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One of Germany’s tallest park slides funded solely by donations
One of Germany’s tallest park slides f unded so lely by do natio ns
By: Gebal

Thrill seekers can now enjoy an impressive 23-meterhigh slide tower in Germany’s Gartenschaupark Rietberg. Located near the city of Paderborn, the new attraction was funded solely by donations and cost in the six-figure region, according to park officials. “There’s nothing like this within at least a 100-km radius,” Park Director Peter Milsch and Mayor André Kuper said about the concept, which includes the 23-metre high slide terminal and a combination of three different slides.

The chosen site for the installation was the grassy area not far from the Sennebachstrand adventure playground and water play area near the Grüne Galerie in the Neuenkirchen section of the park. A spiral staircase takes you to platforms 3, 6, 9 and 12 meters high, secured externally by an infill construction from 3 meters. “With regard to the building materials used, great importance was placed on good durability. To keep follow-up costs low, we opted for a stainless-steel version, which comes with a 10-year guarantee”, added Kuper.

26 The idea of installing this slide tower, which is the only one of its kind in the state, is based on what the young park visitors want. “Time and again the question arises as to why playgrounds only ever have small slides. We used this as an opportunity to figure out within our Friends’ Association, the Supervisory Board and obviously, park management, how we could fulfil this wish”, recalls Kuper.
Technical data K&K Dalben tower combination (height 23 m) with: • Tunnel slide, length 23 m • Angle of chute: 30° • Slide sections: stainless steel • Domelight: shatterproof polycarbonate • Tubular shape ensures low noise level • Height of slide: 9 m • Tunnel/spiral slide: length 23 m • Height of slide: 12 m • Angle of slide: 30/38° • Slide sections: stainless steel • K&K roller slide, length 10.5 metres • Height of slide: 3 metres • Angle of roller slide: approx. 15° • Posts: Glued laminated timber (larch), av. 35 cm on steel supports
In 2018, a second slide tower with an additional 12-meterlong slide has been added - both towers are connected by a 30-meter-long jungle bridge across the walkway.