4 minute read

President's Report David Jarman, President, LVML

From the President

When the Victorian Premier announced the end of lockdowns in Melbourne 12 months ago, many of us were still concerned about what the future would look like. The past couple of years have been a massive rollercoaster ride, and to be honest, when Covid reared its head, many of us thought we’d be out of work and times would be tough. In reality, our industry was one of the lucky ones – while most people were stuck at home, we benefited from their newfound investment in their landscapes.

That said, 2022 has not been without its challenges. But in the face of challenge, we know that our industry is a resilient one – that the combination of grit, passion and can-do attitude is one that allows us to get the job done.

But the Victorian Landscape Awards are about more than just getting the job done - they are about acknowledging the professionalism, integrity and commitment to best practices that defines a Master Landscaper. And this year did not disappoint.

I’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate everyone who participated in the awards this year - not only those who received an award, but everyone who stepped outside their comfort zone, and put forward their best work in an award category.

The Awards are about celebrating the collective achievements of our members, and are a testament to the strength and solidarity of the Master Landscaper brand. Everyone who participated in the process this year did so in the spirit of advancing the excellence of our Industry, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me, that the standard on display in this edition of the magazine is exceptional. View pages 30-51 to check out this year’s Award winners.

Every year, a small group of people put their hand up to support our industry by nominating to be a Director. At our AGM we farewelled Steven Ford and Chris Weiss, who between them contributed 9 years of service to our Industry. We thank them for their contribution and wish them the best in their endeavours. This year we welcome four new members to the LVML Board of Directors, who along with the remaining members are primed to make 2023 an even better year for our industry. To meet the Board, turn to page 13.

It is with great pride that I write this message - my first for Earthstyle as LVML’s President. To have been elected to this role is a great honour, and I am excited to be part of the future of this rapidly growing industry.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge those who have stood in this role before me. Each and every past President has approached this role with grace and responsibility, and a dedication to paving the future for our Association. In the years that I have been on the LVML Board, I had the honour of working with our two past presidents – Georgia Harper and Andrew Grasby – both of whom have taught me so much. I’d particularly like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Andrew for his hard work and contribution over the last two years - filling his shoes is a massive task, and one that I take on with great commitment and enthusiasm.

Finally, I’d like to thank the team at LVML for their hard work behind the scenes throughout 2022. It has been great to see the return of in-person events this year, and this simply wouldn’t be possible without their commitment. I look forward to working more closely with Megan, Bianca, Darren, Colleen and Nicole in 2023.



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