Green Industry Show & Conference Program

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Sharing the Knowledge

The Green Industry Show & Conference Industry-leading workshops for landscape, turf, tree, greenhouse, nursery and garden centre professionals. Plus an exceptional 250 booth trade show!

November 15 & 16, 2012 Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands

Program Sponsor 1-800-378-3198

Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Group

Annual Live & Silent Auction In support of plant research

Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 pm Ramada Hotel, 11834 Kingsway Ave, Edmonton Dress Theme: Reception Sponsor

Hot hors d’oeuvres, carving station and cash bar

Everyone welcome - this event is free to attend!

Garden Centre Bus Tour Wednesday, November 14 Salisbury Greenhouses & Landscaping Greenland Garden Centre Kuhlmann’s Market Gardens & Greenhouses Hole’s at the Enjoy Centre Tour Bus Hosts: Dr. Mirza and Bill McCurry Sponsored by the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association

Pre-registration is required: see page 12 For details on the above event visit: Click on “Conference Information”

Sharing the Knowledge

This year’s conference features six half‐day workshops to choose from — whether you are a landscape contractor, nursery grower, retailer or greenhouse grower, you’ll find superb educational opportunities for you and your staff!

Some of our educational selections include: “Say It So They’ll Hear It” “Food Gardening: Where It’s Going and Its Huge Potential” “Dealing with Workplace Anger” “Landscape Pest Management Symposium ” “Invasive Species in the Landscape” “New Plants and Trends for the Prairies” “The Battle of Good Bugs and Bad Bugs: Who Are the Winners?” “The Changing Relevancy of Our Industry” “Operate in the Cloud, Not the Dark” “Building Natural Landscapes & Water Features for High-End Clients” “Bedding Plants: What is Old and What is New” “Hiring Foreign Workers” “Status of IPM Practices in Canadian Nurseries” “Seriously… What Do They Want? A Look at Employee Retention” Browse through the program and register today!

See pages 6 — 20 for workshop and general session details.

Program contents Events & Sessions At-a-Glance Thursday, November 15 Workshops Friday, November 16 Workshops Delegate Fees and Registration Form General Sessions Hotel Listing & Map List of Exhibitors

Page 4 6 9 12 18 21 22

Events, workshops & sessions at-a-glance

Wednesday, November 14th 9:00 am Garden Centre Bus Tour Pick up: Salisbury Greenhouse, Sherwood Park

7:00 pm Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Annual Auction Ramada Hotel, 11834 Kingsway Ave, Edmonton

Thursday, November 15th Time

Workshop or Event

7:00 am - 8:15 am

Registration, coffee and refreshments

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Landscape Contractors Workshop, Randy Tumber Building Natural Landscapes and Water Features for High-End Clients

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Nursery Growers Workshop and Marketing Panel Discussion Nobody Ever Followed a Manager into Battle, Dr. Tom Olson Status of IPM Practices in Canadian Nurseries, Mario Lanthier Marketing Panel: Getting More People to Buy Plants

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Greenhouse & Garden Centres Workshop, Bill McCurry Say It So They’ll Hear It Are You at Your Full Growth Potential in the Green Industry?

8:00 am - 2:30 pm

International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Workshop For information see page 10

11:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Green Industry Show - Hall E

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Landscape Industry Certified Exams

5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

STOPDED General Meeting

5:00 pm - 5:45 pm

AGGA Annual General Meeting

5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

AGGA Awards Dinner Registration Choices

Your BEST DEAL is a FULL Conference Pass! Includes: Early morning refreshments, one workshop of your choice on Thursday, November 15 and one workshop of your choice, and/or access to all General Sessions on Friday, November 16. Or … select an individually priced workshop, or a Friday General Sessions pass. Trade Show entry is included with any conference registration.


Events, workshops & sessions at-a-glance

Friday, November 16th Time

Workshop or Event

7:00 am - 8:15 am

Registration, coffee and refreshments

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Landscape Pest Management Symposium Safety and Science First, Dr. Len Ritter Current Alberta Environment Pesticide Statistics, Gary Byrtus Lawn Care in the New World, Mario Lanthier

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Greenhouse Growers Workshop A Cooperative Approach Between You and Plants is the Best Approach for Profitability, Dr. Mirza, Dr. Hammer and Dr. Fry

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Garden Centres Workshop, Brian Minter The Changing Relevancy of Our Industry Food Gardening: Where It’s Going & Its Huge Potential

8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Sector Meeting (Open session)

8:15 am - 9:30 am

Invasive Species in the Landscape Dr. Ken Fry

8:15 am - 9:30 am

Dealing with Workplace Anger Fern Richardson

9:45 am - 11:00 am

New Plants and Trends for the Prairies Owen Vanstone

9:45 am - 11:00 am

Hiring Foreign Workers Government of Alberta, Temporary Foreign Worker Advisory Office

11:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Green Industry Show - Hall E

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Operate in the Cloud, Not the Dark Walter Schwabe

11:15 am - 12:30 pm

A Look at Employee Retention Fern Richardson

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Landscape Alberta Sod Growers Group Annual Meeting

Denotes a General Session. A General Session pass provides access to General Sessions only (no workshops). A FULL Conference registration includes entry to General Sessions. See registration form on pages 12 &13.


Thursday, November 15, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Landscape Contractors Workshop

Building Natural Landscapes and Water Features for High-End Clients This workshop is for landscape contractors who want to walk away with ideas and strategies on how to get their clients excited about their landscape and encourage them to think outside of the box.

Randy Tumber APLD, CLD, CHT This workshop is a review of Randy Tumber's most often employed design principles and construction techniques used to create natural, award-winning environments that have an emotional component. You will also see these techniques implemented in real life projects. Randy will discuss how to successfully integrate all of these elements into a landscape and talk about how to deal with high-end clients and the importance of encouraging them to dream.

Randy Tumber, APLD, CLD, CHT has been in business for over 35 years in the landscape design/build industry. His company, Tumber & Associates, is widely known for their excellence in specializing in the design and installation of mature, native landscapes. Randy's work is often acknowledged in the trades and media, including over 110 national and international awards. These include an unprecedented two International “Masters of Design” awards in 2008 and the Canadian ‘National Landscape of the Year’ award for 2011. Workshop Sponsor


Thursday, November 15, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Nursery Growers Workshop Keynote: Nobody Ever Followed a Manager into Battle Dr. Tom Olson, 8:15 - 9:15 am

A group of workers are tasked with clearing a road through a dense jungle to get to a port along the coast. The manager organizes the men into efficient units, making adjustments along the way to ensure progress is maintained. One day, a worker climbs a tree, surveys the scene from the top and shouts down to the group … “Holy Crap, we’re going the wrong way!” Moral: It doesn’t matter how well you manage if you’re not going the right way. As business owners, not only do you have to do things right, but you also have to do the right things - that’s what this presentation is about! Dr. Tom Olson is president of T.L. Olson & Associates Inc., a performance consulting firm specializing in performance management, employee development, survey research and multi-source feedback. He is the author of “Don’t Die with Your Helmet On: The Power of Personal Responsibility.”

Status of IPM Practices in Canadian Nurseries Mario Lanthier, 9:30 - 10:30 am

This session will review "good ideas" collected over a twoseason tour of Canadian nurseries specifically looking at their IPM programs. Part of the tour was in Alberta, where five nurseries were visited. The presentation will review different topics related to IPM and present current (what all nurseries have in common) and future best practices. Mario Lanthier has been in the industry since 1980. His company, CropHealth Advising & Research, provides consulting services in Plant Health Care to nurseries, landscape companies, municipalities, golf courses and organic growers throughout Alberta and British Columbia. His consulting and research business keeps him on top of what’s happening in the fields of plant nutrition and pest management.

Marketing Panel: Getting More People to Buy Plants 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Join three industry leaders to discuss the marketing of plants. Hear them talk about what used to work, what doesn’t anymore, and how to market plants in today’s new marketplace. During this interactive session, you will have the opportunity to listen and ask questions of three successful nursery operators, who will speak candidly about their businesses – including what works for them and what does not. John Byland, Bylands Nurseries Ltd. Arnold Heuver, Arnold Heuver Consulting Michel Touchette, Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. 7

Thursday, November 15, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Greenhouse Growers & Garden Centres Workshop

Bill McCurry Are You at Your Full Growth Potential in the Green Industry? Learn about the potential of growth in relation to your customer expectations, rationale for expansion, and the needs of society. Hear about new trends which appear attractive both to you and to your customers. Walk away with the knowledge of how to put it together in an integrated fashion and gain the ability to "seize" the opportunity.

Say It So They’ll Hear It If you’ve ever wanted to scream, “I’ve told you a thousand times . . . “, consider the probability they never heard you. Many times we say things that aren’t heard or understood because we weren’t speaking with the person we were addressing. We were attempting to speak “at them” and we missed the target. Bill McCurry will share the secrets to getting your message across in a manner your employees, vendors, customers and family will understand. It’s much easier to have solid communication when you know the secrets that ensure accurate communication.

Marketing Idea Exchange There are great successes (and some frustrations) happening right around you. Join the active discussions about what can work for you to catapult your sales and profits to a higher level. This lively and interactive session will get your creative juices excited and ready to head back to work, excited about the potential of greater profitability. Audiences appreciate Bill’s candid and fact-based approach to reality. His sessions are full of real world applicability expressed with lively humor and enthusiasm. Bill’s background includes being CEO of 17 retail locations and 225 employees, co-author of four business books, business radio talk show host, business grad school faculty – Finance, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, columnist for Green Profit Magazine (Ball Publications) and frequent speaker at leading horticultural events. Workshop Sponsors


Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Landscape Pest Management Symposium Safety and Science First Dr. Len Ritter, 8:15 - 9:30 am Municipal leaders are frequently asked to weigh the value of using pest control products against their perceived health risks. Many scientists have argued that pesticide use has been linked to many types of cancer and therefore should not be used. This rationale has been used to support urban pesticide bans in many Canadian jurisdictions. In contrast, many other scientists and regulatory agencies around the world, including Canada's PMRA and the US EPA, have concluded that these very same pesticides are safe for use. Is there evidence to support removing lawn and garden pest control products from sale and use? This session will focus on research and insights derived from Canadian monitoring studies and the US Agriculture Health Study. Dr Ritter is Professor Emeritus of Toxicology in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph. Dr. Ritter was the Chair of the recent Council of Canadian Academies Expert Panel on the Integrated Testing of Pesticides.

Current Alberta Environment Pesticide Statistics Gary Byrtus, 9:45 -11:00 am Alberta is the only province in Canada that collects sale and use data of pesticide products. Gary will indicate the trends of both herbicide and insecticide use in our province. Some of his data may surprise you! Gary graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Agriculture. He started with Alberta Environment and worked in pesticide management, focusing on monitoring of pesticides in surface water, groundwater, air, precipitation and soil throughout Alberta. Gary has recently taken on new responsibilities in the policy area focusing on pesticides, reclamation and remediation.

Lawn Care in the New World Mario Lanthier, 10:45 - 12:15 am Can we produce healthy lawns without conventional pesticides? This clinic is for lawn care companies and garden centre personnel who need to know the cultural practices that deliver the best results - without pesticides. What grass should you over-seed, when should you fertilize and how much compost should you apply? Mario Lanthier has been in the industry since 1980. His company, CropHealth Advising & Research, provides consulting services in Plant Health Care to nurseries, landscape companies, municipalities, golf courses and organic growers throughout Alberta and British Columbia. His consulting and research business keeps him on top of what’s happening in the field of plant nutrition and pest management.


Thursday, November 15, 2012 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

ISA Workshop This workshop is presented and managed by the ISA Prairie Chapter and is independent of the Green Industry Conference. A separate registration is required.

Insects and Diseases in the Urban Forest with

Gail Rankin, Rankin Horticulture Consulting and Mike Jenkins, City of Edmonton presented by

The Davey Resource Institute To register for this workshop, please contact:

Bonnie Fermanuik at 780-496-4960 or email:, or ISA Prairie Chapter Executive Secretary: 1-866-550-7464 Thursday, November 15, 2012 5:30 - 9:30 pm

STOPDED General Meeting The society operates the Alberta Provincial Dutch Elm Disease (DED) prevention program, which includes vector monitoring, surveillance, sampling and public awareness. Regional updates will be given on all tree pests issues. Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 am - 12:00 pm

Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Sector Group Meeting Agenda will include a presentation and discussion on the proposed Commercial Tree Nursery Commission This is an open session and no fee is charged to attend.


Connecting Buyers with Suppliers Alberta’s #1 tradeshow for landscape, greenhouse, nursery, garden centre, turf and tree industry professionals Over 150 industry-leading provincial, national and international exhibitors under one roof!

The Green Industry Show November 15 & 16 | 2012 Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands | Edmonton | AB Entrance: 116 Avenue & Wayne Gretzky Drive

Show Hours: Thursday, November 15 | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday, November 16 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Green Industry Show (GIS) is produced and managed by Landscape Alberta.

Visit participating Passport Program exhibitors for a chance to win one of three video cameras. See page 20. 11

The Green Industry Conference 2012

REGISTRATION FORM Please use a separate form for each person registering. Photocopy for additional forms.

______________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Company ______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Prov. Postal Code ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax ______________________________________________________________________________ E-mail

Your BEST DEAL is a FULL Conference Pass! Includes: Refreshments, one workshop of your choice on Thursday, November 15 and one workshop on Friday, November 16, plus access to all General Sessions (Friday) and Trade Show entry. Or, select an individual workshop, or just the General Sessions (see opposite page). If you choose a FULL Conference Pass you must indicate (below) the workshops you wish to attend.

FULL Conference Pass Early Bird Landscape Alberta/AGGA Members Non-member Please check ()if you are a member of Landscape Alberta or the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association Landscape Alberta __ AGGA __

After Nov 1

$236.00 __ $259.00 __ $259.00 __ $285.00 __

Sub total


5% GST




Workshop selection: If you purchase a FULL Conference pass, indicate below (√) which workshops you want to attend. Choose only one workshop each day. You will be advised if the workshop of your choice is fully booked. Thursday, November 15 Landscape Contractors, Randy Tumber Greenhouse & Garden Centres, Bill McCurry Nursery Growers, Dr. Olson, Mario Lanthier & Panel Friday, November 16 Greenhouse, Dr. Mirza, Dr. Hammer & Dr. Fry Garden Centre, Brian Minter Landscape Pest Management Symposium General Sessions Only (no workshops) Registration continued on next page...


Individually Priced Workshops

Use this list only if you have NOT chosen a FULL Conference registration

Thursday, November 15 (please select one) Landscape Contractors Workshop Randy Tumber, Building Natural Landscapes & Water Features for High-End Clients

Nursery Growers Workshop Dr. Tom Olson, Mario Lanthier and Panel, Workshop and Marketing Panel Discussion

Greenhouse & Garden Centre Workshop Bill McCurry, Are You at Your Full Growth Potential in the Green Industry?

Friday, November 16 (please select one) Greenhouse Growers Workshop Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza, Dr. Allen Hammer, Dr. Ken Fry, A Cooperative Approach Between You and Plants

Garden Centre Workshop Brian Minter, The Changing Relevancy of Our Industry & Food Gardening

Landscape Pest Management Symposium Dr. Len Ritter, Gary Byrtus, Mario Lanthier, Science, Statistics and Best Management Practices

Individual Workshop Prices (each)

Early Bird After Nov 1 Landscape Alberta & AGGA Members $170.00 __ $187.00 __ Non-member $189.00 __ $208.00 __

General Sessions, Friday, November 16 (See pages 18 - 20 for General Session details) Landscape Alberta & AGGA Members $140.00 __ $154.00 __ Non-member $150.00 __ $165.00 __ Student Conference Pass

Must Bring Student ID onsite

$ 60.00 __ $ 66.00 __

Additional Event AGGA Bus Tour, Wednesday, November 14, Member AGGA Bus Tour, Wednesday, November 14, Non-member AGGA Awards Dinner, Thursday, November 15

Early-Bird discount prices honored until 4:00 pm November 1, 2012. All registrations received after November 1 are subject to full-conference prices. Pre-registration accepted until 4:00 pm Wednesday, November 7; registration after this date must be on-site.


$ 60.00 __ $ 65.00 __ $ 80.00 __ $ 85.00 __ $ 25.00 __



Add 5% GST



$________________ (GST Reg #107595530)

Cheque enclosed, payable to GISC ($50.00 NSF fee) Please print clearly

Card # _______________________________________________________________Expiry_______/_______ Signature (required)________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder name (print)_____________________________________________________________________ Refund policy: Registration cancellations made thirty (30) days prior to the event will be fully refunded. If less than thirty (30) days prior to the event, cancellations will be accepted until Friday, November 2, 2012 and registration fees, less a 25% administration fee, will be refunded. Any registrations cancelled after Friday, November 2, 2012 will not be refunded for any reason. If the event is cancelled by the Association, a full refund will be granted. A copy of our refund policy is available on request.

Landscape Alberta 200, 10331-178 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5

Fax: 780-444-2152 Inquiries: 1-800-378-3198 13

Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Greenhouse Growers Workshop A Cooperative Approach Between You and Plants is the Best Approach for Profitability In this session, three plant doctors have combined their expertise to take you through Problem Solving, Road Mapping and the Battle of Good Bugs and Bad Bugs. Who Wins When There is a Conflict Between Plants and People Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza, 8:15 - 9:30 am Dr. Mirza will present problems with bedding plants, ornamentals and vegetables and show that all plant problems originate with people. Plants cannot win if people do not manage their crops properly and effectively. He will talk about herbicide issues in water, cold temperature issues with tomatoes, pH and EC issues with geraniums and petunias and suggest solutions for these problems. Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza retired from Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development in October 2008. He is now a consultant for the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) for education and extension. He continues to write for the AGGA newsletter and maintains an active interest in the development of the greenhouse industry.

Bedding Plants: What is Old and What is New Dr. Allen Hammer, 9:45 - 11:00 am Dr. Hammer will take us through the ABCs of growing bedding plants in a concise manner and highlight how the introduction of new plant material is helping us to make better decisions in selecting material best suited to our climate and customers. Dr. Allen Hammer works in Product Development and Support for Dummen USA. He has taught courses in Greenhouse Management, Plants for Interiors, International Horticulture and Florists’ Crop Production. Dr. Hammer has also published numerous extension and research articles on greenhouse production and management.

The Battle of Good Bugs and Bad Bugs: Who Are the Winners? Dr. Ken Fry, 11:15 am - 12:30 pm More and more bedding plant growers are using bio-control for Thrips. Every year we have new bio-control agents with bigger and fancier names. Dr. Fry will take us through the process and strategies to develop a bio-control program for vegetable, bedding plant and poinsettia growers. Learn about the importance of monitoring and integrating cultural controls into your integrated pest management programs. Dr. Ken Fry, Coordinator for the Environmental Horticulture Program and Entomology Instructor in the School of Environment at Olds College, has been involved in insect pest management research, teaching and extension for over 15 years, including 9 years as a research scientist at the Alberta Research Council. His research is focused on biological control of insect pests and integrated pest management. Workshop Sponsor


Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Garden Centres Workshop

The Changing Relevancy of Our Industry Customers are changing, but refocusing your vision can bring great opportunity.

Brian Minter As the “Boomers” begin to retire and downsize, their living spaces and the relevancy of plants in their lives is changing dramatically. The “Generation X” folks are in our stores now, looking for more unique products that are personalized to their lives. “Generation Y” is barely interested in what we have to offer and would not know quite what to do with it in any case. It’s a whole new retailing environment unfolding out there … with great opportunities - if we can refocus our vision.

Food Gardening: Where It’s Going and Its Huge Potential As people discover the many values of food gardening and how it can enhance their lives in so many ways, it can become an amazing retailing opportunity. The challenge is to understand what these people are looking for and how to present it in an exciting manner, using “cool” displays with easy to understand instructions, designed for their success. We need to know what the hot new varieties are and the latest research on the best new container varieties. Brian Minter began sharing his passion for plants with British Columbia's gardeners when, in 1970, he and his wife Faye purchased Country Garden Store, a garden shop in their community. In 1977, the Minters discovered a piece of land nestled beneath Mt. Cheam, and by 1980 that passion for plants was transformed into the 32-acre, world-famous Minter Gardens which draws thousands of visitors each year. As BC's go-to garden expert through his experience at both the garden centre and the display gardens, he has hosted countless radio and television shows, is a frequent gardening columnist, and is the author of the Canadian best seller, “Brian Minter's New Gardening Guide: Fresh Approaches for Canadian Gardeners.” 15

 54 Pages of Prairie-Hardy plants  Clear & concise up-to-date information  Hardiness Zone map  163 full-color photos  Detailed plant descriptions  Competitively priced for re-sale  Conveniently packaged in boxes of 50

Register for the Green Industry Conference and receive a complimentary copy in your delegate package

Order today and receive a show & conference discount . Call 1-800-378-3198. Discount code: GISC2012


2012 Event Sponsors

Sponsors as of publication date August 7, 2012

Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association

Annual General Meeting Thursday, November 15 Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands No fee to attend AGM.

Awards Banquet Thursday, November 15 Edmonton EXPO Centre at Northlands This annual event celebrates excellence in the greenhouse industry. Pre-registration is required: see page 12 For details on the above events: Click on “Conference Information” 17

General Sessions Friday, November 16th Friday, 8:15 am – 9:30 am “Dealing with Workplace Anger”

General Sessions

Fern Richardson, Leduc, AB Audience: All

The following sessions are open to attendees with a FULL Conference or a Friday General Session Pass

Anger is a powerful and sometimes scary emotion. In this session we’ll look at ways to constructively deal with anger as we:

Friday, 8:15 am – 9:30 am

- recognize common physiological responses and triggers - apply strategies to assist others and diffuse their anger - use personal coping strategies to deal with our anger response

“Invasive Species in the Landscape” Dr. Ken Fry, Olds, AB Audience: All As Canada’s economy becomes ever more global in scope, we expose ourselves to risk on a global scale. In our industry, this means the potential for alien invasive species to be introduced to the Prairies. Which species are already here? Which are likely to arrive? What is the potential impact from these species? What can we do to mitigate the risk? These questions and others will be addressed in the process of preparing the landscape industry for dealing with introduced insect pests.

Hey, maybe anger isn’t so scary after all! Fern Richardson is a corporate trainer and facilitator. Her company specializes in organizational behaviour and helping people develop skills for success. Fern works extensively with businesses, government agencies, and community groups. Her focus is on workplace communication, leadership, teams, conflict management, effective meetings and time management.

Friday, 8:15 am – 12:00 pm Landscape Alberta Nursery Growers Sector Group Meeting Chairman: Cody Brown Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd.

Dr. Ken Fry, Coordinator for the Environmental Horticulture Program and Entomology Instructor in the School of Environment at Olds College, has been involved in insect pest management research, teaching and extension for over 15 years, including 9 years as a research scientist at the Alberta Research Council. His research is focused on biological control of insect pests and integrated pest management. Ken is co-author, with Doug Macaulay and Don Williamson of “Garden Bugs of Alberta”.

Agenda will include a presentation and discussion on the proposed Commercial Tree Nursery Commission.

This is an open session and no fee is charged to attend.


Friday, 9:45 am – 11:00 am

Friday, 11:15 am – 12:30 pm

“New Plants and Trends for the Prairies”

“Operate in the Cloud, Not the Dark”

Owen Vanstone, Portage la Prairie, MB

Audience: All

Walter Schwabe, Edmonton, AB

Audience: All

Learn how to increase your productivity, decrease costs and improve communication with your team.

This presentation will highlight the new developments in trees, shrubs and perennials for ornamental and fruiting purposes along with industry trends for the upcoming season. It will provide an accurate look at functional and dependable materials to be used in the landscape.

If you use an iPad, iPhone, Android, blackberry or other electronic device or online application to do business, Walter Schwabe, one of Canada’s leading digital strategists, will help you understand how to bring together different communication platforms so they work in harmony and what it means to “operate in the cloud”.

Owen Vanstone is the Sales and Marketing Manager of Vanstone Nurseries, a 50-acre growing operation located in Manitoba. The company produces a wide range of hardy perennials, shrubs and roses for sale to the retail garden centre trade in several provinces. Owen has been an extension horticulture instructor at regional colleges and serves in an advisory capacity at these institutions.

Walter Schwabe has been the Chief Evolution Officer of his firm fusedlogic inc. for 12 years. Over the past 7, years fusedlogic has quietly evolved into one of Canada's leading social media engagement firms. fusedlogic have consulted on social media related issues for organizations like Microsoft, ATB Financial and the Government of Alberta, along with many small and medium sized businesses.

Friday, 9:45 am – 11:00 am

As a seasoned public speaker, Walter has presented to over 10,000 people at numerous events, and conferences in Canada and the US. He is also a published freelance writer and columnist on social media and digital strategy.

“Hiring Temporary Foreign Workers” Government of Alberta, TFW Advisory Office, Edmonton, AB Audience: All Come meet with representatives of the Temporary Foreign Workers Office and the Employment Standards, Education and Best Practices to learn more about hiring temporary foreign workers in Alberta and how it relates to the Alberta Employment Standards code. This interactive session will give you a chance to ask questions and bring up any concerns you have regarding temporary foreign workers and the application process.

Continuing Education Credits Look for this symbol. It denotes one or more credits available at a particular session for Alberta Environment's pesticide applicator license renewal.

All conference sessions qualify for education points for renewing Landscape Industry Certified designations.

Continued on next page ... 19

Friday, 11:15 am – 12:30 pm “Seriously…. What Do They Want?” - A Look at Employee Retention”

Enter to win one of three video cameras!

Fern Richardson, Leduc, AB Audience: All When your business loses employees, it loses skills and experience which affects productivity, profitability and service. High turnover affects employee relationships, morale and workplace safety. Keeping staff isn’t all about money, it’s also about engagement. So let’s find practical ways to get our staff engaged. Fern Richardson is a corporate trainer and facilitator. Her company specializes in organizational behaviour and helping people develop skills for success. Fern works extensively with businesses, government agencies, and community groups. Her focus is on workplace communication, leadership, teams, conflict management, effective meetings and time management.

Pick up a Trade Show “Passport,” visit all participating exhibitors, and enter the draw. The Green Industry Show 2012 PASSPORT Enter to win one of 3 prizes!

The conference program was jointly developed by Landscape Alberta and the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association

Have this passport stamped by all 15 participating exhibitors as you tour the show. Fill out the contact information on back page to validate entry. Put your stamped and completed passport into the draw box located at the main entrance to the show hall before 3 pm on Friday, November 16, 2012. First three completed entries drawn will be declared winners. Prize winners will be announced at 3:30 pm Friday, November 16 at the show. You do not have to be present to win. See rules on back page.

Passports available at Registration Desk or at Landscape Alberta booth 138


Each prize valued at approximately $150.00 Device shown for illustration purposes only.


Approved Hotels EXPO Centre

The Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel

RAMADA Hotel & Conference Centre

10155 - 105 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1E2

11834 Kingsway Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5G 3J5

Rates from: $129.00 Comfort Room $139.00 Superior Room $159.00 Suites

Rates from: $ 99.00 Standard/Business $109.00 Superior Room $149.00 Junior Suite

Taxes not included. Based on single occupancy.

Taxes not included.

Includes full hot breakfast and parking for registered guests. 1/2 block North of Light Rail Transit station -18 minutes on train to the Expo Centre, 15 minutes by car.

Upgraded rooms, complimentary breakfast, free onsite parking. Only a 15 minute drive to the Expo Centre.

Reservations: Toll-free: 1-800-716-6199 Phone: 780-423-4811 Fax: 780-425-5882 Group Code: CEPGFC10871 Website:

Reservations: Toll-free: 1-888-747-4114 Phone: (780) 454-5454 Fax: (780) 453-7360 Group Code: Green Industry Show & Conference Email: Website:

Shuttle Service will be available between the Coast Edmonton Plaza and the Edmonton EXPO Centre (Thursday & Friday at select times)


Cut-off date for room rate for both hotels: Sunday, October 14, 2012 Rooms and rates are only guaranteed up to the cut-off date as shown.


Exhibitor list

Trade Show Hours

Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd. BW Global Structures Inc. Bylands Nurseries Ltd. C. Frensch Ltd. Canadian Nursery Landscape Association Canadian Sunlight Enterprises Ltd. Canar Rock Products Can-Cell Industries Inc. Cannor Nurseries Ltd. Carlton Plants LLC Cary's Ltd. Wholesale Garden Supply Central Alberta Greenhouses Ltd. Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. City of Edmonton - Composting Facility City of Edmonton, Forestry Dept. Clearview Horticultural Products Inc. Clifty View Nursery Coaldale Nurseries Communities in Bloom Alberta Consolidated Turf Equipment (1965) Ltd. Corix Water Products Crescent Garden D & M Concrete Products Ltd. Daylight Tree Nursery Dentoom's Greenhouses deWilde's Wholesale Nurseries Inc. Dummen USA Dutchman Tree Spade Dutrion North America Eagle Lake Group Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds Ltd. ECCO CHIPS Equinox Environmental Erscon Canada Inc. Expocrete Concrete Products Finning (Canada) Fisher Farms LLC Florists Supply Ltd. Foothills Nurseries Ltd. Four Seasons Nursery Garden Marketing Group Grootendorst's Flowerland Nursery Hanes Geo Components Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Thursday, November 15 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday, November 16 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission to trade show is $10.00 per person and valid for both days. Pre registration is not required. Trade show admission is included with all conference registrations.

4-Way Equipment Rentals A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. ADVANCE Nursery Co. Ltd. Agrium Direct Solutions Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development Alberta Apprenticeship Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association Alberta Invasive Plants Council Apple Creek Propagators ArborCare Tree Service Ltd. Aris Horticultural Services - Canada Atlasta Tree Nursery Attachments and More Inc. Aubin Nurseries Ltd. Bailey Nurseries Inc. Ball Horticultural Company Barda Equipment Bigfoot Enterprises Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery Bobcat of Edmonton Bonners Ferry Panhandle Nursery Brandt Tractor Ltd. BrettYoung Bron & Sons Nursery Co. 22

Exhibitor list PlayWorks Inc. / PW SiteWorks Premier Tech Home & Garden Inc. Pro Tech Engineering Inc. Professional Gardener Co. Ltd., The Purple Springs Nursery Regency Irrigation Ltd. Rick's Concrete Products Rocky Mountain Landscape Bark SEA SOIL™ (Foenix Forest Tech. Inc.) Sester Farms Inc. Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) Southern Drip Irrigation Ltd. Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. Stokes Seeds Limited Sun Gro Horticulture Inc. Sunshine Brands® TerraLink Horticulture Inc. The Bug Factory Ltd. The Environmental Factor Inc. Top Spray® TWD Lawn & Garden Products Valleybrook Gardens Ltd. Van Belle Nursery Van Isle Water Van Noort Bulb Company Vanhof and Blokker Ltd. Vanstone Nurseries VRE Systems Webb Nursery & Landscape Inc. Wellmaster Carts, Div. of Wellmaster Pipe & Supply Inc. West Coast Floral Growers & Distributors Ltd. Western Nursery Growers Group (WNGG) Western Truck Body Mfg. Westland Ltd. Wheatland Trees Ltd. Zeller & Sons Enterprises

Henri Studio by Stonecasters LLC High Q Greenhouses Inc. HJS Wholesale Ltd. Holt Tree Spades Ltd. Horta-Craft Limited HortProtect - CNLA International Nursery Products Inc. Iseli Nursery J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. J.R.T. Nurseries Inc. Jack Van Klaveren Ltd. (JVK) JCB of Alberta Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. John Deere Landscapes Jolly Farmer Products Inc. Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd. Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries Koppert Canada Limited Kubota Canada Ltd. L & M Sales Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. Landscape Alberta Landscape Industry Certified program - CNLA Lawyer Nursery Inc. Lemar Tree Spades Leo Gentry Wholesale Nursery, Inc Linnaea Nurseries Limited Livingston Seed, Inc. Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. Manderley Turf Products Inc. MARL Technologies Inc. Martin Deerline McKenzie Seeds Meadowbrook Greenhouses Inc. Monrovia Growers Mountain Bark Inc. Northern Innovators Inc. Olds College Pacific Northwest Propagators Inc. Pacific Rim Brackets Ltd. Pan American Nursery Products Inc. Paridon Horticultural Ltd. Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. Pickseed Canada Inc.

Exhibitor list as of August 7, 2012 For up-to-date list (with business web links): 23

Green Industry Show & Conference Administration Office 200, 10331-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB Canada T5S 1R5


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