Landscape Fanzine II

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Feel free to talk to me on instagram @nrr.esxz // @landscapefanzine or email me at to get a physical copy of this zine. I wanted it to be available for everyone, so here it is. But don't forget that you can also get it on the real realm, keep it on your bookshelf, or throw it out your window once you’re done reading it. You just have to ask. This is also a way to show you guys what I'm available to do if you happen to like any of the illustrations, collages, whatever that you see here. I'm 100% up to work with anyone who requires it, and I'm sure we'll make it all work out. This time I interviewed Michael Cashmore, Amy Dorian, Ben Charles Trogdon, Sematary, Dasychira and Elizabeth Jane Baldry. The idea behind my interviews is and will always stay the same. I want to mix different artists no matter how different they're from one another. No matter how different their works are, I just enjoy mixing them all together. Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone had a zine or a personal page to show direct support to the ones they enjoy paying attention to? I like thinking that probably, someone will read these interviews and feel curious about them. Don't forget to check out everyone involved in this, on your own way. You'll also find my cut ups, drawings, collages and pictures as usual. The ones that I chose to show in between these artists. The meaning behind it all is subjective, like almost everything in this world. So feel free to imagine whatever you want. And maybe there is no meaning, who knows. One thing that came to my mind while doing this issue was childhood. Reading fairy tales, worrying about not missing your favorite cartoons on tv, dressing like a princess and wearing dresses around the house, playing horror videogames, and hoping to find your favorite cookies at the supermarket because, if it's all sold out, your tea time could be potencially ruined. There's something really freeing about doing whatever you want, not thinking that much. Just like when you were a kid. Not overthinking, not worrying...about serious stuff. Just doing things because you like them that way. I hope you all enjoy my work, specially this one. It was made with tons of patience and love, like everything I do. And I hope everyone is doing just great. Stay safe and don't be (so) stupid, take care. Narel.

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