3 minute read
A new pathway into Amman
from June 2020
Plans to rejuvenate a stretch of highway into Amman will aid local inhabitants and boost tourism
By Sara Nusseir and Heba Saleh Supervisor: Dr. Anne Gharaibeh Department of City Planning and Design, College of Architecture and Design, Jordan University of Science and Technology

Jordan Highway is the main Northern entry to the City of Amman. It is a popular access artery for at least three governorates because of its stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The way gently curves around the topography which makes the lands at its sides extremely attractive to wetness daily sunsets. This urban design project is especially in this area where people took a habit of watching the sunset from its banks— when the sky is clear, people can see beyond Gelaad Mountains far out West to Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea. Further down the slope, you’ll find some of the most fertile agricultural lands in Al-Baqaa’. However, it’s also home to one of the largest refugee camps in the country with lots of young, unemployed people. Yet the area has potential to become a tourist and recreational site, which could become a source of employment and training for many local inhabitants and refugees.
Site analysis revealed contour arrangements, slope percentage, and near underground water sources in the form of fresh springs. The prospective of this site arises from the combination of soil types, rainfall, and biogeography. The highlands’ potential land-uses are horticulture, dry farming, and forestry. Other land-use includes chalets, restaurants, and cafés that benefit from the mountainous

view; handcraft workshops, galleries, and training classes that can employ and educate the youth; and three mixeduse buildings; and lots of outdoor recreational facilities. The concept predicated on the idea that vista is the goal in each development on this 380,000 square meter land stretching on both banks of the street.
The project will include pottery studios to teach both minorities and interested young people and will provide a showroom to sell their products. Besides this, there will be two other workshops; one for traditional embroideries and fashion and the other for local foods. All workshops are for training, producing, and selling. A botanical garden will display many of the local plant species and act as a recreational and educational site for school children. One of the buildings will house an IT assembling line for Samsung. A second building will include a pharmaceutical research institute.
All buildings will be within the contour levels to respect

the natural environment and preserve the uninterrupted views. Anything buildings outside of this will have to provide terraces facing the western views. The project will also use green roof terraces for guests on upper levels with the majority of the project accessible to people of determination. The project intends to harvest water and make use of the natural springs around the site to provide lush water features in the terraces. There are designated hiking trails specifically carved out for the elderly and families, while others will suit athletes and younger people. The project is an investment project that can create job opportunities for inhabitants as well as a healthy recreational place. It promotes local products and local culture. The proposal invests in every piece of land on site despite its steep slopes at some places. The location is characterized by the perfect wide view and it represents a welcoming entrance for the capital Amman.