3 minute read
From the CEO
CEO Report
Are you a glass half full, or empty, person?
My greatest hope is that everyone’s glass is half full and that you have an optimistic outlook despite the disruptive year experienced. We’ve overcome major hurdles thrown at us and it is now time to make a clear run for the future.
Our industry is booming like never before, and demand for professional services are registering on the extreme end of the scale.
Our job now as an Association is to support you through this new set of issues to the best of our ability. A focused strategy developed by the Board will underpin our direction, but some of the major projects we will be undertaking, or are involved with, alongside other Associations or Government departments will be:
» Addressing staffing shortages and attracting newcomers to the industry, including growing the number of female landscapers in our ranks
» Providing input and feedback to National Training Packages
» Continuing our development to work towards an Advanced Diploma of Landscape Design and Construction to support the future registration of designers
» And of course, our focus on promoting our Members as the best in the business and growing our membership numbers
Our regular activities, events and involvement in the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show, the Backyard & Garden Show and our own trade event, The Landscape Show, all assist in maintaining our brand profile which in turn provides you with industry accreditation.
In an exciting move, earlier this year we announced that we would be working to simplify your administration chores. We are on the verge of launching our online contracts platform and these time saving contracts should be available to eligible Full Members before Christmas.
As this is the Awards edition of Earthstyle, I’d like to thank the Judges for their amazing efforts this year to evaluate the highest number of entries I have seen in the last 7 years to judge in very trying circumstances.
We were effectively in lockdown at the time, so judging was carried out on most projects with one judge on site and others looking at the job and questioning the onsite judge as to various elements via a video link. It was an extraordinary effort carried out by dedicated and diligent members and independent industry professionals. Giving their time and expertise, their sustained enthusiasm to carry out this onerous task is critical to maintaining the integrity of these Awards which is fundamental to their continuing success.
Looking back on 2021, you'd have to say it was certainly an 'interesting' one. Navigating lockdowns and everchanging restrictions proved challenging at times, but I was immensely proud of how Members accepted and dealt with all of the upheaval.
It wasn't easy for anyone, but I thank you all for doing your bit, and also thank those who often checked in with us here at LVHQ to see how we were all managing.
A particular highlight though for me this year would have to be building Charlie's Garden (see pages 16-17). To see how the landscaping community came together, sacrificing their first weekend out of lockdown to build a garden for this delightful child instead of being with their own family & friends impressed me beyond words. Although I should not have been surprised - landscapers really are an amazing group of people and I am grateful to be involved in such a wonderful industry.
As the year winds to a close, I'd like to thank the Board for their ongoing dedication to sustain the work of the Association, and in particular President Andrew Grasby for his support and mentorship. And of course, my immense thanks to all staff for keeping me sane on the roller-coaster ride of 2021, in particular Colleen Stromei and Darren Free for their dedication to continually look for ways to improve processes and outcomes in the business, and to Nicole Minster, our Jill-of-all Trades consultant for stepping in to help whenever needed and doing it with aplomb.
Here's to a very full glass in 2022,
Megan Flower,