthetic pesticides. Unfortunately, that is a simplistic view. Regardless of a product’s chemistry (biological or synthetic), if it is used to control weeds or insects, it’s still a pesticide and subject to the same scientific testing! Most so‐called “alternative” products, especially those used for weed control, are not as effective and require repeated applications, which in the long run can prove to be costly. This matter will come before some of Alberta’s municipal councils again, and another round of protracted debates will begin. Councillors, however, would be wise to set aside the anti‐pesticide fear‐mongering that has permeated previous debates and learn from the accredited experts at Health Canada and local health officials. After all, they have the legal responsibility under the Pest Control Products Act to protect our health and the environment. ■

Nigel Bowles Executive Director, Landscape Alberta

Health Canada scientist’s perform over 200 tests to ensure pesticide products will not harm people, animals and the environment.

14 I Green for Life October 2012

* For clarity, because it’s frequently misunderstood, the word “pesticide” is a master term that includes herbicides (weed control), insecticides (insect control) and fungicides (disease control) – collectively they are all called pest control products.

Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm Green Industry Conference, Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands

Landscape Pest Management Symposium Safety and Science First, Dr. Len Ritter Municipal leaders are frequently asked to weigh the value of using pest control products against their perceived health risks. Many scientists have argued that pesticide use has been linked to many types of cancer and therefore should not be used. This rationale has been used to support urban pesticide bans in many Canadian jurisdictions. In contrast, many other scientists and regulatory agencies around the world, including Canada's PMRA and the US EPA, have concluded that these very same pesticides are safe for use. Is there evidence to support removing lawn and garden pest control products from sale and use? Dr. Ritter’s session will focus on research and insights derived from Canadian monitoring studies and the US Agriculture Health Study.

Current Alberta Environment Pesticide Statistics, Gary Byrtus Alberta is the only province in Canada that collects sale and use data of pesticide products. Gary will review the trends of both herbicide and insecticide use in our province. Some of his data may surprise you!

Lawn Care in the New World, Mario Lanthier Can we produce healthy lawns without conventional pesticides?

This clinic is for lawn care companies and garden centre personnel who need to know the cultural practices that deliver the best results ‐without pesticides. What grass should you over‐seed, when should you fertilize, and how much compost should you apply?

For more information or to register, call 1‐800‐378‐3198 or email admin@landscape‐ Registrations forms are available online:

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Call 1‐800‐378‐3198 to request your copy today!

Green for Life October 2012 I


Sharing the Knowledge The Green Industry Show & Conference Industry-leading workshops & seminars for landscape, turf, tree, greenhouse, nursery and garden centre professionals. An exceptional 250 booth trade show provides buying opportunities through exhibits displaying the latest equipment, products & services. Two ‘must attend’ events all in one convenient location!

November 15 & 16, 2012 Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands

Scan here to learn more. 1-800-378-3198

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