2017 synopsis bhagyashree

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Landscape of transition: A study of transitional spaces in an urban scenario –A case of Mumbai SYNOPSIS

Bhagyashree Bandekar

Guided by Sandip Patil

Masters of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Architecture

April, 2017

LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

SYNOPSIS PREMISE: Spaces in the city are not static they undergo various transitions and transformation with time. Some are physical renewals while some are reorganisations brought about by socio- cultural changes. During these transformations, spaces are created as well as destroyed, while some are left out in context of the current time. These left out spaces are in a state of transition. For example the mills in the city of Mumbai which were once utilised but now lie as wastelands. These are the spaces ‘In between’ the developed metropolis and the urban landscape. The study thus aims at understanding these transitional spaces; the spaces in between, with respect to time and its context. These links of the city when seen through landscape could emerge as potential spaces for some urban drama to unfold. These links and connections are essential to understand the urban fabric of the city. The link between prospective development and the existing. In order to identify patterns of the urban landscape and its transient and temporal nature it is important to comprehend various factors affecting it based on time and context. INTRODUCTION: Mumbai is one of the metropolis which has undergone various transformations with time. The spaces in the city are in constant state of flux. With pressures of growing globalisation the urban landscape of the city being drastically altered. The spaces in the city are considered as vital pockets of the real-estate market rather than spaces for the people. In this process of transformation various places in the city are in a transitory state with respect to current time. They lie between the image of the future and the identity of the past. The island city of Mumbai, being the oldest and the densest part of the city, is a prime example of this undergoing transitions. The space is undergoing massive alterations in terms of the built form. The urban public spaces are largely ignored in this process. With the development of this new image of the city historic identity of the city of Mumbai, its image, is drastically being altered. The study thus aims at identifying the narratives of these attempting to recognise its value in terms of the current context. The image BHAGYASHREE BANDEKAR PA200215


LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

of the city lies in the idea of the public space. With this growth this very idea of the public space is challenged. The study thus looks at various aspects of the public space leading to its formation in terms of the Indian context. The idea of temporal landscapes, temporary urbanism is attempted to be studied in the following study. We need an environment which is not simply well organised, but poetic and symbolic as well. It should speak of the individuals and their complex society, of their aspirations and their historical tradition, of the natural setting and of all the complicated functions and movements of the city world. – Kevin lynch, image of the city. HYPOTHESIS / RESEARCH QUESTION: Are transitional spaces an integral part of the urban realm? Does it play a crucial role in understanding the relationship between the experiences of the urban landscape? What are the possible criteria’s of understanding these spaces? AIM The thesis aims at understanding the typologies of urban transitional spaces, their impact and opportunities as links of the urban landscape identifying constants, patterns, processes as well as narratives of the space. OBJECTIVES: It aims to understand the impact of cyclic temporal elements on the overall character of the urban landscape. The thesis intends to understand interrelationships between these spaces and identify patterns of urban landscape of the city. Urban spaces are often looked at in isolation. The study attempts to decipher the interrelationships between the built domain and the urban landscape. Time is usually a necessary factor to understand the various transition in space. So, thesis is intended to identify various typologies based on time period.



LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

METHODOLOGY: Transition in landscape –readings pertaining to urban landscape To develop an urban space construct to further read and comprehend urban landscape Understanding temporal nature of the urban landscape Identifying various typologies of urban transitional spaces in the city of Mumbai based on a particular time frame. Developing imageries depicting the transition in landscape. Understanding the pattern between the transitions, if any, in order to develop an understanding of the urban realm. Tracing narratives and associations of the people to the elements in the urban landscape as well as identifying constants of the space.   Transition in landscape

Urban space construct

Temporal landscape

Arriving at typologies -within the city of mumbai based on various parameters

Studying identified typologies throughout various time periods

Identifying constants as well as tracing narratives of the spacethrough time.




LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

TRANSITION IN AN URBAN SCENARIO Transition is defined as a process of movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another . This transition is an outcome due to a time frame or a time period. In this study, transition is attempted to be understood through a time period which would help create an overall understanding of the urban fabric as well as the urban public spaces in the city. As the city of Mumbai grew, spaces were created which formed the core of the city. Its identity as well as image of the city. One such markers were the textile mills in the city. These were built during the industrial revolution. The physical space brought with it masses of people from various parts of the state to the city of Mumbai. This imparted an identity to the city space. Public spaces were created intertwined with the mass housing projects. The city fabric was thus established. Similarly the city saw a growth, which created urban spaces with unique identities throughout the city. These spaces were an outcome of the association with the physical form as well as mental image of the space. Various stages of development of the city formed various typologies of spaces within, creating a complex intertwined urban fabric of the city. With time these spaces were modified, re-envisioned as well as abandoned. Many of these spaces are now in a state of transition. A change in character, form, and physical space of the city. They are changed and modified in at a rapid pace.

Stages and evolution of mumbai BHAGYASHREE BANDEKAR PA200215


LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

MUMBAI AND ITS URBANISM: Urbanism in Mumbai is a complex organism. It manifests itself in various forms and ways. One of the salient feature of this is the cyclic and temporal nature of the city, which changes and transforms at various occasions. The manifestation is a social production of space. The identity and associations are created within the city through this manifestation. The spatial quality as well as the urban landscape is in a transitional state. These are the manifestations of the festivals celebrated, the weekly or annual markets, cultural festivities, art festivals etc. ranging from a weekly market to the plethora of a larger festival imparts an identity to the space. Therefore the space is multifaceted and complex in nature which forms the urban landscape of Mumbai. This is thus attempted to be gauged through two aspects of the city the long term urban transformation and the short term or cyclic urban transition. TRANSITION AND THE CITY: The study thus deals with two main aspects and their interrelationships, namely the urban public space and its modulation with time; as well as long term urban transformation and short term or cyclic urban transition. While the urban space and its physical form can be studied based on layers of urban edge, urban form, spatial relationships, public life, activities and externalities (external factors causing change). Perception of the city is highly altered over time. The perceived space at the time of its inception differs largely with its present state. In order to trace these transformations various timeframes of the city are selected based on the nature of evolution of the island city. These spaces which were once the identity of the city undergoing drastic changes posing a threat to the perceived idea and the quality of urban public space. The spatial relations are thus understood in order to develop a comprehensive narrative of the transitional spaces identifying various qualities, constants as well as patterns of the urban landscape.



LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai


Imagability of the city is an integral criteria for understanding city spaces. The study attempts to trace the quality of space through time identifying constants of the space. One develops cultural associations and spatial relationship through time. The study thus attempts to trace these narrative of space through transition. Creating an overall understanding of the city fabric through its imagability. THE CITY, TRANSITION AND IDENTITY: Spaces in the city are in a constant state of flux. The relationship it had with the user in the past is altered physically over a period of time but the identity it gains through time is essential in understanding the public space. Though the physical form of the space has undergone a transformation the identity of the space is constant. Elements in the urban landscape are essential markers of the place.



LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

CITY, PATTERN AND PROCESSES: Transition is an essential element in identifying the processes of urban landscape. The temporalities of the space are better identified though reading these patterns and processes. The temporal and cyclic associations are an integral part of Mumbai’s urbanism. These are the characteristics which define the mental space of the city. Constants are identified through these patterns of the urban landscape. CITY, VALUE AND SPATIAL ASSOCIATIONS: Cultural associations impart value to the city space. These associations are developed over a period of time. Spatial relations are also altered with time. These relations impact the idea of public space, the nature of the interface and the quality of space.

CONCLUSION: Transition plays an integral role in comprehending the urban landscape. These spaces are an integral part of the layers of urban landscape, which when examined provide clues to the manifestation of space. These spaces hold the identity of the past as well as cultural associations it has gained over time, the mental image of the city and its physical space. with growing urbanisation and vertical expansion, these transitional spaces could act as essential elements in the urban landscape.



LANDSCAPE OF TRANSITION- A study of transitional landscape spaces in an urban scenario- A case of Mumbai

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