Landscape Department Post Graduate Brochure 2013-14

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Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

Department Of Landscape.

Design & Plan Your World. Landscape Architecture postgraduate courses



The University of Sheffield

Students explore and express their ideas through a range of media including models, photomontage, plans and section elevations

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

What is Landscape Architecture? Landscape architecture is about planning, design and management of places for people and nature; both the special and the everyday places. Landscape Architects create spaces between buildings that are imaginative yet functional. They also shape and design elements of natural and seminatural landscapes to help restore ecological processes and encourage people to engage with nature. Every public space in the UK has had some element of design: whether it is a local park, a school playground, street, square, green space between offices or a National Park like the Peak District. They have all been influenced by a landscape architect. To be a Landscape Architecture requires a artistic flair, a passion for improving environmental quality and people’s lives, and an ability to fuse diverse knowledge to produce inventive yet workable solutions. It requires the ability to blend applied geography with social science and the built environment. Our students are highly sought after within the Landscape profession. At Sheffield, we aim to develop graduates with outstanding skills, who will be able to take key roles in multidisciplinary projects with an underlying commitment to care for the landscape and the people who live within it. This fusion of attributes ensures that you will be highly employable, ready for professional practice and a committed lifelong learner. As a Sheffield Graduate you develop a proficiency in design, and understands the culture, social and ecological drivers that underpin successful landscapes. Our courses equip students with excellent transferable skills, most of which are also highly relevant beyond the landscape profession. Through working in teams, solving complex problems, undertaking live projects for community groups, and developing your own personal portfolio you will acquire professional standards in communication, graphic design, report writing and verbal presentations. Skills that will allow you to become adept at presenting your ideas and visions in a coherent and highly-effective manner.

You will also gain an aptitude for combining your creative skills with research and analytical capabilities. Our teaching strategies encourage you to think independently and develop innovative and imaginative solutions to the complex issues around landscape design. Indeed, because we provide a robust education covering key elements of design, art, social science and natural science, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the landscape, and retain a critical but open mind to how it should develop in the future. Graduates from the Department of Landscape work in the private sector where many have set up their own companies. Others work in the public or Third sectors, helping to improve local communities. A number of graduates have gone on to become consultants – advising Governments on how landscapes should be designed and managed, for example, in setting up new National Parks. Some have achieved the highest levels of recognition, for example President of the Landscape Institute (UK) or President of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). In the recent National Student Survey the Department of Landscape achieved the highest UK graduate employment rate of 90% for all UK Landscape Design courses. Many of our alumni now run their own national and international practices, it is not uncommon for them to come back to Sheffield to recruit new staff for their firms.

The Landscape Institute Landscape architects are part of a recognised profession with their own chartered institute, The Landscape Institute, which was founded in 1929. There are currently three membership divisions – Landscape Design, Landscape Management and Landscape Science. Landscape Planning is also emerging as an important focus for activity. For more information about our profession visit:



The University of Sheffield

Studying Landscape at Sheffield The Department of Landscape at the University of Sheffield is the leading university to study Landscape Architecture in the UK. We are the largest academic institution in our field and offer research and taught courses with an international reputation spanning arts, design, social sciences, geography, planning, ecology and management. Come to the Department of Landscape and you will be joining one of the world’s leading departments for landscape education and research. Our staff are involved in some of the most exciting contemporary landscape design projects through their practice and consultancy and they are strongly committed to excellence in research and practice led teaching. In the recent assessment of the quality of research output (RAE 2008), the Department received the top rating for all Landscape schools in UK Universities.

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

Your Course You will work alongside leading researchers and practitioners who have a range of academic and professional backgrounds. There are 16 academic staff and over 20 associate tutors who deliver courses to approximately 200 undergraduate and 150 postgraduate students. International practitioners and leading thinkers regularly contribute to your learning experience through guest lectures and invited talks. Including Carl Steinitz of Harvard University, Piet Oudolf the renowned Dutch designer and Andrew Grant of Grant Associates. We pride ourselves on innovative teaching and learning approaches. You will be based in the recently refurbished listed building, The Arts Tower, which is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. The studio is at the heart of your learning and is the space where you and your year group will participate in workshops, small group seminars, group and individual tutorials and project reviews. The studio is where you will informally share ideas with your fellow students, engage in group work and importantly learn from one another. Traditional lectures, supported by library and internet resources, also play a vital role in developing knowledge in landscape theory and practice. We attract highly motivated and enthusiastic students who thrive on the challenge of a creative discipline that overlaps the world of science and art, large-scale planning and detailed design. Landscape Architecture is challenging and requires commitment on your part to reflect on your own ideas, carry out independent research and share and adapt your ideas. Academic and studio tutors will work with you to help develop your knowledge and skills and direct your learning. Students and staff work together in the process of exploring and testing ideas. The Department has a strong commitment to research-ledteaching, ensuring that new knowledge is developed through research and continuously feeds into lectures, seminars and studio teaching at all levels.

Project Work Most of the modules are taught using project sites in and around Sheffield. As you progress through the course the projects that you work on will become increasingly complex and demanding. Sometimes they provide an opportunity to work with local authorities or community groups to develop design solutions for real schemes. For example, in recent years students have worked with school groups and development trusts to provide design ideas for school grounds, housing areas and local parks, or planning proposals for wider areas.

Field Trips Field trips are an extremely important part of the course. Visiting, analysing and evaluating different urban and rural settings is an essential part of your development as a landscape architect. In the first year, visits focus on the immediate landscape and are intended to familiarise you with the special qualities and character of the area in and around Sheffield. In the second year, there is a short residential trip to a UK region where it will be possible to see a selection of different sites ranging from historic landscapes to contemporary approaches to urban regeneration and detailed design. Recent destinations have included London and Newcastle. The second year starts with a week-long field trip usually to a major European City. Previous destinations have included Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and New York.



The University of Sheffield

Your Personal Development The Department of Landscape has a thriving culture of extra-curricular activities and opportunities to become involved in the life and running of the Department. The student society ‘Landmark’ is entirely run by Department students who organise social events, guest speakers, site visits, and the annual Landscape Ball. There are regular chances to participate in voluntary design and landscape management projects with local community groups, and staff are frequently engaged in ‘live’ projects which offer chances to join real-world design, implementation and management activities. Department research projects also provide students with chances to help out with research activities on a voluntary basis.

The Sheffield Landscape Graduate Award allows students to accumulate credits for activities that they contribute to outside their course. Training in Landscape Architecture offers you a wealth of valuable transferable skills, and you can formally recognise these with a Skills for Work certificate. In recent years student representatives have made important contributions to the Yorkshire branch of the Landscape Institute (LI), taken part in student design competitions, and have also attended conferences with other students from European landscape schools.

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

Course Details Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) The MLA is the final year of our integrated undergraduate programme. It is also available to graduates of other universities who hold a good honours degree in a subject which has been accredited by the Landscape Institute, and who have completed at least a year of relevant professional experience.

MA in Landscape Architecture/PG Diploma This is a two-year course, accredited by the Landscape Institute. This is a ‘conversion’ course for graduates of nonaccredited subjects who want to practise as Landscape Architects in the UK or other IFLA member countries. Sheffield’s MA in Landscape Architecture (2-years) offers graduates without a background in design the opportunity to take a professional and academic “conversion” programme in landscape architecture, and to enter the profession through this postgraduate route. The programme is also suitable for graduates from design disciplines (e.g. landscape architecture, architecture or engineering) who require a professional qualification in landscape architecture. The programme gives students the range of skills they require to meet the needs of modern landscape architectural practice. It is fully accredited by the Landscape Institute. The first year of the course gives a thorough grounding in the design, social, technical and scientific aspects of the subject through two semesters of study. In the second year students have the opportunity to specialise in landscape planning, design or management, or to take a cross-cutting approach combining more than one aspect, through their choice of modules in semester 1, and through their choice of Special Project site and subjectmatter.

MA in Landscape Studies/PG Diploma This is a one-year course for graduates who want to acquire some knowledge of and competencies in landscape architecture. It is not a professionally accredited course. However, it is identical to the first year of the MA in Landscape Architecture, and successful completion of the Diploma stage of this course can be used as a basis for entry into year two of the professionally accredited route. The MA in Landscape Studies (1-year) is aimed at graduates from other design disciplines who require a purely academic qualification in Landscape Architecture, and also offers opportunities for students from a variety of backgrounds to gain basic knowledge, understanding and skills in the discipline. It is important to note that the 1-year MA does not provide a full professional training in Landscape Architecture, and is not accredited by the Landscape Institute.

MA in Landscape Management/PG Diploma This is a one-year full-time or two year part-time ‘conversion’ course for graduates of non-accredited subjects who want to practise as Landscape Architects, specialising in management. Once completed this diploma is recognised by the Landscape Institute and will count towards Chartership.



The University of Sheffield

Course Structures MA in Landscape Studies and Landscape Architecture Level 1

MA in Landscape Architecture Level 2

Introduction to Landscape Design Practice

Professional Practice, Law and Contracts

Introduction to Planting Design

Special project

Introduction to Landscape Construction

One of the following: Urban Landscape Planning, Landscape Design and Art Practice, greenspace Maintenance

The Nature of Landscape Architecture: Histories, Theories and Practices

Special Project Brief

Ecological Design and Management

One of the following: Rural Landscape Planning, Urban Design Project, greenspace Management

Social Aspects of Design

Landscape Research Dissertation

Integrated Landscape Design Project 
Advanced Planting Design 
Landscape Construction Design 
Introduction to Landscape Planning 
Landscape Research Methods 
Landscape Dissertation (Landscape Studies only)

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

How to Apply

Supporting Documents

The recommended way to apply is to use the online Postgraduate Application form at:

It will help us to process your application quickly if you provide the supporting documents at the time you apply. Scanned documents may be uploaded when you make your online application. apply/applying Alternatively, a copy of the application form can be requested from: or the following address: Admissions Service
The University of Sheffield Level 2, Arts Tower Western Bank 
Sheffield S10 2TN UNITED KINGDOM All paper applications and supporting information must be sent to the Admissions Service.

• Two references. • A certified copy of your degree certificate or any other qualification relied upon in support of your application. • A certified copy transcript of the marks awarded to you in connection with your degree. • A short portfolio containing examples of your visual work. Please refer to Guidance to Submissions for our requirements. Not Required for MA in Landscape Management. Submissions for our requirements. • A 500-word personal statement. Refer to guidance to Submissions for our requirements. • A certified copy of your English Language qualification IELTS 6.5 or above or TOEFL 575 or above. Complete instructions on the submission of supporting documents is at: Alternatively you can upload your documents at a later date, or send them to the Admissions Service at the address at the left or to: Remember to quote your application number and choice number in all correspondence about your application.



The University of Sheffield

After Your Application is Received

Entry Requirements

Applicants currently in the UK will generally be invited for an interview at one of the Department’s Postgraduate open Days. Applicants not currently in the UK are not expected to come for an interview, but are welcome to do so if they wish.

MA in Landscape Architecture (2-year professional degree)

Upon receipt of your application form, the Admissions Service will send you an acknowledgment e-mail containing your unique graduate Application number. In all subsequent correspondence this number should be quoted, along with your name and course number and the Department to which you have applied. If you apply online you can follow the progress of your application by logging back in to your application. Other applicants can follow the progress of their applications by using the online application tracking system at:

You will need a good honours degree, ideally in a subject related to Landscape or Design (e.g. Ecology, geography, geology, Architecture, Engineering, or fine Art). However, Landscape Architecture combines many different skills and disciplines (in both the Arts and Sciences) and past students have come from many diverse backgrounds including Jewellery Design, Law and Mathematics. In exceptional circumstances we will also accept candidates without a first degree who have relevant skills and education through previous employment and/or study that demonstrates their ability to complete a higher degree, subject to the approval of the faculty of Social Sciences.

MA in Landscape Studies (1-year degree) You will require a good honours degree in a subject related to Design (including for example Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Engineering, Interior or Environmental Design or Planning). In general we have an inclusive admissions policy and are interested in enthusiastic and committed applicants. If you have any concerns about your eligibility please do not hesitate to contact the postgraduate admissions tutor for further advice.

Fees Details of the fees payable may be found at: Most students are self-funded but postgraduate students normally resident in the UK may be eligible for a Career Development Loan

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

International Applicants

Further Questions?

Our postgraduate programmes attract many students from a wide variety of countries including Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico and Taiwan. International applicants will need a recognised English Language qualification – currently IELTS 6.5 or above or TOEFL 575 or above.

For more information about the admissions process, open days and the status of your application, please contact:

This will not apply if you can demonstrate that your previous education was carried out in English. The University has an extensive support system for overseas students, for details see:

Admissions Secretary Helen Morris +44 (0)114 2220600 For more information related to your qualifications, and the course itself, please contact : Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Kamni Gill +44 (0)114 2220624 for details about funding your course of study, see:

For more general information about the landscape profession and careers in landscape architecture: The Landscape Institute +44 (0)207 685 2640



The University of Sheffield

Guidance to Submissions Personal Statement


What to Write Write a 500 word response to ONE of the following statements:

Not Required for MA in Landscape Management

1. What are the key challenges faced by contemporary landscape professionals today? 2. Select a designed landscape that is meaningful to you and explain why. 3. What is ecological design? How to Submit Your Work You may submit your personal statement as a word or pdf document. You can upload your personal statement directly to your online application. Name your file lastnameapplicationnumberPS.pdf or lastnameapplicationnumberPS.ppt. Your name should also appear within the personal statement.

What to Submit Applicants with a degree and/or work experience in a design related discipline/profession should send us examples of their work in this field. Other applicants may send us any previous visual/creative/ landscape work they have done e.g. art/design work done at school; craft/hobby outputs; photographs of garden/planting design. They should also send us some landscape drawings/ images (not photographs). We suggest roughly 6 pieces of work. We recommend that you draw a landscape that evokes a strong response in you or that you are interested in. The emphasis should be on conveying the characteristics and qualities of this landscape as vividly and clearly as possible. Draw the landscape as a space, rather than as a view. You may use any media (pencil, charcoal, watercolour etc). We are not looking for technical competence at this stage but rather a commitment to expressing your ideas about landscape in a visual format. You should use a combination of images and text to communicate your ideas. How to Submit Your Work Portfolios must be submitted digitally as a single pdf or PowerPoint file. They should be succinct: Digital submissions should be no more than 20 pages in length and 25 MB in size. You can upload your portfolio directly to your online application. Name your file lastnameapplicationnumberPF.pdf or lastnameapplicationnumberPF.ppt. Your name should also appear within the portfolio itself.

Department of Landscape Postgraduate Courses

Copyright Š 2013 The University of Sheffield TUOS286 This publication is available in alternative formats. To request a different format telephone 0114 222 0600. From outside the UK telephone +44 114 222 0600. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given in this brochure, the University can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The University reserves the right to amend or discontinue courses or amend entry requirements.


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