A Landscape Alberta Nursery Trades Association member publication
November/December 2015 Vol. 3, No. 6
Calga to ry for 20 15!
Green Industry Show & Conference
November 19 & 20, 2015 BMO Centre, Calgary, AB
Industry-leading workshops for landscape, turf, tree, greenhouse, nursery and garden centre professionals - plus a 230 booth tradeshow!
HELP IN EVERY DIRECTION. To provide you with the best industrial equipment and support possible, we have 7 CASE CE equipment dealerships across Alberta. So you never have to look far to find us. And we never have to look far to service you. It’s the kind of proximity, convenience, and quality that you can depend on. See our full lineup of CASE CE equipment at rockymtn.com. DEPENDABLE IS WHAT WE DO.
Advancing the professional landscape industry. MANAGING EDITOR | Joel Beatson LAYOUT & PRODUCTION | Kyla Hardon EDITOR | Marnie Main ADVERTISING | Erynn Watson Landscape Alberta Green for Life is a professional publication for the landscape trade in Alberta. Editorial and Advertising Landscape Alberta 200, 10331 - 178 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5 P: 780-489-1991 F: 780-444-2152 admin@landscape-alberta.com Landscape Alberta does not assume responsibility for and does not endorse the contents of any advertisements herein. All representations or warranties made are those of the advertiser and not the publication. Views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Landscape Alberta or its members. Material may not be reprinted from this magazine without the consent of Landscape Alberta. ISSN No: 1929-7114 (print) ISSN N0: 1929-7122 (online) Landscape Alberta Board of Directors Chris Brown, CLM, JLG, CSO, CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd., Chair Brian Gibson, Green Drop Lawns Ltd., Vice Chair Steve Wheatcroft, B. Comm, ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Cody Brown, Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. Jeff Oudyk, CSLA, AALA, JLG, Land Tec Landscape Contractors Ltd. Jordan Voogd, JLG, Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. John van Roessel, CLM, CLT, JVR Landscape (2006) Inc. Anita Heuver, JLG, Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. Landscape Alberta Staff Joel Beatson, CAE, CLM, Executive Director joel.beatson@landscape-alberta.com Marnie Main, Member Services Director member.services@landscape-alberta.com
November 18, 2015 Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Annual Auction Executive Royal Hotel, Calgary, AB www.greenindustryshow.com 1-800-378-3198 November 19 & 20, 2015 Green Industry Show & Conference BMO Centre, Calgary, AB www.greenindustryshow.com
November 23 - 25, 2015 HortEast Conference & Trade Show Moncton Coliseum Complex, Moncton, NB www.horteast.ns.ca December 10 & 11, 2015 LMN Workshop Finning CAT, 6735 - 9 Street NE, Calgary, AB www.golmn.com/event/workshop-calgary-ab-cat/
Green Industry Show & Conference Pages 4 - 32 General Information ................................................................4 Trade Show Floor Plan .............................................................5 Exhibitor Profiles .....................................................................6 Conference Fees ....................................................................21 Conference Sessions-at-a-Glance ..........................................22 Workshop Descriptions ..........................................................26 Speaker Biographies ..............................................................31 Green for Life Magazine Pages 33 - 46 Industry News ........................................................................33 Membership Promotion .........................................................37 Articles ..................................................................................41 A Look Back at our Association ..............................................46 On the Cover Green Industry Show & Conference November 19 & 20, 2015 BMO Centre, Calgary, AB www.greenindustryshow.com
Erynn Watson, Member Services Assistant erynn.watson@landscape-alberta.com Valerie Stobbe, Trade Show Coordinator valerie.stobbe@landscape-alberta.com Kyla Hardon, Communications kyla.hardon@landscape-alberta.com Cheryl Teo, Bookkeeper accounting@landscape-alberta.com
Follow us on Twitter @landscapeab #2015GISC
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 3
AGGA Bus Tour
Show Hours
Pre²Conference Event
Thursday, November 19 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday, November 20 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Admisson: $10.00
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Tour of the Calgary area: Sunnyside Greenhouses Ltd. | Greengate Garden Centres Ltd. Urban Green Produce Inc. Tour bus host: Dr. Mirza
Pre-registration not required. Trade show admission is included with all conference registrations.
Pre-registration is required. See page 13 or visit http://2015gisc.eventbrite.ca For more information on the bus tour visit
www.greenindustryshow.com &OLFN RQ ³&RQIHUHQFH ,QIRUPDWLRQ´
We invite you to join us at our Annual Live & Slient Auction
Presented by:
Executive Royal Hotel 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB
Rates from: $129.00 Deluxe accommodation, 1/2 queen $139.00 Standard King accommodation $159.00 Executive accommodation
Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary AB Join in the fun at this year’s auction Hot hors d’oeuvres and cash bar
Taxes not included. Based on single/double occupancy, each additional adult $10.00.
Everyone welcome - this event is free to attend!
Reservations: 1-877-769-2562 Quote Group Booking Name: Landscape Alberta Cut-off for room rate: November 4, 2015
Proceeds go toward horticultural research programs and projects
Sponsored by:
Visit www.greenindustryshow.com for alternate hotels. Shuttle Service will be available between the Executive Royal Hotel and BMO Centre on show days, November 19 & 20, 2015.
Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply
Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:00 pm Written exam opportunity for: Landscape Industry Certified Manager Landscape Industry Certified Technician Landscape Industry Certified Designer Call Colin Vince to register: 1-888-446-3499 ext. 8625 4 I Green for Life November/December 2015
What: When: Where:
Olds College Brewery Beer Tasting & Social Thursday, November 19 3:30 - 5:00 pm Trade Show Floor, concession area
Tickets available at participating exhibitor booths. For more information, visit www.greenindustryshow.com.
2015 GIS Floor Plan
A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. .............................................................414 ADVANCE Nursery Co. Ltd.................................................722 Alberta Agriculture and Forestry..........................................102 Alberta Agriculture and Forestry..........................................104 Alberta Invasive Species Council......................................1009 Apple Creek Propagators....................................................713 Atlasta Tree Nursery ...........................................................520 Aubin Nurseries Ltd.....................................................808, 810 Ball Horticultural Company...........................................300,302 Ball Seed - Greenhouse Equipment............................205, 304 Biobest ................................................................................821 Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery.....................................1032 Brandt Tractor Ltd........................309, 311, 313, 410, 412, 414 Brico Services ...................................................................1011 Bron & Sons Nursery Co.............................301, 303, 400, 402 Brothers Two Small Engines Inc. ......................................1001 Bugle Forklilft Sales & Rentals Ltd..............................921, 923 Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd. ........................................704 BW GLOBAL Structures Inc................................................314 Bylands Nurseries Ltd.5 ................................01, 503, 600, 602 C Y Grower Supplies Ltd.....................................................620 Canadian Nursery Landscape Association ...............1042, 100 Canadian Prairie Chapter, Irrigation Association.................522 Canadian Sunlight Enterprises Ltd..............609, 611, 708, 710 Cannor Nurseries Ltd. .........................................................612 Carlton Plants LLC ...........................................................1004 Cervus Equipment Agriculture.....................................817, 916 Cervus Equipment Construction..................809, 811, 908, 910 Cervus Equipment Forklifts & Materials Handling..................... ....................................................................813, 815, 912, 914 Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. .................................................417 Clearview Horticultural Products Inc. ..................................625 Clifty View Nursery..............................................................305 CLS Landscape Supply...............................................922, 924
Coaldale Nurseries..............................................................421 CORIX Water Products .......................................................110 Crescent Garden.................................................................413 Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. - Evergro Division ..... ....................................................................................200, 202 DeCloet Greenhouse Manufacturing Ltd.............................114 Devan Greenhouses Ltd. ....................................................108 DeVry Greenhouses Ltd..........................................1000, 1002 DLF Pickseed Canada Inc. .................................................701 Drive Products..............109, 111, 113, 115, 208, 210, 212, 214 Dümmen Orange.........................................................201, 203 Dutchman Industries Inc. ....................................................416 DynaSCAPE Software ........................................................223 Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd....................................................508 Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply...............401, 403 Earth Smart Solutions .........................................................925 ECCO Chips......................................................................1040 Edmonton Potato Growers..................................................128 Enertec Mechanical.............................................................415 Expocrete, an Oldcastle company...............................116, 118 Finning (Canada) ........................................601, 603, 700, 702 Florists Supply Ltd.......................................................523, 525 Foothills Nurseries Ltd. .......................................................216 Four Seasons Nursery ........................................................101 Frensch, C. Ltd....................................................................420 Garden Essentials...............................................................100 Garden Marketing Group ..................................................1021 Green Patch Environmental Consulting Ltd. .......................812 Health Canada, PMRA......................................................1051 Henri Studio by Stonecasters LLC ..............................514, 516 High Q Greenhouses ..........................................................605 HJS Wholesale Ltd......................................509, 511, 513, 515 HJS Wholesale Ltd..............................................................510 Holt Industrial ..........................................................1017, 1019
Holt Tree Spades Ltd. .................................................215, 217 Horta-Craft Limited..............................................................312 HortProtect - CNLA ...................................................1042, 100 Houle Country .....................................................................325 Inline Nurseries (2010) Inc. ...............................................1036 Intercontinental Truck Body...............................................1029 Iseli Nursery ........................................................................920 J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. ......................................................204 J.R.T. Nurseries Inc.....................................................321, 323 Jack Van Klaveren Ltd. (JVK) .............................................715 Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. .................................................308, 310 John Deere Landscapes ...................................................1049 Jolly Farmer Products Inc. ..................................................720 Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd. ..................................................517 Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries ...................804 Kubota Canada Ltd. ....................721, 723, 725, 820, 822, 824 L & M Sales.........................................................................521 Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. .................................................504 Landscape Alberta ....................................................1042, 100 Landscape Industry Certified Program - CNLA.........1042, 100 Larchwood Nurseries ........................................................1005 Lawyer Nursery Inc. ............................................................424 Lemar Tree Spades.....................................................800, 802 Link Green...........................................................................315 Linnaea Nurseries Limited ..........................................801, 803 LMN - Landscape Management Network....................900, 902 Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. .............................1026, 1024 Manderley Turf Products Inc. ..............................................405 McKenzie Seeds .........................................................901, 903 Monrovia Growers.............................................................1028 Mountain Bark Inc. ..............................................................220 Nektar Data Systems Inc. .......................................1025, 1027 Nordic Nurseries .................................................................524 Olds College................................................................614, 616 Ontario Seed Company Limited ..........................................712 Pacific Rim Brackets Ltd. ....................................................404 Pan American Nursery Products Inc. ..........................608, 610 Paridon Horticultural Ltd..............................................709, 711 Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd......................617 Porous Pave Inc................................................................1013 Premier Tech Home & Garden IGC.....................................213 Professional Gardener Co. Ltd., The ..........................613, 615 Purple Springs Nursery ...............................................814, 806 RayMax Equipment Sales.............................1041, 1043, 1045 Regency Irrigation Ltd. ......................................................1034 Rick's Concrete Products/ Fountain Factory...............103, 105 Rocky Mountain Equipment ........................................320, 322 Rocky Mountain Landscape Bark .......................................724 RyMar Synthetic Grass .....................................................1033 Sea Soil™ /Foenix Forest Technology Inc. .........................904 Second Nature Compost - City of Edmonton ......................423 Sester Farms Inc.........................................................621, 623 Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. .................................................1008 Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease ...............................126 Southern Irrigation.........................................1014, 1012, 1010 Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. .................209, 211 Square Canada .................................................................1003 Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. ..................................703, 705 Stokes Seeds Limited .......................................................1006 Sun Gro Horticulture Inc......................................................717 TerraLink Horticulture Inc. .................................................1030 The Grounds Guys..............................................................106 Top Spray® .........................................................................317 Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. .................................................825 TreeTime.ca ........................................................................112 Troxler Canada West ..........................................................324 TWD Lawn & Garden Products...........................................422 Urban Green Produce Inc. ..................................................823 Valleybrook Gardens Ltd.............................................714, 716 Van Belle Nursery........................................................409, 411 Van Noort Bulb Company....................................................505 Vanhof and Blokker Ltd. ......................................................316 Vanstone Nurseries.............................................................425 VRE Systems ......................................................................604 Wellmaster Carts.........................................................622, 624 Wescan Marketing Inc.......................................................1038 West Coast Floral Growers & Distributors Ltd. ...................805 West Coast Seeds ..............................................................512 Western Isuzu Truck ...................121, 123, 125, 220, 222, 224 Westland Ltd ...............................................................500, 502 Wheatland Trees Ltd. ..........................................................221 Zeller & Sons Enterprises .......................................1035, 1037 Green for Life November/December 2015 I 5
Exhibitor Profiles
A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. ..................................................414 Connie Bradt 2011 Spinks Drive, Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E5 Tel: (519) 322-1397 Fax: (519) 322-1358 Toll Free: 1-800-338-1136 Email: ama@amaplas.com Website: www.amaplas.com Ellepots by A.M.A., growing containers, growing media, seeding equipment, hydroponic supplies, Al's Flower Pouch.
Alberta Invasive Species Council ........................1009 Barry Gibbs 17507 Fort Road NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 6H3 Tel: (587) 999-0954 Email: info@abinvasives.ca Website: www.abinvasives.ca AISC is a not-for-profit organization committed to protecting Albertans from the financial, environmental and societal impacts of invasive species. Prevention inspired, Alberta protected.
ADVANCE Nursery Co. Ltd. .....................................722 Fred Elsaesser Box 1649, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Tel: (250) 442-5291 Fax: (250) 442-2030 Email: sales@advancenursery.ca Website: www.advancenursery.ca A wholesale producer of prairie hardy deciduous fruit, shade and ornamental trees.
Apple Creek Propagators ........................................713 John Driedger 260 Kings Row Road, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Tel: (208) 267-5305 Fax: (208) 267-8757 Email: info@acpropagators.com Website: www.applecreekpropagators.com Producers of hardy bare-root ornamentals & shade trees, B&B and container deciduous and conifers.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry ............................102 Robert Spencer Postal Bag 600 (4705-49 Ave), Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Tel: (403) 742-7901 Fax: (403) 742-7527 Toll Free: 310-FARM (3276) Email: duke@gov.ab.ca Website: www.agriculture.ab.ca Presentation of information on government programs, initiatives, resources, etc.
Atlasta Tree Nursery Inc. .........................................520 Jonathan Klinck 50060 Yale Road East, Chilliwack, BC V4Z 0B3 Tel: (604) 794-3033 Fax: (604) 794-3058 Email: atlasta@shaw.ca Website: www.atlasta.ca We’ve been supplying the Prairie hort industry with quality, bareroot fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs for over 19 years. Being a small, low-profile, efficient grower, we offer excellent value pricing. We also have a limited container selection.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry ............................104 Toso Bozic, Bioenergy/Agroforestry Specialist 17507 Fort Road NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 6H3 Tel: (780) 415-2681 Fax: (403) 422-6096 Toll Free: 310-0000 Email: toso.bozic@gov.ab.ca Website: www.agric.gov.ab.ca Please visit Alberta Agriculture's booth to learn how greenhouse businesses decrease their environmental footprint. Save costs through environmental management techniques for energy, water, waste and/or materials.
Aubin Nurseries Ltd. ........................................808, 810 Gerry Aubin Box 1089, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Tel: (204) 745-6703 Fax: (204) 745-6838 Toll Free: 1-866-745-6703 Email: gerry@aubinnurseries.ca Website: www.aubinnurseries.ca Offering a unique and essential range of container grown nursery stock to meet your garden centre and landscape requirements for the northern climate. Providing weekly delivery service from April to October.
Ball Horticultural Company .............................300,302 Geoff Wood 100 Eastcott Drive, St. Albert, AB T8N 7G5 Tel: (780) 418-1769 Fax: (780) 418-7138 Toll Free: 1-800-879-BALL Email: gwood@ballhort.com Website: www.ballhort.com Ball Horticultural Company is a leading wholesale distributor in North America. This family-owned company supplies professional greenhouse growers with quality seed and cuttings, an extensive selection of premium plugs and plants, plus a line of high-performance growing equipment and supplies. For more information, visit www.ballhort.com. Ball Seed - Greenhouse Equipment ...............205, 304 Dan McMahon 622 Town Road, West Chicago, IL 60185-2698 Tel: (630) 588-3367 ext 3367 Fax: (630) 293-2564 Email: dmcmahon@ballhort.com Website: www.ballhort.com Ball Horticultural Company is a leading wholesale distributor in North America. This family-owned company supplies professional greenhouse growers with quality seed and cuttings, an extensive selection of premium plugs and plants, plus a line of high-performance growing equipment and supplies. For more information, visit www.ballhort.com.
Biobest ......................................................................821 Emiel Vanderwel Lacombe, AB Tel: (403) 505-1711 Email: emiel@biobest.ca Website: www.thebugfactory.ca; www.biobest.be With more than 25 years of experience, Biobest is a leading authority in biological pollination and pest control. Biobest produces and commercializes more than 30 kinds of beneficial insects and mites, which are used for biological crop protection and the production of bumblebees for biological pollination.
Your Local Greenhouse Supplier Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Florists Supply is a direct importer, wholesaler and manufacturer serving Canada since 1935. 6 I Green for Life November/December 2015
1-204-632-1210 1-800-665-7378 1-306-244-4457 1-800-667-3985 1-780-424-4576 1-800-465-8878 1-403-252-5558 1-877-266-8095 1-604-630-4688 1-866-203-8607
Exhibitor Profiles
Blue Grass Sod Farms & Nursery ........................1032 Bruce McEwen Box 11, Site 2, RR 1, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 Tel: (403) 347-7211 Fax: (403) 342-7488 Email: bluesod@xplornet.com Website: www.bluegrassnursery.com Blue Grass Sod Farms, Nursery & Garden Center is one of central Alberta’s largest suppliers of prairie hardy caliper trees and sod. We are a third generation family business servicing the industry since 1970. With over 1600 acres of sod and 200 acres of trees, we are truly the “one stop shop” for all your landscape supplies.
Bugle Forklilft Sales & Rentals Ltd. ...............921, 923 Mike Reid 105, 4919 - 72 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3H3 Tel: (403) 243-4152 Fax: (403) 255-0545 Email: info@bugleforklift.com Website: www.bugleforklift.com Bugle Forklift is your Club Car authorized dealer in Central and Southern Alberta! Club Car is the #1 selling brand of industrial /commercial utility vehicles. With a large selection of both new and used units in stock for sale and/or seasonal rental. Bugle Forklift has the Club Car for your business.
Brandt Tractor Ltd. ...........309, 311, 313, 410, 412, 414 Jeremy Pautler 3555 - 46 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2B 3B3 Tel: (403) 248-0018 Fax: (403) 273-1340 Website: www.brandt.ca Brandt Tractor Ltd. is the largest privately held John Deere Construction and Forestry dealership in the world with 27 locations across Canada from coast to coast. Brandt Tractor Ltd. is also the authorized dealer of Ditch Witch, BOMAG and NPK products.
Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd. ...........................704 Hugh Daugherty 17250 - 80 Avenue, Surrey, BC V4N 6J6 Tel: (604) 576-2088 Fax: (604) 576-2475 Toll Free: 1-800-663-1049 Email: hugh.daugherty@burlake.com Website: www.burlake.com We have been in business since 1955. We grow a full line of indoor flowering 4”-8” pots, seasonal flowers, Easter lily, hydrangea, poinsettia, planters, x-mas greens, wreaths, tropicals from 2”-17” specimens, cut flowers, bouquets and arrangements. We are your “one stop shop”. We service Vancouver Island to Winnipeg.
Brico Services ........................................................1011 Brian Pirot Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 999-6020 Email: brian@bricoservices.ca Website: www.bricoservices.ca Exotic hardwood imports. Commercial grade pond supplies including skimmers, pumps, liners, flex hose and spillways. We also supply fountains and pondless solutions. Training options available.
BW GLOBAL Structures Inc. ...................................314 Grace Kendrick 29020 Fraser Highway, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1G8 Tel: (604) 856-1303 Fax: (604) 856-1109 Toll Free: 1-877-856-1303 Email: grace@bw-global.com Website: www.bw-global.com BW GLOBAL is Canada's premier greenhouse & shelter manufacturer. Commercial growers and serious hobbyists turn to BW GLOBAL for the strongest, most innovative and reliable greenhouses on the market. Our GUARDIAN Shelters are used in the most extreme climates. See our products at www.bw-global.com.
Bylands Nurseries Ltd. ....................501, 503, 600, 602 1600 Byland Road, Hwy 97 S, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1H6 Tel: (250) 769-4466 Fax: (250) 769-5566 Toll Free: 1-800-769-4996 Email: sales@bylands.com Website: www.bylands.com Bylands Nurseries offers one of the most complete mixes of prairie hardy container and bareroot material in North America. We grow quality trees, shrubs, evergreens, fruit trees, annuals, perennials, vines and roses. 2011 Canadian and International Grower of the Year.
Bron & Sons Nursery Co. ................301, 303, 400, 402 Vince and Ed Bron, Simon Eastwood, Shane Neufeld Box 2643, 3315 Carson Road, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Tel: (250) 442-2014 Fax: (877) 542-5936 Toll Free: 1-800-831-9611 Email: sales@bronandsons.com Website: www.bronandsons.com Container grower of hardy & quality nursery stock. Specializing in shrubs, roses, evergreens, pot-in-pot trees, vines, perennials and grasses. Supplying garden centres, nurseries and landscapers. Access On-line. Availability and ordering at www.bronandsons.com. Brothers Two Small Engines Inc. .........................1001 Amanda Perin 4320- 75 Avenue SE, Bay 26, Calgary, AB T2C 2H8 Tel: (403) 279-2244 Fax: (403) 279-6309 Toll Free: 1-800-279-6602 Email: btse@bellnet.ca Website: www.brotherstwosmallengines.ca Brothers Two offers a complete line of lawn and garden equipment, parts and services to meet all of your small engine needs. We provide a complete line of small engine services, by factory trained technicians, to our contractor, landscaper and residential customers.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 7
Exhibitor Profiles
C Y Grower Supplies Ltd. ........................................620 Cor Smit 30600 Landing Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2B Tel: (604) 856-5186 Fax: (604) 856-5156 Toll Free: 1-866-856-5186 Email: cor@cygrowers.com Website: www.cygrowers.com Distributor of hard goods for the greenhouse and nursery industry including Ginegar greenhouse film, horticultural containers by ITML, Dillen, ProCal, T.O. Plastics, East Jordan, Western Pulp and more. Canadian Nursery Landscape Association ...........100 7856 Fifth Line South, RR 4, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Toll Free: 1-888-446-3499 ext 8680 Email: info@canadanursery.com Website: www.canadanursery.com National Association providing advocacy, services and support to the landscape horticulture industry across Canada. All programs and benefits are accessed through membership in your provincial association. Canadian Prairie Chapter, Irrigation Association .522 Aaron Boulton-Chaykowski Box 1521, Calgary, AB T2H 3A3 Tel: (403) 828-5134 Email: info@cpcia.ca Website: www.cpcia.ca To provide education opportunities to turf, agriculture and golf irrigation professionals. Canadian Sunlight Enterprises Ltd. 609, 611, 708, 710 Henry Zhang 26 - 10500 Delsom Crescent, Delta, BC V4C 0C3 Tel: (604) 232-9842 Fax: (604) 232-9843 Email: csel@shaw.ca Website: www.canadiansunlight.com Importer & distributor of garden pottery and accessories. Products include fiberglass planters, zinc planters, ceramic pots, plastic pots and artificial plants.
Cannor Nurseries Ltd. .............................................612 Aaron Mathies / Gordon Mathies 48291 Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 6H3 Tel: (604) 795-5993 Fax: (604) 795-6148 Toll Free: 1-800-665-2441 Email: aaron@cannor.ca; gmathies@cannor.ca Website: www.cannor.ca Trees and shrubs, evergreens, caliper trees, fruit trees, container stock. Alberta contact: Darryl Crowe, 26515A TWP Rd 514, Spruce Grove, AB, T7Y 1G1. Ph: 780-9879133. Fax: 780-987-9170. Email: edm@cannor.ca. Carlton Plants LLC ................................................1004 Jason Bizon PO Box 398, Dayton, OR 97114 Tel: (503) 868-7971 Fax: (800) 442-1452 Toll Free: 1-800-398-8733 Website: www.carltonplants.com Wholesale growers of bareroot deciduous trees and shrubs, fruit, flowering, shade, rootstocks and seedlings.
8 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Cervus Equipment Agriculture .......................817, 916 Sales Team 292177 Crosspointe Rd, Calgary, AB T4A 0S3 Tel: (403) 280-2200 Fax: (403) 280-2290 Website: www.cervusequipment.com Cervus Equipment manages agriculture, construction, forklift and materials handling, and transportation equipment dealerships. We provide products from brand names like Clark, Sellick, Doosan, John Deere, JCB, Bobcat and Peterbilt. Our Agriculture division offers a wide range of John Deere and Stihl equipment sales, service and parts.
Clifty View Nursery ..................................................305 Kevin or Lon Merrifield 312 Clifty View Road, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Tel: (208) 267-7129 Fax: (208) 267-8559 Email: info@cliftyview.com Website: www.cliftyview.com Founded on the family farm in 1979 by Lon Merrifield, Clifty View Nursery produces cold hardy nursery stock suited for the growing conditions in Canada. Specializing in Quaking Aspen and Colorado Spruce in seedling/ transplant and specimen sizes, we offer many other varieties to meet your needs.
Cervus Equipment Construction ....809, 811, 908, 910 Sales Team 4403 - 112th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 5C5 Tel: (403) 280-2200 Fax: (403) 243-2068 Website: www.cervusequipment.com Cervus Equipment manages construction, agriculture, forklift and materials handling, and transportation equipment dealerships. We provide products from brand names like John Deere, JCB, Bobcat, Clark, Sellick, Doosan and Peterbilt. Our Construction division offers a wide range of Bobcat and JCB equipment sales, service, parts and training.
CLS Landscape Supply................................... 922, 924 Janelle Leary 108 Railway St E, Cochrane, AB T4C 2C3 Tel: (403) 851-0900 Fax: (403) 851-0950 Email: janelle@clslandscapesupply.com Website: www.clslandscapesupply.com We are your landscape supply connection with locations in Cochrane and Calgary. We carry a comprehensive line up of landscape needs including sod, soil, mulch, gravel, paving stones, natural stone and landscape accessories.
Cervus Equipment Forklifts & Materials Handling ..... ............................................................813, 815, 912, 914 Sales Team 5159 - 72 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3H3 Tel: (403) 243-6011 Fax: (403) 287-1199 Website: www.cervusequipment.com Cervus Equipment manages forklift and materials handling, construction, agriculture and transportation equipment dealerships. We provide products from brand names like Bobcat, JCB, John Deere, Clark, Sellick, Doosan and Peterbilt. Our Forklift and Materials Handling division offers a wide range of Clark, Sellick and Doosan equipment sales, service, parts, rentals and training. Cheyenne Tree Farms Ltd. ......................................417 Jim, Sheryl, Jeff Wotherspoon Box 3060 (24309 TWP Road 510), Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 Tel: (780) 929-8102 Fax: (780) 929-8107 Toll Free: 1-866-490-2647 Email: info@cheyennetree.ca Website: www.cheyennetree.ca Wholesale producer selling to greenhouses, garden centres, landscapers and municipalities. 160 acre land base, 100 acres of caliper tree production, 3 acres of container plants, 14,400 sq.ft. of greenhouse space for perennial, and tree & shrub production. South Edmonton: 24309 TWP Rd 510 (Beaumont). Clearview Horticultural Products Inc. ....................625 Fred Wein 5343 - 264 Street, Aldergrove, BC V4W 1J7 Tel: (604) 856-6131 Fax: (604) 856-1457 Toll Free: 1-800-673-3366 Email: info@clearviewhort.com Website: www.homeofclematis.net Clearview Horticultural is one of the leading suppliers of clematis in North America and have their own breeding program featuring the Vancouver Series. Clearview is also a propagator of D端mmen Oglevee Fides geraniums, and a grower of premium breeding plants and hanging baskets.
Coaldale Nurseries ..................................................421 David & Cindy Kuperus Box 1267, Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 Tel: (403) 345-4633 Fax: (403) 345-2866 Email: coaldalenurseries@platinum.ca Website: www.coaldalenurseries.ca Caliper trees, Colorado spruce, Montgomery spruce and fruit trees. CORIX Water Products ............................................110 Ken Vowels 8515 - 48 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2P8 Tel: (403) 203-4117 Fax: (403) 203-9231 Toll Free: 1-800-242-3176 Email: ken.vowels@corix.com Website: www.corix.com CORIX Water Products supplies the latest in irrigation and drainage products, from pumps to rotors and everything in between. We are a proud distributor of Rain Bird, Irritrol & Toro products. Crescent Garden ......................................................413 Cesar Castillo 10 NE 41st Street, Miami, FL 33137 Tel: (305) 477-0024 Toll Free: 1-877-477-0027 Email: customerservice@crescentgarden.com Website: www.crescentgarden.com Our line of designer planters recreates the fine detailing of handcrafted artisan pottery in an ultra resistant lightweight resin. We invite you to take a closer look. DeCloet Greenhouse Manufacturing Ltd. ..............114 Pieter Berkel RR 1, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4J9 Tel: (519) 582-3081 ext: 124 Fax: (519) 582-0851 Toll Free: 1-888-786-4769 Email: pieterb@decloetgreenhouse.com Website: www.decloetgreenhouse.com DeCloet Greenhouse Manufacturing Ltd. is a leader in the design and manufacture of high quality greenhouses. DeCloet greenhouses are used by production growers, nurseries and retail centers across North America. We also provide installations, heating products, ventilation systems, benches and complete after sale service.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 9
Exhibitor Profiles
Devan Greenhouses Ltd. .........................................108 Pieter de Bruin 28904 Fraser Highway, Abbotsford, BC V2X 1G8 Tel: (604) 857-4944 Fax: (604) 857-4947 Email: piet@devangreenhouses.ca Website: www.devangreenhouses.ca Supplier of unrooted cuttings, rooted cuttings and finished plant materials. We are also a supplier of LogiPot rooting medium. DeVry Greenhouses Ltd. .............................1000, 1002 Walter Roos 49259 Castleman Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 6H4 Tel: (604) 794-3874 ext: 252 Fax: (800) 537-1109 Email: walter@devrygreenhouses.com Website: www.devrygreenhouses.com With over 45 acres of greenhouse production DeVry operates out of 6 different locations to achieve optimal shipping timing and product quality for you! We grow a complete line of annuals, vegetables, herbs and nursery programs throughout the year! DLF Pickseed Canada Inc. ......................................701 Bill Letondre 11239 - 186 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 2T7 Tel: (306) 480-9786 Fax: (780) 464-0305 Toll Free: 1-800-265-3925 Email: bletondre@pickseed.com Website: www.pickseed.com DLF Pickseed has been a leader in the forage, turfgrass and reclamation seed industry for over 65 years. Fertilizer, soil stabilization and water clarification products are available as well.
10 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Drive Products ..109, 111, 113, 115, 208, 210, 212, 214 Dan Bostrom 111 - 26230 TWP 531A, Acheson, AB T7X 5A4 Tel: 780-960-6826 Fax: 780-960-6138 Toll Free: 1-800-661-7335 Email: dbostrom@driveproducts.com Website: www.driveproducts.com Drive Products provides a complete source of truck mounted equipment products and is Canada's leading systems integrator. For over 20 years, Drive Products has serviced the snow and ice industry and has established itself as one of the industry’s leading suppliers.
Dümmen Orange ..............................................201, 203 Diane Surette 5544 Hilliard Rome Office Park, Hilliard, OH 43026 Tel: (614) 850-9551 Fax: (614) 850-9552 Email: d.surette@dummenorange.com Website: www.na.dummenorange.com Dümmen Orange is a breeding company that offers unique varieties for the Canadian market. They are also a producer of quality young plants with both rooted and unrooted cuttings. Highlights include Confetti Garden®, a concept of easy to produce combinations for spectacular baskets and planters.
Dutchman Industries Inc. ........................................416 Kurt Dickhoff 3735 Sideline 16 North, Brougham, ON L0H 1A0 Tel: (905) 683-8233 Fax: (905) 683-8213 Toll Free: 1-800-293-0070 Email: info@dutchmantreespade.com Website: www.dutchmantreespade.com A wholesale nursery specializing in the manufacturing of fine nursery equipment including the Dutchman Tree Spade. DynaSCAPE Software ..............................................223 Joe Salemi 217, 3425 Harvester Road, Burlington, ON L7N 3N1 Toll Free: 1-800-710-1900 Fax: (905) 639-9108 Email: jsalemi@dynascape.com Website: www.dynascape.com DynaSCAPE Software has been providing technology solutions to the landscape industry since 1998. Discover how our design and business management solutions can bring your landscape business to a whole new level of professionalism.
Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. .......................................508 Anita Heuver Box 2340, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Tel: (403) 934-3670 Fax: (403) 934-3626 Toll Free: 1-866-805-5007 Email: anita@eaglelakenurseries.com Website: www.eaglelakenurseries.com Local grower of caliper trees, potted trees, shrubs, evergreens, and perennials. Wholesale supplier to residential landscapers, landscape contractors, garden centres and municipalities. Since 1970....Quality and Service you can depend on.
Exhibitor Profiles
Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply 401, 403 Eric Heuver 285177 Frontier Road SE, Calgary, AB T1X 0N2 Tel: (403) 262-5600 Fax: (403) 262-5603 Email: eric@eaglelakelandscape.com Website: www.eaglelakelandscape.com The only landscape horticultural supplier you will ever need! Turf, bulk products, natural stone, hardscapes, ponds, fertilizer, LiveRoof and LiveWall.
Earth Smart Solutions .............................................925 Kevin Carroll 111 - 60 Industry Way SE, Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 Tel: (403) 302-3925 Toll Free: 1-866-444-7174 Email: kevin@earth-smart-solutions.com Website: www.earth-smart-solutions.com Creating all natural, eco-friendly solutions: agriculture, aquatic, cleaning & odour, compost / landfill, gardening, lawn care, livestock / pets and animals, oil / hydrocarbon, personal health, septic / waste water treatment. All our products meet National Organics Standard Board (NOSB). ECCO Chips ............................................................1040 Merilee Hicks 10114 - 24 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3X7 Tel: (403) 800-0847 Fax: (403) 263-3227 Email: merilee@eccorecycling.com; info@eccorecycling.com Website: www.eccorecycling.com ECCO takes construction and demolition waste and recycles it into new commodities and value-added products. ECCO Chips are made from clean dimensional lumber and natural dyes. Edmonton Potato Growers .....................................128 Bob Jensen 12220 - 170 Street, Edmonton, AB T5V 1C7 Tel: (780) 447-1860 Fax: (780) 447-1899 Email: bobj@epg.ab.ca Website: www.edmontonpotatogrowers.com At Edmonton Potato Growers, potatoes are our passion. Our central Alberta climate allows us to grow some of the most vigorous seed potatoes in all of North America! We are committed to producing the highest quality seed potatoes for our valued customers. Enertec Mechanical .................................................415 Alex Brouwer Box 361 - 4760 Lincoln Ave, Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0 Tel: (905) 563-5090 Fax: (905) 563-7764 Email: alex@enertecmechanical.com Website: www.enertecmechanical.com We are a single source heating supplier. We carry a wide range of heating parts and equipment. We carry boilers, valves, pumps, CO2 products all backed by our technical support and professional engineers on staff. We can help with basic heating jobs to complex commercial projects involving multiple condensing boilers and heating calculations.
Evergro Division - Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. .....................................................200, 202 David Bird 1557 Hastings Cres SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4C8 Tel: (403) 287-3988 Fax: (403) 243-7470 Toll Free: 1-800-661-2991 Email: evergro@cpsagu.ca Leading distributor of growing products for the horticultural industry, including ProHort water soluble and Polyon slow release fertilizers, Premier Promix and peat, pesticides, biological agents, greenhouse and nursery pots, seeds and poly films.
Four Seasons Nursery ...............................................01 Bob Fink, Brian Gardner - Sales Canada 3240 Montana Hwy 35, Kalispell, MT 59901 Tel: (406) 752-2055 Fax: (888) 580-3658 Toll Free: 1-888-349-1422 Email: brian@fourseasonsnurserymt.com Website: www.fourseasonsnurserymt.com Four Seasons Nursery grows quality, cold hardy, B&B shade, ornamental and evergreen trees. Our cold hardy stock is well suited to withstand harsh Canadian winters. Generous inventory allows shipments spring, summer and fall to Western Canada.
Expocrete, an Oldcastle company ..................116, 118 John Moroz, Marketing Manager #38-53016 Hwy 60, Acheson, AB T7X 5A7 Tel: (780) 960-4553 Fax: (780) 962-3230 Toll Free: 1-800-232-9443 Email: john.moroz@oldcastle.com Website: www.expocrete.com Expocrete has built a reputation of commitment to excellence by providing best in breed paving stone and retaining wall products for any project scope and size. With manufacturing facilities across Western Canada, Expocrete’s products are the preferred choice among home owners, contractors and dealers alike and we are proud of our standing as one of the most admired companies in our industry.
Frensch, C. Ltd. ........................................................420 Ian Frensch 4774 Hinan Drive, Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1 Tel: (905) 563-4774 Fax: (905) 563-5053 Email: cfrensch@idirect.com Website: www.cfrensch.com Barcode labelling systems, plant labels and P.O.P. signs, garden centre sign printing systems, computerized labelling systems.
Finning (Canada) ..............................601, 603, 700, 702 Mike Friederici 6735 - 11 St. NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7H9 Tel: (403) 275-3340 Fax: (403) 274-8608 Toll Free: 1-888-finning (346-6464) Email: mfriederici@finning.com Website: www.finning.ca Backed by Finning service, the next generation of Cat machines can handle all your residential and landscaping needs. A full line of skid steers, mini excavators and work tools built Cat tough, supported by Finning. Call 1-888finning for details. Florists Supply Ltd. .........................................523, 525 Colleen Hemmingway 16455 - 118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5V 1H2 Tel: (780) 424-4576 ext: 302 Fax: (780) 424-4566 Toll Free: 1-800-465-8878 ext: 302 Email: chemmingway@floristssupply.com Website: www.floristssupply.com A local supplier of garden centre and greenhouse products. Five locations in Western Canada: Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver to serve you. Come and check out our seasonal product lines, store display product and eco-friendly product. Come by the booth and get your passport stamped. Foothills Nurseries Ltd. ...........................................216 Blaire Cote PO Box 139, Chestermere, AB T1X 1K8 Tel: (403) 203-3338 Fax: (403) 236-4433 Email: admin@foothillsnurseries.com Website: www.foothillsnurseries.com Specimen caliper deciduous and coniferous trees; pot-inpot trees; container shrubs - deciduous and coniferous; perennials. Delivery service to site within Alberta and B.C. Clean Plant certified.
Garden Essentials ....................................................100 Val Wilson Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 819-0852 Email: admin@gardenessentials.ca Website: www.gardenessentials.ca A Calgary based company transforming raw iron into functional plant supports. Our products add a playful elegance to the garden. All products are hand made, maintenance free and provide year round interest. Garden Marketing Group .......................................1021 Tim Ludwig 9239 Premier Row, Dallaz, TX 75247 Tel: (214) 630-8800 Fax: (214) 630-0700 Toll Free: 1-800-581-9555 Email: tim@growertags.com Website: www.growertags.com Marketing made easy. . . Customer-friendly designs for growers and retailers creating added value. Extensive horticultural library. Custom hang tags, plant stakes, signs, catalogues, wraps and pressure sensitive labels. Expert horticultural staff focusing on regionalizing your product mix. Green Patch Environmental Consulting Ltd. ........812 Ken Dyck 15845 - 112 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 2V9 Tel: (780) 908-6608 Fax: (780) 800-5541 Toll Free: 1-888-550-9188 Email: ken@gpec.ca Website: www.gpec.ca GPEC and our sister company New Lining Solutions supply the green industries with: native grass seeds, turf blends, forbs, fertilizers and soil amendments; erosion and sediment control products; landscaping and drainage products; geosynthetic supply and installation; and project planning.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 11
Exhibitor Profiles
Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency ................1051 Andrea Sawatzky, Pesticide Compliance Officer 674, 220 - 4th Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4X3 Tel: (403) 292-4411 Fax: (403) 221-3422 Pest Management Info Services: 1-800-267-6315 Email: ab.pcp@hc-sc.gc.ca Website: www.healthcanada.gc.ca/pmra Pesticides imported into, sold or used in Canada are regulated nationally by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), the branch of Health Canada that administers the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA).
Henri Studio by Stonecasters LLC .................514, 516 Joaquin Vogt 1250 Henri Drive, Wauconda, IL 60084 Tel: (847) 526-5200 Fax: (800) 782-8831 Toll Free: 1-800-323-4784 Email: sales@henristudio.com Website: www.henristudio.com From our humble beginnings over 50 years ago, to today as the world’s leading innovator in quality cast-stone fountains, birdbaths, planters, statuary and garden décor, HENRI Studio has solutions to fit your style. Whether it’s classic to contemporary, or traditional to whimsical, our inspired designs, rich colors and thoughtful engineering have made Henri products a go-to source to enliven your home and garden.
High Q Greenhouses ............................................... 605 Michiel Verheul or Kathy 55431 RR 262, Sturgeon County, AB T8R 0W7 Tel: (780) 939-7490 Fax: (780) 939-2010 Email: kathy@highqgreenhouses.com Website: www.highqgreenhouses.com Full selection of young plants and finished product. Root & Sell for Selecta First Class including Trixi combo's. Western Canadian distributor for “Nature’s Source Plant Food”, revolutionizing growth & plant performance. HJS Wholesale Ltd. ..........................509, 511, 513, 515 Terry Folkers Box 2, Group 582, RR 5, Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2 Tel: (204) 668-8360 Fax: (204) 667-1775 Email: terryf@hjswholesale.com Website: www.hjswholesale.com Greenhouse, nursery and landscape supplies, various lines of decorative planters, landscape fabrics, Natures Source retail fertilizer.
HJS Wholesale Ltd. ..................................................510 Terry Folkers Box 2, Group 582, RR 5, Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2 Tel: (204) 668-8360 Fax: (204) 667-1775 Email: terryf@hjswholesale.com Website: www.hjswholesale.com ITML production supplies. Premier and Sungro soilless mix, Natures Source and Everris water soluble fertilizers, AT and Berry Greenhouse Poly.
Growers of Quality Nursery Stock:
Specimen Caliper Trees Pot-in-Pot Trees Specimen Evergreens Container Evergreens Container Shrubs Perennials
403 - 934 - 3670 1 - 866 - 805 - 5007 wholesale@eaglelakenurseries.com eaglelakenurseries.com Located 5 kms east of Strathmore, AB on Range Road 245 12 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Holt Industrial ...............................................1017, 1019 Ryan Brooks 4575 Powell Road, Wallenstein, ON N0B 2S0 Toll Free: 1-844-444-4658 Fax: (519) 698-1087 Email: ryan@holtindustrial.com Website: www.holtindustrial.com Light industrial attachments: tree spades and stump grinders. Holt Tree Spades Ltd. .......................................215, 217 Bob Fenton 2318 - 246 Stewart Green SW, Calgary, AB T3H 3C8 Tel: (403) 242-5871 Fax: (403) 242-7097 Toll Free: 1-844-465-6211 Website: www.holttreespades.com Tree Spades: Manufacturer of all sizes of skid steer mount spades, truck and trailer mount spades and potting spades for all sizes of plastic pots. Horta-Craft Limited ..................................................312 Brian Lofgren 4836 Egremont Drive, Strathroy, ON N7G 3H3 Tel: (519) 245-8441 Fax: (519) 245-8442 Email: info@horta-craft.ca Website: www.horta-craft.ca Plant identification material: tags, labels, etc., P.O.P. Material for garden centres, signage and banners, and BloomIQ.com.
Exhibitor Profiles
HortProtect - CNLA ..................................................100 Member Services - CNLA 7856 Fifth Line South, RR 4, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Toll Free: 1-888-446-3499 ext 8680 Email: hortprotect@canadanursery.com Website: www.hortprotect.com HortProtect is a comprehensive insurance plan designed for the landscape horticulture industry, including unique coverage and pricing for Health & Life as well as Property & Liability insurance. HortProtect is the endorsed national insurance program of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and Landscape Alberta. Houle Country ..........................................................325 Vern Houle Box 6071, Westlock, AB T7P 2P7 Tel: (587) 786-3383 Email: houlecountry@gmail.com Website: www.houlecountry.com Supplier of bulk peat moss and soil mixes for the landscaping and oil industries. Inline Nurseries (2010) Inc. ...................................1036 Tom Berger 49944 Yale Road East, Chilliwack, BC V4Z 0B3 Tel: (604) 794-7096 Fax: (604) 794-7496 Toll Free: 1-888-846-5463 Email: tom@inlinenurseries.com Website: www.inlinenurseries.com Wholesale grower and distributor offering a wide range of plant material from perennials, grasses and groundcovers to shrubs, ornamental trees and topiary specimens. Intercontinental Truck Body .................................1029 Nate Marois Box 1300, 1806-11 Street, Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 Tel: (403) 345-4427 Fax: (403) 345-6078 Toll Free: 1-800-661-1030 Email: nate@itb.ca Website: www.itb.ca We have the reputation of building the finest truck bodies and trailers in North America. Offering extensive truck upfitting services for the green industry, ranging from slidein dump inserts for your pickup, to full size dump bodies and everything in between! Stop by our booth and ask about our time saving three-way-tipping body!
Iseli Nursery ..............................................................920 Jeremy Moore 30590 SE Kelso Road, Boring, OR 97009 Tel: (503) 663-3822 Fax: (503) 663-0202 Toll Free: 1-800-777-6202 Email: jmoore@iselinursery.com Website: www.iselinursery.com Dwarf and unusual conifers; Fanciful GardensÂŽ.
J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. ..........................................204 Chris Heaslip 1360 Third Street, RR 3, St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 Tel: (905) 935-4533 Fax: (905) 935-9921 Toll Free: 1-877-816-6608 Email: nursery@jcbakker.com Website: www.jcbakker.com Wholesale growers of top quality nursery stock since 1949. Roses, bushes, shade & flowering trees, top-grafted standards, flowering shrubs, evergreens, broadleaf evergreens. Bareroot, container grown & field grown available. Shipping across Canada and northern USA. Full and part loads. J.R.T. Nurseries Inc. .........................................321, 323 Casey Van Vloten 2396 - 272 Street, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2R1 Tel: (604) 856-5552 Fax: (604) 856-4531 Toll Free: 1-800-789-1445 ext 103 Email: casey@jrtnursery.com Website: www.jrtnursery.com Your one stop wholesale nursery specializing in hardy selections of ornamental plants, perennials and small fruits. Check our availability list for new introductions. Jack Van Klaveren Ltd. (JVK) .................................715 Ray Tamman 1803 Tomlinson Crescent, Edmonton, AB T6R 2T4 Tel: (780) 450-0040 Fax: (780) 450-8389 Toll Free: 1-800-665-1642 Email: rtamman@jvk.net Website: www.jvk.net Annual and perennial flower seed; cuttings of spring plants; containers; soil-less mix; fertilizer; labels and poinsettia cuttings.
Jeffries Nurseries Ltd. .....................................308, 310 Wilbert Ronald / Michel Touchette PO Box 402, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7 Tel: (204) 857-5288 Fax: (204) 857-2877 Email: jeffnurs@mts.net Website: www.jeffriesnurseries.com Field and container caliper trees, bareroot tree liners, container trees, shrubs and fruit trees; field and container evergreens; container hardy roses – Morden, Explorer and Canadian Artist series in 1 to 2 gallons; perennials 3.5� to 1 gallon; lilies; seedlings, rootstock and plastic mulch. John Deere Landscapes ........................................1049 Gregg Burke 9421-48 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2R1 Tel: (403) 236-0102 Fax: (403) 236-0120 Email: rburke@johndeerelandscapes.com Website: www.johndeerelandscapes.com The number one customer choice for landscape materials, supplies, tools, expertise and support. Jolly Farmer Products Inc. ......................................720 Peter Darrow 56 Crabbe Road, Northampton, NB E7N 1R6 Tel: (506) 325-3850 Fax: (506) 325-3890 Toll Free: 1-800-695-8300 Email: sales@jollyfarmer.com Website: www.jollyfarmer.com Year round supplier of plugs and cuttings. Thousands of varieties of annuals, vegetables, herbs, rooted cuttings and perennials. Low minimums; freight included in prices, grower to grower!
Kato's Nursery (2007) Ltd. .......................................517 Michael Kato 29435 Downes Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1S3 Tel: (604) 856-2470 Fax: (604) 856-9307 Toll Free: 1-800-550-5286 (KATO) Email: sales@katosnursery.com Website: www.katosnursery.com Prairie hardy quality plants. Small fruits, deciduous shrubs, roses, vines, perennials, ground covers and conifers. Weekly delivery.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 13
Exhibitor Profiles
Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries ....804 Dave Ross /Darren McPhearson 7605 - 50 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6B 2W9 Tel: (780) 420-0040 Fax: (780) 429-2571 Toll Free: 1-877-420-0040 Email: info@kel-hvac.com; darren@kel-hvac.com Website: www.kel-hvac.com Modine gas-oil-electric-hydronic unit heaters, Modine high and low intensity gas-fired infrared heaters, Taco hydronic specialties, Peerless Boilers cast iron boilers and high efficiency condensing boilers. Spirax Sarco steam specialists and Howden/American fan air movers.
Landscape Industry Certified Program – CNLA ...100 Colin Vince 7856 Fifth Line South, RR 4, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Toll Free: 1-800-446-3499 ext. 8620 Email: colin@cnla-acpp.ca Website: www.landscapeindustrycertified.org This industry-developed certification program is recognized throughout Canada and the U.S. Certified individuals have met rigorous testing standards and continue to advance professionalism in the landscape industry. Become a Landscape Industry Certified Manager, Technician or Designer – TODAY!
Kubota Canada Ltd. .........721, 723, 725, 820, 822, 824 Don McClughan Lacombe, AB Tel: (403) 304-9023 Email: dmcclughan@kubota.ca Website: www.kubota.ca Kubota precision made, quality built. Buy once. Buy right. Kubota.
Larchwood Nurseries ............................................1005 Tarance Zak 444 Douglas Glen Close SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 3A4 Tel: (403) 650-5635, (780) 781-TREE (8733) Email: tarance@larchwoodnurseries.ca Website: www.larchwoodnurseries.ca We grow 50 and 60 mm trees in growbags which produce quality caliper trees in a very manageable size rootball.
L & M Sales ...............................................................521 Steve le Nobel 1340 West 58th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6P 1W2 Tel: (604) 263-7780 Fax: (604) 263-5199 Toll Free: 1-877-877-5131 Email: lmsales1@telus.net Website: www.lmsales.bc.ca Macore Label Company: West Coast based supplier of high quality standard and custom picture tags for over 50 years. Macore's distinctive products will move your company's image forward... quality always looks good! Represented in Western Canada by L & M Sales, (Vancouver B. C.) since 1992.
Lawyer Nursery Inc. .................................................424 Michael Johnson 6625 Montana Hwy 200, Plains, MT 59859 Tel: (406) 826-3881 Fax: (406) 826-5700 Toll Free: 1-800-551-9875 Email: trees@lawyernursery.com Website: www.lawyernursery.com One of the largest selections of field grown nursery stock in the wholesale nursery trade. Native trees, shrubs, shelterbelts, wildlife habitat, reclamation species, ornamentals, fruit, nut and seeds of woody plants.
Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. .....................................504 Aaron Krahn Box 92, RR 3, (960 Valley Road), Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J6 Tel: (306) 978-3333 Fax: (306) 382-6433 Toll Free: 1-877-995-5253 Email: aaron@lshore.com Website: www.lakeshoretreefarms.com We grow 260 acres of field production caliper trees including Spruce, Pine & Larch; 10 acres of container shrubs and trees; rooted cuttings and seedlings. We specialize in native plants grown from seed and cuttings collected in zones 1 & 2. Competitive prices, overnight delivery to many Alberta towns and cities. Site location: 960 Valley Rd, Saskatoon. Landscape Alberta ...................................................100 Marnie Main 200, 10331 - 178 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1R5 Tel: (780) 489-1991 Fax: (780) 444-2152 Toll Free: 1-800-378-3198 Email: member.services@landscape-alberta.com Website: www.landscape-alberta.com Member-driven Association supporting and promoting all sectors of the landscape horticulture industry in Alberta. Workshops and conferences, publications, government advocacy, member discount programs, industry Certification program, networking, support for industry research and much more; host of the Green Industry Show & Conference.
14 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Lemar Tree Spades ..........................................800, 802 Joshua Poffenroth RR 1, Site 9, Box 17, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Tel: (403) 948-9852 Fax: (403) 948-9853 Toll Free: 1-866-948-9852 Email: sales@lemarweb.com Website: www.lemarweb.com Lemar has worked hard to develop high quality tree spades and other nursery equipment to meet the demands of the nursery and landscape industry. Our attention to service & quality has added value to our customers, and set us apart as a trusted supplier. Link Green ................................................................315 Warren Patterson / Rob Tigwell 20, 110 Saunders Road, Barrie, ON L4N 9A8 Toll Free: 1-888-476-6527 Email: sales@linkgreen.ca Website: www.linkgreen.ca Link Green is a wholesale online eMarketplace for the horticultural industry. Link Green leading edge technology allows for all buyers and sellers in the horticultural industry to connect to each other and place orders electronically. Linnaea Nurseries Limited ..............................801, 803 John Folkerts 3666 - 224 Street, Langley, BC V2Z 2G7 Tel: (604) 533-8281 Fax: (604) 533-8246 Toll Free: 1-888-327-7705 Email: john@linnaeanurseries.com Website: www.linnaeanurseries.com Growers of quality hardy nursery stock including trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses and native plants.
LMN - Landscape Management Network .......900, 902 Abbey Gilhula 425 Whitevale Road, Whitevale, ON L0H 1M0 Toll Free: 1-888-347-9864 Email: info@golmn.com Website: www.golmn.com Efficiency made easy. Let us show you the simple way to more profits with our mobile estimating and timetracking tools. Mainland Floral Distributors Ltd. ...............1026, 1024 Fred De Boer 25355 - 56 Avenue, Aldergrove, BC V4W 1G5 Tel: (604) 856-1264 Fax: (604) 856-1273 Email: sales@mainlandfloral.ca Website: www.mainlandfloral.com We offer a complete assortment of quality potted plants and cut flowers, delivered directly to your door with our temperature controlled trucks. A new updated availability & price list is sent out weekly or is available on our website. We offer temperature controlled, door to door freight service between Alberta, BC, Washington and Oregon. Manderley Turf Products Inc. ..................................405 Melanie Kruhlak 55403 Range Road 222, Sturgeon County, AB T0A 1N1 Tel: (780) 998-1995 Fax: (780) 998-2783 Toll Free: 1-888-225-3885 Email: info@manderley.com Website: www.manderley.com Manderley Turf Products has been helping designers, contractors and municipalities create beautiful greenscapes for over 50 years. With a focus on sustainability, outdoor water conservation in particular, Manderley offers premium quality products to give you the competitive edge in any project. McKenzie Seeds ...............................................901, 903 Laura Prins Edmonton, AB Tel: (780) 453-3535 Fax: (780) 454-1852 Toll Free: 1-800-665-6340 Email: laurap@mckenzieseeds.com Website: www.mckenzieseeds.com McKenzie, Pike, Gusto, Asian, Organic packet seed lines, Jiffy Seed starting products, onion & garlic sets, seed potatoes, lawn seed, wildflower shaker bags, bulbs, inoculant, garden accessories and more.
Monrovia .................................................................1028 Roger Rasmussen 13455 SE Lafayette Hwy, Dayton, OR 97114 Tel: (503) 579-9816 Fax: (503) 868-7352 Toll Free: 1-800-999-9321 ext: 2250 Email: rrasmussen@monrovia.com Website: www.monrovia.com Monrovia: growers of the healthiest, hardiest, most beautiful plants guaranteed to make your garden thrive! Raised in our exclusively formulated, nutrient rich organic soil, our plants are the strongest in the industry. With more than 2,200 varieties.
Exhibitor Profiles
Mountain Bark Inc. ...................................................220 Monte Christensen Box 1502, Okotoks, AB T1S 1B4 Tel: (403) 995-2209 Fax: (403) 995-0925 Toll Free: 1-877-686-2275 Email: monte@mountainbark.com Website: www.mountainbark.com Rustic cedar landscape products: mulch, coloured mulch, split rail fencing, arbours, bark nuggets. Nektar Data Systems Inc. ............................1025, 1027 Chuck Dietrich 14420 - 154 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6V 0K8 Tel: (780) 451-7573 Fax: (780) 447-2330 Toll Free: 1-888-451-7573 Email: chuck.dietrich@nektardata.com Website: www.nektardata.com Histree is a cloud-based mobile data collection tool catered towards the green industry, allowing assets to be seamlessly identified, managed, mapped, and verified from the field using smartphone technology. Nordic Nurseries ......................................................524 Sales Team 29386 Havernam Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2P3 Tel: (604) 607-7074 Fax: (604) 607-7073 Email: info@nordicplants.com Website: www.nodicplants.com Propagators of Proven Winners and Proven Selections the world's finest new plants. Nordic Nurseries supplies rooted cuttings to growers across Canada through our broker network and finished product direct to garden centres and landscapers.
Pan American Nursery Products Inc. ............608, 610 Ed van Zanten 5151 - 152 Street, Surrey, BC V3Z 1G9 Tel: (604) 576-8641 Fax: (604) 576-6560 Email: panam@panamnursery.com Website: www.panamnursery.com Offering bareroot and container nursery stock. Over 200 rose varieties including: Clean’n’Easy, Flower Carpet, Knockout, teas, climbers, floribundas, Ownroot hardies (Morden, Artist Series, Explorer and Rugosas). Perennials, fruits, shrubs, and clematis.
Paridon Horticultural Ltd. ................................709, 711 Darcy Leiter 5985 - 104 Street, Delta, BC V4K 3N3 Tel: (780) 466-3117 Fax: (604) 596-6155 Toll Free: 1-800-586-5236 Email: leiterd@telus.net Website: www.paridon.com Paridon offers an unsurpassed selection of the highest quality plugs, cuttings and roots of perennials and annuals for your business. Our offerings include Proven Winners, retail-ready water plants, succulents, tillandsia, custom plugs and green roof products.
Parkland Nursery & Landscape Services Ltd. ......617 Dwayne Beck / Pat Aldi Box 25004, Deer Park PO, Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2 Tel: (403) 340-8755 Fax: (403) 340-8759 Toll Free: 1-888-340-8733 Email: sales@pnls.ca Website: www.pnls.ca; www.needtrees.ca 500 acres of caliper trees; tree liners, shrubs, perennials, tank trucks, crane trucks, trucks, installation crew. Canadian distributor for Treegator - the original watering bag, Tubex tree shelters, Wolverine tools and Liquid Art fountains.
Porous Pave Inc. ....................................................1013 Brian Pirot Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 999-6020 Email: brian@pirot.ca Website: www.porouspaveinc.com Recycled rubber product and compound used for drainage, erosion control and non-slip surfaces. Suitable for play areas, pathways, pool/spa areas, rooftop terraces and more.
Olds College .....................................................614, 616 Kim Wickwire 4500 - 50 Street, Olds, AB T4H 1R6 Tel: (403) 556-8288 Fax: (403) 556-4713 Toll Free: 1-800-661-6537 Email: kwickwire@oldscollege.ca Website: www.oldscollege.ca Olds College now offers Block Style training for all levels of Horticulture classes. Please contact us for more information on how you could attend one or more classes this winter! Ontario Seed Company Limited .............................712 James Uffelman & Bill Pettirgrew PO Box 7, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z6 Tel: (519) 886-0557 Fax: (519) 886-0605 Toll Free: 1-800-465-5849 Email: jim@oscseeds.com; bill@oscseeds.com Website: www.oscseeds.com Consignment garden seed displays suited to all climates, GMO-Free flowers, vegetables and herbs. Pacific Rim Brackets Ltd. ........................................404 Anna Cheng 102, 1290 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Y5 Tel: (604) 844-2200 Fax: (604) 844-1604 Toll Free: 1-800-665-9199 Email: sales@pacificrimbrackets.com Website: www.pacificrimbrackets.com Brackets and accessories, planter and pot collections, shepherd hooks, bird feeders, plant stands, plant caddies, coco lined baskets and planters, wall and railing planters, trellises, arbours & obelisks, hose holders, plant supports & accessories.
Organic Based Soil Supplement Rich in organic matter and slow release nutrients. Improves drainage and soil structure. FOR USE IN: flower beds, rose bushes, vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, evergreens & lawns. Produced at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre
Second Nature Sales | 780.496.5128 www.inglisenvironmental.com
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 15
Exhibitor Profiles
Premier Tech Home & Garden IGC (MYKE PRO) ..213 Caroline Moisan 1 avenue Premier, Rivière-du-Loup, QC G5R 6C1 Tel: (418) 867-8883 ext: 6442 Fax: (418) 867-3999 Toll Free: 1-800-606-6926 Email: info@mykepro.com Website: www.mykepro.com Premier Tech Home & Garden – IGC (dedicated to independent Garden Centers) promotes mycorrhizal products ‘MYKE PRO’ allowing landscape professionals to benefit from the advantages of mycorrhizae: reduce maintenance cost, faster establishment, reduce watering needs. For plant installation, turf establishment and turf maintenance, MYKE PRO products are natural and effective!
Professional Gardener Co. Ltd., The .............613, 615 Allan Nielsen 915 - 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1P1 Tel: (403) 263-4200 Fax: (403) 237-0029 Email: progar@telusplanet.net Website: www.professionalgardener.ca Western Canada's premier supplier to the landscape, nursery and greenhouse trade since 1927. Experienced industry professionals at your service. Purple Springs Nursery ...................................814, 806 Joe Klassen 4516 Hullcar Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Tel: (250) 546-8156 Fax: (250) 546-9155 Toll Free: 1-877-289-3813 Email: jk@psnursery.com Website: www.psnursery.com Wholesale growers of cold hardy B&B and 15 gallon container grown trees on over 250 acres. Specializing is shade and ornamental trees, as well as spruce and pine. RayMax Equipment Sales .................1041, 1043, 1045 Rob Rak 4116 - 50 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2B 2T7 Tel: (403) 279-5201 Fax: (403) 203-2946 Email: rob.rak@raymaxequipment.com Website: www.raymaxequipment.com Raymax Equipment Sales has been providing successful solutions to the refuse, hydro-excavating, landscaping and municipal equipment marketplace since 1995. Raymax is committed to providing “Quality Products and Quality Support”. The company represents On-Trux HEIL, Bayne, Shu-Pak, Superior Broom, Global Sweepers and others. Regency Irrigation Ltd. ..........................................1034 Michael Kennedy 103, 90 Freeport Blvd NE, Calgary, AB T3J 5J9 Tel: (403) 250-2685 Fax: (403) 250-1758 Email: mike.k@regencyirrigation.com Website: www.regencyirrigation.com Underground irrigation systems, ponds and landscape lighting. Rick's Concrete Products/ Fountain Factory 103, 105 Mark Veldjesgraaf 2343 - 2nd Avenue N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 0C1 Tel: (403) 329-3686 Fax: (403) 317-0072 Email: ricksconcrete@hotmail.com Website: www.ricksconcreteproducts.com Manufacturing birdbaths, benches, tables, statuary, lawn ornaments and stone art fountains. Exposed aggregate flower pots and tables. 16 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Rocky Mountain Equipment ...........................320, 322 Matt Furukawa 828-46 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2G 2A6 Tel: (403) 243-8600 Fax: (403) 531-3564 Toll Free: 1-855-763-1427 Email: mattf@rockymtn.com Website: www.rockymtn.com Alberta’s exclusive CASE Construction Equipment dealership and dependable industrial products provider.
Rocky Mountain Landscape Bark ..........................724 Derek Jones / Mark Boot 8774 Burton Lake Road, Elko, BC V0B 1T3 Tel: (250) 529-7663 Fax: (250) 529-7610 Email: barkplant@gmail.com Website: www.rockymountainbark.ca We supply landscapers and retail outlets with premium, high quality fir bark nuggets and mulch. Bagged or bulk. We are partnered with Boot Trucking for fast delivery times. RyMar Synthetic Grass ..........................................1033 Ryan Aldous 3117-16 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7K8 Tel: (403) 278-9777 Fax: (403) 444-5455 Toll Free: 1-888-924-7277 Email: info@rymargrass.ca Website: www.rymargrass.ca RyMar Synthetic Grass offers the rich look of real grass with our environmentally friendly synthetic grass and turf products. Because of the breakthrough materials used to manufacture the grass, with minimal maintenance, your investment will look and feel realistic and beautiful for years. Sea Soil™ /Foenix Forest Technology Inc. ...........904 Rick Fawkes PO Box 638, Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0 Tel: (250) 729-9965 Fax: (250) 729-9967 Toll Free: 1-866-SEA-SOIL Email: sales@seasoil.com Website: www.seasoil.com Our family makes superior composted soils and mixes. Sea Soil is an organically fertilized, OMRI listed soil made with fish and unique forest fines. Sea Soil by nature is weed-free and safe for all applications. We use Sea Soil as a base for all of our products. Second Nature Compost - City of Edmonton .......423 Allan Yee, Brent Hamilton Site 320, 13111 Meridian Street, Edmonton, AB T6S 1G9 Tel: (780) 496-5414 Fax: (780) 496-5668 Email: brent.hamilton@edmonton.ca Website: www.inglisenvironmental.com; www.secondnaturecompost.ca Supply and sale of Second Nature Compost products for agricultural, horticultural and erosion control uses. Your plant health starts with healthy soil.
Sester Farms Inc. .............................................621, 623 Noah Clark (sales) 33205 SE Oxbow Drive, Gresham, OR 97080 Tel: (503) 663-4844 Fax: (503) 663-7659 Toll Free: 1-800-832-4487 Email: sales@sesterfarms.com Website: www.sesterfarms.com Wholesale grower of shade trees and shrubs in bareroot and container, root-pruned conifers in container and B&B and a greenhouse division with liners and rooted cuttings. See the difference in our consistent quality. Specializing in cold-hardy plants, the perfect garden center mix.
Simon Bos Nurseries Ltd. .....................................1008 Simon Bos PO Box 1078, Coaldale, AB T1M 1M9 Tel: (403) 330-8010 Fax: (403) 345-4306 Email: simon@bosnurseries.com Website: www.bosnurseries.com Grower of field grown caliper trees, serving the prairies. Simon Bos Nurseries has been in business for over 25 years. We understand the industry and the challenges we face as well! Our goal is to provide quality product and service. Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) ...............................................................126 Janet Feddes-Calpas 5030 - 50 Street, Lacombe, AB T4L 1W8 Tel: (403) 782-8613 Fax: (403) 782-5514 STOPDED Hotline: 1-877-837-ELMS (3567) Email: stopded@shaw.ca Website: www.stopded.org The main objective of the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) is to promote the survival of the American elm in Alberta by preventing the establishment of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) and its insect vectors. Alberta is DED free and with your help, we can keep it that way! Southern Irrigation .............................1014, 1012, 1010 Kees Van Beek 511 - 41 Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 7B6 Tel: (403) 394-0042 Fax: (403) 394-9515 Toll Free: 1-877-663-2615 Email: kees@southerndrip.com Website: www.southerndrip.com Southern Irrigation offers a comprehensive line of products for agriculture, landscape & turf, greenhouse, nursery, mining, municipal and wastewater applications. We also supply small agriculture implements for planting, transplanting and harvesting. Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. ...209, 211 Lindsay Davidson 18598 Advent Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 Tel: (604) 465-7122 Fax: (604) 465-8100 Toll Free: 1-800-471-4448 Email: inquiry@specimentrees.com Website: www.specimentrees.com An impressive selection of hardy grafted conifers; both container and field grown in specimen sizes. A good selection of trees and hardy flowering shrubs are also available.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 17
Exhibitor Profiles
Square Canada .......................................................1003 Karisa Marra Calgary, AB Tel: (403) 969-6688 Email: karisamarra@squareup.com Website: www.squareup.com Square is a revolutionary service that allows you to accept credit cards, using a reader that plugs into any Apple or Android device along with a free easy-to-use app. There’s no need for complicated contracts, monthly fees, or merchant accounts. All you pay is 2.75% per transaction. Grow your business with Square and start taking payments anywhere!
Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd. .....................703, 705 Kal Jhaj 4129 Spiers Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 4B5 Tel: (250) 764-2121 Fax: (250) 764-4421 Toll Free: 1-800-313-2101 Email: kal.jhaj@stewartnurseries.com Website: www.stewartbrothersnurseries.com Stewart Brothers Nurseries is a family owned and operated business celebrating 104 years of service. We provide a wide variety of prairie-hardy deciduous and coniferous trees at various stages of growth and development from which to choose. We are committed to you and to the deep roots of your community.
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18 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Sun Gro Horticulture Inc. ........................................717 Doris Williams PO Box 189, Seba Beach, AB T0E 2B0 Toll Free: 1-888-797-7328 Fax: (888) 797-6497 Email: dorisw@sungro.com Website: www.sungro.com; www.blackgold.bz Sunshine peat moss, "Sunshine" Retail and Professional growing mixes; Black Gold peat moss, Retail mixes. Florikote controlled release fertilizers, Technigro water soluble fertilizers. TerraLink Horticulture Inc. ....................................1030 Lisa Birston 464 Riverside Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M1 Tel: (604) 864-9044 Fax: (604) 864-8418 Toll Free: 1-800-661-4559 Email: marketing@tlhort.com Website: www.tlhort.com Canadian fertilizer manufacturer and distributor of agricultural and horticultural supplies and crop protection products for professional greenhouse vegetable, floral, nursery, landscape, garden centre, municipalities and parks in Western Canada. The Grounds Guys ...................................................106 Scott Davis 1010 N. University Parks Dr., Waco, TX 76707 Tel: (254) 745-2448 Toll Free: 1-888-498-2195 Email: scott.davis@dwyergroup.com Website: www.groundsguysfranchise.com With The Grounds Guys proprietary landscape franchise management systems, our landscape franchisees can learn how to find new customers, gain market share over local competition & operate a profitable & sustainable landscape franchise. Services includes landscape management, lawn & grounds care, irrigation, outdoor lighting and snow & ice removal services for residential & commercial clients. Top SprayÂŽ ...............................................................317 Rob Olenick 305 Griffin Road West, Cochrane, AB T4C 2C4 Tel: (403) 932-1464 Fax: (403) 932-5733 Toll Free: 1-888-51MULCH Email: info@topspray.com Website: www.topspray.com Top Spray offers 11 varieties of premium organic mulches and soil blends. Our services include blower truck mulch applications and bulk delivery. Top Spray has extensive experience in erosion control and vegetation establishment, such as Hydroseeding and Ecoblanket. Rooftop applications and grinding services are also available.
Stokes Seeds Limited ............................................1006 Leah Erickson PO Box 10 (296 Collier Road S), Thorold, ON L2V 5E9 Tel: (905) 688-3634 ext: 195 Fax: (800) 272-5560 Toll Free: 1-800-272-5544 Email: lerickson@stokeseeds.com Website: www.stokeseeds.com Canada's leading supplier of commercial vegetable and flower seeds and vegetative flowers.
Exhibitor Profiles
Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. ......................................825 Cody Brown 50 Country Hills View NW, Calgary, AB T3K 4Y5 Tel: (403) 619-5410 Fax: (403) 983-8396 Email: cody@treetotreenurseries.ca Website: www.treetotreenurseries.ca Tree to Tree Nurseries is a family owned and operated tree nursery with over 35 years of experience in growing the highest quality caliper trees. Our mission is to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
Van Belle Nursery .............................................409, 411 Adam Underwood 34825 Hallert Road, Abbotsford, BC V3G 1R3 Toll Free: 1-888-826-2355 Fax: (604) 853-6282 Email: info@vanbelle.com Website: www.vanbelle.com Wholesale grower and propagator of hardy shrubs, trees and perennials. We specialize in new and branded plants from Proven Winners®, ColorChoice®, Ball Ornamentals®, Drift® and Bloomin’ Easy® along with tried and true varieties that inspire.
TreeTime.ca ...............................................................112 Drew Patterson / Lori Janewski 204, 9366-49 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6B 2L7 Tel: (780) 472-8878 Fax: (780) 472-0460 Toll Free: 1-866-873-3846 Email: sales@treetime.ca Website: www.treetime.ca TreeTime.ca - 100+ species of 1-2 year old trees, shrubs, berries. High quality, low prices, 100% new growth guarantee & we pay for shipping. Over 95% are grown from local trees - many native to AB/Western Canada. Order Jan - June at treetime.ca or 1.866.873.3846.
Van Noort Bulb Company ........................................505 Keith Carpenter 22264 Hwy 10, Langley, BC V2Y 2K6 Tel: (604) 888-6555 Fax: (604) 888-7640 Toll Free: 1-888-826-6667 Email: mail@vannoortbulb.com Website: www.vannoortbulb.com Family owned Canadian company supplying horticulture products since 1928. Specializing in wholesale and retail packaged perennials, shrubs, vines, small fruits, roses and bulbs for spring and fall to growers, garden centers, landscapers and cities.
TWD Lawn & Garden Products ...............................422 Dave Leyh 12340 - 184 Street, Edmonton, AB T5V 0A5 Tel: (780) 452-8788 Fax: (888) 969-2893 Toll Free: 1-800-565-8432 Email: dleyh.twd@bell.net Innovative manufacturer and marketer of Mr. Tweed landscape fabric and Mr. Fothergill’s packaged seeds. Importer and distributor of a wide variety of decorative fencing, bamboo, lawn edging and unique garden accessories. Urban Green Produce Inc........................................ 823 Rusty McKay / Cody Idle 101, 2915-21 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7T1 Tel: (403) 990-1130 or (403) 540-6555 Email: rusty@urbangreenproduce.com Website: www.urbangreenproduce.com Urban Green Produce grows basil and baby spinach and is working on adding additional produce. Due to the high demand for fresh locally grown produce, a second location in SE Calgary is being added. We are the Western Canada distributor for the iGROW induction lighting system. Valleybrook Gardens Ltd. ...............................714, 716 Lovette Johns 1831 Peardonville Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M3 Tel: (604) 855-1177 Fax: (604) 850-1383 Toll Free: 1-800-824-1120 Email: lovette@valleybrook.com Website: www.perennials.com; www.valleybrook.com Your perennial source for the best brands. Heritage Perennials, Jeepers Creepers, Rock Stars, Trophy Taker and Happy Ever Appster Daylilies, Culinary Collectibles, Backyard Fresh and more!
Vanhof and Blokker Ltd. ..........................................316 Lee Carroll 6670B Columbus Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 2G1 Tel: (905) 670-2852 Fax: (905) 670-2889 Toll Free: 1-800-387-2852 Email: info@vhbk.ca; l.carroll@vhbk.ca Website: www.vhbk.ca Signature line of perennials, flower bulbs, annual and perennial plugs, ferns, grasses, fruits, vegetables, roses, shrubs and Burgon & Ball gardening tools.
Visit us in Booth 1008
Troxler Canada West ...............................................324 Don Wilgosh Bay 1, 1540 Hastings Crescent, Calgary, AB T2G 4E1 Tel: (403) 769-0655 Toll Free: 1-866-300-9012 Email: sales@globaltroxler.ca Website: www.globaltroxler.ca Leader in construction testing equipment and GPS systems.
Vanstone Nurseries .................................................425 Owen Vanstone Box 670, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C2 Tel: (204) 857-8435 Fax: (204) 857-7728 Email: info@vanstonenurseries.com Website: www.vanstonenurseries.com Vanstone Nurseries is a family owned company located in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. We are a wholesale grower of perennials, grasses, ornamental shrubs, small fruit, herbs, and annuals. We take pride in supplying independent garden centres in Western Canada with premium quality plants.
VRE Systems ............................................................604 Mike Van Zalen RR 1, 7367 Young Street, Grassie, ON L0R 1M0 Tel: (905) 945-8863 Fax: (905) 945-9294 Toll Free: 1-800-499-4873 ext: 231 Email: mike@vresystems.com Web: www.vresystems.com VRE SYSTEMS a dynamic manufacturing company, boasting 35 years of service. Greenhouse Curtain systems for light exclusion & heat retention, retail modular structures, shelving, displays, transport & customer service carts, security fence & mono rail. All can be customized to suit your needs. Wellmaster Carts, Div. of Wellmaster Pipe & Supply Inc. ...........622, 624 Pedro Friesen PO Box 456 (1494 Bell Mill Road), Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4J1 Tel: (519) 688-0500 Fax: (519) 688-0563 Toll Free: 1-800-387-9355 Email: carts@wellmaster.ca Website: www.wellmaster.ca Carts, racks, benches, customer service wagons, four wheel steer wagons, shopping carts, casters, shelves, and custom fabricated display and transportation systems.
Field and Pot-in-Pot Grown Caliper Deciduous Coniferous Trees Phone: 403-330-8010 simon@bosnurseries.com www.bosnurseries.com Box 1078, Coaldale, AB We are a Clean Plants Certified Nursery! Green for Life November/December 2015 I 19
Exhibitor Profiles
Wescan Marketing Inc. ..........................................1038 Grant McKay 2 Warwick Drive, Red Deer, AB T4N 6A9 Tel: (403) 318-8483 Fax: (403) 770-8088 Email: canamaze1@gmail.com Website: www.canamaze.com Featured product is CanAmaze VRP, volcanic rock powder which supplies 63+ minerals and trace elements to plants, providing the wide range of benefits that remineralization provides to our vastly depleted soils.
West Coast Floral Growers & Distributors Ltd. ....805 Nathan VanHuizen 1420 - 172 Street, Surrey, BC V3S 9M6 Tel: (604) 541-7447 Fax: (604) 541-0882 Toll Free: 1-800-668-4655 Email: nathan@westcoastfloral.com Website: www.westcoastfloral.com Live potted plants, fresh cut flowers, bedding plants, herbs. You name it, we have it. Along with our reliable freight service, West Coast Floral is a quality grower and shipper of the above. Our fleet covers most points in Western Canada on a weekly basis from Vancouver.
West Coast Seeds ....................................................512 Alex Augustyniak/ Peter Hay 3925-64 Street, RR 1, Delta, BC V4K 3N2 Tel: (604) 952-8820 Fax: (604) 952-8828 Toll Free: 1-888-804-8820 Email: wholesale@westcoastseeds.com Website: www.westcoastseeds.com West Coast Seeds has the best selection of certified organic, open pollinated, heirloom and heritage seeds for organic growing. West Coast Seeds sells over 700 varieties of vegetable, flower and herb seeds as well as a wide variety of books, supplies, and tools.
Western Isuzu Truck ........121, 123, 125, 220, 222, 224 Jamie Brandt 18325 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton, AB T5S 1C6 Tel: (780) 486-3333 Fax: (780) 486-3434 Toll Free: 1-877-470-0333 Email: jbrandt@westerngm.com Website: www.westernisuzutruck.com Isuzu sales, lease and rental services. We provide full service for medium duty trucks. Isuzu has been North America's #1 selling low-cab forward (LCF) trucks for every year since 1986. Westland Ltd. ....................................................500, 502 Mark Rasko 291231 Westland Drive, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E3 Toll Free: 1-800-363-9378 Fax: (403) 275-9479 Email: customerservice@westlandltd.com Website: www.westlandltd.com Westland is Western Canada’s largest importer/distributor of garden products. For 47 years we have delivered the products you need, on time, priced right. We distribute many brands including Easy EcoGrass, Scott’s, Safer’s, Premier Tech and Easy Gardener with our in-house brands: Groundskeepers Pride® and Green Harvest®. Wheatland Trees Ltd. ...............................................221 Phil Paxton 11800-40 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 4T1 Tel: (403) 248-3648 Fax: (403) 901-1494 Email: PPaxton@alphabetterlands.com Website: www.wheatlandtrees.ca Tree nursery, tree planting services, custom digging services, inventory of large caliper trees as well as potted trees. Zeller & Sons Enterprises ...........................1035, 1037 Dan Zeller RR 1, 2360 Naramata Road, Naramata, BC V0H 1N0 Tel: (250) 496-5338 Fax: (250) 496-5886 Toll Free: 1-866-496-5338 Email: dan@zellerandsons.com Website: www.zellerandsons.com Agricultural supplier of equipment and hardware. Pruning tools: hand, electric, pneumatic operated. Spaders, weed and conventional sprayers, cultivating hoes, grafting supplies, rodent and bird control. Bamboo fencing, tying and tree training.
20 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Green Industry Conference Fees Your best deal is a Full Conference Pass! Includes early morning refreshments, and access to all sessions on Thursday, November 19 and Friday, November 20. Member................. Early Bird $255.00 Non Member......... Early Bird $330.00 Student................. Early Bird $155.00
After October 30 $300.00 After October 30 $365.00 After October 30 $205.00
Thursday Only Pass Member................. Early Bird $160.00 Non Member......... Early Bird $230.00
After October 30 $195.00 After October 30 $265.00
Friday Only Pass Member................. Early Bird $160.00 Non Member......... Early Bird $230.00
After October 30 $195.00 After October 30 $265.00
Register online at www.2015gisc.eventbrite.ca Member rate: Landscape Alberta, Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) and International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) members are entitled to member pricing. Early Bird prices are applicable only to registrations received prior to 4:00 pm October 30, 2015; after this date, standard pricing applies. Pre-registration accepted until 4:00 pm Friday, November 13; registration after this date must be onsite. This conference program was jointly developed by Landscape Alberta and the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association.
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Green for Life November/December 2015 I 21
Schedule At-a-Glance Wednesday, November 18 AGGA Garden Centre Bus Tour
Pick up at 9:00 am Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB. Page 4 for details.
Landscape Aberta Nursery Producers Annual Auction
7:00 pm Executive Royal Hotel, 2828 23 Street NE, Calgary, AB. Page 4 for details.
Thursday, November 19 Time
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Registration, coffee and refreshments Simple and Effective Ways to Enhance Your Home, Community, and the Larger World Brad Lancaster Reduce the Tree Canopy, Retain the Tree
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Philip van Wassenaer
Strengthen Your Social Marketing and Grow Your Business Katie Dubow Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop
Dr. Ken Fry
SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design Jon Altschuld
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
How Soil Health Provides Sustainable Landscapes & Protects the Environment Dr. Britt Faucette and Ron Alexander Life after Neonicotinoids Rob O’Hara and Stan Vander Waal Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management Dr. Elizabeth Lamb
Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop
Dr. Ken Fry
10:30 am - 4:30 pm
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Landscape Industry Certified Exams
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Get Together on the Trade Show Floor (pg 4)
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Group Meeting
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
AGGA Annual General Meeting
5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
AGGA Garden Party
All conference sessions qualify for continuing education units for renewing Landscape Industry Certified designations. This symbol denotes credits are available at a particular session for Alberta Environments pesticide applicator license renewal. This symbol denotes that credits are available for ISA Continuing Education Units. 22 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Friday, November 20 Time 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Workshop/Event Registration, coffee and refreshments Greenhouse Business Health Check Up Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Food Forests within the Landscape: Designed to Dine
Kim Wickwire
Find Lost Profit in your Company with On-the-Job Training (OJT) Joel Beatson 3D Terrain Modeling in SketchUp
8:30 am - 10:15 pm
Jon Altschuld
Tree Risk Management
Gordon Mann
365 Days of Container Sales Ideas Christina Salwitz
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Principles, Practices, and Tips for Water-Harvesting Earthworks and Raingardens Brad Lancaster Get More Jobs Done On Time + On Budget with Better Job Costing! Mark Bradley C.A.R.E. Leadership
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Peter van Stralen
Panel: Trees in the Urban Landscape Moderator: Bonnie Fermanuik; Panel: Darby McGrath, Ron Alexander and Nico Bernard
GREEN INDUSTRY SHOW - HALL C Technology, Mobility and Apps, Oh My!
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Gord Koch
The Accountable Landscape Co. Developing Staff Who Care About the Bottom Line Mark Bradley Your Customer Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Tom Shay
Landscape Alberta Sod Growers Group Annual Meeting
Session Sponsors:
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 23
Planning for Spring? Order now for best availablility!
Growers of Containerized Shrubs ~ Roses ~ Evergreens Pot-in-Pot Trees ~ Fruit Trees Native Plants ~ Vines ~ Aquatics Perennials ~ Grasses Grand Forks, B.C. 1-800-831-9611 www.bronandsons.com
Photo by: Jordan Ukass
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Toll Free Fax: 1-877-542-5936 Email: info@bronandsons.com
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am
Thursday, November 19 Integrated Local Harvests: Simple and Effective Ways to Enhance Your Home, Community, and the Larger World Brad Lancaster This dynamic presentation shares patterns and strategies to harvest, integrate, and enliven free local resourcesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; such as rain-, grey-, and storm waters; sun, wind, and shade; along with soil fertility, wild foods, and community funâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;in a way that generates far more potential than the sum of their parts. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see examples of transformation, including how once-dying wetlands and creek flows are being regenerated with simple hand-built structures made of on-site materials; and how once-blighted, overheated neighborhood streets are being rejuvenated into thriving greenbelts of water, people, wildlife, art, food, and celebration.
Reduce the Tree Canopy, Retain the Tree Philip van Wassenaer This presentation examines aspects of crown reduction from several different perspectives. An understanding of natural tree survival strategies informs management approaches for aging trees. Large pruning wounds can lead to significant decay and structural weakness but if too little is cut, the tree may break, also causing large wounds. How do we find the appropriate dose? The techniques used for maintaining aging trees can also be applied to younger or storm-damaged trees.
Strengthen Your Social Marketing and Grow Your Business Katie Dubow (@KatieGMG) Is your head spinning in the sea of social media? You are not alone. There is no play book, and there are no rules. There are, however, some basic principles and a few secrets that will help you navigate the social media waters and help further brand your company. From Facebook to Pinterest, you will gain insight into social media trends, strategies and secrets to make waves in the sea of social media.
Urban Landscape Pest Diagnosis Workshop Dr. Ken Fry This session will be hands-on, using microscopes to examine common landscape pests and the damage they cause. We will also be discussing and demonstrating mobile digital apps for use in diagnostics and pest management. You are encouraged to bring along your own samples to examine under the microscope and be sure to bring your favorite digital device to test out some apps. Space is limited to 20 people per session. A second session on this topic will be offered from 10:30 am - 12:15 pm. When registering, please indicate which time slot you prefer to attend.
SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design Jon Altschuld Jon provides a holistic lecture on the uses of 3D modeling and other technology for landscape design projects. We will review the basics of 3D modeling approaches for landscape designers and contractors and include live demonstrations of how SketchUp can be used to model a detailed site plan. The seminar will include a discussion on the economics behind 3D modeling and how to evolve 3D models into more articulated, realistic renderings excellent for proposals or awarded projects.
26 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Thursday, November 19
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
Life after Neonicotinoids Rob O’Hara and Stan Vander Waal Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management Dr. Elizabeth Lamb Life after Neonicotinoids With increased public and supplier pressure to eliminate the use of neonicotinoid pesticide in production practices, growers today are faced with how to adapt to life without it. Stan Vander Waal, President of Rainbow Greenhouses, will talk about the customer pressure that led to their reduced use of “neonics” this past growing season. Rob O'Hara, Head Grower at Rainbow Greenhouses, will discuss the alternative strategies that helped them achieve this goal. Greenhouse Scout: An Interactive Mobile App for Greenhouse Pest Management In order for biological control of greenhouse insect pests to be successful, a grower needs a good IPM program and lots of information. The Greenhouse Scout mobile app was developed to provide a reference on insect pests and the beneficials that can be used to manage them. To encourage efficient monitoring, it is paired with a program that allows you to enter scouting data directly into your smartphone and view results over time. Learn how to use the app and how the data it collects will help you manage your business.
How Soil Health Provides Sustainable Landscapes & Protects the Environment Dr. Britt Faucette and Ron Alexander
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
This workshop will focus on the importance, need and benefits of soil health in landscape construction projects. Ron Alexander will present on Compost use in Landscape and Turf Management, providing a clear understanding of organic matter, explaining why compost is so important to soil health, and ensuring you can identify quality compost for landscape applications and soil blending. Ron will also bring you up to date on sustainable landscaping and green infrastructure trends. Dr. Britt Faucette will address Compost use in Non-Traditional Applications – Soil and Water Protection, including erosion and sediment control, storm water management techniques, and compost applications for Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Buildings.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 27
8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 10:15 am
8:30 am - 9:30 am
8:30 am - 9:30 am
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Friday, November 20 Greenhouse Business Health Check Up Dr. Mohyuddin Mirza Did you know that plant problems can become cash flow problems if not diagnosed and treated at the right time? Learn about iron efficient and inefficient plants, diseases and insects that cause businesses to suffer, the dangers of over-using growth regulators, and the successes of Dr. Mirza’s plant diet strategies. This session will benefit ornamental, bedding plant and vegetable growers and provide key tools for diagnostics and treatment.
Food Forests within the Landscape: Designed to Dine Kim Wickwire It takes all segments of our industry to work together to make a movement happen. Food crops of all sorts and sizes are excellent additions to both residential and commercial landscape projects. Veggies, herbs, prairie hardy fruit plants are valuable to humans and all sorts of creatures. To make this happen, growers, retailers and landscapers need to talk, and sooner rather than later! We will take a look at the plants that have great potential for all types of clients and planting situations.
Find Lost Profit in your Company with On-the-Job Training (OJT) Joel Beatson Do you want to find the “stolen profit” in your company? Do you want to unlock a level of efficiency and engagement in your staff that makes you money? If so, OJT is just the thing you are looking for. By focusing on the areas of lost productivity, lost materials, and lost time (safety), you can eliminate waste and thus increase profit. This one-hour session on the OJT method is designed to introduce you to this pragmatic training system and demonstrate the advantages of the full OJT workshop - designed to teach people how to unleash a lean management culture in everyday, on-the-job situations.
SketchUp, Rendering, Future Tech and Landscape Design Jon Altschuld Jon will provide a hands-on live demonstration of how to model a site plan onto existing site terrain. The lecture will show a step-by-step modeling process that includes steps, walls, roads, walks, vegetation and structures. He will demonstrate how to model proposed grades from existing contour information, how to integrate the model into free, high-resolution Google Earth aerials and generate new contour information useful for constructing the site.
Tree Risk Management Gordon Mann Arborists experience risk management related to trees every time we visit a location, assess trees, prepare for, and perform tree work. How that risk is determined, how it is communicated to the client, and how it is managed is critical to growing trees where people live, work, and play. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the values trees provide and why they are worth investing in. We’ll explore the process for developing clear mitigation specifications to perform quality tree work and reduce the risk associated with trees.
28 I Green for Life November/December 2015
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
10:30 am - 12:15 pm
9:45 am- 10:45 am
9:45 am - 10:45 am
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Friday, November 20 365 Days of Container Sales Ideas Christina Salwitz From New Year’s Day to December 31st, a well-designed container garden has the ability to impact sales in countless ways. From gloves to miniatures, from edibles to art, the only limit is your business-savvy imagination. New and repeat customers are relying on YOU to set the pace of new ideas in container gardening. Learn how to translate container design ideas into bigger sales volume through the year.
Principles, Practices, and Tips for Water-Harvesting Earthworks and Raingardens Brad Lancaster Plant the rain before you plant your trees to boost production, reduce flooding, conserve water, and create sustainable oases around your homes and community infrastructure. Raingardens and other small-scale earthworks quickly infiltrate rainfall into the soil where less is lost to evaporation, while reducing erosion. Living “pumps” of vegetation then enable us to access that water. Learn simple principles and tips to leverage greater success as you implement these simple and effective passive systems.
Get More Jobs Done On Time + On Budget with Better Job Costing! Mark Bradley TBG Landscape has been a fixture on Lawn and Landscape magazine’s top-100 list for several years, but what is so outstanding about their achievement is their industry-leading productivity. Their sales-per-person always rank at or near the top of the list. So join Mark as he describes the methods TBG employees use to increase the velocity of their jobs and the productivity of their team by: • Using equipment to reduce job time and overhead costs • Knowing when to invest in equipment/overhead • Building a company where everyone is accountable to the estimate C.A.R.E. Leadership Peter van Stralen Whether you are a business owner, a team leader or a new hire looking to contribute to the team, the C.A.R.E. leadership program can enhance your success. Businessman and author Peter van Stralen will share a clear road map to building and sustaining a Culture of C.A.R.E. within your company. It’s all about the culture, van Stralen argues, and each principle he teaches — ranging from “Create a Remarkable Experience” to “Be Humble” to “Listen Well and Communicate with Respect” — gets leaders one step closer to creating a team that is competent, fun, fulfilled, engaged, and committed to giving customers the best service possible. All session attendees will receive a copy of Peter’s book!
Panel: Trees in the Urban Landscape Moderator: Bonnie Fermanuik Panel: Darby McGrath, Ron Alexander and Nico Bernard Whether it be loss of tree canopy to a major storm, tree mortality issues in new developments, or the latest pest or disease that threatens our urban forests – all of these factors pose a risk to trees in our cities. Join us for several short presentations on important factors in tree health that will lead in to a moderated discussion on what we can do, individually and collectively, to give trees the best chance to thrive in an urban jungle.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 29
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday, November 20 Technology, Mobility and Apps, Oh My! Gord Koch As the use of mobile smart devices grows, related “apps” and technology for the horticulture industry are bringing new opportunities to the table for improved productivity, accessible information sharing and data resources. The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of horticulture related apps and technologies including GPS/GIS, image enhancement, greenhouse production, insect scouting, turfgrass management, plant identification, landscape design and industry calculations. This session will also reflect on the software and web services that organizations are using, along with the migration of data and information to cloud-based platforms for information access and sharing.
The Accountable Landscape Co. Developing Staff Who Care About the Bottom Line Mark Bradley In this session, you’ll learn the key systems used by TBG to earn a healthy bottom line because of their workforce… not in spite of it. What’s most shocking about their numbers is how they’ve been able to make profit with half the staff of most of their peers. • How to hire and who to hire • How to show opportunity to new employees • Daily systems that keep problems in check • Incentives that show “What’s in it for me?” to staff Your Customer Doesn’t Live Here Anymore Tom Shay This seminar presents solid, tried and proven ideas that businesses can examine and utilize as they develop that "always do business here first!" feeling with their customer. Identify what type of business you should be; recognize the five types of customers and target those you want to attract; develop the customer service techniques that customers crave; fulfill the customer’s equation for value. Sound interesting? Don’t miss this session with Tom Shay!
Enter to win one of three Fitbits! Pick up a tradeshow passport, visit all participating exhibitors (listed below) and enter the draw!
Passports available at the registration desk or at Landscape Alberta booth 100.
30 I Green for Life November/December 2015
• • • • • • • •
• Ball Horticultural Company • Bron & Sons Nursery Co. • Cervus Equipment • Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd. • Florists Supply Ltd. • High Q Greenhouses • Horta-Craft Limited Kehoe Equipment Ltd./Alggin Metal Industries
Landscape Alberta Manderley Turf Products Inc. Olds College Regency Irrigation Ltd. Rocky Mountain Equipment Southern Irrigation Stewart Brothers Nurseries Ltd.
Speaker Biographies Ron Alexander is a horticulturist with almost 30 years of experience working with compost and other organic recycled products. He is President of consulting company R. Alexander Associates, Inc., and has presented over 300 papers as well as authoring the Field Guide to Compost Use, the AASHTO Erosion Control Specifications for Compost, and Landscape Architecture Specifications for Compost Utilization. Jon Altschuld is a registered Landscape Architect with over 10 years of experience. Jon's background ranges from nursery work, to landscape design and estimating, to large-scale landscape architecture and urban planning projects. Jon has become an expert on 3D modeling and visualization. Jon combines his horticultural knowledge with his 3D expertise in order to develop better solutions in the design profession. Jon has led the charge for using 3D modeling as part of the design process at multiple firms, and has given numerous presentations and workshops on 3D modeling and rendering applications. Joel Beatson is the Executive Director of Landscape Alberta and is one of Canada’s first OJT Master Trainers, as well as a Landscape Industry Certified Manager. Joel spends his spare time slaying dragons with his wizard companion, Declan, and cooking feasts worthy of much song and drink. Mark Bradley is the founder and president of TBG Landscape, a full service landscape contracting firm from Toronto. In just 13 short years, Mark has grown his business from grassroots start-up to annual sales of over $17 million while designing and installing some of Ontario's most prestigious residential design/build projects. Mark has recently opened up his business and exposed the systems that grew his company by founding the Landscape Management Network, an online collection of tools, software, and education to help landscape contractors improve the way they see and manage their businesses. Katie Dubow is creative director at Garden Media Group, a public relations firm that specializes in the lawn and garden industry. You can find her enhancing brands’ reputations, building killer campaigns and launching new products at the firm’s world headquarters, and only location, in Kennett Square, PA. Her goal is to convince people that brown thumbs can, in fact, be turned green. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., is an Ecosystem Scientist, Certified Professional of Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC), and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional. Dr. Faucette currently directs research and technical services programs for several companies within the storm water management and the organics recycling industries. He has authored nearly 20 scientific peer-reviewed journal
publications, over 100 popular press articles and developed federal and state specifications on organic materials used in erosion and sediment control and storm water management. Dr. Ken Fry, Coordinator for the Horticulture Program and Entomology Instructor at Olds College, has been involved in insect pest management research, teaching and extension for 25 years, including nine years as a research scientist at the Alberta Research Council. His research is focused on biological control of insect pests and integrated pest management. Gord Koch is in his 15th year as an instructor at the Olds College School of Animal Sciences and Horticulture. With a special interest in the latest technology tools, he delivers courses in the management, design and implementation of traditional and sustainable landscape applications. Prior to joining Olds College, Gord spent 25 years managing the design and installation of large-scale public and commercial landscape projects. Gord holds a master’s degree in education, in addition to designations as a Landscape Architectural Technologist, Journeyman Landscape Gardener and Green Roof Professional. Dr. Elizabeth Lamb is the coordinator for the ornamentals section of the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. She has the pleasure of working with greenhouse, nursery, and Christmas tree growers throughout the state to help them manage insect, disease and weed pests. Brad Lancaster is a dynamic teacher, consultant, and designer of regenerative systems that sustainably enhance local resources and our global potential. His hometown projects have included working with the City of Tucson and other municipalities to legalize, incentivize, and provide guidance on water-harvesting systems, demonstration sites, and policy. He is the author of the award-winning, best-selling book series Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, the website www.HarvestingRainwater.com, and its Drops in a Bucket blog. Gordon Mann is a consulting arborist and urban forester with 37 years of experience in public works and urban tree management. He served as Village Forester in Brookfield, IL, Tree Maintenance Supervisor with the City of San Mateo, CA, and public works superintendent and City Arborist in Redwood City, CA. Gordon is passionate about the benefits trees provide people, tree care standards, conserving large trees, managing risk, and clear specifications for work.
Green for Life November/December 2015 I 31
Dr. Moyhuddin Mirza retired from a successful career with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development in October 2008 and is now a consultant for the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) for education and extension. He shares his wide field of experience, expertise and enthusiasm with greenhouse businesses in Alberta and beyond, and maintains an active interest in the development of the industry.
Peter van Stralen is a highly sought after and nationally admired author, business coach and keynote speaker. His engaging talks have influenced leaders to build better lives, teams and company cultures. He is the author of the book C.A.R.E. Leadership which shares the extraordinary story of how the ten van Stralen brothers built The Grounds Guys® from a small start-up to a multi-million dollar multinational brand, highlighting eight simple but powerful leadership principles.
Rob O’Hara is the Head Grower of Rainbow Greenhouses of Chilliwack, BC. He manages 50 acres of production of various crops across three locations; two in BC and one in Alberta. Rob was born and raised in Saskatchewan and has worked for Rainbow Greenhouses for the past 18 years.
Stan Vander Waal and his wife, Wilma, started Rainbow Greenhouses in Chilliwack in 1985. Since then, Rainbow has expanded their operations to include two locations in British Columbia and one in Alberta, for a combined total of over 2.5 million square feet of growing space. Rainbow Greenhouses Inc. is a privately owned wholesale grower and distributor of potted plants, serving various markets in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well as Washington, USA.
Christina Salwitz is THE Personal Garden Coach. She is a horticultural guidance counselor, cheerleader and hand-holder. She teaches gardeners how to get the best from their landscape by saving labour, time and money while focusing on fabulous foliage to give year round “awe factor”! An experienced horticulturist of more than 20 years, Christina designs small space and container gardens. She also has a long history of experience as a buyer and manager in nurseries and an extensive customer service background. Tom Shay will provide attendees with the “nuts and bolts” necessary to improve the operation and profitability of their businesses. He has authored eleven books on small business management and a college textbook on small business accounting and business planning. Tom has also earned the Certified Speaking Professional distinction, attained by only 8 percent of speakers worldwide.
Philip van Wassenaer, B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Master of Forest Conservation, is the principal consultant for Urban Forest Innovations, Inc., which specializes in the preservation, enhancement and management of the urban forest using a research- and science-based approach. He is an ISA Certified Arborist, member of ASCA, and a Past President and Director of the Ontario Urban Forest Council. Kim Wickwire grew up at her Mom and Dad's side in the family vegetable and flower gardens where she learned at a very young age that the production of good food is the foundation for good health. She gained an appreciation for the hard work that is involved in growing that good food through working alongside them. Kim attended the Olds College Horticulture Program, and now teaches horticulture courses at the college.
Thank you to our 2015 GISC Sponsors!
32 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Industry and Association News... LMIA Process for 2016 As unemployment rises in Alberta, there are concerns that this might make some sectors of our industry ineligible to participate in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). Landscape Alberta has spoken to representatives at Service Canada and this is only a concern for a very select group of members because the NAICS codes only restrict Nursery Stores and Garden Centres (44422), hiring landscape labourers or cashiers, and would be receiving confirmation of LMIA status after March/April 2016 when the unemployment rate will be updated. To be ineligible for the LMIA process, all three of the following criteria would have to apply to your business: 1) Be part of one of three sectors: Accommodation, Food Service and Retail Trade (NAICS 44, 45 or 72) 2) Have a provincial annual unemployment rate of 6% or higher, and 3) be applying for a position in one of 10 NOC codes, including Cashiers (6611), Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers (7611), or Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Labourers (8612) Members planning to use the TFWP again this year are reminded to submit your application for Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA) as early as possible. Submitting in October or November is recommended as delays last year caused serious complications for many firms. The cap will also be dropping to 20% from 30% for 2016. Each firm’s cap is evaluated each year and while you cannot exceed the maximum cap you may also not exceed your own usage beyond 10%. For new users of the TFWP, 10% is the starting cap. Remember as a seasonal industry, members can calculate their cap based on their peak employment season. Landscape Alberta is working with partners and governments to explore long term solutions to replace the TFWP. Expansion of farm programs or the creation of a seasonal labour program are possible solutions that will be looked at more closely following the October election. SAWP Update for 2016 With the previously announced changes to the issuing of social insurance numbers for SAWP workers (see below), Landscape Alberta needs input from members about the potential impact of this change. The federal election is too close to call at this point, so our best strategy is to have our case well established ahead of time, and be prepared to act swiftly.
Office in order to obtain their SIN. Those who already have a SIN must also go to a Service Canada Office to have it reactivated, and must bring their work permit and passport with them. We have requested that CBSA and Service Canada find a better permanent solution for SAWP employees to obtain SINs. To find the Service Canada Office nearest to you, please visit the following website: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/scsrch.cgi?cmd=lst&pv=bc&ln=eng As you can see, the new policy will lead to potential delays before workers can begin working and hardships for employers who have to arrange transport for workers to busy Service Canada offices. Below are a few questions that we are looking to have answered. Please send an email to admin@landscape-alberta.com with your answers so that we can demonstrate to the next government the unintended, negative consequences of this policy. • How many SAWP workers do you plan to hire in for 2016? • When is their anticipated time of arrival in Canada? (example: first week in March) • When will they start working? • Where is the nearest Service Canada office to you? (example: 65 km or 10 minute drive) • How do you think these changes will impact your business in 2016? For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Landscape Alberta office at 1-800-378-3198 or email admin@landscape-alberta.com. Canada Pension Plan Overpayments for Seasonal Workers Are you deducting CPP premiums according to the tax tables supplied by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on behalf of a seasonal worker (or any worker who does not work 52 weeks a year for whatever reason i.e. student, illness, pregnancy, quit, seasonal)? If so - a CPP overpayment has most likely occurred! All employees are required to pay into CPP based on their earnings, and their premiums are deducted from their paycheques. Employers are also required to contribute an equal amount on behalf of every employee they have.
There has been a change in how workers under the SAWP are going to obtain their Social Insurance Number (SIN) for the 2016 season.
Most small business owners assume that the correct amounts were remitted because those amounts were supplied by CRA in the first place. They have not been informed differently. The reality is YOU, as an employer, must request the refund! CRA does not feel a responsibility to inform employers that they have overpaid, even though they refund the employee who overpaid by the identical amount.
As of May 8, 2015, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) no longer sends the SIN requests directly to Service Canada individual workers are now required to go to a Service Canada
CRA will refund overpayments made by an employer but they do not make it easy. To obtain a refund you must fill out a form for EACH employee - Form PD24-14e.pdf (www.craGreen for Life November/December 2015 I 33
arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/pd24/pd24-14e.pdf) which includes details of each pay period for selection and placement of temporary foreach employee for each year, etc. although the information is already stated on T4s, eign workers in Canada. BLS provides the (which the CRA has a copy of). same services including; • Providing ongoing complimentary Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program support for both employees and As of August 27, 2015, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) will not be employers. accepting new applications for all streams and categories until January 27, 2016. • Identifying and pooling workers. • Providing information to employers The program has paused application intake for AINP because it is oversubscribed, with regarding the Seasonal Agricultural approximately 10,000 applications awaiting assessment and hundreds more being Workers Program and the submitted each month. It is important to note that applications postmarked on or Temporary Foreign Workers before August 27, 2015 will be accepted. Program. • Providing facilities for employers to For more information about the AINP pause, visit the website at conduct interviews. AlbertaCanada.com/AINP. You can also contact the “Immigrate to Alberta” information • Providing comprehensive orientaservice at 1-877-427-6419 or immigration.info@gov.ab.ca for general inquiries. tion for selected workers. • Providing skills assessment, What this closure means is that any TFWs currently in Alberta who have not already background checks and health applied to the AINP will need to wait until January 27th, 2016 to apply. With that, screening. employers will need to get a new LMIA to extend the worker (extend work permit if possible) into next year to allow them to apply to the AINP at that time. The Barbadian worker’s first language is English and all flights transfer via Toronto, CSAWP – Alternative option within the SAWP Program where BLS staff assist with the immigration The Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (CSAWP) would like to remind process. members that SAWP workers are available in companion to the more commonly used program with Mexico. Members looking for additional SAWP workers or in participating in the program for The Barbados Liaison Service (BLS) has over 40 years’ experience in the recruitment, the first time are reminded that the Caribbean is a viable option to consider. For further information please contact: James Inniss, Liaison Officer, jinniss@foreign.gov.bb, (416) 214-9825. Finning CAT Partners with LMN to Bring You Serious Stimulus for Your Landscape Business: December 10 & 11 in Calgary Owners of top-100 landscape companies open the hood on their operations and explain the systems that got them to the top. Bring your numbers (all financials are kept confidential) and learn the simple systems proven to build more efficient, more productive landscape companies. It couldn’t be easier. In just 2 days, you’ll create real planning and estimating systems for your company, ready to be used the very next day. Day 1 | Supercharge Your Business In just 6 hours, we’ll show you how easy it is to build a profitable operating budget, customized for your business. Each attendee uses their own company numbers to customize a plan for sales, wages, equipment and overhead spending. The result? Sales goals, overhead plans, and an overhead recovery system all designed to ensure your business earns a fair profit. 34 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Day 2 | Supercharge Your StaďŹ&#x20AC; Using your own plan for proďŹ t, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll calculate exactly what your company needs to charge for labor, equipment, and materials to ensure every job is priced for proďŹ t. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll create real systems for your company that ensure consistent, proďŹ table, and trainable results. â&#x20AC;˘ Estimating â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to ensure youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re making proďŹ t â&#x20AC;˘ Planning Work â&#x20AC;&#x201C; how to take the information in your head and put it in the hands of your people â&#x20AC;˘ Keeping Score â&#x20AC;&#x201C; how to track and cost jobs to ensure your crews are working for proďŹ t â&#x20AC;˘ Motivation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; learn to get your staďŹ&#x20AC; thinking like owners with simple bonus + wage systems.
Workshop Information â&#x20AC;˘ 2-day workshop, 8:30 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30 pm each day â&#x20AC;˘ LA members: $99, non-members $199 (includes lunch) â&#x20AC;˘ Bring your laptop computer Due to the hands-on nature of this workshop, space is limited. Reserve your spot today. To register or for more information, visit http://www.golmn.com/event/workshop-calgary-ab-cat/. Edmontonâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Herbicideâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Ban The City of Edmonton continues with its public education campaign following the ban of all herbicides on City lands. The City is distributing handbills to citizens during the application of herbicides or other materials that are not covered in the ban.
Issues around herbicide application for Home Owner Associations and Community Leagues are still being fully clariďŹ ed, but unless the land has been titled to the HOA or CL there can be no application without city permission even if the use is exempted. The list of exemptions include: â&#x20AC;˘ Herbicides may be used to eradicate provinciallyregulated weeds and in the maintenance of highproďŹ le and high-quality parks and facilities including golf courses, bowling greens, staďŹ&#x20AC;ed athletic facilities, sports ďŹ elds, cemeteries and for areas or parks being used for high proďŹ le and international events. â&#x20AC;˘ Other approved herbicide uses are for treating hard surfaces as required for infrastructure maintenance and safety related to sewer pipes, storm water facilities and LRT lines. â&#x20AC;˘ For the full list of exemptions, visit www.edmonton.ca/weeds Writtenâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Testâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Opportunityâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;forâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;CertiďŹ ed Designationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; November is coming up fast and with it comes the annual Green Industry Show & Conference, being held in Calgary on November 19 & 20. Landscape Alberta is providing a written test opportunity for multiple Landscape Industry CertiďŹ ed designations. If you wish to challenge the Landscape Industry CertiďŹ ed Manager exam or would like to begin the Technician or Designer designation by getting the written portion completed, now is your chance. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out on this excellent opportunity to stand out from the rest! To register for a test, please contact Colin Vince at colin@cnla-acpp.ca. Green for Life November/December 2015 I 35
Members in the News On Friday, August 21, Habitat for Humanity Red Deer Region Society hosted Her Honour, the Honourable Lois Mitchell, CM, AOE, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta and His Honour Doug Mitchell at a formal Garden Party Event at Parkland Nurseries & Garden Centre.
Welcome to our
New Members
Ava Maintenance Management Inc. R. Devin Murphy 2302 Carleton Street SW, Calgary, AB T2T 3K7 P: (403) 519-7929 F: (403) 277-2272 E: devin@avacalgary.com W: www.avacalgary.com Fleetmatics Chelsey Carlson 800, 1600 East Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 P: (866) 844-2235 E: chelsey.carlson@fleetmatics.com W: www.fleetmatics.com Infinity Property Care Joshua Van Hierden 1220 31 Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 5J8 P: (403) 380-1950 E: josh.v@infinitypropertycare.ca W: www.infinitypropertycare.ca Jansen Landscaping Ltd. Adam Jansen 26 Hilldowns Drive, Spruce Grove, AB T7X 0J2 P: (780) 953-5516 E: adam@jansen-landscaping.ca W: www.jansen-landscaping.ca Park Landscaping Ltd. Jeremy Chau Suite 201, 10023 - 168 Street, Edmonton, AB T5P 3W9 P: (780) 489-8423 F: (888) 400-0589 E: marketing@parklandscaping.ca W: www.parklandscaping.ca
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Why Landscape Alberta? Simply put, Landscape Alberta exists to help you grow your business. Our mission is to advance the professional landscape industry, something we can best do as a collective - Landscape Alberta accomplishes this by focusing on four areas: • • • •
elevating professional standards and education providing effective government advocacy offering money-saving programs, and connecting you with your peers.
Think of Landscape Alberta as a club for mutual improvement – take advantage of all we do. Let us be the hub that connects every sector of our industry and provides support for a valuable network that includes contractors, growers, suppliers, garden centres, education providers, and all levels of government.
Who do we serve? Our members… Our association serves businesses and, by extension, the people who work in those businesses. We focus our activities on the interests and concerns of our Active category members: contractors, growers, and garden centres. While businesses across these sectors face some common issues, each have unique needs – this makes for a very broad service offering from the association. Our activities are guided by a board of directors with members from all sectors, working together, including industry suppliers that are members in our Associate category. Green for Life November/December 2015 I 37
Where are we going, and how do we get there? Our industry is growing. It is vital to ensure that the landscape and horticulture industry is the career of choice for the next generation of designers, builders, growers, and stewards of healthy communities. To this end, we support and promote training and education opportunities for our industry: • • •
The Landscape Horticulturist (formerly Landscape Gardener) Apprenticeship Program in Alberta was created, and continues to be guided, by members of Landscape Alberta. The Landscape Industry Certified programs (Technician, Manager and Designer) were created by industry members to reflect current standards and provide employers and their employees with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and expertise they have achieved through industry experience. Olds College has been a partner (and member) of our association for decades - did you know that students in the full-time Horticulture programs and the Apprenticeship program at Olds College are provided with a free Student Membership in Landscape Alberta? Did you know that several of our members sponsor grants and bursaries for Olds students? Did you know that our Executive Director, Joel Beatson, meets regularly with new students at Olds College? If you love what you do and want to share your insight and enthusiasm with eager young minds, step up - call Joel and join him on his next visit! 1-800-378-3198
Speaking of stepping up… We want to thank the generous spirit and dedication of board members and volunteers who have guided our association for nearly 60 years. Our current board members, like those before them, serve all of their peer members and contribute to the success of our organization and our industry. Landscape Alberta Board: Chris Brown, CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd., Chair Anita Heuver, Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd., Vice Chair and CNLA Representative John van Roessel, JVR Landscape (2006) Inc., Treasurer Cody Brown, Tree to Tree Nurseries Ltd. Brian Gibson, Green Drop Lawns Ltd. Jordan Voogd, Sunstar Nurseries Ltd. Steve Wheatcroft, ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc. Got an issue that you can’t solve alone? It’s a good bet that your peers are facing the same dilemma. Our association has a long history of putting heads together to resolve issues – it’s what we do as a collective, for the benefit of all. A successful industry is made of successful businesses and successful people. No doubt you have experienced the gift of a bright idea, encouragement, or guidance, which has lifted you and your business to new level. Big or small, these contributions are invaluable, and we invite all members to reach out to our association and its members, and get involved when you have inspiration to share. Landscape Alberta events are planned to bring information and tools for success into the hands of our members – but the added bonus of spontaneous member-to-member exchanges is truly the icing on the cake. Be sure to come out to our next event!
Get to know us! We are the staff of Landscape Alberta, and we are here to help. We also appreciate small gifts of home-baked goods, if you have any extra. Contact us at 1-800-378-3198 or email admin@landscape-alberta.com. Joel Beatson, CAE, CLM, Executive Director Marnie Main, Member Services Director and Certification Administrator Erynn Watson, Member Services Assistant Valerie Stobbe, Green Industry Show Coordinator and Office Services Kyla Hardon, Communications Coordinator Cheryl Teo, Bookkeeper 38 I Green for Life November/December 2015
What have WE done for YOU?
“Landscape Alberta is a leader in the green industry through its innovation and professionalism.” – Jenny Wheeler, City of Edmonton
“As a member, Wilco participates in member events that provide an opportunity to network, discuss current practices with our peers, and have a good time. We have also been involved in many workshops with the City of Edmonton working in partnership and as a team to develop and enhance planting specifications that are in constant review and change to accommodate climatic, growing and site conditions.” – Art Maat, CEO, Wilco Contractors NW Inc.
“I appreciate the higher level lobbying and awareness that our professional organization does on our behalf. Attending events, such as the Green Industry Show & Conference, helps us evolve as a company and industry.” - Bobbie Beddoes,
“Being part of Landscape Alberta is belonging to a group of people who share the same passion, professionalism and dedication to all facets of landscaping. A group of people always striving for excellence, latest trends and setting an industry standard that we should all work to achieve.” - Lise Prosser
Pixie Gardens Inc.
“We use the Landscape Awards to build trust with our customers. Having a team of 6 designers means lots of different styles of designing are available to a potential client. The awards help them make a choice to ideally match themselves to the right fit for them. In the end we can say we work with a team of award winning designers and this sets us apart.” - Cara Bedford, Head of Marketing, Salisbury Landscaping
"Olds College is proud of the long standing relationship with Landscape Alberta both as an industry member and partner. Through the investment of human and financial capital by Landscape Alberta members and the combined strengths of both organizations, Olds College continues to be the premier training facility for students and professionals in our industry. The rich environment for research and technology applications undertaken at Olds College, benefit the various industry sectors within the Landscape Alberta membership." – Gord Koch, Faculty, School of Animal Sciences and Horticulture
$957,000 That’s how much Landscape Alberta members have saved through the General Motors Canada program since January 2014!
Take advantage of these additional savings programs to improve your bottom line: Caterpillar ECHO / Shindaiwa FCA Canada Inc. - Dodge/Jeep/RAM General Motors Canada Isuzu Trucks Krown Rust Control: Kubota Canada Ltd. Petro-Canada Employers First Landscape Industry Certification LS Training System Retail Council of Canada Canadian Federation of Independent Business casaGURU Lyreco Office Supplies Mark’s (Imagewear) NEBS Work Authority DynaSCAPE Software: Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants Choice Hotels Group Bid Protect HortProtect Insurance MBNA MasterCard® St. Johns Ambulance Enterprise ESSO To take advantage of these member benefit programs, visit www.cnla-acpp.ca/benefits Green for Life November/December 2015 I 39
Landscape Alberta is here As a member-driven organization, Landscape Alberta works every day to help improve our industry, and 2015 continues to be a very productive year. Landscape Alberta was there with a visit to Ottawa in February to discuss with key ministries and officials the seasonal labour issues of our industry and present solutions in the wake of changes to the TFWP. Landscape Alberta was there when the City of Edmonton proposed a ban on pesticides (again), with months of visits, letters, and council meetings resulting in a diluted ban on herbicides on city property. Landscape Alberta was there to meet with Premier Notley and Minister Sigurdson to discuss the impacts of the proposed increase to minimum wage. Landscape Alberta was there to host the Landscape Gardening competition for Skills Canada Alberta, connecting with the over 14,000 youth to help promote career paths in our trade. Landscape Alberta was there to promote industry professionals at the City of Calgary’s ReTree events, a public outreach campaign to help restore the twenty percent loss to tree canopy due to storm damage. Landscape Alberta was there to promote equal treatment for horticultural growers under the Alberta Employment Standards Act, through three different Ministers in less than a year. Landscape Alberta is here, and always will be. Good times or bad, our goal is to work together for the mutual improvement of our entire industry. This only happens with ongoing support from our existing members and with every new member that joins. Together we can Landscape Alberta!
Join us! Be part of Landscape Alberta – contribute your passion and expertise to issues facing our industry; encourage and welcome new members; expand your horizons at our events. Your participation elevates our industry and makes us all stronger. Become a member today! member.services@landscape-alberta.com 40 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Alberta The
Landscape Horticulture Industry At-A-Glance
Economic Impact of Horticulture in AB
Alberta farm gate sales Direct economic impact Value added impact
Employees per Sector in 2014
$122.9 million $671.7 million $1.322 billion
Source: Statistics Canada and Alberta Agriculture Statistics and Data Development Branch, 2013; Deloitte & Touche, The Impact of Ornamental Horticulture on Canada’s Economy, 2009.
Estimated number of full-time equivalent employees in horticulture and related industries.
Number of employees in the landscape construction and maintenance sector.
Average Base Hourly Wage
$18.00 Labourer
Crew Leader/Foreperson
Garden Centre 6%; Nursery 4%; Greenhouse 13%; Sod 1%
Landscape Manager
Visit www.wagesurvey.ca for more wage results.
BIGGEST Industry Priorities
HR & Labour Professional Development Research & Innovation
MEMBERS Where are our members?
Greenhouse Growers 6%
Lawn Care 9%
Sod Growers 3%
Source: WCB Alberta
The Prairies account for 10% of all ornamental sales across Canada. Alberta makes up 67.2% of that! Follow us! @landscapeab
Arborists 12% Garden Centre 8%
Nursery Producers 17%
Landscape Alberta Membership Breakdown
Landscape Contractors 45%
Advancing the professional landscape industry 1-800-378-3198 I admin@landscape-alberta.com www.landscape-alberta.com
Landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Albertaâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Winsâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Nationalâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Award Winners of the National Awards of Landscape Excellence were announced at the 12th annual gala ceremony in Winnipeg, MB on August 19. Awards were given out to members across the country that showcased excellence in the landscape, garden centre and nursery sectors of the industry. Competition was ďŹ erce in the landscape category, with 34 entries coming in from across Canada. We are happy to announce that the Caterpillar Award for Residential Construction/Installation went to Peter Hughes Landscape from Calgary, AB. We talked to Peter about his company and what winning a national award means to him and his business.
Our ultimate goal in business was to be recognized with a National Award of Excellence, for which I`m truly thankful to CNLA and Landscape Alberta. Over the past 15 years, we have been fortunate to receive three Awards of Excellence from Landscape Alberta. This has allowed us to showcase our work in Alberta and, now, to have that work recognized across the country. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; doesâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; meanâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; toâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; youâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; toâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; winâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; aâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; Nationalâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; Awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6; of Landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Excellence? After 43 years of landscaping in Alberta, winning the National Award of Excellence was the ultimate pinnacle of success. We are truly honored and humbled by this award. Anyâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;adviceâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;forâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;lookingâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;toâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;getâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;involvedâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;in theâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;awardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;programs? We encourage all Landscape Alberta members to enter the awards program. Not only is the exposure great for business, but employees, sub-trades and suppliers are keen on an entry, too. Go for it! Landscape Alberta would like to congratulate Peter Hughes Landscape on their win.
Tellâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;usâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;aboutâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;theâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;earlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;daysâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;ofâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Hughesâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Landscape. In the summer of 1973, I started mowing lawns for my neighbors. By the late 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, we ventured into landscape construction to complement the growing maintenance service. Unfortunately, in the early 80s, the National Energy Program rocked the Alberta economy and we struggled to stay aďŹ&#x201A;oat â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we were back to one person cutting lawns. Times eventually got much brighter and as Alberta prospered, so did our company. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;isâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;aâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;keyâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;issueâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;yourâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;hasâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;facedâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;andâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;howâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;did youâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;adapt? The introduction of the Temporary Foreign Work Program approximately ten years ago was a major beneďŹ t because our biggest challenge was hiring, training and retaining employees. The hiring of staďŹ&#x20AC; continues to be the most challenging aspect of our company and once we train the staďŹ&#x20AC;, keeping them within our company presents its own challenges. We strive to have a positive and diversiďŹ ed workplace ensuring the employees enjoy coming to work each day. Whyâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;doâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;youâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;participateâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;inâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;theâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Landscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Awardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;program? We participate in the Landscape Awards because we are a goal-oriented ďŹ rm. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great to see our work alongside other strong competitors, both provincially and nationally.
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Green for Life November/December 2015 I 41
Turning Learning into Results By Bob Coulter Frequently I will hear an owner or business leader say . . . we sent this person to this workshop, class, or seminar two months ago and I don't see any difference in him. The perspective is that the education did not work. The magic dust did not last and the money spent went right down the drain. It is interesting when we talk to people that have participated in external programs to find out how often they have taken action based upon that experience. Raise your hand (don't worry,
we won't know!) if you have a binder full of great information and your own heartfelt notes sitting on a shelf that you got a couple of years ago which is now just collecting dust. I am afraid that we are all guilty as charged. Training programs and education are important ingredients for change and performance improvement, but they are not the only ingredients. There has to be a partnership with each employee that participates in education to get the most from your investment of time and money. It all starts with the expectation that the leader creates for each employee. When training is viewed as a way to fix someone and that person perceives the selection as nothing more than being forced to participate in another worthless training exercise, they may be negatively predisposed to their learning before they ever begin. Leaders must communicate that the educational experience can enhance both the organization and the individual's development. If we can't frame our expectations well and communicate them accurately to the participant, we need to question the value of what we are doing.
Keys to leveraging education and turning learning into results: • Identify the current state of the employee’s performance and where they need to improve • Find an educational program that will help them to develop specific skills or thought processes • Challenge each person to establish specific goals for what they are going to take from the program • Provide each participant with an opportunity to report what they have learned and how they are going to apply what they learned 42 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Establish some specific go forward performance objectives/improvement that you expect • Catch the employee doing things right and celebrate when they develop new habits • Provide timely feedback and coaching to help turn the effort into long-term change In the book Action Learning by Michael J. Marquardt, I was able to garner a few takeaways that have had a significant impact on my thinking. It is important, inside the organization, to build creative tension between learning and our jobs. That tension makes the learning relevant. Each person should be expected to produce ideas and plans that have significant impact on the business. Marquardt found that one reason people in business do not change is that they do not take the time to self-assess. They do not have the space to think about "What am I learning and how does it apply to my own behavior? How do I adjust?" It's the job of the leader to encourage this self-assessment and then it is up to the individual to act. Getting results from learning ultimately comes back to the person that is participating in the learning experience.
Help keep Alberta Dutch Elm Disease Free www.stopded.org • 1-877-837-ELMS (3567) The elm bark beetle, which transports the DED fungus, breeds and overwinters in dead and dying elm trees. • • • •
Elm trees from a DED-infected province cannot be shipped into Alberta Prune all deadwood out of elms between October 1 and March 31 Provincial pruning ban runs from April 1 to September 30 Dispose of all elm wood by burying, chipping, or burning it immediately
Prevention starts at home. Visit us at booth #126 to learn more.
If you have done the things suggested above to enhance the follow-up results from a learning experience, it will come down to the individual's actions in the end. The bottom line is that we have to be internally driven to learn and improve. And that in itself identifies the great potential of a future leader. If you want to learn more about the power of PEOPLE SOLUTIONS THAT DRIVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE, contact: JP Horizons Inc., 7245 Mildon Drive, Painesville, OH 44077. Phone: (440) 352-8211. Fax: (440) 352-8225. jim@jphorizons.com, www.jphorizons.com
Follow us on Twitter @landscapeab #2015GISC Green for Life November/December 2015 I 43
Planning for Follow-Up: Ahead of Time I was at a trade show and met an interesting exhibitor. I was excited about his product which had an application in my business so I asked him to send me more information. Four months later he called. So, I asked, "Why did it take you so long to get back to me?" The answer was "After the show we were so busy processing orders we didn't get a chance to follow-up with anyone." Sound familiar? I've heard variations of this story time and again from exhibitors who really want new business but can’t seem to find the time to follow-up. The real benefit of all your hard work planning and executing a show goes out the window with the absence of a solid follow-up plan.
So, what gets in the way? Why don’t the vast majority of leads turn into business? Research has shown that nearly 80% of all show leads are not handled properly. An astounding 43% of prospective buyers receive materials after they have made a buying decision with another vendor, while 18% report never receiving materials at all. The three major reasons for this business travesty are: I. Poor quality leads, II. No follow-up resources allocated, III. No one was accountable.
Collecting leads and not following-up is simply throwing your money in the garbage. Your first contact with a visitor should be within 7 days after the show. That's not a long time, but for the visitor looking for solutions to business problems it can seem like a lifetime. They are ready for business and your products and services may be the answer. They are back in their office and excited about what they saw and learned at the show. If the timing of your follow-up coincides with their increased level of interest, the chance of receiving a positive reception is greatly enhanced. All the studies show that a trade show lead is superior to leads obtained in other marketing venues for four reasons: 1. They are serious buyers. Ninety percent of attendees use exhibitions as their number one source of purchasing information. They come to shows for a reason. In fact, 76% of them have a pre-set agenda. They know what they want and who they want to see. From your point of view, you are able to get these leads at half the cost of a traditional field call.
Let’s look at each.
2. They are more receptive. 48% only need to hear from you once to make a purchasing decision because they have already seen your products and services and know what you have to offer before your follow up call.
I. Poor quality leads Lead quality is the number one obstacle to the implementation of a follow-up plan. Often exhibitors come home with a handful of business cards or a box of ballots and diligently begin their follow-up. It doesn’t take long to realize that the business cards contain very little useful information. Beyond name, title and address, what do you really know about the prospect? Each follow up conversation now starts from the beginning. It’s as if you and the prospect were complete strangers. Any relationship building efforts at the show are now wasted.
3. They have checked out the competition. The beauty of a show is that it is a one stop shopping center where all the solution providers are found under one roof.
And when following up with names in your draw box, the questions most often asked is “Did we win?” Clearly people were more interested in the prize than the product.
4. They are ready to buy. Attendees visit a show with an objective. They find and compare various solutions. 57% of these visitors will make a purchasing decision in the next twelve months.
It’s no wonder that sales people get discouraged when the leads they follow-up are of questionable quality.
In order to do your job in a timely manner you can’t leave planning your follow-up until after the show ends. Your follow-up program must be in place long before you attend the show. It's part of your show planning. You have to be ready to deal with the leads you get or there is no point in collecting them in the first place. But, with some planning and a dash of common sense you are well on the way. 44 I Green for Life November/December 2015
In some cases show leads are put into the hands of other people who were not at the show but are responsible for converting these prospects into business. Your well-orchestrated follow-up plan may involve many players working in harmony, each feeding the next with the information they need to do their job effectively. In this situation you need to develop a way of gathering prospect information that is immediate, consistent and filled with useful information. This is where a lead card in conjunction with a lead retrieval system works best.
are treated properly. One reason they may not be taken seriously is past experience. II. Lack of resources A common complaint heard from exhibitors As we have already discussed, past experience with poor quality leads may have is that after the show they are just too busy de-motivated some of your representatives. After all, why chase a lead that they know to follow-up. When you return to the shop, nothing at all about it other than the prospect visited your booth at a show. there are orders to fill and pressing priorities that often leave your follow-up in the file of Get your sales force on board as early in the planning as possible. Once they have good intentions. Good intentions don’t get a clear understanding of how your leads will provide them with much needed business, but applying the right resources to information and an assurance that they will be passed along to them in a timely manner, their commitment to follow-up should increase. your follow-up program will. The right resources don’t have to be costly. In fact your follow-up program can be greatly enhanced with a minimum investment of a few hundred dollars.
Often companies will treat show leads separately and pay additional bonuses or incentives for their follow-up. This transfers accountability to the people on the front line. They now are accountable to themselves for additional rewards from their show leads.
When the show is over your visitors return to their businesses excited about having found new solutions to their concerns. 88% of these visitors have never been called on and the only way they learned about you was at the show. So, ignoring these people is tantamount to throwing business out the window.
The astute marketer will also establish systems for monitoring these leads separately from leads obtained in other marketing activities. This will establish a true return on the show investment which because of long sales cycles often isn’t realized for months or years after the show has ended. By tracking real results of these show activities, marketers learn valuable information and are in a stronger position to allocate future marketing dollars.
Monitoring is often accomplished by adding additional information fields into an existing contact management systems. You now can create regular reports on the Organize your leads by creating three or four current status of each lead. These reports become a valuable management tool. categories such as immediate needs, long Tracking is the only way to truly know whether your show investment is really paying term potential, decision influencers and so off. on. Create the categories that make sense for you. The next step is to find an Printed with permission by Barry Siskind. Barry is North America’s foremost trade and effective way of acknowledging each visitor consumer show expert. Visit his website at www.siskindtraining.com or email that came to your booth. A simple thank you barry@siskindtraining.com. for visiting or acknowledgment that their name is being passed along to a field rep or that the quotation is being developed can go a long way. Think about your categories and what you want to say to each. Now write the letters (e-mails or faxes) ahead of the show.
Call for Entries!
The next step is to find someone who can fulfill all your show promises. When you come back with a hundred leads typically most of these can receive their first acknowledgment by letter. The problem is that there is no one in your office waiting to send out a hundred letters. So the trick is to arrange some temporary help. This is an inexpensive way of ensuring that the first response happens when you want it. The expense of a few hundred dollars for temporary clerical help will more than pay for itself in the additional business you will receive. Once the first mailing is out, you or your staff can follow-up on a one on one basis in a more relaxed manner. III. Lack of accountability There are two issues related to accountability: who is accountable for follow-up and how is it monitored. It is one thing to hand leads off to a sales force or dealers and representatives. It is quite another to ensure that they
Showcase your expertise and creativity... Enter the 2015 Landscape Awards
Entry Deadline: November 13, 2015 Information and entry package available at www.landscape-alberta.com or email admin@landscape-alberta.com Green for Life November/December 2015 I 45
Green Survival Awards 1978
Grant McEwan, LANTA Convention 1982 1974 Landscape Awards
A look back at our association
Green Survival Picnic at Gem Sod Farms 1975
Arbor Day Edmonton 1974
Northern Chapter BBQ 1984
Northern Chapter BBQ at Pollock Farms 1981
Olds College Opening of Apprenticeship Program 1983 46 I Green for Life November/December 2015
Rose and Glen Moscrip
The people in these photos have been identified to the best of our ability. If we have made an error or if you are able to identify someone in a photo, please email admin@landscape-alberta.com, so we can update our records.
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